#even if they aren’t in the Hogwarts universe
vomits0cutely · 2 months
Don’t get me wrong I LOVE simp Gryffindor x nonchalant Slytherin, but.
But, like, it’s kinda overdone, and I think it would add more complexity and depth into ships (aswell as tension) if we did;
simp (who’s never been a simp before) Slytherin X nonchalant and oblivious (who’s never been loved back)) Gryffindor
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hirukochan · 10 months
A Severus Snape x fem!reader Oneshot
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Pairing: Severus Snape x former student reader
Summary: Your former professor saves you from embarrassment when your blind date doesn't show up to the fancy restaurant you were meant to meet at.
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Warnings: Smut, Loss of virginity, virgin reader
Wordcount: 5007
Read on Ao3 or below the cut
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You did not expect life after Hogwarts to be…this. Whatever this is. Boring. That much is certain. You finished school five years ago with good grades and that was it. You celebrated your graduation with your friends who were already gushing about their future careers and their dream jobs, and you had nothing to offer to the conversation. You didn’t know what you wanted to do after school. And five years later you still don’t know.
You wanted to move out of your parents’ house and so you went to interviews for any job you thought yourself decently qualified for. You ended up working in a depressing little second hand bookshop in Diagon Alley. The owner, some rich fuck that doesn’t even live in London, pays you well to take care of anything that needs taking care of because the shop belonged to his wife’s grandfather, and she can’t bear separating with it. 
You also get to live rent-free in the one-room flat above the store. You have a kitchen, a bed and a bathroom and no controlling boss looming over your every move. Life is…good. It’s ok, nothing groundbreaking, but how many people get that? How realistic is an action filled, thrilling life actually?
Your friends seem content with life as it is and so you try to be content as well. 
In reality you feel lost.
You have looked into universities, but you aren’t sure if you’d be good enough and the fear of failing holds you back. Besides, what would you even study? In school charms had been your favourite, but was that because of the subject or your teacher? Professor Flitwick had made each class a delight to be in.
You shove the thoughts away, focusing on finishing up closing the store. A friend has set up a blind-date for you. Some guy she works with at the Ministry. She has gushed about him endlessly and you are sure were she not in a relationship herself - she would totally try to date him. 
That is a recipe for disaster, but you want to indulge your friend or perhaps just make her shut up and so you go along.
You lock up the shop and hurry upstairs to shower, change and put on some makeup. An hour later you are standing outside the shop, mentally preparing for the apparition. You are certain you’ll never get used to it.
Pleasant, classical music floods the street as you open the door to the wizarding restaurant and bar in central London. This is already outside your comfort zone. Too fancy and too full. Are you underdressed? Are you overdressed? Shit, what if he isn’t here yet?
“Reservation for Everett.” You say to the hostess who swishes her wand and looks through the list of reservations.
“This way, madam. Your partner is not here yet.” Shit. Of course, he wouldn’t be. You are early. Way too early. Pathetic, desperate early.
The hostess shows you to your table and you smile kindly as you sit down. A waiter hurries over to you and asks for your drink order.
“Wine. Red, please.” The waiter is gone before you can finish your sentence. A glass of wine floats to your table shortly after. You let your eyes wander over the room as you take small sips. A few couples sit at the tables, some more stand at the bar, chatting with each other.
You wait.
And wait.
Three glasses later you know you got stood up. You try to fight the tears stinging in your eyes and dig through your purse for some money to pay for the drinks and scurry out of the restaurant as fast as possible. 
How pathetic! Hot shame spreads through your chest, your guts twist at the mere thought of getting up and leaving. Your feet don’t work. They simply won’t respond to your command. With all your willpower you stifle a sob in your throat. This is your last straw.
All the disappointment over life after Hogwarts, the loneliness, being lost and left behind by the golden opportunities your future had promised you - and now not even your date could bother to show up! You didn’t even want to meet him. Prick!
“Ms. (L/N)?” You flinch. That voice. You are sure that voice would give you war-like flashbacks for the rest of your life. Running through corridors at night, blood pounding in your ears, already feeling safe as the entrance to your common room approaches just to be violently stopped by those words.
You turn and meet the dark eyes of your former professor for potions. 
Severus Snape has not changed in the five years since you last saw him. The same hooked nose, same pale skin. Black greasy hair falling into his face. The long black robes hiding every inch of his skin.
“P-professor Snape.” You reply, because you have to say something. His eyes wander over you, clearly made up for a date and then twitch to the empty seat across from you. They narrow as they see the three empty glasses and the slight redness of your eyes. Without saying anything he slips into the seat across from you.
“Two glasses of whatever the lady has been drinking.” He says as he grabs a waiter by the arm. He gestures towards the glasses. “And get rid of these. What kind of service is this?” The waiter apologises profusely and hurries away quickly. 
You stare at Snape in bewilderment. He is sitting across from you. He saw you got stood up and sat down. And he ordered drinks. 
He is looking at you. Say something. Anything. Shit shit shit.
“I was supposed to meet someone.” You say, cursing how meek you sound. You look away and try to subtly wipe the corner of your eye where a stubborn little tear tries very hard to run down your cheek. You know if you allow that one to pass your lashes, there is no holding back the rest.
“I gathered.” He leans back in his chair, his eyes still roaming over you. Instantly you feel like you are back in the dungeons of Hogwarts, trying your best to brew a potion while he stares at you, waiting for the moment you fail. You swallow hard as the familiar nervousness of being around Snape takes over.
“A boyfriend?”
“N-no. A friend set it up- never met him.”
“What do you do these days?” You blush. You were afraid he might ask that.
“I-I run a little b-bookshop in Diagon Alley…sir.” The ‘sir’ slips out before you can stop it. A smirk tucks at the corners of his mouth at the sound of it but dies instantly.
“A bookshop? And you’re happy with that?” You shrug. You aren’t, but you wouldn’t tell him that. You cling to your glass. This is worse than getting stood up and humiliated. Infinitely worse. Snape leans over the table, his dark eyes glinting with something you can’t quite place.
“I am not going to bite you. Unless-” You tense. Is he flirting? Merlin’s beard- You feel heat rise to your face and stare down at the wine in your hands. “I apologise. This is inappropriate and you clearly wish to be as far away from me as possible. I’ll leave you to it.” Snape says, an edge of self-loathing sneaking into his voice. He digs through his pocket and puts down a few coins on the table.
“Stay-” You have no idea how you manage to force the word out of your constricting throat but there it is. Out in the open. 
Snape stares at you in disbelief. You take a shaky, deep breath and look up to meet his intense gaze.
“Stay.” You repeat, firmer this time. That expression flashes through his eyes again and after a moment of hesitation he settles down.
“U-unless I am keeping you from meeting someone. I-” You hadn’t considered why he might be here. Shit, is he on a date? And instead of that he took pity on you? Does Snape date? 
He chuckles. The sound as foreign to your ears as kindness or praise from him. It goes straight to your core, and you gulp as you are violently tossed back into your old crush. That is the last thing you need now! 
Imagining him doing all sorts of things to you during class was bad enough already - mainly because it really messed with your grade - but imagining them now that you are no longer his student, no longer sixteen- You blush even more as you realise that - in theory - you could do these things now. 
It has been five years since you graduated, sure it is a bit weird maybe, but entirely allowed. You have not been in contact with him since graduation. He has made no inappropriate comment to you while you were his student ever- in fact he barely ever talked to you.
You feel Snape’s hot gaze burn through your skull. It’s almost like he knows. Which is entirely impossible. Or is it? He has the uncanny ability to know when students are planning mischief behind his back and such things as reading minds isn’t at all a ridiculous idea to wizards- shit.
Snape’s lips curl as you stare at him.
“Oh, yes.” His smooth voice says in your head. “I know. I know all the little fantasies you have been coming up with for years.” The colour vanishes from your face. You take a big gulp of your wine, downing the entire thing in one go to aid your suddenly parched throat. Snape swirls the wine in his glass, never taking his eyes off you.
“A-and is that some-something you’d…you’d want?” You ask. Your heart twists and turns in your chest, your insides clench almost uncomfortably. You have no idea where you take the bravery from to say it out loud. 
His grin grows, his eyes darken, snapping down to the neckline of your dress. In one smooth movement he gets up and holds his hand out to you.
This is it.
The one opportunity you’d get.
You take his hand. 
Your skin tingles where it touches him and a giddy feeling spreads through you. 
You are going to sleep with your Potions professor. Former professor. Dark, unapproachable, cruel Snape. The man you have been fantasising about since 6th grade. The man that terrifies you as much as he intrigues you.
Together you leave the restaurant. He guides you towards an abandoned alley and lets go of your hand to snake his arm around your waist.
“Hold on tight.” He whispers in his ear. You can feel his breath on your neck and a shudder runs down your spine. You take a shaky breath and put your arms around his waist. You are swept up in his scent, musky and herbal. It clouds your mind instantly and you bite your tongue so you don’t inhale deeper just so it can flood your senses more. His magic wraps around you and you squeeze your eyes shut, waiting for the apparition to pass. You can feel the chuckle rumble through Snape’s chest before you hear it.
“Still no fan?” 
“No.” You reply breathless and separate from him. He holds onto your waist, eyeing you as though he expects you to collapse. Right- You did. During Apparition training in your 7th year, you lost consciousness after your first successful attempt. He was one of the teachers overseeing the training. 
You blush as the memory of how embarrassed you felt waking up in his arms, your whole year watching, resurfaces in your mind. You clear your throat and look around. You’re in Diagon Alley, not far away from the bookshop. You dig through your pocket and get out the key as you walk towards it. 
You are going to have sex. 
You are going to have sex with Snape. He’s walking right behind you. Nervous doesn’t even begin to cover how you feel.
“This is it.” You say and close the door behind you. Your flat looks terribly small with Snape standing in it. 
“Do you still want me to stay?”
“Yes. I’m just-”
“Yes?” He steps closer.
“You intimidate me.”
“Is that a good thing? Or a bad thing?”
“Good.” You reply breathlessly. Your mind is already foggy just from him standing so close to you. His eyes roam over your face, as though he is determined to enter all its details to his memory. Your heart beats impossibly fast in your chest, smashing against your ribcage so hard you wonder whether Snape can hear it. He leans down, inky hair falling into his face, stealing your view of the room around you. 
Your insides clench and scream for him to kiss you. Finally kiss you. You bite your bottom lip to stop its pathetic quivering. His scent floods your senses and briefly renders your mind nonexistent. 
Snape runs his fingertips over your arm, starting at your wrist and drawing goosebumps across your naked skin, all the way up to your shoulder. Your breath hitches and you barely manage to withstand the urge to hold onto him.
“You’d have to take this off first.” He says, quiet, calm. His voice sends a shiver through your body. He drags his fingers over your shoulder to your neck. He takes the zipper and slowly pulls it down, the sound resounds in your room loud like thunder. 
He barely touches your skin when he peels the straps off your shoulder and gently tugs the dress down and over your hips. It pools around your feet on the ground.
Snape takes a step back and takes in your body. You aren’t wearing a bra, you own none that would have looked good with the dress and stand in front of him only in a pair of black lace knickers.
His eyes remain as unreadable as they always are. He seems to assess your body with the same impartiality as he used to look at your potions. You shiver, cold air swirling around your heated skin, goosebumps spread across your skin and your nipples harden. Your face is burning hot though, and you barely resist the impulse of covering yourself with your arms.
Just when you begin to think this is some cruel joke, he is playing on you to embarrass you, he closes the distance between you two - too fast for your mind to catch up. He grabs your waist and smashes your body against his. His lips crash against your collarbone, his teeth graze your skin.
You gasp and sink your hands into his hair, marvelling at how soft it feels. He kisses your skin, sucks and nibbles. White hot lust seeps into your skin from the saliva he spreads across it. 
He holds your waist in his surprisingly strong arms and attacks your chest, worshipping every inch of you as though you are some ancient artefact promising prosperity and luck to loyal devotees. He groans against you, and you join with a moan of yourself, arching your back, offering your chest up to him. He accepts without hesitation, with enthusiasm even. Snape licks broad, firm strokes over your exposed breast, roughly kneading the other with his hand.
His thorough attention is dizzying. Blood pounds in your ears and waves upon waves of merciless pleasure course through you, twisting your vocal cords into the strangest of sounds you have never heard yourself make.
“Are you a virgin?” He groans against your skin.
“Y-yes-” He stops, dead in his tracks. Slowly his head tilts back, his gaze snapping in on yours.
“Yes?” Hunger flashes through his eyes and he licks his lips. “How the fuck are you still a virgin?” You blush more fiercely if that is even possible. Your shrug and drops your hands to his shoulders.
“Um- nobody was ever interested in me like that.”
“You’re what? Twenty-one?”
“And nobody ever touched your gorgeous fucking body?” He sounds baffled, like your words are the most ridiculous thing he has ever heard.
“Touched, yes…snogging at parties in the common room and such, but-” Your voice trails off. 
“You are telling me.” He says, his voice growing to untamed deep turmoil of unabashed desire and feral lust. “Nobody ever sucked on these dainty, splendid nipples?” As if to emphasise his words he closes his lips around one, holding it between his teeth and flicking his tongue over it. You whimper. Your legs shake under the weight of your own body, and you cling to his shoulders. His eyes never leave you, the weight of them heavy on you, buzzing on your skin. You throw your head back, moaning like you’ve never moaned before.
He chuckles, the vibration of it ripples through the tissue of your breast and sinks deep into your body, melting into your bones. He kisses his way back up to your collarbone and neck.
“Fools. Every single one of them that did not realise what they are missing out on.” He gently sucks on the sensitive skin in the crook of your neck. He steers you backwards until your calves meet the frame of your bed and you allow your body to fall back.
Snape kicks his shoes off and slips out of his cloak before he follows you, crawling over the bed, up your body like a predator about to devour his prey. A shiver rushes through you at that thought. Yes- you want him to devour you, to worship you, to ruin you and build you back up. He braces his arms against the mattress on either side of your head.
“And you still want me to stay?” The words fall into the space between your bodies, filled with heat and want, desire and fear, buzzing with anticipation. His eyes are softer somehow, less intense, but not less hungry. They tell you how much he wants you, craves you but also tell you he’d stop. You just need to say the word and he will leave. Without shaming you, without a cruel word or ounce of disappointment. 
“You want to give this first experience to me? Of all people?”
“I’ve always wanted it to be you.” Snape groans and closes his eyes. His head drops, coming to rest against your shoulder, nestling to the crook of your neck.
“Do you have any idea-” He is breathing heavy, clenching his fists in your sheets, his body one large, tensed muscle. “-what you do to me?” Before you can answer he grabs one of your hands and brings it down. He presses it against his upper thigh where his cock is very hard, straining against its confines. You gasp at which Snape smirks. He rolls his hips against your hand.
“It’s big…” You whisper, more fear mixing in with your burning arousal.
“You can take it.” He leans down. His lips brush over your cheek. “I’ll make sure of it.” His breath dances over the shell of your ear, prickling. As soon as it passes your skin feels terribly cold, like it’s never going to be warm ever again just to be replaced by burning heat. Snape drags the tip of his tongue across the shell of your ear and back down to close his lips around your earlobe.
The whimper that falls from your lips at that is more of a high pitched squeak and finally, finally he kisses you. His lips are soft like silk and warm, reminding you of a mug of butterbeer in the Three Broomsticks in winter. 
You sigh and move your lips with his, threading your fingers through his hair. Despite the way he has been acting so far, he kisses you passionately, almost slow, but no less thorough. 
Severus Snape is nothing if not thorough. 
And he intends to savour you.
You part your lips for him, eager to move this along, eager to feel him and the pleasure he can bring you, but when it comes to actually deepening the kiss you hesitate. Snape senses your nervousness and takes over the decision making from you. The tip of his tongue meets yours and he slides it slowly over your own, easing you into the kiss and coaxing a small moan from you. 
You relax against him and surrender yourself to his touch once more. You have never been kissed like this. With want and need, with passion and hunger. He maps out your mouth as though he is trying to dissect a potion he has never seen into its separate components. 
His hands run over your body, your sides and stomach to your thighs. You whine at his touch and muscles twitch under your skin as if to reach out to his calloused fingers. The wool of his frock rubs against your skin when he moves. You reach out to work on the endless row of buttons but are rather abruptly interrupted by his fingers against your cunt. 
A surprised, shuddering gasp escapes you and your fingers tense against his chest. Snape chuckles into the kiss, never once stopping his assault on your mouth. Playful he circles your entrance, gathering you slick and spreading it to your clit. You cling to his shoulders and push your head back into the pillows. Pressure builds deep in your cunt, and you need him to ease it- need him to- to-
“Ahh-” You cry out and dig your nails into Snape’s shoulders. Your own fingers never felt that fucking good.
“Are we enjoying ourself?” Snape teases, watching the pleasure drunk expression on your face.
“Mhh…Snape-” You buck your hips into his hand. “Please- fuck me-”
“Patience, dear. I told you I would make sure you can take me.” He teases your entrance with a finger, coating it in your slick and then gently pushes inside you. “I will fuck you. I will fuck you so well nobody will ever compare to me, but first I’ll stretch this virgin cunt because as you so eloquently put it - It’s big.”
“There was this rumour back in school-” You murmur, blissful pleasure clouding your mind and rendering it utterly useless. “-that- that….oohhh-”
“That I’m a virgin?” He smirks. He pumps his finger inside you, curling it and pressing upwards slightly and a flash of searing pleasure explodes inside your cunt, and you squirm under him, rolling your hips into his touch to get more more more. “Does it feel like I am? Like I’ve never touched a woman?”
“Dear, believe me, I know your body better than you.” You want to get offended by that statement. What a man thing to say but then Snape does something with his finger, twisting and curling at the same time or something else, interrupting your thoughts harshly with another mind-blowing ripple of pleasure. 
Snape adds a second finger, stretching you carefully and kissing you the entire time, then a third. You are hot all over. Sweat clings to you like a second layer of skin. You are shivering from unfulfilled need and the steadily building pressure deep in your cunt just outside of Snape’s reach.
It builds and builds, beyond anything you were ever able to do to yourself and you have no idea how it keeps building and where all this pressure goes because the thought of it all staying confined in you is absurd!
You whine at the loss of his touch and buck your hips in a futile attempt of stopping his fingers from leaving you. Snape looks very fucking smug, but you are to wound up and needy to even care. 
He watches you squirm, your slickness dripping off his fingers. He traces your lips with his ring finger, spreading your own arousal over them. You are too far gone to really care. Your tongue darts out and licks your lips clean, accepting his finger into your mouth. You suck his fingers clean, one after another, Snape’s dark eyes never leaving you.
“What a good girl.” He coos. His voice rolls over your skin and sinks into your body, causing your insides to clench. 
You watch Snape undo the rest of the buttons and toss the black frock away. He opens his belt, the quiet clink of the buckle echoes in your mind. You’re about to see Snape’s prick. Snape just fingered you. You’ve been kissing Snape! 
Your heart beats faster, like a hummingbird forced to forever fly on the spot in a too small cage. Anticipation takes your breath away and impossibly so, more slickness rushes to your entrance. Every second he takes to open his trousers feels like another fire being lit on your skin. 
He slides a hand in his pants and now you are sure he is doing it to see you squirm because who moves that slow?
You let out an impatient whine and squirm, bucking your hips to grind against him.
“So impatient.” He chuckles and finally, finally frees his prick. 
It’s big is a pretty accurate description, you don't know what Snape has against your eloquence. Jesus fuck, is another option but you doubt Snape would find that more eloquent.
His plush, purple cockhead is already leaking pre-cum. Snape mutters an incantation, you recognise as a contraception spell, before aligning himself with you.
“Don’t worry, dear.” He coos. “I’ll be gentle. Just relax.” You try. You really try, but Snape has your nerve endings running in circles, screaming, while on fire. Stop, drop and roll is not an option that they can think of, mainly because thinking is quite difficult when on fire. 
He pushes against you, and you tense further. Snape rubs your thigh, and you take a deep breath and try to relax your muscles. Slowly, inch after thick inch Snape enters you. Beads of sweat collect on his forehead from the strain of going slow. Inch after inch of your tight channel is mercilessly forced to yield to his girth, stretching you open with a small sting. 
Snape grunts and sinks into you to the hilt, sacking above you to give you time to adjust and also catch his breath.
You are so bloody full. How he isn’t ripping you open is a miracle to you. Your knuckles are white from holding onto his arms. The muscles in your thighs quiver. You give tentatively rolls of your hips, earning a low groan from Snape another wave of deep pleasure.
“You’re breathing really hard.” He mutters into your ear. “I like that - keep working so hard for me, dear.” Snape’s thrusts are long and controlled, massaging your inner walls and hitting just the right spots. You are reduced to a pathetic, needy moaning puddle of bliss and want. 
Snape isn’t doing too much better. His breathing is heavy and loud right next to your ear which drives you deeper and deeper into your trance-like state of ecstatic bliss. His rhythm falters more than once and his groans take on an animalistic edge. 
“So tight.” He grunts and drives back into you. “Just for me-”
“That’s right. Saved yourself for me, didn’t you, dear?”
“Idiot.” You laugh against his jaw.
“No need to play shy - you can tell me.” Snape smirks and leans his forehead against yours. “I won’t tell anyone, I swear.” He snaps his hips forward, hitting that spot with more force than before and your breath gets stuck in your throat. You tense and convulse, somehow simultaneously. Snape grunts when you clench around him and your inner walls spasm.
“Keep coming- keep fucking coming for me!” He reaches between your bodies and rubs your clit. A violent wave of pleasure smacks you right in the face and you scream in pleasure. Snape whispers reverent praise and fucks you through your release, coming shortly after with a long groan inside you.
Sweaty, sticky and spent you collapse on the bed, both trying to catch your breath. Snape runs his hand over your thigh absentmindedly. His cum slowly leaks out of you. Your eyelids are heavy. A heavy blanket of bliss and contentment settles over you.
“Thank you.” You whisper into the silence of your flat.
“Whatever for?” He chuckles next to you.
“It was nice.” You shrug.
“Well, I should be thanking you for even letting me touch you.”
“Let’s thank each other.”
“Fine.” You stay there a while longer, but eventually Snape disentangles himself from you and gets up to get dressed.
Lying on your side with your sheets pulled up to cover your still shaking body you watch him.
“You know-” He says but stops himself, a frown appearing on his face. “A career isn’t the only thing to measure how accomplished or fulfilled one’s life is. Your friends might think their jobs are great now, but in ten, twenty years they’ll realise they have never lived a day in their life. This job…” He looks around the flat. “It seems pretty comfortable to me. It seems to give you the freedom to do whatever you want. Create art or music, write, research or go to university. You can do whatever you want - fuck what other people think. Not everybody dreams of labour.”
“What if I’m not good enough?” Snape fastens his cloak. He looks up. His eyes seem heavy with a burden you can’t quite understand. The corner of his mouth twitches and perhaps for the first time in the years you have known him you see him smile.
“I think you can achieve anything you put your mind to. And either way. How will you know if you never try? The day will come you’ll regret having allowed your fear to hold you back.” His cloak billows behind him when he turns to leave. His hand already on the doorknob he stops.
“I hope you find happiness.”
“I hope you find happiness too, Professor.”
“For some of us it’s too late.” And with those words he disappears into the darkness of the night.
Three weeks later Albus Dumbledore is murdered by Severus Snape.
| Part 2 |
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ellecdc · 4 months
hello loveeee 🩷
can i request cbbh universe jily take harry to diagon alley and shop for school supplies before he goes off to hogwarts for the first time 🥹 i cant stop thinking of their reactions when harry gets matched with a wand (+ jily getting emo remembering their first time at ollivanders too 🥲) and james hyping his boy up as they get him his broom 🥹
this is totally not me tryna heal from canon trauma ha ha…
I fucking loved this - thank you for requesting! May we all heal from the trauma that was the canon HP universe.
CBBH James Potter x Lily Evans Potter // Sirius black x Vixen
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The boys were practically vibrating with excitement as the group of six made their way to Diagon Alley. And by boys, Lily meant Draco, Harry, Sirius, and James.
“Okay, so we’ve got to go to Ollivander’s for your wands, Flourish and Blott’s for your books, Madame Malkin’s for your robes, and the Apothecary for potions ingredients. We’ll also stop to get you your own cauldrons...” Lily read from her list methodically.
“And we’ll go to the Pet Emporium and then we’ll get you brooms!” James cheered like a kid at Christmas. Lily wanted to chide him, but she was (nearly) just as excited as her husband and son.
“Okay,” Y/N said as she patiently patted her husband’s shoulder, urging him away from his best friend (and thus, a source of trouble). “why don’t you go with your mum and dad Harry, and Sirius and I will take Draco.”
“Wait.” Sirius barked dramatically. “Can we do the fun parts together?” 
“It’s all fun, Pad’s.” She chided.
Sirius grumbled but continued. “I mean the brooms and the pets. I bought my godson’s first broom – I’d like to buy him his first school broom too.” He stated with pride.
“And I’ve always wanted to carry on the tradition with my godson!” James said excitedly.
Draco laughed. “Aren’t mum and dad technically my godparents already?”
This earned him a gentle pat up the back of the head from Sirius. “Don’t talk back to your godfather.”
“Yes sir.” Draco said good humouredly and shared a fond eyeroll with Harry. 
“Okay. Why don’t we complete our checklists and then meet at Florean’s for ice cream before we do the fun stuff.” Lily relented.
Sirius and James cheered while Draco and Harry shared a high-five. 
“Onwards!” James declared. 
It was very important to Lily to get this experience with Harry, as well as for Draco to get this experience with Sirius and Y/N. 
Draco already lost the opportunity to experience this with his birth parents; he deserved this chance to make happy memories with his parents like Lily and James did at his age.
And she couldn’t help but marvel at the fact that had the war gone differently, she may have never gotten the chance to do this with her son. 
Remus and Regulus agreed to spend the day with Jasmine (Potter), Aurora (Black), Posie (Potter), Lyra (Black), and Leo & Stella (Black) at home for both sets of parents while they were off with the boys. Regulus grumbled and complained but also showed up to the playroom with an astronomical amount of craft supplies, while Remus was out-and-out giddy at the prospect of spending the day with his nieces and youngest nephew. 
Lily and James decided to let Harry choose which order they did their shopping in.
They began by getting him a cauldron and his potions supplies. James moaned and groaned the entire time, muttering about “Slytherin’s this” and “Snivellus that”, but Harry (the good lad he is) just assured his dad he wanted to get the boring bits out of the way first.
Then they went to get his books, which Lily was most excited about though James continued to whine. 
“Next year we should let Uncle Moony bring you to get your books, he’d be in heaven.” James said.
“Okay but only if mum can come too!” Lily called from somewhere else deep within the store. 
After they left the shop, Lily started trying to redistribute the bags so that they weighed roughly an even amount as they got heavy. She suddenly realised her son and husband were laughing at her. 
“What?” She spat in faux irritation.
“It’s like you forget you’re a witch.” James said as he looked at his wife’s confused face with unconditional love. 
James quickly cast a weightless charm on the shopping bags and shrunk them down to fit inside Lily’s tote bag.
“There ya go, love.” He said with a smack of a kiss on her cheek.
She rolled her eyes but couldn’t help the heat moving to her cheeks. Some habits were hard to break, she supposed. 
They then continued to Madame Malkin’s to purchase Harry some uniform robes. They bumped into Sirius, Y/N, and Draco whilst they were there, and James and Sirius spent the entire time pretending to be strangers to one another exchanging pleasantries.
“Ah, nice to meet you, good sir. First time?” Sirius asked in a deep register.
“Yes, yes. This is my first born, Harold Jameson Potter the Seventh. And you?” James responded in like.
“Naw, this ain’t ma first rodeo.” Sirius said, transitioning to a (terrible) Southern American accent. 
“Yippee ki-yay.” James returned.
The boys were giggling from their platforms as they were being fitted, causing Mrs. Malkin to shush them as Harry received a stray pin to the shoulder. 
Finally, the part everyone had been most excited about, was Ollivander’s. Lily couldn’t help but remember her poor muggle parent’s – dragging a petulant Petunia behind them – trying to be supportive of Lily even though they had no idea what anything meant.
When a witch or wizard get their wand – the hope is that the wand will remain with them throughout their life. The wand chooses it’s wix, and throughout the user’s life, they learn from the wand and the wand learns from them. 
A wand is nearly synonymous with a marriage: perhaps more. 
Lily chose James and James chose Lily – but both could function without the other. If they fell out of love tomorrow, they’d both find ways to move on.
But Lily’s relationship with her wand is her longest relationship of her entire life, and without it – she would feel naked. The wand provides her with protection, strength, knowledge, and power. Without it, she’s just a girl.
And today, she gets to watch her son as he finds the wand that will provide him protection, strength, knowledge, and power throughout his whole life. She felt her sinuses sting as the bell rung above the door.
“You okay, love?” James whispered into her ear as Harry eyed the rows and rows of boxes lining every wall.
Lily didn’t trust herself to speak, so she simply nodded and offered him a watery smile.
“Oh, my flower.” James said as he rubbed his wife’s back, but Lily didn’t miss the wetness of his own voice. She knew he was probably thinking about coming here with Effie and Monty at Harry’s age (and his near doppelgänger) to choose his own wand. His parents would have understood the significance of finding his first wand - how momentous this moment would be – just as Lily and James did now. 
“My, my, do we have another firs- oh!” Mr. Ollivander started as he poked his head out from the back room, interrupted by the scene in front him.
“Why...it can’t be...but, wow!” He cheered as he came around the register. 
“Introduce yourself, Haz.” Lily encouraged her son.
“I’m Harry P-”
“Potter, yes." Ollivander completed for Harry. "Of James Fleamont Potter who was matched with an 11-inch mahogany wand with a dragon heartstring around this time about twenty years ago. And Fleamont Hari Potter some thirty-eight years before that. My...”
“I never forget a customer, you see.” He clarified when Harry turned to his parents somewhat concernedly at this stranger’s familiarity.
“It’s nice to see you again, Mr. Ollivander.” Lily said with a smile.
“Ah, and you, Miss Evan’s, or, Mrs. Potter, I suppose.” 
Without further ado, Ollivander started pulling boxes from the stacks, trying Harry on for size.
The first one nearly singed everyone’s eyebrows off and was quickly returned to its box.
“Temperamental, that was is. Hm,” Ollivander said mostly to himself as he carried on.
The second set off the sprinkler system above them and got sent back to its home as well.
Finally, a wand was handed to Harry (the wand) from the stack. An 11-inch holly wand with a phoenix feather core. Harry picked it up, and (quite beautiful, in Lily’s opinion) fireworks sprouted from its tip.
“An odd combination of wood and core – I’ve not seen many like it myself.” Ollivander admitted.
“Well, Haz is a bit of an odd guy.” James said as he ruffled his son’s hair.
“Dad!” Harry screeched as the two began to roughhouse.
“Okay, oi, this store is not big enough. Boys!” Lily reprimanded.
The trio finished up their shopping and headed towards Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream parlour. Sirius, Y/N, and Draco were already seated, which Sirius was very smug about.
“Must be hard being second best at everything, Potter.” He called out to James. This resulted in James leaping over the barrier of the parlour’s patio seating area and landing on Sirius. Y/N had her face in her hands and Draco was (unsuccessfully) trying to smother his laughter. 
“Oh, for Merlin’s sake.” Lily grumbled as she shot an auguamenti at the two boys men.
The two men shot apart like cats in an alleyway after someone threw something at them for howling in the middle of the night. 
“Go get your wives and sons ice cream.” Lily barked at them.
“Yes ma’am.” Sirius and James responded, each bringing their first two finger to their forehead and offering a salute before walking marching inside. 
After their quick treat, where Draco and Harry compared their wands and showed each other all that they had bought, they carried on to the ‘fun stuff’. 
“Have you thought at all about what kind of pet you’d like, Draco?” Y/N asked the boy.
Draco appeared to consider something before a blush permeated his cheekbones. 
“I think...I think I’d like a cat; like my mum had.” He admitted quietly.
Sirius offered a sad but delighted sigh at his son and Y/N pulled him into an embrace.
Narcissa Malfoy attended her first year with the company of a regal white long-haired half kneazle. That cat (monstrosity, if you asked Sirius) was her most prized possession for years to come after that. 
“That sounds like a beautiful choice, my love.” Y/N offered as they made their way to Magical Menagerie. 
There was a pure white long-haired kneazle cross available that Sirius was positive Draco would beeline for. 
However, surprising everyone, Draco found a small tortoiseshell kitten with a missing eye. “This one!” He proclaimed.
And so, it was.
He named her Larissa – after one of Neptune’s moons, and in the same vein as his mum’s name Narcissa.
Harry insisted on getting an owl so he could “race them with his new broom.” He landed on a beautiful snowy owl with piercing yellow eyes. Lily found her a little off-putting; “no owl should look like they know so much” she had said.
To name her, Harry decided to flip open to a random page of one of his textbooks. Harry named her Hedwig, which he found on page 158 in Bathilda Bagshot’s book “A History of Magic”.
Y/N and Lily found a bench near Broomstix and watched as the four boys walked (skipped) into the store, speaking over top of one another in their excitement. 
“God we’re so lucky.” Y/N said quietly.
Lily felt like her heart was a well that was just overflowing with love.
“We really are.” She agreed. 
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gladiolidiaries · 10 months
Must Read Drarry fics
A compilation of the crème de la crème Drarry, all the fics that I always go back to when I want to immerse myself in the Harry Potter universe. In no particular order.
Azoth by zeitgeistic 88k
Now that Harry is back at Hogwarts with Hermione for eighth year, he realises that something’s missing from his life, and it either has to do with Ron, his boggart, Snape, or Malfoy. Furthermore, what, exactly, does it mean when one’s life is defined by the desire to simultaneously impress and annoy a portrait? Harry has no idea; he’s too busy trying not to be in love with Malfoy to care.
Right Hand Red by lq_traintracks (lumosed_quill) 73k
Harry felt Malfoy's breath on his lips as they came together over the bottle, hands firmly planted on the floor as though they each needed their familiar soil, refusing to cross into enemy territory.  Except that Malfoy no longer felt like his enemy. Malfoy felt inevitable.
All Our Secrets Laid Bare by firethesound 149k
Over the six years Draco Malfoy has been an Auror, four of his partners have turned up dead. Harry Potter is assigned as his newest partner to investigate just what is going on.
Stately Homes of Wiltshire by waspabi 57k
Malfoy Manor has mould, dry rot and an infestation of unusually historical poltergeists. Harry Potter is on the case.
Mental by sara_holmes 186k
Harry has had quite enough of sharing his mind with someone else, thankyouverymuch. A miscast Legilimecy spell says otherwise.
Temptation on the Warfront by alizarincrims0n 180k
Draco Malfoy is forced into hiding with the Golden Trio and dragged into their search for horcruxes. What ensues is a journey of redemption, unexpected friendships and an unwanted, turbulent romance with Harry Potter. Warnings for swearing, sexual content, and dark themes.
Diffraction Patterns (I Don't Know How to Forget You) by yourdifferentoctober 93k
When Harry Potter, of all people, offers to help Draco erase his Dark Mark, he has no choice but to accept. He wants it gone. He wants to forget. He wants to reconstitute the past. Never mind that erasures leave real marks on bodies, real traces on the world in its becoming. This is not how he expected his eighth year to go.
Tell Me a Secret by alexmeg 86k
In which the bond is rooted in their emotions, everything goes even more wrong, and Harry is certain that he and Draco could never feel what the curse wants them to feel for each other. Until Harry does.
The Ordeal of Being Known by louisfake 146k
When Auror Potter is anonymously cursed with silence by being forced to hide his own voice inside his mind, there's unfortunately only one person in the country with the qualifications to fix it: Certified and Licensed Healer Legilimens, Draco Malfoy, specialist in Mind Curses and Afflictions. It's obviously a terrible idea, a disaster waiting to happen, but Draco's never been able to back down from a challenge... especially from Potter.
Freedom to be by Quicksilvermaid 169k
Harry Potter is the Boy Who Lived. 12 years after the war, he's become the Boy Who Lived For Everyone Else. He has the perfect wife. The perfect house. The perfect job. The perfect friends. Only nothing feels perfect. Until one day he stumbles across a club called Release and begins a journey of self-discovery that takes him to a very different place.
Grounds for Divorce by Tepre 122k
Malfoy finds a coin. Harry finds a letter. A story about histories, a story about families. A story about a lemon tree somewhere in Upper Egypt.
The Claiming of Grimmauld Place by bixgirl1 74k
When Grimmauld Place begins fighting against Harry’s ownership of it, he decides he needs help to train the historic home — but little does he expect that it’ll be Malfoy who’s most suitable for the challenge. However, as Malfoy and Harry get closer, Harry comes to understand that expectations aren’t always the best path by which to guide his heart — and in the process learns just what is needed to make a house a home.
Lumos by birdsofshore 41k
Harry never expected to spend eighth year listening to Draco Malfoy wanking.
9 ½ Days by magpie_fngrl 69k
After the events at the Manor, Harry and Draco find themselves stranded in the countryside with a broken wand and Death Eaters on their tail. This is the story of an uneasy truce, featuring faerie forests, seaside caves, Romani camps, kind old ladies, and a shared bed in an attic. Or how two boys fell in love in the midst of a bloody coup.
The Sleeping Beauty Curse by who_la_hoop 152k
When Draco Malfoy falls into a cursed sleep and can only be woken – at least, according to the Daily Prophet, that impeccable source of truth – by ‘true love’s kiss’, Harry Potter knows there’s no way on earth he’s the answer to this particular riddle. Is he . . . ?
The Nightmare Club by Elle Gray (Elle_Gray) 85k
Hermione and Ron are going back to Hogwarts to do N.E.W.T.s, Ginny isn't. Harry hasn't decided, until he has, in front of the Wizengamot and now he's responsible for Malfoy as well. A tale of enemies who learn to get along, get it wrong and get it on. Everything is purple, some things are on fire and no-one is sleeping properly. But don't worry, there's tea!
That Old Black Magic by bixgirl1 77k
Centuries ago, marriage contracts were the norm — ready-made alliances between families, expected and complied with, without complaint. But norms have a way of changing, and when a long-dormant contract flares to life, Harry has to navigate an unexpected splintering of the path he'd thought would be easy after the war... with Draco Malfoy.
Tales from the Special Branch by Femme (femmequixotic) 257k
Three months after their brief encounter, Draco has almost forgotten about Potter--or so he tells himself. Then a Dark wizard shows up on the Auror radar and all hell breaks loose. Draco will have to choose between everything he holds dear--everything he's worked so hard for--and a few stolen moments of passion with a certain green-eyed Inspector, once his sworn enemy and now something rather different entirely. He'll make the right choice, won't he? Who is he kidding? He'll ruin everything, as per usual. Bad choices and the name Malfoy go hand in hand.
Men Who Love Dragons Too Much by fencer_x 522k
‘Kill Albus Dumbledore’ is less a challenging task and more a suicide mission, so when Draco Malfoy is presented with the option to either dispatch his Headmaster or suffer an excruciating and most ignominious death of his own, along with his parents, he reaches deep into his black little Slytherin heart and manages to scrape together enough courage to go with option C instead: Spend Sixth Year secretly studying Animagecraft in the hopes he’ll turn into something sufficiently imposing even the Dark Lord himself won’t be able to keep Draco under his thumb. But just his luck, his Animagus form turns out to be a dragon, and a rather randy juvenile at that, intent on finding its mate: one Harry James Potter.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
Request; Good! Are the orders open? If they are open I would like a Headcanon de Yandere Sirius Black. In an alternate universe where he is not imprisoned in Azkaban. He stays with Reader to raise Harry as his son together. What would his Yandere behavior be like in his youth and later in his adulthood.
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Sirius always had his eye on you, ever since starting Hogwarts. And to think he gave James hell for his liking for Evans when Sirius himself was no better.
He was whipped before he even had the chance to introduce himself. But he wouldn’t have it any other way, you were the only one for him. The two of you were made for each other after all. That much was clear as day.
Sirius was like a lost puppy when it came to you. He followed at your heels, not wanting to be too far from you. Honestly, he couldn’t keep himself away even if he tried. He liked being near you. The closeness was everything to him. He never wanted to go without it, without you.
His biggest feat was trying to convince you to give him a chance, to believe that what he felt for you was truly real and genuine cause it was. In the very beginning he had thought about getting with someone else in the hopes of making his darling jealous but he couldn’t bring himself to. He knew he had a reputation but ever since he laid eyes on you he only thought about you, he only dreamed about being with you. He only wanted tou, no one else could possibly compare. Sirius felt guilty enough from just thinking about being with someone other than you, even if it was to get your attention. It didn’t sit right with him being with anyone anymore if they weren’t you.
Attention was very much something Sirius couldn’t live without and that meant he strived for his darling’s attention in particular. Positive or negative it didn’t matter to him he thrived off of it all. So long as your eyes were on him he was happy. Merlin, how he loved your eyes. The color, the way they glistened in the sun, all the emotion swimming in them; Sirius absolutely adored looking into them. Whenever he interacted with you or rather whenever he was persistently annoying you, Sirius always looked you in the eye, staring far too long for comfort but he didn’t care how uneasy it made you or anyone else. He just couldn’t help himself. Hell, he’d bother his darling for a staring contest just to be able to look as long as possible into the windows to their soul.
Determined was an understatement, Sirius was completely dedicated to earning your heart and affections. He wasn’t one to give up easily and when it came to you giving up wasn’t an option. He would put in as much effort as he could muster to become part of your life, to be your future. He’d even go as far as to change himself to whatever you preferred if it meant finally getting you. And Sirius would devote himself to whatever facade he had to play just to have a conversation with you. But if things aren’t moving nearly as far along as he wants then Sirius would get to a point where he needed a quicker fix. There are certain spells and potions that make these types of things a lot easier after all.
Eventually, Sirius finally gets you where he wants you, with him. It took a lot of work and some coercing here and there but he finally did it. He had you and he couldn’t have been happier. Now that he had his darling, Sirius would only become increasingly more intense regarding his behavior and overall antics. Especially while still attending Hogwarts.
Once in a relationship with his darling, Sirius would be very similar to a rabid dog. He had already been pretty passionate when concerning his darling but now that he had them he was on a whole other level. Anyone who so much as looked at his darling cross eyed was in for one hell of a rude awakening. Whether it came in the form of Sirius beating the shit out of them the muggle way, the poor soul becoming the Marauders new target for their antics, or them just so happening to be viciously attacked but a crazed black dog who seemingly came out of nowhere.
He wasn’t very forgiving of those who interfered when it came to you. It didn’t matter whether they had the ill intentions that Sirius swears they did or not, he wasn’t letting anyone try and steal you away from him. Hell, even his own friends were on thin ice but he could usually play it off with them as sarcasm and harmless fun, although they could read between the lines. When Sirius did get like this it was really up to only his darling to calm him down and reign him in. If it were them telling to stop then he would without a second thought but anyone else wouldn’t have that kind of power over him. Not even Mcgonagall or Dumbledore.
After Hogwarts, Sirius would want to immediately begin the rest of his life with his darling. He had already been planning the wedding before graduation but now he just couldn’t help himself. He didn’t want to wait any longer then necessary. He was being impatient, he knew that, but he wanted to be bound to the love of his life right away. So much so that Sirius wasn’t bothered too much about the idea of not having a ceremony. At least not having one yet. As long as it was you and him, he was more than content.
Given how caught up in his own wants Sirius was, he hadn’t really taken in or even asked what his darling wanted to do. Whether you wanted to wait on marriage or even take a break from the relationship in general. Sirius wasn’t really giving you a choice cause he already decided for you before the idea was even openly brought up. No matter how much his darling tried to get a word in and put their foot down for their own wants and needs, he didn’t listen. Whether that was because he was actually too caught up in his own mind or because he chose to just ignore you who knew.
If his darling was insistent on stalling and taking their time both with the relationship and their plans for the future, Sirius would feel inclined to get what he wants another way. Now that may mean that he forges his darling’s name on a marriage certificate without their knowledge or he may just go ahead and use the imperious curse on them. Not like he hasn’t had to use it on them before.
Once he and his darling are married, Sirius would be even more on cloud nine then he ever had been before. You’re all his, now and forever. You have his last name now and he couldn’t love it anymore than he already does. ‘Y/n Black’, it couldn’t suit you better. And to think he had been so hung up on whether you should take his name or he should take yours. In the end he made the right decision.
When it comes to the Wizarding War and the Order of the Phoenix, Sirius wants his darling to have no part in either whatsoever. He would not risk your life for anything. He doesn’t care how much you want to help, how powerful you are, or how useful you could be; it’s not happening. Sirius won’t allow it. He’s not going to lose one of the only good things in his life. Never. If he has to he’ll take any precautions necessary to keep you from trying.
Even if he has to incapacitate you to ensure you don’t leave the safety of wherever he’s keeping you. No matter how much you fight, yell, scream and curse at him, Sirius isn’t going to change his mind. Even if his darling hates him, he knows it’s for the best that he keeps them safe first. You are his top priority after all. Besides, when he comes back to you he can always use a memory charm if need be.
When Sirius hears word of James and Lily’s fate, he’s a mess. He breaks down and crumbles into pieces with his darling being the only one who can keep him from falling apart completely. He’s utterly devastated and he knows it’s his fault for his friends’ deaths. He can’t help but blame himself but he’s also plagued with the thought of that having been you. You could have been dead. He could have lost you at any point even though he took all the measures to keep that from happening. It takes everything in him and you clutching onto him for Sirius not to go after Peter. As much as he wants to he’s reminded that he has you to think about first and you further remind him that Harry needs him as well now. Harry needs the both of you. And that’s more than enough to make him stay.
The fight you two had to put up to keep Harry from going to his Aunt and Uncle was a feat in itself. Dumbledore seemed so adamant about him growing up with the muggles but Sirius especially didn’t want that to happen. Not when he was Harry’s godfather and right there to happily accept him. Besides, it wasn’t what James or Lily would have wanted for him, not when Sirius and his darling were more than willing to take him in and raise him as their own. Sirius had been so passionate and emotional in his argument to have Harry come home with the two of you that Dumbledore couldn’t help but to allow it.
Watching his darling interact with baby Harry was something Sirius adored more than anything. This was his little family. And he’d do anything for them. It had always been in Sirius’ plans that the two of you would have a family of your own. Although he had originally wanted to start making that family immediately after leaving Hogwarts but more important things overshadowed that desperate want. Now that he had a snippet of what it would be like, Sirius could feel that want coming back with a feverish vengeance. He would wait a while though and give Harry the time and attention he needed and deserved right now. But that didn’t mean you and he couldn’t start trying.
Overall, Sirius would become much more intense throughout the years regarding his darling in general. His overprotective and possessiveness had always been there even in his younger days but once he had you all to himself did things hit a whole other level. He’s so completely and utterly filled with love and devotion for his darling and he doesn’t care whether the severity of it is labeled healthy or not. He’s got you and now he’s got his very own little family, Sirius couldn’t be happier. But Merlin help whoever tries to intervene in his happy little world, he won’t hesitate to use the killing curse on whoever tries to mess with his family.
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Hi! I was wondering if you could do something for George? I enjoy reading fanfics about him but surprisingly there aren’t many
Act Like You Mean It
Chapter 1
Summary: George and Y/N are oblivious idiots in love who agree to fake date in the attempt to drive away Y/N's unwanted suitor.
George Weasley x Fem!reader
Y/N worried that if she rolled her eyes one more time, they might get stuck like that, like her mom had always threatened.
But, seriously? How many times did she have to turn down a guy before he finally gave up?
Byron Montcroix was a rich, pompous, self-absorbed jackass who thought he was the universe's gift to women. And for the past two months, he'd been after her like a bloodhound on the hunt.
"There's plenty of girls who'd love to be in your position, Y/N, " Gabby said.
"Great! They can have him. I'll even wrap him up in a pretty red bow and deliver him to their doorstep."
Y/N's roommate shook her head. "I just don't get you. You've got one of Hogwarts' most eligible bachelor's practically banging down your door, and you won't even give him the time of day.
"Because," Y/N replied with an exasperated sigh. "He's an entitled creep who thinks that I, or any other girl for that matter, should be grateful that he even deigns to look at us."
George gazed at Y/N, resting her chin on her palm as she half-dozed. Unlike nearly every other student at school, he loved History of Magic. It was the one place he could watch Y/N unabashed because everyone, including her, was either unconscious or close to it.
Last year, after two long years of admiring her from afar, the younger twin, with Fred's encouragement and a few shots of firewhiskey, finally got the nerve to strike up a conversation with her during one of Gryffindor's infamous parties. A friendship blossomed between the two, but George could never muster up the courage to ask her out.
"Y/N's just so perfect. She's a Goddess," he'd told Fred. "And I'm just well--I'm just me."
Y/N couldn't help but smile when she saw George walking toward her. She'd had a crush on him since their third year but had been too shy to approach the cool, confident prankster. Then, last spring, during a Gryffindor party, he introduced himself, and they ended up sitting in a quiet corner, ignoring everyone else and talking long after the party was over.
He seemed to really like her and Y/N thought maybe he would ask her out at some point, but he never did. A couple of times, she almost bit the bullet and confessed her feelings, but froze up before she could even utter the first syllable. Y/N knew it could spell disaster for their friendship if he didn't feel the same way. So, in the end, she decided she'd much rather have him as a friend than not at all.
"There you are," George said, sitting beside her on the grass. "What are you doing all the way out here? I've been looking all over for you."
Y/N had walked almost as far as the shrieking shack in an effort to shake off her ardent admirer. "Hiding from Montcroix. He's been all over me like shit on a stick today. Would you believe he actually tried to kiss me? Granted, it was my cheek and not my lips, thank goodness. But still. Just thought of his mouth anywhere my skin makes me wanna puke."
George's blood boiled. He looked away for a few moments to hide the red splotches he knew were blooming on his face and neck. He wanted more than anything to punch that smug, cocksure smile off Montcroix's pristine, fucking face and then sweep Y/N off her feet in a passionate kiss. Just like in all the movies and romance novels.
"I'm just so sick of him," Y/N sighed. "I've tried everything I can think of, but he just won't leave me alone." She paused and looked up at George, "Got any ideas? I'm willing to try just about anything at this point."
George rubbed his chin, thinking, and then his head snapped up. His mind was reeling with this sudden crazy idea that would get Montcroix off her back and would allow him to shower her with the love he's been bottling up for so long. If he couldn't ask Y/N out for real, why not go for the next best thing? He blurted it out before he had time to second guess himself. "We could pretend to be a couple."
"What?" Y/N stared at him.
"We could pretend to be dating. If Montcroix thinks you have a boyfriend, he'll hopefully leave you alone. And if not, I'll kick his ass."
For a brief moment she harbored hope that maybe George wanted to be more than just friends.
But, then reality set in.
'Oh,' she thought. 'Pretend. Not for real. George isn't one to beat around the bush. If he actually wanted to date me he'd just ask me straight out.
No, this is just a friend helping out a friend.'
At least now she knew.
Y/N looked down at her hands, forcing back her tears. How could she say yes? How could she pretend her true feelings weren't real? How could she endure knowing his affections were all an act? Knowing it all had an expiration date.
She truly didn't know, and yet...
How could she say no? How could she throw away the opportunity to be loved by George, even if it wasn't real? Even if it was only temporary. This might be as close as she'd ever get to living her dream.
Y/N chewed on her lip as she convinced herself this was a good idea. Then looking back up at George, she smiled. "Sure. Why not?"
Part two:
@milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @zvummyummy @xmjthewitchx @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley @imshiningjustforyou @samberriejams @nighttimemoonlover @jsjcue @wzrd-wheezes @mrsgweasley @hufflepuffie @morally-grey-obsessed @fredweasleyyyyy @princess-paramour @anvaaryn @lastwandastan @samshifts @asuperconfusedgirl @hmisa11 @superduckmilkshake @mysticsheepsoul @gemofthenight @1lellykins @junerprsh @sierraluvz @wolfkill16 @kaysau2510 @igncrantbliss
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is-the-owl-video-cute · 5 months
Would love for there to be some nuance with the HP thing. "Every HP fan is an antisemitic terf" are you for real? I, and a lot of other people, grew up with Harry Potter. It was the first time that reading really sucked me in. I got a story of an "other" that found a place to belong, and in the same way, I got a community of fans that felt the same way. Now everyone who was a fan is being told to throw away that history. You can't even pretend that you liked it once.
And now I struggle. JKR is an abhorrent human being. She constantly doubles down on her bigotry, and is proud of it. I don't read any of her shitty detective novels, I'm not on Pottermore, I never got Hogwarts Legacy, even though all I wanted for years was an open world game in that universe. JKR will not see a dime of my money, nor will I involve myself in any way with anything new she does.
This whole thing has tainted so much of my childhood. I remember staying up late reading. Going to school, talking about the books with my friends who also stayed up late reading. Those were great times in my life. Now, whenever I reminisce, Tumblr is there in the back of my mind telling me how bigoted I am. How much of a TERF that I am. It's depressing.
Oh cry me an ocean about how you feel guilty that people don’t like you indulging in a piece of media that is actively used as a means to harm marginalized people in the real world. Are you actually going to come here and act as though you having social pressure to not put your Hogwarts house in your bio is anything compared to what trans people have to deal with from the author? Especially trans women in the UK. What’s depressing is you drowning in self pity about woe is you because people aren’t super stoked that you knowingly engage in something written by someone who is even now harming vulnerable people?
The thing about growing up is sometimes you have to actually grow up and stop taking things as a personal attack. If you grew up playing a video game and loving it and then it turned out the mind behind it and primary profiteer as such was actively a grand wizard of the KKK and you look back to the games and see ominous parallels between that deep hatred for marginalized people in the games themselves, I would not respect you for continuing to enjoy those games. If your favorite book was written by a serial child predator and you were bemoaning about people reacting coldly to the idea you still greatly enjoy that book, I would not feel sympathy for you. And I will not feel any level of pity for you if you are still in current year finding justifications and excuses to be a Harry Potter fan.
The implication you consider it tainted, not because you were able to reflect on how deep rooted the antisemitic and racist and pro-authoritarian themes are in the story and how easily we all just failed to notice it at the time, but because you are criticized on tumblr for still being a fan is not lost on me here.
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ophiespeaks · 5 months
Masterlist <3
(For inspiration, ideas, or just to get to know me!!! This is in no particular order btw, just the way they’re ordered in my Lifa App.)
*Side note, I have a “waiting room” dr too. It’s basically just a big movie theater but all the theater rooms are my different drs. But I’ve elected to not make a full section for it.*
Dr Name: Hogwarts, 1991.
Universe/Basis: Harry Potter
Synopsis: Non-Canonical HP dr where I get to experience the magical world completely and fully with my favorite characters. There’s no war, no plot, and things have been changed to make it more desirable for me. IE: No Death Eaters/Voldemort, no one dies, etc. It’s basically just a boarding school dr with magic lol. It was my main dr for a long time and has a LOT of little things scripted in. Honestly, I’m still so in love with it and if I ever did permashift, it would probably be here.
Dr Name: Chosen One
Universe/Basis: Harry Potter
Synopsis: Canon-Adjacent dr where basically I’m Harry. Obviously he doesn’t exist in this dr because I’m obsessed with being the main character (/hj). Things have been scripted to not be so traumatizing and awful all the time, but will loosely follow a sort of plot to let me be the chosen one in a prophecy and basically the center of attention. There’s stakes and I don’t expect to shift here for long intervals because it seems stressful, but I’m shifting to third year with a pre-written backstory for the first two years. Again, not fully canon- certain characters don’t die and the war isn’t killing innocents etc. I just like attention.
Dr Name: Lost
Universe/Basis: ABC’s Lost TV Series (2004)
Synopsis: Canon-Adjacent to the Lost TV series, without the um…trauma. Also people don’t die. It’s basically Survivor meets Real Housewives. I live for the drama tbh. Basically the plane crash leaves me stranded with strangers and I get to meet the characters. I don’t have a s/o but I’m looking to be an adoptive daughter figure to Sawyer because emotionally unavailable selfish assholes seem to be my father-figure go to for some reason.
Dr Name: The 100
Universe/Basis: CW’s The 100
Synopsis: Heavily scripted but honestly it’s almost-canon to the events of seasons 1 and 2 of the 100, obviously not so traumatizing though. I’m basically using this as a teenage-run society dr or maybe like a huge camping trip dr lmao. None of the 100 die like in canon, and also because I have main character syndrome Clarke and therefore also Wells aren’t part of the original delinquent mission. My s/o is gonna be Bellamy Blake, and I have a few close friends in the 100/eventually the grounders. There’s a lot of drama lmao. Also, my dad is Markus Kane and my (adoptive) brother is Murphy and my whole backstory is so convoluted it needed rewritten multiple times to even be coherent lmao.
Dr Name: Fame (Adult)
Universe/Basis: Better CR
Synopsis: Modern-set dr where I’m a famous actress/musician in my early twenties. I own a makeup/skincare company, as well as a non-profit community oriented foundation to teach kids the arts (acting, music, performance, dance, drawing, painting, etc.) but also hosting events and drives to give back to local communities. As for my professional career, I’m a part of some of my favorite movies/shows in my cr, as well as some movie ideas I had myself and made into a franchise in my DR. I’m basically the biggest IT girl and I’m like if Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo, and Margot Robbie were a single person. Some of my films/shows, to name a few, are The VVitch, A Star Is Born, The Summer I Turned Pretty, and Barbie.
Dr Name: Fame (Teen)
Universe/Basis: Better CR
Synopsis: An early 2010s dr, I’m a young teen actress and get to star in some of my favorite shows and movies from that time period, as well as some adaptations I thought up myself. My dad is Matthew Grey Gubler because he seems like he’d be such a cool dad, so I’m technically a Nepo baby. I play Dustin’s twin sister in Stranger Things, I play Annabeth Chase in an adaptation of PJO, I play Prim in The Hunger Games, I’m Coraline in a live action adapatation, and a few other roles that I have planned.
Dr Name: Assemble
Universe/Basis: MCU - Young Avengers
Synopsis: I’m Tony Stark’s daughter, all the OGs don’t die, and I’m in charge of the Young Avengers. I’ve adapted some comic book characters into new heroes, as well as adding known characters like Spider-man, America Chavez, Yelena (younger in my dr), Kate Bishop, etc. It’s basically like fanfic Avengers lmao. We all live in the compound in upstate New York, and sometimes other “characters” pop in to give us training lessons and stuff such as Stephen Strange or Wong, T’Challa, Bucky, Loki, etc. It seems so fun to just have a compound full of super powered/super-capable teenagers tbh. A nightmare for my dad tho.
Dr Name: The Olympian
Universe/Basis: MCU
Synopsis: A more canon-reliant take on an MCU dr, where I join the original Avengers back in 2011. I’m basically a greek demigoddess capable of minor feats of magic, but through being a hero I’m eventually granted full godhood (like Hercules/Heracles in the myths) for my efforts. Fighting villains and hearing the hero drama seems so interesting. Honestly, I’ll probably be less involved in this dr than my Assemble dr, but this one’s still cool if only for my backstory here alone lol.
Dr Name: The Games
Universe/Basis: The Hunger Games
Synopsis: Basically not canon at all lmao. I don’t want to kill anyone, that’s insane. Basically, the districts still exist (though people aren’t starving or anything) and “The Games” are basically just a big game show held in the Capitol and the winner gets money, fame, etc. This dr is loosely based off of the prequel, the ballad of songbirds and snakes, so there’s *technically* Coriolanus Snow as my love interest/mentor, but his character is so different that it’s basically not even him- I just find Tom Blythe attractive is all. Also Sejanus Plinth is my bbygirl he deserved so much better.
Dr Name: Camp Halfblood
Universe/Basis: PJO
Synopsis: Non-Canon pjo dr. I’m a child of Zeus (I need to be the main character so bad ig. Also, I need to have an absent/terrible biological father apparently?? minus tony tho 🫶) and I’m the only one in the Zeus Cabin. There’s no quests and we’re genuinely just trained over the summer and allowed to either stay or go to school for the rest of the year. It’s basically a summer camp dr but with a little magic and stuff here and there. Percy, Grover, Annabeth, etc. are all my age and eventually Percy will be my s/o because clueless boys of unimaginable power are just so babygirl to me i guess.
Dr Name: Bridgerton
Universe/Basis: Netflix’s Bridgerton TV series
Synopsis: Mostly canon, with a few more added families and such. My own background is also a royalty dr- I’m the princess of Norway undercover as the distant relative of Lady Danbury, and I’ve got a few completely made-up love interests because no one in the show is really in my age range??? I mean some are close, like Colin, but he’s in love with Penelope so idk. I just want fancy dresses and huge parties and high society drama tbh.
Dr Name: The Walking Dead
Universe/Basis: AMC’s The Walking Dead TV series
Synopsis: HEAVILY SCRIPTED!!! I don’t want my people to die obviously. Zombies/walkers can’t actually hurt us and everyone smells good oof. No cannibals bc ew, it’s basically a found family dr with zombies. I/we won’t have to kill people!!! Both Daryl and Rick are sort of father figures to me, and my love interests include a few people such as Carl, Enid, Ron, and Kelly (I love Kelly sm) and the later seasons are changed to be better to live in and everything’s not constantly falling apart. Also, basically scripting out all of the Negan drama and most stuff after it, because absolutely not.
Dr Name: BrBa
Universe/Basis: AMC’s Breaking Bad TV series
Synopsis: LISTEN!!! I just think it would be fun to fuck around in this dr tbh. I’m a high-end dealer (drugs don’t kill people and don’t have a bad effect on people either) and I just want to go to lavish parties and commit high end crimes. I think Walter White is funny as hell unintentionally and Jesse Pinkman seems like the coolest person to just hang out with (at least in the first few seasons of the show.) Obviously, it’s not even remotely canon and doesn’t follow the actual plot. I also won’t spent too much time here. Like I said, it’s just to mess around in. It’s absolutely not serious nor is it a place i’d want to be for long.
Dr Name: Narnia
Universe/Basis: The Chronicles of Narnia (films)
Synopsis: Golden Age Narnia? Ruling a magical country, marrying my best friend (Peter), leading people, being highly respected by my court? The whole thing sounds like a fairytale. It’s basically a royalty dr but with magic. Medieval times but, as with all my non-modern drs, I script modern amenities because if I don’t have toilet paper and indoor plumbing I’m gonna scream and cry. I also love the canon Pevensie siblings and their personalities I want to meet them all so bad. Also, Peter Pevensie was my first crush ever, as an fyi.
Dr Name: LIS
Universe/Basis: Netflix’ Lost In Space reboot
Synopsis: Canon/mostly canon with fun additions and workarounds. Adoptive/found family dynamics. I get to be a super cool badass with yet another adoptive father figure while exploring alien planets and getting to be besties with penny robinson (i’m forever a penny defender- i love forgotten, “unwanted” middle child archetypes) and getting to meet a literal 7 foot tall alien robot is gonna be SO cool are you kidding me???
Dr Name: Stardew Valley
Universe/Basis: Stardew Valley (video game)
Synopsis: CUTE FARMING DR!!! There’s twelve canonical love interests but i’m considering adding a few more options/people in general for funsies. Basically I want to have my little farm and my little animals and run around town and meet people and go to the beach and it’s gonna be so fun i’m so excited for it. I’ve actually considered it for my “waiting room” sort of place, because only the valley itself and like three other places even really exist in canon soooo but idk. (also considering scripting johnnie guilbert as sebastian bc 🤭🤭🤭)
Dr Name: Gravity Falls
Universe/Basis: Gravity Falls
Synopsis: Teenage dr, not canon reliant but with weird occurrences and mysteries going on all around. The twins and their friends are older but most of the other characters stay the same age. Instead of having a complicated backstory I straight up just tell Stan I shifted and he’s unbothered because he literally watched his brother get sucked into a portal and fist-fought a pterodactyl so not much can phase him anymore ig.
Dr Name: Summer Ship
Universe/Basis: Better Cr
Synopsis: Um this one’s completely made up by me, hi. Basically me and some of my dr friends are working on a private yacht for the summer. We only work like four hours a day, get paid WAY too much tbh, and then spend the weekends/after work hours getting to live on this huge ass rich people yacht that we’re allowed to go crazy on. It’s sailing the mediterranean so it doubles as a travel dr, where I get to see places like Greece, Rome, Venice, etc. when we dock and go inland. I’m so unbelievably stoked about this one tbh.
Dr Name: Smosh
Universe/Basis: Better Cr
Synopsis: This one’s kinda embarrassing ngl 💀 so basically, the Youtube channel Smosh is this whole big brand that’s like an office completely oriented on making fun videos, sketch comedy, playing board games, etc. and it looks SO fun to work there. Some of the people in videos/crew behind the scenes seem like genuinely nice people so basically it’s a better cr dr where I just work there too, and I’m a little older lol. Like obviously it’s a job like anywhere else, but a lot of the time their job is fart jokes and playing games.
Dr Name: Sword AF
Universe/Basis: Smosh - DnD Campaign
Synopsis: If I thought the last one was embarrassing, this takes the cake lmao. So, Smosh runs a dnd campaign where four of them play characters and then the dm plays a bunch of npcs. I’ve scripted myself as a fantasy character to explore the dr world based off of the dnd campaign’s world. Interacting with real people who are the characters my friends play in a different dr lmao. But an ancient giant wooden robot, a blue goblin, a gay elf, and a horny older halfling lady are MY comfort characters, okay! It’s a dnd dr, based off of the Sword AF campaign.
Dr Name: A:TLA
Universe/Basis: Nickelodeon’s Avatar Cartoon
Synopsis: guys i LOVE avatar omg. uncle iroh singing little soldier boy can make me cry on command to this day. In this dr, I’m a fire bender runaway living in Omashu. I also scripted different fire nation “countries,” like how the earth kingdom has sort of different governments set-up throughout or how the water tribes have the two separate tribes on either pole. I’m from an island tribe and because I like attention, I’m a princess in that kingdom. This dr is mostly canon??? It was a cartoon so not too much traumatizing stuff happened anyways, but there are certainly some…questionable moments.
Honorable Mentions
(drs that i *technically* have, but have put little to no thought into the actual context of and i currently have no desire to actively shift to, just future possibilities)
-“Dog Days,” a Diary of a Wimpy Kid dr (i am down BAD for rodrick heffley)
-BAU/criminal minds dr (i have no idea how i’d POSSIBLY script this to not be traumatic so for now it’s not even really a dr, just a place i may want to go???)
-“Safety” dr (without too much detail, I’m a kid again and live in a valley home with my favorite people, with neighbor kids and the whole place is filled with flowers and it’s always summer. basically just a stress-free dreamland.)
-Sam and Colby dr. (ghost hunting but i’m a medium + getting up to some utter tomfoolery in a youtuber house)
-Daybreak dr based off of the netflix show (societies run by teenagers AND zombie survival found family drs seem to be a favorite of mine, and this is both)
-“Hawkins” dr, basically stranger things without any strange things (no way am i facing a demogorgan head on, let ALONE vecna or the mind flayer are you KIDDING???)
-The Walking Dead (game), (I love Clementine so much) (I honestly might just script twdg characters into my main twd dr so I don’t have to have multiple, idk yet)
-“Royal University,” yet another royalty dr bc i’m self obsessed ig, (made up royalty heirs in a college dr)
-Hogwarts, 1971 (undecided/not scripted marauders era dr. obsessed with andrew garfield as remus lupin.)
-Hogwarts, 2011 (undecided dr of the golden-trio era’s kids from the series epilogue/*minor* elements of cursed child, teddy lupin gets to live with his parents bc i WILL start crying)
-Youtuber Dr, (Making horror content/horror-themed video essays, will be in the same sort of circle as Wendigoon, the Lore Lodge, Loey Lane, Nexpo, etc.)
-Various short-term drs to figure out what happened at certain instances in my cr. I kind of think of them as “fly on the wall” drs just for me to be in a location to fully understand what happened there. Mainly, cold cases/unexplained events. (Jonbenet Ramsey, mothman bridge incident, phoenix lights, dyatlov pass, and several missing 411 cases mostly.)
-Cool History dr, where I can go see cool historical moments for myself from my cr. such as the building of the pyramids, the library of alexandria, the “resurrection of jesus” (since he was a real person), woodstock, stonewall, etc.
I am always accepting more dr ideas, tbh. Any piece of media I consume is free real estate for a dr if we’re being so fr.
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thatblackravenclaw · 2 years
The Date
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Blog Details + My Library
Neville Longbottom x fem!reader
word count: 1.6k
warning(s): fluff, cursing, smut-ish, dry humping-ish, not proofread
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I can’t believe I agreed to another blind date. Tiffany owes me a lifetime of Cauldron Cakes if this doesn’t work out. The last time I went to one of these, she set me up with Justin Finch of all people and all he did was talk about himself. I just drank Butterbeer until he become barely. The date finally ended about two, agonizing hours later. As soon as we got back in the castle, we went our separate ways and I have not talked to him since.
Now, I’m sitting in Madam Puddifoot’s, in a corner, ten minutes early, trying to guess who my mystery date is. Tiff knows pretty much everyone at Hogwarts so it could be anybody really, but she only dates tools so I doubt it’ll be anyone good.
Five minutes go by before I hear the bell above the front door ring. It’s Neville. He looks a bit nervous. This is honestly the last place I thought I would see him. It’s not a very crowded place, so it’s good for an introverted person like him, but it’s a bit.. girly for him. But since he’s here, I can’t help but admire him. He’s gotten taller since we first got to university. He towers over a good amount of people at school. Even some of the professors.
His eyes wander around the room as if he’s looking for someone. Considering the only single person in here is me, I’m guessing that I’m his date. I get up from the table and walk over to him. His height is definitely intimidating up close, but his shyness makes it less intimidating.
“Hi Neville,” I say as gently as possible. I guess it works since I can visibly see him relax.
“Hi y/n,” He says not quite at a normal tone, but not a whisper either.
“I guess I’m your date,” A small smile wipes on my face. He nods his head, and we walk to where I was sat.
“I wasn’t sure what you’d like so I ordered an herbal tea. That alright?” I ask as we sit down. He nods his head again and I nod in acknowledgement.
It’s quiet for a bit before Madam Puddifoot comes back with our tea.
“Anything else for you dearies?” I look over at him to see if he wants anything.
“Ginger Newts? Please?” She warmly smiles at him and toddles to the back. The quietness takes over again. I reach a hand over and hold his.
“You don’t have to be nervous Nev. It’s just me.” His eyes soften and he lets out an exhale.
“Y-You’re actually the prettiest girl in our grade.” My smile can’t help but widen at getting a full sentence out of him.
“Only in our grade? Damn, looks like I gotta aim for prettiest in the school.” He smiles at that, and we drink our tea.
The conversation goes smoothly after that. He loosened up. Even started telling some jokes. I laughed so hard that people started looking over in our corner. We would just shush each other and continue laughing. As we finished the tea and Ginger Newts, we decided to go walk around outside. The snow hasn’t hit us quite yet, so the weather is bearable. I learned that he loves Herbology. He has almost every type of plant at his house. He learned that I had a crush on him from our 1st to our 3rd year. The time went by fast. Too fast.
We barely make curfew as we stumble in. Our laughing turns into hushed tones, but smiles stay upon our faces.
“Do you want to come to my room? I think Harry and Ron said something about going to Hagrid’s and Dean and Seamus snuck off somewhe-“
“Are you trying to get me into your bed Neville?” My tone is teasing, but his face still turns red.
“No! No! I just thought-“
“You’re okay Neville. Let’s go. I’ve always been curious as to what boy’s dorm rooms look like.” I take his hand and lead him to Gryffindor tower. The walk isn’t long. That’s a lie, it’s very long. Especially with all the steps, but being with him made it go by faster. We continued talking, kind of loudly, while the painting looked at us with disdain.
There aren’t many people in the common room. A few stragglers. Dean and Seamus are there, but they’re so wrapped up in each other that they don’t even notice Neville and I walking upstairs. He opens the door and sure enough we’re the only ones there. I walk all the way in and take a look around. It looks a bit different than the girls dorms. It also smells a bit different than the girls dorm. I can tell the one in the middle is Harry’s. Seems fitting as he’s “the chosen one”. Whatever that means. I look back and see Neville standing next to a bed.
“I’m assuming this one is yours?”
He nods.
“Wanna sit?”
He nods again. I walk over and sit down while he’s unmoving.
“Nev, I thought we got over the shyness?” I pat the spot next to me and wait for him to sit down. Once he does, I hold his hands and look at him.
“Have you ever been with a girl Neville?” He shakes his head no. I lift a hand to his cheek and look into his eyes.
“Do you want to?” He doesn’t say anything. Almost like he’s frozen.
“It’s okay if you don’t want to do anything, but if you do, I need a verbal answer.”
“I,” he clears his throat, “I do.” I smile and lean in closer to him. My nose lightly bumps his before I peck his lips. I lean back to assess how he’s feeling. His eyes are still close, and his lips are slightly puckered, stuck in this kiss. I chuckle and lean back in. I reconnect our lips and at that moment swear that I will study every day as long as I get kiss Neville for the rest of my life. He says he’s never been with a girl but the way his lips move against mine tell me differently.
My legs straddle his lap, and my hands move down to the side of his neck. I can tell he’s hesitant to do anything else, so I help him by wrapping his arms around my waist. His arms tighten around me, bringing up closer. I move a bit to settle on his lap and feel a slight bulge meet my clothed core. Our lips momentarily part, but not by much. He groans against my lips and it’s one of the most beautiful sounds to ever reach my ears.
I kiss his cheek, his jaw, his neck. He shudders underneath me which motivates me more. I remove myself from his lap and stand up. My top is first to go. His eyes are darkened as they stare at my figure. I raise my blouse slowly above my head. Only left in my lilac lace bra, I slowly unbuckle the belt to my jeans. I move them down my thighs and they fall down to my feet, revealing the matching panties.
“You gonna leave me half-naked by myself?” I tease. He gets up and takes his clothes off in record time. I try not to laugh so I don’t ruin the moment, but the way he almost trips on his trousers has me smiling to myself.
I take my place back on his lap and roll my hips against his crotch. My lips reconnect to his neck, and I kiss around until I find what I’m looking for.
“Fuck me,” I hear escape his lips.
Found it.
I suck on it while continuing to roll my hips. His noises become whimpers which goes straight down to my pussy.
“Can we- fuck. Can we try something?” I nod my head yes while slowing down my motions. His hands take a hold of my hips and bring me to a complete stop. I whimper at the loss of friction. My eyes move with the motion of his hands. He pulls his dick from his briefs and moves my panties to the side. He runs a finger through my folds and collects my slick, groaning at the feeling. He takes his finger and rubs it over his tip. It’s my turn to groan. I think I know what his idea was.
I wait until he moves his finger to place my pussy right on his shaft. He closes his eyes and I take the chance to place my lips on his. His arms take their rightful place back around my waist and I continue rocking my hips. His tip brushes up against my clit and I can’t help but to moan into his mouth. I rock a bit faster, and I feel him throbbing underneath me. I pull back reluctantly to catch a breath and his lips chase after mine. I’m embarrassed to admit how much that one simple thing turned me on. One more hip roll and my orgasm unexpectedly washes over me. I shudder and collapse into his figure but don’t stop. The overstimulation has me moaning in his ear. His hips start to roll up and meet mine. His soft moaning turns becoming louder, mixing with mine. His hold tightens and then his hips shudder to a stop. The sound he makes, makes me want to go a second round.
He loosens his hold and I look down in between us. His cum is still coming out in spurts. The sight alone should be in a porno. I take my index finger and swipe a bit of cum. My eyes close as the tanginess hits my tongue. The sound of the doorknob makes us turn our heads in sync. I reach over for my wand and close his curtains around us.
“Who’s been fucking in here? Damn!” Dean exclaims from the doorway. I hide my face in Neville’s neck as we silently laugh.
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mxlfoydraco · 1 year
hey Serra! I'm curious, what are some of your favourite tropes/genres to read fic? in the broadest sense I mean, not just relationship tropes. I personally love time travel fics, do you like them? (also if you have any recs at all either time travel or for your favourite tropes I'm all ears 👀👂)
Hi! In general I really like reading Harry and Draco working together, I do like time travel tropes as well and I love it when both are combined! I'm adding on to my existing Universe/Timeline Hopping list. I had a lot of fun making this list, so many favorites. <3
Time Travel
Always Already by @aibidil (170k)
It’s 2004: Harry teaches primary school and loves his job and friends; It’s 1980: Harry has to fight Voldemort, again; It’s 2004: Draco is a trainee Healer and reformed member of society; It’s 1980: Draco has to face his father’s cruelty; It’s 2004: Harry and Draco definitely aren’t lonely or depressed or traumatised; It’s 1980: Harry and Draco listen to Kate Bush and watch Dallas and drive a 1979 Ford Cortina; It’s 2004, it’s 1980, it’s…
Far From The Tree by aideomai (112k)
The arrival of Harry Potter’s children—snapped back in time, the children themselves guessed, twenty or so years—was the most interesting thing to happen at Hogwarts for years.
And So Death Took by @icmezzo (25k)
Fairy tales may soothe small children into slumber, but some stories themselves refuse to sleep. The Tale of Three Brothers, retold.
Our Time by @m0srael (39k)
Draco Malfoy is an expert in Ancient Runes at Oxford University’s College of Advanced Magical Studies. When he isn’t at the head of a lecture hall, he spends his time alone in cavernous libraries with only crumbling scrolls and runic dictionaries for company. One day, a group of Ministry officials interrupts his research with the aim of recruiting him to lead an elite team of investigators in a top-secret race against time to decrypt a set of recently uncovered ancient runes that threaten the very fabric of time. Draco feels certain he can save the world, if only he didn’t keep getting distracted by his co-lead, one Chief Cursebreaker Harry Potter. If only that distraction didn’t evolve into something so much more.
Chrononauts by AnnaFugazzi (39k)
Harry and Draco learn that Time is making fools of them again. And then they learn it… again.
Chronological Displacement by bookinit (89k)
In which Harry and Draco have a time-turner accident, and many things go wrong, but a lot of things also go right. Featuring: reptilian bonding night, canon-inaccurate animagus lessons, and a fuck-ton of pining.
aka the fic where Harry finds his family, and fights to keep them.
The White Pawn by Soupy_George (80k)
When eighteen-year-old Draco Malfoy finds himself back at Hogwarts on the eve of Voldemort’s infamous return, he is confronted with the most difficult decision he’s ever had to make: Relive the 6th year at school he’s tried so hard to forget, or do the unthinkable and ally himself with Potter’s lot…
An Emerald In The Sky by @corvuscrowned (6k)
The hardest part about shagging an Unspeakable is that they’re not allowed to speak of anything. All Draco knows is that Harry works in Time. Harry works in Time, and while he’s out there in all of that time, it is as unforgiving to him as it is to anyone. Somewhere along the way, Draco realizes he’s been thinking in lines, when he should have been thinking in circles.
Eternally Consistent by kitsunealyc (44k)
Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter assumed they would never be anything but civil enemies, until Potter lands on Malfoy's doorstep, bleeding, covered in curses, and acting very strangely indeed.
Quick as a Flash of Lightning, Unhurried as Eternity by @onbeinganangel (10k)
Can you fall in love with someone by simply watching them fiercely love another version of yourself?
Time and Again by lauren3210 (28k)
Draco has an important research assignment, and he needs Auror protection. Harry’s a little concerned, not only because he can’t even pronounce the places Draco’s dragging him off to, but because there’s the slightest chance he might do something stupid, like tell Draco all about that little crush he’s been harbouring for a while now...
Brevem Conspectum by lauren3210 (1k)
During a routine clearing of an old Death Eater house, Harry stumbles over an ancient spell that sends him somewhere completely different. He has to work out where he is and how to get back. Or if he even wants to.
Our Little Life by @tackytigerfic (7k)
Sometimes Harry dreams. Only they're not really dreams at all, and Malfoy is always in them. It's time travel, but not as we know it, and Harry just needs a good night's sleep.
Turning Leaves by @kbrick (112k)
Draco and Harry have a one-night stand that ends in disaster after Harry tells Draco he's unable to move beyond their poisonous past. So when Draco finds an unusual Time-Turner in the Department of Mysteries, he seizes the opportunity to start fresh with Harry. Only instead of fixing things, he keeps making them worse.
Everything is Relative to You by @thehoneybeet (43k)
Potter was supposed to have lived. Draco is certain of this. That Potter would no longer walk the earth was tantamount to the sun moving west to east across the sky. If only he could have stopped this from happening, if he’d have known… It comes to him as ideas often did: too late. Or, Harry dreams of his past lives, and Draco is in every one.
Just a Matter of Time by @gracerene (23k)
Draco's in a bit of a rut. He's nearing forty, divorced, and he still can't figure out how to make his Time Turner reconstruction work. He's bored, he can admit it, so he's not nearly as concerned as he should be when his pet project malfunctions and sends him twenty years into the past. That is, until he ends up relying on a nineteen-year-old Harry Potter for help and starts developing some very inconvenient—and possibly reciprocated—feelings.
Don't Want to Miss a Thing by @tryslora (8k)
Once upon a time, Ron had warned Harry about the dangers of workplace romances, but Harry didn’t listen and he and Draco became an item. But after nearly three years together, Harry broke it off. Fifteen months later, the two find it nearly impossible to work together, except when forced into an uneasy alliance. But this assignment isn’t just complicated (it’s amazing the trouble that can be caused by seven time turners and some creative magic), it’s personal, and Harry and Draco are forced to take another look at their relationship.
Wish You Were Here by cryptonym (17k)
[Snape] leans on the table, towering over me like a vulture watching its prey, his eyes boring into me. “If I were in your position, I would be considering my history as I know it. If you are here now, you were always meant to be here.” Career Choices: Harry: Time Traveller; Draco: Time Trial Test Subject
Primal Urges by @heyitsamorette (10k)
An eighth year fic …er … or should I say, a prehistoric fic? Draco gets hurtled back in time and meets caveman!Potter, who seems to like him much more than normal!Potter. Quite a bit more, actually.
Time Loops
At the Crossroads There We’ll Meet by @firethesound (24k)
Potter keeps dying; Draco keeps saving him.
The Inconvenient Death(s) of Harry Potter by @nv-md (33k)
Harry and Draco have spent the decade since the War avoiding each other, even as they’re forced to work together at the Ministry and their friend groups begin to alarmingly overlap. But what happens when Harry meets a tragic end (in a manner of speaking) and Draco’s the only one who can save him? Or Harry won’t stop dying, Draco’s had too much coffee, and there’s more than enough time for them to make a mess of each other’s lives.
Tea and No Sympathy by who_la_hoop (70k)
It's Potter's fault, of course, that Draco finds himself trapped in the same twenty-four-hour period, repeating itself over and over again. It's been nearly a year since the unpleasant business at Hogwarts, and Draco's getting on with his life quite nicely, thank you, until Harry sodding Potter steps in and ruins it all, just like always. At first, though, the time loop seems liberating. For the first time in his life, he can do anything, say anything, be anything, without consequence. But the more Draco repeats the day, the more he realises the uncomfortable truth: he's falling head over heels for the speccy git. And suddenly, the time loop feels like a trap. For how can he ever get Harry to love him back when time is, quite literally, against him?
Swish and Flick by @unmistakablyoatmeal (7k)
The Swish and Flick is the last place Draco wants to spend his Saturday evening—especially when he discovers Potter is also in attendance—and he can't wait for the night to end. Unfortunately for Draco, time is not on his side.
Groundhog Date by @gingertodgers (15k)
Draco and Harry both have dates at London's newest cereal cafe with a man called Liam. Unfortunately there is no sign of Liam, the waitress insists that they share a table, and every time Draco attempts to storm off in a huff the disastrous not-a-date starts again.
Timecode by Rasborealis (73k)
Harry Potter has been dead for two years, and Draco would laugh in the face of anyone claiming differently. Well, anyone but Hermione Granger.
It’s No Great Mystery by @agentmoppet (57k)
Who on earth decided that bringing back the Yule Ball for their eighth year would be a good idea? It feels like the worst day of Harry’s life, watching everyone get glammed up like the war never happened, like the last Triwizard Tournament wasn’t such a colossal failure. And then it happens again. And again. And again.
No Quiet Find by orphan_account (10k)
War makes a man tired…some more than most. Draco needs rest.
all in good time by @talkingtravesties (13k)
Draco Malfoy's life is boring and repetitive. He supposes he shouldn't complain, since that's better than sharing a house with Voldemort, or doing time in Azkaban. When he gets trapped in a time loop, however, he is forced to confront the routine he has fixed for himself, and try to break out of it. It isn't all bad, facing no consequences for his actions can be fun for a bit. But after he starts visiting the Auror Headquarters and having brief but remarkably pleasant conversations with one Auror Potter, he finally has the real motivation to break out of the time loop - something worth sticking around for.
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Super Long Fics (6) Masterlist
part one, part two, part three, part four, part five
A Rose of Winter (ao3) - Nefertiti1052 (Succubusphan)
Summary: All Daniel wanted to do was escape the stifling life as a Stark of Winterfell and travel the world. Between the looming threat North of The Wall and the den of lions in the capital, he unexpectedly finds love in the midst of a war set to tear Westeros apart. Caught between loyalty to his family and duty, he is torn in a thousand directions that all point to one man: Philip Flowers.
A Stolen Ring (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan’s not normal. Why? He's not human, he has a mysterious ring, and he hates Phil Lester. They have a strange past, one filled with bullying and avoidance, but when Dan turns into an incubus, everything changes. He struggles with his identity and cries himself to sleep most nights, yearning to be normal. And somehow the universe makes it worse by bringing him and Phil together - in the most literal sense.
baby, if you wanna try (ao3) - sunflowerwitches (orphan_account)
Summary: wearing jewellery doesn't work in phil's favour when he sees friends that he hasn't seen in a while and they automatically assume he's engaged. engaged to dan
Black Blood - howellester8791
Summary: Dan is a vampire hunter, one of the best in the entire London, and he has to solve the mistery of the “Blue-eyed vampire of Haze”. But when he meets the vampire, something in Dan changes and he’ll find out that the enemy is not this pale, dorky, black haired and blue-eyed vampire named Phil.
By the way, I adore you. (ao3) - lxzyfangirl
Summary: Dan is very sick, and the future is not looking too bright for him, thankfully, he has Phil, his best friend, to accompany him through it all. But is Dan satisfied with being just friends?
do what thou wilt (ao3) - sunflowerwitches
Summary: dan has always known that he isn’t a normal human, he grew up wiccan in the middle of seventeenth-century england. he definitely knew he wasn’t normal when he has to flee his family home due to the witch trials taking place. he flees to pendle hill in lancashire which isn’t completely different to his life back home
Galaxies and Greenhouses (ao3) - fourthingsandawizard
Summary: When Dan meets a boy with piercings and a dragon tattoo while shopping in Diagon Alley, he’s pretty quick to jump to conclusions, much to his own embarrassment. But as they become fast friends, they both come to see that sometimes the most important lessons learned at Hogwarts are the ones that happen without a wand.
Imagine Living Like A King Someday (ao3) - conshellation
Summary: Southview Boarding School isn’t a castle and Phil Lester isn’t royalty, but he has everything. His father owns the school, he’s popular, has the best room, gets all the best treatment – there are very few things that aren’t handed to him on a platter. Dan is a cleaner/Phil’s personal maid there, and he isn’t as lucky. Everyone seems to take an aversion to the outsider, including Phil (at first).
It’s So Meta Even This Acronym (ao3) - Dieupardonne, Mazabrei (Dieupardonne)
Summary: Dan Howell and Phil Lester lead anything but normal lives, but they were content with the direction they’d taken and happy with their current situation. But soon, they begin to realize that things aren’t right anymore; they’re not in the world they should be.
“That’s because you’re ruining our fucking lives, you sadist,” Dan said, scowling at the ceiling. He seemed to be ignoring the fact that his insolence would have consequences.
“What stupid trope are you putting us in next?” Phil asked wearily.
“It doesn’t even matter, does it?” Dan said, “They’re going to keep writing it as long as they want. They’ll find a trope.”
“But only if people read it,” Phil said.
“Then don’t read this stupid, overblown story!” Dan yelled at the ceiling, “You’re enabling this horrible author. You’re making us suffer.” While Dan was speaking, Phil had a realization.
“All of this…” Phil said in horror, “All of this dialogue we’re giving. We’re helping them shill this story.”
Laws Of Attraction (ao3) - by strawberrysunflower
Summary: When Phil turned twenty-nine, he wrote out a list of all the things he had in his life. One terraced house in Manchester, rented. Two housemates who still buy the cheapest alcohol on offer in Tesco. Three failed long-term relationships. 
After a spur-of-the-moment Friday night out on Canal Street, Phil ends up in the bed of a very handsome stranger. It’s a nice yet meaningless distraction from his directionless life. No big deal. Until he bumps into him again. And again. And again…
papercut (ao3) - schnaf
Summary: A cut. A tiny little cut, barely visible - just like a papercut. A cut - and yet, to Dan, it’s so much more. It’s the case he’s working on, the case only he seems to be taking seriously - it’s a serial killer’s signature. So when he gets the chance to track down the murderer, he doesn’t hesitate. And then, there’s Phil, Phil who’s making the chase so much more bearable, Phil who adds something completely different to his task. But things aren’t always what they seem.
RIFT (ao3) - A_Million_Regrets
Summary: Phil is just a mere eight-year-old naive child when his mom keenly introduces him to his new stepbrother, Dan. They become friends and start living together fairly quickly. As years slip by, Phil slowly realises three things: First, Dan looks at him with pain in his gaze. Second, an inexplicable rift is separating them. Third, what he feels for Dan is more than just brotherly love.
Sidetracked (ao3) - phanimist
Summary: Based on a prompt:
Dan and Phil are both contestants on ‘The Bachelorette’, but fall in love with each other instead of the girl.
Stirring In Love (ao3) - andthenshesaid-write (ladyknight1512)
Summary: When Phil applied to be a contestant on the Great British Bake Off he didn't even expect to make the long-list, let alone make it into the actual tent. But make it he does and there he meets Dan, a baker unlike Phil in every possible way. After a rocky start, Phil realises that maybe he can learn some things from Dan after all, and the biggest things have nothing to do with baking.
strangers (ao3) - waveydnp
Summary: dan is new to london and living in a mostly empty flat, desperate to forget the mistakes of his past. he’s all alone – until one day he gets a piece of mail addressed to someone in the neighbouring flat, one mr. philip lester. he can’t exactly not return it, can he?
Strictly Come Dancing but make it GAY (ao3) - natigail
Summary: @danielhowell: maybe i’d actually consider doing @bbcstrictly if they allowed same-sex couples. who wouldn’t want a sexy man spinning you around? it’s not just a girl’s dream. c'mon people let's see some pretty and fierce girls pair up and handsome and strong boys get it on. i dare you.
Dan Howell calls Strictly out on Twitter for not allowing any same-sex couples and accidentally volunteers himself to be one of the contestants if they were to change that. It was a joke. It had so clearly been a joke. Why did they take him up on it?! He’s sure he’ll trip over his own feet and hate every second, but then he meets his partner, the endearingly clumsy dancer Phil Lester.
strike a deal, kiss my lips (ao3) - natigail
Summary: Witches were the only magical beings capable of binding and controlling demons. It required a complicated ritual and crazy amounts of magic.
It happening on accident was practically unheard of until Phil came along and got tangled up with a snarky and dangerous demon named Dan. Suddenly bound together, Phil must grapple with control over a chaotic demon that wants to strip the skin from his bones.
And maybe strip the clothes off of his body as well.
The Summer (ao3) - auroraphilealis (peachrosepetals), worriedpeach (skeletonflowers)
Summary: Dan Howell has spent the last three summers at Camp Bergamot, but it’s never been quite like this before. This year, he faces a summer full of new friends, a new relationship, and an entirely new view on his own sexuality. Perhaps Camp Bergamot should be renamed camp self discovery for all the changes Dan has gone through, but one thing’s for sure - despite all the hiccups and the drama, he just might have found the love of his life.
Thunder Only Happens When It’s Raining (ao3) - Nefertiti1052 (Succubusphan)
Summary: Dan meets Phil at the lowest moment in his life and is immediately enchanted by him, but nobody is perfect - not even those with good intentions and a kind heart. 
This is the story of two imperfect people trying to do their best, to find love and strive in life. They gravitate towards each other at every turn, sometimes dancing in harmony, other times colliding.
to all the people i've loved before (and the one who actually made me fall in love) (ao3) - natigail
Summary: Phil doesn’t crush on people often, but when he does the emotions seem to overwhelm him. The only way he knows how to deal is to write love letters. They were never meant to be read.
The most recent letter threatens to ruin his relationship with his big brother Martyn, so in a fit of panic, Phil finds himself turning to the boy who was the recipient of the very first love letter for help. Even if he is Dan Howell, the school heartthrob.
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lavenderbang · 1 year
Love Letters
Gryffindor! Seo Changbin x Ravenclaw! reader
Genre(s): Harry Potter/hogwarts au!, ABSOLUTE FLUFF, one scene of angst but that’s it, acquaintances(?) to lovers (Reader has a crush on Changbin but they aren’t quite friends???), feat. the rest of skz (mainly Felix, Jisung, Bangchan, and Jeongin though...)
Warnings: swearing, mentions of self-doubt, but that’s about it :)
W.C: 12.9k
Summary: Seo Changbin was used to his friends having to turn down confessions left and right, seeing as their little friend group as one of the most popular in the school. He convinced himself he didn’t care if nobody ever had interest in him, as it seemed liked such a hassle. That is, until he receives finds a box of chocolates and a love note from his “secret admirer”
A/N: I originally had this idea for Chan, but I feel like Changbin doesn’t get enough love these days and I am such a big simp for Binnie, so here we are. I also love different AUs, and Hogwarts is by far one of my favourites. And with the recent controversy of the stupid game coming out, this is a better way to indulge in the HP universe without supporting Transphobia and Antisemitism, so I hope you enjoy!
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Everybody, look how cute he is
“Oh no, she’s crying...” Jeongin sighed, a look of sympathy washing over his features as the boys watched Hyunjin reject yet another confession. 
They were sat at their usual table in the library, when a sweet hufflepuff girl came up to the group and asked to speak with Hyunjin privately, a normal occurrence for the Slytherin boy, as many girls and guys alike fell for his pretty visuals.
“Its always the worst when they end up crying...” Felix frowned, “It makes me feel so bad for them.”
“Oh yeah, for sure.” Chan hums in agreement, looking down at the table, “Like you know its for the best and you turn them down gently, but still...”
Hyunjin then gave an apologetic bow to the girl and made his way back over to the table. He sat, letting out a deep sigh and brushing his hand through his hair.
“Well?” Jisung said, leaning his chin on his fist, “What happened?”
“She told me how she grew feelings for me recently and how she couldn’t stop thinking about me, which is sweet. She even wrote me a poem...” Hyunjin explained, taking out a folded pink piece of paper from his pocket. However, he didn’t open it, instead he placed it the middle of his potion book and closed it, “I let her down as gently as possible, and she said she understood, but I could see her holding back tears.”
“oh man...” Seungmin winced, scratching the back of his head, “So she was really into you, huh... That’s almost worse.”
“I do not envy you guys.” Changbin scoffed, shaking his head before focusing back on the potions assignment they had due tomorrow, “Being a heart-breaker would be too stressful for me.”
And for the most part, Changbin meant it; the uncomfortable and guilty feelings his friends felt whenever someone would confess their feelings to them and the awkward apologizing for not loving someone back was something Changbin couldn’t imagine himself doing. 
But deep down, he wished that maybe someone would someday confess to him; how embarrassing that out of his whole friend group, he’s the only one who has never been asked out before! Sure, he’s dated, but he always made the first move, always was the one pining after someone else. Maybe once, he’d like to be sought after too?
“It’s okay, she’ll get over it eventually.” Chan said, writing on his own assignment, “I’ll talk to her later tonight in the common room about it.”
“I doubt she wants to talk to you, Channie.” Minho said and rolled his eyes, “I know you’re head of Hufflepuff and you’re supposed to look out for your housemates, but she’ll probably still be a bit sensitive about it.”
“fair point, I’ll just let her be then.” Chan hummed, the boys finally getting back to work on their assignment, since the looming deadline was more important than talk of a rejection.
You sat reading a book in the ravenclaw common room, snuggled up in the corner of the love seat with a cup of tea when the rowdiness of boys stumbled in. You glanced up to see Felix, Chan, Jisung and Changbin enter, seemingly laughing at the conversation the must had been having on the way here. When Jisung caught your gaze, he smiled.
“Oh hey (Y/N)! Sorry if we are bothering you!” He apologized and plopped down on the couch across from the fireplace. The other boys followed suit and sat down next to Jisung, “We’re just gonna hang out here for a bit if that’s okay?”
Jisung was a very good head of house; sure his thought process was pretty odd, but he always was taking in new information and trying to take good care of the rest of his house.
You nodded, before glancing at Felix, who smiled sweetly and waved to you; you shyly waved back focusing back on your book.
Out of the two Australian Hufflepuffs, you were more acquainted with Felix; He spent a lot of time in the great hall, handing out the baked good he made on the weekends. He also sat next to you in charms, to which he was very friendly and kind. He made sure to always say hello whenever he saw you, which you appreciated.
“So as I was saying,” Jisung huffed, before continuing whatever the boys were talking about previously. You didn’t listen much, opting to continue reading and minding your own business; however, that became increasing difficult when Changbin started speaking.
You caught yourself stealing glances at the dark haired Gryffindor from over the top of you book, feeling giddiness bubble up inside whenever he would smile or push his bangs out of his eyes.
You knew it was silly; you barely even spoken to Changbin, besides a simple greeting, yet his presence made you feel anxious. He was handsome and kind, very smart and passionate about the things he cared about. You’ll never forget the day you had heard him talking with Chan over quidditch, the conviction and intensity he had in his voice quite frankly made you feel nothing short of inspired.
So you may have grown a crush on Changbin. A secret one that nobody would ever get to know about. You would listen at look from afar, but it was just too much for you to ever even dream of actually being with him. Besides, he knows plenty of students; he probably doesn’t even really know who you are, so your chances were at zero.
But still, you though about him, what it would be like to go on a date with him. What it would be like to have him talk about you with the same passion and spirit. To be able to kiss him...
You felt your cheeks heat up at the thought, lifting your book so it covered your flushed face. Suddenly the boy’s conversation switched to something more serious, and you felt your ears perk up as you listened.
“So what about that girl and Hyunjin today?” Felix said before shaking his head pitifully at the rug, “It’s really unfortunate cause I know that exact feeling.”
“The feeling of the girl being rejected or Hyunjin having to reject her?” Jisung said, earning a shove from Chan. Did a girl confess to Hyunjin today? You suddenly felt bad, even though you weren’t there or knew who it was.
“Hyunjin of course,” Chan said and rolled his eyes, “We’ve all been there when we had someone confess to us...”
“Well, all except Binnie here!” Jisung teased, nudging Changbin, who rolled his eyes. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. Had Changbin never been asked out? That’s impossible! Everyone knew that the group of eight boy were basically the school’s crushes; He would have had to have dated dozens of-
“Make fun of me all you want,” Changbin folded his arms across his chest and leaned back into the couch, “I may have never been asked out, but I also don’t have to deal with that awkward, sticky situation of telling them you don’t like them back.”
No way Changbin really had never been asked out?! You could have sworn there had to be at least one person who has asked him out.
The more you though about it, the more you realized that you couldn’t think of a single person who you knew had. You couldn’t even think of someone who had a genuine crush on him, and not just praised him for his visuals (well, besides you of course...)
“It doesn’t make you sad, does it?” Felix asked, voice full of concern. Changbin sat quietly for a moment before pursing his lips and shifting in his seat. You caught yourself not even holding your book open anymore, hands folded in your lap waiting to hear his answer.
“I mean, it would be really nice to be sought after, sure.” Changbin mumbled before shaking his head and scoffing, “But there is stress that comes with it too, so I’m okay for now.”
“It’s really not all that its cracked up to be, so you’re not missing out much.” Chan said and patted him on the back. They were silent for a moment, before Chan stood and stretched his arms over his head with a yawn, “Anyways, I should get going to bed, I have a test tomorrow morning.”
“Yeah us too,” Felix nodded, standing from his spot and grasping Changbin’s hand to help him up, “See you boys tomorrow!” As Felix, Chan and Changbin turned to leave, you met their gaze, causing you to embarrassingly wave goodbye to them, praying  they don’t bring up you’re eavesdropping. Lucky for you, them smiled and waved back, before leaving your common room to just you and Jisung.
“I’m gonna go to bed too,” Jisung said out loud, turning to you, “Are you gonna stay out here or can I put out the fire?” 
“Oh yeah, I better get to bed too,” You said meekly and stood up, book in hand as you went to the staircase.
“Good night (Y/N).” Jisung hummed, to which you quietly sputtered out a ‘good night’ in response and darted up the stairs.
You ran to your room, closing the door behind you, mind still on Changbin and the shock of him not being asked out or confessed to. 
It made your nerves all jittery as you laid down on your bed, staring at the ceiling; suddenly, a thought popped into your head that made you smile.
Yes, it was perfect.
“What do you have in your hand?” Jeongin asked, pointing at the small red box Changbin was carrying as he arrived at their usual table in the library. His cheeks were flushed almost as red as the box and his smile was so big his cheeks puffed out. 
It had been a couple of days since the Hyunjin rejection, and everything was how it normally was. That is until Changbin was returning to his dorm after a class and almost tripped over something in front of his door; he couldn’t believe it! was it really...?
“Oh nothing, just a gift from...” Changbin began coyly, suddenly slamming a note down on the table with a happy laugh, “My secret admirer!”
The table was in shock, some of the boys cheering, while other were quick to try and grasp for the note; Until the sharp shushing of a nearby professor, that is. The boys relaxed a bit, shifting in their seats as Changbin sat down setting the gift down on the table.
“What’s in the box?” Minho asked, reaching for the box and opening it to reveal six homemade-looking chocolates, decorated with caramel hearts and various coloured sprinkles.
“Dibs!” Jisung cheered before reaching out to grab one, only for his hand to be swatted away by Changbin. He covered the chocolates, closing the box back up and pulling it closer to him.
“You guys don’t get them, they’re for me!” Changbin pouted, clutching the box to his chest, “The note doesn’t say ‘to Changbin and all of his friends’, now does it?”
“What does the note say?” Seungmin asked, nodding to the folded white note in Changbin’s hand. The Gryffindor, unfolded the letter, reading the contents out loud:
Dearest Changbin,
I watch you from afar every day and I know how much you like the chocolate from Honeydukes. But to make my gift as special as you are, I melted it into something new and decorated it myself. I hope you like them as much as I like you &lt;3
Your Secret Admirer
Changbin’s face flushed re-reading the message, feeling his heart flutter. It wasn’t everyday someone gave him a gift, especially not of something he really liked.
“Who gave this to you?” Hyunjin asked, grinning at the excitement and giddiness in Changbin’s features.
“I don’t know,” Changbin hummed, smile still on his face as he looked over the note once more, “I found it outside my door after Care For Magical Creatures.”
“Good for you, Bin!” Chan said with a smile, ruffling Changbin’s hair like a proud parent before looking over at the note, “I really wonder who it is, though...”
“That’s not important right now,” Felix said, crossing his arms on the table and laying his chin down onto them, “What’s important is how happy they made you feel dude.”
The boys then started to tease Changbin, pinching at his cheeks and shoving his shoulders with chuckles and a string of ‘ooo’s.
You steal a glance from a few tables away, feeling the heat creep up your face at their reactions. You didn’t think Changbin would show his friends your letter, so it was a bit embarrassing; but you didn’t really mind that much, as they didn’t seem like the type to make fun of you for it.
Besides, it was worth all the hot, long hours you spent trying to heat and cool that damn chocolate to see the look on Changbin’s face. It was cute to see how excited he was, ears red and pretty smile seemingly stuck to his face. You decided you wanted to see it again and again and again. You decided he should smile like that everyday, so you began to brainstorm your next idea to make him smile like that again.
“Ow! son of a bitch...” You cried out, sucking the blood that was pooling at the tip of your finger from the prickly thorns of the rose you were preparing. The bundle of soft lavender roses was almost complete, but the thorns were proving to be a pain in the ass.
You instinctively tapped your finger a few times on the pad of your thumb before going back to work. You felt nervous, as you were out in the greenhouses where anyone could just waltz in and catch you; you wanted to finish quickly. Not to mention Changbin would be finishing quidditch practice soon, and you wanted to deliver this gift before he was done.
“Okay that’s good...” You mumbled to yourself before pulling out a red ribbon and tying it around the stems creating a lovely bouquet. You then read over the note once more and slipped in in the ribbon as well. Looking at your handiwork one last time before deciding it was good enough, you stood and approached the quidditch field. You awkwardly tried to hide the purple bouquet in the folds of your robe, even though there wasn’t anyone out to see you; but better safe than sorry.
The weather today was bit chillier than expected, the autumn season coming to a close. It would soon be winter, which was good in its own respect; sure, autumn was beautiful, with the colourful leaves popping against the dull grass and skies, but winter meant powdery snow, warm drinks by the fireplace and cuddling up with someone on the coldest mornings.
that last one you definitely thought about from time to time...
You could hear shouts and the swishing of brooms as you finally got to the quidditch field. You hid by the entrance, peaking your head around the corner just in time to see Changbin neatly block the quaffle from going in, catching it effortlessly before nonchalantly tossing it to another Gryffindor player.
He look so handsome, drenched in sweat, cocky grin adorning his face as he floated like an angel in the sky. You could stay there for hours watching him play, but you had a job to do.
You moved farther from the field, finding the quidditch pitch and entering quickly; You were lucky that there wasn’t anyone changing at that moment, cause you couldn’t even think to check before entering. You looked around, trying to located Changbin’s stuff quickly before getting caught snooping around.
luckily it wasn’t too hard, as you recognized the sneakers he wore everyday in front of a bulky duffle-bag. You gently placed your bundle of flowers on top of the bag, finishing with a few adjustments to make sure it was set up perfectly. And just as quickly as you entered, you scampered away not slowing down until you were a good hundred feet away from the field.
You took a deep breath, feeling all your nerves on edge as you quickly pulled out the same book you’ve been reading recently and flipped to the page you were on. You planned to be sitting in the grass on the way to school, that way you would be able to see the smile on Changbin’s face that you adored so much. 
You tried to steady your breathing, wanting to appear as relaxed and natural, but inside you were screaming. You felt nervous, but also excited. 
Around ten minutes had passed, when suddenly you felt someone lean down beside you and sit with you in the grass. Startled, you look at the figure beside to you reveal Felix, beaming a smile almost as bright as the sun.
“Hey (Y/N)! What’s up?” Felix greeted. You made note of the place in your book before closing it and facing Felix.
“Nothing much, just reading.” You answered, trying you best to sound casual and calm. But inside, you were freaking out. Why was Felix with you? And what about Changbin!? What if he comes while Felix is with you? It ruined your whole plan!
“Cool, I’m waiting for Changbin and Jeongin.” Felix explained, glancing down his watch before looking back at you, “They should be done practice soon.” You hummed, turning to look in the direction of the field.
“Mind if I chill with you while I wait?” Felix asked, to which you nodded and you sat quietly, while Felix began to talk about the Charms class the two of you shared. 
You really tried to pay attention to what Felix was talking about, but your mind was glued on Changbin and the roses. Would he like them? Was the note you wrote too forward? Would he show the boys he played quidditch with or not?
You were snapped out of your daze by the sound of fast footsteps and a shout of excitement that sounded a bit too familiar. You looked at Felix, who shrugged at you, before looking in the direction of the footsteps to see Changbin running up the hill with a tired looking Jeongin trying to catch up.
“Felix? Felix!” Changbin cheered, waving the roses in his hand, beaming with joy, “I got another one!” You felt your nerves be replaced with butterflies, feeling a bit relieved that Changbin seemed to like the gift.
“Another what?!” Felix hopped up, approaching his friend who ran straight into him, knocking the two of them to the ground and almost crushing you in the process. 
They both let out a fit of giggles before Changbin sat up, and showed off the roses you spent almost an hour cutting and pruning for him. His hair was still sweaty and tousled, and he had dry dead grass on his shirt from the fall, but you couldn’t help but think it was the most beautiful he had ever looked.
“My secret admirer! They gave new a new gift and a new note!” Changbin squealed, laying back in the grass and clutching the bouquet and note to his chest. Jeongin finally arrived, huffing and puffing before sitting in the grass beside Changbin, lightly kicking the older boy’s shoulder.
“Was it really necessary to run?” He pouted, clutching his stomach like he was gonna puke.
“What does this note say?” Felix asked, reaching for the note, only for Changbin to jerk his arm away so Felix couldn’t grab it.
“None of your business!” Changbin barked, before letting out a breathless chuckle. Felix frowned, crawling on top of the Gryffindor boy to wrestle for the note, to which Changbin easily gave up, opting to gently brush his fingers against the lavender roses.
Felix began to open the note, before glancing at you and closing it up again with a pout. You blinked a couple times at Felix before realizing he didn’t want you to see the note (as if you didn’t write it; but to be fair he didn’t know that). You quickly avert your gaze down to the grass as Felix read the note silently. Jeongin was quick to move over to Felix and read it as well over his shoulder; it was fine, you already knew what it said:
Dearest Changbin,
It’s me again. I hope you enjoyed the chocolates! These aren’t nearly as tasty as my last gift, but they are much more pretty.
Flowers are used to convey feelings and meanings. Do you know what lavender roses mean? They represent love at first sight or enchantment. And you have definitely enchanted me! Every time I see you, I feel like I fall in love all over again.
I hope you enjoy these flowers, they are almost as beautiful as you! (you could use something that smells nice after practice anyways <;3)
Your Secret Admirer
“How cute!” Felix gushed, grinning at Changbin who was still playing with the flowers like some sort of lovesick puppy. Your face flushed at Felix’s comment, feeling a bit embarrassed, but also relieved he reacted positively.
“This one is a bit more forward than the last one, huh?” Jeongin suggested, smirk on his face as he folded up the note and handed it back to Changbin. He opened it again, rereading it and smile growing with ever passing second.
You wanted to explode when you saw his reaction; his ear flushed and his nose crinkled cutely as Changbin let out a silly giggle.
“Oh, (Y/N), just so you know what’s up, Changbin has a secret admirer.” Felix explained and you tried your best to try and act like this was news to you.
“You seem pretty happy about it..?” You timidly asked, shyly looking at Changbin. He shifted so his elbows rested under him, holding his head and shoulders up. You secretly were just trying to find out if he really like it or he was feeling pressured, as you remember him mentioning that.
“Its nice...” He mumbled, little grin on his face before he sighed and looked over the note again, “I just wish I knew who it was...”
“(Y/N), you wouldn’t happen to have a clue to who Changbin’s secret admirer is? Maybe one of the ravenclaw kids?” Felix asked, causing the three boys to look at you; Changbin blinked expectantly at you, making you look away and shaking your head no.
“I’m sorry, I haven’t heard anyone mention anything.” You answered, which was technically the truth. After all, you haven’t talked to anyone about being his secret admirer. 
Changbin sighed, laying back in the grass before pulling gently at the petals on one of the roses, rubbing in between his fingers. He smiled to himself before sitting up.
“I guess it doesn’t matter, I’ll just have to figure it out myself.” He hummed, a newfound determination in his voice., “With whatever little clues I get, I will find out who it is!”
“You sound serious.” Felix chuckled, “I guess we’ll have to try and help you figure it out too.”
You felt nervous about that; sure, you thought you were pretty inconspicuous about revealing details of who you are (basically none), but the idea that all eight boys would be trying to find out the identity of the secret admirer made you anxious. 
Changbin hummed in agreement before finally sitting up and brushing the stray bits of grass out of his hair. You secretly wished it could have been you who brushed your hands through his hair...
“Well, we should probably get going. I have to shower before dinner.” Changbin said, gently setting the bouquet down in the grass before smoothing out his dress shirt. 
You watched, hands folded over the book in your lap and Changbin helped Felix stand up, while Jeongin followed suit. Changbin picked up the bouquet again, clutching it fondly to his chest with a bright grin. He then turned his attention to you, catching you off guard.
“See you around, (Y/N).” He hummed and you swore you felt your heart stop. This might have been the first time he mentioned you by name and honestly, it surprised you that he even knew it. 
“Y-yeah! for sure...” You stammered, waving at Changbin as the boys left, leaving you alone in the grass. 
“Wow! The first snow of the season!” Jisung gushed, pressing his cheek up against the cool window to get a look outside, “It so pretty out!”
Chan, Jisung, Felix and Changbin were once again in the ravenclaw common room, just relaxing and spending some time together after a long week of school.
 With the winter coming closer and quidditch season ending, they spent a lot more time in the common room that usual, which you definitely didn’t mind; You just “happened” to be there most nights too, reading up on your book or studying for upcoming tests, but above all else, wanting to be around Changbin.
It had been a few weeks since your last gift to him, since you wanted the next one to be something special. You spent a lot of time thinking about what exactly you wanted to give him; most things you thought of didn’t seem special or good enough to give someone as special as Changbin.
“You can see the big puffy flakes falling down!” Felix exclaimed, smile bright as he squished beside Jisung to see out the window. You watched the boys with a small grin, stirring the tea you had and trying not to giggle at how cute they looked.
“Come look Bin, you always love the first snow.” Chan said, waving over Changbin who sat on the floor at the coffee table by the sofas, seemingly focused on something else.
“Yeah in a minute,” He hummed, playing with a white piece of paper. You watched him unfold it and fold it again and again, flipping it over, rubbing it between his fingers, deeply analyzing it. He was sitting cross-legged, dark shaggy hair messily covering his forehead and his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. He looked handsome when he focused so much, but what was he looking at?
“Binnie, why are you still looking at that note?” Jisung sighed, coming back over Changbin and sitting beside him. 
Note? He was looking at your note..?
“Because,” Chagnbin sighed, setting it back down on the table brushing his hands through his hair before leaning back, “I haven’t gotten another note for weeks now...”
It hurt you to see him look so defeated, and you promised yourself you would never let him go this long without a note again. You felt guilty, but you just wanted to give him the best gift you could, so maybe it was worth it..?
“Awe, don’t worry dude!” Felix comforted, sitting down on the other side of him and wrapping his arm around him, “I’m sure they just have something cooler prepared that takes more time.”
“what if they don’t like me anymore..?” Changbin sighed weakly, biting his bottom lip and picking up the note again, holding it gently. 
You wanted to scream at him that it wasn’t true, and that he was silly for even thinking that, but you held back. You had to give him a new note and a gift now, so you needed to keep this charade up for a bit longer. You took a sip from your tea and flipped a page in your book, trying to not look like you were listening except you were fuming inside.
“Nonsense!” Chan huffed, coming to sit across from them, “Listen, I don’t know why it’s been so long since you got a note, but I’m sure your secret admirer has their reasons. Maybe they are scared you don’t like the notes and gifts. Maybe they have something big prepared like Felix said. Maybe they did give you something but it got lost or taken. My point is, the least likely scenario is them not liking you.”
“I mean, maybe....” Changbin said flatly, looking at the note in his lap sadly. The sight broke your heart and you suddenly felt like such an idiot. Changbin shook his head and set the note back on the table, “I don’t know. I just... I hope you guys are right.”
“Of course we are right,” Jisung said simply, patting Changbin on the shoulder reassuringly, “What reason would this person have to suddenly not like you? none! And there is so much to like about you, right guys?!”
Chan and Felix nod in agreement, trying desperately to cheer the dark haired gryffindor up. He let out a weak smile at his friend’s efforts, but looked back down at his lap sadly.
“Thanks guys...” He said softly, folding his hands in his lap and playing with them, seemingly defeated. 
That sad look was the last straw for you; feeling like you wanted to cry at the sight, you got up quietly and left the common room, determined to get a gift for Changbin now.
Luckily for you, you had the perfect idea after hearing the boys talking earlier.
It was freezing out, the crunch of fresh fallen snow under your shoes as you walked outside. As much as you hated being out here without a coat, you were fueled by the need to make Changbin smile. 
Using a spell you had learned a few years ago, you were able to gather up the freshly fallen snow from the sky, catching it in a crystal ball to make a snow globe of sorts. You would have loved to make an ornate stand for it, but it was almost curfew and you needed to get this to Changbin by tonight. The ball by itself would have to do; besides, maybe Changbin would like it more this way. Being able to roll it around to see the first snow of the year whenever seemed like something he would prefer to just shaking it like a normal snow globe.
Coming back inside and dusting yourself off, you try to neatly and hastily write out a note for him, trying to convey your feelings with every quill stroke. You re-read it, making sure it was perfect before folding it up and carrying your stuff back towards the common room. The only problem now, was there was no wrapping or box you had with you to put it in. And how would you be able to give it to him without him knowing it was from you?
Maybe you couldn’t give it to him tonight. If they just weren’t in the common room, you could sneak up to your room to be able to wrap the orb quickly, but going through the common room with them there was impossible to not be seen. Would tomorrow be better? But the idea of Changbin going to bed disheartened and sad made you feel heartbroken. There was no way you could wait to give it to him but-
“Hey (Y/N) what is that?” Jisung asked, standing out in the hallway right outside of your common room, with Changbin. The two of them had an armful of baked goods from the kitchen.
You freeze in place, feeling like you’ll be sick. You had both of them staring at you for a moment, looking down at the open globe in your hand and the note and you were speechless.
You were done for.
“It’s.. uhmmm...” You mumble, but Changbin is quick to notice the white note in your hand and snatches it from you in a moment.
“It’s from my secret admirer!” Changbin squealed, face lighting up as he unfolds the note and reads it. As he reads through the note, his face grows brighter and brighter and you can’t help but smile back at him, even though your knew you were fucked.
“What does it say?!” Jisung screamed, trying to read it too. He quickly grabbed it from Changbin and began reading it out loud.
Dearest Changbin,
Let me apologize for the long wait for this gift. I was trying to find something special and meaningful to give you to be able to show my love for you, so it took longer than expected. I promise to show you my love more thoroughly from now on.
I have gathered the first snow of the season for you, wanting you to always have a precious and magical moment on hand whenever you need it. Every moment I spend thinking about you is precious and magical for me.
I hope you enjoy this gift, I know how much you love the first snow of the year &lt;3
Your Secret Admirer.
You felt your face heat up as Jisung read your note out loud, not thinking about how cheesy it sounded until it came out of his mouth.
“(Y/N)! Explain yourself!” Jisung shouted, pointing an accusatory finger at you.
Shit, I guess it’s time to come clean and confess. You felt sick to your stomach at the idea of telling Changbin to his face that it’s been you all along, but here goes-
“Yeah (Y/N)! Where did you find this? Did my secret admirer give it to you to give to me?!” Changbin said, face serious, yet he was absolutely dead wrong about the situation. But you felt a weight lift off your shoulders as you would be able to sway them away from suspicion of you.
“No, I found it out here sitting by the wall.” You said as nonchalantly as possible, giving Changbin the snow globe. He quirked his brow at the clear crystal ball, before giving it a shake and seeing the snow inside appear and whirl to life. His face softened and he smiled fondly at the small ball.
“I didn’t see who left it, but I didn’t want it to break or be kicked, so I was coming to bring it to you.” You said, gazing at Changbin’s gleeful state and stifling a smile. At least the plan was a success, even if this isn’t what you had in mind.
“See? We told you they were waiting to give you something special buddy!” Jisung said, shaking Changbin’s shoulder before wrapping his arm around his friends and looking back to you, “Thank you (Y/N) for the delivery!”
“Yeah, thank you (Y/N).” Changbin hummed softly, his smile warm enough to melt away the cold you experienced going outside without a jacket. You felt your face heat up as you looked into Changbin’s eyes. He broke eye contact first, looking back down at the ball fondly.
“Of course.” You whispered, feeling like every cell in your body would burst at this moment from a whole conglomerate of feelings.
“Alright lover-boy, lets get these snacks back to the boys.” Jisung said and pulled on Changbin’s arm. They boys departed towards the common room before Jisung called back to you.
“Aren’t you coming too, (Y/N)?”
“Right! Yes, of course.” You confirmed and scurried to catch up to the boys, releasing the deep breath you didn’t know you were holding.
How you avoided being found out was a mystery. Blame it on the brainlessness of boys....
“(Y/N), do you have the notes from Friday?” Felix asked, tugging at the arm of your robe, “Chan spilled water in my bag by accident and ruined mine, so if I could just borrow them to make a copy, I’d really appreciate it.”
It was a week later, and you had been racking your brain for what your next gift to Changbin would be. You weren’t exactly sure how much longer you should stay secret, but the thought of actually confessing made you feel sick. 
But for now, you had more important things to focus on, like school; more specifically the class you were currently in.
“Yeah, totally!” You answered Felix, digging through your bag for your notes and handing them to him, “Sorry, my hand-writing is a bit messy...” He dismissed you, flipping through the pages before frowning.
You stiffened when you realized a moment too late what you had just done.
“Your handwriting looks... familiar.” Felix said chewing his bottom lip until it clicked where he recognized it from. Felix gasped before tugging at your arm once again, “This looks like the love letters Changbin’s been receiving! Are you-”
You quickly hushed the boy, feeling your face heat up. Fuck. 
Felix calmed down a bit before whispering “Are you Changbin’s secret admirer?”
Felix looked at you expectantly. It would be fruitless to lie to him at this point; you could tell he wouldn't believe you even if you tried.
“You can’t tell anyone, especially not him.” You whispered back feverishly, feeling sick to your stomach. How silly of you! Of course Felix would recognize your handwriting, it was obvious. And with how excited he always seemed about the situation, of course he would have looked at the handwriting on the notes a lot.
You felt like you were going to pass out.
“I promise I wont tell him!” Felix said seriously, before giggling like a school girl, “(Y/N), that’s so cute! How long have you like him? You should have asked me to set you up! Also-”
“Felix, can we talk about this in a place that’s not so public...” You whined, looking around the crowded classroom. You suddenly felt exposed, like everyone was looking at you and like everyone knew, because it wasn’t just your little secret now.
“Of course, of course.” Felix said and turned back to his work, but only for a moment to scribble out a note and pass it to you, without lifting his eyes from his assignment.
He talks about the notes all the time, you know. You make him really happy :)
The corners of your lips quirked up, before you mumbled out a shy ‘good’ and focusing on your work again. You were stressed about someone finding out, but at least it was Felix out of all people. You knew he wouldn’t tell, no matter how excited he got because Felix wasn’t the type to break a promise. 
But still, you couldn’t shake the feeling of dread in your chest.
Class seemed to drag on, but the moment it ended you quickly packed up and tried your best to leave the classroom without having to talk to Felix about your little crush. It was bad enough that Felix found out, but you didn’t want to get into details with him about your feelings. So you fled, trying to get away as fast as possible.
However, you weren’t so lucky, having Felix corner you in the hallway and drag you off to the entrance hall for some privacy. Great...
“Okay you have to tell me everything!” Felix gushed, not letting go of your arm. You frown and chew your lip nervously, feeling incredibly embarrassed about the whole situation. You stood silently, looking at the floor as if you were guilty and in trouble for something.
“It’s okay (Y/N)...” Felix said softly, coaxing you to look up at him. He grinned at you encouragingly, “I won’t tell anyone, I just want to know.” You took a deep breath before letting out a heavy sigh. He wouldn’t leave you alone until you told him about your feelings for Changbin, so you might as well get it over with.
“I don’t know when I started liking him. Since I first saw him I think.” You began, feeling the heat rush to your face. You weren’t able to look at Felix, so you just stared at the floor, fiddling with the edge of your tie.
“I overheard you guys talking about how he never got asked out one night in the common room and I wanted to change that, but asking him out seemed too scary... So I decided to be his secret admirer instead.” You finished simply, rubbing the nape of your neck. Felix stood silently for a moment, lips pursed as he thought. He let go of you, folding his arms over his chest.
“Its the muscles right?” He finally said, smirking at your embarrassed state, “You find his muscles attractive and that’s why you like him, right? I can’t say I blame you though, They are quite a sight...”
“What? No! That’s not the reason!” You stammered out a bit too loudly, eyes shooting up to see Felix’s smug expression. God you wanted to punch him right now.
“I mean, he is handsome and his muscles are cool and all....” You admitted, smiling to yourself as you thought about Changbin, “But I like how passionate he is. And how he’s kind and loyal. And how he’s a good friend above all else.”
“Awe, you’re smiling so hard!” Felix teased you, cooing at how flustered you were getting. He poked your cheek with his finger, smiling when you swatted his hand away,  “You must be imagining him right now.” “Stop teasing me!” You groaned, pushing him away from you and covering your face with your hands. This was going to be unbearable now that Felix knew.
“Okay, I’m sorry.” Felix apologized, reaching over to rub your shoulder. You glared at him, feeling sick to your stomach still.
“You should tell him it’s you though.” Felix suggested, before perking up as he got an idea, “Ask him to go on a date during winter break!”
“Are you crazy?!” You screeched. You shook your head disapprovingly, moving to go and sit down on the steps of the entrance hall. You placed your head in your hands and let out a tired sigh. Felix slowly sat beside you, placing his arm around you in comfort.
“I want to tell him, but I’m honestly scared to...” You confessed, looking up at Felix, who was listening to you intently. A sense of doom looms over you at the thought of confessing, “I mean, what if....”
“What if..?”
“What if he finds out its me and.... feels disappointed?”
“Why would he be disappointed if it was you?”
“Because, I’m me and he’s him!” You sighed exasperated. You didn’t know when you started crying, but you felt a tear drip onto your lap. You wiped it away with a sniffle, trying to calm down. Feelings you didn’t even know you had started arising and for some reason, talking to Felix made you feel comfortable to confide in him.
You look down at your shoes, bouncing your knee anxiously as you spoke, “He’s Seo Changbin! He’s cool and he’s popular because he’s the sweetest; he’s the guy that is never rude and he never leaves his friends alone. He always puts himself wholeheartedly into everything he does and he never gives up, no matter how unlikely things will work out for him. He’s such a good person!”
Felix listened to you ramble, nodding along and rubbing your back to hopefully sooth you. You hung your head and let out a sigh, like all the life in you was expelled with that one breath.
“And I’m me... I’m the loser who has no friends, who always has their nose in a book because it’s easy to be alone if I pretend it’s by choice. I have a crush on a guy I barely have spoken to and I wasn’t even sure knew of my existence until a few months ago! I keep to myself, always observing as if I’m the background character and he’s the main character.” You wipe your eyes one more time as you finish rambling, feeling the lump in your throat as you tried to calm down a bit more.
“The background character isn’t supposed to be with the main character. That’s not how stories go...” You finalize, clutching the sleeves of your shirt with a crestfallen expression.
You didn’t quite think about why you were so afraid to tell Changbin it was you, but now it all suddenly made sense. You didn’t feel that he would have feelings for a nobody like you when he was someone like him. It just didn’t seem possible for him to have any interest in you, that’s why being a secret admirer worked so well for you.
You could tell him your feelings without him being disappointed it was you who felt that way.
“Good thing this isn’t one of your silly stories then.” Felix said firmly, not looking over at you. He was still rubbing your back, his determined expression a stark contrast from his gentle movements.
“Listen (Y/N), I know it’s scary and I know you don’t feel like you’re enough, but I can assure you, you are.” Felix explained seriously. His expression softened a bit as he flashed you a small smile, “You are smart, and you’re kind. You’re clearly very thoughtful to do all for this for Changbin. He be a fool to not like you.”
“You have me to support you and cheer you on now. I’m telling you, as your friend,” Felix nudged you a bit at the word friend, trying to cheer you up out of your somber mood, “You should tell him it’s you.”
“I don’t know...” You hummed weakly, feeling like there were a thousand doubts and negative thoughts stirred up in your mind. It all seemed like something any good friend would tell someone to comfort them.
“It’s not fair to neither you nor Changbin that you’re choosing to cheat the both of you out of happiness over a ‘what if’.” Felix said simply, patting you back one last time before retracting his hand to lay in his lap. 
Upon feeling his hand leave your back, you turned to look at Felix, with him staring directly back at you. His lips were pulled into a thin line, with his eyebrows furrowed in a stern, yet sympathetic expression before he finished, “Don’t let yourself sabotage your happiness like that.”
That seemed to spark a sense of hope in your chest, as you let your brain think on the concept for a moment.
It wasn’t fair of you to take away all possibility of Changbin being confessed to. It always made you happy to make him happy; so if Changbin finding out who his secret admirer was would bring him joy, it made sense you’d do everything in your power to make that come true. 
Besides, you knew Changbin was kind, so if he did turn you down, it would be in the most polite way possible, which wouldn’t be so bad...
“I have to tell him.” You deduced after thinking in silence. Felix seemed to perk up at your change in attitude, grinning at your newfound resolve.
“I agree!” Felix said with a nod, “Whatever I can do to help, let me know!”
The cogs were already turning in your head, formulating a plan on how exactly what you were going to do and how you were going to do it. 
Changbin hummed the tune he had stuck in his head all morning as he sat at his desk. Drumming his pencil against the edge of his potions textbook, he tried to focus on the current homework he had, but it was impossible at this point.
Changbin sighed, giving up on focusing and pulling open the drawer on his desk to pull out all the notes you had written him.
These days, all Changbin could think about was his secret admirer. The thought of them ran through his mind 24/7; what you looked like, what you sounded like, what kind of perfume you wore, what your favourite colour was, why you liked him. Who were you?
Re-reading the notes, he felt his face blush. It was refreshing for someone to care about him so much. He felt spoiled and couldn’t stop the grin on his face from creeping up, especially at the lines where you said you loved him.
He had read the notes over at least a thousand times by now. He could recite them by heart, noticed small things in the handwriting itself, like the way you crossed your ts or how you swoop the g more delicately while writing his name.
Changbin groaned, folding the notes back up and stuffing them in his desk drawer carefully. It had been a couple months since he first got one and he was no closer to figuring out who it was. Nobody seemed to act any differently around him since he started receiving the gifts, and he didn’t notice any lingering stares. Not to mention, he’d not been able to recognize the handiwork from either the gifts or the notes.
It all was so incredibly frustrating and disheartening to him. How was he ever going to figure out who it was if they never gave any clues away?
Changbin reached for the crystal ball you had gifted him from the top of his desk and rolled it around in his hands as he thought about if he’d missed any clues. The globe grew cold in his palms, snow whirling to life inside as he passed it between his hands mindlessly.
There was a sudden knock at his door that pulled him from his thoughts. He was about to yell and ask who it was when a piece of yellow parchment quickly slipped underneath the door. Changbin took a moment to realize what it was, before almost falling out of his desk chair. 
Letters didn’t usually get sent to him directly (or anonymously) unless it was his secret admirer.
He snatched up the paper from his floor before beaming at the familiar way he was addressed at the top of the letter.
Dearest Changbin,
Hello. I am writing something a bit longer so please forgive no gift this time. However I think you’ll probably enjoy today more than any gift I’ve given you so far.
It must have been hard to try and figure out who I am from just my notes. I have meticulously crafted each one as to not give myself away. Even my gifts have everything to do with you and your preferences, and nothing to do with me! But I think you have suffered enough now. If you would like to, You can meet me today, face to face.
Changbin felt his heart stop at that sentence. He was really going to know the answer to the million dollar question. Changbin shook his head and went back to reading before he got to ahead of himself.
However, instead of telling you my identity outright, I think you’d much rather figure it out yourself with a series of clues. Finishing this little game would be so much more satisfying than just being told the answer, right?
So without further ado, your first clue: (to be fair, its more like instructions...)
You need to go to the library and you will find a book sitting on the table you usually sit at with your friends (The table in the corner by the windows). The book has a dark blue hardcover and golden-edged pages. It is my favourite one; I think I’ve read it over a dozen times and I have my own copy that you can borrow anytime :)
Inside the book is another note which has your next clue!
Good luck! I know you’ll figure it out soon, brilliant Changbin!
Your Not-So-Secret Admirer.
Changbin grinned at the playfulness of his secret admirer. It was hard to convey personality through writing a lot of the times, but they managed pretty well in Changbin’s opinion.
He slipped on his shoes excitedly, lacing them up tight before he folded the letter up and stuffed it in his pocket. He could feel the giddiness bubble up in his chest from the fun nature of this little treasure hunt.
He thought to grab his scarf and jacket too, just in case this little game lead him outside, he didn’t want to freeze before he got the chance to meet you.
He went out to the common room, going to make his way to the library when he was stopped briefly by his friend on the couch.
“Hey Bin, where are you headed?” Jeongin called to his housemate, standing up when Changbin barely spared him a glance.
“My secret admirer left me a treasure hunt,” He hummed happily. Jeongin insisted to come too for help, but Changbin simply waved the boy off, “I’ll tell you everything later!”
“Okay, but don’t stay out too late!” Jeongin called to Changbin as the older Gryffindor rushed out the door.
Changbin could only hear the rush of blood in his ears and the pounding in his chest as he weaved through countless stairs and hallways on his way to the library. He was feeling nervous, although the didn’t really think there was reason to be.
It was clear by now that you liked him a lot, yet he was worried about meeting you face to face. What would he say? What if he didn’t live up to what you expected of him?
Changbin wiped his palms on his trousers to hopefully try and aid the clammy feeling before he pushed open the doors to the library. He made a b-line straight to the table he usually sat at, but was surprised to see Chan and Jisung sitting there working on homework.
“Hey Changbin, you okay? You look like you ran here.” Chan chuckled, setting his quill down on the table. 
Changbin barely spared either of them a glance, looking around the table for the book. When he couldn’t see it, he circled around the table, looking at the chairs pulled up against it with a huff.
“Uh... Bin? Hello?” Jisung called out to his friend, “What are you looking for?”
“A book.” Changbin said urgently, finally looking at his two friends when it seemed to be gone, “Its got a blue hardcover and gold pages and was supposed to be at our table.”
“Oh yeah, I think something like that was at the table before we got here.” Chan hummed, looking over at Jisung, “You put it away, right?” 
Changbin felt his heart drop; this was not happening right now.
“Yeah, I moved it so we could study.” Jisung nodded, looking back at Changbin, who was mentally freaking out by now.
His one chance to meet you and figure out who you are and his idiot friends had to move the one thing he needed? He felt like he was going to scream.
“Where did you put it!?” Changbin asked anxiously, slamming his hands down on the table and making the other two boys jump in their seats.
“Relax!” Jisung cried, before turning to point at the library cart that sat about twenty feet away, “I placed it on the cart for re-shelving. It should still be there.”
“What is it?” Chan asked, as Changbin scurried off to the cart without answering. He looked through a few of the books on there before he spotted the one he was looking for on the bottom shelf. Changbin huffed out a sigh of relief, grabbing it from the cart and bringing it back to the table.
“Its a clue from my secret admirer.” Changbin answered; he felt exhausted after experiencing so much panic over almost loosing the book. He turned it over in his hands, opening the front cover.
The other two boys watched as he flipped through the pages before landing somewhere in the middle, where a white piece of paper stuck out of it. You also seemed to highlight the words on the page to create a simple message that read “you are my light”. Changbin felt a bit embarrassed about that, but he thought it was a sweet touch nonetheless.
He carefully unfolded the letter and took a deep breath before reading.
My Dearest Changbin,
Congratulations on finding the first clue! I hope it wasn’t difficult for you.
He smiled at the addition of “my dearest” when addressing him; it made Changbin’s heart flutter just a bit to think of being someones’ dearest...
You know what goes good with a book? Cookies and tea! I often like curling up with a good book, a gingersnap cookie and some chamomile tea in the evenings. The only thing that would make that experience better is if we did it together...
Changbin blushed at the thought of someone reading to him in the evenings; his head in your lap as you read him whatever you wanted. He could almost taste the flowery teas and freshly baked cookies and feel the softness of your fingers through his hair as you told him a story....
Focus Changbin! Focus.
Your next clue is in the kitchen! I made you some cookies and tea to enjoy before we meet. I wasn’t sure what you liked best, but luckily I had help with that!
You will meet a friend of mine there; You know him pretty well :)
He will have your next clue. 
Good luck, I know you’ll figure it out soon, my brilliant Changbin
p.s. please bring the book with you, its my copy :p
Your (Even Less Of A) Secret Admirer
“Wait, you’re meeting them today?!” Chan exclaimed excitedly, leaning over the table to look at the note. Changbin lets the boys take the note to read it over as he flips casually through your book. 
It was filled with annotations and other random notes in the margins. Things that you really liked, ideas the text made you have, even just things you felt or thought about in that moment. Whoever you were, you seemed like a very thoughtful and detailed person, which Changbin could appreciate
Jisung seems to recognize something in the writing, frowning as he finishes reading the note and then looking at the book in Changbin’s hands. It seemed oddly familiar to him....
“What book is that?” Jisung asks, peering cautiously at the cover. Changbin  closed to book to look at the cover before shrugging.
“Don’t know, there isn’t a title on it. They probably have a dust jacket that goes over top with the title.” Changbin hummed, showing his ravenclaw friend the book.
“I think I have a guess on who your admirer is, Bin.” Jisung said nodding to himself as he looked back at the note in Chan’s hands. He grinned a bit as all the gears snapped into place.
“Who!?” Chan asked as he shot out of his chair. Changbin looked at Jisung expecting an answer, but he just shook his head playfully and sat back down. Changbin felt like he could explode right then from anticipation and he wanted to strangle Jisung for not spilling his thoughts; But deep down, he was also pretty glad Jisung didn’t say who he was thinking of. 
It would have ruined the fun.
“It’s the gingersnaps and chamomile that gave them away. The book looked familiar, but if it’s who I think it is, they always have a cup of chamomile when they read.” Jisung revealed, before pointing down towards the bottom of the note, “But I wonder who this mysterious “friend” is?”
“The only way to know if for me to go find out.” Changbin said hastily, scooping up the note and putting it in his pocket with the letter from before, “Thank you for almost ruining everything and then fixing it again, I’ll see you guys later!”
“See you buddy!” Chan yelled to Changbin as the Gryffindor boy rushed away, onto the next location. 
The kitchen was a bit of a walk, so Changbin had some time to speculate.
It annoyed him that Jisung seemed to know before he did, but that must mean the Jisung just knows the person better. Which wasn’t surprising to Changbin, since he was the head of his house and it was his job to know people. Maybe that meant they were a Ravenclaw?
And judging from your scribbly book, that was a good sign that he was right on that.
How many Ravenclaws did Changbin really know? All the members of the quidditch team, Jisung and most of the leaders and/or older Ravenclaws that the younger students depended on, and the few odd students he’d met in his classes. Not really narrowing it down too much...
Whoever you were, Changbin was starting to feel sick at the thought of meeting you. It made him nervous to think about what to finally say when you were standing in front of him.. It was very clear that you liked him a lot, and he wanted to have your first meeting be the best possible interaction. But what then? Would he go out on a date? He’d like to think so, but that could lead to complications...
What if you went and you realized you didn’t like him? The only person who has ever sought after him suddenly deciding they don’t want to be with him anymore made his heart ache.
But what if it went well? Changbin knew he had to do this. He had to know who you were and even if it ended terribly, he at least could look back at this time with fond memories. 
That was the mindset Changbin had as he entered the kitchen, trying his best not to ruin anything the staff were working on. Through the window, he could see it started to snow outside, the soft powder floating through the air. 
Sat next to the window on a stool, plate of cookies on the counter beside him, was someone Changbin didn’t expect to see.
“Felix? What are you doing here?” Changbin asked, walking up to his friend. He noticed two teacups sitting beside Felix, as the hufflepuff smiled at his friend dearly.
“Waiting for you, silly.” Felix hummed, pulling up a second stool beside him and patting it with his hand, “Come sit.”
“So you’re the mysterious “friend” of my secret admirer...” Changbin said simply, pulling the stool out to sit on it. Felix nodded with a ‘mmhmm’, focusing on pouring some tea into the teacup adjacent to Changbin.
He had so many questions for Felix swirling around in his head as he stared blankly at his friend; Did he always know? Was he pretending he didn’t know whenever he got a note and gift? And if he knew, why did he keep this information from Changbin?
 As if he could read his mind, Felix said “I’m sure you have a lot of questions, and I can’t answer all of them.” The hufflepuff stirred some sugar into his own tea with a spoon, before setting it gingerly on the counter.
“What can you tell me?” Changbin asked, taking a sip of the tea. It was chamomile, like your note said; he grinned at the taste, somehow sweeter because it reminded him of you.
“For starters, I just figured out who it was a week ago, so I haven’t betrayed you for that long.” Felix chuckled, snatching a cookie from the plate and dipping it in his tea, “And believe me, I’ve wanted to tell you about a million times since I found out.”
Changbin grabbed a cookie and took a bite out of it, the rich, spiced flavours contrasting with the tea well. He gazed at his friend, feeling a bit on edge and antsy. He wiped the crumbs from his mouth with the back of his hand before speaking again.
“Hold it right there buddy!” Felix quickly interrupts, excited grin growing on his face, “You’re aware this is sort of like a game right?”
Changbin nodded, not sure what the other boy was getting at.
“Well, I am only allowed to answer three questions.” Felix said, holding up his fingers to emphasize his point, “And you can’t ask outright who they are. Other than that, you can ask almost anything!”
Changbin took a minute to process the game, before scoffing to himself with a smile. Of course you wouldn’t just let Felix outright reveal your identity; not after all the work you put into this little treasure hunt Changbin was on.
“Choose your questions carefully.” Felix warned, leaning back and taking a sip of his tea to let Changbin have some time to think. 
What he didn’t expect was the Gryffindor to stand up from his spot and start pacing, seemingly deep in thought. It was endearing he took this little game that seriously.
Changbin’s brain was racing a million miles an hour. He wanted to know everything about you, but what was the most important think to ask?
After a few moments, Changbin sat back down and took a deep breath. Relax. He was meeting you today anyways, so he should just ask what his instincts tell him to.
“Ready?” Felix asked nonchalantly, lacing his fingers together and placing his hands under his chin. Changbin nodded firmly, determination gleaming in his eyes.
“How do you know them?”
“I first met them in a class the two of us share. I sit beside them and we exchange notes for the class pretty regularly.” Felix answered, as directly as he could without being too obvious.
“Okay... that narrows the options.... What gift was their favourite to make or which were they most excited to give me?”
“That’s technically two questions in one, but I’ll allow it because I actually know the answer to both. They said they liked making the snowglobe best because it was a very special and magical process, but were most excited to give you the chocolates because it was the first gift.”
“They sound like they’re sweet...”
“They are.”
Felix stared expectantly at Changbin, “Last question?”
Changbin had a question in mind, but he wasn’t sure if he should waste the last question on something so pointless. But it was killing him and he needed to know the answer to the question he’d not been able to stop thinking about since this whole thing started.
“Why do they like me?” Changbin practically mumbles the last syllable, eyes glued to the window. He felt his face flush as he watched the snow fall softly.
It wasn’t that Changbin didn’t like himself; he liked to think he was pretty confident guy overall. But the gifts and the notes just seemed so special, he almost wondered why he deserved them more than who was giving them to him.
“They think you are kind.” Felix began, voice gentle as he looked at his friend fondly, “And they think you’re a good, loyal friend. And above all else, they love how you’re so passionate about the things you care about.”
“That’s why they like you.” Felix hummed finally, taking his focus away from Changbin to drink more tea. 
Changbin felt like he was frozen in time. He wasn’t sure what he expected from the question, but he didn’t expect such deep and thoughtful reasons.
After a moment, Changbin was finally able to bring his gaze back to his friend, who was beaming back at him. Changbin couldn’t help feel bashful, his heart feeling like it was going to pound out of his chest as the corners of his mouth quirked up.
“I need to know who they are.” He said dreamily. Felix hummed, setting his teacup down before reaching into his robe. He gingerly pulled out a sealed white envelope and handed it to Changbin.
“This is for you. It’ll tell you where they are waiting for you.” Felix explained, as Changbin took the envelope and tore it open. Inside was a familiar looking white note.
My Dearest Changbin,
I hope you’re not mad at Felix from keeping my identity secret. He’s just being a good friend to me :p
Anyways, I’m sure you figured it out by now. And if you haven’t, that’s okay too. You’ll know soon enough.
Changbin felt like his entire body was asleep, tingling from head to toe. He could hardly handle the anticipation as he read your note.
I know you spend a lot of time with your friends in the Ravenclaw common room. I assume its your favourite spot to spend time, right?
Mine is the covered bridge that goes over the ravine; Sometimes I visit Sundial Garden too because it’s close, but I find the open airiness of the bridge helps me think.
I am waiting for you on that bridge. I hope to see you soon. &lt;3
Your Patient Admirer
Your note basically confirms you as a ravenclaw student, as you mentioned seeing Changbin spend time in the common room. But that barely mattered now as he knew where you were and that you were waiting for him.
He folded the note up and put in in his pocket, Giving an expectant look to Felix.
“They said they are on the bridge over the ravine.” He mumbled, almost confirming it to himself. Felix nodded, expression playful and soft as he watched his friend be practically frozen in place.
“Why aren’t you leaving, dude?” Felix asked, tilting his head slightly as he watched the Gryffindor tap his toe nervously
“I’ve wanted to know for months now, but I’m scared.” Changbin confessed, letting out a breathless laugh, “I don’t want to disappoint them...”
“I can guarantee you, that is impossible.”
“how can you be sure”
“Because!” Felix sighed exasperatedly, standing up and grabbing onto his friend’s shoulders, “How on earth could you possibly disappoint them when they adore you this much?”
“I don’t know!” Changbin huffed out, shaking his head before gazing at Felix, “I guess I’m just scared we’ll spend time together and they’ll realize they don’t like me...”
“Bin, you are sounding irrational.” Felix deadpanned, squeezing the gryffindor’s shoulders and slightly shaking him, “Don’t you want to know who it is? Don’t you want to at least try and be with this person?”
“More than anything.” Changbin said firmly. As afraid as he was, he was sure he wanted to at least try
“Then go!” Felix chuckled, pushing Changbin away from him, “Go. I promise, it’ll be okay!”
“You’re right.” Changbin hummed, pushing aside his doubts, “Thank you Felix.” Felix nodded, sending his friend off with a thumbs up and a ‘you got this!’ as Changbin dashed out of the kitchen and on his way to the covered bridge where you were waiting.
He wanted to figure out who you were before arriving, but he couldn’t seem to think of who his secret admirer could be. You had a class with Felix (not really helpful because Changbin only shared one class with Felix, where they sat together), You were a ravenclaw (there were thousands of ravenclaws), and you enjoyed tea and reading. 
Not to mention, he also didn’t recognize the handwriting, so he’s never borrowed notes form you before...
The wind was howling a bit more now as the snow fell in big, wet puffs. Changbin felt glad he brought his scarf with him as he walked along the path towards the bridge.
You, on the other hand, should have looked into what the weather was supposed to be like. You leaned on the railing, looking out into the snow covered ravine, sniffling slightly as your nose was running. 
You debated on going back inside, knowing that Changbin would have to walk through the clock tower to get to the bridge anyways; but that thought stopped when you noticed a figure in the distance from your peripheral
Oh god, what do you do? Should you approach him? No because that would mean you’s have to awkwardly walk towards each other and wait to say anything. But if you pretended like you didn’t see him, he might not think you were his secret admirer! But there was nobody else outside because it was cold and snowing so how could he possibly think it was someone else? Should you just turn to look at him? At least then you’d be addressing-
“Hi.” Changbin greeted shyly, sliding next to your spot on the railing to look out on the bridge.
Oh god.
“Hello.” You replied, chewing your bottom lip nervously, stealing a glace at the gryffindor. Were his cheeks red from the cold or because he was embarrassed? 
“You found me.” You mumble meekly, catching the way Changbin’s face morphed into a grin.
“So it is you?” He chuckled, turning towards you and smiling. You turned to look at him properly, nodding and letting and awkward giggle out. You weren’t sure what to say to him in this moment.
“Wow.” Changbin said simply, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, “had no idea it could have been you...”
Oh god.
He was disappointed. 
You should have known to never confess. God you felt so stupid! Of course THE Seo Changbin would never-
“I mean, aren’t you way out of my league?” Changbin said with a grin, as your eyes shoot up to meet his. He held that expression he always had whenever he would receive a gift; smile so wide his cheeks poked out, nose slightly crinkled and eyes glittering. You found yourself smiling too.
“Me? I don’t think you have any idea how wonderful you are if you think I’m out of your league...” You joked boldly, immediately looking down at your shoes out of embarrassment. Changbin let out a giggle, feeling like he was on cloud nine.
It was you.
Changbin never even considered you an option when thinking about his admirer. You were diligent and soft spoken and definitely seemed like you’d never be interested in a loud, childish, muscle-head like Changbin. He always thought you were attractive, but he thought he never had a chance with someone like you.
So imagine his surprise when he walked onto the bridge and saw your figure in the distance; he felt like it had to be a prank. But the closer he got the more he could see you were nervous and that nobody else was around to scream ‘gotcha!’ .
It was you and Changbin couldn’t have felt happier.
“Thank you, for everything.” Changbin hummed, handing you your book back. When you grabbed it, he swore he felt a shock go through his body. 
“I- uhmm...” Changbin stuttered, clearing his throat while looking at the ground. Changbin had never felt nervous like this before, but he willed himself to be brave and just speak his mind.
“Listen,” he began, looking back up at you to see your anxious expression. He couldn’t help but think you looked cute, “I have never felt as cared about as I do because of you. It seems almost impossible for me to ever come close to making you feel so loved... But I want to try.
“So, do you maybe want to head inside and we can talk some?” Changbin asked, looking at you expectantly, “Perhaps over a cup of tea in the Museum or astronomy room?”
“As a date..?” You asked teasingly, causing Changbin to scoff
“yeah, as a date silly.” Changbin laughed, shaking his head playfully at you.
“Sounds lovely.” You accepted giddily. With a burst of courage, Changbin slips his hand into yours, eyes widening by how cold you are.
“Oh, I’m sorry I kept you waiting out here for so long, you’re freezing!” He huffed out, hastily taking his scarf off to wrap it around you delicately. He tucked it into your coat, lightly brushing your cheeks with his thumbs; you swore you would faint as Changbin smiled at you wrapped up in his scarf.
You tried not to cheer out loud at his sudden carefulness. His scarf smelled like him and you knew that you’d have a hard time wanting to take it off, even when you got back inside.
This all felt like a dream...
You slipped you hand into his once more as the two of you walked back to the castle, where you swore you could die happy.
“Oh dear, he looks like he’s trying to play it off but you can tell he’s upset...” Minho winced, as the table watched Chan have to break the heart of a poor Slytherin boy. 
You watched apologetically, instinctually grabbing at Changbin’s hand as his arm rest around your shoulder. He pulled you closer to him, pressing you against his side as he frowned at the exchange.
When Chan returned, he let out a sigh, slumping down in his chair.
“Asked you out?” Seungmin asked, to which Chan nodded weakly.
“Yeah, he said he wanted to take me out to honeydukes this weekend, but I politely declined.” Chan said simply, crossing his arms over his chest as he furrowed his brow, “He seemed a bit embarrassed. I hope he’s okay...”
“Oh man, that’s rough.” Jeongin hummed, tapping his pencil against the edge of his herbology textbook.
“I do not envy you guys.” Changbin scoffed, turning to look down at you endearingly as you snuggled closer to your boyfriend.
Changbin, your boyfriend.
The thought of it made you both giddy.
“Yeah well, lucky for you to have the only person confess to you be someone you liked back!” Jisung pouted, patting Chan on the back, “some of us have to be heart breakers!”
“Not me.” Changbin mumbled, grinning dreamily before placing a sweet kiss on your lips (and consequently causing the rest of the table to groan).
Maybe it was alright that Changbin didn’t really have people confessing their love to him all the time. It used to bother him, but now that he got to have you, he was happy to not be a heart breaker.
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hirukochan · 9 months
A Severus SnapexFem!Reader Oneshot
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Pairing: Severus Snape x former student reader
Summary: After your former Professor murdered Albus Dumbledore a few weeks after your one-nightstand you never expected to see him again.
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Warnings: Smut, catcalling, blood, injury
Wordcount: 5000
Read on Ao3 or below the cut
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Life has become significantly darker since the death of Albus Dumbledore. You hear rumours of the Ministry falling, about Death Eaters taking over and You-Know-Who rising. From the perspective of the public all that hasn’t happened. Everybody can feel the change and taste the misery hanging in the air between abandoned and destroyed shops in Diagon Alley.
The rich fuck you work for is paying you extra because you decided to stay. You aren’t going to let yourself be scared into running away! 
You started evening courses at a small university in Aberdeen a few months ago. Enchanted Art. For what? Hell if you know, but art sounded good. You however aren’t…good. Not at all, but it’s fun. You enrolled a few days after what you now call ‘the worst mistake of your life’. 
Severus Snape.
Death Eater.
Newly appointed headmaster of Hogwarts.
And you fucked him. Just three weeks before he killed Albus Dumbledore, a man who trusted him. 
The Daily Prophet and the Ministry are framing Harry Potter for it. There is a large manhunt going on with a bounty on Potter’s head. The boy has disappeared from the face of the earth. 
You saw him at the funeral in Hogwarts. Many former students came to say their goodbyes to Dumbledore. You went out of shame and guilt. It doesn’t make any sense for you to feel like that. Neither did you know what Snape was planning nor did you support him in any way. And yet, just knowing you had that man in your bed is eating at you.
You sway and stumble but can catch yourself on the side of an abandoned building. Death Eaters have been attacking Diagon Alley for months, even before You-Know-Who came to power, but never your shop. You guess it’s because a second-hand bookshop is absolutely useless. You don’t even have many customers! The shop is not profitable whatsoever.
You rub your eyes and push yourself off the wall to continue your less than straight way back to your flat. You’ve been drinking with the Weasley twins who run the joke shop a few streets away from yours. They are one of the few shops still open like you. They were three years under you and always good for a laugh though you were never friends with them. Now out of school and in the same boat you get along well.
And drinking alone is pathetic.
You are pathetic, but not that pathetic. 
Not yet.
You squeeze through an alley. Just another corner and you’d be there. You’re too drunk to apparate and apparition can suck it anyway.
“What’s a pretty thing like you doing out all alone?” A male voice calls out to you. You ignore it. You are really not in the mood to be accosted now and your wand might just slip.
You grip it tighter in your pocket. One could not be careful enough these days. Perhaps you should have taken Georges’ offer of walking you home.
“I’m talking to you!” He sounds angry now. Just fuck off. Just turn around and fuck off or better come here and give me something to let my aggressions out on. “Stuck up cunt!” You are whirled around by your shoulder and thrown against a wall. The air is pressed out of your lungs and your back aches. 
The blurry face of a sleazy looking man comes into view but in the next second he’s gone. You blink. Your alcohol drenched brain needs some time to catch up. Then a scream rips through the night and you recoil. Everything in you screams to run. To turn around and take off, to save yourself, but your eyes are glued to the man on the ground, writhing and screaming, his body shaken by endless, never-ending agony. 
Steps echo through the night and your head snaps up. A tall, dark figure moves towards you. Black robes, dark hair- for a second you think it’s Snape and you don’t know how to feel at that and even less how to deal with the sting of treacherous disappointment when you notice he’s too slim and too short to be Snape. 
Moonlight reflects off a silver mask. You grip your wand tighter, terrified of what’s going to happen next. 
A Death Eater.
A real fucking Death Eater right in front of you! And you’re still not running. Why the fuck are you not running?
“Tsk tsk tsk.” He clicks his tongue and shakes his hand. The man’s screams have stopped, replaced by a strangled, gurgling sound that somehow sounds so much worse. Your blood freezes in your veins and you start shivering. This is it. This is how you die. Drunk and on your way home. Just a street away! Away from safety, though you suspect that it’s a false feeling. A lie.
There is no safety left in Britain.
“Has your mummy never taught you, you mustn’t touch what isn’t yours?” He shakes his head and clicks his tongue again. A green light illuminates the alley. It paints grotesque shadows onto the silver mask and the wall behind him.
You scream. Shock and pain are ripping the sound out of the wall of your throat and haul it into the night. You cover your mouth with your hands. Tears sting in your eyes. You don’t want to die here.
Your heart pounds in your chest, strong and fast, declaring it has many good years still left, refusing to back down but also trapped by a rich net, woven from terror and dread.
“You shouldn’t be out so late.” The Death Eater says. His voice is slightly muffled by the mask, but he sounds young. So terribly young. Perhaps around the twins’ age? Did he go to school with you? You don’t recognise his voice, but you are in shock. Right? Yes, shock. He just killed someone! Like it’s nothing! To think you might have sat next to him in the Great Hall or the library…
“It’s not safe. Best run along now.”
You blink. Confused. He is letting you go? Why would he let you go? He rips his sleeve up, revealing a jet-black tattoo on his underarm, one that you’ve never seen before but recognise regardless.
“That’s a fucking order!” You flinch. And then you’re running. Running down the street and not stopping until you’ve reached the door to your flat. Your fingers tremble so much you struggle to get the key into the keyhole. You use every single protection charm you know on the door after you’ve closed behind yourself. You’ve gotten good at casting them. You had to.
“What the fuck.” You whisper to yourself, back leaned against the wall and wand clutched to your chest. “What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck!” A Death Eater just fucking let you go! He tortured someone for attempting to assault you and then killed him. 
He fucking killed him.
You watched someone die. 
What the fuck.
Oh Merlin and Grímhildr and god and Jesus fucking Christ!
‘Mustn’t touch what isn’t yours’ What does that mean? You’re not some object to be owned!
“Maybe he has a crush on me?” You think out loud. Yeah…maybe that guy really did use to go to school with you? Maybe he- you have no idea but what other reason would there be? Would a Death Eater disapprove of assaulting women? Somehow you find that hard to believe.
The incident does not leave your mind. You become paranoid. Always checking your steps and looking around for that glimmer of light catching on a silver mask. Often you’d look out of your windows, watching the empty street but you don’t see the young Death Eater again. You expect him to come back any day to finish you off
One day you arrive at the Leaky Cauldron after your evening classes tired and hungry. It’s a little after ten and you decide to eat in the pub instead of cooking. An hour later you step outside and apparate onto the steps in front of the door to your flat. You secure the door with your usual spells and kick off your shoes before hurrying up the stairs. You want nothing more than to collapse into your bed-
Something isn’t right. It’s the faintest difference. A smell that is not quite right. A whisper of magic in the air that does not belong to you. The small hairs on your nape stand and your stomach clenches. You grip your wand tighter.
There is something on your floor. A large black something.
“What the fuck?” You mutter and drop your hand to your side. “What the fuck? No no no- get the fuck up, Snape!” He doesn’t move. He is lying face down in a puddle of blood in the middle of your flat. Where did he come from? How did he get in? Why is he here?
You kick him. 
It sounds like a logical choice in your head.
He doesn’t move.
“I have a Death Eater in my flat, on my floor. I have a dying Death Eater on my floor!” You panic. You are panicking. You kick him again. Nothing changes. “Shit shit shit!” You could just…kick him down the stairs and lock the door? How did he get in here?!
“Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck-” What do you do? What can you do? Why is he here? 
For lack of a better plan, you kick him again, but despite how gratifying it feels to let your aggression out on him you have to come up with a better idea. You can’t just keep kicking him!
Wary of the Death Eater on your floor you kneel down and press two fingers to the pulse point on his neck, ready to jump backwards at any point. His skin is burning up. What happened? 
You can’t just kick him down the stairs. It’s tempting. He’d deserve it- but that isn’t you. Besides it would take the Death Eaters not even two seconds to figure out who left him there to die and they might come back to hurt you.
You heave him into your bed and peel the blood-soaked clothes from his chest. There is a deep gash across his side. Blood steadily runs down his pale skin. What happened to him?
“He’s a Death Eater that’s what fucking happened to him.” You scold yourself. “And you are fucking helping him- fuck! Why did you choose my flat to die in, Snape?!” You flick your wand at him, and his own wand comes flying through the air, landing in your hand. You shove it into your pocket.
Snape looks like shit. He’s thinner than a few months ago, his skin paler and dark, deep shadows have seemingly permanently attached themselves to the skin under his eyes.
The glorious Death Eater that defeated Albus Dumbledore. 
You scoff.
“Good- that is that…disarming the Death Eater that is twice your size and can probably do wandless magic…or simply snatch them back from you because let’s be honest here - we aren’t a fighter!” You have no idea who you are talking to, but you feel hysteric and talking to oneself is what hysteric people do. Right? Right?
“Please don’t die here and start haunting me!”
“I’m not dying.” Snape grunts and you scream. 
“Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck- you scared the living shit out of me! What the fuck are you doing here?” Without bothering to answer you, he examines the wound on his side. He grimaces. 
“I advise you against attempting that.” The deep, velvety rumble of voice makes you shudder in all the wrong ways. You keep your wand trained on him anyway.
“Get the fuck out of my flat!” You hiss, raising your wand higher, keeping it aimed at him.
“So hostile.” He tuts. “Did I leave you unsatisfied last time?” 
“You’re a murderer!” Your voice is shaking, tears pool in your eyes and you have no fucking idea why you feel betrayed. You hadn’t spoken to Snape in five years before your one-night stand. But had you known…had you known he is a Death Eater you would have never let him into your bed.
“Yes.” Snape says and he somehow sounds bitter. What right has he to be bitter? “I heard you ran into some…trouble.” You shove your wand in his face and perhaps he sees in your eyes how serious you are, a faint promise of hexing him or something else, but he raises his bloodied hands slightly as if to tell you he isn’t a danger.
“Do you have a first-aid-kit? So I can get out of your hair.” You look at him, considering. You could make him leave. “I’m not a danger to you.” To you. To others, yes, but not you. You have no idea how to feel about that thinly veiled confession. You flick your wand towards your bathroom. Snape rummages through your first-aid-kit.
“Who the fuck doesn’t stock dittany?” He asks, glaring up at you while aggressively opening the fuckton of buttons on his robes. Who needs so many buttons?
“Why would I have fucking dittany? Sorry I did not expect you would choose my home to almost fucking die in!”
“I wouldn’t have died!” He sneers.
“Tell that to the puddle of blood on my floor. Why are you here?” He hesitates. His shoulders droop and he stops messing with his clothes. Something profoundly vulnerable flashes through his eyes.
“Where else would I go?” And that is that apparently. He peels back layers of blood-soaked clothes, and you try not to ogle him. He hadn’t taken off much of his clothes when he fucked you… 
The moonlight hides the currently sickish undertones of his pale skin, making him look like one of those marble statues you’ve seen in a muggle museum once. His skin is littered with scars, a visual reminder that this man is a Death Eater - a fact your body is more than willing to ignore judging by the uncomfortable, damp spot in your knickers. 
You watch him patch himself up from a safe distance, your wand pointed at him at all times. His fingers tremble, his skin is chalky pale and beads of sweat cling to his forehead, but his movements are precise and purposeful.
And yet-
You have never seen him like this.
Small somehow.
“I was told you were assaulted.” His voice is quiet, he usually speaks soft and quiet - a man like he never has any trouble getting a classroom full of hormonal teenagers to shut it. But today it’s different. There is something…inherently broken about the way he says the words and it gives you pause.
“So what? You decided to break in? Who do you think you are that you get to check up on me?” You spit the words at him because if you don’t, you might do other things and you really can’t afford that.
“That wasn’t-” He inhales sharply and impossibly enough pales even more. You summon a glass of water. “Thank you.” He whispers and downs the whole thing in one go.
“Wouldn’t want your cult friends to show up here because I let you die.”
“You should be careful what you say.” He doesn’t say it as a threat. He says it softly, with dread mixing into his worry.
“I thought you weren't a danger to me.”
“Plenty of people are.”
“Right…then. You know where the door is.” You nod towards it. Snape rises to his feet - far more graceful and steady than he has any right to with how shit he looks. He comes closer and you bite the inside of your cheek to resist the urge of stepping back. He comes closer still, his much larger frame hovering above you and any sliver of thinking Snape is small evaporates into thin air.
His silky hair falls into his face and hides it in the shadows of your flat, with only the moon illuminating the small space.
You take a shaky breath and attempt to ignore the heat between your bodies or the way your heart beats all wrong. His eyes have an intensity to them that makes you shudder and involuntarily recall how his hands felt on you…his breath dancing across your skin…the way he tastes-
“You still have my wand.” He says, his voice impossibly deeper and smokey and his eyes- these damn stunning stupid eyes that burn into yours, whispering promises of things you can’t even begin to wrap your mind around. 
You automatically close your fingers tighter around your own wand. He is so close now the tip of it digs into his chest. He doesn’t even flinch. Like the threat of a curse does not even affect him, like he doesn’t give a shit that you could simply kill him right now or perhaps it’s arrogance. He believes you incapable of it - which is the truth but still! Is it asking too much to want him to be at least a little afraid? 
Snape reaches out and his hand brushes over your side and you inhale sharply.
There must have been a lapse in the fabric of time - in the universe itself because suddenly you are kissing. You don’t know why or how but the wands clatter to the ground and Snape’s hands are on you and your body scream fuck the universe because this feels right.
Snape’s arms wrap around your smaller form and press you to his chest and you let him, weaving your hands into his hair while he claims your mouth with a feral hunger. You moan into the kiss and lean into his touch and try to smother the whisper in your head repeating the last two words you’d want to hear right now over and over.
Death Eater
You slide your tongue over his. There is a faint taste of iron in the kiss but it doesn’t matter. Snape’s fingers dig into your flesh like he is trying to devise a way to never have to let you go again.
He clings to you like a dying man to life.
Death Eater
He stumbles backwards and takes you with him, plopping down on the bed and pulling you into his lap. It feels natural. Your bodies fit together like two puzzle pieces and something somewhere in the universe just clicks.
You run your hands down his neck and over his shoulder, noting how much thinner he feels now compared to last time. You shove his frock and dress shirt down his shoulders. The feeling of his naked skin against your hands feels electrifying. A buzzing prickle seeping into your body through the pad of your fingers and spreading throughout your very being like blazing wildfire, pooling deep in your belly.
Death Eater
You moan into the kiss and grind against Snape, feeling his hard cock against your core through your knickers.
Death Eater
Two pairs of hands drop to his fly at one, frantically fumbling with buttons and stumbling over each other. Snape retreats and returns to thoroughly groping your arse under your skirt. You manage to free his cock and Snape helps lift your hips. You push your soaked knickers away and align his cock with your entrance.
“Fuck I forgot how big you are-” You hiss at the stretch. Snape kisses your neck and nibbles on your collarbone.
“Have you been with someone since-?” He leaves the question open. Further specifications aren’t needed. You are still slowly lowering yourself on his prick, until the delicious kind of stretch turns to a stinging stretch where you pause to give yourself time to adjust.
“-no.” You pant. Snape groans against your sternum and wraps his arms around you again, pulling you close. He kisses down your chest and over your breasts. Nuzzling you through the fabric of your blouse.
“Fucking hell-” You mutter once he is finally sheathed inside you. You’re out of breath and sweaty and so so full. His cock is throbbing against your inner walls, hot and thick and you need a moment to collect yourself.
“So good.” Snape groans and continues peppering kisses over your chest. You whimper in response. “You take my cock so fucking good-” He rips your blouse open and shoves your bra up, locking his lips around your nipple instantly. You moan and cling to his shoulders. Snape licks broad strokes over your nipple, alternates between sucking and kissing and grazing you with his teeth. 
His lust-drenched sounds make you squirm in his arms and arousal leak over his cock, soiling his trousers. 
It takes a little moment for you to get a hang of how to move on top of him, but once you’ve figured it out, you earn approving groans from Snape.
“Fucking missed you.” He murmurs against your skin.
“Did you now?” You raise a brow.
“I’m talking to your tits, dear.”
“You have issues.” You moan and sink back down on his cock.
“I thought we had already established that.”
“Yeah, when you decided my floor was the proper place to die!”
“Wouldn’t have died.” He groans and locks his lips around your nipple again. You cradle his head with your arms and rest your cheek against the crow of his head while bobbing up and down his length in an unsteady, unrefined rhythm.
Snape doesn’t seem to care.
And neither do you really.
The voice in your head shut up a while ago and you bid farewell to it, telling it to never come back.
Snape inhales sharply and you stop instantly.
“Did I hurt you?” You ask, unable to keep the worry out of your voice. Snape’s face is contorted in pain. He reaches for the footboard of your bed and his knuckles turn white under the force with which he holds onto it.
“Lie down.” You murmur and push against his shoulders gently. Snape looks at you both irritated and untrusting, but he eventually (less than gracefully) lowers his back onto the mattress.
You reposition yourself above him and lean back to brace your hands against his thighs right above his knees. Slowly you begin moving again. It feels awkward for a while but then you find the right angle and Snape presses his fingers against your clit, stroking tender circles over the throbbing bundle of nerves and pleasure overshadows any feeling of awkwardness.
“You’ve always been a fast learner.” Snape groans. “Such a studious girl.”
“When the subject interests me.” You chuckle and the corner of his mouth twitches.
“Am I an interesting subject?”
“Hmm…Certainly one I can’t seem to escape.” You raise your hips and sink back down, moaning in tune with the delicious stretch of his girth.
“Do you plan on almost dying on my floor in the future?”
Snape laughs, an uneasy sound accompanied by a concerning rattling sound coming from his lungs. “Are you planning on stocking Dittany in the future?”
“Nah, but I was thinking about getting a runner and- ow!” He slaps your thigh, not hard, but a pleasant sting runs through your flesh and the sudden slapping sound startled you. “Bastard.” You hiss and push yourself up, planting your hands on either side of his head, careful to avoid the dark strands of hair spread out around his head.
“Is that the thanks I get?”
“Thanks?” He hums. An expression of raw pleasure flickers over his face and it pulls you in, captures you like a fly in a sticky trap - and like a fly in a sticky trap you realise the danger you are in just by associating with Snape, not to mention by fucking him.
You never thought yourself to be a morally depraved woman but here you are, with the enemy quite literally in your bed.
An injured, weakened enemy. 
As if you’d have a chance against Severus Snape no matter how weak he is! No, leave the heroism to other people, people that value their lives less or think the world will be grateful for their heroism. 
You close your eyes and lean down to meet Snape’s lips, to get lost in the feeling of a warm body against yours, the mechanical workings of what a romance would feel like, to draw some comfort from a man that is willingly giving it to you when all other male specimens on this earth seem to not give a shit about you.
“Started University.” You murmur against his lips. Snape has put his hands on your arse and is helping your movement, pulling you and down on his cock, guiding your cunt or using it for his own pleasure or revelling in having a former student of his so messed up she lets him fuck her. 
“I heard. I’m glad.” He mutters back and takes your bottom lip between his teeth.
“Keeping taps on me?”
“Only a little.” And it’s back to kissing. Wet, heated, burning kisses. And passion or maybe erratic obsession but if obsession feels this good what does it matter?
The heat of his tongue against yours, his hands squeezing your arse, his breath dancing over your face, his cock spearing open your cunt repeatedly, it collects inside you, runs through your limbs and veins and fills your whole body. You can feel it rushing alongside your blood, feel your body respond to it by picking up the pace of your heartbeat, sweet clinging to your skin, especially on your thighs that straddle Snape’s. It floats through your body and eventually pools in your lower belly and deep inside your cunt, welcoming Snape’s prick on each thrust by splitting into two and regenerating like cell division-
Heat grows and morphs and hardens into a brooding mass that threatens to rip free of you. It scratches against your insides, searching desperately for a way out, a way to release this pressure and then Snape presses his thumb down on your clit and it rips free of you. Snape thrust up into you in one hard stroke and he groans, his grip on your arse tightening and you collapse above him and he pulls you down by putting his arms around your torso - his wound long forgotten by both of you.
His cock throbs as he spills inside you, splatters of warm, sticky cum painting your inner walls and with a content hum you rock against his softening cock to relish the last flickers of your orgasm.
Snape grunts - a pained one this time - and you push your trembling body up and lift your hips to sit down on the bed next to him. His now limp cock slips out of you and you hate that you miss the feeling of it, hate the emptiness left behind. You pull your knees to your chest and lean against the headboard of your bed, staring at the window just to not look at Snape.
“I-” Snape begins but stops himself. With another pained grunt he sits up and does the many buttons of his clothes back up. He sighs and rubs his hands over his face, raking through his hair. “I will try to not almost die on your floor again.”
“Good.” You want to sound stern, but it comes out sounding exhausted and confused.
“Good.” He murmurs. A knock on your door rips you from your thoughts. Who would knock so late? Perhaps it’s your elderly neighbour…
You pick your wand up from the floor and fix your skirt and blouse and walk towards the door.
Still caught in a whirlwind of confusing and contradicting feelings and perhaps Snape’s presence has led you to let down your guard a little, whatever it is you forget to cast your detection charms before opening the door-
Silver glimmers in the moonlight. You recognise the mask. It’s the young Death Eater that killed the man who wanted to assault you. He is flanked by two taller Death Eaters. Whatever you had wanted to say gets stuck in your throat as it swells shut. Just out of their sight you grip your wand tighter.
“Miss.” The young one says. “Apologies for the interruption.” Why the fuck is a Death Eater addressing you so polite? Movement behind you catches your attention but you don’t dare move.
“Was I not clear enough when I said this shop is not to be disturbed.” Snape drawls and all hints of pain or injury have left his voice. He looms behind you, tall and menacing and you can actually see the taller Death Eaters shrink back.
“My mistake. Again, apologies, Miss. Your presence is requested, Sir.” The younger one says to Snape.
“Do not repeat it in the future.” Snape scoffs. He ignores them and closes the door.
You can’t seem to find your voice again.
“This all will be over soon.”
“How do you know?” You whisper, uncertain what Snape means. What will be over? The resistance? You-Know-Who? His presence in your life?
“I hope you won’t have to see me again.” His lips brush your forehead ever so slightly, his fingertips dancing over your arms.
He turns to leave.
“Snape-” You don’t know what to say. His eyes linger on you for a moment, you think to see something flash in them, a hint of some deeply buried emotion but then he turns, opens the door again and he is gone.
You lean your forehead against the smooth wood. You can still feel his touch lingering-
A sob tears through the silence and you press your hand to your mouth as you sink to the floor and you don’t even know why. You kneel on the floor in front of your door and sob and cry.
When you eventually regain your composure and return to your flat you are met with the sight of drying blood…
The next day you go to the apothecary down the street and buy a bottle of Dittany.
| Part 3 |
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angelsparkls · 1 year
all my favorite fics that no one asked for:
* = my absolute favorites
multiple ship fics:
All in the Cards (series)* - (haikyuu) MY FAVORITE FIC OF ALL TIME! although lengthy it is such a good read and has a lot of popular ships! the au is such a cool concept and the plot and characters are thought out so well it’s amazing and should definitely check it out
The Crystal Miracles - (kuroko no basket) based off steven universe but coming from someone who has never watched steven universe the fic was not super dependent on it and was just based around the plot of steven universe (apparently i talked about with my friend who actually watched steven universe) i thought it was cool so definitely recommend! also a bit lengthy but worth it
friends, worlds apart - (haikyuu) it’s mainly bokuaka but there’s other ships so i decided to put this fic here. tbh i don’t remember it too well but i do know it well enough to know that it was really good! it’s a pretty long hogwarts au fic and is based off basic plot points from harry potter but it’s not too similar imo so overall a good read!
Death Threats & Wine Bottles - (semishira) domestic semishira. that’s all. it’s cute. there’s nothing to not like about it.
Saltwater Room - (kuroken) i think i read this because of a recommendation and man it was funny. i enjoyed all the fun little bits of kenma and hinata just being friends but also the more serious angsty parts and having the whole conflict with kuroo and kenma’s dream. *sigh* it’s good but lengthy. worth it in my opinion but i like long fics so maybe not your cup of tea
When I Fall In Love - (semishira) i can’t really remember this fic since i read it a long time ago but i do remember liking it! the band au/pianist au concept was cool seeing it with semishira and they are so supportive of each other after they get over their annoyance! it’s not as long as the other long fics i’ve recommended but definitely give it a shot!
Cover My Thoughts In Gold - (bokuaka) some classic soulmate au because they are soulmates so why not have a fic that has them be confirmed soulmates
True Ending - (kuroken) marriage proposal in the best and cutest way possible and one that perfectly fits them 🥺
Cat’s Out of the Bag - (kuroken) it’s just some cute little scenes of kenma as a shapeshifter and kuroo not knowing. it’s quick but so so cute how they interact
Maybe, Probably - (sakuatsu) cute hogwarts au of slytherin atsumu and ravenclaw sakusa. yeah that’s basically it
Rose Gold - (semishira) ROYALTY AU SEMISHIRA AAAAAAA definitely one of my favorite considering that I actually never see a royalty au centered around them
Vibrant - (semishira) im a sucker for soulmate aus but this soulmate au especially was such a cute concept!
A Musical World Thanks To You - (semishira) soulmate au fic but you can hear songs that your soulmate is listening to! it really is such a good concept with semi asking shirabu to be in the talent show with him and perform a song and yk yk big build up to the moment hehe
Dog visits - (kyouhaba) the classic “oh he’s different than i thought what do i do now” and yahaba being soft with kyoutani’s dog is everything and kyoutani not knowing how to deal with yahaba barging into his life 😍
be my honeybee - (kyouhaba) tw: implied/referenced child ab/se if you aren’t comfortable with that please don’t read <3 but it is a good fic and addresses real issues especially with kyoutani not really having anyone to help him until yahaba came around. it’s a bit long and made me cry a little so that’s why it’s good
Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back - (kyouhaba) everyone has superpower abilities!! i always love aus like this so it’s not a surprise it’s one of my favorites. it also touches on mental health in the form of kyoutani doing too much for people when he doesn’t need to and always sacrificing himself for others even when it makes him unhappy. it’s so good tho if you ever decide to read it because it is a bit long
rewrite the stars - (kuroken) arranged marriage au where kenma and kageyama are going to get married but by the end they realize that they are marrying the wrong people and its so cute seeing kenma come to that realization
Kuroko No Basket:
The Frog in the Well - (midotaka) it has been a while since i read this fic but i do remember laughing about this and just thinking it was overall cute especially with the whole aspect of being a loose retelling of “The Frog-King” and i know two other people who also read this and thought it was cute so there’s that
The Witch in the Tower - (murahimu) this is from the same series and author as the previous knb fic i recommended because this fic is also based around a fairy tale and i found this really cute because they are kinda domestic in this fic since there’s just an adopted child in a tower… anyway
Feels Like Winning - (murahimu) just some soulmate au for them because murasakibara not knowing how to deal with feelings <3
Only with You - (kikasa) a cute fic for this surprisingly underrated ship! it’s not too long but encompasses these idiots’ relationship in this fic perfectly
Claws and paws - (murahimu) this shapeshifter au is so cute because like height difference 😍 and also the whole idea of like himuro being this tiny cat compared for murasakibara is funny to me. it’s kind of long but i enjoyed it!
Other Fandoms:
Boy Problems - (mirio togata x tamaki amajiki) an OG for me it’s actually one of my first bookmarks and it’s a cute little oneshot that reminds me how oblivious and stupid these idiots are
the blind leading the blind - (childe x zhongli) it’s not really focused on relationship but it really touches on the betrayal that childe feels after realizing that zhongli gave his gnosis to signora behind his back and i think this fic is so very cool for creating that scenario and executed it perfectly!
kintsugi - (teru minamoto x akane aoi) oh lord. oh god. this fic actually kinda broke me. it’s a very bittersweet fic that makes me go OMG YAY and then oh oh oh oh /neg but it does end happily. at what cost tho. it’s so so so good tho definitely recommend. a little lengthy but not too bad
Look At Me Like That - (momotarou mikoshiba x aiichirou nitori) THIS FIC SUMS UP THIS SHIP PERFECTLY! ITS SO GOOD! like the whole thingg of ai having unrequited feelings for rin but is now in love with this idiot momo is exactly how i see their relationship and having that tied up in this one fic.
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gettinshiggywithit · 5 months
Yuuji x fem reader
Hogwarts Au
LESGOOOOO Partaaayyyyy
𝔸 ℍ𝕠𝕘𝕨𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕤 𝔻𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞
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Summary:What life at the greatest wizarding school in all of Britain is like,with the best boyfriend you could ever ask for!
Pairing: Yuuji x Fem!Reader [Hogwarts AU]
Genre: fluff
Event MasterList
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He’s definitely a hufflepuff,just gonna put that there~
And so,lets say so are you!
He’s crazy good at defence against the dark arts without even trying…megumi’s kinda pissed
Helps you with your assignments during potions and while he gets yelled at by prof.snape,he still does it.
When it came to flying lessons in first year,buddy fell of like 5 times from different altitudes and STILL somehow survived????
When you laughed he got a little mad but was fine after you gave him a chocolate frog from your parent’s care package~
He first confessed in your second year,and when you said yes was also when you both had your first kiss! (it felt kinda forced and awkward,oh and megumi walked in,saw what was up and walked right back out.zero fucks given.)
Is he in the hufflepuff quidditch team?? YES!. He’s one of the beaters~
Blow’s you kisses when he sees you in the stands.
Gets hit in the head with a bludger right after~
Oh about sukuna? Lets say that he was an ancient spirit yall accidently summoned and he just possessed yuuji?
Dumbledor gets him out and he lives the rest of his unlife terrorizing yuuji and occasionally still possessing him~
When third year rolls around he..um… has no one to ask to sign his hogsmeade letter…so he asks ur mum! And she says sure! (he’s practically family anyway what with how often he stays over and since you’ve been dating since second year)
Oh also I headcannon that he’s a mudblood while youre a half or pureblood.
Your parents love him btw! They don’t rly care abt blood status,they just know that their daughter loves this boy and he loves her. Your dad wasn’t sure about him at first,what with how goofy and awkward he was,but then he saw just how genuine and loving yuuji really was.
Your dad hasn’t told anyone yet but if yuuji asked for your hand in marriage one day,he’d instantly say yes,and your mum is of the same mindset.
Oh btw he earns money tutoring people in Defence Against The Dark Arts and nanami gives him some…
Nanami’s kinda the group’s mum ngl… HE’S LOADED OKAYY
On your first trip to hogsmeade he gets you a butterbeer float and you share it with two straws.
Nobara and megumi are sitting in the booth behind yours with gojo and nanami,and both gojo and nobara are makin kissy faces at you while you aren’t lookin.
You see them and then promptly give yuuji a kiss on the cheek and throw them a smug look after~ (he melts and they gasp and look back at their drinks.{not before gojo gives ya’ll a thumbs up though~})
When megumi,nobara and he get into trouble you go past the detention class to blow him kisses,he blows some back,depending on which professor Is supervising them.
For your O.W.Ls the four of you study together,(and when I say ‘study’,I mean you bitch abt your O.W.Ls and how much you hv to study…megumi studies tho~)
But when push comes to shove you,yuuji and nobara end up cramming and stressing tf out!! (not megumi,he’s in bed at reasonable times because he did his due diligence when he had to~)
Once your O.W.Ls are over you all go to hogsmeade to celebreate!!!
You all pass with mostly Os Es and As; megumi gets all Os!
(don’t tell anyone but sukuna helped him with some of his history of magic questions…)
Overall,regardless of the universe,yuuji is a great boyfriend and he’ll take care of you no matter what!
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Tag list(open):- @diagonal-queen
All rights reserved © 2023 Gettinshiggywithit. Please do not repost, modify or claim as yours. Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated!
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satansapostle6 · 2 days
Lovers And Liars | Draco Malfoy
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Draco Malfoy and Theodore Nott, both determined and resourceful from reputable houses, find themselves at odds in the name of love.
Warning: Mature themes/language. Violence. Sexual content.
Chapter Three
Chapter Four: A King and His Queen
Lorelei Morrigan and Theodore Nott left Divination that afternoon the talk of Hogwarts. Everyone whispered about them behind their backs as they walked around school together hand in hand, ever the beautiful couple. Theo had always hated to be the center of attention, but when it came to Lorelei, he would have shone a spotlight on the two of them wherever they went.
In a strange way, he reveled in the universal relevancy of their names throughout the school. Almost all of the boys envied Theodore Nott, along with some of the girls. Almost all of the girls envied Lorelei, along with some of the boys.
Either way, he and Lorelei were a picture of grace and excellence. Even the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students had taken notice. All was right in the world, in Theo’s opinion. He had the beautiful red-haired girl that everyone wanted, and she had him. Theo would have done anything to make this last forever. Anything that threatened his current state of bliss he would have obliterated, including Draco Malfoy, his growing problem.
He wasn’t sure if Lorelei was aware of it, but he personally suspected that the pale-haired Malfoy heir could pose a potential threat to his happiness, and not to mention, his plan. And this, naturally, wouldn’t do. Theo knew that if he planned on keeping a girl like Lorelei of such high caliber, he had to go above and beyond. He had to be extraordinary. And sometimes, being extraordinary required extraordinary feats.
But for now, Theodore did his best to enjoy his newfound bliss as well as his newfound girlfriend, who Hogwarts students, especially Slytherins, couldn’t resist talking about. They all thought Theo couldn’t hear them, but most of them were wrong.
“Is that Theodore Nott with Lorelei Morrigan?” Ron Weasley had stared at them that morning in the corridor. “How did that happen?!”
“He’s tall, and rich. How do you think?” Harry Potter reminded him.
“Nott’s really bagged Lorelei Morrigan?” Draco Malfoy had stared spitefully during class. “I didn’t even know he talked until last year.”
“Jealous?” Blaise Zabini had responded, earning him a scolding death stare from Draco.
“No way Lorelei’s actually dating Theodore Nott!” Pansy Parkinson shrieked, struggling to lower her voice.
“Why?” Daphne Greengrass asked indifferently. “She’s pretty. And so’s he.”
“Draco hasn’t even asked me out yet!”
Almost everyone either loved or hated the idea of Theo and Lorelei. It was hardly ever in between, and they were both living for it. They were both smug on their way to the Slytherin common room, walking through the long stone halls as if they owned them. The two of them were both in the Slytherin common room, relaxing and working on their schoolwork when they were suddenly joined by Pansy and Daphne, obviously Pansy’s idea.
“Hello, Lorelei,” Pansy said airily, “Theodore.”
“Hello,” Lorelei watched as the two girls sat down.
Pansy sat in the chair by the fireplace as Daphne took the one on the other end, the two of them essentially surrounding Lorelei and Theo on the leather couch. Pansy narrowed her eyes at Theo as he went about his Potions homework, not even acknowledging her presence.
“Aren’t you going to say ‘hello’ to me, Theo?” the dark-haired girl demanded, hardly satisfied.
Theo took his time in looking up, blinking slowly as he stared at her in such a way that would’ve made any normal person embarrassed to have asked such a question. But unfortunately, Pansy wasn’t a normal person by any measure.
“Hello,” he replied simply, before pointedly returning to his book.
Pansy frowned, rolling her eyes. Daphne, on the other hand, watched them with great interest, finding new ways to stimulate conversation in order to hopefully keep things interesting.
“Crabbe accidentally elongated his nose today,” Daphne interrupted the silence, fishing for reactions. “It grew a whole six inches.
Theo didn’t look up from his writing. “I don’t think it was his nose he was trying to elongate.”
Daphne chuckled humorously as Pansy shot her a look. Just as Lorelei began to think she couldn’t have felt more crowded, Draco Malfoy appeared with his friends. He barged in on them, laughing at something he’d been talking about with Crabbe and Goyle, sitting down near Lorelei, leaving Crabbe and Goyle to stand.
“There you are!” Draco announced with a wide grin on his face. “Been looking all over for you lot!”
“Have you?” Theodore Nott responded suspiciously.
Lorelei took this in with curiosity. This entire time Pansy and Daphne had been pestering them, Theo had hardly lifted a finger. But suddenly, Draco Malfoy said one thing, and he had abandoned his homework entirely.
“Yeah,” Draco stated, doubling down as he forcibly inserted himself into the conversation.
Theo looked at him as if deciding whether to proceed with curiosity, or irritation. Lorelei could see a mixture of both on his face.
“You see, my father’s let slip that there’s going to be a ball on Christmas Eve,” Draco shared with the group.
Pansy spoke first, ecstatic at this bit of insider information.
“A ball?!”
“That’s right,” Draco replied with a smirk, seeming pleased with himself.
���How grand,” Theo remarked rather indifferently.
Pansy was sitting across from him, gears turning rather aggressively as she found herself desperate for an invitation from Draco. But unfortunately, this didn’t seem to be his reason for sharing this news with the group.
“So, Theo,” Draco digressed smugly, “Plan on asking anyone?”
Unamused and unaffected by the prompting question, Theo just smiled lightly.
“When the time is right,” he assured him, glancing at Lorelei who just smiled in return as she read his thoughts on his face.
“So, what, you two are like, an item now?” Draco inquired as he sat back, waiting for an answer.
Theo still wore a smirk of superiority on his face, choosing his words carefully and intentionally just as Pansy interrupted.
“Yes, they’re a thing!” she scoffed angrily. “Why is that so difficult for everyone to understand?!”
“Well, because,” Draco scoffed, practically looking Theo up and down. “She’s a lively, top-of-the-totem-pole sort of girl, and he’s… Well? A bit of a glorified gargoyle, really,” he said flatly.
Crabbe and Goyle laughed, partially out of obligation, given the fact that they weren’t exactly one hundred percent sure of the meaning of the word ‘gargoyle’. Although Draco’s words were joking, the look in his eyes certainly weren’t.
Had it been almost anyone else, Lorelei would have gone on the offensive on Theo’s behalf, but because this was Draco Malfoy, the boy who had been publicly turned into a ferret not long before, she simply allowed Theo to speak for the both of them. He just shrugged the insult off, taking pride in his maturity.
“At least we can both agree on one thing,” he offered.
“That you’re in way over your head?” Draco finished his sentence.
“That Lorelei is perfection,” Theo said simply.
She looked into his greenish blue eyes, thanking him silently.
“Yes, yes, yes, we get it,” Pansy rolled her eyes, “You love her, you can’t live without her, you can save us the eyes, and the gushing.”
Theo gave Lorelei a silent look that made her chuckle in amusement. Pansy seemed, to say the least, bothered.
“If you’ll excuse us,” Lorelei stood, clearly satisfied with the trouble that had been stirred up that afternoon, “We’ll be retiring to Theo’s dorm so that we can actually focus on our studies.”
Theo Nott gathered both of their belongings and followed suit with an undeniably proud smile on his face. The two did as they’d promised and hid themselves away in Theo’s dorm room, not to be seen until dinner time.
The silently tense dynamic of that night’s dinner at the Slytherin table was something to behold. No one said a word for the first ten or so minutes of the meal, and yet, the unease at the table was a troubling wind, not seen, yet still felt by all. Lorelei and Theo were above it all, as usual. They both enjoyed their meals wholeheartedly without a care in the world.
Although, Theo had to admit that the bitterness on Draco Malfoy’s face, along with the annoyance on Pansy Parkinson’s was perfect entertainment to go with the meal, along with the cluelessness on Crabbe and Goyle’s faces.
“Everyone’s been talking about you and Theo, Lorelei,” Melissa, another Slytherin girl, told Lorelei as she gracefully sipped on her drink. “They think you’re quite the power couple.”
Pansy nearly choked on her chicken. Her deep sense of envy was becoming rather apparent. That was supposed to be her and Draco; the Slytherin couple no one dared trifle with. Even her parents had promised her so.
“Yes, I suppose Theo and I are quite good together, aren’t we?” Lorelei smiled.
But Richard, the boy sitting on Theo’s other side, seemed to have different ideas.
“You and Lorelei Morrigan are really together?” Richard asked Theo.
“We are,” Theo replied stiffly.
Theo knew very little about Richard; he only knew that he was a fifth year. He did not know his last name, and knew nothing about him as an individual.
“That’s gotta be interesting,” Richard scoffed, taking a long drink from his goblet.
Theo turned slowly, brows furrowed. “And why is that?”
Richard laughed and shared his thoughts freely. “You’re a Nott, aren’t you?”
“So they tell me,” Theo said through his teeth, waiting for him to arrive at his point.
“That’s rich. I’m sure your father’s got lots to say about you dating the Morrigan slag,” the older boy laughed derisively, not thinking much of his behavior as he ate and drank liberally, dining like a king.
Theo’s cold blue eyes filled with hatred as he sat opposite this foul boy.
Once dinner had reached its conclusion, all the students had poured out into the Great Hall, returning to their Houses for the night. A while after, all had turned in except for two. Richard, a fifth year Slytherin boy, was making his way back to the dungeons after a rendezvous with his friends. He was the last person left in the corridor at a quarter til nine, or at least he believed himself to be before he heard the footsteps.
They weren’t loud or particularly distracting, but Richard could still hear the gentle but rhythmic tapping of luxurious black leather shoes on the stone floor. Richard didn’t notice it much at first. He didn’t even turn around until he found himself, for some odd reason, unable to enter the Slytherin dorms. There, he found Theodore Nott waiting for him as he tried to enter despite the spell Theodore had cast.
“Hey,” Richard said in confusion, seeming concerned. “What’s going on? Why won’t the door open?”
“I’ll open the door in a moment,” Theo assured him, standing there calmly as he observed. “But first? There’s something I have to do.”
Richard looked at him, clueless as he was struck by an Incarcerous Spell that bound him to the castle wall with thin silver cords. He struggled immensely, gasping.
Theo grinned, his cerulean blue eyes lighting up with opportunity.
“Crucio!” he whispered, a cruel smile on his face.
He heard a loud scream as the older boy struggled against the cords that bound him. The pain that he felt was already unbearable.
“Scream all you like,” Theo invited him, welcoming the additional entertainment. “I’ve already charmed the corridor. You could rip your own lungs apart, and they’d still be none the wiser… Crucio.”
He watched eagerly as Richard writhed in agony, crying and pleading. Veins protruded in his neck and face as he shrieked at the sheer torture of the curse. His entire head was now beet red, something Theo had never actually encountered before in his use of the Torture Curse, one of the most foul of the illegal Unforgivable Curses.
“You know, although this is a rather beautiful sight…” he thought aloud, indulging in the pain he caused. “Still, nothing could compare to Lorelei.”
Richard was barely able to listen as his eyes nearly popped out of his head from the pain.
“She is, as I’m sure you’ve noticed, the most beautiful girl in the world. An angel, really,” Theo went on. “I hope you know, Richard, she is worth all of this. And much more,” he promised with an over-enthusiastic smile.
Richard was still struggling against the restraints, seizing as the spell began to overtake his body.
Theo laughed in delight as he watched. “Remember that,” he suggested, “The next time you dare to even think of insulting her. I’ll kill you, Richard. Not even because you’re particularly capable of wounding my ego, but solely because I’m itching for a reason to prove myself.”
Theo’s eyes widened as he silently stared. Richard began to descend into a maddened panic as he began to drip blood so dark it was almost black from his nostrils and ears. Theo laughed with delight as he observed the effects of his spell.
“In all the times I’ve practiced this spell, I’ve never seen it do that before,” he confessed. “Perhaps I’m in need of a bit more practice...”
He let out another mischievous chuckle as his eyes revealed his true colors to a horrified Richard.
Chapter Five
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