allpiesforourown · 3 days
Luo binghe in the abyss:
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Based on below
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scaredforboomboom · 4 months
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when people ask me whats my dream job
"oh my god it's time for ~✨oogschaduw✨~"
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Abu Dhabi 2017
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thetimelordbatgirl · 6 months
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Okay no joke, when talking about Marvel deciding the straights need rep in Marvel Pride 2024 with a friend on Discord, I straight up joked: "god imagine its a straight x-men next to a gay x-men just, "see??? they allies!"" And low and behold...that's what Marvel's straight allies covers actually are: straight character paired up with lgbt+ character. They literally were so desperate to represent the straight characters, they didn't even think of how to do the damn covers themselves. Hell, remove the 'MARVEL VOICES PRIDE' writing from both and would you even know this was for pride??? You literally wouldn't, because there's nothing to show that, not even a flag at least.
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stormypip7 · 4 months
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In the bookshop, I scanned over the manga section and saw the spine. I didn't think it was actually the right thing, but oh my god it was. I had no plans of spending money in there, but what the hell; it's not every day you find an unexpected book!
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izayoichan · 9 months
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After being told by a friend I could play RDR2 online without having to deal with other people.. well let's just say I did, and it is still the best horse game out there for me. Not played very long yet, but I am enjoying just galloping around the beautiful world once more. (Need to sell a lot of hides to get my silver dapple horsy back!)
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Thinking about him.💛💛
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thegreatspacehobo · 1 year
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por qué¿?¿?¿? Q_Q
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gortrash · 1 year
not even the loss of solid ground will keep the thalmor from their duties
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deedoop · 2 years
CW: Non Sexual Puppy Play
Tommy stood in the cramped bathroom of the apartment, the sound of his breathing loud in his ears. He was nervous, he shouldn’t be, but he was. Trying out a new kink was always nerve-wracking even if Billy would say a million times over it wasn’t a big deal. Between the pounding of his heart, he raised his head and looked into the mirror.
A thin silver chain wrapped around his neck, a dog tag hanging off of it. With each breath it clinked against the metal that held it. His eyes met his own in the reflection. His entire head was covered by the pup hood he wore. It was tight, the neoprene still smelled new. The thickness of the material muffled the noises around him making it hard to hear. He took a breath, his chest rising and falling. He could remember still Billy picking it out, cooing that Tommy would be such a cute pup and that, “Blue would look so cute on you baby.” Now here he was, wearing the blue hood.
He gingerly touched the snout, God this was silly. Silly and weird, he couldn’t stop the bubbling of laughter in his chest. It helped to laugh. Sex was silly and weird in general and Tommy realized he was taking this too seriously. The butterflies did not leave his chest, they fluttered and panged with anxiety, but he felt more sure of himself. He took another deep breath into his lungs, slapped his cheeks which he could not really feel beneath the neoprene, and nodded his head firmly.
“Puppy? Puppy!” Billy’s voice was calling across the apartment, it was light and gentle; it made Tommy feel even more at ease. The bathroom door creaked open, the puppy boy emerging from its walls. This was a fairly casual affair, Tommy dressed in sweats and a hoodie, Billy in his jeans that if Tommy let him he would sleep in. With one last calming breath, Tommy came into the living room.
“Oh there’s my puppy boy.” Billy chuckled, immediately reaching forward and lightly scratching the top of Tommy’s head. Even though he couldn’t feel Billy’s skin, he could feel the pressure and it made him sink even further into the touch; his head leaning into Billy’s rough hand. Tommy almost spoke before a blush unseen crept into his cheeks. Right. Dogs didn’t talk. He let out a content chuff, shaking his head vigorously before butting into Billy’s chest.
“You miss me?” Billy hummed quietly, scratching at Tommy’s nape. With ease he guided the puppy onto his lap, letting him curl up on the couch. “Just this once for a treat.” Billy patted his rear and leaned back, turning on the tv. They just sat there, Tommy content, head resting against the warmth of Billy’s torso, on the softness of his lap.
Billy may have looked nonchalant, but he was thinking an awful lot, barely paying attention the show that was playing. His hand lazily rubbed against Tommy’s head, his own thoughts racing. He honestly didn’t know if Tommy would do this, but here they were, Tommy zoned out and definitely sinking further and further into the headspace by the minute. Billy had been wanting this, not just for himself but for Tommy too. They could both benefit from this. Tommy especially who struggled so terrible with self image and praise; Tommy who quite literally would recoil from a compliment and could not fathom the idea even after dating so long of Billy loving him no matter what.
Billy had his own reasons for engaging in puppy play. He didn’t know if this would turn sexual as they got more comfortable or not but Billy didn’t care either way. For him, it was caring for another individual, the trust placed between them, the comfort of it, but it was also being able to control as odd as it sounded in Billy’s mind. The control of a situation, of another, it allowed comfort, Billy knew what was coming next, what was happening and what would happen. Plus who didn’t love a beautiful man submitting to them?
Evidently Billy had stopped petting, had gotten lost in his racing thoughts, because Tommy was whining, sharp and high pitched, nipping at Billy’s hand for more. Perhaps that was another thing, being wanted. Billy swatted against his side lightly, “Bad. No biting.” His voice was firm but still quiet, his fingers gently rubbing against the fabric of Tommy’s grey hoodie. The pup relaxed once more. Tommy was absolutely relaxed, his butt wiggling a bit, content grunts and growls occasionally coming forth.
As they would get more comfortable, Billy would need to get toys from Tommy, toys and accessories, to help him fall deeper into that headspace. Hell maybe a leash. Billy chuckled a bit like that, “Yeah baby, gonna have to get you some chew toys huh? Some toys and a leash.” He didn’t even notice he was baby talking his boyfriend. Tommy was mesmerized, his butt wagging harder. “And I’ll have to get you a tail huh?” and at that Tommy barked, loud and clear, moving up and licking a big stripe up Billy’s face.
They needed this, need the love and comfort, and Tommy made the perfect puppy.
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plutoandpolaris · 2 years
Anti as the Pure Evil Villain Archetype
Ok guys before we start, the ground rules:
1. ANY AND ALL INTERPRETATIONS OF THE CHARACTER ARE VALID. This is just my thoughts/theories about canon Anti and the direction his character could go in. If you’re not a fan of that, that’s cool! I am not god, nor am I your mother, and my opinion only has the weight that you give it.
2. A lot of this was inspired and informed by Overly Sarcastic Production’s video on The Pure Evil Villain from their Trope Talk series. Go watch it, it’s great.
Cool? Cool.
Anti, right? We know next to nothing about his motivations, nor his backstory. What I’m arguing here is that, more or less, none of that matters.
The Pure Evil Villain is basically what it says on the tin. Throw out all of those corrupted paragons and complicated sad bois, pure evil villains are in it for the love of the game. Think basically any Disney villain, I’m gonna be using Bill Cipher as an example here. What is his backstory? Who knows! Why is he doing what he’s doing? Because it’s fun and because he can. He says it’s because his dimension is dying, but that’s barely an excuse and he knows it. Bill does what he does because he craves power and control over others. Sound familiar?
Back to this guy:
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What we know for sure is that he craves two things: control and attention. Those are his ultimate goals. EVERYTHING he does is to accomplish one (or usually both) of those things. More or less all he’s done in the six or so years we’ve known him is take over people’s bodies and parade them in front of us, the audience. I argue that he pulled us out of the camera in Anomaly Found for the same purpose: to watch. He HAS to have an audience to adore and fear him.
Pure evil villains are defined by their very simple goals and motivations. Anti isn’t doing this for some ulterior motive, he’s doing this because it’s fun, because he’s a power hungry egomaniac. A lot of people seem to think that having a villain with simple goals and motivations is bad writing, but done well, it really isn’t! Tell me you aren’t entertained watching a Disney villain own the space, singing about how evil they are while cackling maniacally. These guys are FUN! They are pure charisma, pure confidence, and because of their very single minded goals, they are very dangerous.
These guys aren’t gonna have a change of heart. There is no redemption here. If the protagonists don’t get this villain out of the way, they’re fucked. However, due to their simple motivations/goals/worldview, the pure evil villain is rigid, meaning they’re liable to shatter like glass once their status quo is disrupted. Thus triggers the glorious
Once that status quo is disrupted, all bets are off, and pure evil villain in question usually completely shatters. I think that Anti’s third act breakdown will come when someone, anyone, finally breaks through his control. So far, that hasn’t happened. Every single person he has possessed has lost that fight. As far as Anti is concerned, he is God. Thus, his breakdown would come when someone finally beats him, proves to him that he can lose.
I think Anti only has one fear: being puppeted like he does to everyone else. Being on the other end of those strings, entirely helpless, with no control over the situation. What happens when Anti truly and completely loses? For some villains, this is the end. For others, they pull themselves out of the ashes even worse and more dangerous than they were before. Which way will Anti swing here?
I’m so excited to find out.
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paintedcrows · 26 days
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They do this every year...
Happy 25th to Dipdop and Lebam!! and Happy 17th to Hatsune Miku!! 🎉🎉
(comic continued: The M&M stands for...)
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snippit-crickit · 3 months
i made this exactly one year ago and i still think the idea for it is good
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it can happen to you every moment PSA please dont rotate 2d creatures
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willgrahamscock · 6 months
not now kitten, daddy's about to have a mental breakdown from seeing the prices at the grocery store
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cottoncandysprite · 1 month
Does tumblr know about the animation union yaoi yet
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chiisana-lion · 7 months
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