bed-of-ashes · 1 month
as an aroace person who sees other aspec people get frustrated with the lack of nonromantic relationships being represented as anything other than sibling, I grant you: hermit relationships
Grian & Pearl: siblings, actually
Pearl & Scott: platonic
Cleo & Scott: queerplatonic
Jimmy & Tango: romantic
Grian & Scar: sexual but like they turned Complicated pretty fast lets be real
Pearl & Gem: ????)?),?
Etho & Joel: probably a disorder really
Martyn & Ren: theater kids.
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vomits0cutely · 2 months
Don’t get me wrong I LOVE simp Gryffindor x nonchalant Slytherin, but.
But, like, it’s kinda overdone, and I think it would add more complexity and depth into ships (aswell as tension) if we did;
simp (who’s never been a simp before) Slytherin X nonchalant and oblivious (who’s never been loved back)) Gryffindor
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what if I start a series of posts titled "terrible things that could have happened to fitz" and on each post I will name a terrible thing that could have happened to fitz in the Forbidden Cities, and anyone can elaborate if they want. It'll only be like one sentence. and maybe I'll do another one titled "interesting things that could have happened to fitz" and it's the same but not all bad or dangerous things, like something positive. But I really wanna do the terrible things thing and maybe I'll tag Alden in each one
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nerdieforpedro · 1 month
Heyy Nerdie <3
So since I'm relatively new with writing, I wonder how other writers manage their docs, like what tool is good for writing stories with multiple chapters. And I know everybody will have a different answer and solution for their writing process but I was just wondering if you had any tips for a newbie like me (I'm writing in my notes but that doesn't works so great, also no word count etc.)
Thank you in advance!
I appreciate you ❤️
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Ooh! I'm excited1 A writing question! I feel honored that you're asking me. Full disclosure: I'm not the most organized person, even with my fanfic. I am trying to improve though.
I have found for all my fics, no matter if they're one shots or chapter series, I write them in Google Drive. The only reason I don't use Word or my notes app is because I find it easier to edit on my phone when I'm out and about having ideas randomly. (Always happens in places that aren't great to write in which is why I try and stay ready. Only works 50% of the time because of driving. 😭) I also tend to keep each fic even with all their chapters or parts in one very long document instead of a separate document for each chapter. That's just so I will be less confused. I get confused easily. 😳
Many writers use Google Drive so if you're brave enough to ask, you can usually send them what you have to review and they can either just look or comment on different parts depending on permissions you give them. To give your fic a good once over, you can pop it into Word for grammar and spelling corrections. Google docs does do that as well, but sometimes it misses things that Word catches. It's weird.
For on the go notes about vibes or random ideas, I feel your notes app should be good for that and also outlines if you want to plan out chapters or your one shot before writing it out. That way if you have it on your phone in your notes app, you can type in Word or Google while looking back at your bullet points to keep the story flow going.
Also if you like music, I highly recommend a writing playlist. It can be just your favorite songs, set to the mood of what you're writing, instrumental, anything that will help you focus and get your story out. it also could help inspire things (there's numerous fanfics written from songs - hundreds).
Maybe yourself a comfy space, enjoy a nice beverage (I like tea, hot chocolate or coffee if it's in the morning and a snack while writing) and remember it's supposed to be fun.
Sure frustrating sometimes especially when it seems like you have no ideas or the idea isn't coming out quite like you wanted. Take a break, might be hours, days or months, however long you feel you may need for it not to see like a chore. Writing, drawing and crating in general should be fun - in can require focus and work, but should still be enjoyable.
Try out some prompts, challenges or toss some ideas out to friends or people if you feel your creativity is lacking to you just want some different perspectives. We're all different, have histories that make us who we are so there can be as many ways to write a fic as starts in the sky. No one has thought of all of them, many reuse tropes (myself included) because they're fun and provide a template to work from and all sorts of themes can be explored. If you like to edit graphics and/or create moodboards, that can be a good way to distract yourself from writing while also focusing on a different aspect of your fic - visuals. It could help spark something too.
I truly hope I answered your question and didn't ramble too hard. Like this is... 8/10 rambling. 😆
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taylorbutnotswift · 1 month
might become a canes fan just for shits&giggles🫣😁🙏🏻 i love freddie already and i keep getting jarvy edits on my fyp, so i think it’s time tbh.
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diorsluv · 3 months
guys.. i’m not gonna lie i lowk wanna delete the trev au and start w the ethan one CUZ I JUST CANT THINK OF SHIT FOR “DIE FOR YOU” 😭
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please tell me if i should do it im indecisive as hell
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ask-anastasia-acheflow · 11 months
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yandereforme · 9 months
Hey guys,
What do you guys think of a yan!magic DDLC thing?
 Basically, all of the club members are descended from magical creatures, and then you join the club. You are basically magic date, and unknowingly set off their instincts, and you are identified as a perfect mate unconsciously.
I’m debating whether or not you would still be Sayori’s childhood friend, or if you’re maybe MC’s cousin or just a new student. Sayori is an interesting enough character without the whole childhood friend thing(if not, maybe MC leaving could give her more of a reason to be yandere)
Also, I think they would all be mostly oblivious to the magic thing, except for Monica, who is either a first generation witch, or grew up with magic hunters or things like that. She still has to retain some of her self awareness, doesn’t she?
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donutlover417 · 2 months
concept. curse of binding cat ears
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jazio · 11 months
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i only add the most quality of gaming to my streams
my rest should be enough to be ready to play 2 games i've never played before. one for the funny, and one for the funny (except i suffer in how hard it is)
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scalding hot showers are incredible because every second that the hot water is on my skin i can't feel the ache that never leaves me and it also makes me feel light-headed in a way i like as long as i am not in there long enough to reach the point at which i could faint
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lixiehugs · 1 year
guys.......... im having thoughts.............
wHAT IF...................................................i made a txt oc
its just sugar rush ride has really taken over my life and...................idk i love them sm
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cathackz · 7 months
pikmin spinoff thats a colony management game
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listening505 · 1 year
okay i don’t know if this is a good idea but my school was supposed to start this week but they postponed it so i was thinking that i could translate a james hetfield fanfic i wrote when i was in highschool ? I wrote it in my main language so if i translate it it’s either going to be okay or really bad lol
update: its out
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potato-frend-blog · 1 year
Hey everyone. I remember reading an HTTYD fanfic titled "My Hiccup," and one of the plots was Alvin enslaving the Berserker tribe with Dagur trying to free them. And though why the hell not make this into a ROBTD comic with Alvin as the main bad guy? Of course, Pitch and others are in this too.
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a-soft-hornytiny · 1 year
What would yall think of a sequel to “At the office.” where you get your revenge? sub!yeo anyone? showing him the consequences?👀
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