#like its funny cause people said on twitter if they really wanted to do this it should have been the allies with you know
thetimelordbatgirl · 6 months
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Okay no joke, when talking about Marvel deciding the straights need rep in Marvel Pride 2024 with a friend on Discord, I straight up joked: "god imagine its a straight x-men next to a gay x-men just, "see??? they allies!"" And low and behold...that's what Marvel's straight allies covers actually are: straight character paired up with lgbt+ character. They literally were so desperate to represent the straight characters, they didn't even think of how to do the damn covers themselves. Hell, remove the 'MARVEL VOICES PRIDE' writing from both and would you even know this was for pride??? You literally wouldn't, because there's nothing to show that, not even a flag at least.
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deezneezz · 1 month
Leona & ADD
I got a few ppl (on twitter) wanting me to elaborate on Leona and ADD, so I figured I will share my thoughts here as well, please be nice it's just a personal hc. You don't have to agree at all!! Since it contains some personal experiences I ask of people to please be kind about it!
Anyway, Leona and ADD.
I think a lot of people usually agree on Floyd and Kalim having ADHD, but Leona actually shows a lot of lesser talked about traits of ADHD. Namely Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD), sensitivity to clothing/textures (he doesn't like restrictive clothes).
He also has the more commonly talked about traits of course, executive dysfunction being a big one. And his depression definitely exacerbates these traits, when i was undiagnosed and depressed i used to sleep my entire days away. I wasn't getting anything done anyway.
Not to mention not sleeping properly, so I was desperate to find moments to sleep during the day. I've slept on floors, on toilets, in an abandoned corner in uni instead of going to class. I was just *so* tired all the time I didn't want to sit in class, I wanted to sleep.
I was lucky I passed classes without studying, cause i would've never gotten through uni otherwise. I still took longer than necessary. The moment my support system (Ruggie, anyone?) graduated and left I had no one taking care of my basic needs, and I certainly didn't.
I had a dorm mate who cooked for me, made sure I had even an ounce of self-care, and also looked at my room and said "hmm, Deniz, maybe it's time to clean up a little" and then I very reluctantly admitted that it may have gotten a little out of hand.
She would just sit in my room sometimes chilling around while I cleaned cuz that was one of the few ways I cleaned at all (this is a real thing for ADHD, called body doubling. It works). Ruggie arriving at NRC and Leona suddenly performing tons better in school is no coincidence.
Coming back to RSD.. I mean I don't really have to explain it do I.. book 2, Lilia's scathing remarks, the shame of disappointing his dorm, etc. I know a lot of ppl call book 2 an 'overreaction' but like, this is genuinely what it feels like internally when RSD triggers
book 6 too, Jamil's over-protectiveness is clearly (to the audience) smth that's mostly Jamil's own habits and trauma doing. But to Leona it's a rejection/insult to his ability to take care of himself, his skill, etc. This was genuinely smth that set me off too.
"How dare you try to explain to me smth I already know, do you think I'm stupid?" "You're not like me." The unwillingness to admit that someone may be relatable in any way because making any comparison to yourself makes you vulnerable to what you haven't achieved for yourself.
"I would ace these classes too if I wasted my time and life studying as much as they did, but I actually love myself." <- guy who was jealous and did not know he was coping and didn't study cause of executive dysfunction and concentration issues.
Leona clearly knows a lot about the things he genuinely cares about, Ancient spell language, chess, magishift, so its kind of funny to see him so low effort in classes. Though honestly i know the game also says that "Leona already knows all this stuff" so.. who knows really...
Now I'm more chill but I used to legitimately go off the handle a little cuz RSD doesn't really care about whether the shit u feel is proportional to the offence it physically hurts in your chest and you just wanna burn down the world at that exact time and... IS THAT NOT LEONA...
TLDR: give Leona therapy and meds, lol.
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lusi-raul · 1 year
I’ve mentioned it on a reblog post before but since Slime might be returning soon I’ll say it again.
Forever’s theory about the eggs might have some credibility to it. He said that the eggs might be the people who were once inhabiting this island who were captured by the federation and made to act like eggs wiping off their memory? At first it might sound crazy but people keep on overlooking one thing. Gegg and q!Biden. Yes I know that people know very well who Gegg is, q!Biden? I don’t know but even Gegg made it to the twitter eggstatistics. People have just been treating Gegg like a goofy side character of Slime but if we look deeper into it we see that we have overlooked alot of details regarding this “egg”.
I think it is quite clear that q!Biden and q!Gegg are actually Maxo and Slime disguising as eggs. But lore-wise how can we explain how they can do that? They are different from other CCs who have other characters like Melissa is actually Roier’s cousin (I don’t know how true this is) and his Grandfather (I can’t find an explanation as to how they got into the island in the first place but another time for another topic) or Quackity and El quackity. Gegg was not introduced as a separate character from q!Slime and the same for Maxo as Roier is in on the plan of Maxo infiltrating the school.
If admins within the server are part of the federation, it means that they have the power to transform the island inhabitants into eggs via Gegg and q!Biden and probably into other entities too. It’s not like Slime and Maxo are like “I want to be egg” and poof they are egg. Someone had to have the power to transform them into one. Maybe q!Biden’s case can be a different story since he is the only egg who visually looks so different from the rest of the eggs but for Gegg? He looks so much like an actual egg that he passes as a real one. He was even provided with the signs the eggs initially had. Someone in charge behind the existence of the eggs must have been the same one who gave Slime the ability to turn into one.
Also we haven’t been able to discover the remnants of the existence of the Dragon within the island. I know the Dragon mother left but what about the traces of its existence? A dragon cave or a dragon scale? The nest which the baby eggs were left in? Where could be this dragon’s home before it left? The video that played when they introduced the eggs specifically said the dragon lived within the island. Not in another dimension like the end.
It could just be impulsive story telling where the writer writes the story as it goes without an outline but even if it is, this can be good to be explored and considered by the ones in charge of the overall lore.
I will repeat how funny it is for me that Slime and Maxo probably just thought of a funny bit and went through with it without realizing its potential to affect the overall lore. Like they just thought it’d be fun to act as eggs in a stream not knowing how integral it could be to the story. Imagine a funny bit turning into the hidden backstory of the eggs’ existence all because Slime wanted to be an egg for a stream to troll people.
Although, my crazy theory that I pulled out of my ass is, maybe Slime did it on purpose to find out what really happened to Flippa in order to bring her back. He went undercover convincing the feds to give him the power and information to infiltrate them more successful than even Cellbit ever did because the feds underestimated Slime’s potential to destroy them and bring them to light. That could explain his disappearance and he succeeds and saves the other eggs and reunites with Flippa?
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luffythinker · 2 days
can i introduce to my latest obsession?
Astro royale
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i come from my hero so i keep calling their powers "quirks" but it's like my hero except family centered and we are smack dab in the middle of "quirks" being a thing, and everyone is using their powers to try and rule the world sort of. everyone says this manga is trash but i look on twitter and everyone says the author is cooking every chapter, and i was reading it myself cause i remembered after tokyo revengers ended they said the author was making a new manga and it looked interesting so i picked it up not many days ago
people were complaining about how the artist style is "stiff" and other stuff that doesn't matter like "hating the designs" and "the story is dumb" or something stupid like that that makes me feel like they didn't read it or just hate this creator cause he ended his other manga in a way that upseted ppl, but i love this manga so far 12 chapters in and it's such a good story and i got attached to the characters so fast i love my kids so much and i love this manga and i want other people to love it too
it's like, theres a yakuza family ok? and there are 20 brothers? i think or less, the protag is the only blood related brother everyone else is adopted from rival gangs or whatever, and the father wants him to be the next leader - if something happens to him - i don't wanna spoil it but it happens in the first chapter and it's part of the plot but the dad yeah he kicks the bucket and tells protag your gonna lead this organization, the shooting stars fall everyone wishes on their items and gets super powers based off their wish and now everyone's fighting to be the top dog BUT WITH POWERS
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they are literally my favorite little guys ever, please give it a read or add it to your list it's so interesting to me
okay this is either gonna be really funny or just really awkward 😭
i actually know and have read this manga, i know wakui from tokyo revengers a manga series i really really loved and followed it until the end, and yeah im one of the people that wasn't happy with the ending for many reasons.
so when i heard he was making a new manga i was skeptical but still wanted to give it a try bc tokrev really captivated me from the first couple of chapters, i think for someone that isn't familiar with his writing style and art astro royale can feel really good!! so i totally understand the people that like the manga, but I think its a bit unfair to say other people (like old tokrev fans) complain about "things that don't matter", because yeah some of his art is a bit stiff, but for me my main issue is that i couldn't really connect with the characters because they look a LOT like a lot of other tokrev characters, so in my brain it's a bit difficult to fully separate the characters i knew and loved from these new ones that look a either exactly like one of them or just a mix of others (but this is my personal issue with the manga), i read it up until chapter 10 and i wasn't really feeling it so i dropped it for now, i might give it another try in a few months
now about the story itself I think the idea and plot is really cool, i was super curious about the idea of people getting powers associated with something that is personal to them, im not really big in yakuza/mafia plots tho so that wasn't a selling point for me, but i totally understand for people who are interested in this concept that the story would be really cool to see it developing
so yeah i dont hate astro royale, i dont hate wakui, but I can understand the feelings of people who were not satisfied with the end of tokrev as well, this would create a certain skepticism to how we will handle this story. what i can say is that hopefully he learns from it, because his story telling and character build in tokrev were pretty amazing for like 70% of the manga, i was begging my friends to read it a couple of years ago so i do think he is super talented, and i really hope he can have a good run with astro royale! and i hope you keep enjoying the story
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neoncat666 · 5 months
extremely long shadows over welde character analysis post
by extremely long i mean its fucking 3k words cause I go too silly.
Spoilers up to ep 8 and its mostly rambles so apolocheese. I also posted this on my twitter so if u saw it there here's an actual text version LOL
Oh my god. You are soooo…… First of all, in the story we’ve gotten this. Argentum is a strong headed, curious person who is a bit stubborn and holds themself at a bit of a graceful appearance on the outside. They are smart, witty, but also a bit of a temper especially when it comes to frankly a little stupid ideas. They are also kind and care for others. We were shown from the beginning that they enjoy their work and meeting fans and even with people they just met are willing to help them stay safe. Also they’re a little dumb. Sometimes curiosity overrides rational thinking and that was shown when they touched the weird fucking webbing in the cave and also that ENTIRE plan when there was the confrontation between Vhaeraun and Lolth which was fucking actually crazy. This isn’t even beginning to talk about the head friend. I am constantly thinking about that voice and who that could be. Brings us speculation around them. Argentum is not human, or at least fully human. Their eyes are def not human and Hayden is a silly lil guy who would pull a trick like that. There was one speculation on them possibly being a Kalashtar and I think it could fit but honestly for now it hasn’t been on my forefront. I also bought the inscriptor class finally and was looking at how possibly they were built. What stats what subclass ect. I don’t fucking know.. Now you might be asking “Hey why don’t you just ask?” CAUSE IM SCARED. But honestly cause I wanted to see if I could figure it out myself lmao. It boiled down to either Mystery or Historian subclass is what Snail helped me narrow to. Could be wrong tho. There’s also little tidbits about Argentum that have come from outside the sessions like when I asked if they had a canonical birthday cause “celebrating fictional characters birthdays is cringe” “fuck you happy birthday argentum” is funny. Still honestly wanna know if any of the party has canon birthdays. I got hit with the “Oh they don’t know their own birthday.” and then swindled. There was also the discussion on Hayden’s pcs never really having parents or family and Argentum was included in that list which more or less got confirmed in session this episode (7). I still don’t know their motives, still don’t know their relationships with others because it seems everyone is connected to someone except Argentum, and I still don’t know who their patron is and if that is the same as the voice in their head. Love the silly though
Fifi….. Not much was known about you until today and holy shit did it rock my world. Before we had known he was the apprentice to Ipswich and was sent in his place as guest of honor. We also then found out he was a spy working on tailing Lolth and that’s kinda all we knew about Phoenix for a bit, at least heavy lore wise. He’s a sarcastic, witty, bitch and I love him so much. I could never surpass Snail as Phoenix Enjoyer but it’s close. We learned a bit more during the nightmare drink sequence where he met his patron and got his powers fucking zapped. A couple things stood out to me from it. How his patron looked and specific wording from Phoenix. We know Ipswich isn’t mortal anymore but Phoe had said something along the lines of “I’d get my ass kicked and be right back here the next day.” He is surrounded by death or even just the undead. His patron deals in undead magic and I don’t think if Phoenix gets knocked down he wouldn’t be back again looking all fine the next day. We don’t know his patron’s name which like. Fuck. but lmao. Anyways Ipswich is tracking him like crazy and says he has this important quest although we don’t know a lot of Phoe’s thoughts and feelings on what he’s doing. To me it almost seems like he’s a tool or pawn for others and idk if I can fully call him a good person. Doing a bit of research into his pact and such it seems that he’s just going to possibly lose more and more humanity as he gets stronger but also i couldn’t tell you how much he has already. There’s also the whole cousins and throne thing that got dropped this episode. It seems his family is also involved with this whole scheme but Phoe is the favourite of the bunch. The idea that he could possibly be royalty was also thrown around and i think if he was like secret prince it would be from a large family all vying for a throne or he is working with Ipswich and others to usurp the current ruler and take the power for himself. Although knowing Fifi it’ll probably be like a secret third option. Not much except he’s so 90s movie older sister to me and the fact Ipswich runs a school for swindlers which is kinda funny.
Babygirl. Pookie. Love of my life who I want to kill me. God. This is now my love letter to you. I saw you across the bar and thought you were sooo scary and I’ve been enraptured ever since. Anyways that’s a freak. He’s not the most talkative and seems more lonely despite everything. They’re funny, loyal, kind, and ruthless. We didn’t get much for Sunder for a bit until mostly the shopping episode. We learned a bit through Kelly and the nightmare drink of what makes up Sunder but it didn’t really culminate until the head crushing I would say. Honestly I don’t even care I just fucking love the way Sunder is played. Like I’m sitting here trying to find words that aren’t just I think he’s neat cause I do think analyzing him is intriguing. They’re going to get angry and they’re going to get violent and you are not safe. It’s something that was so surprising at first because of how much Sunder kind of fell into the background. The nightmare drink gave us the first look at this, that Sunder had apparently killed someone, a kid even, but a lot of their violence was played off as a joke by the community, I know I did. Learned today that the person in that nightmare was Ilmater and it shows that she wasn’t lying when she said that visions and nightmares of this accident are a plague. I believe them when they say it was an accident and idk how young they were but to harbor that from a young age will fuck you up. Their morals are something that intrigues me i would say the most. No trouble in murder although I assume that’s more or less towards people who piss him off or are generally bad people. He’s kind hearted and that’s shown a lot especially with this last interaction I’d say. I still need to like rewatch a lot of parts of it but “we were just kids” genuinely fucking rocked me to my core and it got me i won’t lie. We’re still very early in but idk, I want to see Sunder truly happy and not haunted by the ghosts of their past. I feel this was most likely the first step but it’s hard to say as we go forward. I think violence and blood will always follow it’s just how they choose to take it.
The Wall:
I think now Wall is the character we know the least about, at least to me. We know his duty to Eilistraee and his duty to Zephrael and also his little foodie quirks (love him dearly) but outside of that I don’t think we know a lot. He’s the character I have the least notes for now but I do know this. He is loyal to a fault, a little dense, kind, and revels in battle and violence. I think about his nightmare and the fear of losing her and the sword then what happened to this episode. He’s had this since he was a child and then he had this dream, this trip to the beastland plane and looked Eilistraee in the eye and fought her. I believe he still loves her, cares for her, but I also think it has changed since that episode no doubt. Rewinding a bit, I think a bit about him being told he has to be pure of heart in order to wield the sword. What does pure of heart truly mean? Wall loves fighting and murder. He actively committed torture. Also he’s the bodyguard for an objectively bad man. There’s the argument of his intentions are pure although I doubt you can do a lot of what he did and have those intentions be fully pure. It’s just something I think about more than probably a normal person should teehee. Anyways the conversation he and Rae had at the beginning of this session should classify as psychological warfare cause I genuinely do not think I’m ever going to recover. I have been talking about it for weeks how they are the chosens, favored, by literal enemies and seem to have some sort of hit on them by a couple of deities now. I thought about how it might affect relationships and how Wall views them. We know he’s very loyal but I always wondered how far he would need to be pushed before that is broken. Seems like an extreme amount. His morals are probably what intrigue me the most tbh. I’d kill to know what his alignment is LMAO. Most of all I just really love the Wall because he is goofy and silly but he also isn’t a stupid brick wall that doesn’t know anything and I really enjoy seeing the times he gets to explain things. Fuck it we Wall.
Okay so this will be the longest one cause I’m biased and yes Zephrael is my favourite. I always feel a little bad when it comes to that and showing that favouritism because I truly do love the entire party so much. This hit me the most when the show was just starting out and I did feel like I needed to show how much I loved each character and not just focus on Rae lol. I hope this thread can at least show that (if you even make it this far) Anyways Zephrael is a fucking freak and I love him so much. I’ve done multiple posts on him before and yeah Im gonna repeat some of it here i wont lie. Right out the gate we probably learn the most and yet the least about Rae’s past and present. He is an emissary for the reformed church of Lolth and an honored guest. He had known about Edo’s work before and talked about how it had helped with relations between the public and the reformed church. This means everything and nothing to us. But it does show that despite Rae’s… oddness, he is extremely well spoken when he wants to be and I think about that speech a lot. The next few episodes gave us some more information yet also a lot more questions. These weird pains that seem to predict disasters, the extreme phobia of spiders despite being a paladin of Lolth, and his both egotistical yet self deprecating attitude. It was fascinating to watch him because he clashed but never in a way that made him irredeemable and I’ll go more into that at the end section. A few early things I thought about a lot before the catalyst that was the nightmare drink were who the reformed church was, where did Zephrael come from, why was he chosen as this ambassador, and why he didn’t know undercommon but knew abyssal. These are still questions I have to this day LMAO. The nightmare drink vision I possibly overanalyze the most next to Phoenix’s. It stood out due to the fact that it wasn’t, bad. Rae could see again, he saw his father and best friends again, he got told he was going to learn the truth again. Why was this considered a bad thing? Everyone else experienced horrors and regrets yet Zephrael got sorrow. It jumpstarted the part aasimar Rae theory tho. Angel imagery Rae makes me clinically insane I won’t lie and his father having these large wings and bright white light did not help. There’s the big question of what he is and also how he joined the church. Hell, even how he feels about the church as well, truly at least. During one of the hiatuses fandom went crazy and Snail Snailmuds dropped out of nowhere that the runes on Rae’s body weren’t just random but fucking translated abyssal that said “PAIN CHAOS POWER” which first of all goes hard second of all what the fuck.
Theory crafting for Zephrael always feels like climbing uphill and also being constantly shot at cause every time something happens with that man it turns out to be a secret third thing going on oh mygod. Anyways I’ve discussed whether or not he was forced into this church, was kidnapped, born into it, ect because at the end of the day, he seems to very much be a tool or pawn for this church and/or Lolth. Also the whip being an artifact of Lolth or whatever they’re called again I forgot??? What the fuck dude. ALSO HIM SLEEPING IN BATHTUBS????? Grizzly has said this will make sense later but genuinely what the fuck there is something wrong with him. Moving on, revelation about the tattoos comes out and we get the torture episode. Well we get the holy shit they just killed those guys begining and then torture. First of all, I cheered louder than anyone else when Rae actually did fucking combat instead of running away and also the fact he can use his whip. Anyways dumb and dumber torture a guy and first of all the lay on hands to keep him alive during torture was insane and I hope to see it again in anything and it’s also where it’s learned that the tattoos on him were “forcibly engraved” which was honestly brushed off and a lot happened that I think most people forgot but I didn’t cause I’m crazy. Anyways moving on from THAT we get the typical Rae. Dodging questions when Argentum tries to interrogate him and also dunno if he’s just fuckin lying or not when he does actually answer them.
Episode 6 and 7 are where I think Rae slightly pivots. Not really noticeable but he feels a little more, close. It was also a change I noticed with the cast and I think that helped a lot of character dynamics as well. Rae’s stupid beef with Argentum was so fucking funny and I do think about him wanting to heal Sunder before himself after the Bulette because if he heals Sunder, how would that help him. Yes they’re his bodyguard but the monster is dead and it’s not like Sunder can heal him back. It was a decision that I think was the most different for Rae because he was shown to care deeply for Wall but not so much the others as much. He still doesn’t care for the others as much as he does The Wall but I do think he has grown a fondness or care for the others whether he wants to or not. And thats the thing, I could not tell you if he does actually wanna care for them or not. Yes they are allies and help but he seems to try and keep things at a transactional level or how much power it may bring him. He still does but like his dynamic with Argentum seems closer cause the antagonizing feels more like siblings getting on each other’s nerves rather than a growing distance. I think Sunder also displaying that brutality may have put him more into Rae’s good books too. Anyways he read a fucking book huge day. Now he has even worse mommy issues. Ep 7 killed me with hammers but that was spoken about. His relationship with Wall is something that fascinates me though. Rae is selfish, it’s not hidden at all, yet he does seem to care deeply for Wall and almost defends him more than he would defend himself. It’s nice to see for this bodyguard and his charge dynamic but ep 7 spread some light on it and I do think their bond will outlive the will of the Gods but what do I know, I’m not anyone at that table. Zephrael is rude, odd, egotistical but also masochistic and does care deeply when he wants to and you don’t see that kind of character as much I wanna say. He’s my favourite cause his weird gnc swag enraptured me thats all he is post over.
Not actually over cause there’s one last thing. These characters would not be these characters without the wonderful players behind them. Each episode brings out better and better performances that have me actually going crazy over them. I genuinely wouldve had nothing to write about if it weren’t for the fact everyone brings so much life into these characters and loves them so much that they feel so fucking real. They don’t feel flat or simple but very nuanced characters that I love to study and even be wrong about (i actually hate being wrong and every time im wrong i get so ashamed) but Argentum’s flourishes and talks to get out of situations, Phoenix’s wit and holy shit that dread form voice, Sunder during the market fight and then the softer scene with Varic, Wall’s humor and even talking about the more serious stuff, and Zephrael’s ability to balance harshness and endearing at the same time. That’s Hayden, Leizu, Juzo, Ben, and Grizzly and I genuinely cannot fucking talk about the performances enough. I’ve thought about making a post just about it but I fear I just wouldn’t be able to articulate what I wanna say enough. Then obviously it wouldn’t even be possible without the fucking amazing world building and npcs Jonah has provided. Everything is so immersive and I find myself caring for each and every npc we meet whether caring for their safety or caring too much cause I dislike them. Every npc sticks with me and I grow so attached so quickly because they feel so real in this world that also feels so fucking real. It feels like we are just peeking into another world and I actually can’t multitask when watching sow cause I get too sucked in. It’s really hard to do that and I talk about it a lot but never really publicly so I thought I would here.
Anyways for real this time post over, this ended up way longer than I thought it was gonna be so ur a real one if you read this all the way through lol. I’m off to go think about sow merch again as I wait for permission and stuff cause im crazy. See ya later
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blkkizzat · 5 months
hi im shy so i haven't interacted b4 but i luv your fics! i like that you write stories & just don't post smau or twt porn links.
Hey nonny! TY for liking my work, its appreciated!! I do encourage you to interact though, even if its just a comment or continued anon msgs cause they do encourage me to write. I also really like receiving them <33 so I hope you or anyone else feels comfy to interact with me. *i dont bite i promiseeeee*
However, I honestly don't think theres anything wrong with smaus or twt porn links.
I incorporated smaus into my fics before. I adore writing or reading a good crack fic/post so I definitely think they have their place too and they are funny! I just personally struggle when it comes to writing shorter content so not something in my wheelhouse to do. (lol anything i write under 1k words i automatically think is dogshit. lol someone teach me to write short stuff i beg.)
Also I be EATING UP those twt porn links!! I don't post any of my own as my twitter is a stan account and I don't follow/like/retwt porn on there cause I don't want to mess up my algorithm. But I do be bookmarking them HEAVY! They are good reference material for my smut fics tbh.
Also I try to stay out of the mess/discourse cause I feel like people should be able to enjoy what they like without writing lame dissertations in defense/debating about it. But since we are on the topic already I'll add I haven't really understood the hate for them in particular, especially those saying people who like/post them have porn addictions because what!? Like we are not all on here to write/read smut?? pot---meet--->kettle. Anyway I guess I can understand the frustration some have when they assume they are stealing attention away from fics, but idk tumblr is huge and there is a place/audience for everyone is my belief. I've seen many long 6k+ fics breaking 20k+ so I think theres interest in long fics as well (one of my 7k+ fic has 18k+ notes). But I work in marketing, am getting my MBA right now and have worked in the middle of business and creative my entire career (at one point i worked for Twitch directly with streamers/influencers) so I can say when it comes to anything content/creative driven its honestly it's less about the quality of the individual work and more about regularly finding, interacting and catering to your audience if you really care about notes that much . I think its far more important though to do it for fun. Especially since we are not getting paid and doing this for free-99! So much creativity gets stifled when its too much about the business/results/notes side and you are working to please others/for clout. Thats a whole ass job in itself lmfao! I used to write on ff.net back in the day (years ago omfg) and stressed myself out so much from all the reviews/requests that I ended up abandoning it and was scared to write fanfics for years because of the anxiety of 'letting ppl down' until I got back into it last fall and decided to stop giving a fuck LOL.
Ahhh but I could ramble on about that for hours so let me stop I'm doing what I said I didn't want to do cause this is def now a mini dissertation from me going down the rabbit hole on this LMFAO! (im long-winded af lol)
But ty for the ask nonny I hope you come back soon <3
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The hypocrisy of the theoretical bear
Dobson was a bully.
I kinda wanted to make that statement only later in regard of another comic I am already writing about, but when you really boil it down, that is what Dobson genuinely was towards other nerds. Under all the pretense of just trying to talk about feminism and hoping that nerd culture can do better and become more progressive, he was just trying to shame people for enjoying different stuff than him, not sharing his opinions, or being overzealous in ways that were different to him.
Among other things, he would e.g. post this picture in regard of a certain fantheory when it reared its ugly head in season 3 of Miraculous Ladybug…
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mocking a specific person for misinterpreting an animation smear for a genuine clue and instead of trying to politely explain it to them, instead shame then on twitter…
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And eventually make THIS shitty SYAC strip, shaming the person even more, by making them specifically the butt of a non existing “joke”.
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I kinda want to talk about these two instances now, why I think the comics are not funny as well hypocritical and rather dumb in hindsight. But first, the obligatory digression
I unfortunately agree with Dobson partly, that fan theorizing can at times go WAY too far. I myself have no issues with theorizing a little or playing with ideas of how a certain story could play out in the end. But I think there is a difference between looking at some little things, trends and recurring themes in a story and making a throwaway assumption like “oh yeah, that could happen down the line” and making a 40+ minute rant video on perhaps one little background thing blown out of proportion.
I also genuinely despise “review” channels such as The Roundtable or Film Theory for making clickbait videos based on dumb fan theories that they try to exploit for views, while actually not contributing anything of substance or of their own to the debate or elaborate on the craft of animation and storytelling. Being more of trend chasers than anything else.
That said, I think fans theorizing about stuff is an integral part of fan culture and can be fun. It can e.g. inspire people to create their own stories/fanwork based on such theories. Such as this actually pretty decent piece of Miraculous Ladybug fanart, that Thomas Astruc even liked and shared on twitter and blows everything Dobson did for the show out of the water.
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Plus, even as Dobson kinda admits, some shows and stories are deliberately made to “reward” fans for their theories.
However, already in the way Dobson formulates that, he is making a mistake.
See, these shows aren’t “rewarding” people per se for their theories. They simply confirm that the fans may have successfully cracked completely (or at least partly) an aspect of the story’s integral mystery/plot, at times left intentionally by the show creators themselves.
Just to give an example: Hunter’s nature as a Grimwalker in the Owl House.
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Hunter aka “The golden Guard” was first introduced in the last episode of the first season of the Owl House, face still completely covered. Then later episodes not only revealed his face, but also his name and that he was supposedly Belos nephew. Something that already raised a few eyebrows for people, cause Belos was not only confirmed in the show to be at least over 50 years old, but some couldn’t image that a character falling into the classical evil overlord archetype, could really have a “nephew” as young as Hunter. And then in the episode Eclipse Lake, which starts off in Belos secret lab with a shot of some items on the ground, people saw this:
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A page of a book, indicating to be an instruction on how to create an artificial human, with mentioning of a creature introduced and seen earlier in the season (in the proper debut episode of the Golden Guard nonetheless) and with the human creatures eyes in the book implied to have the same color as Hunters.
As such, the theory of Hunter being an artificial human was born and later on, got properly confirmed through dialogue and other visual revelations in the story.
Sometimes, storytellers (particularly once who want to craft a decent mystery or overarching narrative) will just leave little clues in their creation, for people to theorize about and to assure they are getting further invested in the story. The reason for that ranging from the author trying to tell a decent mystery without having to pull the revelations completely out of their ass (unlike Dobson in the story with Sam and his dead sister!) or revealing too much all at once, to just having fun with fans and sometimes also simply because they want to add something to the story, even if by that point in time they may not have yet entirely in mind what that something is going to be.
Such as Rebecca Sugar actually throwing the term “Cluster” around in Steven Universe, before even having an idea what it was supposed to mean in context of the story.
So in that regard, fan theories are just attempts to explain stuff the show runners may already have in mind to be important anyway and therefore different from lets say someone obsessing over background colours being symbolic of gay relationships for example
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But now back to the two comics. The first one, showing us a weird expy of Bill Cipher with a card exclaiming “Adrien is a Sentimonster”, may be kinda confusing, so here is a bit of context: Dobson tries to poke fun at the “Adrien is a Sentimonster” theory of the Ladybug fandom, by having the “subject” of another, extremely niche fan theory claim it is baseless and wild. That “subject” is Tad Strange. Now if you are only familiar with the show Gravity Falls, you would know that Tad Strange is that guy…
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the most average, boring person in all of Gravity Falls, part of an almost Family Guy level cutaway gag in one episode of Gravity Falls. But supposedly (I at least never saw it), when the name was first mentioned somewhere by Hirsch long before the episode introducing Tad properly aired, people came up with the theory that “Tad Strange” may be a secondary villain akin to Bill Cipher, if not even a relative to him. And that is what Dobson tries to mock here. I say “try” cause honestly, who would even get the idea of what sort of joke Dobson tries to tell, if they aren’t familiar with the theory. A theory that was so niche, Dobson would have to explain the intention of the comic somewhere down the line even.
And to quote the Joker…
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Furthermore, while the theory of “Adrien is a sentimonster” was kinda wild after only introducing the fact that even humanoid, sentient creatures could be created by the power of the Peacock Miraculous (in the episode simply called “Ladybug”) recently to that comic being made, it wasn’t really that wild when people thought about it.
After all, Ladybug at its core was still a magical girl show. And them doing twists like that (such as Chibiusa being Sailor Moon’s daughter from the future, Galaxia being the original first Sailor Senshi, Witches being corrupted Magical Girls etc) was not necessarily unheard off.
Though Dobson, when told it could still be a possibility, not only would act rather condescending, but furthermore went on to also piss against Ladybug’s leg, by stating “the show’s writing is not good enough to pull that off”. Which okay, he is right, the show is one of the dumbest written magical girl shows I have ever seen, the man behind it is essentially Dobson with a career.
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But, two seasons and a few years later….
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At least Adrien is not alone?
Yeah, Dobson can eat a dick in that regard. I mean, I think the reveal and how they played out the mystery wasn’t all that good (in my opinion, Astruc and his team winged it in) but not only was his dismissive behavior insulting to begin with, it also shows that he has very little understanding of how to utilize common tropes in fiction and cartoons in particular, despite consuming them en masse. Plus you know, kinda insulting to Thomas Astruc, who by that token proved to still be at least more succesful than Dobby-dumb-dumb bear
Also, as much as I like Gravity Falls, neither it or Steven Universe had in my opinion quite from the get go an idea where to head with their mysteries. Alex Hirsch having confirmed, that Bill Cipher becoming a character and not just a symbol, was something he came up with only halfway working through the concept phase of season 1. And the Rose is Pink reveal? My memories regarding that show are a bit rusty, but when was that actually hinted on in the show? There were massive hints that Pink Diamond didn’t get killed by the rebellion or that things were more complicated. Not that Pink pulled essentially a Darth Sidious on everyone just to live on earth and have sex with humans. Especially in season 1 to 3.
But really, the picture is just something that to me has just aged poorly.
The comic on the other hand I genuinely want to smack Dobson over the head for.
Again, I myself think that yes, people can go too far at times with looking for clues or making up their theories. But personally, I think there is a difference between making a general statement about it and giving a specific example, like Dobson does here. Sure, he may not show the username of the person who made the video or the comment, but it is still pretty condescending and a dick move, made by a guy who may be 10+ years older than whoever made the video referenced here.
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Dobson essentially punches down, instead of punching up. A at the time at least 35/36 year old man acting like a mean school girl online to mock some random person, who just made a dumb theory and then moved on with its life.
Though it isn’t just that one user specifically he is essentially punching down. Here is the text by the author coming with the comic
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“You guys should all take a chill pill for getting angry and upset at the creator”
No. No they kinda don’t. I mean, yeah some people can take it way too far with how invested they are in the stuff, but people have every right to also call certain plot twists hack writing, if it is so. Like how the reveal of Rose having been Pink had essentially ruined Rose Quartz and as such also put in question any of the “morals” she supposedly lived by. And considering she was something of the “moral center” for the show and many characters as well as fans, that just immediately made fans feel betrayed about having believed in her in the first place. Don’t get me even started how it essentially confirmed that Pearl is the worst gem of them all, for having always been in love with a version of Space Hitler. Furthermore, Dobson is not really someone to talk about that sort of shit like he has a higher ground, considering how he at times demands of other creators to fall in line with his ideas
If anything, it just feels similar to other comcis he made in his last years about cartoons: Him trying to defend the shitty writing and work put into stuff he likes, because a) how dare people insult something he likes and b) he thinks he and Rebecca Sugar, Thomas Astruc and Alex Hirsch are kinda brothers in arms. Meaning if you insult them, you insult him and the great art he has created and is an expression of his “talents”.
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But most importantly about the comic, it is just not funny.
It is simply Dobson “lecturing” in the green void and with emerging shit in the background for which he could be copyright striked into oblivion, how he thinks “x is bad”. And you know, personally I prefer being entertained over being lectured. Or try to do both, which you know, certain people can, cause they have one thing Dobson does not: Talent.
The sad thing about it being, Dobson could have actually managed to make the subject of “overanalyzing via fan theory” funny quite easily. All he had to do was just tell a small “story” about “fan theories” as a plot element, rather than a subject for a lecture.
Here is my idea for a small comic, and if you have input to give or want to adapt it, I would be glad:
Dobson watches some show only to pause when he sees something in the background.
Next thing we know, we have Pam visit Dobson one week later to see if he is doing okay, only to find him unhinged and covering over a bill board with strings regarding his fan theory why these characters are a couple. Insert him either going completely or partly into a “Pepe Silvia” like rant
And yeha, I know the “Charlie’s string board” thing is an overused meme by now in itself, but hot dang is it still funny…
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Only for Pam to say “Andy, the next episode dropped yesterday and they are not a couple” Ending the comic with her showing him the episode and Dobson be like “oh… well, at least the resolution was decent”
A comic of that kind would also have the advantage of Dobson actually doing one thing, he certainly haven’t done in years by that point: Make fun of himself too.
See, that is likely another problem with Dobson: He was so preoccupied in using SYAC as a soap box for his opinion, he was completely blind to the fact that he could avoid being conceived as one of the internets biggest douchebags, if he poked genuine fun at himself via his work once in a while. Make the Dobbear the one living by example about what Dobson talks, instead of just ranting about it, you know?
But hey, I am not Dobson.
A guy who tells people to not overanalyze everything via fantheories…
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But has absolutely no problem to fawn over some dumb Zelda theory -as long as it is by him- or whine about people not liking HIS theories on Steven Universe, without actually bothering to even explain what his theory is about.
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Then again, I take Dobson making dumb theories about shitty cartoons and calart lesbians over him genuinely falling for real world related conspiracy theories, like how 9/11 was staged.
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Yeah, that was a thing.
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konohamaru-sensei · 24 days
hello again!! thank you so much for gathering the iketeru illustrations for me (and translating them too, which i greatly appreciated), cause your post really made my day :')
it's funny that the author's got a whole book of fanservice for us lmao, but i love it! do you have a #1 favorite illustration (of anyone) from the whole book? (sorry if this sent twice btw, crap was glitching lol)
lovely anon, I must tell you that I once again went absolutely over the line with pictures I took. There are so many good ones!! I knew a few illustrations from sensei's twitter and knew how well it worked for me so I ordered this book from japan and yes, that is why I can never pick favourites I just like all of them (exception is the series in which the characters are teachers and you are supposed to be their student, not a big fan of those lol). Once again I put them under cut together with my chitter chatter about them asdhjflas
anyway im glad i made your day!
yes its amazing that this fanservice exist. In the interview at the end of the book sensei says they often drew their characters as practise (without lines) and then uploaded them to twitter to find out the people responded so well!! so they continued with it! More snippets from the interview:
they consider this a kind of alternative world that has no space in the manga (since its a gag manga).
they claim they didnt try to make the characters hot on purpose, it just turned out this way. in their head usao and kumao always had old people voices. but now they are glad the characters are hot because of the voice actors choosen.
they come up with a line and then assign it to a character, rarely the other way around.
Every one of their characters has one thing they think is special, something they like to show off when they draw them. for Uramichi its the chest, for Iketeru the slender neck, for Usahara the shoulders and Kumatani the arms!
and shockingly to me: since this manga is running 10 years now they said when they started they felt like Uramichi is so old, but now they are the same age! I cant believe how someone in their twenties wrote such an accurate manga about being in ones thirties.
gosh anon i wish this was more popular, i only have one friend to talk to about this story and i have so much in my soul dhkasdflsd so please come back if you feel like it!
ok so some of my faves under cut from here
first of: my favourite has always been ushara. he is cringe fail and i love cringe fail so much. but that also means he has almost no COOL lines because he is kind of an idiot (lovingly said) tho all his illustrations are so cute. so he wont show up here much tho i love everything about his arts of course!!
now you asked me for my favourite and ive known this one for a while, but I think my unbeaten favourites of everyone are the love confessions:
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I love the different way they all do it. Uramichi pretty much goes "I love....you" (cries), Iketeru of course quotes it, Usahara just YELLS at you "HEY I LOVE YOU" and kumatani is like ".............. iloveyou" haskdlfh
generally kumatani has so many cool lines because he is so stone cold. this is also specifically heart wrecking for me because his voice actor Nakamura Yuuchi is my favourite thing since strawberries so if I imagine him doing the voice I want to die.
Three times Kumatani is an absolute tsundere about white day:
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"you are chattering so much... well, tell me what you want now. I'll get you anything."
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"What do you want? Tell me clearly"
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"I told you to get over here"
another white day illustration i love is this one from usahara
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he says "the present is me, hippety hop", which i find ultra cute with the little bunny and the hairclip!! but my friend said it sounds like he forgot white day and just brought the first thing he could find, which would be in character (adding this picture was a nightmare tumblr did NOT want me to upload it?? you hate cute boys? tumblr you hate cute boys??)
uramichi's face when he realises you april fooled him is so funny to me somehow
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" You say "Im sorry".. that is also a lie, is it not?"
ok from now on the pictures will be low quality because tumblr wont let me upload the photos direclty anymore i need to screenshot them first. rip im sorry
ok there are a few here of uramichi saying somehow sexy things (to me at least) and it makes me go hrgnlkhdflk
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""Good big brother (onisan)" you said. Who do you mean?" idk why that gets me so hard but why you asking .. wha...what you mean
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"... Isn't it ok? You don't have to go home yet." (this is from the stayin the night portion)
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"A promise from big brother. I will protect you well" T_T
this thing which can only be described as ship art:
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is this bickering idiots to lovers sensei? is that what you mean to tell me sensei?
this usahara from the staying the night section
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"Come play with me today!" (............ h.......how...)
this image if kumatani because of THE LOOK? um HELLO
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unfortuantely the translation is kinda tricky because i cant read most the kanji and google lense is like?? but its something like "Do you think you have the guts to betray me?" or something like "Do you think I have the guts to betray you?" idk he looks good so its fine
almost done i swear!! there are a few kuma usa double pages i love
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Kuma: "Don't look. Its hot." (sidenote, he is shirtless a lot. not that I complain or whatever)
Usa: "Where would you like to go? The ocean? My house?"
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sorry i tried to keep my fingers out of all pictures but clearly failed xD
Kuma: "Shut up. Shut up and look at me."
Usa: "I understaaaand. Get over here." (crying, i want to)
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this is a part of the book extras. I showed it to you with Iketeru already. I think the meaning is sort of the moment they realised their carreers are over, sadface
Kuma: "I never really liked it. I thought I would just throw it away. Damn it, I lost."
Usa: "The wind suddenly stopped. Ah, thats how it is. Its over"
of course there are a lot more other characters shown in the book, but much rarer and since they dont interest me too much they dont have my favourite lines asdhfklasdhf anyway anon I hope you liked this
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bohemian-nights · 2 years
nettles was theorized being the only non valyrian to claim a dragon the same way the shepherds did for yrs, for some reason its now that ppl suddenly believe she's his daughter which was never a popular theory or even entertained until daem*ras started to go crazy on twitter
their fake outrage about nettles is also very funny considering rhaenyra was 15 (or younger in the books) when she started getting groomed and kissed by daemon in brothels and suddenly they think he cant have an emotional affair with a young girl when we all know daem*ra is a crumbling relationship at best it was never really interesting in the books cause there relationship is barely touched on
i think its on the showrunners for romanticizing it so much including behind the scenes but its also stupid to think daemon is a good spouse considering all he's done in s1
I think these fans know that Nettles isn’t his daughter, but the fact that they insist that Daemon only saw her in a father/daughter light does not make sense. Yes one source does claim that Daemon saw Nettles like a daughter, but that same source also says that Daemon and Nettles bathed naked together 🫠
They will wholeheartedly believe the first claim at face value. This is the main basis of their argument against the romantic relationship between Daemon and Nettles. Cause that is the only source that claims Daemon saw her as his daughter, but somehow the second claim(made by the same source) is a lie or it’s not what it appears to be🫠
I don’t want to go there, but did these fans bathe naked with their dad or their father figure at 17? No one is having father daughter bonding time naked with their dad(if you are let me call the cops for you cause that’s not right).
Yes Nettles grew up an orphan who lived on the streets, but there is no reason for Daemon to hop in the bath with her to show her how to bathe properly.
The man was prince and the castle they were staying at had plenty of female servants that could help Nettles out. Nettles was also not an infant. She could bathe herself. Use your brains people.
They do not care about the “grooming” they only care that Nettles will be the “final blow” to Daemyra(which is why they are so defensive). If they really cared they would dislike Daemon x Rhaenyra as much as they do Daemon X Nettles.
The ship is stale and that is what gets me. If you read the book(s) Daemyra is not this epic romance these stans are making it out to be. Their relationship on screen is dry to me. Daemon has 0 chemistry with adult Rhaenyra.
It’s like am I watching the same show? Show!Daemon is being portrayed as this man obsessed with proving himself(he’s like this in the books) and has a general love for chaos.
His approach to his wives so far and just everyone in general is not the most loving(an understatement I know). I’ve got a problem with this, cause I think Daemon does have the capacity to care for/love others w/o a motive, but I won’t get into that right now.
The director/show creator has come out and said that Daemon is lowkey obsessed/in love with his brother and sees Rhaenyra as an extension of him, but you guys somehow think Rhaenyra is the love of his life 🙃 Whatever drugs these people are on I want it cause I too would like to be that delusional.
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lovesongbracket · 2 years
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Reminder: Vote based on the song, not the artist or specific recording! The tracks referenced are the original artist, aside from a few rare cases where a cover is the most widely known.
Lyrics, videos, info, and notable covers under the cut. (Spotify playlist available in pinned post)
Written By: Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Gerard Way & Frank Iero
Artist: My Chemical Romance
Released: 2010
“Summertime” is a ‘new wave’ song, allegedly believed to be written about frontman Gerard Way’s wife, Lyn-z Way. In an interview, Gerard said that it started as a riff Mikey had written, before evolving into a song they ‘couldn’t have the record without.’ “[“Summertime”] is one of the lyrically personal songs on the album, whereas the rest of it is just me talking about my worldview. So it’s a really beautiful song and again—no rules. We can have a soft song.”
[Verse 1] When the lights go out Will you take me with you And carry all this broken bone Through six years down In crowded rooms and highways I call home? Is something I can't know till now Till you picked me off the ground With brick in hand, your lip-gloss smile Your scraped-up knees and [Chorus] If you stay, I would even wait all night Or until my heart explodes, how long until we Find our way in the dark and out of harm? You can run away with me anytime you want [Verse 2] Terrified of what I'd be As a kid, from what I've seen Every single day when people try And put the pieces back together Just to smash them down Turn my headphones up real loud I don't think I need them now 'Cause you stop the noise and [Chorus] If you stay, I would even wait all night Or until my heart explodes, how long until we Find our way in the dark and out of harm? You can run away with me anytime you want [Post-Chorus] Well, anytime you want Well, anytime you want [Guitar Solo] [Bridge] Don't walk away, don't walk away Don't walk away, don't walk away! [Chorus] 'Cause if you stay, I would even wait all night Or until my heart explodes, how long until we Find our way in the dark and out of harm? You can run away with me [Post-Chorus] Or you can write it on your arm You can run away with me Anytime you want
Baby You're a Haunted House
Written By: Mikey Way, Doug McKean & Gerard Way
Artist: Gerard Way
Released: 2018
“Baby You’re A Haunted House” was first teased by Lola, Gerard’s nonbinary mascot, via Twitter before later teased by the two on Instagram a couple of days before its release on Friday, October 26, 2018. Gerard described the spooky song as “fitting for the holiday.” The track also features​ Gerard’s brother, Mikey Way, on bass. Gerard described the song as, “about all​ our inner ghosts and demons and what it feels like being in love and having to deal with your own internal horror show.”
[Chorus] Baby, you're a haunted house Better find another superstition We're gonna stay in love somehow 'Cause, baby, you're a haunted house now [Verse 1] And your heart will stay forever When your last remains are few In the dark, we dance together And I'd like to be waiting with you [Chorus] Oh, baby, you're a haunted house Better find another superstition We're gonna stay in love somehow 'Cause, baby, you're a haunted house now [Verse 2] And the nights, they last forever And days are always making you blue In the dark, we laugh together 'Cause the misery's funny to you [Chorus] Oh, baby, you're a haunted house Better find another superstition We're gonna stay in love somehow 'Cause, baby, you're a haunted house now [Bridge] I'll be the only one who likes the things you do I'll be the ghost inside your head when we are through Sometimes you scare me, but I come around to you I'll say hello, hello, (hello) And I'll find a way to scare you too [Chorus/Outro] Oh, baby, you're a haunted house Better find another superstition We're gonna stay in love somehow 'Cause, baby, you're a haunted house now Oh, baby, you're a haunted house Better find another superstition You better go and take a bow 'Cause, baby, you're a haunted house Baby, you're a haunted house Baby, you're a haunted house, now
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g-on-ef · 1 year
Rant part 3
Army twitter really thinks that just because they have been around since 2013~2018 have college degrees that they are somehow above everyone else and are immune to propaganda.
Are there armys on that app that I genuinely love and respect ??? Yes.
Are there armys on that app that have shown they are a bunch of hypocritical sheep that think they're better than everyone else just cause they went to school and been with BTS longer than others ??? Abso fucking lutly
Since this whole t**nnie rumor I'm noticing how easily fooled these people are and how quick common sense is to leave them so long as it fits their narrative.
Bitches on that app will preach about trust the members don't trust the media and respect their privacy and these past days have proven point on how hypocritical these fuckers are.
Like yall mean to tell me that Taehyung, the person who values privacy above all else, Taehyung the one who thanked armys for not bothering him in Hawaii,
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Taehyung who has mentioned time and time again that he doesn't want to lose his morals and principles who's always been open and honest about things would just casually stroll the street of Paris and allow himself to get caught with his partner ???
The same man who's managed to keep his family away from the spotlight will suddenly allow the paparazzi to catch him casually strolling with his partner ??? !!!
Its just so funny how no one was able to capture a huge celebrity like Tae on camera when he landed in France and yet some random paparazzi was able to. A paparazzi who mind you tagged the wrong accounts ???
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Like you mean to tell me a "professional" journalist tagged not one but two wrong accounts ??? !!! And the fact that everyone is saying they got permission from their security to take pics but from afar ... like why ??? Why is it okay to take pics so long as it's from afar but in the past they've been attacked and taken their phones when they tried to take pics ??? Also how convenient that they got a "clear" photo of Tae but not a single one of Jennie and all we got is a video from an odd angle where her face isn't even shown.
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Again let's go ahead and say they are dating why would either Tae or J*nnie need to be vague about it ??? Again Tae is a very vocal person and is not afraid to speak his mind.
Need I remind everyone how he was quick to shut those rumors down about the girl who he was supposedly dating ??? And before yall get on me on oh well he hasnt shut these down, let me also add the reason why he shut it down is cause the media got a hold of it.
Also isn't it odd that Dispatch and other news/gossip outlets haven't spread this shit ??? You would think that wit these two "dating" there would be news everywhere and yet it's always funny how whenever these two are "spotted" it's always outside of Korea.
Hell even when they were spotted Big Hit issued a statement that they were gonna sue the guy who was making edits of the situation cause it was fake.
So they can hide in Korea {which remind you is very small} but can't hide anywhere else ???
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Also I'm bringing this up Tae is a very private person why would he or hell even J*nnie at that matter subject their partners to the hate their Fandom will give them ??? Blonks have attacked ridicule and done irreparable harm to Tae and armys are always retaliating why would they put their partners through that when said Fandumbs can't act normal ???
Like do armys not listen to a word these men say ??? They always preach about wanting privacy so why would they subject their partner to a Fandom where yall can't act normal whenever they fit your little hetero narrative ???
No seriously I can show yall screenshots of them being hypocrites when it comes to them being around women but if you bring up them being with the same sex it's all don't label them we don't know their sexuality you don't know if he likes men.
Just say you're homophobic and leave. It's better than yall having to harassing queer people whenever they make their art queer related.
Another thing I find it funny how these fuckers
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Are so quick to attack taekook shippers and call them delusional and say the ship isn't real but are quick to believe this.
Like you mean to tell me it's impossible for them to be single, it's possible for tae to be dating J*nnie but it's delusional and a lie for Tae and JK to be dating each other even though there's a ton of proof that'll state other wise.
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It's also funny how again yall preach about privacy but won't shut up about it cause for some reason yall need to constantly talk about it
A blurry video surface oh its him let's spread it talk about and have his name drag through the mud 😀 never mind we should just ignore it and not give it any more attention than it needs to cause at the end of the day it's his name that'll get dragged.
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I can go on and on about how dumb these fuckers are and how they are making a situation into a bigger mess than it already is but every time I go to that app I'm reminded that 99.9% of the times there's no reason to do so cause yall already made up your minds especially when it fits yall heteronorm narrative.
And please don't get me started on the cosplayer bullshit -_-
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Anyways this was a rant that went longer than it needed to so have a good day/evening/afternoon my Tumblr friends.
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So I saw a few posts ago someone asking how come some people really believe they can date Evan on twitter and start causing drama in his name. I may have an explanation; the Law of Attraction and all the gurus on social media sensationalizing it.
To gain traction on their accounts, they oversimplify it by presenting it as this abra kadabra tool where you have everything you want in a blink of an eye. It's.... not how it works. I will not get into the all the details of how it does work, cause that's not the point here, but the main point that these gurus purposely avoid to make (because its not profitable for them to say that) is that
1) your desires are basically telling you what you're missing in life and
2) most often, what you're missing is not the person-house-car you're trying to manifest, but the feeling those things will give you.
You don't want a house; you want stability and safety, and social status.
You don't want a car; you want freedom of movement and social status.
If someone is manifesting Evan, they are most probably manifesting the validation of being loved by someone like Evan; a funny, cute, talented, and genuinely good man, who blushes when girls talk to him. It's not Evan they want, it's the feeling of validation they are looking for. I mean, if you are loved by someone like Evan, then this makes you good enough, right? Right? This is the validation they need.
These gurus pray on people's lack of self-validation, and fill their heads with magical thinking that they can get the OBJECT of their desires, rather than the feeling of those desires. And those feelings come from ~within~, not from the outside.
As a result, you have all these deeply insecure girlies who project the hate they have for themselves on other girlies who do the same thing, hoping to get the attention of Evan Peters, in the hopes it will save them from their misery. All because some white girl with dreads said so on TikTok.
This is a long ass ask, I smoked a j. Got carried away lmao.
😂😂 but i totally get what you mean. and sadly this extends far beyond the spiritual gurus of the world; since forever, gullible people have been shelling out money to scam artists who claim they can make every pipe dream come true. in this case, you have someone who is essentially validating that your unrealistic desires can all come true just by virtue of wanting it enough and fixating on.. idk, whatever you “think” you need to do in order to attain it. even if it’s something that simply can’t and won’t happen.
the reality is, for all of the feelings these women may have that evan is their ideal soulmate and that they would be perfect together if only they could meet.. if they actually managed to do so, the shine would be lost. it’s easy to idealize someone you don’t know intimately, whose flaws you aren’t confronted with every day. you can just focus on the lovable aspects and fantasize without the actual baggage of being in a relationship with another human. because evan is just human like all of us. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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solarwynd · 10 months
I agree with you completely but I'd just like to bring up one point. On the face of it Hybe + the members are all promoting a BTS return because they know that's their cash cow and yes the members probably have some emotional attachment to the group but internally I'm sure Hybe knows there's a chance BTS' return may not be as glorious as they hope which is why I believe they're hedging their bets by promoting Jungkook to hell so that he can be the new BTS once he's back if the old one doesn't work out.
ARMYs aren't that loyal - a bunch of them didn't turn up for chapter 2 at all, many of the ones who are remaining are chart obssessed or casual fans. I have doubts about how many of them will last for 18 months. The BTS of today just doesn't have that spark or special sauce they used to have. I think it's a 50-50 chance they'll be able to regain their audience over their next cb. They're also getting old - in 18 months are members like Jin and RM and Tae going to want to keep doing choreos like Run BTS when they looked like they were over it pre hiatus? Also ARMYs can gush about being accepting of the members wanting to date but a bunch of them subconsciously like the image of all of them being single and obsessed with each other. Are members like Jin and Yoongi who'll be pushing mid 30s once they're back really going to stay single and not start families themselves? ARMYs expect everything to return to its 2018 format once they're back but I doubt these adult men are going to want to do variety shows like run bts (not the song) regularly once they're back. Some members already look worse for wear without makeup and I don't think that's going to get better either and we know a lot of fans are just here for their looks. Another bunch of fans are just going to wander off and become stans of younger groups who'll still act like crack heads on camera. When Weverse said Jungkook was going to be the breakout star and the only solid reason they cited was his age - I think there's some truth in that being a major reason by he's the labels chosen one.
I think they'll keep the whole group thing going but I think theres going to be a fundamental shift happening once they're back. Solo projects are definitely here to stay and I'm really glad Jimin had such a good experience with Face because he's going to definitely carry that over to his future projects. If he had put out something like Layover or Golden before he left, I might be tempted to just give up on him and this whole kpop thing completely. Anyway all this rambling just to say that I think Hybe are going to project that chapter 2 was just a blip and things will be back to pure group work in 2025 but I'm almost sure that the reality is solo work is here to stay.
Mmm armys are loyal just when it comes to jk specifically. lol. The amount of account on twitter who were on “rest” prior to seven dropping and all of a sudden popped back up for that release? I mean I always knew that would be the case cause a lot of armys are just diet solos who refuse to admit it in public, but for it to be so blatant without anyone calling it out is funny.
I know that the kpop system really doesn’t allow for idols to age into their careers but artists who perform past the age of 30 exist. There’s so many artists in the western industry that are in bts’ age group or older that have flourishing careers, married and or have kids. Yoongi will be 32 and Jin will be 31 when they get out. That’s still very young. Some of y’all really have to dead that way of thinking that anybody past 29 isn’t vital enough to invest into. And imo, genuine armys have never been fickle in regards to bts getting older, that’s always been on akagaes or the people who never really had any serious attachment to the group and turned into kpop stans. Even now, jk akagaes are mad because he’s giving up “the best years of his life” to go back to the group. Which already shows me they see him as expendable. People with that mindset that idols are only worth stanning while they’re in their 20’s were never in it past superficial reasons to begin with and not the type of fans I’d want the person I stan to have anyway.
BTS getting older doesn’t mean they’re gonna be completely different people. Their personalities might change a little based on new experiences, they already have compared to when they were younger, but at the core, I don’t think they will change for the most part. And hybe’s narrative that they’re trying to hitch onto jk being the most viable since he’s the youngest will always be silly. There’s only a 5 year gap between jin and jk at the eldest and barely 2 between jk, th and jimin at the youngest. That’s nowhere near big enough a gap for anyone to buy into that.
Armys will never be content with the idea of bts being in relationships, but I do feel that with th and jk the reaction will always be more visceral than the other members because those two are the ones that armys have constructed the y/n fantasy around. I know armys hate jennie, but regardless of who the woman th ended with would’ve been, they’d still be uneasy. No matter how armys try to distance themselves from being different than the average kpop stan, they’re really not.
It’s perfectly normal to not like some of music someone you are a fan of puts out but the thought of potentially throwing in the towel on them after one album is kinda strange to me. Especially if it’s their debut. Like I can see if it was a jk or th situation where those two have made it clear that they’re not in tune with solo artistry or in jk’s case, not caring about it at all, but I don’t think that’ll ever be the case with jimin. His ear for music is too good and he’s too meticulous about his craft. If face hadn’t turned out as good as it had, at least I’d know that jimin has the drive and artistic capabilities to execute an album so I’d definitely allow him the room to grow musically.
Solo work will continue because even while in the group, rapline were able to put out mixtapes. Now will I solo work post chapter 2 will be in the same vein with focused promotion and comeback maps or if it’ll be more like mono or D2 I don’t know. But chapter 2 does feel like a blip because honestly what came out of it? Rapline have already shown their artistic prowess in the past so it’s not like they were giving anything new there. So ultimately it was really meant for vocal line to display what they could do, yet jimin was really the only one out of the 4 that put out anything significant of artistic value. (barring that jin only had the opportunity to put out a single.) It actually did the exact opposite for some of the members in regards to what chapter 2 was initially supposed to be about which was growth. Some either stuck to the same M.O or just flat out did nothing. And being told to expect their best and evolved selves when they get back together as a group, when only 3/7 have proven range as artists is so anticlimactic in a way.
Everything just seems so trivial because they were still on a timer even when they were supposed to be on break. I don’t have any genuine excitement for their reunion either like I did before all this. I mean I’ll certainly tune into their comeback, but jimin’s really the only one I’m seriously interested in anymore.
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starmora · 1 year
I think Gunn cared about all the characters but he cared about the finale he wanted even more. The difference in character building, paying attention to smaller details and giving more equal space to each individual dynamic in vol 1 & 2 compared to what we see in vol 3 is pretty noticeable. Even with its flaws IW balanced muiltple characters and smaller plot points better than vol 3. As others have said in vol 3 you'd think IW and EG never happened. You have barely any idea about what happened after EG either except Peter clearly fell apart and Gamora somehow ended up a ravager who was somehow keeping up Nebula for some undisclosed amount of time. That's not good storytelling. We don't even know if the characters think Gamora was ressurected with no memory or if they know she's from the past. I'm also confused because the film treats it as if Gamora herself wasn't in EG
Gamora finally got to connect with the guardians and at least feel something for Peter but that's it. She's back with the ravagers like she didn't just go through a pretty emotional experience that opened up a whole new view of herself and what had happened before. I get the ravagers are who she's been with but there's too much that's went on to act like things hadn't changed.
I don't know what happened behind closed doors and I'm sure there were more details to all of this than we will know. But I do think people had enough self awareness to realize Gamora shouldnt stay dead dead but not enough to realize just being alive and present wasn't enough. Add to that Gunn having zero flexibility to work with the complexities of a shared universe and sexism/biases and everything became disjointed. There's good stuff for Gamora in vol 3 but there needed to be more and I think whatever small details played a part in larger decision making need to be talked about by Gunn away from Twitter so there aren't vague answers running amuck or a dozen different types of responses to the same question that are similar enough to not be a complete contradiction but different enough wording to cause confusion.
You’re right, maybe it’s unfair to say he doesn’t care about Gamora but it just feels like he cared about Rocket and his story the most and Gamora is unfortunately the one who suffered the most for this, for some odd bizarre reason, when it really didn’t have to be that way.
It’s funny you mention that about not knowing anything after eg, because I went with my mom to see the movie again (this was her third time seeing it with me, and she has seen every other movie the guardians are in multiple times, so it’s not like gotg is new for her) and she turned to me and told me she was confused about pretty much everything that happened in the opening of the movie and asked me what happened for them to have gotten to the point where they all have this base on Knowhere and Gamora is a ravager and everyone doesn’t seem to really care what she’s been up to and she asked me to explain it to her and I just. Couldn’t, because there wasn’t an answer. Like you just have to use your imagination I guess and that’s fine but it also feels like he just kind of wanted to jump to the end and tell his rocket story and get out.
I truly believe he thought about it and considered what would be best for her but it’s just clear to me he didn’t give her the same level of attention he gave Rocket or Peter, and honestly probably didn’t even consult anyone or get any sort of second opinion on it because he just doesn’t seem like the kind of guy to do that with all his talk about having complete control lmao. And like in a perfect world where infinity war had never happened to her, I don’t think that would have mattered AS much but it did and she needed a little more love and attention from Gunn because of it that he seemingly just didn’t wanna give
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Reblog chain removal rant
I just spent a long time composing this message about removing reblog chains to submit as feedback to Tumblr's help center and wanted to share it here as well. It's pretty long so I'm putting it under a read more, but I hope this post encourages more people to submit feedback to Tumblr about what a bad idea removing reblog chains is.
I'm here to add another voice to the protest against removing reblog chains. There are a lot of things I wish was better about Tumblr (direct links to posts from the post header and being able to pause videos instantly on mobile at the top of the list!), but by and far the worst change Tumblr could ever make is to take away reblog chains.
By taking away reblog chains, Tumblr would be losing the entire essence of what Tumblr is. People have already illustrated this really well in posts (which I hope staff have seen), but getting rid of loved features to become a worse knockoff of other sites is the worst possible decision to make. It will not result in the users of the original sites Tumblr is trying to mimic abandoning the sites they're already established on to join Tumblr. The other sites already have their community ecosystems and brand recognition that people will not want to abandon just because Tumblr is suddenly operating in a similar format. All the change would do is drive away Tumblr users that are here for TUMBLR.
Even non-Tumblr users appreciate reblog chains! Have you not seen screenshots of funny and classic Tumblr posts circulate the web, beloved specifically for the collaborative reblog chain format? Tumblr has always been a source of engaging and satisfying content in a way that other sites share to feed off of, and it’s precisely because of Tumblr’s post format. In comparison, when people share screenshots of Twitter posts and threads, it’s obvious how much clunkier posting to Twitter and also sharing posts from Twitter is. (I refuse to call the site ‘X’ btw)
When people post to Twitter, they have to either make sure their message fits within a finite character limit (which works for small zingy posts, but ONLY the ones they can make fit), or they have to break up their message into many pieces, which is so clumsy.
1) The poster must compose their message in segments, which can cause problems if they realize they want to edit earlier parts of said message because it’s already been posted. It can also cause problems if they (like me) have ADHD and forget what they’ve already said if they can’t see the whole message at once. Workarounds like composing in a separate program are inconvenient, and posting long messages still requires many steps (e.g. cutting messages into character limit sizes and posting each individual tweet)
2) Readers have to be aware enough to see and/or find all of the parts of the message, which people will often miss or not care to follow up on.
3) If anyone wants to add to a thread, they can only reply to a single tweet, and then go through the same process of breaking their message into pieces. This means that anyone reading the replyer’s thread would have to follow a link to the original thread if they want to see all the context, and that’s just inconvenient enough that people would rather not.
4) Anyone who wants to share these threads via screenshots has to make sure they have all the tweets in the thread. Do they also navigate to other threads to additionally screenshot further context? What if the poster still has more to say and hasn’t finished their thread? Not to mention how much wasted space there is in these screenshots since each tweet is separate and has its own UI around it.
That got into a bit of a rant, especially since removing reblog chains doesn’t necessarily mean Tumblr will enact a stupid character limit, but I hope my point that Twitter is NOT a better site than Tumblr was made clear. People sharing Tumblr screenshots and laboriously trying to convey longer messages on a platform that is unfriendly to them goes to show that reblog chains are not confusing or overwhelming to anyone. If anything, Twitter’s format is far less intuitive and people have just been forced to get used to it. Many people HAVE to use Twitter for work; people feel like they have to since it’s the current dominating social platform; people think Tumblr is dead and not an option anymore, etc.
In conclusion, making posts less convenient to see the full context of at once is a HUGE slap in the face to your loyal userbase that has been sticking around specifically for Tumblr’s engaging collaborative platform. It’s a pointless cut to functionality that is not enticing to anyone, even the people you’re trying to entice. I hope the people in charge can recognize this and not move forward with the idea. Thank you for your time.
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lexipoo · 1 month
man I hate that account the anon just sent (prob don’t post they will lurk on here and come after you but if you want just respond with the emoji ) cause they were part of the Jose brigade on Twitter. Also they ofc hate pazzi which tbh idc if you ship them or not do whatever but continually mention on the platform how much they hate that and Tumblr like (this is why I feel like we’ve had weird people creep into the app these past few weeks, they may have led them here). Anyways now as a joke shipping P with Flau’jae and I get it’s a joke but so hypocritical to be shipping anyone if you don’t like shipping (they just don’t want P with Azzi lol). Have you seen this ? Their tweets get so many likes too so I know the team is laughing over it but 😭 anyways Twitter is just where I follow the OG uconn accounts who keep it to basketball and they claim to be fans but talk about everything else? Lmao
i like twitter cuz its funny
i dont want pazzi mention on twitter at all. I hate when they mention tumblr especially on a app like twitter. i know some accounts just don't want to spread the whole pazzi thing on there.
yea but some of those accounts do too much and the whole jose situation was so weird and dumb.
i personally found the flaujae and paige tweets funny and not harmful so i dont really mind.
i agree with a lot of what you said tho
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