tremendously-crazy · 12 days
While Watson's Sketchbook and Sherlock & Co fans are panicking about Reichenbach, I continue to read The Return of Sherlock Holmes peacefully
(It's me, I'm fans)
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Dnp are kind of insane for telling us that the show is “contextless boyfriend approved” like why would they motivate us to bring people who are unfamiliar with them to this fucking show. They got the closest I think you can legally get to having sex on stage without getting the show age restricted and you want us to have to sit through that with our clueless partners, friends and family members?!?!
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raylasgf · 3 months
so the new poster hahah you know what it looks like??? yeah you guys remember. in 109. when they were hatching zym in the eye of the storm,,,, and they look like they’re in the eye of the storm now as well,,,, and to hatch zym callum broke his primal stone,,, which just so happens to look exactly like the prison,,,, that he is holding in the poster,,,, anyway im scared
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m00ngbin · 8 months
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Ft my cat and also the Teru plush sitting in my car. He's supposed to be there so that I'm not driving by myself but since he's not alive and he can't talk he sucks at his job
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hushmirrorball13 · 1 year
i just know taylor's giggling thinking about the chaos she has plotted for speak now taylor's version release day
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honabi · 5 months
i’m scared for LOTS 1C ❤️❤️❤️
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hazyrockets · 1 month
guys im gonna be so real i am hoping and praying they dont hard launch on stage because how are we gonna behave with no chance to scream into a pillow, ramble in the gc for half an hour and then write a measured supportive response to them sharing that with us??
like i rly wanna be normal about them but i am just noT and i've accepted that tbh
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littlecofiegirl · 2 months
I swear to God, if I survive this trip to the US I will book a flight to Japan the next month (for a japan trip in2025). Never travelled further than London and Tunisia.
The plan is NewYork, Chicago, Las Vegas and then Los Angeles.
Wish me luck, my flight is this Sunday.
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moviestarmartini · 3 months
i’m scared tonite’s fic might be a bit too homoerotic for the public’s liking
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rissouu · 8 months
I just got back from my dick appointment and my coochie hurt🙁🙁 I haven’t had sex in like 2 years and when I tell you going 3 rounds is NOT FOR THE FUCKING WEAK.
OH MY GOD?? im going to sit my virgin ass right tf down.. you got me scared 🌚
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sameschmidtdiffname · 6 months
Hey do I wanna know why there's so much Josh Hutcherson x MLP ai art?
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stivya · 2 years
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Oh hello???
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gillifan · 4 months
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Are we not discussing this clip from the finale promo????? They're in a fucking cemetery and Kathy is leaving???? Before Deborah says "I've lost way too much" ‼️⁉️
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amid-fandoms · 4 months
his hand is bandaged because dan stabbed it after the golden pig video
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bee-named-alex · 3 months
So episode 6 of IWTV s2. My thoughts? Many. Enjoy them, I'll try to make it as coherent as possible in my current state. Spoilers and my mental breakdown below the cut
Fuck this. I cannot wait for a week after this episode, how am I supposed to be normal after this???
So I guess I'll start from the start? The tension is in every word and I get why Daniel's getting afraid for his life, I mean I am afraid for his life rn and he's not even real.
The Dubai scenes, they contrast really well with the first couple episodes of this season. The cracks in Loumand relationship are very apparent now, they can't even decide on what painting to have in their house. And I read a post that was like "season 1 was music, season 2 is art" and it's so true and this means like their relationship is empty i guess or something. Maybe just that it's falling apart.
And the way they began this season holding hands and sitting so close, acting like everything was perfect, ready to fight Daniel and now they sit as far away as possible, fight like all the time about everything and Louis and Daniel (and even Rashid I think) keep on further unionizing against Armand... I think that's just great.
And Armand knowing that they know and from the start trying to spin it. I'm not sure how the sentence "Why do you ask, love?" from Louis is like the coldest thing ever but it just is.
I'll talk more about Dubai later.
But now to Paris. Claudia's diary "Fuck these vampires" - girl's so right (in both meanings of that word btw). Claudia was never really my fave, but out of everyone I feel like she deserves a happy ending the most (not counting daniel here) and fuck, she's not getting it. i know but it still hurts like hell.
Her and Madeleine's relationship is great. Inbetween all the plotting and manipulation and murder this feels like one of the only peaceful things. In the scene where Claudia reveals herself I though that she's like Madeleine's guardian angel. But also an angel of death. But Madeleine doesn't mind and I think that's very important, that she doesn't really see Claudia as a monster - or maybe she does, but it doesn't change what she feels (after all, she thinks that she's a monster)
Then the turning. First Louis trying to convince Armand and him not obeying- as Daniel says "maitre only when it's hot or convinient" (it was hot in the art room btw and it's so not fair that we didn't get to see at least a little more i mean that whole scene was inexplicably so hot and i need moreeee).
But it also reminded me of another post, the "Armand is a willingly leashed tiger" because like yeah, Louis has the power up until the point when Armand no longer wants him to have it. (also Louis persuasion being "imagine me without the burden of her" sucks, like sorry but this hurts, even if you didn't mean it and yes it matters if you meant it. But his later method - aka kiss to shut him the hell up - seems much better.)
Then I got a little pissed or perhaps confused at his "Are you asking or making me?" because we know that Louis can't actually make Armand do anything, not when he is 100 % sure he doesnt want to. Because if he could, Armand would've turned Madeleine. (speaking of, Armand not having turned anyone is pretty interesting, but i guess that that's how it was in the books and it was important so sure why not)
Also Louis' "It's ok, it's ok" here reminded me of "Of course, of course!" and also "It's fine, he's fine, we're fine" and it's just so funny how they all think that if they say things over and over again they'll convince themselves that they're true.
The turning itself was beautiful, as Louis said it would be. Like it wasn't violent, there wasn't fear, no tears. Just love and devotion and I'm so sad that Claudia's and Madeleine's beautiful dream didn't last longer.
Louis not caring afterwards is just another exampke of his dissociative state and I worry about his mental well-being. (All of their mental and physical well-beings tbh)
In Dubai again, Armand finally talking about the erased memories and how they both hate on him for it and they're right. Like what do you mean Daniel doesn't have the right to be angry, of course he does. It's fun to see Daniel delighted about fighting Armand.
But also... Louis asked him to get rid of those momeries (if he believe him. And I, in this episode more than ever and despite my better knowledge, do believe Armand. Maybe it's just because of Assad's phenomenal acting but I believe his words and I believe his tears. Which actually makes this all worse btw.) and that makes the whole situation suddenly much more complicated.
Other Paris plot - Santiago (fuck Santiago) and his coup -, yeah that kept me on my toes for the entire episode. Like Armand says that he was in love and Louis says that he got lazy but I just think he must've been blind to not see it.
I feel like Dubai kinda reflects this (Louis and Daniel unionizing as we've said and so it's like Armand losing his power over his people again) but also. Paris and it's aftermath was the biggest crisis of their relationship, must've been (followed by San Francisco and Daniel I'm sure). But now as the recount it they are also reliving it and are also in a full-blown crisis and i hope this one doesn't end in a fire.
And the ending of it all. Fuck. I was near tears watching it.
The double-date in the cafe felt like a dream, they even said in the episode insider that they wanted it to feel surreal or something like that, like a romantic comedy. And for a few minutes it does. They let you believe that they could be happy. You know they won't, you know that shit's about to go down and everything will end in ruin but this single scene makes you beg, no please, no don't fuck it up, just stay happy, like this, it can be good. And despite knowing what's coming, you stick your claws into this idea of happiness like a lifeline.
And then it hurts that much more when this perfect bubble pops.
I admire all the actors because idk what Armand was feeling the moment he stepped outside but through Assad's acting I felt it too. And as Louis looks around, seeing the world stop, here I know exactly what he must've felt- the realization hits, the betrayl and then the immense worry for Claudia and Jacob portrays it so beautifully.
"He chose." This breaks my heart. Because what did he choose exactly, or better yet, what did he choose over? I mean this is terrible, the trial, but what was his other choice? He calls himself a coward so maybe it was Louis and Claudia and Madeleine or him that the coven would go after. But maybe this was actually the better choice idk.
But like you see the regret in Armand's face in Paris but especially in Dubai and I trust him. I believe him that he regrets it, I believe him the tears and as I've said that just makes it so much worse. Because he chose this and now they suffer for it and he suffers for it too and blames himself (rightfully so), but it still hurts.
And then Lestat. Fuck. I knew this was gonna come (I just couldn't help myself and because of my recklessness saw a spoiler, that he's gonna be there) but that in no way did that knowledge diminish what I felt when I saw him. Because, hell, idk I'm just so excited to finally have him back because I love him but also I hate him and am so scared as to what he's gonna do. He's gonna testify against Louis and Claudia sure but what if he won't? Does he want to kill or fuck Louis? Will his and Armand's past play part in this or is that a box to remain unopened until later?
"You cannot script a hurricane" they said and so this means Lestat will go off script. But to what extent? At least to which it results in burning the theatre down.
The preview didn't help my state, quite the contrary actually. Louis in Paris is scared that Lestat's gonna come. Santiago's laughing. What does Armand feel? Who knows not me, I'm just scared. And excited. I feel like I won't fall asleep for two days after this but it's fine. I'm fine, everything's fine.
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theacemagpie · 3 months
Reblog for bigger sample
I have a point to prove so don't let me down tumblr
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