pigeonneaux · 1 year
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jinx-o-rama · 9 months
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Um um a small gmod scene I made!
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sportsworldnews · 1 year
Oceania BMX Championships 2023
👉 Date: 15-16 April 2023
👉 Location: Rotorua BMX Club, Waipa State Mill Road, Rotorua, New Zealand
🔴 Competition schedule 🔴
📍 Saturday 15 April 2023 📍 (Official Practice) ===================
10:30-11:15 am Sprockets (7 and Under)
11:30-12:45 pm 8-12 Yers (20+ cr)
1:00-2:15 pm 13 + (20 + cr)
3:00-4:30 pm Championship Class
📍 Sunday 16 April 2023 📍 (Official Practice)
8:15-9:00 am 13+ (20'+ CR)
9:00-9:40 am 8-12 Yers (20'+ CR)
9:40-10:00 am Sprockets (7 and Under)
10:00-10:30 am Championship Class ----
📍 Championship Class moto and finales timing 📍
10:05 am after 7 & Under Practice
10:30 am Opening Ceremony
11:00 am Challenge Class Racing
12:30 pm M1 Classes with a Final
1:00 pm M2 Classes with a Final
1:30 pm M3 Classes with a Final
2:00 pm Final
BMX New Zealand, the Oceania Cycling Confederation and the Rotorua BMX Club are proud to host and present the 2023 Oceania BMX Championships. Our continental ranking event for BMX racing. This event will see Oceania's best riders from the Elite fields and amateur age groups, from the 8yr olds through to 50+ seniors battle out in head to head racing for the prized 'O' ranking for 2023 The Rotorua BMX Club will be hosting this event at their international standard track that will present an exciting challenge for all riders.
#yeowwwww #oceania2023 #oceaniabmx #rotoruabmx #oceaniachamps #oceaniabmx #oceaniabmx2023 #rotorua #oceania
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aronkiepronkie · 3 months
hi guys um tsukishima is growing on me do u think he would be jealous and then he confesses to u....ahahahaha........help
noya slaps your back lightly while encouraging you loudly, his hand resting on your lower back. suga rubs your shoulder blades in acknowledgment, a reassuring smile plastered on his face, daichi ruffles your hair with a chuckle. "you'll get it next time yn, i believe in you!" hinata exclaims with starry eyes as he skips towards you, the noise of his squeaky shoes bounces off the gym walls and before his hands get to slap against your shoulders he gets cut off, a volleyball bouncing off the back of his fluffy tangerine hair. "YEOWWWWW!!!!" he yells out, grabbing his head dramatically. "lay off pipsqueak." tsukishimas voice echos through everyones ears as he walks over to you with the same volleyball he threw at hinata. "hey what was tha-" hinata starts but quickly cut off by tsukishimas quiet voice that was aimed toward you. his gaze lingers for a bit, glasses shining when his eyes meet with your seemingly longing ones. "...can i talk to you real quick?" tsukishima says slowly while looking down at sugas comforting hand on your shoulder, that same shoulder losing the warmth of his hand when he lets go. "you can't just take them! they're practicing with us!" noyas booming voice causes tsukishima to roll his eyes. "let it go bro! he looks mad!" tanaka butts in and noya mumbles a sassy "whatever" and shrugs his hand off your back. "yeah...'course you can talk to-" "privately."
you follow tsukishima outside the gym, not without a few "ooooo"s and you could've sworn you heard yamaguchi cheering on with a, "you got this tsukki!". maybe you misheard? tsukishimas back is faced towards you but you can almost make out the expression he has, the usual nonchalant and confident aura from him has been replaced with...nervousness, it almost feels like. his shoulders are slightly raised like a startled cat and he glances back at you, the crusty white light attached to the gym building glowing against tsukishimas pale porcelain skin and his glasses show a faint reflection of your figure, he looks away from you swiftly. your heart skips a beat. the only thing keeping this situation from being awkwardly quiet is the distant sound of crickets chirping and an eventual sigh escapes his chest. "soooo," you break the painful silence. "why'd you n-" you start, trying to strike a conversation with the blonde boy but he cuts you off. "why do you let them touch you all the time?" he asks harshly turning around to look down at you. your face twists into confusion, your eyebrows scrunching together. tsukishima scoffs and rolls his eyes. "is it not annoying?" he cocks his head mockingly, taking a step closer to you. you huff, "so you brought me out of practice to shit talk your teammates?" you cross your arms, "those are my friends y'know?" "do you need such touchy friends?" he asks, his golden eyes narrowing at you, his body leaning downward to get closer to you. "why do you care so much?" you question him and he goes silent. "what? you like me or something?" you joke, a proud smile creeping onto your face at his surprised expression, he quickly furrows his brows and stands up straight. "maybe i do yn! maybe i do like you. maybe i can't stand seeing any other boys filthy hands on you because i like you, i should be with you! not your childish little 'friends'!" tsukishima exclaims and he rubs his face in frustration, running his hands through his short blonde locks, refusing to look at your face.
you're beyond shocked, dumbfounded even. his rushed, loud confession which is nothing like him, and the fact he was confessing because he was jealous? you'd think it was cute if you weren't blown away. "kei..." you mutter his first name, sending gentle shivers down his spine that he tries his best to hide from you. "shut up shut up shutupshutupshutup." he grumbles into his hands. "you're really gonna confess like that?" you giggle before full on laughing, clutching your stomach and even wiping a tear or two from laughter. "yeah okay, laugh it up." tsukishima groans and you let out a long sigh while looking down. "you are such an idiot." you say and look up at him with a smile, he can't help the pink tint that coats his warm cheeks and he looks away from your eyes. "look who's talking, you moron." he grunts in annoyance, rolling his eyes once again. you reach for his trembling hand and step closer to him, the shakiness of his hand was quite surprising but it was a nice reassurance that he wasn't just playing a stupid prank on you. your hand reaches for his warm neck and rest your palm on the curve of it, pulling his face closer to yours and finally, finally pressing a gentle, loving kiss to his soft lips. tsukishima hesitates for a split second, his raised shoulders relaxing as he kisses you back, both of his large, bandaged hands grabbing your hips. "i like you too, silly."
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mrsterlingeverything · 7 months
Me: Lowkey it was the spikes for me the spikes were really painful
Satan: how was the lava
Me: bit chilly compared to the other pit but the effigy chandeliers were a nice touch really incited fear
Satan: ok thank you back in the pit
Me: *again is in the pit*
Me: yeowwwww
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the-octopod · 5 months
Hey kitty kitty, how was the smoke?
Yeowwwww, wasn't as good as last year because everyone was on me about it, even Shellington. But its 4/20, gimme a break!! I was really hyper at firt but the more I had the more I calmed down and got all cuddly and i just wanted to cuddle. Catnip doesn't last that long and I was back to normal in a few hours, so i dont see the issue here about takin it. It was nice though.
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spankingwishes2 · 2 months
The Sunburn
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I know, right?  Look at me!  Talk about ouch!
I was going to say that my first mistake was… well, by now there have been so many it’s hard to make a list!  I still like to think that the cute little bikini was a good idea, even though I knew my mom would go through the roof if she ever found out.  Does using baby oil instead of sunscreen come after laying out in it, or before laying out in it for too long?  Laying out at Taylor’s pool party wasn’t so much a mistake – since I couldn’t very well at home! – but I did pay for it…
The real mistake was falling asleep… I had to be on my stomach, cooling gel trying to soothe the burning, no sheets, fan blowing on me.  If I hadn’t fallen asleep I might have – probably would have – gotten away with it, as long as I tiptoed around for a few days and made sure I didn’t give Mama any reason to spank me!  But no, I had to fall asleep!
I was right – she walked in and hit the roof (she really needs to knock louder!).  I mean hollerin’ ‘What in the name of!’ at the top of her lungs – not a nice way to wake someone up!  But I knew that’d be the least of my complaints in a minute!
“Chloe Melissa _____!” she yelled as I scrambled to cover up (ouch ouch ouch!), “Where did you get that?”
“What?” was all I said – not that I was still sleepy, oh no, I was very wide awake, thank you!  But what was I supposed to say?
“You know darn well what, young lady – that sunburn in places that should not be seeing the sun!”
“Oh… ah… I guess I laid out to long,” I offered.
“In what?  It had better not be that swimsuit that I forbid you to buy!” she roared – and I felt the tears coming already.
“Now, Mama…”
“Don’t you ‘now, Mama’ me, young lady!” she mocked.  “Get out of those sheets – that you’re getting all greasy, for me to try to get clean – and let me have a look at you!”
Well, what else could I do?  I sort of got out of bed and stood up and she immediately turned me around.  “Don’t, Mama – please!” I begged, thinking she was going to slap me (knowing, really) – even though I knew it wouldn’t help.
Sllappp! landed her hand on my sorest spot.  “Look at this, you tramp!  Half your butt must’ve been hanging out of that thing.
“Yeowwwww! Oh, God!” I screamed, even as I braced for another slap – one that never came, or at least not right away.
“What did you do, lay out in the sun?”
“Uh huh…”
“Where?  Where was this?  The lake?  The park?  Who saw you?”
“At Taylor’s…”
“Oh, ‘At Taylor’s’… and who was there?”
“Well, her…”
Slap!  “Don’t you lie to me, young lady – you know I’ll check!”
“Owww!  Cripes, that hurts!” I whined, nearly collapsing to the floor.  “And a bunch of girls…”  She raised her hand again.  “Wait, wait!  Um, maybe some guys… OWW!  Mama!  Please!  AUGH!”
“Where is it?  Where’s this slut suit of yours?”
“In my hamper…”  Damn!  Only got to wear it one time! (well, at least everybody saw me in it!)
So my mom dumps out my hamper and under the beach towel is the bikini and the baby oil… thank God I didn’t have a pack of cigarettes in there.  Even so, I’m going to have to find a new hiding place…
“C’mon,” she says, dragging me by the elbow.
“Mama!  I’m practically naked!”
“That’s not going to matter in a minute,” she promises.  I kind of crouch down, trying to stop her (and protect my butt) but it’s no use.  She drags me into the bathroom, puts her foot up on the tub, and throws me across her leg.  By now I’m crying and begging and apologizing like crazy, saying I’m sorry.
“Sorry you’re a tramp?” she asks and I immediately say ‘Yes!’ because I’m sorry about anything she wants me to be sorry about.  She picks up a washcloth and starts scrubbing my cheeks and thighs.  “First off, we’re going to get this goop off of you!  I want you to feel every bit of this!  And that’s the last you’ll be seeing of it for a long while, too!”
The washcloth hurts – worse than the slaps?  I don’t even know – they both hurt so much I can’t even think!  But the scrubbing hurts the whole time, crazy hurts!  I’m crying and just saying ‘please’…
When she’s happy with that she stands me up and barks ‘back to your room’ and I know better than to disobey – plus all I’m wearing is a thong!
She marches into the kitchen and comes back with some paper towels and the red silicone spatula-flipper.  She stands blocking the door but I’m backing into a corner, hands on my poor bottom.  She picks up the baby oil and says ‘Now we’re going to have a lesson.”
I’m still begging – not crying at the moment – and she’s still ignoring my pleading.  Truthfully, I don’t know what to say…
“I know I shouldn’t have…”
“If you knew, why’d you do it?  I told you not to buy that swimsuit!” she says, closing in on me.
I try to fight her but, even though we’re the same size, she’s a lot stronger – plus she has a weight advantage… pretty soon she has me pinned down over her knee.
“I do not intend to have my daughter flashing her fanny at any boy who wants to look!” she roars.
“I won’t!  I won’t!” I promise.
“Oh, you most certainly won’t!  I intend to see to that!”  With this she picks up the baby oil and starts spreading it on my bottom!
“Nooooo!  Mama!  Please, not that!  I don’t need that!  I’ll be good!  I promise!  I swear!”
“Oh, you’re going to learn what else this is good for, little missy!  Just you wait!”
“Mama… it hurts!  It already hurts!”
“Yes, I bet it does!” she says, picking up the spatula.  “Now you’re going to have a good long think!”  That’s what she thinks I’m doing while she’s spanking me – when really I can’t think at all!  I’m crying again, almost hysterical, squirming all I can without the least effect.
Whap! she begins, and I scream. Whap whap whap!
The sting is beyond… thinking.  In my head it’s just one long howl, while on my butt it’s a steady whap whap whap.
“We’ll see who you want to show this backside off to!” she proclaims.  “I’ll bet you’ll want to keep this covered for awhile now!”
The spatula is what she uses for her longest – and usually fastest – spankings, and this one is no exception – except that it hurts a hundred times as much.  I can’t even beg because I’m crying so hard.
“Let’s see what your friends all think of this!” comes before a new attack is launched.
“While you’re living under my roof, you will not be a tramp!” is the last thing I remember her saying – and it sounds like a really good idea!
Afterwards, I’m once again lying in my bed, on top of the covers, bottom oh-so-red (especially in those two spots), cheeks and thighs still greasy from that evil baby oil, trying to figure out where I’ll get the money for a new bikini.
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agnerd-bot · 1 year
Been getting back into VS Writing recently
I used to write some Death Battles on DeviantArt a while back, but I fell out of it a few years ago. However, given recent seasons have been giving me a VS writing itch, I thought I'd share a matchup I've working on. Enjoy!
Phantom Field, Purgatorium
Deep within a world hidden between the folds of time and space, within a land of flame, stone, and darkness, a massive castle stood. Forged of twisted steel and hewn from molten rock, this fortress served as one of the only safe havens from Purgatorium's molten domain.
Inside the castle, the fortress's master and sole occupant sat within a laboratory. A tall, voluptuous witch, with her long pink hair going down to her back and eyes colored black and gold, walked through her chambers, mind deep in thought. This was Konoe A. Mercury, master of the domain of Purgatorium. Suddenly, her stride stopped, and the witch's eyes narrowed, calmly waiting, even as she heard and saw absolutely nothing around her.
"AIYEEEEEEE!" From the rafters of the laboratory, a figure fell down, hitting the ground with a crash, the intruder's cloud-covered cloak wreathed in flames. To Nine's curiosity, the figure bore a bright orange mask, obscuring most of his features from view, save for a single hole for one of his eyes, and the bushy black hair sticking out from atop his head. "YEOWWWWW! HOT! HOTHOTHOTHOTHOT!" The fool who dared invade her sanctum was now rolling on the floor like a madman, desperately trying to put out the flames on his clothes. "STOP, DROP, AND ROLL! STOP, DROP, AND ROLL!"
Konoe, being the one who set him on fire in the first place, merely scoffed in annoyance at the childish flailing before her. "You have some nerve trying to sneak up on me..." the witch hissed out in barely-restrained rage. "Who are you? How did you get here? And why are you here?" Snapping her fingers, Nine raised her hand to ready another fireball. "Speak quickly, unless you want me to melt that mask to your face with this next attack."
Patting himself down, the masked man held up his hands placatingly, ignoring the remaining embers. "Hey, hey! Don't you think you're being a little too aggressive?! I am your house guest after all! A pity that you didn't have any snacks set out..." Seeing the former hero's eyes narrow,  the man began to sweat even more. "A-ny-ways! I was just in the neighborhood, dimension-hopping and all that, you know, the uuuuuuuuusual! And I thought I would stop by! After all, it's not often you find a world displaced from time and space like this!" Putting a fist to his chin, the intruder began to wrack his brain in thought. "Let's see, let's see, is there anything I'm forgetting...?"
"Your name," Nine responded exasperatedly. Did this man have rocks in his head, or was he simply enjoying being this annoying?
"Ohhhhhhhhh!" the masked man laughed, slapping his head. "Silly me! How could I have forgotten?" Extending a hand and no doubt smiling an infuriatingly dopey grin underneath his mask, the stranger let out an irritating guffaw. "My name's Tobi! Nice to meetcha! What's your name?"
"Tch!" Nine callously slapped Tobi's hand away, before pointing a blackened finger directly at his one visible eye. "Leave this place, clown. This isn't a daycare for morons. If I ever catch you here again, I will make sure that I eradicate you from existence." With that, Nine turned on her feel, marching away to resume work on Requiem.
"Awwww... Are you sure you don't want me to come back?" Tobi whined. "This place is sooooooo cool after all! I found so many interesting things to talk about when I get home!" Letting out a low chuckle, Tobi blinked, revealing his blood-red eye and the black wheel pattern within. "So many things indeed..."
At the sudden change in tone, Nine stopped mid-walk, turning to face the masked stranger, meeting his crimson eye with her own gold. "...I'll ask again." Nine rolled her shoulder back, cracking the knuckles on her left hand. "Why are you here?"
"That mechanical monstrosity you've constructed is powerful... and dangerous," Tobi began, keeping his voice in the same deep tone as before. "I can't have something like that interfering with my own plans." The two began to circle each other, neither one taking their eye off the other. “So I have to get rid of it… And if I need to, I’ll ensure the creation won’t be separated from its creator for too long…”
"Is that what this is about...?" Nine mumbled. "How short-sighted of you. My creation will replace 'God' and bring this world to order. I've seen the strings of fate that manipulate this world, and I intend to cut them all away. Tell me, you mask-wearing fool. Can you even comprehend my purpose?"
"Hehehehehe..." In an instant, Tobi vanished from before Nine's eye. No, it was more like he had vanished from existence entirely. As Nine looked around the room in confusion, she suddenly felt a chill run up her spine as a hand clasped at her shoulder. Leaning in close, Tobi whispered softly into Nine's ear.
“More than you could ever know..."
Before Konoe could even process the fact that Tobi had reappeared behind her, she felt a dull impact in her side as the Akatsuki member slammed his leg into her body. The witch's body was sent flying into a nearby window, shattering it upon impact and sending her flying out of her castle. Nine's body tumbled along the burning rock of Purgatorio, before she forced herself onto her feet.
"Hahahahaha! Made you look!" Tobi cackled, his voice returning to the same high-pitched, nasally tone it had before. Leaping out from the open window, he landed gracefully before Nine, taking a strange facsimile of a combat pose. "Now then, since you so rudely refused to take my generous offer of advice, you have left me no choice but to-"
"Hrrragh!" Infuriated at the man's sheer insolence, Nine unleashed a wave of fire, aiming to burn Tobi to nothing but ashes in the wind.
"EEEEEEEK!" The Akatsuki member's eye bugged out from behind his mask as he flinched back from the witch's wrath. However, even despite his panicked reaction, the area around his eye began to morph and swirl...
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Sing the Infinite Requiem
Nine the Phantom VS Obito Uchiha(Blazblue VS Naruto)
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
i’d like to hear the sick someya beats lore/intro. you’ve gotten me quite invested.
o h m y hello there, anon enabler~~👀👀
idk how unhinged this is gonna get, so i’ll be dropping a cut here, just like how tamamamamamagoro drops dem sick someya beats—
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tbh this whole thing started off as a simple desire to see the longleg do something completely out of character, so the lore really is completely all over the place with this one. but still!!!!!
anyways the (current) starting point for this crackery happens when koichiro gets a couple of tickets to an ft4 live from a patron. the longleg tags along because there’s no way koichiro’s gonna ask yujiro to accompany him, yk?
so the longleg and his shortleg son watch as ft4 drop their sick beats (and horrible dance moves) to fake star. koichiro turns to tamamamamamagoro, all fake starry-eyed and stuff and go “dad… i wanna do that too!!!” and longleg goes “ok”, because he’s old, has experienced nothing but kabuki in his entire sad life, and figured “hey, if anything this could prove to be an educational experience for me about the ways of the young whippersnappers”.
and so mc someya t. and lil’ ko commission iv to write them a backing track, providing their own “lyrics” to serve as a basis of inspiration. iv takes one look at the lyrics and tries to gently advise them against doing any of it, only to fail miserably when the longleg just says “do it. i’ll double the payment.” instead. poor iv offers “ok how’s this: i’ll teach you how to write your own backing tracks and songs, so please keep my name away from this hot mess of a work” (albeit in nicer terms). and that’s how lil’ ko becomes dj lil’ ko. longleg stays as mc someya t. though, because he likes how that name sounds.
the longleg and the shortleg work really hard on their song in the interim, to the point where they nearly collapse from overwork after a kabuki performance. “but it’s ok,” they reason, “it’s for the sake of our dream…”. tae just backs away slowly with a polite smile, wanting no part of this.
their first performance finally happens. they pass it off as an encore for their kabuki performance of the day, confusing all their patrons because “since when does kabuki have an encore????”. anyways, they quickly get changed out of their elaborate kimonos and come out in jaw-droppingly hideous getups.
picture this: one moment you see these two guys all dolled up and pretty in their kimonos, only to see those two same guys reemerge dressed in oversized shirts, baggy jeans, backwards caps, and ill-fitting sunglasses and chain necklaces. and then the smaller one tries to set up a dj booth as quickly as he can, as the taller one begins to beatbox horribly to some inaudible beats for some unknown reason. confusion? confusion.
once everything was finally ready, though, it turns out that their debut track, “sick someya beats”, was anything but sick. it sounded way more like a cursed combination of the end result of a kid’s first day at rhyming class and a lxl diss track, interspersed with “modern teen slang”, than anything. i mean, who tries to rhyme “it” with “it”? they’re the same word.
[dance interval, in which mc someya t. does a traditional dance with a folding fan he pulled out from somewhere within the deep recesses of his baggy jeans, all while dj lil’ ko just works the dj booth in the background]
“THIS HAS BEEN… SICK. SOMEYA. BEATS.” [explosion sound effects]
…and of course, the lyrics (aside from the yappa saikyou-related lines) were completely in english. it’s a small wonder why iv wanted nothing to do with it.
anyways, sick someya beats becomes a cursed hit, mostly because the idea of seeing a rich middle-aged man try his best to act like a teenager was weirdly hilarious at best. plus, it served as a good example of how not to rap, which was pretty helpful to aspiring rappers.
mc someya t.’s second single, “even a national treasure can be hip and cool too”, was a sleeper hit too. thrift stores started to use it as bgm all the time after its release
lxl know nothing about this until a fan asks them what their beef with “mc someya t. feat. dj lil’ ko” is. yujiro faints when they finally look up their self-proclaimed rivals after that interaction
the conflict happens when lxl finally sue mc someya t. and dj lil’ ko for defamation. there was a whole court case and everything that ended with them settling on a compromise to 1) leave lxl out of their diss tracks (“father, please. dissing ascana is more fun, i swear!”) and 2) to give aizo yujiro’s hand in marriage as a form of reparations, because aizo had nothing to do with the someyas before this. outsider rights, man
and the conclusion to this arc ends with mc someya t. and dj lil’ ko performing a rap cover of yappa saikyou at lxl’s wedding. shibasaki yujiro has tears in his eyes as he watches his stepfather and brother dance and rap at his wedding reception.
“this is… so not yappa saikyou.”
tl;dr: i just wanted mc someya t. to be a horrendous rapper for my own amusement; how did it end up like this—
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pinkkittysaw · 3 months
rewatching the best season of bridgerton and kate and anthony still give me the same rush 🙌🏻 YEOWWWWW
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jinx-o-rama · 1 year
Making that cover almost helped me forget about my constant nightmares!
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jordaneberle · 4 years
“Nylander got knocked down by Pierre Luc Dubois” sexy on sexy violence
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finnwrld · 3 years
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wockysudio · 2 years
Chapter 1: Romance Dawn Part 1
Gold Roger, the 'King of the Pirates,' had achieved it all.
Wealth, Fame, and Power had all been his.
Not surprisingly, the final words he spoke before the world government lopped off his head inspired adventurers throughout the world to sail the seas.
"My treasure?" Roger thought as the blades of the two swords cross his neck. "Why, it's right where I left it ..." A grin emerges on his face as he said, "It's yours for the taking, but you'll have to search the Whole World! I left everything I own in One Piece."
The world ... is about to witness A Great Era of Piracy!
One year ago a pirate ship made its base on a small harbor Village, where the winds blow from the east and the village is at peace.
As the ship is anchored on the docks, the black flag bearing a skull with three scars over the left eye and two swords crossing behind it also known as a Jolly Roger begins to flap against a strong wind that suddenly appeared.
"Hey, Luffy!" Yelled a red-haired man wearing a straw hat, "What're you up to now?!"
Luffy, a small boy standing on the Bow of the ship designed as a head of a dragon.
"Hmph!" The boy growled lifting a dagger up above his head, "I've had it with you guys!! Now you'll have to take me seriously!!" The boy grits his teeth, "This is how tough I am!!"
Red-haired laughed at the boy who spent the whole year trying to join his pirate crew, "Get it over with! Whatever it is..."
"What's the pup up to now?" Asked one of the crew members wearing a strip shirt and bandana.
"Now!" Luffy cried.
"You idiot what'd you do that for!?"
Later that afternoon, the Red-Hair crew finds themselves at their favorite pub.
"A toast!! To Luffy's... Courage? And to our great voyage!!"
The crew begins to cheer.
"Har Har Har Har! Drink up!"
"Grog! Grog! Grog! More Grog!"
"Hey, that's my meat!"
"Not anymore I'm gonna eat it!
"Hey stop fighting! You'll spoil the fun!"
Luffy carrying a big smile hiding his tears as he sits at the bar and a bandage under his eye.
"It didn't hurt a bit!"
"Liar!" Red-hair yells, "That was a foolish thing to do!"
Excitingly Luffy Shouts, "I'm not the least bit afraid of getting hurt! Take me with you on your next voyage! I wanna be a pirate too!!!"
"HAHAHA! You?! A Pirate?! Impossible!!" Red-hair laughs as he is enjoying his meal next to the boy, "Luffy, do you know why we call you the 'Anchor'? Because you can't swim You just sink!! What good is a pirate who can't swim?"
Red-hair has been a pirate for years and knows a thing or two when it comes to the dangers of the sea. Once a Cabin boy in his earlier years now Captain of his own ship, Luffy would need to prove himself if he ever wants to compare to his idle Red-haired Shanks.
Disagree with Shank's statement, "but if I don't fall overboard then it doesn't matter if I'm an Anchor!! AND I'm a strong Fighter!" Throwing a punch in the air, "I've been training! My punch is as powerful as a pistol!"
"A pistol, eh?" Red-hair Shanks unimpressed by Luffy's efforts, "is that so..."
"Are you Doubting me?!"
"Calm Down Luffy!"
"Let's just have a good time!"
"Yeah! Pirates Always have a good time!"
"The Sea is vast and there's lots of islands to explore!"
"And best of all, pirates have FREEDOM!!"
Luffy now with stars in his eyes is all excited about being a pirate.
"You guys stop filling his head with crazy ideas," Shanks tries to calm his crew down with a spoon hanging in his mouth as he tries to finish his meal.
As the crew tries to convince their captain to let Luffy join, Shanks agrees only if one of his crewmates is willing to stay back. They quickly went back to drinking leaving Luffy frustrated that Shank's crew no longer were helping him join.
"You're just too young, kid. Maybe in ten years, I'll give you a chance."
"Cap'n Shanks! I'm telling you... I'm not a little kid!!"
"Don't get upset now. Here, have some milk."
"Oh boy! Thanks!" Luffy then takes a big chug of milk.
"See!" Shanks laughs, "A real Pirate would never drink Milk!"
"That was a dirty trick!" Luffy walks away from Shanks holding the glass of milk. "Hmph! I'm getting tired of this. I even stabbed myself in the face so you'd take me with you."
"Luffy.." A man lights his cigarette while sitting alone, "The captain's just doing what's best for everyone.."
"How do you figure, Mr. Frist Mate sir?"
"The safety of the entire crew and ship rests on his shoulders. Being a pirate isn't all fun and games, you know. There's lots of duties like... Pillaging, hostage-taking, heavy drinking ... and swimming! Plus the captain knows the sea can kill you in a thousand ways. It's not that he's trying to crush your dreams."
"Well, I don't believe it! Shanks just likes to make me look dumb."
"Hey, Anchor!" Shanks calls out chuckling.
"Captain Shanks!" the beautiful green hair bar keeper Makino walks up carrying a keg of beer, "I'm glad to see you and your crew are enjoying yourselves."
"Ho boy, I just love making fun of this kid!"
"Hmmm," the first mate looking over at Luffy as he points at Shanks, "Maybe the lad's got a point..."
"Luffy would you like something to eat? Makino ask.
"Yeah! Just put it on my treasure tab!"
Shanks scorns Luffy for trying to swindle Makino with no money as Luffy argues. Mikino begins to laugh at the two while preparing Luffy's food, she then tells Luffy that they can celebrate when he returns from this adventure.
As Luffy struggle eating his uncut steak, he beings to worry that he won't be able to learn to swim by the time Shanks and his crew leave the village, Shanks mentioned that after two or maybe two more voyages they would have enough money to head north and leave the village for good.
"I'm gonna learn how to swim by the time you leave!"
"That's good kid... Do whatever you want."
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wbrly · 7 years
I️ just scored far cry primal special edition for $23 yeowwwww
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jinx-o-rama · 11 months
Me when
Me when um
When um
Um um
*Stomps on your cock like a silly little guy*
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