#IRA hero
spookystarfishzombie · 5 months
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ira-in-ink · 1 month
[🌹]: mha was my first anime EVER. when i heard it ended, i got so emotional and sad that i started re-watching/re-reading the entire anime and manga again. i genuinely don't understand why ppl label it as such a "bad" anime. i mean, the plot, the story, the powers, the characters and their backstories and their personalities are all so diverse and so good! in my opinion, of course. i've had so much dumb fun with it over the years. with the tiktoks, fanfics, all the different au's people used to come up with, the comics, the fanart, everything. i love all the characters so dearly, and i've had so many different "phases" with so many of the guys: touya, keigo, katsuki, izuku, shoto, amajiki, and so many more. i loved being a part of this weird community we had, it's been an absolute blast. so, thank you, kōhei horikoshi, for ten years of beautiful storytelling, amazing characters, and lots of fun.
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proudzionist · 4 months
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Ira Yair Gispan was only 19 years old 💔💔
May his memory forever be a blessing 🕯️
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vampenjoyer · 1 year
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💎... guess who just brought me out of artblock 😊(srry its so lq)....
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agent-darkbootie · 2 years
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Am I going to expand on Ira’s tattoos??
No. This is it, cause I am lazy lol
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wolfmarrow · 2 years
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I was going to try and come up with a new fit for ira yknow new game new main outfit but I just ended up drawing him in sweats and slides again
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angelic-writer · 9 months
Whumpcember Day 14 - Cornered
Summary: Thatcher Sr. and Meredith Weaver get more than what they bargained for when they take things too far.
CW: Racism, Torture, Whumpers turned Whumpees, drowning, graphic gore, major character death
"What do you want from us?" Katrina growled.
The older man simply smirked. "You know exactly what we want."
"We actually don't know. Why don't you tell us, old man?" Mervin spat.
They weren't supposed to be seeing them. They were on their way home to see their kids when those pigs stopped them. They already know what they're doing, why the town became the way it is. Not even the angels were enough to "purify" them. They know it was just a government ploy to cover up their crimes.
"Well, we want you to do something." Meredith spoke.
"What? Does it include you getting rid of that raisin face of yours?" Kyofu quipped.
Meredith growled. "We want you to check on the angels. We have a feeling they're not doing what they're supposed to be doing."
"Why? They're just kids. Don't you think they're focusing on more important things like school?"
"That's besides the point. The point is crime rate is climbing again and we have reason to believe that the alternates are on the rise again. We just want to make sure they're kept in check."
"Why don't you guys do it yourselves? You're cops. You should be doing something for this town instead of staying in your penthouse." Mervin said.
"Well, unlike you, we are enjoying our retirement, but we need to make sure that the citizens are safe."
"More like use them as your pawns..." Katrina muttered under her breath."
Thatcher Sr. snapped his head at her. "What was that?"
"Hmm. Anyway, are you in or not?"
"And what if we don't do what you say?" Mervin asked.
He smirked. "Well, let's just say that your kids are gonna be having a little visit. Y'know, a courteous check-in."
They all glared at them, their stares threatening to freeze Hell over. "Touch them and you will die." Dave growled.
"Nonsense, David! We won't do anything to them as long as you follow our instructions. You wouldn't want your precious children to end up like their parents, don't you?"
Dave wanted to lunge at them, but they were pointing their guns at them, their fingers on the trigger as if you say "One wrong move and we'll shoot you." He didn't care. He will gladly sacrifice his life for his kids.
"You don't seem to understand, sir. We treasure our kids more than our lives. You can do whatever you want with us, but no matter how much you pay us, no matter how much you threaten us, we won't let you harm a hair on them!" Kyofu said.
Thatcher Sr. only smirked. "We'll see about that."
Jonah Marshall couldn't sleep that night. He kept thinking back to his mother. How she turned up dead one day while he and Adam were at his house. Mervin tried his best to take care of the two boys, but he would sometimes catch him late at night with a glass of bourbon in his hand. He missed her, he could tell.
The police never found out who killed Kimberly. That didn't make any sense to him. When the wife of a famous attorney gets murdered, it would've been the top priority. It would be in the history books for years to come.
There's something off with this. It's almost like...
His thoughts were interrupted by the window being smashed. Thinking quickly, he ran towards the noise at the speed of light, knocking over whoever just broke in. Upon seeing Thatcher Sr., he scoffed. Trying to ignore the tingling in his hands, he said "Oh look, it's you. Aren't you retired? Shouldn't you two have fucked off in a penthouse somewhere?"
Thatcher Sr. groaned as he sat up. "What were you thinking, slamming into an old man like that? You could've broken my neck!"
"Pfft. With the amount of money you have, you could pay for all those treatments."
"Is this how you speak to your elders, more importantly, a man of the law?"
"What man of the law? You don't even work at the station anymore! You could've fucked off to Hawaii for all I know. Are you and Cruella de Vil so bored that you have to bother people to stay relevant?"
"You better shut up right now."
"Sorry. I'm a little cranky right now considering that you broke into my house! I should call the police on you!"
He smirked. "Go ahead. They're gonna cart you off for assaulting an officer. Besides, who is gonna believe someone who isn't white?"
".......You did not just-"
"Yes. So I suggest you keep your mouth and do what I say." He pointed his gun at Jonah. "Now, what have you and your friends been doing?"
The silver haired boy clenched his teeth. "We've been trying to protect the city, sir."
"Oh really? By working with the alternates and making things worse? Why did you think this was a good idea?"
"I don't have to tell you anything."
He pressed the gun to his head. He was sweating bullets now. "I have a sworn oath to protect my people and I need cooperation in order to do that. Now, answer my questions or I'll blow your head off."
"Heh. You can't kill me. I run at the speed of light. I'll kick your ass before you can even pull the trigger." Though in reality, he couldn't do that. His hands were tingling, his lips were beginning to feel numb and his organs felt like they were burning.
"What's wrong, kid? Not feeling good?"
He simply growled.
"Well, why don't we wait for daddy to show up, huh?"
Jonah's eyes widened. The others. Why did they have to show up now?
"Jo, what's going o-" Adam was cut off by a scraggly man pointing a gun at him.
"Don't move. Don't you even think of calling for help."
Jonah tried to run, but when he tried to channel the lightning inside him, pain shot through his head, causing him to fall. He grabbed his head, groaning in pain. The older man turned and smirked. "Well, someone didn't take his medicine."
"Jonah!" Cathy screamed.
"You leave him alone right now!" Cyrus shouted.
"Well, isn't that just cute? You're all trying to protect your friend. Well, your little friend here wasn't doing what he was supposed to be doing. Ever since you joined that... terrorist group, this town has gotten much worse! It's become infested with sin! And instead of doing what's wrong, the angels joined the enemy's side."
"Are you sure about that? When the "terrorist" group is more rational then you, you need to look in the mirror and ask yourself "What am I doing with my life?"" Adam said.
Thatcher Sr. flinched and almost pulled the trigger, but thought better of it. "You've got a lot of nerve talking to a former officer like that. Just like your little friend."
"Well, my dad always taught me to always tell the truth."
The mention of Adam's dad caused the old man to press his lips together tightly. Jude... I should've gotten rid of him along with his wife.
"What? Got nothing to say to that?"
Nothing. Adam was about to speak again when he heard a gun click from behind. Turning around shows Meredith along with some other officers pointing their own weapon at him. "So, it looks like we got some company." She said.
It didn't take long for them to arrive. They gathered them into a warehouse that previously housed Bill and Charlie Flammia. They sat them down in individual chairs and tied them up. For Adam, they used stronger bonds that made it harder for him to get out.
"Alright, let's make things simpler. You either do what we say or we punish you with the full extent of the law." Thatcher Sr. began, walking in a way a prison warden would walk.
Adam scoffed. "Do whatever you want. It's not gonna get you anywhere."
Thatcher Sr. clicked his tongue. "What happened to all of you? You were willing to do your sworn duty to protect this town. You were doing so well. But you joined the alternates and you fell off on your sworn duty. I'm sure Mayor Carlos would not like what you've been doing."
"Why would we care what that quack says? We already know what's going on. Public reputation doesn't matter to us. What matters is getting the truth out." Cyrus said.
"So you'd rather be a whisteblower than do your job?" He sighed. "I know alternate talk when I hear it." He nodded to Meredith.
The older woman began to set up the electroshock machine. "Let's see...." His eyes landed on Adam. "Let's start with you."
Before the blonde could even object, Meredith shoved the device on his head. He struggled against his binds, but the added tightness of the ropes caused it to dig into his wrists. She turned the dial to a low setting. Before he even got the chance to scream, she flipped the switch.
His body jolted as the electricity coursed through him. He spasmed in his chair, his eyes rolling back. Everyone in the room started to scream.
"ADAM!!!" Jonah joined in on the chorus, trying to get himself out, but his body felt like it was being run over by a train. C'mon, move!!! Why isn't it working?!
After a few agonizing minutes, Adam fell limp, though he was still breathing. The shock wasn't enough to kill him.
"Hmph. He didn't even last long." Thatcher Sr. said with a displeased tone. He looked to the others, still crying and screaming. "Aww, what's the matter? Crying for your mommies and daddies? Well, let me tell you something." He walked over to Cathy and smacked her across the face. "No one's gonna save you and your little brat friends!"
The atmosphere in the room changed. It was like someone put the AC on blast. A strange cold.
Jonah started to vibrate. The pain was becoming unbearable, but he didn't care. He was seeing red.
He hurt Cathy. He hurt Cathy. He hurt my sister.
Meredith slipped the device off Adam and placed it on Jonah's shaking head. Thatcher Sr. pulled out his taser and slowly inched it towards the red haired girl. Before it could touch her, a force knocked him back, making him drop his weapon.
Baffled, he looked up. The triplets had gotten out of their bonds, the rope marks clear evidence of their struggle. An aura was emanating from them. "You... You hurt her..." Fred growled.
"S-Stay away from me, you demons!!" Thatcher Sr. screamed.
"You hurt our sister.... You will burn!!"
The older man tried to grab his gun, but he was flung back. Something picked him up and threw him across the room. Meredith tried to shoot them, but something hard hit her in the face. Jonah had gotten out of his bonds, incapacitated Meredith and got the others out. The speed caused the wire to snap, rendering the machine useless. While he stopped to get his bearings, Thatcher Sr. tried to grab at his shoulders to drag him back to the chair, but he felt a shock, making him pull back.
"Ow!! W-What-"
Now what?!
Looking to the entrance, he saw Thatcher, Ruth and the rest of the task force gathered at the front entrance, their guns locked on them. The children had been relocated to where the parents were, although Jonah had already collapsed. Jude and Mervin ran to Adam and Jonah, picking them up their arms. Shaking them didn't yield any results. One of the officers requested an ambulance to get there as fast as possible.
"Well, looks like the cavalry came after all." Thatcher Sr. said.
His grandson stared at him with a mix of shock and disgust. "This..." He gestured to the warehouse that contained various machines. "This is what you've been doing? What happened to Bill and Charlie... You were behind it all, weren't you? You and Ms. Weaver..."
"Well, I suppose I am. But they were getting too nosey so I had to shut them up."
"By torturing them and making them almost vegetables?! Was being a lieutenant not good enough for you?! Is your legacy not good enough for you?! People loved you! I looked up to you! I wanted to be just like you! So why did you think doing this was a good idea? To get back at people you didn't like? You could've done anything instead of... these barbaric methods!!"
"Davis... You see, these children are a stain on the town. They make us look bad with their history, the way they react to things - Nobody really liked them as much as they want to claim they do. They just think they're annoying brats whose parents had to suffer with because abandoning them would reflect poorly on their reputation." He looked to Jonah. "Especially him. He's just the same as them. It seems that growing up with such a rich lawyer hasn't taught him to keep his head down. He should know that being a colored kid is very dangerous yet he keeps on being reckless for these people." He looked back to his grandson, his eyes still burning with a fiery rage. "Not my problem. He's just street trash just like those witches. If he dies, no one will miss him."
Thatcher gritted his teeth. "I see that what happened in the past hasn't caused you to think differently. What about Mervin? He's his dad. He'll sue your ass and he'll definitely win. They'll take away everything you've earned!"
"Why can't you see things my way? Don't you want to see Mandela be the town it once was? Beautiful, kind, caring, full of people that love each other?"
"Yes, I do. Although, it hasn't changed when you were in charge and it sure as hell isn't now." He stepped toward him. "I'll change this town for the better. With the angel's help, we can achieve your dream. Just not with your toxic views. I swear on it."
There was an eerie silence. Then, a smirk.
"Do you really think you can rely on the angels after they betrayed us and joined the alternates? I see you are a traitor too." He started to walk.
"No, I'm not! I want-" He was cut off by a white hot pain suddenly exploding in his abdomen. He looked down to see that a knife had been plunged into his stomach.
"And traitors must pay the price."
Thatcher crumbled to the floor, dropping his gun in the process.
Ruth screamed. The building descended into chaos. Thatcher Sr. and Meredith ran as gunfire rang out.
Ruth wanted to run out there, to grab Thatcher and pull him away from the rain of fire, but if she runs out, she'll get shot. She stared at her co-worker, the knife sticking out of his abdomen, blood pooling beneath him. Tears threatened to spill out of her eyes, but she blinked them away. No, I have to stay strong. I need to... get to him somehow.
An aura suddenly surrounded her followed by Dave's voice. "Hurry up and go!!"
She realized that he had put a protective spell on her. Thanking him, she ran towards Thatcher. A few stray bullets hit the shield, bouncing off it. She caught sight of the old bastard and her mother running towards a back entrance. A sense of utter betrayal took over her as she pulled out her gun and shot at them as well. The bullet grazed his shoulder, causing him to growl and shoot at her. Of course, as she was protected by the shield, it didn't do anything. Not saying anything, the both of them took off.
"Follow them! Make sure to call all units! We've got runners!" One of the commanding officers said into the radio.
Ruth finally made her way to Thatcher. She grabbed him by the shoulder and shook him. "Thatcher!! Thatcher, get up!!" She shouted.
No response. He was completely still. His skin had grown pale from the blood loss. Ruth put her fingers to his wrist, checking for a pulse. She could still feel it. It was faint, but it was there. She spoke into the radio. "This is sergeant Ruth Weaver. Officer down. 10-52."
None of them spoke in the waiting room. The hospital was a cacophony of patients, doctors, nurses; All of them blended together. Ruth couldn't focus on the news report playing on the TV, but she caught the words "Got away." "Still on the lookout."
Still on the lookout, my ass. They're probably gonna hide out somewhere until they give up.
Dave put his hand on her shoulder. "Hey, it'll be okay. Thatcher's gonna pull through."
"I hope so..." She looked to the others sitting in the waiting room chairs. All of them had visible concern on their faces. Even Jude was tapping his foot, impatiently waiting for any news on Adam. Despite his neglectful nature, he was still his son at the end of the day.
Ruth's heart hurt seeing them like that. These were their children in those rooms, being examined by doctors, people they don't know. Adam had been knocked out by the electricity and Jonah had overused his speed, so they were the top priority at the moment. She could sense some favoritism at play which irked her.
They deserve so much better than to be kicked around and treated like dirt. Thatcher swore to change Mandela for the better and she will follow in his footsteps.
Adam slowly opened his eyes to see that he was in a hospital room. Weird. How did he get here? Last thing he remembered was being shocked by Meredith... Thatcher Sr. was there...
Cathy... Jonah...
As he tried to get up, he noticed a well suited man sitting in one of the chairs. He looked like a hit man, though his facial features were soft. He gave off the aura of a concerned guardian. He knew that man. He saw him multiple times at the alternate base.
He started to sign.
[Are you okay?]
He weakly gave him an OK sign.
He nodded. [What happened?]
[We got kidnapped by Thatcher's grandfather and Ruth's mother. They tried to use electroshock therapy to "convert" us. From what Ruth told us, the police got there, but Thatcher was stabbed. I have no idea how he's doing.]
Ira gave off a grunt Adam knew didn't sound good.
[Do you know where they are now?]
He didn't say anything for a bit. [I don't know. I was unconscious.]
There was a tense silence. Then, [I'm gonna find them.]
[I'll find a way.]
Meredith looked out the window for any sign of the cops. No sign of them anywhere. "Okay, I think we're safe." She said as she pulled back the curtain. She looked to Thatcher Sr. who was sitting in an easy chair fiddling with his sling. "Sir, you can't mess around with that. It's gonna mess up the bandages."
"Sorry, it's just- I can't believe she just shot me. Your own daughter! And all for that traitor! Who does she think she is?!"
"Sir... Are you sure about this?"
"I know what you're thinking. You're probably gonna find some way to get revenge, but the entire town is looking for us. Running away is not gonna help. I think you should... I dunno..."
Thatcher Sr. stood up. "Meredith, you can't be serious. We haven't gone this far just to throw in the towel now. Besides, aren't you the one telling me I shouldn't give up?"
"I know, but for god's sake, you stabbed your own grandson! Up until now, you kept saying how you were proud of him!"
"That was before I found out he was gonna ask for the angel's help despite them being with the alternates!"
"I know, but you could've done anything else rather than trying to kill him! The whole police squad was watching! How could you think this was a good idea?!"
"Because I want to show them that they're weak! The whole town, hell, the whole world is weak! We live in a fucked up society where people's minds are being poisoned by propaganda being spewed by people lesser than us! What happened to us being at the top? What happened to us showing them that we can do anything? Things were fine until Mayor Carlos won his campaign by making wishy washy promises of equality. Now this town is filled with stupid kids filling their social media with useless hashtags and using present day topics for woke points." He sighed. "These kids have no idea what they're talking about. This whole town is starting to fall for those terrorist's lies! And I'm not gonna let it brainwash anyone else!"
".....This is fucked up. What we're doing is fucked up. Kidnapping those two boys was just the start."
"I know. But we've done worse than that, Meredith. Don't try to have the moral high ground when you're just as fucked up as me." He looked at the clock. It was past eleven. "You should get some rest. We've got to move tomorrow."
"Alright. Try not to move your arm too much."
"I won't. Thanks nurse."
Meredith gave off a half smirk before she walked upstairs. Thatcher Sr. sighed before looking at the blank TV. Dad... If you were here, what would you say to me?
Tell me... Tell me what I should do.
He just about closed his eyes when he heard a shatter from the kitchen. Meredith was downstairs in seconds. "What was that?!"
"I-I don't know. I-"
"Shh." She grabbed her gun. "Stay here. The car's out front. Get ready to run if you see anything." With a deep breath, she stepped into the kitchen.
The old man's heart was hammering in his chest. Were the police already here?! No, they would have heard sirens. They would have came through the door, not the window. Why would an officer come through the window?
His shoulder ached and he gripped it tightly. What was he doing just standing around? He should be in there helping her! Why did he have to get shot by her daughter?! Why did-
A loud scream was heard followed by a thump. "Meredith?!" He ran into the kitchen, grabbing his own weapon. He turned the corner when he saw a tall man dressed in a dark suit on top of Meredith. He had his hands wrapped around her throat. She was struggling against him, trying to get him off. Thatcher Sr. didn't think twice. He fired his gun, hitting him right in the head, sending him flying.
Meredith gasped and coughed, her throat finally relieved of the pressure. "Are you okay?!" He shouted.
She wheezed, trying to get her vocal cords to work. "W-We need to get out of here now!" She wheezed.
He nodded and helped her up. Leaning her on his shoulder, they started to limp to the front door. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the figure slowly get up. They hastened their speed to the front door. He tried to turn the knob, but it wouldn't budge. He tried to look for the key, but it was nowhere to be found. But the key was near the front door for emergencies like this, right? Where is that key?
"Hurry up! He's gonna hurt us!"
"I can't find the key! I can't find the key!"
"Are you shitting me?! O-Okay, we can sneak out the back door! If we can-"
She was cut off by someone hitting her in the back of the head. She fell to the ground, sending the older man down with her. Thatcher Sr. could see the man, now having a bullet hole in his head, but still clearly standing. He was holding a meat tenderizer which was stained with blood. He grabbed her by the hair and started to pull her dazed, but still conscious body, back to the kitchen. He started to crawl towards the man, his shoulder throbbing in pain as the movements threatened to tear his wound open.
As he crawled, he heard the sink turn on. What was he gonna do to her?
He made it to the kitchen where Ira was standing over her again. He had Meredith's hand on the counter, gripping her wrist with one hand and holding the meat tenderizer with the other. She gazed up at him, trying to keep her eyes open. Despite that, she was shaking. "Please... Please don't..." The words tumbled out of her lips, trying to find their way through the fog.
The man just stared at her with a blank expression, his face still dripping with blood. Upon closer inspection, Meredith could see a long horizontal cut along his neck, clearly scarred over. He blinked, raised the hammer high above his head - His lips moved.
He slammed the hammer down on her fingers, causing her to scream.
"MEREDITH!!" Thatcher Sr. screamed. He lunged up and grabbed the man, trying to pull him off, but he pushed him back, sending him backwards. His head struck the table, causing him to become dazed. Stars danced in his vision as he lay on the floor. He continued his work, bashing her fingers with the hammer, hearing her blood-curdling screams as her bones were crushed and her tendons were torn apart by the spikes. It reminded Ira of the time where he would pound the meat for steaks. He could really go for steaks right now.
Her fingers had been rendered into bloody, bruised messes, her chipped nail polish now ruined by splotches of purple. The joints were bent at wrong angles, their attempts at movement only proving to be painful. Meredith was rendered into a blubbering mess, her eyes red from crying and her voice hoarse from crying.
The sink had been filled up with water. It was time for one of his favorite murder methods. Grabbing her by the hair, he shoved her head into the water. Meredith thrashed around, muffled screams coming from her as bubbles burbled up to the surface. Thatcher Sr. tried to move, but his limbs wouldn't move. It was like he was detached from his body, only watching through the lens of a security camera. The thrashing only got more violent as she slapped her good hand around, trying to pull herself up only for the man to pull her up, not giving her a moment to breathe before shoving her head back in.
Drowning is one of Ira's favorite methods of killing. It was bloodless and doesn't leave any traces of DNA. If the water was drained before the police found them, they could assume they died of natural causes. The perfect murder. Of course, he wondered, why did he pulverize Meredith's hand when he was going to drown her in the end? He already knew the answer. She was an accomplice to this man's horrible crimes. She gets to suffer before he ends it all.
He's saving the real fun for the real perpetrator.
After what felt like an eternity, Meredith fell limp. No more bubbles rose beside her head, her body giving off twitches as a last feeble attempt at survival.
"M-M-M..." His lips were cold. He couldn't find the words. His partner... She was...
Ira turned to him with his lifeless eyes, pulled Meredith's head out of the tub and dropped her to the floor. Thatcher Sr. crawled towards her, his entire body shaking. Her eyes were glazed over, her lips had turned grey and there was no sign of her breathing.
Fuck... No...
With one hand, he tried desperately to resuscitate her, but the pain in his head made it hard for him to think. How are you supposed to do this? Am I doing this right? I don't know. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
With each pump, his strength withered away bit by bit. It wasn't enough strength to compress her heart. He was only slightly shaking her. If he wasn't dazed, he would've been at his A game, but his head felt like it was going to explode. The back of his neck felt warm and slick.
After minutes upon minutes of poorly done CPR, Thatcher Sr. saw that her skin had turned grey. Her eyes continued to stare into space, never to be full of life again.
All he could do was stare. Stare at what this monster has done. He craned his head to the man. He was tilting his head back as if he was... curious? Amused? By the situation. His eyes widened, the realization hitting him like a bag of bricks.
I'm going to die. I'm going to get killed.
Struggling to get on his feet, he stumbled out of the kitchen, up the stairs and to the bedroom. He might be able to find a window to climb out of and escape. Except why isn't he crawling to the window? Why is he hiding in the closet?
His vision was swimming. He couldn't keep his eyes open. He was trapped. He was trapped in the house alone with a psychopath on the hunt to kill.
His hand groped empty space, trying to grasp some sort of weapon. He was starting to fall in and out of consciousness. He closed his eyes for a moment... only to be thrown out of the closet and onto the floor.
Ira was standing above him, butcher's knife in hand. Thatcher Sr., the once highly renowned and fearless sheriff of Mandela county, started to shake. His black eyes stared into his soul, rendering him paralyzed. He examined the knife as if he had never seen it before. He took the old man's hand and placed it firmly on the floor. He inched the blade closer, the sharp edge resting on the joint of his index finger.
"For Lynn." He let out a raspy whisper.
He began to saw the tip. Thatcher Sr. screamed. Blood gushed out onto the oakwood floor as he continued his precise sawing movements. He pressed harder, separating bone and tendon from the rest. Each part of the finger he removed was every sin Thatcher Sr. had ever committed in his time at the station. Soon, there was nothing on his hands to remove. Ira could try toes, but toes are no fun.
"Please... Please stop this... I-I'm sorry..."
He continued to stare at him blankly, his expression never changing even as he was covered in blood. He rested the knife against the old man's neck. He slowly cut into it, separating skin and fat. Blood dripped down his shirt. He gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, bracing himself for the end. Ira lifted the knife away, leaving him confused. He looked up only for Ira to plunge it into his neck, cutting deep into his windpipe. He gurgled, more blood bubbled out of his lips as he gurgled. Twisting the knife deeper, the waterfall of blood flowing out as he slowly lost his strength, he whispered one last thing.
"For me."
When the police arrived at the decrepit house, they found the bodies of Meredith Weaver and Thatcher Davis Sr. Meredith's death was determined to be by drowning. Her right hand had been crushed before she was drowned.
Thatcher Sr. was found upstairs in the bedroom. He had a wound on the back of his head, rendering him dizzy and confused. His fingers had been severed, joints and all before he had a knife plunged into his neck.
When the angels heard the news, they automatically turned to Ira. However, he just smiled and continued to make the steaks.
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demon-blood-youths · 1 year
||Van Ink Za Tatsu No Harem: Part 18: Path to Recovery
Hi everyone! Here is part 18 for this drabble. This drabble is for my partner @the-silver-peahen-residence . This drabble is going to have some funny wholesome moments and a serious fight. 
Part 15 - Rough Recovery
Part 16 - Handed-Down Punishment
Part 17 - Relief Within The Claws
------ Summary -----
After her fraction realized their error and accept the conquesneces of their actions by Ink and the boys handing down their punishments. However there is one more thing that Ink needs to focus on. Her rival, Kali. How will Ink deal with Kali and her involvement in the party?  Find out more.
------ Hospital Room ------
After things are now settled between her fraction and the boys. While Fosh is getting things set up for Navarro and the boys to live together.
Ink needs to focus on another matter to deal with. Kali Vin-Shia aka the Wrathful Baroness. Out of everyone, Ink never knew that Kali would done this at people’s expense. Yuuka inform her that thinking that Kali wants something out of this. Because of that, she remembers at the party that Kali wanted one of the boys for herself if she pick the one she loved the most. Ink grips on her pants and narrows her eyes. Not cool. 
She didn’t know why. But the way Kali said it....she treating them like they’re objects or something. Ink never had this feeling before. 
 Ink thinks of her as rival but right now...she needs to set things straight with her.
“I’m going to fight her....” She uttered.
“Ink, are you up?” Rin asked.
Ink blinks and looks to see Rin Okinia who is at the door. 
“Oh uh! Sorry! I was thinking out loud.” Ink said.
“That’s okay, Ink.” Rin said, “Also! I got you something!” Rin grins. “My speciality and favorite food for lunch!” He sets it on the bed table. It is a black pot so it made Ink’s eyes filled with anciptiation. Rin lifts the lid up. “Sukiyaki!!” Ink sees  and is at awe at what she seeing. Well-marbled beef with vegetables like cabbage and other greens, tofu, egg yolk and mushrooms. She sees liquid. Soup? Wait, there’s noodles!!
“It’s a broth.” Rin explained. “Perfect for your recovery. It has everything you need to get strength back up.” 
“Wow! That looks so amazing, Rin!” Ink clasped her hands with her eyes sparkling together making Rin proudly. “Careful...it’s hot!”
“Okay!” Ink picks up the chopsticks and digs in. She widen her eyes and lets out a pleasing hum as she tried the noodles and broth. “So good! This is the best! Thank you so much, Rin! You’re so awesome!”
Rin is now proud as his cheeks blush a little pink as he rubs his nose. Hearing that Ink loves his cooking fills him with pride and love, no doubt! Take that, Bakugo! Top that! Rin smirked.
Outside the room, Bakugo is seething while gripping on the edge of the door while Midoriya is trying to calm him down. “Easy Kacchan. Your cooking would be great when dinner comes!” Midoriya laughs. But then Midoriya stops laugh while Bakugo is snickering. 
“Yeah...I’m going to wipe that smirk off his face when Ink gets a taste of my cooking!” Bakugo cackles menacingly making Midoriya sweat-dropped as he chuckles. There he goes...The green pro-hero thought.
“It’s not a competition...” Atsushi sighed.
“IT IS TO ME!” Bakugo exclaimed. Right now, the boys are having cook-off with each other to see Ink react to their cooking. And no...Kali has no part in this. The boys decide this among themselves when they see what Ink would be eating give by the hospital.
----- Yesterday  -----
“This is what she’s eating?! No way in hell she’s eating this!” Said Bakugo seeing the hospital food, he twitched an eye at this....food being served to Ink. “The fuck is this? What the hell is this?! The fuck am I seeing?! WHO COOK THIS?!” Bakugo points at the tray in disgust, ready to burn it and throw it straight to the trash. 
“Hospital food...” Ren answered while Midoriya sweats drops a little with a chuckle. 
“That’s a rtheroical question!” Bakugo yelled. 
“Is this what food is like here in American hospitals???” Atsushi can’t believe this seeing the food. It looks and smells of disappointment. Mushy rice, baked chicken that looks dry and overcooked, overcooked vegetables, a fruit cup and milk carton. This can make any person cry and make them leave the hospital early! They will be better off with a glass of water. 
“Yeah....screw that.” Rin shaking his head and decides this. “I’m going to be the one cooking her meals.”
“HUH?!” Bakugo looks at Rin, “The hell you will, I will be cooking her meals!”
“Oh yeah! What are you going to cook for her, huh?!” Rin retorted. “She needs a full meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner! Can you cook all that?! You cook only spicy food!”
“Do not! I can cook anything than just spicy food!” Bakugo retorted.
“I can bring her honey toast with raspberry jam, plum jam, orange jam, strawberry jam, honey, and butter!” Denji said with his hand raised.
All the boy stared at him in bewilderment hearing that. 
“You can’t be serious! That’s too much sugar!!” Rin stared at Denji right now. “That’s not a meal! What is wrong with you?” Rin yelled comedically.
“Huh! It’s breakfast!” Denji yelled back comedically. “It’s good! It’s fluffy heaven!” Then Ren sighs. “I think curry with rice would be good.” Ren said. “It might help.” He said.
“Yeah that works but needs to be par with something..” Rin said. 
“Maybe miso soup with fish and rice! Like seaweed soup or tea over rice! ” Atsushi said.
“Good but not enough.” Rin said. Denji wrinkle his nose, furrows his brows and points at the half-demon accusingly, “You son of- I know what you’re doing! You want to cook the meals for Ink by yourself! You don’t want anyone else to cook so Ink can praise yer cooking!!!”
“HUUHH?! Are you dumb?!” Rin yelled but the tip of his pointy ears were blushing red. Busted. 
“You rat tail demon bastard! Think you slick and can pull a fast one on us, HUH?!” Bakugo yelled as he flexes his palms ready to blast out explosions. Ren, Atsushi and Midoriya sighed in unison. This is getting nowhere....
“You guys...” Shdwkyz groans, he can’t believe they’re arguing about this while Vivi is shaking her head. She had to admit it’s pretty amusing. Then someone steps forward and provides a situation.
“How about you guys pick a meal at the time of the day and just serve it to her. Like Denji makes breakfast, Rin makes lunch and Bakugo makes her dinner.” Oblivion said it. “Knowing Ink, she can eat anything by you guys. Maybe...share your favorite food with her or a food that is best for her recovery. You can ask Jaron for advice or Ophelia.” She said. The boys heard and contemplate Oblivion’s words. 
“That does make sense.” Ren said, tapping his chin.
“That actually works!” Midoriya said, nodding with a smile. 
“I taste Jaron’s cooking. I tried it myself!” Atsushi said honestly. “It’s really good! He might know what would Ink like!” He added.
“Hell yeah! Let’s go.” Denji grinned. 
“Yes but remember he will not cook since it’s part of his punishment. But we can ask him to tell us.” Ren reminded them. The boys take this into account and agree. 
Mission: Making Ink homemade meals by theirs truly! 
----- Morning -----
And so, the boys compromise between each other in which one will cook one meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner. This morning, Denji already serve Ink with his honey toast with direction of Jaron by serving her eggs, bacon and honey, strawberry, and raspberry jam on the toast sprinkled with cinnamon served with almond milk. 
“Woah! This tastes amazing, Denji! Thank you so much!” Ink smiles. “And man! You’re not kidding about the honey toast special! It tastes so good! I think this wake me right up!” Ink after taking a bite out of him. “Thanks a lot!” 
“Happy that you like it!” Denji said with a grin as his cheeks flush a little pink. Score! I did it! Denji thought. ‘Nobody will beat me in breakfast! Hahahaha! I’m the best!!’
Minutes later, Ink is done with breakfast as the plate is clean. “All done! Thanks for the food!” Ink smiles.
----- Present Afternoon -----
Ink eats non-stop making Rin so happy that Ink loves his cooking. Now he’s pumped. Now he needs to see how Bakugo is going to top this. It better be good than lunch. 
“Phew! All done! Thank you for the meal!” Ink smiles as she sets the chopsticks down. Rin sees that Ink ate the entire meal. No scarp of meat, no remains of soup and nothing. Ink clean the entire bowl. Rin wanted to cry of happiness. 
---- Outside ----
“Damn! I thought I had it in the bag!” Denji gritted his teeth while Ren pats on his back. “There, there, there. Lunch and breakfast are two different things. At least Ink ate everything.” Ren tells him. At the same time, Oblivion, Shdwkyz  and Fosh just watching this.
“Should we do something about this?” Fosh asked, looking a bit worried.
“Nope. We done enough damage.” Shdwkyz shakes his head, And besides...this is way better and all in good fun for once.” 
“I agree.” Vivi smiles a bit. “Seeing them compete and not fight each other like this is way better.” 
Oblivion nods.”Uh-huh.” She has to admit, those two meals are good. She wonders what Bakugo will come up for dinner.
----- Ink’s room, a hour later ----
“Alright! I will be going! Get some more exercise and rest, Ink.” Rin smiles, waving at him.
“Okay! Thanks for visiting, Rin! ” Ink smiles before Rin leaves. Several minutes later, a group of girls came to the room. Ink smiles at their familar faces.
“Jinx! Ashely and Yuuka! You came!” Ink smiles. 
“Hey! I’m here for my best friend and sis!” Jinx grinned as she had flowers and goes to change them. 
“I-It’s good to see you doing well, Ink. You seem happier today than yesterday.” Ashely noticed. 
“Yeah! You wouldn’t believe it. Denji made me breakfast and then afternoon came by, Rin made me lunch. I had a great time talking with them too.” Ink smiles. 
Oh! Yuuka, Ashely and Jinx are surprised to heard this and happy to hear it. Denji and Rin can cook. Ink is a one lucky girl. “So Oblivion wasn’t kidding...” Yuuka whispered.
“Right?!” Jinx whispered. 
“That’s w-wonderful, Ink. It seems like they really care about you.” Ashely smiles. Ink chuckles as she blushes a little. “I never had something like this. I hope it doesn’t take up too much of their time. The food is really good and I can’t waste all of it. Rin and Denji put a lot of effort in their food. I don’t know, I can sense it when I eat it.” 
This must be the power of love. Ashely thought happily.
“Wow! I wish someone can cook like that for me!” 
Then Yuuka got a text message to which she sighs. Ink blinks. “Yuuka? Is everything okay?”
“It’s nothing but-”
“It’s Kali. She wants to meet you.” Yuuka sighed making Ashely and Jinx slient as they are worried. Ink is silent and then makes a decision.
----- Central Park ----
“Ink!” Yuuka catches up with her. “Where are you going?! You can’t just leave the hospital like that!” She yelled as she is now concerned. 
“Y-yes! She’s right. You aren’t discharged yet.” Ashely said as the three girls are following after Ink.
“I’m fine. We’re just going to talk.” Ink assures them. By talking, Ink is going to fight Kali since she asked where her greatsword, Wyvern is. Ink has it on her back. Jinx can tell this is going to be a fight between them. She can feel it in her bones.
They found Kali sitting at the bench, drinking her lemonade. Kali looks over to Ink whom smiles at her. “Well, well, you got discharged already?”
Ink smiles, “Not really. I need some fresh air and this is a good excuse to do it.” This got Ashely and Yuuka nervous. 
“Really? Anyway, I call you here because I have no way to contact you.”
And the three girls knew why. Fosh didn’t want to send message sent over to Ink because of what Kali did by Navarro’s orders since he felt responsible for letting Kali go about the games. It made sense for Ink to recover first before dealing with Kali first. So Kali’s first point of contact is Yuuka.
“Don’t worry, Yuuka told me.” Ink smiles, “Anyway, Kali. I need to know something.” Said Ink.
“By needing to know something, you want to know why I helped Navarro with his plan.” Kali asked, not beating around the bush as she can already tell what Ink wants to know.
“Yeah....” Ink nods. 
“It’s simple, Ink.” Kali begins, “Because you have no idea how lucky you are.” Kali said as she narrows her eyes. This got Jinx, Ashely and Yuuka tense hearing this. Ink didn’t move nor say anything. “For someone so strong, you should’ve notice it after what Yuuka and Oblivion told me when they came asking around just to confirm your right hand’s worries. I mean...I have to admit! I’m was really surprised but not surprised at all.”
Ink is silent and looks at her questionable.
“Ever since you came back from Japan, you’re the talk of the town! Now only that, you were talk of Japan ever since you defeated Iron TItan which everyone is so happy about. But at the same time, you’re too dense of not noticing their feelings.” Kali explained.
By feelings. She meant the boys’ feelings.
“Jeez...how can you miss that! There were hints!” Kali raised her hands in disbelief.
“I-” Ink asked. 
“The flowers, the gifts, the plushie and the chocolate cupcakes with the heart sprinkles on them!!” Kali made number of her fingers as she makes her points. Yeah that last part, she will never let that go. “And on the party, you can’t pick one! You want all of them?!” Kali asked. 
“Yeah....” Ink narrows her eyes, wondering what’s her point right now. 
“Are you saying that because you don’t want to hurt their feelings, or you can’t choose or that’s how you really feel?” Kali asked. Ink is silent to which Yuuka, Jinx and Ashely comes to her defense.
“We all heard it, Kali.” Jinx said.
“Yes! We were all there!” Said Yuuka. 
“Y-yes, Ink gave her answer.” Ashely stammered. But Kali’s eyes shut them down, “I’m asking Ink. Not you three.” She tells them before going to Ink, “Well? What’s your answer?”
Ink thinks deeply on this before giving her answer, “It’s what...I really feel, Kali.” Ink said it. “When I spend time with each and every one of them, I felt happy.” Ink said honestly, “At first, the first time you ask me that question. I didn’t want to pick because if I say all, I feel like I’m hurting their feelings but I shouldn’t hide my feelings. ”
“And you’re not going to say whose the best out of the six?” Kali tapping her foot.
“No. They’re all the best to me in their own way.” Ink said.
“Oh my god...” Kali rolls her eyes. “And how you are going to spend with them! It takes a lot of energy! You really don’t think this through! What the heck are you trying to pull?!” “I’m not trying to pull anything!” Ink retorted.
“Yes you are! With your mokkori body, do you have any idea what is it like to spend time with a person who has the hots for you?!” Kali pointed. “Do you?!”
“Mokkori-?!” Yuuka had to do a double take as she trips herself. Jinx caught Yuuka in her arms.
“Y-yuuka! Are you alright?” Ashely asked making Yuuka, “Y-yeah...sorta.” Yuuka had to twitch an eye. Where did the hell did Kali got that word from?! 
“Well...no...I mean....” Ink begins.
“Of course you don’t! You have no experience with men! You don’t how to date! You have no game! You have no concept of dating!” Kali said. “That’s what I did this for you so as a fellow rival, to cut down their numbers so you can handle one!”
“H-handle?” Ashely blinks. 
“That’s right! After all, as your rival. I deserve to have-
“To have one of them for yourself.” Ink cuts her off, making Kali blink. The girl huffs away from her and nods, “Yes. I said that and I won’t take it back.” 
“Why? You didn’t know any of them that much.” Ink said. “Why would you-
“So?! If one of them are mine, then I will and make sure they will be pleased by me. After all, they need someone who isn’t an immature, reckless, and oblivious person on earth.”
“Kali!” Yuuka yelled, can’t believe what she’s hearing. Ashely is now worried while Jinx is now worried about Ink. They never heard Kali talked like this. Kali is crossing the line here.
“That’s why if you are honest, I can take them off your hands and-” 
“Kali.....” Ink begins. “The guys aren’t objects.” She said emotionless making Kali look at Ink now having a serious expression, “They aren’t yours to take....”
“Oh...” Kali blinked her eyes, now surprising to hear her rival now. “And what are you going to do about it?” Kali sneers. It’s about time!
“To set the record straight!” Ink said as she grips her greatsword, Wyvern. “The guys can make their decisions on who they want to go with! You can’t force them to! If I said I like them all! I like them all and you’re not going to have any of them to yourself!” Ink roared as she unleashes a surge of demonic energy towards Kali who now laughs as she unleashes her own demonic energy as well.
“Then prove it to me! Beat me in a fight then!” Kali laughs as she pulls out her twin sabres, Ravanna. The three girls take cover behind a rock as the two girls went at each other as their weapons clashes. “It’s about time you’re taking this seriously!
“Not good! We have to do something!” Yuuka said but she and Ashely were stopped by Jinx. “J-JInx?” Ashely questioned. Jinx shakes her head, “I say let them fight it out. Ink and Kali needs this.” She said.
“Look Yuuka. Ink is serious in fighting Kali and Kali wants to know her resolve.”
“But still...” Yuuka said.
“Don’t worry! Since Central Park is part of Cursed Vixens’ turf! I will act as a refeere!” Jinx grinned with a thumbs up making the two fraction leaders sigh.
----- two hours later ----
“I swear Ink- you little-” A clash is heard that sends shockwaves throughout Central Park. A explosion is heard as Yuuka, Ashely and Jinx watch. 
“I WON’T LOSE!!” Ink yelled as she slams her greatsword down on Kali but Kali blocks with her sabres, Ravanna and pushes her away.
“HA! I’M SURPRISED YOU CAN STILL MOVE AFTER THROWING YOU ACROSS THE BRIDGE!” Kali said, rushing her and delivers slashes at her but Ink blocks them away. “That’s because I got to solve one more problem to solve !” Ink yelled. 
“HA! ME A PROBLEM?!” Kali laughed. 
“NOT IF I BEAT YOU!” Kali yelled. Trees are being cut down and the grass is being upturned as dirt is around. “WHEN I BEAT YOU, I WILL TAKE THEM FOR MYSELF!”
“NO WAY! THAT’S NOT-” Ink yelled.
“NOT WHAT?!” Kali said. 
“WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT IS CALLED LOVE!” Kali said. “YOU DUMB IDIOT!” Kali forces Ink against a tree and pins there. “Do you have any idea how I feel about it?! Do you?! I spend a lot of time dating and I can’t get one guy to stay with me! But you?! You managed to have five...no...six guys without even trying! While me having experience, I got nothing but damn catfishes and creeps!!”
“Y-you...need to be yourself, I mean you can find people and”
“BE MYSELF?!” Kali yelled before throwing Ink to the dirt. “That’s a load of crap I ever heard! Didn’t I told you before. You’re lucky!” Kali said as she brings her Ravanna down but Ink rolls to the side dodging it before coming back up.
“You need to go out and find them not online! You need to go outside and meet people!” Ink said.
“I can’t find anyone who likes me!” Kali screeched. 
“There’s someone who does!” Ink said. 
“LIKE WHO?!” Kali said. 
“I don’t know but you gotta try! You can’t sit there and complain about finding guys you don’t meet face-to-face!” Ink said as she blocks an attack. Yuuka, Ashely and Jinx watches the fight. Yuuka begins to realize what this is about.
Kali is jealous. Or rather envious of Ink. Did she do this because she’s upset that she doesn’t have no one that looks at her like the boys look at Ink. Affection? and love?
“As your fellow rival, those guys want nothing but your body! I don’t want that for you!”
“That’s not true! You don’t know them like I do!” Ink roared before slamming her sword against Kali, sending her flying. Kali recovers as she flips and lands her feet on the trunk of the tree. Using it as a launchpad and launches herself at Ink. 
“I know because it’s true! Because I have been used like that! Nobody cares about me!” Kali screamed as she swings her sabres at Ink so quickly, it look like the attacks were multiple but Ink manages to block them by swinging her greatsword in front of her body. Then with a growl, Ink slams Kali against the tree.
“Then I’m sorry that you feel that way!” Ink said, making sure Kali is pin against the tree. “Kali! I talk to them and I can see it in their eyes that they don’t think like that!” Ink said seriously.
“And how do you know?” Kali said angrily. 
The three girls can’t overhear but it looks like Ink whispered something to Kali that made her quiet and widen her eyes. Kali said, “I...you...what?”
“Yeah. I seen it and deal with it.” Ink said. “That’s why I’m telling you this. The guys are different and someday...you find someone like them who likes you for who you are.” Ink tells her seriously as she pulls away and Kali slides down, contemplating this. Kali narrows her eyes.
“Really. Someday...you will find them and get to know them. I know I’m lucky, Kali. That’s why I make sure I will like them as much as they like me. I will support their dreams and goals. If they don’t love me anymore, that’s fine. I want them to be happy.” 
“Hah...this is why I can’t compete with your optimistic attitude.” Kali huffs as she dusts herself. “Well if this is what you want then as your rival, I’m going to make sure to give you advice in men and dating.”
“Not till you say sorry.” Ink crosses her arms.
“After I say sorry.” Kali nods in agreement. The girls sees that the fight is over. Jinx had to whistle, “Wow...you guys make a mess. Did you two got it out of your system?”
“Yeah...” Ink and Kali said in unison.
“D-does that mean....we’re good now?” Ashely asked. Kali and Ink nods. “Well that is...I have to apologize to the people and Ink’s harem.” Kali said with a frown. 
“That’s good to know...” Said Yuuka. Before the girls say anything, they heard a shout.
Ink heard explosions and a whoosh. She can already sense who came. 
Midoriya and Bakugo lands on the ground, looking concerned or rather Bakugo looks mad.  “Ink! What the hell?!” Ink and Kali jumped along with Yuuka, Jinx and Ashely hearing Bakugo’s voice as he is on the field. 
“Uh! Bakugo!  Midoriya! What’s up? Are you-”
“Were you just fighting right now?” Bakugo asked frowning. 
“Uh yes! But I was fighting Kali because...HUH?!!” Then Ink is lifted up and hostled over Bakugo’s shoulder. “Hey Bakugo! What are you doing?!” Ink yelled.
“Taking you back to hospital! That’s what!” Bakugo yelled. 
“But I’m fine!” Ink retorted
“You haven’t heal properly from your injuries!” Midoriya cried. 
“I was just sparring! Besides Dr. Yosano took care of them.”
“That’s sparring?!” Bakugo points comically, pointing to several trees that are cut down and rocks being destroyed from their fight making Ink sweat-dropped as she chuckles. “Well...uh...we’re just talking???!” Ink laughs nervously. 
“Uh-huh. Anyway...we’re getting your ass back to bed!” Bakugo said while carrying Ink back while Midoriya sighed. “B-b-but!” Ink tries to argue.
“No buts!” Bakugo told her firmly making Ink sigh in defeat. 
Kali stares in disbelief while Jinx, Yuuka and Ashely are just watching stunned when Ink is being dragged back to hospital like a kid being reprimanding about not taking care of herself. Midoriya addresses the girls including Kali. “Are you four alright? We heard from Oblivion that Ink is missing and-”
“Yeah! Ink and Kali were really sparring.” Jinx smiled.
“Y-yes. Sorry for the scare.” Ashely said. 
“Yeah...Ink is fine.” Yuuka said. Kali huffs as she crosses her arms, “Like they said, we’re sparring. That said, I owe you an apology, hero.” Kali tells Midoriya. “For my actions at the party, I was getting overboarding and my feelings got the best of me. That said...if you continue this relationship with Ink, I will support it!”
Huh? Midoriya blinked. “Oh...okay.” Midoriya nods. Seems like Kali is apologizing. If that’s what Ink is planning to do based on their so-called sparring, it makes sense. 
“That said! If you’re planning on doing it with Ink! Make sure to use protection! She has no experience in it if you know what I mean!” Kali said it wisely with a wink. 
The green hero had to do a double take while the girls blushed, knowing what Kali meant. Soon, Midoirya’s cheeks flushed red as he understood what Kali is talking about. 
“EEEEH?!” Midoriya widens his eyes. 
Looks like Ink’s problem with Kali is settled.
------- Later that night  ------
It is dinnertime as Bakugo presents his dish to Ink.
“Here! My favorite sweet and spicy chicken.” Bakugo presents his dish to Ink after getting her to the hospital. “I have a thing for spicy food but I don’t want to upset your stomach so sweet goes well. I found this recipe with onion and radish that keeps it cool.” Bakugo explains his dish to her. The sweet and spicy chicken is not what you think. He use chicken breasts and uses the sweet and spicy seasoning to marinate the chicken, leaving it in the fridge for two hours so the juices to soak into the meat. Then he cooks the rice and adds some pickled plum into it to make each bite refreshing. 
“Plus I made you some pudding for dessert to help to cool your mouth and finish the day off.” He said making Ink amazed at the effort that Bakugo put into this dish. “Ooohh!”
“Wow! That’s so cool! I love some spicy food!” Ink smiles happily. She goes to cut into her chicken and scoops up some rice then eats it. “Wow! So good! This is the best food I ever had! You’re like a chef, Bakugo! This helps me after the fight I had with Kali.”
“Heh.” Bakugo smirked as he can’t wait to tell how Ink likes his cooking. Take that you derp-face bastard and rat tail demon punk! I WIN!’ Bakugo thought while Ink eats, having no idea about this cook-off contest.
“Son of a bitch...” Rin growled. “I told you...he’s going to make a spicy dish! I just knew it!” He said making Yukio chuckle. “There, there, big brother! At least Ink likes your dish. Lunch is the most memorable meal.” He said cheering him up as he can.
“Damnit....” Denji muttered while Atsushi sighs. 
“Looks like it’s our turn tomorrow.” Said Ren while Midoriya laughs sheephisly. “Yeah...”
“I can take the breakfast.” Atsushi volunteered.
“Lunch for me.” Said Midoriya.
“Fair enough. I can take care of dinner then.” Said Ren, pushing his glasses up. 
And so another day goes by....
To be continued..
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Now this was a bit of a seminal issue in DC Comics history, though you really couldn’t tell so by looking at this cover. But it represents one of the very few times that a super hero legitimately was killed off during the Silver Age of Comics. And even though that character would be revived a bit later, that doesn’t really detract from the impact of this particular tale. I’m talking about events…
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ifelllikeastar · 11 months
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Ira Hayes was an Akimel O'odham Native American and a United States Marine during World War II. He enlisted in the United States Marine Corps Reserve on August 26, 1942, and, after recruit training, volunteered to become a Paramarine. He fought in the Bougainville and Iwo Jima campaigns in the Pacific War.
Hayes was generally known as one of the six flag raisers immortalized in the iconic photograph Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima by photographer Joe Rosenthal.
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kuuderekun · 1 year
Heroarchy is Fascism
https://mithrandirolorin.blogspot.com/2023/03/heroarchy-is-fascism.htmlThe problem with Umberto Eco’s attempt to reconstruct a hypothetical Ur Fascism is that the actual Ur Texts of Fascism were never lost but were in fact preserved and celebrated, and Eco’s guess about what shared traits of the many 20s and 30s movements called Fascist were key to identifying it were in fact wrong.
The actual Ur Text of Fascism was the Heroarchy philosophy of Thomas Carlyle, I’m not the first to suggest this by any means, many Nazis during the 30s in both Germany and Britain saw the connection at the time.  But I feel there are lessons to be learned from this connection.
Now I have in the past made a big deal out of distinguishing Nazism from Fascism, and I still believe the differences do matter ,but learning to understand how much Carlyle is the key has helped me to accept that they are sibling or cousin ideologies and Carlyle is their Grandfather.
Thomas Carlyle is most famous for being the author of the Great Man Theory of History.  A theory of history generally discredited today even though its influence on historical fiction still lives.  That theory is itself part of Fascist ideology, Fascism at its core is about trying to identify the right Great Men of the present to put in power and then blindly follow.  But Carlyle didn’t talk about only that subject, his political philosophy he literally called Heroarchy, essentially a type of Monarchism but that claimed Meritocracy rather than the standard familial inheritance of traditional Feudalism.  And he was openly Racist and Antisemitic with even hints of Marcionism. 
During his own lifetime his writings and ideas were very popular not just within his own country of England but also in Germany and across the Atlantic in the former colonies, especially in The South.  Mussolini and the other founders of Italian Fascism may have been less inclined to explicitly cite Carlyle than their cousins in countries speaking Germanic languages.  Geroges Sorel’s philosophy is an important middle man in understanding how Hero Worship gave birth to Fascist movements in Romance Language countries, alongside Integralism.
Fascism and Liberalism both value Meritocracy but with different ideas on how that Merit ought to be determined and measured, the Left needs to reject Meritocracy altogether.  Understanding the role of Heroarchy in Fascist ideology also helps us understand why there is disagreement about if Fascism is Individualist or Collectivist.  You see while Fascism represent the Far Right on most specific policy issues relevant to the modern world, when it comes to Individualism vs Collectivism dichotomy Fascism places itself in the center, they believe the State needs all the people to be a single Body Politic, but they also believe those Great Men need to rise up to be the Heads of that Body. Modern critiques of the Great Man Theory often treat it is an individualist error but Carlyle himself was no fan individualism, not any Liberal understanding of it anyway.
CulturedThug is the name of a former YouTuber who was somewhat prominent in the AltRight as a self described Fascist, and unlike a lot of other self described Fascists who I don’t think actually understand the word any better than those using it as a generic insult, CulturedThug is very well read, if I had to give anyone the dubious distinction of being the contemporary Philosopher of Fascism it would be him.  I bring him up here mainly because I watched a video once where he lists his favorite movies, now most of them he did not explicitly claim to like because he saw them as Fascist movies that spoke to him as a Fascist, but the top 3 he did, and they were (I may be misremembering the exact order) the 2002 film Hero starring Jet Li, Conan The Barbarian starring Arnold Swarzenegger, and John Boorman’s Excalibur.  All three definitely are in different ways modern manifestations of the kind of Great Man Hero Myths that Thomas Carylyle fixated on, and so them being the kinds of movies to speak to modern Fascists shows fetishization of that kind of Hero Myth is still at the heart of Fascist identity.
This is not to say that all stories about Heroes are inherently Fascist whether they intended to be or not, a lot of this is tied to specific ideas about what makes a Hero that overlap a lot with Toxic Masculinity and fetishization of the Heroic Sacrifice.  But they are amorphous enough that you can create a fairly Fascist compatible Hero Myth even while trying to be Leftist or succeeding in getting lots of Leftist to praise the story you wrote. The etymology of the word Hero simply means Defender or Protector, that obviously is objectively good, it's the stuff people like Carylye wrapped up into the concept that is the problem.
In general I feel Anime definitely has very different ideas about what makes a Hero that I feel allows most Anime to be safer from these issues, especially when I look at how many of my favorites place so much emphasis on rejecting the necessity of Sacrifice.  And yet there are exceptions, everything I’ve said above in this post only adds to the reasons to be concerned about shows like Attack on Titan and Gate.  But actually digging into this Carlyle as the root of Fascism thesis has caused me to become self reflective about some characters and sequences I’ve liked in shows not usually thought of as being part of the Fascism in Anime discussion.
First is the infamous Grail Dialogue which is episode 11 of Fate/Zero. Iskandar is a very popular character in the fandom, you’ll be hard pressed to find a video essay on this Dialogue that doesn’t take the position that he “won” the debate, that his argument on what makes a good King is vindicated as the correct one.  Now my personal view is that the most correct position is the hypothetical fourth left unrepresented.  But my point here is that Iskandar’s position when you really break it down is Heroarchy, it is essentially Fascist ideology boiled down to its simplest expression, but because he doesn’t preach in a German accent wearing an SS Uniform countless viewers were actually swayed by it.
And the sad thing is even my favorite Anime Genre to refer to as Antithetical to everything wrong with western ideas of Heroism is not immune.  Yuki Yuna Is A Hero I have referred to as my favorite Magical Girl Anime in the past, and I still love the show.  But I’ve come to realize a lot of what happens in this saga is essentially the Stab-in-the-Back-Myth applied to Mahou Shoujo.  Any story so built around your Heroes Sacrificing everything for society yet being constantly betrayed by that society should always raise a red flag.  Now there are certain Anti-Fascist ways to read the story even when you're aware of this connection, but I felt it was important to bring up.
However the real reason I think it’s important to talk about this relationship between Fascism and Hero Myth is because it helps explain how a story can knowingly or not teach or reinforce Fascistic ideas in the story it tells with it’s Heroes even while draping it’s Villains in the cosmetic iconography of certain past specific Fascist regimes, or even explicitly identifying them with one.  You see in modern popular fiction the Nazis have been semi-disconnected from the original political project of the NASDAP.  Both actual Nazis and Space Nazis are in the popular imagination now just new Dragons to be slain by modern Heroes in making modern Hero Myths.  Sometimes they are even literally hoarding Gold just like Fafnir.
That’s my issue with the discourse surrounding the song Be Prepared in The Lion King, that film gets to be considered Anti-Fascist by default because Triumph of The Will is referenced during the villain song.  But the problem is this is a film where the villain is a queer coded “degenerate” member of the ruling class colluding with the foreigners who don’t belong in the kingdom, it’s a story where the villains upset the natural order of things but putting the rightful King back on the throne magically restores everything.  It is exactly the kind of Hero Myth that Fascists love. Basically if you're gonna have the main villain be a different "race" from most of their minions, it's really messed to then call them Nazis when your the one who just did a Nazi propaganda trope.
Even Casablanca I think needs to be criticized more, this is a movie where the actual reasons people today consider the Nazis uniquely Evil aren’t relevant at all.  As far as this film is concerned the Nazis main sin was invading and taking over other countries, where the principal Refugee in the story isn’t depicted as any kind of marginalized person but a White Man who simply opposes them because of what he believes in, whose beliefs themselves are not explored in depth either.  But if that’s why the Nazis are bad then the very setting of the film undermines any notion that the French have moral superiority, Casablanca was a French colony the actual indigenous people of which are not represented in the film.  There’s actually something deeply wrong with lionizing a defiant display of Patriotic French Resistance on soil the French themselves stole.
And yes all this also applies to Star Wars as well, after all Star Wars has become so married to the Monomyth thesis of Joseph Campbell, and modern criticism of Campbell has its roots in how much Campbell’s ideas also derived from Carlyle. Modern Internet Neoreactionaries have always seen themselves in the Rebels and their bad understanding of Socialism in The Empire, and I’ve already talked about why they aren't without good reason to do so.
Even in Andor which so many Breadtubers now think is so special, so good even compared to other Star Wars at being Anti-Fascist and Anti-Capitalist.  In episode 10 Luthen the character played by Stellen Skarsgard gives a speech to his informant that everyone has been simping for as one of the best Anti-Fascist Speeches of all time.  But to me it’s exactly that kind of monologue that should raise a red flag. It is a part of the understanding of the Heroic Sacrifice in the minds of people like CulturedThug that it’s sometimes your conscience, your very morality that has to be sacrificed.  And no I’m not against acknowledging that a resistance movement may have to do some morally gray things, that you can’t change the world without getting your hands dirty, but justify it with normal utilitarian arguments rather then preaching a Sermon about how you’re sacrificing your soul for the salvation of the future.
The current backlash to Harry Potter has helped open people’s eyes on this, the Slytherin/Voldemort ideology is coded as being Nazi like, yet the text literally contains Nazi propaganda in its depiction of the Goblins.
But before that and even still to an extent Breadtubers are only prepared to process the idea that a story could have Nazi villains but be counterproductive to actually opposing Fascist ideology when the problem was the villains being too cool.  And that was the basis of the freak out a lot of Leftists in the Anime Community had over Dies Irae in 2017, that yeah the Nazis may be villains but they’re cool sexy Bishonen villains who the Fujoshi are gonna turn into Ernst Rohms in their Doujins.
I’m not sure what I think about Dies Irae, I didn’t feel like I understood what it was trying to say when I watched it and now I don’t properly remember all of it, and fans of the VN hated the Anime as an adaptation to begin, I’m not gonna play the VN I don’t even play the VNs of Anime I actually liked a lot more than this.  But there were moments in there that as I recall them now make me wonder if maybe it was trying to be self aware about the very issue I’ve been talking about, acknowledging that these Nazis fetishize that very kind of story this genre of fiction has its roots in and was perhaps trying to say something about that.  Or maybe it was just pretentious lampshade hanging, IDK someone who understands the original VN will have to answer that.
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semutmerahlagi · 3 months
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Pak Su ku Sayang
Peristiwa itu masih menghantui diriku.. Aku confuse dan tak tahu kepada siapa aku harus mengadu. Sejak peristiwa itu aku sering tak dapat tidur dan sakit kepala memikirkan nya.. Ianya berlaku semasa cuti sekolah yang lalu. Aku pergi ke rumah Pak Su ku di Kuantan untuk berjumpa sepupuku Atie. Aku dan Atie adalah sebaya memang kawan baik sejak kecil. Setelah keluargaku berpindah ke Temerloh aku jarang berjumpa Atie. Apabila tiba cuti sekolah aku gunakan peluang itu untuk bertandang ke rumah Atie.
Aku dan Atie sama-sama dalam tingkatan dua. Dalam usia 14 tahun ini aku mengalami perubahan badan yang amat ketara. Malah ibuku sering menegurku bila aku tidak memakai bra dirumah. Kewanitaanku amat terserlah. Aku mula mengenakan bra 33 B. Dgn ketinggianku 160 cm dan berat badanku 43 kg, aku mampu menarik perhatian setiap lelaki yang memandangku. Biasalah anak dara sunti yang baru tengah naik, semuanya segar dan montok. Terutamanya buah dada aku ni..
Aku pun rasa malu dengan kawan-kawan sekelasku bila aku dianggap simbol seks.
Tapi Nak buat cammana bukannya aku boleh mengawal kesuburan tubuh badanku.. Aku mewarisi kecantikan rupa paras ibuku dengan kulit yang putih halus serta susuk tubuh yang montok. Ibuku saling tak tumpah seperti pembaca berita TV tu.. Aku ni lain sikit. Ada iras-iras saja. Berbalik kepada cerita aku tadi, bila aku tiba kat rumah Atie lebih kurang pukul 10 pagi.. Pak Su ada kat rumah kerana hari tu Hari Sabtu. Pak Su bagitau Maksu dan Atie pegi ke bandar Kuantan shopping katanya. Pak Su suruh aku masuk dan tunggu dalam rumah manakala dia ada kat laman tengah basuh kereta. Aku kata takpalah baik aku duduk kat laman boleh bual-bual dengan Pak Su.
Pak Su masa tu hanya mengenakan seluar pendek tak berbaju.. Nampakla bulu dada dia dan bulu kat bawah pusat dia. Aku memang minat lelaki berbulu dada seperti hero hindustan tu.. Naik syok pula aku tengok badan Pak Su aku ni.. Orangnya tinggi lampai.. Tak kurus tak gemuk.. Ada lebih kurang badan pelakon terkenal badan dia.. Nampak tegap juga..
Umur baru 35. Habis badan Pak Su aku aku tengok dari dada, perut, peha, betis, belakang.. Asyik betul aku sampai bila Pak Su tegur pun aku tak dengar.. Malu juga aku bila dia sedar aku asyik perhatikan dia. Dia kata.
“Wanie berangan kat pakwe ke..”
Aku tersipu-sipu malu.. Aku ni tengah dara sunti.. Keinginan pada lelaki sudah mula tumbuh selari dengan tumbuhnya bulu-bulu halus disekitar bibir cipapku.. Aku kata.
“Tak adalah Pak Su, mana Wanie ada Pak we”.
“Takkan dah besar macam ni pun tak ada pakwe”.
Aku bertambah malu bila Pak Su kata aku ni dah besar.. Mesti dia imply kat buah dada aku ni.. Yelah badan aku bukannya besar sangat.. Figure aku cuma 33-23-33. Cuma bra aku ajelah dan saiz B cup.. Agak besarlah bagi gadis seusia ku ni.. Atie baru pakai saiz 32A. Aku masa tu pakai kemeja ketat pendek dengan seluar jeans. Memang nampak terbonjol juga dada aku ni.. Aku memang suka pakai macam tu.. Biar budak lelaki terliur tengok aku.. Nak dijadikan cerita, Pak Su tiba-tiba ajak aku masuk dalam rumah kerana dia Nak tunjukkan sesuatu pada aku. Aku ikut saja.. Aku tidak mengesyaki apa-apa bila dia bawa aku masuk bilik dia. Bila dia kata dia Nak cium aku.. Aku terkejut dan terpinga-pinga..
Zass.. Satu ciuman hinggap kat pipi aku.. Kemudian dia peluk aku.. Aku bagaikan terpukau dan membiarkan dia memelukku. Semasa dia memelukku aku merasa benda keras tertancak katperut aku ni.. Memang sah la batang Pak Su aku ni dah keras dan tegang.. Aku mula takut bila terbayang kes kes rogol yang aku baca kat paper.. Aku mula cuba membebaskan diri aku dari pelukan Pak Su. Kemudian membisikkan ke telinga ku.. Dia kata ‘Jangan takut Pak Su cuma Nak cium Wanie aje.. Pelukannya makin erat.. Aku mula lemas dalam rangkulannya. Ciumannya mula mengganas.. Dari pipi ke mulut, leher dan dada.. Pendek kata habisla aku dicumbuinya. Kemeja aku dibuka dan tinggallah dadaku berbalut bra saja.. Buah dada aku yang baru Nak membesar ni terus diramas-ramas dari luar bra..
Aku mula asyik dan seronok.. Tak pernah aku diperlakukan begitu.. Terasa sedap dan mengasyikkan. Aku mula merengek-rengek kegelian bila lidah Pak Su mula menjilat-jilat buah dadaku.. Aku sendiri tak sedar bila bra ditanggalkan kerana aku pejam mata sepanjang dicumbui oleh Pak Su.. Aku sedar aku dah tak pakai bra bila terasa puting buah dadaku dihisap dan dijilat.. Ketika itu aku dah tak boleh fikir secara rasional.. Cipap aku mula berair.. Daripada dada ciuman Pak Su turun ke perut dan pusat aku dijilat.. Aku bertambah geli.. Aku cipapku semakin banyak keluar.. Bila Pak Su menaggalkan seluar jeans aku, aku bagaikan menyerah sahaja.. Dah dapat dapat mengawal nafsu aku ni.. Lepastu habisla cipapku diterokai..
Habis basah lencun cipap aku kena jilat kat Pak Su aku. Ditambah pula dengan air aku tak henti-henti keluar.. Terus banjir kilat. Aku mengecapi orgasm pertama aku selepas beberapa minit kelentit aku kena jilat kat Pak Su. Aku terus mengerang-ngerang tanpa rasa malu lagi.. Pak Su terus meneroka cipap aku yang sebelum ini belum pernah diterokai mana-mana lelaki.. Jari aku pun tak pernah meneroka sejauh itu.. Habis la dijilatnya seluruh bibir kelentit aku yang selama ini asyik menggatal bila tengok lelaki. Malah punggung dan lubang dubur aku pun kena jilat kat Pak Su.. Tak senonoh betul orang tua ni. Masa tu aku rasa aku terkangkang macam katak kena pijak kat lori.
Tilam bawah punggung aku dah basah dengan air aku. Kemudian aku rasa benda keras menujah masuk ke alur cipap aku.. Aku terus pejam mata.. Aku dah tak fikir apa Nak terjadi. Walaupun masa tu aku tahu akan dijolok oleh Pak Su aku, aku biarkan saja kerana dah tak mampu Nak mengawal keadaan. Tusukan pertamanya terhalang oleh selaput dara aku.. Aku tersentak sambil mengaduh sakit tapi Pak Su tak mempedulikan aku dan terus menekan masuk.. Srett.. Aku rasa kangkangku ngilu dan benda keras terus menembus masuk ke celah kangkangku.. Aku rasa macam cipap mengembang ketahap maksima bila batang tu masuk semakin dalam. Bila Pak Su tarik batang dia aku rasa macam cipap aku melekat kat batang Pak Su. Pak Su menyorok tarik batangnya keluar masuk cipap aku..
Rasa sakit pada mula-mula tadi mula bertukar dengan rasa sedap. Aku terus menahan tusukan demi tusukan Pak Su dengan penuh nikmat. Bukan senang Nak dapat benda macam ni. Berdecap-decup bunyi cipap aku kena tikam. Lazatnya tak dapat Nak cerita. Tak lama kemudian aku rasa cairan panas memancut memenuhi liang faraj aku.. Pak Su dan pancut dam cipap aku.. Lebih kurang 2 minit Pak Su tak bergerak-gerak atas badan aku dengan batang dia terendam dalam cipap aku. Aku ingat dia dah pengsan.. Rupa-rupa dia kumpul energy semula.. Lepas tu 3 round lagi dia belasah cipap aku.. Aku sendiri pun tak tahu berapa kali aku orgasm. Ada 5-6 kali rasanya. Lebih kurang pukul 1 tengah hari baru habis.
Hampir 2 jam Pak Su memantat aku.. Habis sengal-sengal seluruh badan aku.. Cipap aku tak yah cerita la.. Rasa kembang semacam aje.. Jalan pun rasa lain aje lepas tu.. Rasa menyesal ada juga pasal aku dah tak virgin lagi. Dah kena robek kat Pak Su aku. Tapi rasa menyesal tu rasa berbaloi juga dengan nikmat yang aku kecapi. Aku tak sangka sex begitu sedap. Patutla orang Nak kahwin sangat. Bagi aku at least aku dah rasa, Nak tunggu kahwin lambat lagi, paling awal pun ayah aku bagi kahwin umur 21. Tak sanggup rasanya Nak tunggu 7 tahun lagi. Cipap aku ni asyik terkemut-kemut aje bila tengok balak hensem. Last sekali sebagai upacara penutup Pak Su suruh aku kulum batang dia.. Aku mengikut aje walaupun tak pandai aku cuba juga. Separuh aje batang Pak Su dapat aku kulum. Kira okay jugaklah untuk yang tak ada pengalaman macam aku ni.
Itulah first time aku tengok batang lelaki dewasa, selalunya aku tengok konek adik aku yang sebesar ibu jari je. Terkejut juga aku bila tengok batang Pak Su yang hampir sebesar lengan aku. Panjangnya lebih kurang 6 inci saja tapi agak besar. Kepala batangnya pun besar macam cendawan.. Suka betul aku bila tengok kepala batang Pak Su mengembang dan berkilat bila kena kulum. Masa aku kulum batang Pak Su ramas-ramas buah dada aku.. Sekali-sekali jari jahat dia korek lubang dubur aku. Pengotor betul Pak Su aku ni. Ada ka dia kata lubang dubur aku cute. Kalau kata cipap aku cute logik juga.. Pasal cipap aku belum ada banyak bulu.. Ada bulu pahat saja.. Nipis dan halus. Nampak bersih dan cute.. Lebih kurang pukul 2 barulah Mak Su dan Atie balik.. Sempatlah aku aku mandi dan berehat lepas kena kongkek kat Pak Su.
Lepas mandi aku tengok cadar bilik Pak Su berterabur macam tempat kucing beranak. Aku kemaskan sikit. Ada beberapa tompokan basah tu.. Bila aku cium ada bau macam air aku je. Tompokan darah pun ada juga. Dah sah darah dara aku. Cadar tu warna pink dan tompokan tu nampak jelas. Bila aku tanya Pak Su macam mana ni.. Dia suruh aku buka balik cadar tu dan rendam dalam besin biar MakSu basuh. Bila diaorang balik aku control aje bila depan Pak Su.. Macam tak ada apa-apa berlaku. Pak Su tersenyum aje tengok aku. Dia tahu aku tak kan bagitau sesiapa pasal upacara pecah tanah hari tu. Malam tu aku tidur awal dengan Atie dalam bilik dia. Atie pun penat katanya pasa lbanyak jalan-jalan shopping. Aku pun penat jugak kena kongkek kat Pak Su. Besoknya aku balik rumah aku kat Temerloh.
Sepanjang jalan atas bas ke Temerloh aku asyik terbayang pengalaman aku dengan Pak Su aku.. Best juga. Bila ada peluang aku akan dapatkan lagi batang Pak Su yang besar dan gemuk tu. Aku rasa aku ni silap-silap akan jadi bohsia memandangkan selera aku pada zakar lelaki amat kuat sekali. Kalau boleh aku nak setiap masa batang zakar ada dalam cipap aku. Kepada sesiapa yang berminat utk mengenaliku boleh hubungi aku. Aku hanya berminat dengan lelaki berbulu dada dan berbatang besar spt Pak Su aku.
Peristiwa ini berlaku 3 minggu yang lalu dan selepas itu aku sentiasa menginginkan lagi dan lagi tapi aku tak mempunyai peluang kerana ayah dan ibuku mengawal pergaulanku. Lelaki nak telefon aku kena marah kat ayah aku. Untuk melepaskan gian aku, aku hanya melancap sambil membayangkan pengalaman aku dengan Pak Su aku.
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actuallysaiyan · 19 days
Kinktober 2024 Masterlist
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WELCOME! It's the fourth year of Kinktober and I have a brand new batch of spooks and kinks coming to you!
First, a few things to remember!
I will not be writing any part 2 to any of these. I'm sorry but I just can't promise anything.
If you want to be part of the tag list, answer the form here! Be sure to have your age in your bio or pinned post! I'd prefer is minors DNI! If you don't have an age in your bio or pinned post, you will not be tagged.
Breath Play with Daki(Demon Slayer)
Water jets/bath with Hiromi(Jujutsu Kaisen)
Overstimulation with Himeno(Chainsaw Man)
Fear play with Sanemi(Demon Slayer)
Aphrodisiac With Guy(Naruto)
Impact play/villain with Vergil(Devil May Cry)
Praise with Toshinori(My Hero Academia)
Lingerie with Kisuke(Bleach)
Deity with Kenpachi(Bleach)
Breeding with Toji(Jujutsu Kaisen)
Spit kink with Inosuke(Demon Slayer)
Student teacher with Jiraiya(Naruto)
Virginity with Kyojuro(Demon Slayer)
Size kink with Ira(Kill La Kill)
Yandere with Gyutaro(Demon Slayer)
Spanking with Dante(Devil May Cry)
Oral/69 with Tengen(Demon Slayer)
Intoxication with Epsilon(Pluto)
Dirty talk with Hizashi(My Hero Academia)
Cock ring/milking table with Zack(Final Fantasy 7)
Voyeurism/pictophilia with Shikamaru(Naruto)
Werewolves/knotting with Haibara(Jujutsu Kaisen)
Bondage with Gohan(Dragon Ball)
Vampire/infections/blood with Vegeta(Dragon Ball)
Office sex with Gojo(Jujutsu Kaisen)
Free use/CNC with Sasuke(Naruto)
Sex toys/vibrators with Aki(Chainsaw Man)
Camgirl/escort with Geto(Jujutsu Kaisen)
Squirting/cumplay with Kintaro(Golden Boy)
Double penetration with Kakashi and Obito(Naruto)
Age gap with Nanami(Jujutsu Kaisen)
As far as it goes, this is the official list for now. It may be subject to changes, as it already has. But I think this could be the actual official list! If any changes occur, I'll be sure to notify everyone!!!
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brienneoftarthsource · 6 months
Meet our Dunk & Egg! ‘Game of Thrones’ Prequel ‘Knight of the Seven Kingdoms: The Hedge Knight’ Casts Peter Claffey, Dexter Sol Ansell in Lead Roles
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The “Game of Thrones” prequel series “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms: The Hedge Knight” has found its leads.
The HBO series is based around the characters Ser Duncan the Tall and his squire, Egg, featured in the “Tales of Dunk and Egg” books written by George R.R. Martin. Peter Claffey has been cast as Dunk, while Dexter Sol Ansell has been cast as Egg.
Variety exclusively reported the show was in development in 2021, with HBO ordering it to series in 2023. The official logline states, “A century before the events of ‘Game of Thrones,’ two unlikely heroes wandered Westeros… a young, naïve but courageous knight, Ser Duncan the Tall (Claffey), and his diminutive squire, Egg (Ansell). Set in an age when the Targaryen line still holds the Iron Throne, and the memory of the last dragon has not yet passed from living memory, great destinies, powerful foes, and dangerous exploits all await these improbable and incomparable friends.”
Martin and Ira Parker are writers and executive producers on the show. Ryan Condal, Vince Gerardis, Owen Harris, and Sarah Bradshaw also executive produce.
Claffey is a former Connacht Rugby player and actor whose past credits include the Apple TV+ series “Bad Sisters” from Sharon Horgan and the BBC Three horror comedy series “Wrecked.” Ansell made his acting debut at four years old in the ITV series “Emmerdale.” He has since starred in shows like “The Midwich Cuckoos” and “Hullraisers” and appeared in the prequel film “The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes.”
Martin has published three novellas in the “Tales of Dunk and Egg” series to date: “The Hedge Knight” in 1998, “The Sworn Sword” in 2003 and “The Mystery Knight” in 2010. The three novellas were then collected and published together as “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms” in 2015.
“A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms” is the second “Game of Thrones” prequel to be greenlit to date. The other, “House of the Dragon,” debuted its first season in 2022 with the second season set to premiere on June 16. “House of the Dragon” proved incredibly popular with audiences and was renewed less than a week after it premiered. In terms of the timeline of the world created by Martin, “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms” takes place roughly 100 years after the events of “House of the Dragon.”
Report by Variety
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agent-darkbootie · 2 years
Because I don't talk about Ira much let's start this god-forsaken morning off with some funfacts.
Ira has trust issues like a motherfucker. And being on the ace spectrum means that oftentimes, flirting goes over their head.
Ya gotta be direct with them when ya flirt. (I mean they're still gonna tell you to piss off but it's just being considerate.)
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wolfmarrow · 2 years
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And one ira doodle that looks like all my other ira doodles
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