noirandchocolate · 6 months
Note: Trying a new food because of Character and realizing you don’t like it and never eating it again counts as a No. Trying a food but not really getting into it is also a No. But tell about these in tags if you like!
Yes answers are for like. Seeking out the food/flavor or just consciously eating it more for blorbo reasons.
I’m so curious what foods people have picked up or started eating more of because of fiction!
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savoryangel · 1 year
I seriously love indulging in my culture with my f/os as well into indulging into theirs as return!!
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florideas · 2 years
ngl when i heard about hurricane parties i thought: oh damn having fun right before and during a hurricane seems kinda dangerous but yknow what you do you
but then i went to a birthday party even though there was a multiple warnings blaring on my phone and a typhoon already reaching us by the hour
and then i got it
it's just. The Vibes man
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taibhsearachd · 2 years
You ever eat a fucking incredible sandwich that all other food after that is such a letdown it feels not even worth ingesting? Because it is a struggle.
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abrahamshipwreck · 1 year
Firdt time eating a pork product in a long time last night I am in pain but it was so worth it
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wingstobetorn · 2 years
Im sick from eating cake but I wanna cook something sooo bad 😭
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muffinlovingbirb · 1 month
Ranking the Cooking Abilities of Team Laios
Senshi: need I say more? Senshi dedicated his life to food and cuisine.
Falin: Due to how conservative the Touden mom can be, Falin was taught from when she was young how to cook and clean so she can be a good housewife. Because of this, Falin is one of the best chef and often volunteers for cooking duties. Falin's food is very tasty, but no one can replicate her food since she describes her recipes like a grandma (one pinch of salt, etc)
Laios: He feels bad making Falin cook all the time, so he learned how to cook, especially during his military days. Laios can cook nearly anything he found and it'll generally taste good.
Chilchuck: chilchuck is the dad who never cooks at home, but makes the most bombass food whenever he got the chance. His daughters goes wild when he got the time to cook.
Toshiro: he never cooks cause his vassals makes all the food for him, but he's a sensible chef. He carries a cookbook that he follow to the letter. Absolutely struggles if he lacks an ingridient.
Izutsumi: absolutely horrible cook but her biology allows her to eat raw fish and meat. Izutsumi would eventually learn how to cure and prepare different types of meat, but she would not have the patience to cook a lot of food.
Namari: she can't cook. Namari pretty much lives off tavern food and whatever the other cooks for her. Namari mostly helps in prep work like slicing vegetables. Can make instant noodles.
Marcille: Marcille is the type that believed she can bake cookies in 1 minute if she manages to increase the temperature to 5000°f. Banned from the kitchen for absolutely destroying any non-mythril cookwares. Every single pots and pans Marcille owned in scratched to hell and Falin suffers for it (all her eggs is stuck on the pan)
Kabru: grillmaster. Believes that grills and barbecues are great places to bond and chat, so he takes the time to learn how to grill. Kabru owns his own charcoal grill and makes the best burgers and steaks.
Edit: I forgot the kitbty, added izutsumi.
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mdhwrites · 15 days
Thoughts on this post?
So my immediate thoughts were two things: One was that I always feel awkward responding to other posts because I try not to shit stir most of the time. Two though was that I just agreed with it. The reality of the Hexside kids is purely played for laughs despite being horribly traumatizing on pretty much every level. That's just true.
Then I saw the tag saying it wasn't a criticism.
So was it okay for Hexside to be treated like this? Wartwood had a similar rebellion and it had its own silly things like a themed food Friday and people still being their quirky selves. It works there however because while dealing with what life throws at you is a theme of the work, trauma specifically isn't really. It's there, I've talked about how smart Amphibia is with it to keep its tone consistent but that subtlety also makes it so that not dwelling on it is fine.
If I were to give TOH S3 a theme of some sort... It WOULD be trauma. I don't think it does this theme well, at all, but it is a consistent motif. Hunter's trauma about Belos, Luz's trauma about... Fucking everything if I'm frank but her core trauma is resolved at least once in each episode, technically twice in the finale. They graft on trauma out of nowhere for Willow. She's never dependable Willow, soft spoken and never complaining at all times, but now she is so she has some sort of trauma to deal with while also dealing with Hunter's new trauma of losing Flapjack. One could even argue that Belos has it running throughout because his desperation is potentially fueled by trauma of losing his brother and having his world shatter around him by his brother betraying what ostensibly would have been both of theirs core beliefs. You even have the Collector going through his shit with having been trapped alone for so long.
And then you have Hexside where no one cares about how traumatic all of this has been... Except Boscha. And Boscha is played subtlely, much closer to Amphibia, rather than the capital t TRAUMA that the rest of the cast is going through. As such, most people who watched didn't give a shit and just saw it as a half baked redemption arc rather than continuing a theme because yeah, why would you? What does she even have to say about trauma? That you'll get kicked even harder while you're down and the only option is to move on by yourself and just pretend like it didn't happen?
And that's honestly a problem with the theme in general. So much of the answer to "How do I deal with this," for TOH is to go "I'm awesome and amazing and fuck you for ever thinking otherwise!" It's the conclusion for Hunter's trauma with Belos, we don't get a conclusion with Flapjack really, it's the statement that Luz makes for her character finish of just how much she wants the entire world to recognize she's a bombass nerd -_-, and it's even how the series wraps up with only Luz getting the Titan's power and only her, while she quotes her favorite books, actually attacking Belos. This is your reminder that all the co-op attacks with King and Eda were done far away from Belos, fighting random slime for literally no reason besides the fact that both Luz and the show got lost for about a minute. Willow is the only one where compassion for needing to actually, you know, process your pain and be supported and helped with it might be the answer but again, it's not a core trauma to the character. It's a clumsily grafted on element that also has Willow force Hunter to confront his trauma with Flapjack which IS the answer for him so it's also contradictory. It's not given nearly the same weight as the stuff with Hunter and Belos or ALL OF LUZ where their answers are just 'deal with it'.
(Bonus points to Luz's core problem theoretically being that she was WRONG about Philip and at least two of the endings to that trauma, with her friends and with the Titan, are her being told "You're wrong for worrying," like that would help at all.)
So then you have Hexside where their trauma is ignore and played for laughs so you can just do normal fantasy rebellion stuff mixed with teen rebellion stuff. It's not bad when measured that way but it's contradictory to many of the points that the whole abridged season is trying to make. It's an element that conflicts with your core theme. It's akin to how we're supposed to take Hunter leaving the EC seriously and as this grand pain of his... And then also have people mocking Lilith for it and even having her go "I'm realizing I was bad at my job" back in S2 because fuck her and her trauma I guess.
And don't tell me it's because it's a kid's show. Boscha could have easily been the surrogate for all of Hexside and then you kick out Miki and just have Boscha to deal with. Focus the episode around getting her to open up, be defenseless, maybe almost get turned into a puppet for it as it seems her fears were justified... Before she looks up to find she's behind one of Matt's pillars and everyone is coming out to help protect Boscha. Because the only reason they've gotten through this is together and while they're happy Boscha has actually helped them despite her pain, she shouldn't be dealing with this alone. All of them will do better if they share this pain and so we get them kicking the ass of one of the Collector's hunter stars and the plan be to ride it up to the Archive for the main crew before they get snatched off of it. It has more to say about the complexities of trauma and how you can't just power through it, allows an acknowledgement of what this world has done to these people, all while still allowing the rest of Hexside besides Boscha to be silly and upbeat because they've been doing what they need to handle all of this.
So yeah, I think the blog itself is correct. I think calling itself not criticism though means ignoring what all of these conflicting elements mean for the season overall. Yeah, it's a cute segment as is but when you have a show like TOH that is trying SO HARD to say something... Shouldn't we be critical of when it's failing to do that or even muffling it's own voice?
Because the hex on this side of the Isles could have been used to do something more but instead was treated like a cute charm to fill time. That's not okay. See you next tale.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
A Twitter you can follow too
And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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x1633chefrick · 3 months
You know it, homie. You do make some bombass food. -- @c-167
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Hehe sweet- Come here if you got time, I'll prepare some good shit.
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killerandhealerqueen · 6 months
for the soft asks - all of the even numbers that you haven't answered yet :D
Took, I love you, god damn
4. what flower would you like to be given?
Oh, sunflowers! I love sunflowers, they're my favorite
6. say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
Alright, alright...hmm
I have nice hair
I have a nice voice
I have pretty eyes
I'm compassionate
I'm smarter than I give myself credit for
I'm kind
8. tag someone (or multiple people) who make you feel good. 
@mishathewtf @ahhhnorealnamesallowed @kpopfantasywriter @seonghwacore @nineninepetals @zennialemo @missjudge-me @zzzhoonie @hyperbolicgrinch @fourth-quartet (obvs) @clawbehavior and there are so many others...I just love y'all
10. what’s something you’re excited for?
I'm excited to finish my current wip that I'm working on and post it after doing some edits to it. I'm really happy with how it's going so far (I can't write a short fic for Killer and Healer to save my fucking life)
12. how are you?
Tired. A little stressed. And nervous cuz I have a job interview coming up on Wednesday...
14. favorite feel-good show?
Now, Killer and Healer is my go to answer for every show, but it's not really a feel-good show, if you know what I mean. So I'm gonna go with White Cat Legend because there are some episodes, ep. 18 in particular, where I just screech with laughter because it's so god damn funny. But my other feel-good show is any show that talks about Ancient Egypt. I love Egyptology and wanted to be an Egyptologist when I was younger (mainly to study mummies, is anyone surprised that I ended up in forensics? No, you shouldn't be). But yeah, any nature documentary or documentary on Ancient Egypt is my go-to feel good show
16. compliment the person who sent you this number.
You're an absolute delight and I love seeing you on my dash and getting asks from you and I thank God every day we became friends because of The Devil Judge
18. do you still love stuffed animals?
You fucking kidding me, of course I do. Love my stuffies
20. what do you want most in the world right now?
To get a fucking job and stop feeling like I'm behind all of my friends, even though I know I'm not. It's just that my timeline has not exactly worked out the way I wanted it to, so...yeah. Getting my job in my field would be the cherry on top
22. what would you say to your future self?
Keep being badass
24. what’s something you do to de-stress?
Work on/read fanfiction or watch youtube videos
26. what movie would you want to live in?
Uh...Princess and the Frog. Good music, bombass food...sign me the fuck up
28. hugs or hand-holding?
Hugs. I've been told I give good hugs
30. what reminds you of home (doesn’t have to mean house… just things that remind you of the feeling of home)?
Going into any asian grocery story. See, I lived in Hawaii and spent a lot of time in Chinatown because my great-grandmother used to go there a lot. And Lunar New Year and other stuff like that. So anytime I go into an asian grocery store and smell all the spices and what not, I feel like I'm home
soft asks to get to know people | send me asks
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hwxnghyynjin · 1 year
Soundproof [Teaser]
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Pairing: jacob bae x reader Genre: Smut Warnings: mentions of food, mentions of alcohol, more tba Word count: 261 (teaser), actual word count tba Taglist: @jasminexox5 @hongyangi
Jacob had recently bought himself a new apartment, which was in the heart of the city of Seoul. What he didn’t expect, though, was that the walls were soundproof. Every single wall in the apartment. Which was great because he’ll be able to sleep without any disturbances and listen to music as loud as he wanted. But it’s also a bad thing at the same time because…. What if hypothetically he was being murdered? I mean, that’s highly unlikely but it’s still a scary thought.
The first thing he did when he finally moved in was to yell as loud as he could. And that’s when he concluded that, yes, the whole apartment was soundproof. Because of that, he called his friends and his friends told their friends about a housewarming party that he’s going to be holding their at the weekend. He even called you, his best friend of 5 years who he is secretly in love with. Well, it’s not exactly a secret to some people as they can tell just by the way you have him wrapped around your finger, doing anything you asked him to, dropping whatever he’s doing just to help you. As long as it was legal, of course.
Saturday had finally arrived and Jacob just finished setting up everything for his housewarming party. Food? Check. Alcohol? Check. Bombass music to blast through the big speakers? Double check. His plan to get you into his bedroom and fuck your brains out without anyone suspecting a thing? Not exactly a check but he’s working on it.
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ifartconfetti · 8 months
Actually looking forward to valentines day. I'm gonna cook myself some bombass food and buy myself flowers
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pktv · 2 years
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well if everyone else is posting their dnd characters from our new bombass campaign i also will
hi, he's ev'dagnal, 6 days old(?) and doesnt know how to fuckin read (common). so far he has:
scared off two snake wyverns with sheer stinkeye (and a shadow catfriend's mysterious arrows)
asked if the party's monk was food
tried to eat an herbalist's familiar
and, despite an intelligence of 8, has made a face at literally every party member that clearly expresses he thinks they are all stupid as fuck
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shoezuki · 2 years
My baby boy rex was put down last night. His health was in a steady decline and he'd gotten to the point he was barely mobile. Wouldnt get up for food and wouldnt go to the bathroom. We'd spent a week discussing it and determined we were unable to make his life any easier and it wasnt feasible to put him on more of stronger medications (rex was already on pills for his arthritis to help his pain ease as it was an issue in the past.)
But anyways. He passed away last night. He lived a longass life tbh far beyond what was expected of him. He lived past 12, and considering he had many health issues before and his breed as a golden retriever, we genuinely thought he'd keel over sooner. He was happy til the end tho. Motherfucker was havin a bombass time his last day.
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Goodbye u old fuck ill miss u
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faffreux · 2 years
y’all know fawful would have the most bombass thanksgiving food leftovers EVER
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blu-wingz · 2 years
Bat, Pumpkin, and Vampire for the Halloween asks :)
Halloween asks :]
Bat: If you could transform into any kind of animal, what animal would you be?
Aw man i can't pick one. I'd like be a simple black/white ragdoll cat to be big and fluffy. or a crow so I can fly. Just lemme be a house cat lazing about. Or a simple crow in a tree. a simple life for me yes pls
Pumpkin: What is your favorite food around the holidays?
Again, I can't pick one D: My aunt used to make a delicious bacon covered turkey around thanksgiving. And last year (for thanksgivin/xmas) I learned how to make a BOMBASS mac and cheese, and I fucking love mac n cheese. I know I can make it anytime but its somehow extra special on xmas. Oh and brisket! sometimes my family makes a yummy brisket that goes so well with mashed potatoes and sweet bread. AND ALSO TAMALES, bitch i love tamales, especially if its cheese. I fucking love tamales,but the family rarely makes it for bdays and holidays :(
basically I love food tee hee
Vampire: Which one are you? Early bird or night owl?
I guess I am a night owl atm. Sleeping at 1 or 2 am then waking up at 10 am. I like the quiet time at night. I also like the quiet mornings, but I spend that time sleeping lol
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