blametheeditor · 2 months
Day 30 | Candlelight
Gt July Prompt List
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When stranded on an uncharted underwater planet, alone and surrounded by hostile lifeforms, there are only two possible outcomes: adapt and survive, or die trying.
Spoilers: For the game Subnautica
Content Warnings: Cursing. Mentions of death and violence. Mentions of drowning and suffocation. Mentions of diseases and infections. Mentions of someone dying.
James couldn’t understand the roars of the leviathan. In fact, he couldn’t tell if there was a language imbedded into the deep rumbles, or if they’re essentially just noises used to convey emotions. 
Either way, he wasn’t going to tempt fate by giving the benefit of the doubt. Not when he was so close and running out of time. 
So when James barely managed to escape whatever the leviathan had in store for him, he took off running down the now familiar hallways. Didn’t once look back even as the entire facility shakes. Tripped from the tremors, but despite the fever and feeling sluggish, he was still able to roll on his side and get back on his feet immediately. 
It was far from graceful, and his hands stung where the green cysts touched the floor, but nothing’s going to stop him.
James has to slow his pace to a jog as his breathing gets ragged. He doesn’t feel panic at the clear limits his body currently has due to the disease running rampant through it, though. Now wariness, that can certainly be argued. The item in his pack is currently his candlelight through the darkness.
There is no need to exert yourself.
He respectfully brushes away the thought. Because while he can see each individual second ticking down on him, he is well aware the sea emperor has her own clock she’s fighting against. Try as she might, there’s no mistaking the distress that comes with the words she sends. There’s only so much that can be hidden when invading someone’s mind. 
Well, invading might not be the right word. She more so occupies his mind from time to time. Instances in which he more than welcomes considering the fact she’s saving him from a horrific fate at the hands of a disease that had seemed incurable. And that generosity of being willing to help and trust him deserves at the very least an urgency on his part. 
James finally makes it to the room he was looking for. Doesn’t hesitate to dive into the water and quickly swim down to the bottom of the massive tank. He’s admittedly disappointed at having to leave his prawn suit behind at the inactive lava zone, but he didn’t want to risk getting spotted by a leviathan. What makes it sting even worse is the fact such a move had ultimately failed, however the seaglide has yet to fail him. 
It looks like you are missing something.
He sends the massive form circling around him a scowl. “You don’t have to rub it in.” 
A deep sound reverberates around him, shakes him to his core as the water amplifies its effects. He has been laughed at before, and this will be far from the last time, but this will certainly be the most memorable. 
Finally making it to the bottom of the tank, James refills his air from the brain coral before turning to the terminal. Only realizes the sea emperor found her usual seat in front of the platform holding five eggs from the current of sand washing over him. 
He has long since worried about this particular giant being so close. She means him no harm, and is always careful not to get too close. Never once had to avoid massive tentacles from knocking him into a wall, or a hand roughly grabbing him not realizing how fragile he is. 
She also doesn’t rush him. Exudes nothing but gentleness and patience. Watches as he winces after taking his pack off and carefully removing the vial he had fabricated. Places it inside the terminal. 
James swims back a few feet to watch the five eggs from a respectful distance. Holds his breath as the one in the center starts to crack. 
A very soft and high pitched chirp identical to ones the sea emperor makes emits as the shell breaks open. Reveals blinking eyes and small hands attempting to figure out how to escape their confine. 
A sense of awe rises in James’ chest at the sight of the baby sea emperor. One that’s about as big as him, but absolutely miniscule compared to its mother. It’s hard to believe such a small thing is supposed to grow big enough to hold him in one hand. 
It suddenly sends a chirp toward him breaking him out of his small daze. He hesitates, gives a small wave when he’s simply stared at. It’s not returned, the child ignoring him as they turn around, brown hair swaying with the water from the motion. Erupts in clicks and squeals when the sea emperor is finally spotted. 
The excited sounds are quickly heeded as the massive being reaches forward to carefully, delicately gather up the tiny form. Lifts them up to her forehead as her eyes close. Gives a long sigh of content. 
It’s hard to tear his eyes away from such a heartfelt embrace as the two chirp together in harmony, but he forces himself to look down at the terminal. Realizes the four other eggs that have yet to hatch. 
Does that mean he has to fabricate four more vials? Will they just take longer to hatch? Is that due to the enzyme, or something else? Is there-? 
There is no need to worry.
He looks up to see the amused smile. It does nothing to hide the fact the sea emperor is trembling. Seems to have aged multiple years within a single minute. 
James swallows thickly. “I’m afraid there might be.” 
I knew my time was coming. I simply held on for my children.
Suddenly, something latches onto him. It takes a moment to recognize arms wrapped around his shoulders. Looks down to see the baby sea emperor hugging him tightly, tentacles keeping his legs in place so there’s no way for him to try and swim away. Though he doesn’t try to, his first instinct being to hug the child. 
That rewards him with a gentle bump of their foreheads together. 
She’s dying.
It’s much different than when the sea emperor communicates with him. Her messages are always only words with barely any emotion other than her tone. But James feels grief as the child speaks. His own heart aches he assumes in the same way they do. Because while he may respect the giant, what he’s feeling isn’t his own. 
The sea emperor’s presence could be felt as she sent thoughts to him, made his head pound until he was used to it. This, however, this is on a completely different level. 
The moment the child pulls away, the feeling leaves, and he’s left to stare up at the sea emperor as she painfully moves to lean over. Slowly rests her head on crossed arms as all four eyes close. 
The rest will hatch one by one centuries apart from one another. They will care for each other, protect each other, and when the last one dies it will be when the ocean is completely baren.
Centuries apart. James isn’t familiar with a leviathan’s lifespan. But considering what he learned about the Architects, knowing they were the ones who trapped here, a single century must be but a second of their lives. 
She doesn’t have another century left, however. She might not even have a year. 
Can I trust you to protect and care for him until he can do the same for his siblings?
In an ocean filled with leviathans on a planet he wasn’t made for. 
“What’s his name?” 
James nods once. “I will keep him safe.” 
Thank you.
Caleb let’s them untangle before staring up at him with wide blue eyes. Seems to straighten up as James gestures to the portal he has yet to activate. He has a feeling of where it will lead to, though. “You’re going to be staying with me, okay?” 
The sea emperor is given a sorrowful look. Then James is given a nudge, as if to say Caleb agrees. 
“Alright. Let’s go end this quarantine.” 
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