pizzahutchan124 · 1 year
Im on season 1 episode six and OH MY GOD. This show is a trip. Already we have a subtle breakdown of classism between the working middle class of Queens and the Bougie elite Manhattanites. Not only that, it makes sure to incorporate moments of humanity to what would otherwise be grade A Jerkwads.
I already have a feeling on what the shows endgame is gonna be. And if im being honest, BettyxWalter isnt it. Betty is too good for Walter.
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dinosaursatemymom · 1 year
St characters ranked by me
even though nobody asked
Lucas Sinclair
Max Mayfield
Erica Sinclair
El/Jane Hopper
Steve Harrington
Will Byers
Robin Buckley
Joyce Byers
Jonathon Byers
Mike wheeler
Dustin Henderson
Nancy Wheeler
The entire town of Hawkins
Eddie Munson
Billy Hargrove
1- do I even need to explain myself? Lucas solos, end of story, but in all seriousness this guy is just such a good person, whenever he screws up he always takes accountability and apologizes. Lucas is a green flag and good character.
2- Max is a good character, and I wish that her depression has been explored more. I think most of her sarcasm is a defense mechanism and closing off as a trauma response, which I relate to a lot as closing off is also my defense mechanism.
3-Erica is a great character, she's funny, shes nice when she needs to be and it's clear she really does care about her brother. She's wayy too young to be dealing with all the upside down stuff though.
4- El is great, and I would love to see her again her independence and more of a sense of self.
5- Steve is a good guy, he makes mistakes(like a lot) but he tries to make up for them(cleaning off the spray paint, and helping with the camera for example) I definitely think that his whole thing with Nancy this season was weird, but tbh I think the duffers just don't know what to do with him anymore. Cause he was supposed to die, like more than once. All in all I like him as a character.
6- Will is a good character I just think he needs to stop being sidelined so much, which has already been proven to come to fruition in s5.
7- Robin is also a good character who needs more screentime. I would like to see more of who she is separated from Steve.
8- Joyce is good mom, she loves her kids and really tries to help them.
9- Jonathon was a bitch for most of s1, which can be written of as trauma response. He's a great big brother. I would love to see him owning up to his mistakes better, and being honest with nancy. I'll say that the whole taking pictures thing was creepy and he should've apologized to more than just Nancy.
10- I like him, although he makes mistakes, as we all do, but he doesn't really own up to all of them. And in certain moments he was an asshole, but all in all I like him for the most part.
11- Murray is Murray. He's the chaotic neutral. He's not a matchmaker, he's just sick of everyone's bullshit.
12- I have a lot to say about Mike, but as of right now this is where he stays. Because unless he gets confirmed get with IH he's just a little shit.
13- Dustin is funny and nice, but he's also a cocky little asshole a lot of the time. He is the exact type of person I would be friends with in real life though. 😅
14- I like argyle, but he is definitely not fleshed out enough. I need him fleshed out more in the next season.
15- I don't like her very much, shes kinda just a rich entitled white girl. She strung Steve along in s2, she told Jonathon he was pulling the Oliver twist routine and barely apologized. She got all smug when Jonathan apologized. She can't take accountability for her actions well, and that just ticks me off.
16- I don't know much about them but yk.
17- I don't like eddie. I don't get why people like Eddie, he's a greasy twenty year old who basically bullies high schoolers for not being freaks enough. He also sells drugs to minors as a twenty year old. He was kinda at fault for the whole basketball dnd game thing, he acts like having any other interests is wrong and tbh he just feels like the semi-attractive white guy to ship with other semi-attractive white guy. I was sorta indifferent to him at first but then the fandom kept adding him into everything where he absolutely did not need to be. Like, no, he's not gonna come back to life and mentor Will who's gonna come out to him.
18- do I need to explain this? Really? He's evil
19- racist, sexist, greasy, abuser, likely homophobic. Just a shit person let's be real.
Okay that's it this is all my opinion though, please don't hate.
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mlobsters · 11 months
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supernatural s11e12 don't you forget about me (w. nancy won)
hookman redux? oh no it's just what's her face with the good hair and a sword. i don't remember jody's other girl *at all*. she also does not look remotely like a teenager. i know it's hard with casting young people. anyway, very cute to see jody so happy and proud.
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why is there so much weird food content in this episode, please 😭 sam and dean are so bored at home, they should be cooking more. we know they can do it! (dean, you know how happy you could make sam with something simple like this, roast chicken and mashed potatoes and green beans is dead easy and tasty and nutritious!)
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JODY This is according to the - HEY! [JODY looks at ALEX, who has tried to sneak her wine glass away.] Put it back! [ALEX puts the wine glass back.] JODY … neighborhood crime blogs that Claire has been reading. CLAIRE They're eye-witness accounts. SAM Well, we've hunted on less.
jody's face had me cackling. sam no longer the favorite son 😒
okay so. kathryn newton who plays claire is 19 and supposed to be... 19! and she looks 19. (have i mentioned how much i love her hair?) and katherine ramdeen who plays alex is 25-6 and is supposed to be... 18. sitting next to each other and bickering, it's kind of stark. also kind of funny that they mention barely recognizing her twice. not the only one. was thinking she was recast maybe, but nope
ALEX Claire did catch a werewolf. Oh right! Turned out to be a German shepherd with rabies. JODY And before that was the vampire. Councilwoman into erotic cosplay. I didn't know what cosplay was before that. Super embarrassing for the whole force. DEAN Wow. You've been busy.
i feel bad for claire but this is pretty great
CLAIRE Real life? Okay. Yeah, sure. Let's get real. You and Henry set on a weekend yet? ALEX What? CLAIRE When you sneaking off to Jody's cabin to screw yourself silly? DEAN Ohhh. Here we go.
getting her revenge, as is the sibling way.
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honestly, i'm eating this up. sam and dean could use some normal loving family dysfunction for once
JODY Hey, if we can't talk about it we shouldn't be doing it, right? Right? [SAM stutters.] DEAN What?
jody looking to the boys for backup and they're completely falling down on the job 😔 this is also weirdly topical because i've been prepping my 10 year old with information about puberty and basics of sex ed lol
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JODY And don't expect the guy, as much as I love Henry, to always show up packing. (To SAM and DEAN) Am I right? [SAM looks down at his plate and takes another bite to avoid answering. Dean stares at her blankly.] DEAN What? JODY Seriously?
useless! :p
i am reveling (obviously) in the domestic awkward bullshit.
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JODY And but even there, I feel like I should be teaching her about boyfriends, and relationships, you know, stuff a mom would teach her. DEAN Sammy and I could've benefited from a little of that.
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it's fine, i'm fine. hey maybe jody can straighten dean out and get him to talk to sam about amara. they help with the kids, she can help the bigger kids :p
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CLAIRE Maybe it's time I just head out on my own. And be a full-fledged hunter. SAM Claire. I absolutely understand the need to hunt. Believe me. I do. But the monsters are always going to be there. On and on. Forever. But a chance at a family? At a home? School? That won't be.
probably rationing the use but i think this could have done with the mushy music. feeling for claire and sam.
also that's a huge bedroom
dean trying to be stern and lecture claire and give alex's boyfriend the stink eye, silly :p
ALEX You should know… I've done some really bad things. Hurt people. I should've told you before. HENRY Everybody's done stuff they're ashamed of. I mean, there was this one kid we all tortured in middle school, I-I can't even think about it. Alex! Hey. I don't care. Whatever it is you did, I don't. Okay?
very "this is the skin of a killer, bella"
jesus bad guy is beating the shit out of jody. very effective in how they shot/edited it
LOL aaand the boyfriend is a vampire, of course. didn't see the, i tried to help you out from a bad man but you took me back to your vampire nest and got turned, story. but made sure to vanquish any sympathy we might have had for the dude after saying he turned a high school kid into a vampire just to ruin her life as revenge
good old sibling bonding over killin vampires, a classic
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adorable and always good to have more data that sam doesn't just eat salad :P
hey it's music reminding me of princess bride, i wonder if it's the same music as last time that reminded me of princess bride. that was a while ago (8x06 and 8x14 [which i included a clip of the music, dean setting up his room in the bunker with family pictures etc]). after comparing, the beginning is sorta similar but then it sort of mashes up into something else
DEAN You gonna be alright now that you're outnumbered again? JODY Ah, as long as everyone wears a condom, we'll be fine. DEAN I want that bumper sticker.
true that. told my 10 year old that it's important to know about sex and how babies get made because we don't want any surprise babies running around and the look he gave me: 😵‍💫
i think a lot of it is jody/kim rhodes but the katherine/kathryns also did great making the whole family dynamic with sam and dean work - and the writing! like hey you all can still do a good monster of the week and have really nice, touching and funny moments with the side characters - two episodes in a row! and i didn't even get disgruntled over amara drama once this episode woot woot
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fideidefenswhore · 9 months
a lot of mary stans do act like she was henry's "real" heir, certainly to dig at elizabeth, sometimes even edward. it's kind of weird bc they bring in kofa's ancestors to prove mary was more royal and so "deserved" to be queen, like it's more "fitting" that way even when her right to the throne comes from henry so who her maternal family is doesn't matter when it comes to who inherits the english throne.
they don't actually say it aloud, but they try pushing a narrative that since mary was queen after all, that proves everything henry did 1527+ was a waste of time and he should've just accepted mary was his heir and got on with life.
and the fact mary didn't have the best reign irl doesn't count to them bc all the problems she had never would've happened as england would've totally stayed 100% catholic and she'd have had about 20 kids and been the best queen ever.
it's funny bc in this au they don't seem to account for kofa probably still dying before henry meaning he could've easily remarried and had at least one son anyway. and who knows when he would've died so there's no guarantee henry accepting things would mean mary was ever queen.
i find it really hard to read anything about her bc of these people. they say they love mary but seem to prefer their au version over the real thing, like we should celebrate the perfect icon they just know she would've been which never existed, instead of actually studying who she was.
i have little to say except that i largely agree...
yeah, the...the succession act of 1543 in particularly they seem to....selectively.... understand? like, the language of that act is pretty clear. mary and elizabeth were both considered illegitimate under it, and so mary was not set as heir before elizabeth because henry 'secretly' (...lol) considered her 'more legitimate', but because she was the elder. mary also seems to have been the only heir in the sucession act whose inheritance was conditional upon the caveat that she would have to safeguard the new church settlement (although, mary and elizabeth's inheritance had the identical proviso that they could not marry without the consent of council, one which does not seem to have applied to edward vi).
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80svhstapes · 2 years
how are u a Billy stan and a person of color? he literally tried to kill a black kid, he would NOT like you. good thing he's dead tho lol!!!!! also calling him an abuser is NOT victim blaming. growing up with abusive parents doesn't mean you're allowed to be abusive back to the people around you. Johnathan had a shit dad as well, and he's a great brother. maybe Billy is just... racist and written to be disliked? also Mike is a child who makes bad choices sometimes and it's kind of stupid to call HIM an abuser and not Billy, like are u ok? do u need therapy? clearly.
he wouldnt like me? you dont fucking know that honey, he's not real
if you think its surprise that im a poc billy fan then I wonder how you are with black billy fans, yes they exist, surprising I know.
you antis seem to love to bring up jonathan to compare victims which is fucking gross by the way because for starters lonnie fucked off ages ago, Jonathan has will and joyce which gives a solid support, billy on the other hand never got escaped from his abuser and never had a support system for his active trauma.
im not stupid for calling mike abusive because that's exactly what he is, he tried to gaslight el when she broke down in front of him, called her ridiculous when she called him out on his bullshit and called her a superhero despite the fact that's not what she wants to be known for because mike makes it out that that's her only purpose when its not
not to mention that mike is sexist and he bullied max for no reason in s2 which he still hasn't apologised for but gets away with it because he's cheesecake. which is what i called rich white entitled assholes. I've dealt with a lot of them in my life. i literally have a tally in a journal.
also need i remind you that mike made a racist remark towards licas in s2? literally no one else in the group had a problem with lucas being Venkman except for mike because if something doesn't go his way he throws a tantrum like a 5 year old.
and in the lucas on the line novel, lucas sees that mike is death glaring him but he doesn't know why, the was no reason for mike to do this, the dnd campaign could and should've been rescheduled.
it says a lot about what tyoe of friends mike and dustin are since they'd rather play a board game with a 19 year old than go and support their childhood friend
the duffers tried to make an exact rip off of it's henry bowers but dacre said fuck no and gave a realistic representation of non-romanticised victims because unlike you, he knows that not every victim will not turn out the exact same specific way.
if you dont like my account and what I post stay the fuck away because your bullshit is not gonna make change my opinions that I've had for the past 5 years
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fimproda · 26 days
given X is being taken down from Brazil, many fan accounts are posting their most non filter and that could cost them be cancelled thoughts fandom wise, so which are the ones you have for the fandoms you write about? If you want forward this ask to other blogs
Oh honey, I have too many.
Hit the read more button if you're ready to embark on this rage-filled journey with me.
Let's start with The Last Hours, which I'm expecting @zoyalannister to add to.
Spoilers up to Chain of Thorns because, duh.
I'm saying this as a cis person, so my opinion probably doesn't matter at all, but Anna was way better genderfluid/non-binary representation in Every Exquisite Thing than in the actual TLH books. I couldn't stand Anna's situationship with Ari as well; most importantly, Anna should have understood that Ari was justified in her fears around coming out in early 1900s London and supported her decision. Not everyone's parents are as open and accepting as Gabrily and Cecily were for Anna.
Speaking of which, I will never be able to comprehend why Shadowhunter society in 1903 London was way more progressive than in 2007 New York. Matthew could do whatever the hell he wanted with that violinist werewolf without anyone batting an eye, but Alec had to endure rampant homophobia for daring to like Magnus. To be honest, Alec has always been a whiny existential bitch, but that's another matter entirely.
The discourse around Matthew's alcoholism and the way it was handled was, in a word, hideous. He's miraculously healed at the end of Chain of Thorns and he's about to embark on a world tour where, of course, he can be trusted not to touch a single drop of alcohol. Give me a fucking break. Cordelia not understanding that he had been drinking in Paris is just another stupid thing among the myriad stupid things Cordelia has ever said and/or done, but again, that's another can of worms I'm unwilling to open at the moment.
The scene where Matthew explains what he did to Charlotte two years earlier (three years earlier? Man, I don't even recall) only being mentioned en passant is a fucking crime and Cassandra Clare should be held accountable for that.
Sona should have died in childbirth and Charlotte shouldn't have become pregnant (or been able to become pregnant) (with twins!) at her age. The former is just dumb, seeing as, again, we're in the early 20th century, in the London Shadowhunter society, and it had already been a difficult pregnancy, so all signs pointed towards Sona ultimately kicking the bucket; the latter is unnecessary and only serves as a means to, I don't know, heal Charlotte and Henry (and, I suspect, Matthew) from the pain of losing their child a couple of years earlier.
What Grace suffered at Tatiana's hands was one step removed from being actual child prostitution, and she should have been the one to kill Tatiana. You know what, I'm not even elaborating on this. If Zoya wants to, she can have this one for herself.
CHRISTOPHER SHOULD NOT HAVE DIED. We've gone from bury your gays to bury your scientists (those who have read Rule of Wolves know who else I'm talking about) and bury your neurodivergent representation. There's a literal interlude titled "Grief" in the book and he's not even the object of that grief: the characters are grieving TWO STILL LIVING PEOPLE that have only had the misfortune of ending up in a demon dimension. He's constantly mocked and belittled by his "friends", even though he's the reason why they're still alive and why Matthew can go about withdrawal symptoms painlessly and safely. Fucking hell.
And about Christopher's death, don't come at me and say that the family tree was always meant to be wrong. I would've accepted that explanation if it had been the one given in the actual book, but instead, we got Esme walking alongside his coffin and still writing him alive, married to Grace and having two children in her Shadowhunter family tree because, like, she shipped them together?
Jesse should've stayed a ghost and his and Lucie's relationship is gross, inappropriate, and borderline paedophilic. I'm not saying any more than this; they don't deserve it.
Finally, Chain of Thorns was a trash fire of a book. Terribly paced, terribly written, and terribly thought-out in general. I will never be able to delete from my mind that ghastly scene (Cecily yelling because Tatiana has taken Alexander hostage) being written THREE TIMES IN THREE DIFFERENT POINTS OF VIEW. It doesn't work on paper, and I'll go so far as to say that it doesn't work on screen either, not when it's so packed with tension and you instinctly know something bad is about to happen. Reading that shattered my suspension of disbelief to such a degree that I felt myself leave my body, look at myself from the ceiling of my own room, and realize that, no matter what I do, I'll always be a better writer than that.
Now, ACoTaR.
Rhysand is a terrible High Lord. I've already said it once or twice on this blog, but I'll never get tired of saying it. His territory is basically split into three parts and he barely rules over one; he's the mayor of Velaris more than the High Lord of the Night Court. He has all the time and power to destroy the patriarchal, mysoginistic, overall violent and abusive social structure of both Illyria and the Court of Nightmares, he just doesn't want to.
Mor is shady as fuck and I don't trust her one bit. I'm fully expecting her to betray the Night Court and/or the Inner Circle in the coming books. The only reason why I ship her with Emerie is because she needs someone who can slap her across the face in sets of two until they add up to an odd number to destroy her and then rebuild her from scratch, because that's what she needs.
Amren should've stayed dead, and the High King thing she tried to push on Rhysand is a fuming pile of horseshit. Period.
No one, and I mean no one, in the series is a fully good or fully bad character. Not enough people understand this in the fandom, I'm afraid. Everyone has virtues and flaws: it's the balance between them, and the choices the characters make, that define them as a fundamentally positive or fundamentally negative person. Everyone is allowed to make mistakes, just as everyone is allowed to repent, apologize, and try to make things right.
Double standards are a plague in this fandom. For instance, in ACoSF, Rhysand did to Feyre a significantly worse thing than Tamlin ever did to her in ACoMaF, and I hardly ever see people holding Rhys accountable for that the way they do Tamlin. Rhysand doesn't get a pass just because he's Feyre's mate. The fact that Feyre forgave him makes things right between them in the narrative, but doesn't stop us readers from having a meta-literary conversation on this or another topic.
A couple arguing, not seeing eye to eye on something, having different opinions, et cetera does not mean that they shouldn't be together, that one character is a terrible mate for the other, that they're toxic and bla bla bla. It's just how relationships work. I see this with Nessian all the time and I can't fucking stand it. Do people seriously expect two hotheads like that to be all rainbows hearts flowers and kitty cats? Arguing is foreplay for them, for fuck's sake.
Which leads me to: Cassian isn't a bad mate for Nesta just because he doesn't take her side in a fight. Maybe, just maybe, he doesn't agree with her in that particular context. It can be argued that he always takes Rhysand's side, which is true, but fucking hell, do people have any idea how Cassian and Rhysand's lives are intertwined? How much does Cassian owe Rhys? How many years (centuries!) of history they're both acting upon? Do they think it's easy for Cassian to stand up to his brother, his companion of five centuries, his fucking High Lord?! I still maintain Cassian should tell Rhys to go fuck himself and stop being such a little shit (to Nesta and in general), don't misunderstand me; at the same time, though, I believe there are complex psycho-sociological elements at work, and I wouldn't like to be in Cassian's shoes. This is what I meant when I said that everyone is a complex character and we as readers should treat them as such: we're allowed to like a character and still criticize some of their choices, and to hate a character and still appreciate some things they've said or done.
I'm done with Velaris, Illyria and the Court of Nightmares. I want to see other parts of the Night Court. I want to see other courts. I want to see the continent. Please, Sarah, let us out of the borders of Night. Please.
The books (ACoTaR, ToG, CC, everything ever written by SJM) suffer from a severe case of bad press. They're not "fairy porn". They're not badly written. They don't send a wrong message like some other romances do. As a fandom (and, collectively, as readers), I believe we've strayed too much in one direction or the other, considering these books as either the ugliest abomination the printing industry has ever produced or the next Nobel Literature prize. They aren't either. They're silly, goofy things that still manage to be interesting, heart-wrenching, and fun.
If anyone has beef with anything I said, please come into my inbox and air it all out. I can't promise I'll reply readily because, as always, I'm studying for my last two exams and I'll be starting thesis work in a few weeks, but I'll certainly answer you sooner or later and show you exactly how and why you're wrong. (I'm kidding.) (Am I?)
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666writingcafe · 2 years
Spirit Week (The Remix)
Author's Note: I am starting my rewrite after Satan sends his congratulations sticker.
MC: He's referring to the start of Spirit Week next Monday.
Mammon: THANK YOU!!!!
Asmo: I know. I was just messing with him.
Mammon: HEEEEY!!! *angry emoji*
Satan: Spirit Week? Wait, have they made an announcement about that?
Beel: Yes, from the RAD Newspaper Club.
Mammon: Wait, you mean you knew about this too?! Seriously?!
Satan: I turned off notifications for the RAD account, so I didn't notice.
Mammon: They never shut up, do they? It's annoying.
Asmo: Yeah, I know. I turned off notifications for both RAD and Mammon.
Mammon: *angry sticker*
MC: I've been ordered to not turn off any notifications, so...
Satan: Who told you? Lucifer?
MC: Diavolo.
Satan: Never mind, then. No overriding that.
Beel: This year's themes: Monday: Wedding Day; Tuesday: Hawaiian Day; Wednesday: Pajama Day; Thursday: Pink Insanity Day; Friday: Beach Day
Satan: So, for Wedding Day, you think we can just wear a tuxedo?
Asmo: A tuxedo?! How DULL! Weddings are all about wearing DRESSES! Everybody knows that!
MC: I'm dressing up as the groom.
Asmo: Can I be the bride????
MC: No. Our marriage would immediately end in divorce, I'm afraid. We're better off friends.
Asmo: *several crying emojis*
Beel: Well, the best part about Pajama Day is that I won't even have to put on clothes when I get out of bed that morning.
MC: Don't you sleep in the nude???
Beel: No...? I wear boxers.
MC: Somehow, I don't think Lucifer's going to let you walk out of the house in just your boxers, Beel. At least throw on an old t-shirt and some sweatpants.
Beel: Are you dressing up for Pajama Day?
MC: No. I won't be able to stay awake if I do.
Mammon: The only good day is Beach Day on Friday.
Asmo: I bet you're planning on heading straight to the beach after school, aren't you Mammon?
Mammon: You betcha! *sunglasses emoji*
Satan: Well, if you're thinking of going to Siren Beach, you'd better be careful.
Mammon: Why?
Satan: Don't you remember what happened last year at the Monster Fair?
Mammon: Oh yeah, Levi released Lotan into the ocean.
Asmo: That was horrifying! *scared emoji*
Beel: *shivering dog sticker*
Mammon: *dead sticker*
MC: What was Monster Fair?
Asmo: It was sort of like a human world pet show in a way. People bring in a monster which they show off, and the best one wins.
Asmo: Do you have a pet, MC?
MC: Back in the human world, I have four cats.
Asmo: Well, I think any pet would be cuter than that sea serpent of Levi's.
MC: You really don't read the RAD messages, do you?
Levi: It wasn't a sea serpent.
Mammon: There he is.
Levi: Lotan is the seven-headed sea monster. He was my second-best friend after Henry.
Levi: He would've won first place for sure, but then Lucifer said I couldn't keep him in the house, so I had to release him into the ocean.
MC: That explains a few things...
Levi: Lotaaaaaannnnn
Levi: *crying sticker*
Mammon: Such a pain in the butt...
Satan: So, as a result, there will be no Monster Fair this year.
Mammon: They should've cancelled Spirit Week, too.
Lucifer: I won't allow it.
MC: Won't, or can't?
Mammon: *shocked sticker*
Levi: *shocked sticker*
Satan: *shocked sticker*
Asmo: *shocked sticker*
Beel: Bye, MC. It was nice knowing you.
Lucifer: Can't. Diavolo looks forward to Spirit Week most of all.
Mammon: SUCH a pain in the butt...
Asmo: How did you not die?!
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dummerhummer · 2 years
Honestly, the headline is ... uhm - it could've been better, because it triggers this kind of duh-reaction. Like, yes, we know. But it's an important read. While my corner of the internet has been mostly focused on the valid criticism (the portrayal of the main character, structure, social commentary, etc.), elsewhere the racist gatekeeping under terms like "historical accuracy" has apparently run rampant.
"While the vast majority of good faith critiques by professional critics, as well as fan reactions, stuck to discussing elements of Persuasion that were separate from race, chatter on Facebook and other social media sites reveals that racists are hiding behind fair game adaptation critiques because they serve the purpose of convincing BIPOC and new viewers not to watch the film."
And none of the other reviews I've seen have bothered to wade through the plethora of reactions to give an accurate account of it.
In another post I briefly referenced Bridgerton and now wish I hadn't, because I didn't make it clear exactly why. It shouldn't be on POC/BIPOC to give anyone the benefit of doubt, that the intentions are good, that I'm not using it as a dog-whistle.
This is one of those "the snowflake doesn't feel responsible for the avalanche" kind of situations. It doesn't really matter what our intentions are, when the result is, that we embolden racists to be racist.
Personally, I hope Cracknell & Co./Netflix double down on the inclusive casting. If they have to butcher modernize P&P and S&S, let us at least have POC/BIPOC actors in the lead roles. If I have a problem with the casting, it's that the diversity feels a little like an afterthought and not the main reason to make a new adaption. Which it should've been.
“When the suggestion came up, my reaction was ‘Sure,’” Bass recalls. “Because it’s not an issue in her time. Her time wasn’t about racial issues. Because, of course, there weren’t other races that were involved in the world that she was dealing with, so the idea of colorblind casting [worked]. Henry Golding could play Mr. Elliot because it doesn’t really matter. And Nikki could play Lady Russell. There’s no reason not to.” - screenwriter Ron Bass, LA Times 😕 (bolded by me)
Austen is for everyone!
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soldierallen · 5 years
Married. 12
Tagged @hiddlestonstansworld @lovely-geek @imcalledflorence @misz-adrii @escapistdreamer-wishfulthinker @someplxce @cuddlesforlashton @coffeebooksandfandomsohmy @weasley16 @ilovethewayyourheartbeats @vogueworthy-barnes @xeniarocks @thisismysecrethappyplace @racheo91 @gravedollie666 @inlovewith3 @supernaturaldean67 // if anyone wants to be untagged or tagged please leave a message ty♡ also I do not own any gifs or images of any kind.
Warnings: some casual crying, arguing, and a little - romance
Reminder: also a few things from previous chapters will come up!
Part 11:
Appearances: Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Henry Cavill, Chase Crawford, Morena Baccarin, Alexandria Daddario,
Her interview was going well chase was well respected and she respected him the way he held himself in the midst though she was extremely nervous.
"Thank you for your time mr crawford, and I can't believe you're with elena shes been a good friend to me for so long" she smiled shaking his hand he stood up "thank you for coming i appreciate the work you do having someone like you on this team would be a delight, elena is a good women any friend of hers is a friend of mine" he smiled, he was gorgeous she thanked him once more and she opened that big door that was extremely heavy might I add, she looked out into the office waiting room stood sat sebastian he immediately stood up to see her walking up to her quickly "so?" He rubbed his hands together waiting for the news
"I'm pretty sure I got it" She said squealing he laughed hugging her tightly "oh bug I knew you could do it I just knew it!" His hands on her biceps she was excited her life was getting back on track all because of seb, "it's like faith brought me here first elena than chase has a deal with a guy at BlackRock YOU I mean the pieces are falling together" She said with a huge smile on her face, her smile fell thinking of the shitty news shes going to tell sebastian "hey can we talk for a minute?" He nodded
"Henry doesn't like us being friendly" she air quoted the friendly bit, sebastian nodded "I don't wanna stay away from you - you mean too much to me I just need there to be boundaries about us as in-" she took a deep breath "I'm living with Henry now" sebastian was shocked "you're living with him after he told you?" Sebastian said she was more confused than ever
"Told me what"
"About the kid?" He said slowly, he knew Henry never told her or the rest of them for that matter. they kept a big secret from her he's not gonna let that slide anymore sebastian was tired of keeping secrets even if it wasn't his secret to keep..
"Seb what are you saying right now?" She felt her heart getting quicker "it's none of my business-" sebastian said whilst being cut off by a hand tugging on his shirt "you're the only person I trust right now don't make me over think it"
"Morena's pregnant, and everyone's sure it's Henry's he just wont admit to it" he felt like a snake, betraying his best friend- but y/n was his best friend too
"I'm gonna KILL HIM" her adrenaline coursing through her veins she felt angry
"No it wasn't my place to say anything we've known about it for months it was between the four of us" what he said made her angrier she stormed out of the lobby hitting the streets- she looked around for a cab near by sebastian ran after her "doll what are you doing"
"What does it look like I'm doing" she pushed the hair out of her mouth quickly "he's getting a piece of me" she hailed the cab and sebastian jumped in her hands shook, he wanted to ruin it for Henry because well Henry didn't deserve her and I don't deserve her neither - however at least I didn't keep something like this from her.
he was in love with her he wanted to marry her. All along hes lied to her countless of times that he wasn't interested he didn't want her when he was lying the whole time.
"doll slow down" his hand crept up on her thigh "how could you all LIE TO ME" she shouted being angry warm fuzzy feeling in her stomach alerted her what was making her feel like that? His hand on her skin the small light touches of his finger tips sweeping across her thigh.
"it wasn't our place to say anything." He kept his word, a phone call from sebastian's phone he looked at it, it was Henry. "Is that him?" She asked and he swallowed "answer it on speaker" "Hey" he answered holding the phone in the palm of his hand so she could hear the speaker turn on
"seb I called your office they said you skipped work today? For a special occasion?" her heart shuttered knowing he skipped coming in to be with her, he always did stuff like that she just thought he's being my friend I'm always just going to be his friend she looked at him with a bit of dreamy eyes and slowly she stopped herself coming back to reality that Henry was going to be a father.
"Yeah everything went great" he smiled to himself and she saw his smile "listen Henry where are you?" He asked
"Well I was calling you for a drink me and the guys are at that bar" he said with a laugh
"Oh okay I'll meet you there" he hung up "y/n let's not do this in public it's bad press" he said trying to lighten the mood and she didnt take note to it, "sebastian this isn't funny I'm being lied to for 8 fucking months without a soul telling me otherwise that Henry's going to be a father"
"Hey can you make a right here" sebastian said while she was talking
"I can't fucking believe it" she crossed her arms over her chest spreading her legs like a little kid would when they would have a tantrum, then finally arrived to "Jameson's room" a stuffy bar with a pool table
"Seb glad you cou-" Anthony said as he saw who walked in behind him, y/n.
"Hey baby what are you doing here" Henry smiled ready to grab her hand and kiss her cheek lovingly when he saw her face
"Can I speak to you outside?" She tried to make it sound like she wasn't so angry but it came out worse
"Darling what's wrong?" He got up from the stool slowly about to grab her hand she pulled away "woah alright what the hell?" He was offended "outside now" "no whatever you want to say you can say it here" "I don't think that's a good idea" sebastian interjected "SEB" she said he held his hands up in defense taking a step back
"Okay let's talk right here! you got Morena pregnant and didn't even THINK to tell me you're going to be a father?" she felt like the whole room went quiet Chris turned pale as did Anthony their blood ran cold.
"How did you find out" Henry said he was shaking he was scared, God she's never seen him like that. He knew in his heart this is going to set her off it's over.
"It doesn't matter, but what does matter is I've poured my heart out my soul my bank account to all of you, and you kept this secret from me letting me start to date you when you had you're own SHIT to deal with, I was going through a hard enough time getting over sebastian and his fucking marriage you swept me off my feet making me feel whole again" she felt a tear form she quickly stopped herself
"I called Morena she told me herself she was the women you were having sex with at the hotel am I right or wrong?" She lied she never called Morena she just wants to know if the pieces match up. Henry cleared his throat "yeah" "you know Henry you said to me not so long ago We need you happy we need you healthy you are only hurting yourself, but in the long run you've been hurting me this entire time" she shallowed back her tears
"I trusted you, I trusted Chris, I trusted Anthony- you know I thought for once things were different this time and you would stop lying to me stop keeping secrets from me but no, it's still happening."
with that she opened the bar door leaving out of their lives "doll" sebastian ran after her, Henry now suspicious he runs right after him.
"Sebastian I can't look at you" she was already crying he was steps away from her she was looking at the sky her back was turned, he knew she was happy today however he couldn't let Henry have her because of what he did.
"I said I was happy for you when you chose Henry- for 10 minutes, I took a girl up to my room I pulled her clothes off and I kissed her I thought maybe she would fill the void like I always do." Seb yelled out from afar
"And I knew she wasn't you, nobody was you, that night we sat on the hood of my car, we talked about how lifes been treating us since the move, and I couldn't get you out of my head when i went home I should've seen it all before but it was my fault" she turned to look at him
"I almost got married to a women I hate because i thought i was in love with her because she filled the void for the first time i was amazed by infatuation" Henry's heart was beating so loud in his ears he felt a sudden pressure in his head hearing these words come out of his friends mouth.
"I lied, we all did, because we thought he was gonna tell you we begged him for months to say anything. He never said a word that isn't on me or Chris or Anthony it's on Henry"
"do not turn your back on us" she felt tears form in her eyes once again, she quickly tried to stop herself
"I trusted you God I trusted all of you! I thought we were done with secrets when we caught her cheating on you, where were you when I needed you when I was in my darkest moment" she argued she pushed his chest over and over he took it he deserved it "he's here now please don't turn your back on me" he whispered so softly and in his gentlesy voice she finally broke down in his arms they got closer to the ground every couple seconds until they were both hugging sitting on the side of the pavement cars passing along not knowing what was unfolding on the streets, mindless.
"As soon as he walked in with her I knew, just something in my gut said sebastian told her everything" Henry sipped out of his beer, playing with the small coaster underneath "his finally got her, by default." He sipped his beer and with a disgusted look on his face he grabbed his jacket and left
her head in his chest, his hand cradling the back of her head his lips pressed against the top, "I'm still mad at you" she said tears streaming down her face "I know it's okay, I'm not looking for forgiveness I'm looking to be apart of your life again maybe it wi take you years to forgive me and I'm just gonna have to wait for you like you've waited for me." he kissed her hair and they untangled themselves from each other "I'm gonna get us a cab sleep over tomorrow we'll search for an apartment" he lend her a hand to stand up and she took it "you know I'm tired of crying over you" she tried to lighten her mood, he gave a sad smile and hugged her side "I'm sorry for all the tears doll" he wiped them for her they grabbed a cab and headed off to his apartment,
She was in his room, he opened his draws and looked for clothes for her just until tomorrow he side eyed her every move she looked around his room, her fingers caressing his picture frames "when was this" she asked he looked at her, it was a photo of all of them in front the fireplace at Anthony's house, her head laid on sebastian's shoulder and the other three boys laughing at something, she' never saw this photo until today.
"remember we all went to that football game and it started to pour Anthony's house was the closest to the school we got soaked and spent the night at his place" he said packing a shirt for her and sweatpants which were incredibly loose
"Oh yeah I forgot about that night, Anthony's mom took that picture, i miss her" she remembered and smiled to herself she got closer to sebastian as he handed her the clothes
"thanks for letting me crash here, I'll be out of your hair" she said about to walk out the room her back turned to open the door "what if you don't crash here" he shut one eye with his face scrunched up
"Sebastian I cant-" his face relaxed he shushed her "let me finish, pay rent to me same rent you paid in your shit apartment you have your own room you can share an office with me kitchen bathroom oh the backyard you lost your virginity in" he smiled at the last part and she came closer to him so she could hit him in the shoulder which made her laugh slightly his eyes were glued to her smile
"Hows it sound?" He desperately awaited her reply
"I don't know.." she didn't want to live with anyone she wanted to be alone but maybe it's better to live with sebastian? Living with Henry I was living with a boyfriend if I live with seb... it's my best friend hes like my roommate..
"You don't have to make the decision now of course" he reassured her, "give me some time I'll think about it".
It's been a few days her crashing with sebastian she hasn't spoken to chris anthony or henry but at least she saw Henry when she picked up all of her stuff he looked drained, however he was happy and she knew he was happy- "y/n can I talk to you" morena said as she sat in the frame of the door sebastian looked at her and she looked at sebastian
"okay?" She said and a sudden arm pulled her back a little "be careful don't anger the pregnant women" he whispered, she walked away with Morena
"Listen I know things are bad between you and Henry but he loves you he always has don't cut him out of your life for a lie just because he didnt want you to look at him differently, come to Christmas dinner everyone is coming bring sebastian make amends" she was being nice and sweet how could she even argue "Morena I don't know it's strange now i can't come to terms with being friends with Henry after all that..." she said Morena nodded "okay there's a seat open for you, come if you'd like" she said going to Henry in the kitchen she walked back into the bed room with seb "what was that?" Sebastian whispered "she invited me to Christmas dinner" she whispered back
"Are you going?" He whispered taping a box shut
"No" he nodded taking the last box out to the car, she came in the kitchen morena was talking to Henry, Henry stopped looking in her direction looking right at y/n and she turned as well
"Uh well that's all of it...I'll see you sometime h." she said
"y/n" she heard his voice for the first time in days, her eyes looked directly at him "are you...are you happy?" His voice seemed so groggy, "I am, I've always been" she walked out of the door she saw a big van sebastian leaning on the car a beanie covering his head his hands in gloves the snow flurries falling on his jacket "come on doll your chariot awaits" he laughed loudly she closed the door behind her, a new chapter it was starting..slowly
"Do you really want to do this right now?" She looked at sebastian dead in the eyes and he looked right back at her "is this a challenge y/n are you challenging me????" Sebastian said getting up off the paint splattered floor his hair had bits of dried paint his hands covered in it her shirt was covered in paint as well as her hands, whilst music played loudly they fought with white and grey paint he wiped it on her face which started the whole fiasco, and here we are two idiots who are desperately in love with each other covered in paint not thinking about what the future might hold or what about tomorrow, it's today and right now.
She tripped slightly over a paint brush on the floor he tried to grab her before she fell and they both fell side by side, they looked at the ceiling she got on top of him her legs are either side of him "I'm tired can we take a break?" Sebastian said laying on his back looking up at her
"Where do you expect me to sleep?" She said putting a little wet paint on his nose, she stood up and she gave him a hand up
"In my room duh?" He said she pushed his shoulder and he pushed hers, they finished up with the room and put all the furniture back and new furniture as well, that was hell to build she thought.
There was a knock at door, "hey doll can you get the door for me" sebastian said whilst washing his hands, she nodding going to the door.
Will she ever go away?.
"Alexandria" she said
"Y/n" she said with a small laugh she was clearly annoyed that I had answered the door, "where's sebastian"
"None of your God damn business go home." as y/n was about to shut the door on her face she stuck her foot to block it from opening hitting y/n in the face with the door a freak accident
"What's going" sebastian said as he panicked from the loud noise of y/n's face hitting into the door as Alex was now in their home.
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