#Ice Hell
inkwellimps · 3 months
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Fanart I made for @ihopeeveryonelikesmyshirt's ten year old (wtf) fic Coalescence. Rambling and spoilers for the fic below the cut.
I had posted a "WIP" to my main blog two years ago and had said I didn't know when I would get around to finishing it. The answer was right now after redrawing it a bunch. (It's been on my mind this entire time, but the deadline was always June 19th to me lol).
So, if I'm remembering correctly, in Ice Hell "canon" Tony's blood is dark blue with gold flecks. I wanted to convey that while also having it still read as blood, so I ended up going with three colors for his blood haha. The knife is a pottery knife.
Also this is spoilers for the fic but from a WIP i shared w/ some friends:
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patimakerr · 3 months
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Sooooo, I watched the 1976 film Carrie and it got me emotional, I liked it. And I redrawn the picture for this film under the Paige!!
And this is also my first digital art in many years... (And it's very lazy.)
(Goooossshhh, I'll never sit down to draw digitally again.....)
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woodworkzz · 1 year
Ship: IceHell padlock
Prompt word: cold
Warnings: body description, suggestive themes (no NSFW)
Paige had won; even though Tony had managed to free himself, his system was too overrun by anesthesia for a proper counterattack.
And currently, Paige was rudely dragging his body down the basement stairs. Her plan was to tie him up by the wrists on one of the many pipes that ran across the ceiling and simply wait. It might be boring to wait until he's awake, but nothing brightens her day like watching Tony fall unceremoniously to the floor and stumble to his feet to chase after her.
When she finally reaches the basement, however, something catches her eye.
A freezer. A working freezer.
Time to experiment, she thinks.
She picks him up, hurling him over her shoulder and muttering about how his bones must be made of lead for him to weigh so much. She usually didn't have an issue carrying human bodies, even those bigger than herself, but something about Tony made him exceptionally heavy. She theorizes that Concepts are just... Denser than humans.
Anyhow, she carelessly drops him in the freezer, and slams it shut. She won't bother to lock the door, or bind him by any means. The cold temperatures will be enough of a nuisance.
She happily hops up the stairs and out of the basement. Now that her main chore is over, she could finally check on her garden! Her precious flowers hadn't been watered yet, and she'd hate for them to die.
When she was done, she stepped into her room and eyed the three or four unfinished canvases abandoned in a random corner. Might as well...
When she was nearly done with the last one, she looks out the window, expecting to see the sunset. After all, Tony's annoyingly numerous clocks scattered across the house marked six in the evening.
But the sky was still bright blue, not a sight of the sun setting.
... Was he messing with her? He must've already woken up, and chances are, he's trying to disorient her so he can have the upper hand. How clever.
She thought about going after him, but if he hadn't showed up to pester her yet, that means he's planning an ambush. That's the not so fun part of putting him in the basement.
Tony had his qualities, but his main fault is his predictability. She knew he'd always take advantage of being hours alone somewhere she'd inevitably walk into. Besides, his own perfectionism won't let him mess up the passing of time long enough before it starts ticking him off, so the wisest thing to do would be to wait.
The night went by with the sun still shining through the window, and in the following morning, all news reports talked about how the sun refused to set across the country, despite the rest of the world being unaffected.
Robin very hesitantly asked her if Tony had something to do with that.
"Well," she replied. "Either he's very committed to his little trick, or something is wrong. Have you seen him, by the way?"
He shakes his head no.
She sighs, and grabs a butcher knife before kicking open the basement door. "I can't believe you're making me do this, you bastard."
Her voice echoes down the trepid staircase and reverberates off the walls, but no answer comes.
She cautiously walks down the stairs, her knife held tight, and scours every corner of the basement, but he's nowhere to be seen.
Certain that this would be the stupidest thing she's done in this century, she reluctantly opens the freezer door.
Well, she found Tony. But he didn't leap at her throat, or pulled her down by the hair.
He laid just like she had left him, frostbite darkening spots of his skin to a disgusting purple, and a thin layer of frost encasing his body. His eyes, which were left open and were now frozen that way, were dull and faded. His suit was mostly hardened by a thin layer of ice. However, all the wounds she'd inflicted had healed perfectly.
If he was alive in those conditions, Paige would have to applaud his endurance.
She reached for one of his hands, grabbing onto the frozen, hardened flesh, and pulled.
The sound of skin peeling off his muscles as it stuck to the freezer's walls wasn't pleasant, but it was over soon enough. She threw his frozen body to the floor, wincing slightly at the dry thump it produced.
"And now, what to do with you?" She spoke out loud, prancing around the basement. "Maybe I could go at it with a hairdryer, but-"
She turned around at the familiar sound of flesh and muscle sewing back together.
Tony was healing, his torn off flesh stitching itself back together. She curiously watched as he stitched himself together in a matter of minutes, knife still tightly clutched in her hand.
And he breathed in, opening his eyes wide.
Paige fixed her stance, ready for combat.
But he didn't get up. He barely moved enough to curl up on the floor, breathing heavily and shaking.
Something was... Wrong.
"... Tony?" She called out, taking a single, cautious step further.
His eyes moved towards her, and although his fury was tangible, he didn't raise a single finger.
"I came after you." She hesitantly continued. "The sun hasn't set since yesterday, and I thought you'd done it."
"... The sun didn't set?" He asks, his voice hoarse and weak.
"No. It's all they talk about on the news."
"I need to fix that." He mutters, valiantly trying to get up on his feet, but stumbling to the ground before making it.
Paige stands in the same spot, unmoving. Her chest felt too heavy as the realization came to her.
"You're weak." She whispered. Usually she'd sneer it at him with a smile, but now she was worried. Was she about to lose her playmate?
She walked closer, and kneeling to the ground, gently laid the back of her hand on his neck.
Freezing cold.
He stared fiercely at her, bright yellow eyes burning holes into her soul, but she knew better than to be intimidated. The same way a wounded animal bares its teeth at whoever dares come closer, regardless of the other's intentions, fallen Concepts such as them couldn't recognize solidarity if it hit them across the face.
Which is what Paige did. "Don't give me the eagle eyes, I wanna help you. Come on, frozen bastard," She grunted, picking him up bridal style. "We're getting you somewhere warmer."
He huffed, but didn't protest further. His suit was now soaking wet and likely ruined, none of which helped him while he trembled in Paige's arms, trying to leech off whatever heat she produced.
The trip out of the basement and into Tony's room was a rather quick and unperturbed one, except for perhaps the confused stares from the trio in the living room, but they knew better than to stare too long or ask questions.
"There you go," she sighs, as she nudges the door of his room open. "This should be warm enough, since it's been closed and getting sunlight for a solid twenty hours."
And indeed, the room felt quite stuffy as she laid him down on the floor, right on a patch of sunlight. But for him, it was simply perfect. He allowed himself to relax and stretch on the warm floor, a content moan escaping his lips as he did so.
"Feeling better?" She asked, taking a seat not too far from him.
"Mhm." He curtly answered, his body still shaking, but the relaxed smile on his face said all she needed to hear.
"So..." She awkwardly started, fumbling with her hair. "What happened?"
He sighed, rolling on his side to look at her. "You froze time."
"Why, you're such a jokester today, Tony." She sarcastically replied. "Really, though... Why didn't you wake up?"
"Well... I'm not sure. I was able to heal just fine, but due to the temperature, I was conscious for only a few seconds before my body gave in to the cold and lack of energy." He replied, his expression becoming more and more vacant. "And it kept happening, over and over again... Until you finally got me out of that damned thing."
Paige messes with the fabric of her skirt, her eyes low to her lap. "... I'm sorry."
To her surprise, Tony's response wasn't bitter. "It's alright, dear. You didn't know."
"... You should take off those clothes. They're all wet." She airily comments.
"You really can't spend a night without me anymore, can you?" He replied with a smug smile even though his voice was still weak.
It takes a second for her to process what he said, and her eyes widen as it clicks in her head. "You pervert! I was worried about you and that's how you speak to me?"
"I jest, I jest." He smiles, carefully raising his hands up in surrender. "Really though, how did you spend the night?"
"Well, the sun was shining outside, so... There was that." She started. "But I did miss you. I had nothing to climb on top of while I slept, after all."
It was a frequent occurrence; every other day Tony would wake up barely able to breathe because of the 65 kilos of Creativity sprawled over his back. He'd then have to nudge her off and hold her so she doesn't attempt to flatten his lungs again.
"I missed you too, Paige." He simply answered, unbuttoning his jacket and sliding it off. His frostbitten fingers certainly weren't helping him with any more buttons, he concluded as he analyzed the slowly healing flesh.
Paige undoes the shirt buttons as she speaks. "You seem to be in a very good mood today. Despite being locked in a freezer for several hours."
He chuckles, taking off the shirt. "I think the warmth put me in a nice mood." He kicks off his pants, with some difficulty as the wet and hardened fabric clung onto him, but he managed.
Now, all he wore was his bowtie, his gloves, and soaking wet boxers that left nothing to the imagination. And that was an image she quite enjoyed, and savoured every last drop of. Even if his indigo body was covered in dark purple bruises with flesh damaged or missing on certain spots.
"Paige," Tony called, in a teasing voice. "I know those eyes..."
She looks at his face like a deer in headlights, gray blush dusted over her cheeks. She had forgotten to look at his face for a moment. Or a minute. Or several minutes.
After an awkward second, she gets the courage to whisper, "Please?"
"Paige, darling, I've been locked in a freezer for a whole day. I'm just starting to feel my legs. I'm sure you can understand when I say I'm not in the mood."
"Oh. That... Makes sense." She mutters, looking away. "That was stupid."
"You are stupid." He deadpanned. "Never forget that, dear."
"Wow, okay! Back to the freezer with you!" She laughed, sliding a hand under his back and lifting him off the floor once again.
"Paige, no, please- Paige! Let me go!"
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almostsweetangel · 2 years
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DHMIStober 2022 Day Five: Acidic (feat. highly specific Ice Hell lore)
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Padlock Headcanons
Part 2 of the Padlock and General Concepts headcanons that @woodworkzz asked for. Like with the first one, I probably will expand on at least some of these at some point. 
These are just headcanons about Paige and Tony as a couple/their relationship, not really too much about them individually.
Paige was the one who first started really developing romantic feelings for Tony, but he was the first one to start admitting how he felt to himself
Very few people know, even among the other Concepts, but they are married. 
Going with the fairly popular headcanon that Tony’s ticking/heartbeat is Paige’s white noise, but also adding to it that when he wants her “out of the way” or quiet for a bit but doesn’t want to hurt her, Tony will just hold Paige with her head to his chest until she falls asleep.
Despite the marriage thing, they do still have their own rooms just because of how much their interests can clash and sometimes they just want their own space
Paige is the only one who can get away with calling Tony by a nickname, even privately. 
For both of them, their worst nightmare is being permanently separated, whether by either of them permanently dying or just being forced to be apart
Paige has made customized watches and bowties for Tony, usually as “anniversary presents” but sometimes just for the sake of it
They are both demisexual and demiromantic
Creativity isn’t Tony’s strong suit, but when he doesn’t technically have anything he needs to do, he does try and occasionally take time to spend doing “creative” things with Paige, like cloud-watching, stargazing, or just sort of talking and sharing ideas
Both of them can get very jealous at times, but between the two of them, Tony is the worst at hiding it, despite denying it the most
Paige sleeps more than Tony does, and her favorite “blanket” is his coat. The fact that he tends to drape the coat over her when he finds her sleeping plays a major role in this.
They are very protective of each other. While they will sometimes harm or even kill each other as basically flirtation and foreplay (they know they’ll revive so there’s no real harm done), if anyone else harms one of them, the other will be sure to make that other party regret it.
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beepsparks · 1 year
Fellow Ice Hell fans! Whats the reason why YOU won’t be able to survive even a NIGHT in the house with Paige, Tony, and the trio? I’ll go first
(This will probably be long so click the read more if you wanna see my response lol)
Me personally, with the fact that I’m an artist with an interest in clocks and horology, to say those two would absolutely have a field day with me is an understatement
Also Paige in particular would ruin my life the most because Tony is a terrible influence and rubbed several aspects of himself off on me (Can’t stand breaking clocks, especially purposefully, his interest in timepieces, y’know). like think about it, if you’re Paige, wouldn’t you absolutely take the opportunity to torment basically two people at once with your antics? One being Tony, the other basically a fun-sized version of him (not really I am still very different from him lmao) where instead of getting mad at you for doing things, breaks down crying, or cringes extremely hard instead
Not like Paige isn’t the ONLY thing I’m worried about, Tony over here is a MEANIEHEAD and would probably both make fun of me for not knowing as much as him and also would probably torment me too because I am ALSO afraid of him despite our similar interests (nah fr this dude gave me nightmares for like a month) also do YOU think that man would care about my health? Nahhhh
In conclusion: Paige would tie me to a grandfather clock, light me and it on fire, and then Tony would probably save it then leave me to die burning, thats how it would go
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mebssann · 1 year
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"You'd be living in a castle with food and medicine and trained squirrels to tend to your every need."
bonus ver w/o text and extra doodle:
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schizochroal · 8 months
Having fallen on the ice like 7 times in the past week I'm really glad I'm young and the worst damage has just been getting bruised up all over.
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motorway-south · 13 days
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i’m gonna hold your hand when i say this…… many many people did tune into the current goings on of house baratheon…. it’s in a series called “a song of ice and fire”
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ohmanareyoucereal69 · 1 month
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grayintogreen · 3 months
Honestly, this plot is ingenious. Ludinus thinks he's showing them what sad victims the Aeorans were, but we're actually seeing THE GODS, the gods who genuinely care about mortals, the gods who know what will happen to their world if Aeor is allowed to continue, the gods who once stepped up and didn't use proxies to do their dirty work and now simply CAN'T do that anymore, because they knew the only way to prevent this madness from continuing was to step away. We're seeing the gods as people who love and care and are angry and bitter and have so much going on for them, but are trying to save the world, even if it means sacrificing a city to do it.
And above all, they CARE about people. It's that PROOF that the Hells (and a lot of the audience tbh) have been demanding this whole time.
"Are you worth saving?"
"You were."
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woodworkzz · 2 years
Forever thinking about this one story where Tony kills Paige thinking she'll just revive only for her to stay dead and him being so devastated from losing her that even the main trio are concerned about him because he's just so miserable with her gone.
Honestly? Me too.
I plead and beg on my knees for people to write more stories like this, it's just so good.
He starts out so confident and cocky about defeating her in one of their duels, but as the hours pass... He notices that something's wrong. Paige isn't coming back.
If we read the same story, he picks up her body and puts it on her bed, waiting for her to wake up. He waits for days, but Paige never wakes up.
After two or three days, he notices flies buzzing around in her room. Paige is rotting.
It finally dawns on him. She's dead, and isn't coming back like she used to.
He buries her in the backyard, but that might be the last thing he's ever done. He doesn't eat, sleeps at random times, neglected all his precious watches... You're lucky if you get him to say something.
Watching the all-powerful Time become a shell of a man in the span of a week is disturbing. That might be why the trio chose to help him despite everything.
But really, watching as Tony, usually so arrogant and self sufficient, crumbles when he loses Paige forever is... An unique experience that has tugged my heartstrings more than I'd like to admit.
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almostsweetangel · 2 years
im gen curious whats the lore
Well, there's quite a bit of it
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But in regards to the DHMIStober art, it's referencing Paige's caustic ink and Shrignold's sedative/hallucinogenic blood
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When Paige and Tony kill each other on purpose as part of their unusual game/flirtation/foreplay, they tend to hide the body in an “interesting” place and wait for them to revive and return. 
However, on the (pretty rare) occasion that the death is accidental, or caused by someone else, rather than do the usual routine of hiding the body, they actually stay with them until they wake up again. 
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beepsparks · 1 year
Pain is thinking “man Ice Hell seemed so fun, I wish I was there” but NOO you remember you were like 6 YEARS OLD during 2014 and now its been nearly a DECADE and everyone who was in it are now GROWN ADULTS that have JOBS and COLLEGE and now you feel INTIMIDATED to even THINK about talking to them or even following some of them on Tumblr and AUGHHHH SOMEONE PLEASE WILLINGLY TALK TO ME ABOUT ICE HELL’S PADLOCK IM OBSESSED IVE BEEN OBSESSED FOR LIKE 2 OR 3 YEARS NOW AND IVE ALREADY ANNOYED ALL MY FRIENDS ENOUGH they need rest from my rambles
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pinetreeshack · 1 year
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