#IM SO SO SSO SORRY FOR HOW LONG THIS TOOK OH MY GOD. i had this one specifically sitting in my drafts and then it got lost for a hot minute
victarin · 1 year
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I.. wanted to feel different from everyone drawing Sun. So, I hope you like my wacky silly Moon, I tried to make him opposite to Sun in some ways. Just so you know, I usually draw traditionally and this is like my second time drawing digitally.. but I'm honestly really proud of it, because I've never done lineless before but I think it really rocks actually! I hope you love him, I wanted to put visual effects on it but I totally forgot lol
WAAAAGHH OMG !!! this DOES really rock!!! THE COLORS ARE LOVELY & I LOVE THE REVERSE CRESCENT (!!!) this take on moon is so so awesome thank you so much for drawing this?? you got the shadowed bits down so well aaaghhawkjhwa
i hope ur enjoying digital art that is so awesome !!! this looks amazing <3333
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sapphicwriterao3 · 3 months
hi mommy <3
sorry it’s been so long… i’ve had a busy couple of days
but anywaysss you said 7 spins which is pretty mean :( but 7 is my lucky number so hopefully it goes well hehe
and the first spin i got was to rub my clit for 10 minutes then fuck minuites for another 10 without cumming…not the worst spin so far :,)
it’s been a couple minutes and it feels soso good there’s something about you having complete control over me that makes touching myself feel so much better <3 mmm my fingers feel so good…i just wish they were yours
next thing i got was to scroll on tumblr and spank my oussy every time i clench </3 not sure how long to do it sooo i’m just gonna do 10 minutes ;) i’ll try to count how many times i slap my pussy for you
ok i lost count a bit but i think it was 57 slaps
now i have to undress and spread my legs in front of my window… i feel so vulnerable and embarrassed:(
and i have to spank my pussy again 15 times then i only have 3 more spins :,)
and i just spun to touch myself to porn for 20 minutes without cumming :( i can already tell this one is going to be hard…mm it’s so difficult being able to watch all these pretty girls cum but i can’t it’s only been 10 minutes and it feel sso good my clit is so swollen and i’m so so needy :(
finally done <3 it was so so difficult mommy my legs are shaking so bad
now i just got that i have to keep spinning the wheel until i come at least 3 times :( so much for only have 1 spin left…
have to edge 3 times :( its gonna be so hard to keep control mommy…but i want to be good for you i have a feeling these edges will go by fast since im so needy
it was so hard to pull my vibe away for the edges but i got through them all :)
now to cockwarm my vibe on the highest setting for 30 minutes or until i cum…and i have a feeling i’m going to cum first
oh my god i’m so wet it slipped out the first time i put it in… mmm fuck mommy it feels so good i keep feeling like i’m about to cum but i haven’t been pushed over the edge quite yet
hahsahsh i just came all over my vibrator and i even licked it up for you ;) so now i have to spin until i cum another two times
hm :( i have to rub my g spot for 30 minutes…im not sure if im allowed to cum during these 30 minutes so i’m just gonna play it safe and not cum :( i’ll be back in 30
as promised, sweet little bunny. answering this today ;)
what a sweet, darling thing you are. you like it when mommy takes control, sweetheart?
oh, my. 57 pussy spanks? what a cutie you are.
vulnerable and embarrassed in the best way, I hope? you would be a filthy little exhibitionist. I should've known..
another 15 pussy spanks? aww, your poor pussy must have been just aching.
what a good girl you are, bunny. watching all the other girls cum and not getting to yourself? sounds oh so unfortunate.
oh, darling! my, my, the torture my little wheel is putting you through. aw, your pretty legs are shaking? always the sign of a good, hard fucking ;)
three edges, darling? my, you have dreadful luck...
cockwarmed until you came, pretty girl? bet that barely took minutes, sweet thing. and you licked it up? whore.
what a sweet thing you are, not taking the out you were given.. always want to be my good girl, don't you bunny?
you did so well for me, sweet girl. mommy will be right back to answer part two, hm?
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air--bag · 7 years
I really don´t know how to start this, or it´s future implications, or if you still use Tumblr, or if you still remember me, or if you´´ll ever see this or if it´s going to be read by someone. But even if this go invisible for  centuries or forever I need to put this somewhere so I can be a bit more free and maybe one day you´ll read this  and finally you will know my feelings for you. (Sorry for the shity grammar and ortography or for mixing spanish words but im kinda lazy and this is really long, so ill just leave it as it its)
I was 13 years old the first time I saw you, it was the second day of school our professor came in when class had already started and in front of him there was a new student, it was indeed someone new. Since the first time I swa you, I knew you weren´t from here, you were so diffren to all of us. We were plain and common stupid suckers that only thought in when to lose virginity and to get waste for the first time in our lives; but you didn´t seem to be that kind of person. you seemed to be quite more deep. THe first time I talked you I thought you were really old and you fucking hated ll of us., it´s kinda of surprising  how close you came to be for me, after that first encounter. We eventually become friends, I don´t know how but it happened and actually you turned up to be really fucking cool I mean you were the shit. .You were like really something else, i mean your overall style, and you were a talented drawer (you are still ive seen some of your shit and tis really great). and yu were a cospayer. So in conclsuion we were lightyears from beenso cool like you... From that first year I don´t remeber to much, just htat you lost someon important in your life, and I still remeber how you didn´t go to school and the night that, with a friend, i went to see you. I kept talking to you during vacations and that made so happy because I fucked it up, but about that I will talkin other part of this text Oh, and I started to listen to bands like Asking Aleexandria and some metal shit that was reallly cool and thank you for  showing me those bands.. So vacations, ended January was realy cold, and for thee very firt time I started to use my hair long. Of course people laughed at me, it was really a messy hair but I kida liked... To this day my har is really important its like my force its on my hair, without my hari I wouldnt be the same. That year we started kind of apart till our firen, that in this text im going to call Jordan, was expelled from school and sso it was you and me. I know that we had other friends like the one that in here im going to call Alfonso, and many oters, but principally it was you and me. One day for some reasin our cases were changed and we had to move to ihter class that was bigger I think. And since i was lucky that Jordan expeleed (dont get me wrong, I mean, i felt bad for Jordan but deep inside of me, to have you for me in the class, was like winning an oscar, the lottery o winning nobel prize) So basically from march to october we sat next to each other, and that march was the beginning of one of the best time s of my life. I remeber how to see you in my left side, focused in whatever you were draing,, that year you started to draw with rapidografos, and actually your were improving, yowere going to more anime conventions, you were improving your cosplays to. That year I started to watch anime, just have some other things in common with you, porbably without ou I wpuld have never seen anime bugt bracause of you I did, and I lied to you saying tat I did watch anime since12 years old or something like that. So I talked to you about your drawings, or music, or anime, or movies, or conspiracy theories, or how you were dying because got varicela, about videogames, about life, about books, about your cosplas, about everthing, absolutely everinght. We laghed, we played with each.. there was a time actually that we played with water and we kinda of enede u wet, we play with our foot, with our hands ( you used to make the triforce symbol with your hands and was a fucking hell to me t do it) we aughed, with the we were becoming really close... You were becming my best friend... I reaally enjoyed to go to scholol beacuse you were going tp be by my side, the morning would end fast and will had the time of my life, and those years I felt really really fine. Prbably without you hat yer would be boring, and I dont knwow , maybe it would´ve been a more difficult year for me. I would got bullied or something like that. But nothing bad happened that year actuallly it was one of the best years. During that time w=you became really close to Dr. dooferschmitz(Im calling him like that, i hope you know who im talking about) and to Monica ( you know, the girl that was best friend of the Dr. dooferschmitz) so I kinda of felt apart, I mean were laughing and stuff but I started to feel afraid that I nothing for you and that eventually you would throw me away,( of course you didn´t do thatt, know its imposiible for me to think of you doing that) and I was afraid of losing you, and that added up with the many new emotiones that I had, my fear and so many other things, made me to epeat my mistake from thae year before, I started to treat you with coldnes, I ingnored you I treated you bad, and to this day I still regreat hat. You were the last persons that deserved that, and I took you apart from me and I don´t know, why I didn´t gave an effort to avoid to hurt you i just don´t know. I fucked it up again...But agin you kinda forgave me, and seriously thank seriously losing you and those moemnts would be a tragedy for e thank you for been so cool for being amazong an for  keep beign my friend. So we kept talikng and beign friends and things become brighter for me again, going to school was my favorite thing in the world this become colorful. You know they say that when youre in love things become colorful and I agree withem, beacause hen I remember those days thers like a feeling that make it so romantic, something in the sun or in the sky or in the color of the walls make those memories really special and beatiu,, even when i was dying of boredom in the church to think that that nex t day I would be talking shit with you made me feel excitedl. My love for you was growing more and more  You were there, you showed me cool music, I was hapy with that music, with the animes you recommended me , and basiclly with life itself. My happines had no end or I thought so. We came out of school , we kept talking almost everyday day as we did in the months before, we talked through skype, i remeber seeing you making some cosplays, you were wearing a dinasour pijama that to this day, I still love, you presented me thorugh skype to shini  and I remeber how it hurted o not talk you, it was a hell to be without you, it was kinda of infectious beacause I came to depend on you its never good in any kind of relation, but yet all that pain was healed when I talked to you again.. But we started to talk less, you moved to another school, I moved to other school, and even though we still talked every now and then, thngs were changingand I did notice that. Things we re becoming gray, life started to be boring, but yet, somehow, my love for you still kept growing, buut that year (2014) we talked almost nothing. There was a day that I saw you, it was tests-week so I came out early and I was going to see you, I remember how my legs were shaking and the hug i gave you when i wsaw you, i threw you my jacket and you thre w it backt to me and th then whe huged like for a minute repeating ecac other how much we mieed us. God, you were so beatiful that day, actually i havent talked about how beatiful you are, I mean you are funny intelligent, bright, clever, how you ended up beign in this shitty city? fuck, youre so beatiufl, I love your light lips, your tiny nose, youre honey eyes, your snowy skin, your voice, your laugh, Iwas stupid in porpuse just to make you laug and the to go to heaven for a few seconds by the power of your laugh. God I really thought you were perfect,its curious because, I knew that there were things i didnt liked from you but at the same time i liked the beacuase those things made youyou, and fuck you were so beatiful in all the posiible ways, metaphsiclly, physcilly you were jus beaitulf, and realy fucking loved you a lo a lo t lot, i dreamed of you, of holding your hand, of kissing you, of sharing life with you, whit brojke the atmosphere and went to the space, ravelled to far away galaxies and was loving you I was just happy and in love I didnt care about anything ese but you. I enojyed to se your face every morning, how you putted your legs on the desk, all your gesture, i loved  the time i holded a part of your body, i loved your smell that to this i havent forget , i remeber how the sun shined and crashed in your hair as in a trigo field. I was so lucky so so lucky, you made everything else beatiful, as if there was some kind of power inside you that transformed everythin around you, to thins day i think that you were a god, and or  wanted to experience human life and so came own to the mortal war and picked anyone to be around with and for destiny reasons i was one of those lyucky basards. You were so different from this shity world. One day you invited me to your house to watch jack frost ovies ( i dont remeber its name) and at some point of that day we were ion your rooftop sitting next to each other, weather, was fresh, sky was blue as an ocean sun was warm and soft, and you were beatiufll, and i felt love and calm, everything was balanced everything, was more than ok, everything.... Life can be cruel sometimes, I think that its part of what makes all of this beaiufl, its tragical factort.... life is like that... our perfect circle ( or at least mine) broke and the only thing that i could do was  accept it and move on, but i never did that, . wel till last year, 2016 was a good year for me and it mean an advance in my life. But every time I finally move on form you I crash with sometihing, I dont know what it its. Something ive been realizing is that I will never forget you, cause what you did in its sobig that i cant just ignore it, everywher i go i will see afraction of your beatiful eyes, every time I love there weill be a part of me, that eventually will thin of you. IYpu fell in love with new people, you trvelled, and I stayed here, and I decided that finaly have to let you go. even though the things you gave to me will always come with me , the beautiness you showe med will always lay in my heart as if its writeen in stone , those beatiful memories will always be inside of me. Enven if as i became older those meories start to blur I kow that in some part of me, those memories will be there, and so you will be. Actually my life  can be seen as a life  before and after you. Before I met you, I was sleepwalking, I woke up, ate my brakefast, came from school, doing nothing during afternoons, going to church in sundays, repeating everything that was told to me, the only human from tha pat me was my desperate effort to fit somewhwere, to be like tthe popular guys, I dressed like them, I tried to be like them bu the real me wasn´t even clse to be like that. The pepole that formed part part of my life was stupid, boring, plain and I hated them. And then theres you, you were a real human, you dressed as you wanted to dress, you llistened the music you wanted to, you didn´t care what the people said, you just were a strong powerful color in the middle of thiss that gray schooI remember how teachers wanted to make you pray, and tried to obligate you  to change yourself , cause they didn´accept anthing that was different to them, and you revealed to them, you sttod up with your beliefs withyourself and ddn´t leet them to denigrate you or to destroy you, you stood p and were yourself and that inspired me. Cause you know I´ve always een a lie, to this day my parents don´t know my sexuality nor that I´m agnostic, they think that Im still that christian boy who loves god and will marry when he graduates from university. Bu actually I´m not beacause you opened my mind, o talk with you, to hear you to see howyou was exciting refreshing, an experience itself it opened my mind, it showed me that theres was world outside waiting for me to l ived it, you showed me that I have a mind and a soul and that Im someone, and that Im a fucking person, that Im a fucking person dude, it ound strange but I didn´t kew that before I met you. You know what´s funny? Thath you weren´t noticing all this things you were transfroming in me, just by been yourself you blosoomed the best of me , Dude I loved you, i really fucking loved you whit all that I had, even if was young, stupid, preteantious I loved you. I loved you I fucking fucking loved you I fucking loveeed you sooo much , My only regret in this life is to be so coward to never took the courage to tell you this and love you even more. Dude thank you for been there when life was shity, thank you for been my best friend whe I was completely alone, thank you for all the fucking great bands that you sowed me, thank you for opening my mind and been one the most influencial things in my ife and to start this fire that become me in the person I am. I know im not perfect and Im not better than anyone, but just to imagine what kind of personI I would be if I would never met you, scares me, I was full of hate and anger while I sleeped and you woke me, you gave me the srenght to move on, you gave me love, lfe, empath, forgivness. Yeah, there were bad times, there were shity things, asi in everything in this world, but there was something inside of me where to hold on. You were my big bang, you gave me a breath of life and since that i been moving on. Thank you dude, seriously. But for now I have to defintily let you go. Ive been trying to move on from you but its kind of impossible if I dont release all my feelings in some way. So I have to let you go. I don´t know what life has for me or for you but I hope its the best for both, and I hoped that you find your way if you havent, I hope that you love someone with all your heart and that someone loves you with all its heart too and that you fly acroos the atmosphere and shine like stars through space and time even after you die... Your light will still shine in this world and in aliens world and the universe will receive that light with love. If you don´t know what to do in life, do as Boukowski said: Find something you love and let it kill you. You´re talentful and intelligent and I hope that you go far in this life. Please take care of you, of your mental health ofr your physical health please, love yoursefl. Dude, always always fucking remeber how beatiful you are, how amazing you are, anhow much love you can give to people. To this day you are one of the most amazing person  I met and  think you will always ben in my list of the coolest persons in the worldyou will always hvae a part of my heart, and wherever I go, whatever I do, I will have you somewhere inside of my heart, that part is forever yours. I loved you a lot a lot.  Im sorry for the shit i did to you, thank you for been an important parf of what saved my life.Thank you for beign yourself, for beign so real, for beign so brave, for beign  amazing. Thak you for beign my first love, I couldn´thave been anymore lucky... I have to let you go, and I have to move. Keep in mind that somwhere, someone will have a part of you inside of him. I hope you the best and I remebered you that i loved you with all my fucking, heart, soul mind, thoughts, with absolutly everything I had,... Dude, all my love and best wishes for you... Goodbye...
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ohallows · 7 years
sorry if i sound rlly dumb but ur blog inspired me to start reading more kon el and bart allen comics and everything waa good but now im really confused? i only recently got into comics sso i dont really understand what happened to the characters? like what wad the last time kon made an appearance? and whats with the whole bar torr thing? like the dc wikia just says bart allen is just an alias for bar torr? sorry im just really confused
oh my god??? im so honored??? okay i will totally explain. also welcome to comics where continuity is made up and the timeline doesnt make sense. 
um this is a.... VERy long explanation bc i didn’t just want to say “THEY’RE DIFFERENT PEOPLE I HATE IT” but tl;dr they’re completely different people and the explanation is below (if somethig doesnt make sense/you want more clarification pls ask i love talking about comics honestly)
to answer your questions: the Real(tm) kon’s last appearance was (probably) in the 2009 adventure comics run, or the cameo in red robin, or the last issues of the 2003 titans run. bar torr is a criminal who took the name bart allen when he escaped to the past and never talked to the flash family (which, at that point, was QUITE LITERALLY only barry)
more explanation under the cut bc thats very. VERY short.
so i’m going to explain the new 52 real quick and if you already get it skip this paragraph lol -- so in 2011, dc decided to reset its entire comic continuity. big mistake  so in order to get this to happen, they had barry go back in time, save his mom, realize he fucked up, go back and not save his mom, and then things allegedly wouldn’t have  changed [we call this Flashpoint, or if ur me,  ‘fuck you barry why is everything terrible now’]. except actually the entire timeline changed. all the justice league heroes were ~10 years younger, none of the younger heroes ages changed (which is why batman had like. the equal amount of robins in 5 years (which is messed)). the main issue that the new 52 brought was that every characters backstory changed. some very drastically, some not as drastically. but everyone was different.
now, most characters were still the same person, just with a altered past, a different motivation, different vices, etc etc. however (and this isn’t only restricted to tim kon or bart they’re just the three i talk about the most and the three who in my opinion were some of the most changed characters), there were some characters who’s entire, well, existence was changed. 
lets start with kon. prior to the New 52 (called the pre52), kon el was the half-kryptonian/half-human clone of lex luthor and clark kent. this caused a lot of drama considering lex is a psycho megalomaniac villain. but kon took the name superboy and then clark gave him the name kon-el and its really cute honestly but i digress. pre-52 kon was cool and a #gayicon. he had a solo run in the 90s and was part of young justice and then the 2003 titans run and then he died and came back and then ?? the new 52 happened. in the new 52, another superboy was introduced. 
so, a list for pre52 kon:
name: kon el, conner kent, superboy
clone of: lex luthor and clark kent
cloned by: Cadmus Labs, under watch of Guardian and Dubbilex
here comes some confusion. 
New-52 superboy also had the name Kon, but in this continuity “kon-el” means ‘abomination’ in kryptonian and i will be mad about this for any number of reasons. But New-52 kon was cloned by NOWHERE, not Cadmus Labs, and heres where it gets MORE confusing and honestly i dont understand it either. he wasn’t a clone of lex and clark. he is the clone of jon lane kent, a future child of clark kent and lois lane. (idk how it works im just tired and dc needs to stop) but anyway new-52 kon is genetically a different human being than the pre-52 kon we know and love. 
So New-52 kon joined (read: tried to kill and then became friends with) the teen titans for the 2011 and 2014 runs of the comic. then he became a murderer,  was replaced by match or the original jon lane kent that he was cloned from i honestly do not remember they were terrible issues, sacrificed himself after a really gay scene with tim, and (apparently) merged together with a being called the Oracle after kicking it with superman for a while (not.. necessarily in that order) [these are seriously some of the most confusing issues of comics ive ever read and i read crisis on infinite earths]
tl;dr, pre-52 kon’s last appearance was in 2010 or 2011(ish?), and new-52 “kon” is a completely different person who was given the name kon + the superhero name ‘superboy’ bc dc honeslty thought it could fool us with that bullshit and bc they’re unoriginal and lazy. 
bc i like lists:
pre-52 kon:
cloned by cadmus labs using dna from lex luthor and clark kent
an all-around Good Boy
was given the name kon-el by clark to signify that he was part of the house of el and that he belonged there
has a kick-ass leather jacket
died and came back but is now missing
new-52 kon:
cloned by NOWHERE under Harvest using the dna of jon lane kent, clark and lois’ kid from the future who has murderous intentions
was stuck with the name kon-el bc it signifies him as a clone and an abomination in the eyes of the house of el
has a futuristic black and red suit that isn’t bad but doesnt make up for the crap he pulls
died (?)
hhhoooooo boy. onto bart allen, which is somehow more complicated than that mess. 
(im sorry you probably didnt want all this but now i’ve got going so)
pre-52 bart allen is a time-traveler from the 30th century, who came back to our time (the 90s) with his grandma iris allen bc his speed was, quite literally, killing him (forcible aging is a nightmare). thats a whole other story, but whatever i digress. pre-52 bart allen is the genetic grandchild of Barry Allen and Iris West, and the son of Don Allen, one of the Tornado Twins (barry’s kids). [iris was transported to the future and got pregnant there from barry and thats how he’s from the 30th century and is still just barry’s grandkid dont think abt it too much]
ANYWAY. bart and kon were best friends, bart had a solo run in the 90s and hes such a sweetie, he was part of YJ and the teen titans and was forcibly aged up, beaten to death, and then came back to life as a teen again. it was sad. 
heres where it gets weird. bc bart was a flash, flashpoint affected him differently. This is all laid out in the comic Kid Flash Lost, which is actually pretty good and gives you some background on what happened to him during this event. so, long story put very, very shortly, bart wakes up in a nightmare world and after some adventuring, enters the speed force to hop dimensions back into his old time. there, he encounters his grandpa barry, who doesn’t have enough speed, to get back to the present. so, bc bart loves his family and his grandpa, he gives barry his speed to get him back. bart turns into a white flash and gives his speed to barry and dissolves into the speed force, disappearing. 
im not ashamed to say i cried at the ending. 
so, pre-52 bart allen was lost to the speedforce (along w johnny quick and max mercury and countless other speedsters bc i have yet to see one (1) of them - not counting jay - in dc rebirth and frankly im very angry BUT THATS ANOTHER STORY sorry i get distracted)
here’s where new-52 “bart”, or Bar Torr, comes in. pretty similar story, “bart” is from the 30th century, is a time traveler, and has speedster powers, thought he was somehow related to the flash, took the name kid flash, etc. etc. 
however, one little snag - thats not who he was. at all. 
bar torr was a murderer from the 30th century who’s memories were wiped and he was given the alias of bart allen, again bc dc thinks we’re stupid enough to fall for this crap and is UNORIGINAL AS FUCK. 
background: bar torr was (as its been explained to me because i..........hate him and refuse to engage with him) was basically a fundamentalist christian who killed a bunch of people in the future bc they killed his parents and indoctrinated his sister into their cause, and he escaped to the past and wiped his memories so that he couldn’t be found by the time police (thats not what they’re actually called but whatever.) and then he for the most part bounced back and forth between the 30th century and the 21st century whenever he feels like it (i guess ??)
pre-52 bart allen
grandson of iris and barry allen, from the 30th century
takes the name impulse and then kid flash after having his knee blown up (long story) and maturing a lot
works closely with the entire flash family to fight crime (is an important part of the family)
sacrifices himself on multiple occasions for his friends
dissolved into the speed force, has been missing since 2010/11
new-52 bar torr
a criminal, who’s parents we dont know, who is also from the 30th century
takes the name kid flash bc hes an asshole
never interacts with barry allen or any speedster from the family (granted they’re all missing but still)
a fundamentalist christian terrorist who murders a Lot of people
missing since 2014 i guess like we havent heard from him in a while its all very unclear
tl;dr in both of these cases, dc has taken a completely different individual and given them a familiar name, probably in order to sell more comics and draw more readers in who recognized the names. (the same thing happened with tim but thats another annoying story)
the new-52 “kon el” and the new-52 “bart allen” are completely different people from their pre-52 counterparts on a genetic level. new-52 kon el is cloned from someone completely different while new-52 bart allen is a totally different individual who took on the alias bart allen to pass unnoticed in the 21st century. 
this is a lot to take in and its all very confusing i tried to explain it as best i can but if none of this makes sense let me know and i can try to explain things better!!
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