#Idk I wanna like it cuz the animatics make it sound so cool but like. Those first 9 are pretty basic so I sure hope there’s more
cryptvokeeper · 2 years
So I’m finally listening to that odyssey musical bitches keep making animatics to
or rather I’m TRYING to but it’s a mess of tik tok clips and suffering after the first 9 songs
so can anyone tell me what the deal is with that can I actually listen to this album or is it not finished
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angeloncewas · 3 years
Honestly this might come outta nowhere but you’ve got a lot of really good well worded posts on the subject of mcyttwt. I’m kinda in a weird place cuz I absolutely love the content, dsmp, so many of the cc’s are wonderful! But I just?? Really don’t enjoy a lot of the fandom?? Maybe that’s cuz I’ve seen a lot of it from mcyttwt but it’s honestly so exhausting..
Yet here’s the struggle: I’m an artist (I think?? Hope?? Lol) and I haven’t had a piece of media inspire me to create something so strongly as dsmp and the cc’s in general have. There’s so many pieces I want to draw, so many animatics/animations I want to (try) to make, but I’m a little terrified at the prospect of interacting with the fanbase... they intimidate me, and the way they treat my favorite cc’s makes me so peeved, it just makes me not wanna interact with them. I want to make fandom stuff So Bad but I just Do Not Like (a large-ish portion of) the fandom
This was kinda ranty oops, sorry I’m really tired, it’s just like, validating?? To find posts that put my thoughts on the fandom into so much more eloquent words than I could hope to achieve lol
I get you ! I guess your options going forward depend on what exactly you want.
If it's Twitter that really gets to you, then you could maybe try other platforms. Us and Reddit and Tiktok are the big three, but mcyt-insta is a thing too (I think) and people post art on there for sure (because like, what else do you do with Instagram ? Don't answer that ajdsk)
This might sound cold, but what I was gonna say otherwise is to treat your account like a business account. In a theoretical business situation, you're gonna have to shake hands with people you don't like. You're gonna disagree with the people around you so much that it makes you wanna scream sometimes. But you stay polite and friendly for the end result. You want Twitter likes? Play nice with Twitter, but don't try and make friends only to end up feeling bad. Keep that disconnect so that the intimidation doesn't matter; only interact as you have to and just kind of put your art out there for the rest. (And you might happen to make some friends along the way anyway lol)
For a softer approach, just try stuff out. I tried twt and hated it and came here and loved it, but it's very possible to find a community of like-minded ppl on twt. A lot of artists find each other and kind of band together from what I've seen, and most of them don't do the whole cc drama stuff because they're not just gonna stop drawing Techno for twt's benefit.
Idk if this helps AT ALL but I was thinking about it while in a car park so maybe the fumes got to me. I'm glad you agree with me on the state of the fandom though >.> I hope you find a good part of it to hang out in, or at least to share your work with, because the art that comes out of the DSMP is beyond cool and I look forward to yours.
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