#INT: rantaro
injurious-obsession · 2 years
Saihara had just gotten off work, and was walking home when he spotted two, tall males on a bench. The green haired one laughed softly, leaning in to steal an opened mouth kiss from the darker haired one, clumsily crashing his lips against their black mask. Oh, fuck- It had to be Amami and Shinguuji, based on their appearance and demeanours. But why would they be practically making out on a bench, in public?
Saihara had flicked his lighter open and closed. Flick. Flick. Flick. He seemed a bit surprised as he spotted two.. way.. taller males on a bench, making out. He let out a small laugh, running a hand through his own hair as he practically looked at them, maybe those little high school ‘crushes’ he had hadn’t gone away. His heart was beating so fast.. Since, his gaze was just completely glued on the other two. He found himself biting his lip, maybe.. just.. maybe.. was he waiting for the other two to notice him.. for once.. he didn’t want to make the first move.
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crying-in-libraries · 2 years
“H-Hey, Saihara. Long time no see, am.. I right?” A certain, but semi-familiar green haired male walked up to the former detective..
Green-tea looked hair rain down his back, tied up in a lazy ponytail, as he fiddled with a ring he wore. He wore a tan shirt that went over his shoulders, along with black pants and black sneakers. To finish it all off, he had wore a beige sweater and a mushroom necklace along with that.
This was the new Amami Rantaro. Who got out of that horrible game the public called “Danganronpa.”
-> ( @headspeacememories. )
Shuichi had been walking around for a little bit, he tends to do that when he goes out and then finds out there’s no place he really wanted to go. He looked around, wide golden eyes scanning the area as his name was called. “Amami?” His gaze fixated on the other, his lips slowly forming a smile. “It’s really nice to see you.. how have you been?” They asked softly as they fidgeted with their own ring.
The former detective had grown his hair out quite a bit as it was tied in a lazy looking bun, he was wearing a black and gray striped sweater that showed off his lightly freckled shoulders. He was also wearing black pants and some white sneakers. It would be a lie if he didn’t say that Amami looked attractive- I mean.. he always did..
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kokiwiouma · 7 months
OK so my Hajime, assigned female at birth just goes by he/him
i came up with this bc 1. i am a girl and we the player play danganronpa as Hajime 2. saw somebody draw hajime with a mullet and it came to me this way 3. his chest size, i know that's nothing but this is my au and if you wanna take up arms with me im not going to argue the issue if you don't like my ideas leave me be cause the first person who tries to come in here and argue with me is getting your ask deleted or blocked YES I CAN HIT THE BLOCK BUTTON
my Hajime is Izuru's sibling and Makoto's cousin, Nagito and Chiaki are his roomates but the house ironically is in Nagito's name and It was Nagito by himself until Hajime moved in and Chiaki soon came after. Later on at some point she got her own place but she doesn't live there she just kinda is here all the time and she's thinking of giving it to one of their friends.
Now we are going into other characters cause this was supposed to only be about Hajime but it turned into something else
Makoto,Byakuya and Kyoko are roomates but Makoto started dating Junko and Bya didn't really vibe with that so he told him if she's gonna stay here your gonna have to go and Kyoka got on him about it so now Makoto lives next door, they live in a apartment. Junko wants to own a house
Junko used to date Nagito when she was crazy but she slowly came to "yo, i need some help im wack" and they broke up
Nagito also dated Mikan but she was wack as well he also dated Ibuki and it's kinda hard to tell if he's dating either of them he doesn't make mention of his love life. Hajime wants the tea lowkey Chiaki already understands and refuses to let Hajime in cause that aint her business.
Chiaki and Junko are worsties
Chiaki is also always over at Maki's house.
Maki and Tenko are roomates they live in a actual house.
not sure about everyone elses situation but before Hajime moved int with Nagito he lived with Fuyuhiko i honestly might just move everyone in together cause why not?
Kazuichi,Fuyuhiko,Peko i guess Mahiru,Hiyoko, and Mikan live together Nagito can't really stand living with Mikan so he can't live with them cause they had a lovers to toxic relationship and he doesn't want to go back but he;s weak to her so he understands he can't put himself in that kind of situation where he's around her so he stays away.
Mikan doesn't give a crap i love her honestly i do
Kotoko is freshly adopted into Nagito's famliy he has a hard relationship with Leon who is also his brother and Rantaro is Nagito's step brother, Nagito,Kotoko and Leon got adopted into his family when Nagito was homeless he lived with Rantaro for a little bit before he got his own place with Kotoko
There is so much stuff about them in my head that is so random like im still including the ultimate stuff but like nobody killed anybody but i don't know how to incorporate that into the story like they aren't normal people the killing game happened? i guess? but it was like a simulation that is everyone is traumatized from the world did get destroyed a little bit i guess? i don't know i don't know how to fit the puzzles together yet
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geminiamethyst · 2 years
Limitless. Chapter 29: Running Again
Chapter 1: click HERE
Chapter 28: click HERE
Chapter 30: click HERE
It had been a week since Maki turned eighteen. Since celebrating her birthday, she started to be more open to everybody. She has finally been able to talk to the other Limitless without them worrying about her doing something to them. She could communicate without them referring to her as "Murder Girl" like they had done so before. It helped to make her feel more comfortable with talking to them. She had gotten out a lot more too. Some days she would find herself walking around town or sitting in the park during the early hours of the morning to try to get some time to herself. She always lets Kaito or one of the others know that she's going out on her own as to not cause a panic. It was the lark that she visited more often, especially when it was early in the morning. She enjoyed watching the winter sun coming up and start brightening up the town. It felt soothing to her.
Currently she was sitting int he upstairs apartment where the girls resided. She had done some hand to hand combat training with Tenko, but decided to take a break after going at it for at least an hour and a half. She was sipping some tea that she had made for Kaede and herself. She had stopped wearing a black hoodie or dark red jacket for now. She had decided to wear the jacket that the girls had given her, to show that she truly appreciated them for the gift and how comfortable they were with her.
"So, what's going on between you and Kaito?" Kaede suddenly asked, a smile making itself known.
"What do you mean?" Maki asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I saw you kiss him on the cheek." Kaede giggled, remembering what happened when she and Shuichi watched the window for Kaito and Maki to get inside the apartment on the night of Maki's birthday. Immediately understanding what that meant, Maki's face turned bright pink. "So what's going on between you two?" Seeing Maki like this, Kaede couldn't help herself. She had been suspecting something going on between the two for some time now. She honestly thought that they had gotten together by now considering how close they were.
"Nothing!" Maki protested, suddenly feeling defensive. Why was she being defensive? She suddenly felt her heart beating fast just thinking at how she had kissed Kaito on the cheek. She wasn't in love with him. At least, she didn't think so. It was just a sign of how grateful she was for what he did.
"Are you sure?" Kaede asked, her smile looking mischievous and knowing all of a sudden.
"Do you wanna die? There's nothing going on between us." Maki protested again, her face suddenly becoming the same shade of red as her eyes. She felt an odd feeling in her chest as she denied the accusations, as if something inside her told her that she was wrong to say it. Kaede didn't seem convinced. She was ready to ask something, her mouth opening. However, she was suddenly cut off at the sound of the door slamming open. None of the doors had locks, so it was that easy to burst into an apartment uninvited. All the girls looked to see Rantaro at the wide open door, his face looking pale.
"Hey! You degenerate! No ma-" Tenko started to rant.
"Downstairs! Now! We have an emergency!" Rantaro shouted, ignoring the martial artist's outburst. He suddenly dashed back downstairs, going so fast that he was risking tripping down the stairs. The girls each exchanged a worried glance before dropping everything and following him. They rushed to the boys' apartment seeing the commotion.
"Gonta such an idiot! Gonta sorry! Gonta sorry!" Gonta cried, holding his head in despair as tears started to roll down his face.
"Gonta, calm yourself." Kiyo tried to calm the giant down, gesturing for him to sit down.
"What's going on, big guy?" Kaito asked gently. He must have been up here before Rantaro warned the girls about the trouble. With Gonta still upset, Kirumi was able to calm him down just enough so she could explain.
"Gonta and I went to get food supplies. It started out okay, until Gonta got distracted by an insect. I didn't think too much of it so I left him to it. Only Gonta spotted someone that he recognised from the lab." Kirumi explained, her face looking grim. Everyone started to look worried at the news. "We came straight back here. We tried to make sure that we weren't followed, but we can't be sure." It didn't quite help to calm everyone down. If anything, it made it worse.
Panic set in. Everyone suddenly started shouting at once. Kaito couldn't quite make everything out, but he definitely heard something along the lines of "what are we going to do now?" and "we're screwed! We're going to get caught again!". It was starting to get to the point where no one was thinking straight.
"EVERYONE! SHUT UP!" Kaito suddenly boomed so loudly that he may as well have caused an earthquake. Everyone stopped talking and looked at him. Seeing that he had grabbed everyone's attention, Kaito took a deep breath, calming himself down. "Okay. We all knew that this was happening one day. That's why we kept planning everything, right? So what we need to do now, is to look at train schedules and pack whatever supplies we can." That's what everyone had been doing since they arrived. Once, sometimes twice, a week, they would plan how they would get out of town should they be found out. They would check out train schedules and bus schedules. They would plan out routes so they could get to another town, or as far as they could go should they be forced to leave on foot. They pre-packed clothes and blankets. They even made sure that they had enough non perishable food to pack should the time come. They just wished that this time hadn't have come so soon.
"Miu and I have been going to the train station periodically as planned. I can print out train schedules for today and tomorrow." Keebo spoke up, immediately catching on with what they need to do. Using the camera function that Miu had given him, he was able to print out any pinpoints in his memory. The only hitch was that the photo came out as the size of an A5 Polaroid photograph. Miu was one step ahead. She was able to make a photocopier and used it to print out an A3 copy of the photographs. She laid them all out on the floor, showing everyone. They all scanned the schedules when Rantaro grabbed one and laid it on the table. He motioned everyone to join him.
"I think that we should take this one. It's almost at the start of peak time, so it should provide enough cover for us." He suggested pointing to the schedule that he was looking at. Peak time. That would mean that they might have better cover, a better chance of being lost in a crowd. There was a risk of being spotted, but it was better than walking through the town when it was quiet. Kaito looked over the schedule, determining when would be a good station to get off at. He was thinking maybe the last one, which was Tokyo. However, his eyes suddenly focused in on one particular location.
"That's...that's my home. That's where I'm from." He found himself saying out loud, pointing at the very familiar sounding name.
"Really?" Tsumugi asked, suddenly looking interested.
"Yes. My grandparents know the city better than I do. Maybe they know some place where we could be safe." Kaito explained as he caught everyone's attention. There was still some hope.
"Then it's settled. Everyone, be ready within the half hour and we'll get to the station. Remember, essentials only." Rantaro ordered, taking charge of everything. No one waited to hear what else he wanted to say. They all rushed to their rooms, packing anything extra that they may need. Maki was about to stuff a spare hoodie into her bag for good measure, when she caught sight of the cheetah plushie on her bed. She held it in her hands, staring at it forlornly. She had packed two spare outfits, a spare pair of trainers, a small towel, a toothbrush, a hair brush, the book that she got for her birthday, some money, a new full bottle of water and snacks. Should she really pack something that seemed insignificant to everyone else?
"You okay, Maki Roll?"
Maki looked up, spotting Kaito in her now open doorway. He looked at her in concern as he slipped on his jacket. He slipped it on so his right sleeve was hanging off of his shoulder, wearing his left sleeve normally.
"Just debating whether or not to bring this." Maki sighed, looking back down at the soft toy in her hands.
"It's your choice. I mean, I could always get you another one." Kaito offered, stepping forwards and placing his hands on her shoulders.
"It's not that. It's more of a sentimental value than anything else." Maki sighed again, unable to stop herself from hugging the plushie close to her. "Sorry, I'm probably sounding like some selfish child right now."
"No way. I get it." Kaito spoke up, rubbing Maki's shoulders in a comforting matter. He truly understood where she was coming from. After his parents died, there was a lot of their possessions that Kaito wanted to keep other than photographs of them. The most that he got was a necklace that his mother wore everyday and his father's jacket. It didn't seem like much back then, but looking back on it now, it was more than enough. "If you want to bring it, then bring it. It's your choice Maki Roll." Maki looked down at the plushie again. She grabbed her backpack. She stuffed it in as best she could. She wanted to see if it could fit alright, despite it being almost full.
"There's enough room for it. If it starts to become inconvenient, I'll give it to a child that might appreciate it more." Maki said, making a firm decision. She knows that she can't being the others, so she's more than happy to give them to somebody else. It's just the cheetah one that she doesn't want to let go of that easily. Kaito smiled, rubbing her back comfortingly. Knowing that they were ready, they went back upstairs. Everyone else was just as ready as they were ahead of time. It gave them the opportunity to grab any spare food to have on the train. No one knows what might happen, but they know one thing. They can't afford to waste time and risk getting caught. This was their one chance with such a small window of opportunity. They need to leave now!
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"Hey! I wanted to introduce myself. I'm Rantaro Amami, nice to meet you." @askrantaro-amami
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“Oh, hello Rantaro, it’s nice to meet you too. I’m Nagito Komaeda, the Ultimate Lucky Student.”
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devilish-melody · 2 years
*Sometime after the battle, Monosuke was able to find some time for himself to look for his girlfriend. he already lose one loved one, he doesn't want to lose another.*
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And Suke is... immediately tackled by an incubus with a vengeance, teeth bared.
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Rantaro tries to pry him off quickly, but Kokichi is... holding on.
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Welcome to your three that are still standing.
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smiles-and-scars · 3 years
H-hi! I was wondering if I could talk to Rantaro?
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Rantaro stands above a fresh corpse, soaked in blood and carving a wretched smile into the man's stomach/chest area. When he sees you, he puts on that charming smile and waves to you.
"Oh, hey there! The name's Rantaro Amami! And you are?"
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Hi Rantaro! how are you?
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"Oh, hey, Erika-Chan! I've had better days, I'll admit. But still, there's always hope for tomorrow to be better, right? Anyhow, I'm rambling now. How about you?"
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dissonantaki · 3 years
-1 M!A :) sorry avacado man life is just cruel like that
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Kaede felt her breath catch in her throat. This was it. This was all she had to make things right. Right here, right now. As much as it hurt to do, she looked up at her old friend, tears in her eyes. His cold expression seemed to soften as he saw that she was crying. “T-Taro. Listen to me.” She took a deep, shaky breath, and in a split second decision, took his hands in hers. “I regret everything I did in that game every single day. The only thing I don’t regret is spending time with people I grew to really, really care about. I loved every second we spent together during free time. I’m trying my best to be better. I have Yuki to look after. There are people here that I care about. I’m doing my best to be better for all of you. To move on and leave Danganronpa behind forever, for every single one of you that died. You don’t have to forgive me. In fact, I don’t expect you to. I just...” Tears started to spill down Kaede’s cheeks, but she didn’t dare take her hands away from Rantaro’s in order to wipe them away. “I just need you to know that. Before you go. If you hate me... th-then that’s okay. I just need you to know that I’m doing everything I can to be someone that... that you’d all be proud of.”
Rantaro found himself having difficulty keeping his eyes open. But he managed to stay awake for now, looking Kaede in the eyes. He squeezed her hands. “I understand. Whenever you get to that point, and I think you’ll know when you hit it, just know that we’re all behind you. No point in trying to hold you back if you’re trying to go in the right direction, right? Are we just supposed to tell you to stay evil?” he laughed. “I think you’re doing a pretty good job for yourself. Am I a little upset? Yeah, sure. But I can be proud of you and still be affected by things that happened in the past. You’re on a pretty nice path here, Kae. Stay on it for me, will ya?”
Kaede blinked tears out of her eyes, smiling and nodding. “Y-Yeah. Yeah. Don’t worry, I will. I promise you.”
She closed her eyes to breathe, and she felt Rantaro’s hands disappear from her own.
[ Unexpected Reunion M!A: 19/19- End! ]
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taroamamii · 4 years
Kaito you're such a dumbass but we love you
“Hey! I'm not a dumb—” he gets cut off by Rantaro giving him a kiss on the cheek 😔
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“Shh,, its okay,, we do love you though~”
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“Yeah well iguessthatsfine-” he mutters the last few parts,, Kaito.exe has crashed-
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angie-answers · 5 years
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@ask-rantaroamami leaked nudes 🥑
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unweavinglies · 4 years
Gonta Gokuhara Character Analysis: When a Genius is Treated like a Child
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So a quick disclaimer: Yes, I am very aware that this is most likely not canon, or at least not what the writers intended on being canon, nor am I saying that this is 100% canon and should be considered as such. This is just a fan theory/analysis I came up with for my own enjoyment and wanted to share with others, as I like coming up with theories/analysis posts and reworking canons to make enhanced stories and character development in my perspective. I firmly believe that the idea of making theories isn’t supposed to be a shouting contest to see which opinion is the most loud and correct, but should be something to share with others and find acceptance and understanding in different interpretations, even if you don’t agree with them.
Well, this has been a long time coming, hasn’t it?
I’ve been talking about wanting to do this analysis for months now to various friends and acquaintances, but I’ve only had the motivation to do as such recently, after writing a short story that dived deeper into Gonta’s mindset over the Mercy Killing Plot he and Kokichi attempted to carry out. Regardless of that, however, Gonta has been one of my favorite characters for quite some time, and I really feel like his character arc and the unfortunate tragedy behind the unintentional mistreatment of Gonta via his classmates.
So without further adieu, let’s talk about that--about what happens when a genius is treated like a child.
Warning, this does discuss some rather unfortunate topics, such as ableism, depression/self loathing, and the concept of mercy killing. Viewer discretion is advised.
The first thing we need to elaborate on, is why I am calling Gonta a “genius.” Gonta has shown difficulty in understanding simple concepts, and struggles to follow along complicated plots, such as we see in his Salmon Mode Event where he mentions that he cannot follow the plot of high fantasy stories because they tend to be so complicated. He even refers to himself as not very smart, tragically enough.
However, not is all what it seems for Gonta, as his intellect is a matter of fact, and not just an analysis, and the game’s introduction of him opens up this fact to the player in a round about way that may or may not be so subtle.
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Gonta admits here that he was a wild child, lost in the forest for ten years. While the logistics are... questionable, this is a work of fiction, thus I will suspend some disbelief. Gonta being lost in the forest for ten years means that he was probably about 5-8 years old when he was lost, depending on how old he is in the game.
Touching upon this briefly, studies of wild children, specifically referencing this case here, have an extremely hard time readjusting and learning to human language, customs, and interaction. The younger a child is upon becoming a wild child and the longer they are in the wild, the less likely they will be able to learn language and certain social behaviors and skills. While it is not impossible, the likelihood of Gonta being 15 or 16 in the game is very low, and even impossible once I elaborate, and we can safely assume that with the context of him being a wild child, he is probably at least 17 years old. So a safe assumption is that Gonta was lost in the forest when he was about 7.
(Note: I am very well aware of Gonta’s potential forest family not being wolves, and instead the reptites, but these creatures Gonta speaks of very well be his own imagination spiking from the isolation from humanity, or be something else entirely. Gonta makes several references to video game characters as well, claiming he met them in real life, so I consider it highly unlikely that “reptites” are an exception to this. Either way, it won’t matter if you believe otherwise, just that it may change certain aspects of what I’m about to say in regarding education and the sort.)
What’s the point of this elaboration? Well, quite a lot, once you remember that Gonta is the Ultimate Entomologist.
Firstly, there is the fact that Gonta is a high school student at all. Gonta was lost at a very young age--it would be impossible for him to be, since not only had he spent 10 years int he wild, but he also had to rejoin human society, relearn human language and customs, and then be put back into formal education. If Gonta is still a teenager and not over 21, then Gonta would have to cram in a decade’s worth of formal education into a few months, or a few years, at most.
This makes Gonta a literal prodigy.
Had Gonta not been isolated from humanity for a decade, Gonta would have been a child prodigy, a literal genius with an intellect that couldn’t be so easily matched. Having the capacity to learn advance mathematics, language (although in the English version, he is struggling with speak (speaking with the infamous “caveman” speech pattern) scientific methods, all of it within such a short amount of time proves that Gonta is, without a shred of doubt, a genius.
Even if you take the aforementioned reptites into account, it only makes Gonta’s accomplishments slightly less impressive, depending on your interpretation of what the reptites actually are. This is because Gonta still had to engage with formal education, and even in the best case scenario where the reptites were fully advanced beings with a civilization and education (which I quite doubt, if they were, then why not give Gonta back to the human race when he was still a child? Why not guide him back to his kind? Why keep him? Even if they were afraid of humanity, it would be far, far worse for the humans to find them while looking for their lost son... I digress.) Gonta still had to learn Japan’s education. Their history, their language, their social customs--and then, Gonta had to learn how to be an entomologist.
You need to go to college to be an entomologist.
According to this website here, the basic, bare bones higher education one needs in order to apply for certain positions related to entomology is a bachelor’s degree, with most positions and places requiring a doctoral decree. There are, of course, youth clubs for students under eighteen, but from my understanding, in order to be considered an entomologist, you need a college degree.
Gonta is a high school student.
For him to be considered an Ultimate Entomologist, Gonta would have to have taken college courses and gotten some kind of degree in order to be recognized as such. Thus, Gonta is still learning a higher education within a short period of time that is incredible for any human being his age, whether it be as drastic as him having no sort of education while living in the wild, or living with the reptites.
Either way, it is safe to say that Gonta is very intelligent, whether or not he is potentially a prodigy for it.
However, this has very unfortunate implications of the way Gonta is treated by his peers in the game.
Not only does Tsumugi here reenforce that idea in everyone else’s mind...
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She blatantly tells Gonta that he was being manipulated and or “tricked” into abducting everyone...
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When, in actuality, not only did Gonta know exactly what he was doing:
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Kokichi even elaborated on his plans quite explicitly to Gonta:
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And earlier on, the rest of the class had been treating him differently than they treat one another, sort of like he was a young child they needed to guide.
For example;
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Kirumi assumes Gonta is not very aware that hitting someone with such an object is dangerous... despite him being a peer to his classmates and a young man.
And when Gonta has a pretty valid concern;
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He is instructed against it and/or ignored on the subject:
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Even Kaede slips up a little;
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And during the investigation...
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Himiko is 100% convinced here that Gonta is the culprit, to the point where she is trying to trick him with this kind of phrasing.
“Are you not, not the culprit?” equates to “Are you the culprit?”
“Are you not, not, not the culprit?” equates to... I believe it would be “Are you not the culprit?”
And that’s the thing:
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Like how even I was confused and unsure about the triple ‘nots’ of Himiko’s statement, Gonta is too. Very reasonably so, actually--it’s extremely awkward phrasing purposefully meant to manipulate Gonta into saying he’s the culprit of Rantaro’s murder, and it takes Kaito and Himiko to realize that it was them causing the problem when Kaede called them out on such.
And again, after Gonta explains his actions during the murder, he gets very frustrated;
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Already, we are seeing the effects piling up, leading to a frustrated, angry outburst.
And by far, one of the worst examples of this sort of unintentional ableism is this:
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And Himiko even just... flat out does this:
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By “dumbing down” the explanation of right and left, and not noticing that Gonta is left handed, she caused him to accidentally switch the wires on the headset, causing the memory error and making this entire trial all the more worse for him. By treating him like a child, like the theme of this trial, she only made things worse for him.
And that’s the problem.
Despite Gonta trying to tell everyone that he has no idea what they’re even talking about, everyone just assumes he “can’t understand the Virtual World” and brushes him off. Again and again, Gonta was treated like a child and brushed off, and this time, it came with a heavy consequence.
These instances of “guiding” Gonta are subtle, and on their own, aren’t much to address as anything more than suggestions or words of caution. However, there is a very clear theme of “we have to tell Gonta what he should do” that starts in Chapter 1 and continues on until the end of Chapter 4. They’re unintentionally telling him that Gonta needs to be guided and needs to be reminded of pretty obvious and basic knowledge, and worst of all, that he can’t be trusted to think for himself and thus needs someone to tell him how to think and feel.
If it was one or two times, that would be a whole other story. However, these instances pile up, higher and higher throughout the entire span of Gonta’s time in the Killing Game, and the majority of the class ends up dismissing or ignoring Gonta’s concerns.
This sparks a growing desire to prove himself, to prove that he can be useful during the trials. To prove to his peers that he can do something on his own, think for himself, decide for himself, except even until his final moments;
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Even after Gonta’s Alter Ego telling himself and everyone explicitly that he was not tricked into killing Miu...
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... No one listens.
Instead of listening to Gonta, over and over, they continue to brush him off and treat him like a child they had to care for, and yet no one stopped to consider that Gonta is a young man. An intelligent, young man who’s socially awkward, but never the less, a peer to them. Yet they didn’t treat him like a peer, and in the end...
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Gonta died thinking he was an idiot. A child. A burden who made everything worse for everyone else. They all considered him as a child, and that’s how they saw him even in his final moments.
Gonta throughout the game constantly tries to prove himself, but no one is paying attention. When he learned of the Secret of the Outside World, Gonta didn’t even have anyone else to turn to for help or comfort. His feelings of uselessness compounded by the desperation to prove himself as an equal to everyone else drove him to agreeing to mercy kill the rest of the group... because how else was a stupid, burden of a child supposed to help anyone as he was? Even though he knew killing was wrong, with Kokichi’s plan, he was able to do something “for everyone,” and even that compounded into the ultimate failure.
It’s an unfortunate reality, because had the class treated him as a fellow classmate and peer, this might have been preventable.
Either way, what do you think? Was discussing the unintentional class ableism in depth towards Gonta a bit... too much? I do believe this is the first time I’ve ever done such a post, so you’ll have to forgive me. It’s also been quite a while since I made a proper analysis, hasn’t it? I must be a little rusty...
I will say--please, do not use this post for any discourse regarding the ableism and what have you if you choose to agree with this interpretation. I will not stand for it.
Either way, I hope you at least found this post to be food for thought. See you all next time.
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aroseandapen · 4 years
Kurochi, because what if he was canon. Actually he is canon. I swear, he is canon, just int hat super secret ending---
How I feel about this character: I love my son literally so much hhh. I will die, please, aaa
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Shuichi, Kaito, Rantaro, Korekiyo, Kiibo, Jaden... I think it’s all them? I think I had a weird cross-over ship with him too but idr it
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Kokichi ofc, love the bros
My unpopular opinion about this character: That he’s literally actually canon, duh?? Icb the entire fandom is just sleeping on him like this.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish he would be happy :((( I say as the person who literally writes his canon rip.
Favorite friendship for this character: The friendship between him and Jaden is precious, even before they started dating.
My crossover ship: I did have one for real, but I forgot it. Curse me and my dumb brain.
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(tumblr sucks and wont send the ask in so imma make the int here)
Kokichi got to have a little extra time on his laptop today to call someone. The doctors at his lab told him he was going to talk to someone who knows him! But.. not exactly at the same time. Kokichi was scared, yet intrigued. He’s been here at this facility for 16 years, nearly coming on 17 in a few days, so practically his whole life! Who could know him aside from his parents? So, he curled up on his hard, hard mattress and waited for the call to go through.
Rantaro had gotten a text from a sketchy number that day, saying he’d recieve a call from someone he knows, but doesn’t know at the same time. Who knows what Rantaros reaction was? Hell, did he even read it? That doesn’t matter now though.
What mattered now, was the fact Rantaro was getting a call.
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honhonluigi · 4 years
OMG I MISS THE (nice) OGs TOO! 😭😭😭 especially Rantaro and Angie, they literally invented the (ch:) and (int:) tags everyone uses today still, so a piece of them does live on in a way!!!
Yeah!! I miss Angie so so so much! She always brightened my day constantly and I would refresh my dash all day just hoping to see her posts. She inspired me to make my blog. I would never have done without her encouragement. I even sent her anons about it before I made the blog, and she gave me advice and was just so nice and sweet. 
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 4 years
hope is one hell of a drug
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2QHddPI
by dyingsureisfun
𝐏𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐎 *𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐡*: by the way, where did you get a kazoo that hooks up to a speaker system?
𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧: that's classified
someone (*cough* enoshima *cough*) made the horrible executive decision to add all three classes into one group chat chaos ensues
Words: 474, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Super Dangan Ronpa 2, Dangan Ronpa 3: The End of 希望ヶ峰学園 | The End of Kibougamine Gakuen | End of Hope's Peak High School, Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Kirigiri Kyouko, Enoshima Junko, Ikusaba Mukuro, Naegi Makoto, Togami Byakuya, Hagakure Yasuhiro, Oowada Mondo, Fujisaki Chihiro, Fukawa Touko, Ogami Sakura, Asahina Aoi, Ishimaru Kiyotaka, Kuwata Leon, Celestia Ludenberg, Maizono Sayaka, Hinata Hajime, Nanami Chiaki, Komaeda Nagito, Hanamura Teruteru, Tanaka Gundham, Sonia Nevermind, Tsumiki Mikan, Nidai Nekomaru, Owari Akane, Soda Kazuichi, Koizumi Mahiru, Saionji Hiyoko, Pekoyama Peko, Ultimate Imposter, Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko, Mioda Ibuki, Saihara Shuichi, Amami Rantaro, Akamatsu Kaede, Momota Kaito, Harukawa Maki, Hoshi Ryoma, Iruma Miu, Gokuhara Gonta, Yumeno Himiko, Chabashira Tenko, Yonaga Angie, Shirogane Tsumugi, Tojo Kirumi, K1-B0 (Dangan Ronpa), Shinguji Korekiyo, Oma Kokichi, Monokuma (for two lines)
Relationships: Kirigiri Kyoko/Celestia Ludenberg, Naegi Makoto/Togami Byakuya, Akamatsu Kaede/Amami Rantaro/Saihara Shuichi, Ishimaru Kiyotaka/Oowada Mondo, K1-B0/Oma Kokichi, Harukawa Maki/Momota Kaito, Hinata Hajime/Komaeda Nagito
Additional Tags: jeez that's a lot of characters, hifumi yamada? who's he never heard of him, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Alternate Universe - Non-Despair (Dangan Ronpa), but everyone still has their game personalities, Genderfluid Fujisaki Chihiro, both he and they prounouns used, Probably ooc, Sleep Deprivation, speaker kazoos, Fluff and Crack, all three classes know eachother, Implied Relationships, Swearing, homochromia, like heterochromia but everyone's gay, I think I'm funny, Ouma not Oma, way too many headcannons crammed int one fic, these kids need sleep, Human K1-B0 (Dangan Ronpa), iidabashi used as kiibo's last name
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2QHddPI
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