#IT Jobs In Delhi
delhidreamboy · 1 month
I got so excited after seeing sluty boobs
It's call me to 💋
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mazhai · 4 months
aditi rao hydari before and after her nose job is literally grrrrrr
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grplindia · 1 month
Hiring Now MD Dermatologist, Varanasi (UP), Salary 40 Lakh , Call & WhatsApp 8188998866, 8188998899
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Placement Consultancy
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Looking for the best Placement Consultancy in Delhi NCR? Placement Consultancy offers expert recruitment services to help you find the perfect job Consultancy in Delhi.
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jobcal · 1 month
Hiring Now MD Dermatologist, Varanasi (UP), Salary 40 Lakh , Call & WhatsApp 8188998866, 8188998899 Email - [email protected]
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metamatar · 1 year
one of my friends got diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that's gonna fuse his spine in about a decade
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optistaff · 1 month
Hiring Now MD Dermatologist, Varanasi (UP), Salary 40 Lakh , Call & WhatsApp 8188998866, 8188998899 Email At- [email protected]
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nohkalikai · 1 year
i love going on and on and on here abt growing up as a christian frm a community everyone except u could read as dalit because i have 20 yrs of intense shame to express and this is my blog (and even now i feel like i have to justify this to the faces of everyone following me)
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higherstudyinindia · 1 year
Looking for the best colleges in India & Education Consultants for career counselling in MBA, BBA, Engineering, Hotel Management, BSc Nursing, PhD & Medical Colleges.
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islyingtoyou · 1 year
new beginnings, death, and peace.
[Tuesday, July 18, 2023]
it's not fucking fair.
he was to start his job from today. I went with him to his office. we talked for the entire 30-minute commute, and he was so excited to have such a high-end job right after college. we had a bit of cake that he'd baked and walked 10 minutes to his office. we're standing on the middle of the road divider when he gets a call. his grandfather is dead. dead.
i'm holding his hand, guiding him through the traffic. i'm scared he might run into the cars himself. I hug him when we're on the escalator. I hold his hand. he can't process it yet. he's still in shock. we stand outside the enormous 25-floor glass building spread over 10 acres. people walk past us laughing and talking, unaware of the tragedy that has just occurred. i let him stay silent for a while. he calls his mother. they're coming to pick him up. they have to leave for their grandfather's place. he has to talk to his boss. hopefully, he can get his documentation process done online. he talks of things unrelated. I let him.
he has to go. i disregard the people around and hug him. it takes him a while to respond, but he puts his arms around my waist. his breathing is shallow. he rests his head on my shoulders and takes a deep, shaky breath. he pulls back. i wipe a lone tear off his right cheek. we begin to walk towards the building. i kiss his hand. it's going to be okay soon, i tell him. he smiles at me, squeezes my hand, and walks away.
i stand watching until he's disappeared into the building. i want to stay right there until he gets out and goes off with his parents, but he told me to go home. i get on the subway and sit for many stops past my own. the music blasting from my earphones doesn't distract me. i can't help but think of how broken he looked. i call a mutual friend. i text my parents asking for advice. as i double back home, i text him about it, to let his emotions out, to feel, and know that i'm here for him. i tell him not to text me out of any sort of obligation, but to just let me know when he reaches the place.
i reach home and lie down on the bed. i can feel my heart breaking thinking of him and all that he has had to go through. I've never met his father's father, and yet i feel the loss as my own. i wish i could physically be there for him.
he tells me his father seems okay, except that he's driving at 150 km/hr, and he isn't sure if they'll make it out alive themselves. i pray for him. for his father. for his mother. for his grandfather's soul. they reach safely. i am over 300 kilometers away, and yet i prepare myself to be able to help him.
i don't hear from him for almost 12 hours. i spend my time in household chores and netflix. i had planned to work on his birthday gift, but this day seems like a wrong one to do so. I read about customs and last rites. i read about peace and the soul. i read about omens.
we talk around midnight. he's lying on the roof, watching the stars. arcturus and vega are bright tonight, he tells me. altair is pretty too, he says. i smile. it's soothing to me that my stars are comforting to him. i think back to the first day i pointed out stars in the sky, and he couldn't believe they were visible from a city like ours.
he says he's fine. that it was a rollercoaster of pain, observation, and acceptance. carrying the body barefoot as a pallbearer for over a mile, there was a strange feeling in him. it rained. the wood on the pyre is wet. it takes five hours for it to burn to ashes. the people stand and watch in silence. it took away the pain of loss, he said.
there are stories shared. he lived a fulfilling and happy life. they eat together in the evening - the first meal of the day. most of the extended family leaves. he stays with his parents, lying on the roof of their old house, looking up at the stars. he comes back tomorrow, he says. his parents will stay. he'll go back on the twelfth day.
he says he doesn't know what he would've done if i hadn't been there when the news came. i send a silent prayer to the gods for helping me be there at the right time. he says he thinks i'm special, and he's grateful to have me. i tell him i'm thankful to be there for him, for he's the love of my life. we smile. he has to go.
i remind him that sunrise is always going to come after a sunset, no matter how dark a night might be. i tell him i love him.
i sit in my room thinking of just the day before. we went to the temples to thank the deities for our blessings and to ask for guidance from the divine in times tough. i prayed for strength and success for him. for him to achieve every dream in life, be it with me or without. i prayed for his health, for bravery, and love. he's shown it all today.
i toss and turn, trying to sleep. it's three in the morning. i hug my pillow close. far away, maybe he's doing the same thing. maybe he's asleep. but the inability to sleep consumes me. it will continue to do so until i have him in my arms again, knowing he is safe. knowing i can help him.
my heart aches for him, and sometimes it feels like i can physically feel him and his emotions. today, there's conflict and sadness, but there's also peace. it seems as though tonight, he's finding another star to name.
pray for my love.
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grplindia · 1 month
Hiring Now MD Dermatologist, Varanasi (UP), Salary 40 Lakh , Call & WhatsApp 8188998866, 8188998899 Email At- [email protected]
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Top Computer Courses to Pursue after 12th to get placed
Looking to pursue computer courses after 12th? Unlock a world of opportunities with the best computer courses in Delhi. From web development to data science and digital marketing, these courses empower you with the skills needed to thrive in the digital age. Choose the best computer course in Delhi and embark on a rewarding career journey.
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stockvidyapeeth1 · 1 year
Online Stock Market Courses in Delhi | Stockvidyapeeth
Stock Vidyapeeth offers comprehensive online stock market courses in Delhi - designed to equip beginners and professionals alike with valuable insights and practical skills to navigate the dynamic world of stock trading. Our expert faculty and industry-relevant curriculum ensure that you stay ahead of the competition and achieve your financial goals.
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How to Become a Data Analyst in 2022?-
In the past decade, data has become of prime importance. Organizations are investing heavily to ensure the maximum yield universalize of information from the firm’s database. The need for this extract has risen after the revolution in trade brought about by data analytics. Data Analytics has revolutionized the way the higher management or the owner of the business see’s the data. The insights gained post evaluation and analysis of data and showcasing the same in a visually appealing format or report have modified the approach to business and the campaigns that the firms run to push sales and improve the goodwill of the brand.
How to become a Data Analyst With No Experience?
Data Analytics is a path of untold possibilities and is expected to grow larger than ever before. Since the revolution of digitization of records has lowered the operating costs for companies. The digitized data is stored in huge data silos called databases either through an outsourced connection or through cloud servers whichever fits the need of the business or startup. Data Analytics helps in gaining insights that might be hidden inside the data.
The future of data analytics, in general, is democratization. We have come a long way from only the statisticians or only the number crunchers being able to work with data and then hand it over to the analysts. The term that has been buzzing around the conference rooms is self-service data analytics. Being able to answer the questions of our customers which they don’t even know makes it easily achievable by employing tools like Power BI & Tableau which make it accessible to anybody. These tools do a great job of integrating and implementing a lot of features that require no coding.
Real-time decision-making based on real-time data becomes possible by taking or utilizing some of these advanced data analytics tools which help the user to create a connection between artificial intelligence and machine learning. Data analytics enables the operators to take those complex problems/issues and break them down for business users to understand whilst keeping it simple. The way Power BI & Tableau can drive insights from any basic data set extracted from any database.
Everything around us is data and we just need ways to harness, understand, learn and make good choices based on data analytics. It is here to stay and the next big wave is how do we implement it so it stays forever and continues to expand.
A Step-by-Step Guide to Become a Data Analytic:-There are basic steps with which anyone can start a career as a Data Analyst: –
Get a bachelor’s degree in Math or Computer science with priority on statistical or analytical skills.
How to become a data analyst without a degree – The easiest way to do this is to master important data analytical skills.
opt for a certification course with Analytics Training Hub to start a data analyst learning path.
Get a job at an entry-level as a data analyst.
Earn a Master’s in Data Analytics.
What does a Data Analyst do?
The job profile of a data analyst entails multiple steps, starting from: –
Discover the problem or determine what the owner needs.
Do they need a dashboard, do they need reports, do they need to do some type of analysis on their product and give some type of recommendation?
When the analysts finally get the idea of what they need to do, they have to create a plan of action.
As to when will the user be getting this data and where is it coming from.
Often it can be the user’s job to communicate that to the team.
The next thing that the user would want to do is to collect the data.
Data can come from a ton of different sources so whether that is an SQL backup, a flat file, or an API.
After extraction, the analyst should be able to get all that data into one place.
Then as a user, you would need to work with your programmers to create an extract, transform and load (ETL) process.
So, the user is going to work with the programmer to get the data, and then both the user and the coder are going to create business rules to transform it for how the data analyst wants it to look in your system.
Then the operator loads the data and this can also be known as creating an ETL pipeline.
if you have data that’s going to be coming in either weekly or monthly the operator wouldn’t want to repeat this process manually every single time.
So, creating a pipeline is creating an automated process to bring that data, in the same way, every single time and that’s going to save you a lot of time.
The very last thing is aggregating your data which just means standardizing data and putting it all together instead of having it as separate sources.
the next step would be to clean the data  Data is always messy.
Sometimes they use three different date formats, people’s names are capitalized for absolutely no reason and sometimes somebody forgets to add the customer id. So, you can’t map the patient in your system.
The analyst needs to do all this because it makes the data a lot more usable for later processes and part of this is normalizing and standardizing the data so that when you do your visualizations or your reports later all the data looks the same that can be used in any part that you need to be used in.
The next thing that the user needs to do is set up the data for reports and visualizations and oftentimes the user achieves this is by creating views.
A view allows the operator to combine several tables into one and then choose a subset of that. A data that the user wants to use for the reports and visualizations and each view may need to be formatted differently based on what the operator is going to be using it for in the report or the visualization.
Last and foremost is creating the reports and along with automation of that process so that if the owner wants it every week or every month it can just generate the report from a stored procedure or a job that automatically sends it out with the latest data every week or month.
The user can also connect that data to a data visualization tool like Tableau, power bi, python, or R.
What is the future Data Analyst job?
As per leading data connoisseurs of the data industry, the job profile of a data analyst seems to hold an extremely promising prospect in the next coming decade or two. The data Analyst job is a stepping stone and may lead to many of the below-mentioned job profiles depending on your interests: –
Data engineers:
data engineer would create the platform and the data structure within which all the data from the users would be captured for example what items they buy that is in their cart currently and what is on their wish list they have to make sure that the captured data is stored in such a fashion that is not only well-organized but it’s also easily retrievable. They should be comfortable working with every data source and employ ETL queries to collate data from multiple data sources and then organize all of this data in data warehouses or databases so that colleagues in the company can make the best use of it. To become a data engineer you need to acquire knowledge of languages such as Python, Java, SQL, Hadoop, Spark, Ruby, and C++. Now all of these are not mandatory but they vary from company to company for the job profile of a data engineer.
Business Analysts:
Business analysts are expected to draw insights from the data which would directly impact business decisions. Business analysts are directly involved in day-to-day business activities and there are a lot of ad hoc analyses that business analyst is expected to do, for example in an e-commerce company a business analyst would help the marketing team identify the customer segments that require marketing or the best time to market a certain product or why the last marketing campaign failed and what to do in future to prevent such mistakes hence for a business analyst a good understanding of business data and statistics is essential.
The tools and languages that would be most commonly used by you as a business analyst would be Excel, SQL, power bi, and tableau. Job profile of a business analyst may also be known as a data visualizer or a business intelligence professional who’s are responsible for creating weekly dashboards to inform the management about weekly sales of different products, the average delivery time, or the number of daily cancellations of orders, etc.
Data scientists:
A data scientist is a rare gem that employs data that has been existing in the organization to design business-oriented machine learning models. As a starting point, a data scientist can go through the available data of the company to look at various buying patterns identify similar items on the website, and then create algorithms around the same so that the website can automatically endorse products to the users based on the navigation history purchase of the consumer. Now this solution has to be effective enough that it can predict future purchases in real-time for visitors of the website.
Data analysts are expected to perform a lot of unplanned analyses which can facilitate decision-making within an organization. Data scientists on the other hand not only perform ad hoc analysis and create prototypes but also create data products that make intelligent decisions by themselves and this is where machine learning becomes extremely critical. For example, the suggestion you get after you buy a particular item or based on the items that you have on your wish list are because of machine learning models built by a data scientist.
The requisite skill for a data scientist is knowledge of algorithms, statistics, mathematics, machine learning, and programming languages such as Python, C, etc. They should also have an understanding of trade and the aptitude to frame the right questions to ask and find the answers from the available data. Finally, a data scientist should be able to communicate the outcomes efficiently to the team members and all the involved stakeholders.
Salary of a Data Analyst:
The salary for a Data Analyst may differ in different organizations. But, a Senior Data Analyst with the right skill and software knowledge may command a high price for the services offered.
The average salary for an entry-level Data Analyst may start from INR 2.9 lakhs per annum.
The average salary for a mid-level Data Analyst may start from INR 4.5 lakhs per annum.
The average salary for a Senior level Data Analyst may start from INR 9.5 lakhs per annum.
Some useful links are Below:
To Know more about Data Analyst visit - Analyticstraininghub.com
To Know more about our Data Analyst Certification courses visit - Analyticstraininghub.com
Must visit our official youtube channel - Analyticstraininghub.com
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forensicfield · 2 years
Contractual Basis Recruitment (6 months) in Forensic Science Laboratory, Rohini, Delhi - Forensicfield
Applications are being invited from qualified applicants to cover the 87 positions for a period of six months on a contract basis or until the regular appointment, whichever comes first, in accordance with the manner of recruitment specified against...
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