quotelr · 4 days
Don’t just exist; do something meaningful with your life. Discover a problem and fix it.Don’t just fit in; make it a point to brighten your corner. Decide to resolve your challenges. Don’t just manage; go extra mile and win your race. Never give up the fight. You will win.Don’t just be able; always make sure you are available. Be present to make a change.Don’t just be alive; once you have arrived, find the reason why and make that reason accomplished.Don’t just wish; be passionate about what you wish to see happen. Rise up and make it happen.Don’t just create; create to change; change to improve; improve to increase. Aspire to inspire.Don’t just be making a living; make a life and leave an indelible footstep wherever you step.I want to meet you and many others on the top. Don’t be left out!
Israelmore Ayivor, Become a Better You
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wiirocku · 3 months
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Proverbs 9:9 (NASB1995) - Give instruction to a wise man and he will be still wiser, Teach a righteous man and he will increase his learning.
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afza147 · 6 months
Ep9 My demon (4)
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Gosh..since this sbs..the hotness could increase if it's jtbc..I know they can do it more sexy and sensual..haha
Well at least Song Kang body was shown😍😍
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chronic-cynic · 2 months
what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what th
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thefairysforest · 2 years
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wisdomfish · 12 days
"Pride increases, arrogant and/or abusive behavior ensues, and people suffer."
~ Thomas A. Tarrants
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pikminpediaart · 8 months
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Buffet Times (3/6)
Groaning, Sarge lifted himself back up and wiped the drool from his mouth. “Gosh… why does that feel so good?” He looked up at where he thought Charlie was, but he didn’t see anyone this time. The only thing he could see was the empty guest tables around him with the buffet across the way.   Sarge lowered his hands to his belly. Placing a hand over his stomach, he pressed in as hard as he could… there was no firmness. His belly sank it deeply now. Pulling his hand away, Sarge looked down at his belly. He could see that the wall of muscles he had seemed to be… missing. His belly was now lapping over his pants in a subtle manner, covering up the unfastened button with ease.   He felt his eye twitch as he placed both his hands under his belly. Hefting it up, he was dismayed to feel it had a lot of heft to it. It felt heavier than it did before, yet now his stomach was emptied… again. He couldn’t pull his shirt back down anymore. It kept riding up and showing his belly hair constantly. “I feel mortified,” he said. Looking from his table to the buffet, and then to the exit, he gritted his teeth. “I… I think I wanna get going. I’ve had enough food… ha...ha.”   Sarge kept pulling his shirt down as he walked toward the front desk. He could see Charlie was standing at it. Charlie had both his elbows on the front counter with his head resting on his hands. When Sarge walked by, Charlie perked up. “Hello there, guest, enjoying the food?”   “Ahh yeah, it was all uh… really good!” Sarge said, whizzing past Charlie. “Unfortunately, I gotta get going! But I’ll be sure to be back again. Just… uh… charge the rest of the payment to my account-”   Sarge took one step on the welcome mat and his body froze. Try as he might, he couldn’t get himself to move. He could feel a set of hands rubbing his belly, but they felt different… cold. They weren’t warm and relaxing like Charlie’s hands, they felt almost… metallic.   He stood there, helplessly, as the arms rubbed his belly up and down. They then grasped portions of his belly, seeming to pull it outward as far as it could go. They then shook his belly which, to his chagrin, had grown a “jiggling” quality to it. After a few minutes of this… odd set of hands jostling his midriff, a digital-styled light popped on the glass door in front of him with the text, “0.00 lbs.” on it.   “Oh, no can do, big guy,” Charlie’s familiar voice said from right behind Sarge. Jumping, Sarge turned around to face Charlie.   “What do you mean? I can’t leave?!” Sarge screamed.   “Relax, big guy,” Charlie said, placing a hand on Sarge’s belly, causing Sarge to freeze up again. “You agreed to the Fat Man’s Eating Challenge. As you can see, the challenge says you��ve eaten zero pounds of food. All you gotta do is get to twelve pounds and you’re good to go.” Charlie took his hand off Sarge’s belly.   Sarge felt panic rise inside him. “Zero? But I literally just ate three platefuls of meat! Even just lifting it up was difficult! I thought that was like… six pounds!”   “If you ate it,” Charlie said, placing his hand on Sarge’s belly again, but firmly pressing into Sarge’s stomach area, “where’s the food?” He took his hand away.   “I… uh… I dunno! I thought you told me that massage made it easier to digest the food. It’s probably in my intestines somewhere!” Sarge groped at his belly, lifting it up as high as he could. “YOU even saw the food I ate! Why are you doing this?”   Charlie tilted his head to the side. “Welcome to Grand Surprises. Again, gimick for this week.”   “What even happened to me? Why is my stomach so… flabby?” Sarge whined.   “Nothing wrong with being fat,” Charlie said. “I think it makes you look cute.”   “Fat? I’m not fat! I’m rather well-built, thank you!” Sarge protested.   “Oh really? And what was your name again, big guy?” Charlie asked.   “My name? What does my name have to do with this?” Sarge asked.   “Your name?” Charlie asked.   “It’s S-” Sarge tried to say his name, but the moment it came to his mind, he lost it. “It’s… uh… what is my name?” He scratched his head. “Why can’t I remember my name?”   “Sarge, if I recall?” Charlie Chided.   “S-” Sarge tried to repeat what Charlie said, but he just couldn’t get himself to do so. “Is it?”   “No, well… not anymore. You don’t have a name,” Charlie put a finger to Sarge’s nose and poked it. “You gave it to me, remember? Right before the massage.”   “I only told you my name! I can say it! My name is-” ... tried to say it again, but this time, he felt something in his mind rip away.   “From now on, you’ll be called Big Guy,” Charlie smirked. “That alright, Big Guy?”   “That’s not my name,” Big Guy growled.   “Then what is it?”   “It’s… uh,” again, Big Guy tried to think of his name… but the only thing coming to mind was Big Guy. “It’s… Big Guy?”   Charlie giggled, patting Big Guy’s head. Big Guy felt a strange sensation of chills move from the top of his head, down his spine, and into his stomach. The chills began to intensify until his stomach began to growl. He felt hungry again… and he wanted more food.   “Now, go get more food, Big Guy. I’m sure you’ll find that you’re oh-so-close to reaching that twenty-four pound goal.   “Twenty four? Wasn’t it twelve?” Big Guy asked, looking down at his belly. “Big Guy can’t even fit-”   “Well, if you want your name back, Bug Guy, then you better get to eating! Twenty four pounds. No less.”   Big Guy whined again. His mind was swimming with confusion. Looking outside, he could see his car in the parking lot. It sat there, alone. No one else was coming in any time soon…. He was stuck here.   Helpless, confused, and scared, Big Guy went back to the buffet and filled up his plates. His stomach seemed to growl when he was close to the pasta bar, so he loaded up on different pastas. Lasagna, spaghetti, cavatappi…. He used to favor only marinara, but his stomach seemed to be craving every type of sauce there. He had to make a few trips, filling up six plates of food by the time he sat down to eat.   The pasta tasted divine. With each successive bite, he felt his worries melt away. The food here was amazing! A few more bites and Big Guy realized he was now completely done with his six plates of pasta. He wasn’t sure how much it all weighed, but he knew it was certainly a large volume of carbs he had ingested.   With a few huffs, Big Guy scooted his chair back, allowing his belly to breathe more. He didn’t even need to feel his stomach with his hand to know he was nearly bloated now. Much like the previous few times, Big Guy felt like he didn’t want to eat another bite. He groaned and started to rub his belly, as per usual. “Urk, Big Guy feel like…” Big Guy stopped cold, immediately realizing what was about to happen. Pushing against the table, Big Guy shot himself backward, almost knocking his chair over as he did. He tried to get up, but the girth of his belly caused him to lose his balance. He wasn’t expecting such a weight difference. Surely this was enough to meet the-   A pair of hands caught Big Guy. “Oh, careful now, Big Guy… you wouldn’t want to fall, would ya? For a man as fat as you, that’d be quite the fall!” To no surprise, it was Charlie.   “Big Guy isn’t fat!” Big Guy retorted, trying to wrestle himself free of Charlie, but found his efforts to be useless, as he was fighting against both Charlie and his own belly. “Wait… did Big Guy just say name in third person?”   “Indeed you did! Forgetting how to use ‘I’ are you? So focused on keeping your name in your head you barely notice if other bits of information slip away!” Charlie chuckled, already wrapping his hands around Big Guy. The moment they touched Big Guy’s belly, he expected to be completely frozen again. However, this time, he noticed he was able to move his head a bit. Looking down, Big Guy could see the pair of hands rubbing over his belly again. Even though he was watching the hands press firmly into his stomach, the need to upchuck never came.   At one point, one of Charlie’s hands pressed into Big Guy’s belly until it hit Big Guy’s muscular wall, which was further destended than he had ever seen it before. When Charlie went over this same spot again, Big Guy noticed that the hand pressed in a lot deeper. Both the hands inched downward and hefted up Big Guy’s belly. With a quick drop, Big Guy felt his gut wrench, as if it was being changed from the inside out…. He felt his stomach begin to growl again. The food was no longer there… but why was his stomach still so big?   (Part 3 of 6)   Artwork/Story/Characters (C) Pikminpedia
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God delights to increase the faith of his children. We ought, instead of wanting no trials before victory, no exercise for patience, to be willing to take them from God’s hands as a means. Trials, obstacles, difficulties, and sometimes defeats, are the very food of faith.
George Mueller
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thecryptidart1st · 2 years
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i have no idea what it is but the sketches of my plant witch OC have been favorited by these “definitely not a p-bot” tumblr accounts for a couple of months now. like luckily most of them are blank accounts but still no clue what math led them to this being the piece they’ve decided to favorite most
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ukdamo · 4 months
Love’s Growth
John Donne
I scarce believe my love to be so pure As I had thought it was, Because it doth endure Vicissitude, and season, as the grasse; Methinks I lied all winter, when I swore, My love was infinite, if spring make’it more.
But if this medicine, love, which cures all sorrow With more, not onely bee no quintessence, But mixt of all stuffes, paining soule, or sense, And of the Sunne his working vigour borrow, Love’s not so pure, and abstract, as they use To say, which have no Mistresse but their Muse, But as all else, being elemented too, Love sometimes would contemplate, sometimes do
And yet no greater, but more eminent, Love by the spring is grown; As, in the firmament, Starres by the Sunne are not inlarg’d, but showne, Gentle love deeds, as blossomes on a bough, From love’s awakened root do bud out now.
If, as in water stir’d more circles bee Produc’d by one, love such additions take, Those like so many spheares, but one heaven make, For, they are all concentrique unto thee, And though each spring doe adde to love new heate, As princes do in times of action get New taxes, and remit them not in peace, No winter shall abate the spring’s encrease.
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fx24forexlearning · 2 months
The 5-3-1 Trading Strategy?
Opting for five currency pairs.
Developing three trading strategies.
Selecting one time of day for trading.
Currency pair selection.
Trading strategy development.
Time of day allocation.
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crnklart · 1 year
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It’s Scorching
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wiirocku · 1 year
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Proverbs 24:5 (NKJV) - A wise man is strong, Yes, a man of knowledge increases strength;
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albertfinch · 5 months
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Right now, we celebrate the Holy Spirit bringing us into a divine convergence to position us for a continual increase in wisdom, stature, and favor!
Luke 2:52 reads, "And Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men."
WISDOM is the application of your understanding and the supernatural ability to turn your encounters and dreams with God into reality. This increase in the Spirit of Wisdom is being poured out to give you the capacity to clearly recognize where your FOCUS should be directed right now. In the Bible the "Sons of Issachar" knew the times (kairos: the NOW opportunities) and the seasons.
STATURE refers to the size of your heart and your inner man. It's a combination of your God-sized dreams, His presence on your life, and the size of your YES to God. Your stature in the Spirit causes a healthy recognition and is used by God to attract favor with God and men.
FAVOR is a direct result of apprehending and moving in your Christ calling as you bear fruit that remains for God’s Kingdom.
2 Corinthians 9:8 reads, "And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed."
The secret to your increase in these NOW moments is directly linked to recognizing and valuing your "Burning Bush" (new and uncommon) invitations and your ability to "take off your shoes" and stay a while with Him.
Moses not only turned aside to encounter God's obvious invitations, but he built a dwelling place for continual encounters and called it "The Tent of Meeting". From that day on everyone knew that Moses was intentional about obeying God and using obedience and communion with God to receive more understanding and favor.
In Exodus 33:13, Moses discovers how to use his favor, "Now therefore, I pray You, if I have found favor in Your sight, let me know Your ways that I may know You, so that I may find favor in Your sight."
Exodus 33:14-16 reads "And He said, 'My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest.' Then he said to Him, 'If Your presence does not go with us, do not lead us up from here. For how then can it be known that I have found favor in Your sight, I and Your people? Is it not by Your going with us, so that we, I and Your people, may be distinguished from all the other people who are upon the face of the earth?'"
Moses had learned from his surprise "Burning Bush" encounters, and from wearing a path in the sand to his regularly scheduled "Tent of Meeting" moments with God, that experiencing more of God's presence would cause him to go from favor to friendship.
Then Moses said, "I pray You, show me Your glory!" (verse 17)
You have found the favor and the friendship of God who says to you this day, "I will be with you just as I was with Moses."
God shows His glory in us as we move from glory to glory as we bear fruit that remains for His advancing Kingdom through our Christ calling.
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What's the best method to boost my organic traffic by using the correct SEO practices?
Between all of the PPC ads, every website should have enough organic traffic, so that business owners are able to not only increase sales, but also boost their revenue ratio without spending a lot of money on PPC ads.
Here are some SEO-friendly methods I employ to increase organic traffic to any website:
Utilize content-based keywords
It is well-known how crucial the research of keywords is, but just adding the most relevant keywords to your website content isn't enough. Always make sure to include keywords that are relevant to the topic I write about.
So, if someone is looking for the same subject on Google There is an increase of 60% that they'll find your site effortlessly.
Make sure you use the correct meta titles and descriptions
The meta tag and the title are essential to improve your SERP rank on Google. Meta descriptions are only the text that appears beneath the title of the content in the search results.
Both the title and description are crucial for organic SEO. They should be optimized to the highest level for all websites.
Regularly guest blog to build backlinks
Writing guest posts is not only helping me establish connections with industry leaders but also allows my content to be discovered by a new public and helps me build high-quality backlinks to enhance the off-page SEO of my site.
Optimize the Website to allow for Mobile viewing
Another method to boost SEO is to make every website mobile-friendly. Nowadays, the majority of users visit their most visited websites via phones, and therefore it is essential to make your website mobile-friendly according to the aspect ratio of mobile devices.
Monitor the speed at which pages load. pages
The speed of loading plays a crucial factor in ranking SEO. I try to try to achieve a loading speed that is less three seconds. The longer is required to load up a web page, the greater the chance of visitors leaving your website and not even seeing it properly.
Thus, increasing the bounce rate that will impact the SEO rankings negatively.
End Thoughts
Enhancing the SEO of any site isn't difficult if you take the proper steps however I consider off-page SEO to be complicated, so I recommend using professional tools like Postifluence (link within the comment) to find the most effective guest post opportunities within my particular field.
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thewtcho · 2 years
Civil Servants Seek Salary Increase
Civil Servants Seek Salary Increase
Following the increase in the pump price of petrol, some federal and state civil servants have appealed to both governments to increase workers salaries to reduce their hardships. The workers, who spoke to the News Agency of Nigeria, in separate interviews on Friday in Katsina, said the appeal was necessary because prices of goods and transportation had also skyrocketed. A Federal Government…
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