#Ice glyph
loudlyhappycupcake · 4 months
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New Prophecy @shironezuninja @diego-r-the-artist-2009 @evander2511 @evaiskindaweird @bitter-yet-civilized @homuncvlus @sakulovejulius12 @serentiydraw5678 @miniaturejudgeturkeytree @cipedor @moonlighteclipse17 @bloodmoon24 @collector-noceda-clawthorne @cartoonfan21 @wolfie245 @violetrose-art @twiliartsdreams2017 @untitled14360 @bossbabyfan2 @moonlighteclipse17 @leo-x-u-raptor-fan @punk-63 @puffstarss @angrychenyu @hkthatgffan @patchcat-likeswolves @pastelmermaidgirl @fandom-4fans
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daxtarity · 1 year
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The Good Witch, Luz!
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en8y · 2 months
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[IMAGE ID: two rectangular flags, with thirteen stripes each. the bordering lines between the fourth/tenth and fifth/ninth stripes are rounded or bubbly. the second and twelfth stripes are wavy. the first flag has a four-pointed star in the center. the second flag has the ice glyph in the center. the ice glyph is nearly-white blue with a soft, bright blue outline. the entire flag is different shades of mint green, dull green, light blue, bright blue, and dull blue. END ID.]
iceglyphicession: a term relating to the idea that using the ice glyph is done out of necessity; whether that be for survival or as a profession. one may or may not be passionate about glyph magic; it can be seen as a dream job, or as a necessary evil.
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian
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wizardandgalaxy · 1 year
Dumb Connection That Was Probably a Coincidence, Let's Go
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"You're not coming from a place of intellectual honesty, so debating you would be pointless!"
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"But that man doesn't care about anything but his need to be the hero in his own delusion."
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(Plus a bonus, perhaps more serious parallel I found while getting these pictures:)
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scottpetersen · 19 days
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A while back, I made a post explaining my thoughts on the Teleportation Glyph Combo. I began thinking about it more and I think I might’ve realized one reason why the only satellite circle that is attached to all 3 circles that wrap around the Fire Glyph in the center also has a Fire Glyph in its own center with 3 Plant Glyphs and 1 Ice Glyph around it and also what the other 2 satellite circles are for. I think that one of the reasons why it’s the only satellite circle that’s connected to all 3 circles that wrap around the Fire Glyph in the center of the Teleportation Glyph Combo is because it directly represents the person or thing that is being teleported. The Fire Glyph in its center probably represents the energy in said person or thing since, as real life science established, all physical matter has energy like potential energy and kinetic energy for example and fire emits energy in the form of heat and I think that the 3 Plant Glyphs and the 1 Ice Glyph probably alters the power of the Fire Glyph to the point that it allows it to accommodate the physical aspects of the person’s or thing’s matter since plants and ice are both forms of physical matter themselves. Also, I think that the 3 Plant Glyphs, with some help from the 1 Ice Glyph, helps the energy from the Fire Glyph accommodate the matter’s distinct properties since different plants have different properties given that trees are partly made of wood while flowers aren’t just like how different matter has different properties given that water is made of a liquid while metal is made of a solid and I think that the 1 Ice Glyph helps the Plant Glyphs accommodate the matter’s properties by helping the energy from the Fire Glyph accommodate the physical matter’s shape since ice can have a wide variety of different shapes depending on what is frozen like how a frozen football can be shaped like a football and how a frozen soda can can be shaped like a soda can just like how physical matter can have a wide variety of different shapes depending on what shape the physical matter is. As a side note, I think that if a Glyph Combo with a Fire Glyph in the center and 3 Plant Glyphs and 1 Ice Glyph around it were used on a person, it would probably double their strength, speed, stamina, etc. After all, given everything I pointed out, a Glyph Combo with a Fire Glyph in the center and 3 Plant Glyphs and 1 Ice Glyph around it would represent the person it’s used on which would surely mean it would represent their strength, speed and stamina too. So, a Glyph Combo with 1 Fire Glyph in the center and 3 Plant Glyphs and 1 Ice Glyph around it would basically be an Enhancement Glyph Combo.
As for the satellite circle with the 1 small Plant Glyph and 1 small Fire Glyph in the center with 3 Glyphs consisting of 1 large Fire Glyph, 1 medium Plant Glyph and 1 medium Ice Glyph around them, I think it has to do with the transference aspect of the Teleportation Glyph Combo since I believe what it does on its own is energy transference. I think that, at least while working in conjunction with the other 3 Glyphs, the small Fire Glyph and the small Plant Glyph represent the energy which resides within a person or thing with the Fire Glyph representing the energy aspect since fire emits energy in the form of heat and the Plant Glyph representing the person/thing aspect since people and things contain potential energy and kinetic energy like how plants contain energy that’s absorbed from the sun and the large Fire Glyph, the medium Plant Glyph and the medium Ice Glyph helps the 2 small Glyphs represent the energy that resides within a person or thing and also represent the transfer to the other person or thing. I think that the large Fire Glyph is the biggest of the 3 Glyphs because it helps the 2 small Glyphs represent the energy by allowing it to grab the energy within the first person or thing thus allowing the small Fire Glyph and the small Plant Glyph interact with said energy since fire emits energy. The large Plant Glyph is probably what starts moving the energy from the first person or thing to the second person or thing since tree branches can lead to and reach the tree next to it like how the energy from the first person or thing would be being led to the second person or thing. And the Plant Glyph is probably what makes it so that the energy from the first person or thing can accommodate some of the different properties of the second person or thing. After all, as I pointed out earlier, different plants can have different properties just like how different people or things can have different properties. As for the Ice Glyph, it’s probably the aspect of the Glyph combo that helps the Plant Glyph make it so that the second person’s or thing’s physical matter can contain the first person’s or thing’s energy by helping the energy from the first person’s or thing’s energy accommodate the second person’s or thing’s physical shape since ice can take on different shapes depending on what’s being frozen. An Energy Transference Glyph Combo would probably be a part of the Teleportation Glyph Combo since both Energy Transference and Teleportation involve transferring someone or something from Point A to Point B. As for the satellite circle with 1 Fire Glyph on one side and 1 Plant Glyph on the other side, I think that it helps with the Teleportation Glyph Combo’s disassembly process at Point A and its reassembly process at Point B. After all, according to some sci-fi, teleportation is about disassembling something at Point A and reassembling it at Point B. And fire is all about burning things down thus disassembling them while plants are about regrowing thus reassembling themselves. And I think that what a Glyph combo with a Fire Glyph on one side and a Plant Glyph would do on its own, I think that it would break things down and then safely reassemble them. The Fire Glyph would break the thing the Glyph Combo is used on down and then the Plant Glyph would reassemble it. So, it would basically be a Disassembly And Reassembly Glyph Combo.
I think I’ll also take a look at the second and third circles that wrap around the Fire Glyph in the center of the Teleportation Glyph Combo. The biggest Glyph in the second circle that wraps around the Fire Glyph in the center is a Fire Glyph. I think that might have to do with the fact that, as @cartoonsofthecosmos pointed out in their The Anatomy Of Philip’s Teleportation Glyph post, Fire Glyphs seem to be the most important Glyph in the Teleportation Glyph Combo. I think one of the reasons for that is because, like how whatever is teleported is, at least for a brief moment, disassembled at Point A but has yet to emerge at Point B means it’s essentially nowhere in the cosmos, being burned by a fire means that the specific thing that has been burned is also nowhere to be found in the cosmos since it has been destroyed. So, this part of the Teleportation Glyph Combo probably corresponds with the aspect of teleportation that means being essentially nowhere in the cosmos for a brief moment. As for what the Glyph combo of the second circle would do on its own, I think that it would dematerialize whatever or whoever it’s used on which would make it a Dematerialization Glyph Combo. The Fire Glyph is the biggest there probably because dematerializing something is pretty much the same as destroying it and destroying things is what fire is about. And the next Glyph counter-clockwise of the big Fire Glyph is a Plant Glyph and the next Glyph clockwise of the big Fire Glyph is an Ice Glyph. As I pointed out earlier, Plant Glyphs and Ice Glyphs can represent the person’s or thing’s properties and shape respectively. And I think those are what the Plant Glyph and the Ice Glyph represent here. Also, I think that the Plant Glyph just counter-clockwise of the big Fire Glyph is smaller than the Ice Glyph just clockwise of the big Fire Glyph is because the Fire Glyph needed to overwhelm it more since the inner properties of a person or thing are a bit more fundamental than the person’s or thing’s shape and thus the properties of the person or thing take priority. And the rest of the Fire Glyphs, Plant Glyphs and Ice Glyphs probably fuel the destructive effect to the point that the physical matter is fully dematerialized since, out of the rest of them, the Fire Glyphs go first which would probably help with the destructive effect over the aspects represented by the Plant Glyphs and Ice Glyphs that come after the Fire Glyphs.
As for the third circle that wraps around the Fire Glyph in the center, the biggest Glyph there is a Plant Glyph. As I pointed out in my previous post about the Teleportation Glyph Combo, underground roots would be able to survive a forest fire which probably means that the Plant Glyphs would be able to help the person’s or thing’s essence stay preserved despite said person or thing being disassembled at Point A. And I think the person’s or thing’s essence being preserved would help them survive the travel from Point A to Point B. As for what the Glyph combo of the third circle would do on its own, I think that it would render whatever or whoever it’s used on indestructible. After all, both being preserved and being indestructible are all about saving something from being destroyed. Also, counter-clockwise of the big Plant Glyph is a small Fire Glyph followed by a large Fire Glyph. I think that’s meant to represent the person or thing adapting to what would otherwise destroy them by being exposed to small amounts of it little by little before then being ready to handle the big amount. And clockwise of the big Plant Glyph is a Fire Glyph followed by a Plant Glyph and then another Fire Glyph followed by another Plant Glyph. I think that’s also meant to help the person or thing adapt to what would otherwise destroy them since they probably represent the plants that are the person or thing constantly growing back over and over despite constantly being burned down by the fire that is the destructive force that would otherwise destroy the person or thing. And I think that the last Plant Glyph being bigger than the Fire Glyph just before it is meant to represent the person or thing prevailing over the destructive force in the end. Also, the Ice Glyph in the third circle probably makes sure that the person or thing stays intact and unharmed in the process since ice is basically water solidified and being solidified is the opposite of being melted and, by extension, damaged or destroyed. I think that this makes it so that the person or thing won’t go through any damage that the Fire Glyphs would otherwise cause.
Now, I’m gonna be going over the Fire Glyph in the center of the Teleportation Glyph Combo. A camp fire’s shape is like a surface with spikes. I think that one of the fire’s spikes represents Point A while one of the fire’s other spikes represents Point B. And the fire underneath the spikes represents the space between Point A to Point B. So, the Fire Glyph in the center of the Teleportation Glyph Combo probably represents the space between Point A and Point B. Also, according to Thich Nhat Hanh’s philosophies, everything is interconnected and interwoven. That might also mean that the person’s or thing’s energy is connected to the wider cosmos’s energy which would make sense since everything and everyone were created from the cosmos which would mean that their energy is part of the wider cosmos’s energy, the Fire Glyph in the center probably also helps represent the wider cosmos’s energy that the person or thing that is essentially connected to. After all, the satellite Glyph combo from earlier with the Fire Glyph in its center and the 3 Plant Glyphs and the 1 Ice Glyph around it branches off from the Fire Glyph in the center of the Teleportation Glyph Combo itself and that satellite circle Glyph combo on its own already represents the energy of the person or thing that is being teleported. So, with the help of the Fire Glyph in the center of the Teleportation Glyph Combo, the satellite circle Glyph combo with the Fire Glyph in its center and the 3 Plant Glyphs and the 1 Ice Glyph around it would probably not only represent the person or thing but also the wider cosmos’s energy that the person’s or thing’s own energy is connected to.
Now that I’ve gone over all the different components of the Teleportation Glyph Combo, I’m gonna try to explain how they work together. The second circle’s Glyph combo which dematerializes and thus destroys things intersects 2 of the Plant Glyphs that are a part of the satellite circle that represents the person or thing that is being teleported. And since it intersects the part of said satellite circle that runs in between the Fire Glyph in the center of the satellite circle which represents the person’s or thing’s energy and the Fire Glyph in the center of the Teleportation Glyph Combo which represents the wider cosmos’s energy, I think that’s meant to symbolize the second circle’s Glyph combo breaking down and thus destroying the proverbial barrier that separates the person’s or thing’s energy and from the rest of the wider cosmos’s energy. This would allow the rest of the wider cosmos’s power to flow directly within the person or thing. However, the overwhelming power of the wider cosmos’s energy would probably be too much and destroy the person or thing in the process. But since the satellite circle that represents the person or thing directly connects the second circle to the third circle, I think that this is where the third circle’s Glyph combo which preserves things comes in.
Since it directly intersects the Fire Glyph in the center of the satellite circle that represents the energy of the person or thing, it would more or less preserve the person’s or thing’s energy but, given that the third circle’s Glyph Combo is further away from the center of the Teleportation Glyph Combo than the second circle and thus would have a somewhat weaker effect, the rest of the wider cosmos’s power would probably still overwhelm the person or thing to the point that, while it won’t destroy them, it will still convert the person or thing into the wider cosmos’s energy. But since the person’s or thing’s energy would still be more or less preserved, the person’s or thing’s inner essence would probably still survive. Also, this would probably cause the person or thing to disappear from the corporeal universe and, by extension, Point A since, given that the person or thing pretty much got absorbed by the wider cosmos’s energy, the person or thing is nowhere in the universe since they’re not in any specific spot in it but they’re also still around since their inner essence is still intact. So, the person or thing that is being teleported got reduced to nothing but their essence but, thanks to the third circle’s Glyph combo’s power to preserve things, the person or thing is still surviving as their essence.
And since the satellite circle that represents the person or thing that is being teleported has a Plant Glyph and an Ice Glyph that haven’t been intersected and are further out than the second circle as well as the third circle, their power will probably be unaffected by the person or thing being converted into the wider cosmos’s energy. And they’ll probably help convert the person’s or thing’s essence which is now the person’s or thing’s energy that got converted into the wider cosmos’s energy into something that at least more resembles the person’s or thing’s regular energy since that Plant Glyph and Ice Glyph are a part of the satellite circle Glyph combo that represents the person or thing. After all, plants focus only on solar energy when it comes to absorbing energy which means that the Plant Glyph will probably be able to focus only on the person’s or thing’s essence thus making sure that the Ice Glyph’s power doesn’t effect the rest of the wider cosmos’s energy too. As for the Ice Glyph, it will probably “solidify” that energy into something that’s at least a bit more similar to the person’s or thing’s regular energy since the ice that is the Ice Glyph’s power could freeze “a certain bit of water” that is the person’s or thing’s energy into a block of ice that gets to keep its shape even while stuck in the depths of the ocean that is the wider cosmos’s energy. This also corresponds with how this Ice Glyph also, as I pointed out earlier, represents the aspect of the person’s or thing’s energy that accommodates the person’s or thing’s shape. Also, I think that the satellite circle that represents the person or thing is the first of the satellite circle Glyph Combos here to take effect because, unlike the other 2 satellite circles which only directly connect to the second and third circles that wrap around the Fire Glyph in the center of the Teleportation Glyph Combo, this satellite circle also directly connects to the first circle that wraps around said Fire Glyph. So, this satellite circle goes first since it’s directly connected to a more fundamental part of the Teleportation Glyph Combo. That even includes its Plant Glyph and Ice Glyph outside the third circle since those 2 Glyphs are still parts of the satellite circle which is connected to the first circle and thus those 2 Glyphs technically share the satellite circle’s connection to the first circle around the Fire Glyph in the center of the Teleportation Glyph Combo. However, in the case of the other 2 satellite circle Glyph combos, they’re pretty much on equal footing in terms of being fundamental for the Teleportation Glyph since they each are directly connected to both the second and third circles. So, both of these satellite circles’ inner halves (the parts of them that don’t go further out than the third circle) come before either of their outer halves. With that out of the way, the Fire Glyph on the satellite circle Glyph combo with said Fire Glyph on the inner end and the Plant Glyoh on the outer end has already done its job with the person’s or thing’s disassembly at Point A given that its Fire Glyph was a part of the first circle’s Glyph combo which also represents the person’s or thing’s disassembly at Point A. So, next comes the first half of the satellite circle Glyph combo which represents the transference aspect of the teleportation. So, this satellite circle would probably use its 1 small Fire Glyph, 1 small Plant and 1 large to grab hold of the person’s or thing’s energy since, as I pointed out earlier, those 3 Glyphs would probably represent the energy of a person or thing. Then, the satellite circle Glyph combo uses its medium Plant Glyph to help the person or thing reach Point B and form the person’s or thing’s energy there in the corporeal plane since, as I also pointed out earlier, a tree branch can allow the tree that is the person’s or thing’s energy to reach and thus form in the thing that the energy is being transferred to which, in this case, is Point B.
Now for the Plant Glyph on the outer half of the Glyph combo with the 1 Fire Glyph and the 1 Plant Glyph. I think that this Plant Glyph might use the newly reformed person’s or thing’s energy at Point B as a seed from which the person’s or thing’s physical matter to grow from. Lastly comes the Ice Glyph on the outer half of the Glyph combo with the 1 small Fire Glyph and 1 small Plant Glyph in its center with 1 large Fire Glyph, 1 medium Plant Glyph and 1 medium Ice Glyph around them. This Ice Glyph might simply shape the physical matter forming because of that Plant Glyph on the satellite circle Glyph combo with the 1 Fire Glyph and the 1 Plant Glyph into the shape of the person or thing since ice can take on different shapes. With that, the teleportation process is finished.
Well, that’s all for this post.
See you all next time.
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i have officially died.
i can't believe it's ending. it's... actually ending.
let's take a look.
king!! my guy!! you're... you have a mouth!!! and with the purple eyes oh my GOSH.
eda looks great, but very angry (like king). i think they're going to try and protect luz from the collector/his puppets while she does whatever. like in amphibia kind of, where the battle is a distraction for the real deal.
luz is still in her azura costume, and is it just me or does stringbean look like the tiktok logo?? she's holding a light glyph, which has always been very symbolic for her. not only because her name is spanish for "light", but also because she was the founder of glyph magic, the one the titan chose to learn magic from.
it's the magic of the isles and the magic of the titan, because the glyphs only work around titan blood.
luz is smiling, but it looks halfway like a sad kind of smile. like the one that says, "yes, we won this, but we also lost this".
in the background there's some kind of mural, a prehistoric-esque painting of a titan (king? or maybe his dad?) looking up in wonder, almost astonishment. he's all grown up and most likely huge.
below all of this is a sea of light bubbles, and if you look closely, they have glyphs in them (the one that's the easiest to see is next to the logo, a fire glyph). remarkably, the only one not present is the light glyph, despite being in a bubble of light. perhaps some symbolic meaning for "this can't end in light?" (oh titan please no)
i truly don't know what's coming for us this episode, but i simply cannot wait.
i may not want it to end...
but i want to see how it does.
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jal-the-jinxed · 1 year
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branmuffins22 · 2 years
oooogh i hate the constant inconsistencies with the ice glyphs OOOOGH
in the VERY FIRST INSTANCE of the ice glyphs, the one on the snowflake isnt even the same as the one she draws! the one she draws has a little diamond at the bottom! also, the glyph part is literally not even attached to the rest of the snowflake! hows that work??
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then this one is missing the line bisecting the crystal shape, missing the extra surrounding circle, and the diamond at the bottom is a triangle instead! still makes a big ol pillar of ice though, not a single difference in effect or potency or anything to be found!
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then THIS one has the ends of the curved line going UP instead of DOWN or NEARLY FLAT, and also has that triangle again instead of the diamond! also, if we assume these are the archetypical glyphs, why do half of them have extra circles around them while half dont? AND WHY IS THE ICE GLYPH HERE DIFFERENT THAN EITHER OF THE ONES WE WERE INTRODUCED TO?!
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and as if that werent bad enough, they ALMOST give us an explanation for why the glyph might look different sometimes, being that they can "alter glyphs to do specific things", but then they dont give us a clear example of such an alteration or what specific effects it has on the resulting spell!! no mention of what the difference has to be to get a pillar vs a spike (only that there IS a difference), and no mention of what this chain of 4 does (we know that a chain of 2 makes an ice sculpture spell later in the episode, but not much else)!
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BOTTOM LINE: what the FUCK i just want to UNDERSTAND YOU why cant things MAKE SENSE!!!
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The Owl House Wood Pins on Etsy
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wheretwofacesmeet · 1 year
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minor-r · 2 years
FINALLY I managed to finish this!
Anyway, my stencil for TOH snowflake cutout is done! I made it in 2 options: big but single per sheet, and double but small. Also for 1/2 and 1/6 fold, so it's 4 in total.
Here's how the full snowflake looks like:
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And stencils (under the cut):
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If I did everything right, just download and print the one you like the most and all should be ok.
Also, I made instructions:
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I recommend using big options, as they are just easier to cut. 1/6 takes less time, but causes bigger errors on the edges, here's an example (1/6, small):
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Hope you all like it! I used CorelDRAW for this, and, honestly, it took me a little more time than I expected.
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ferg-en-der-ben-do · 1 year
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Those are kings light glyph and ice glyph
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en8y · 7 months
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[IMAGE ID: three rectangular flags with eleven horizontal stripes each. most of them are evenly-sized and straight, save for the second and tenth stripes, which are thinner and wavy. the colors of the stripes are as follows: pastel green, dull warm green, light warm green, light blue, bright blue, and dull blue. the middle stripe seems to extend into a jagged shape, going upwards and downwards. there is a pastel blue shape in the middle, following the jagged shape's lines. the second flag has the ice glyph in the center. the ice glyph is nearly-white blue with a soft, bright blue outline. END ID.]
iceglyphwound: a gender in the genderwound system that can be described as being a wounded glyph user, being wounded by the ice glyph, being related to wounds and the ice glyph, etc
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian @drowntowns @forrest--deer @hypnosiacon
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celestialsandtitans · 2 years
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Made a glyphs wallpaper for myself.
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darks-art · 2 years
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(via The Owl House - Glowing Ice Glyph Socks by Udern-Stroud)
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weisscoldglare · 1 year
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I know I know Weiss has an angelic princess motif going on but, well there is frigid bitch potential too.
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