#Idrc if ya’ll reblog
badp1l0t · 2 months
Ya’ll…I honestly dont think many people are gonna see this…but those who do, please stay and read. You dont need to reblog this post or like it or anything (and im not just saying this as reverse psychology, Im being dead serious, and I’m only adding tags so that people can see this and maybe even be inspired), just center your mind towards this blog. I have something important to share.
I understand this might be a ‘tldr’ or ‘idrc’ moment for some of yall by the way, and that’s fine. If i randomly saw this on tumblr I probably wouldn’t read it either lol. But if you could just take a few minutes out of your life to read this, i would really appreciate it.
So I just got this gut feeling only a couple minutes ago that I felt really deep inside me (dont take that outta context). Everything around me just disappeared, dissolved, just popped out of existence. I suddenly realized how terrible the world is, like my brain just snapped into reality…just…finally realized whats actually happening in the world. I noticed how terrible people can be, and a gut wrenching, primal rage bubbled in stomach. Moments later, I thought about what I’m doing with my life, how I’m wasting it away, just spending all of my life on my phone, ipad, TV, computer, PS5, nintendo….how i’ve never felt myself truly accomplish something or feel satisfied. I noticed how I have done NOTHING in my life except just plowing through every day without doing anything meaningful. I just felt unfulfilled…unsatisfied. I wanted to get off my phone and go outside and enjoy what life really is. The reason why I’m still on my phone here is to type this messages. What im trying to say is…you should really just put your screen down and really just enjoy life for what it is, to just enjoy life and really experience what you were made for. To just sit down and relax, go outside, look up at the sky, and just contemplate what you’re doing with your life. Just be. Be alive. Enjoy your time here.
Ik it’s kind of weird to be hearing this from helluva boss obsessed chronically online person that has terrible repetitive grammar and spelling, and I’m sure that you’ve heard this messages a hundred times, but I just feel like this is what people should experience in life. To just experience what it’s like to live.
To just…be.
I love you all 🌺❤️
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just-a-gl1tch · 2 years
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I DREW MYSELF OH MY GOD IM LITTERLY SHITTING RINBOWS RIGHT NOW HEHHHHFRYGCXU!! (Please ignore me I seem to be overly happy over something small lmao, I just- euphoria)
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