#Iella wessiri
Iella Wessiri: Are you single? Wedge Antilles: “Single” is a word the government created to give citizens tax disadvantages. Wedge Antilles: If you’re asking me if I’m lonely, the answer is yes.
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from-a-legends-pov · 6 months
Star Wars Legends: Poll of the Week - 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover
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Which of these is your favorite creative way a Star Wars Legends author got rid of a love interest for one of the characters?
Luke Skywalker had to let Callista Ming die to free her spirit (which had previously also been in a ship’s computer and inhabiting his recently-deceased Jedi Academy student’s body) from the dark sider Abeloth (Fate of the Jedi: Conviction)
Qwi Xux broke up with Wedge Antilles at the dinner where he was planning to break up with her, which may not seem that creative on its face, but an amicable breakup where no one dies or turns evil is a bit rare in Star Wars (X-Wing: Starfighters of Adumar)
Wedge Antilles fell in love with widow Iella Wessiri, whose deceased husband Diric turned out to be not so deceased after all, and then said husband turned out to be a sleeper agent for the Empire (but don’t worry, Diric’s not in the way for long) (X-Wing: The Krytos Trap)
Mara Jade and Lando Calrissian’s affair was later retconned as being a cover for a mission they were doing together (Vision of the Future)
Corran Horn discovered he and Chertyl Ruluwoor, the Selonian with whom he had a one-night-stand, were incompatible when he developed an allergic reaction to her fur and she had a skin reaction to the acidity of his sweat (X-Wing: Wedge’s Gamble)
Hungry for more Star Wars Legends content? Follow @from-a-legends-pov and check out our upcoming Star Wars Legends fanfiction event, From a Legends Point of View, HERE!
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magnetarbeam · 11 months
If Star Wars Husbands Took Their Wives' Last Names
Han Organa: It sounds weird, but at least it makes more sense than Princess Leia taking the last name of a smuggler.
Luke Jade: No, because Mara's original last name doesn't correspond to an actual family. Palpatine could have made it up, for all we know.
Corran Terrik: Booster would probably feel a little better about it.
Kell Sarkin: It has a nice ring to it.
Wedge Wessiri: I associate his badass feats too closely with "Antilles" for this one to really land, but least AO3 tags wouldn't have to distinguish between Syal Antilles Fel | Wynssa Starflare and Syal Antilles | Lysa Dunter.
Did Winter have a last name before she married Tycho? I've seen "Winter Retrac" in some circles, but I have no clue where that comes from.
Jagged Solo: Sounds really weird until his first name is abbreviated to Jag, which is done 95% of the time anyway, and then it sounds really cool.
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jedidryad · 1 year
"Karrde mentioned my Imperial roots? Or are they obvious?"
Chapter 3 is up. Mara must navigate smugglers and friendship and they way it all makes her feel. Lightsabers Are Always Loaded: Chapter 3
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Wedge and Iella on Adumar by Chris Trevas
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slyandthefamilybook · 2 years
I hate how every single woman in the series is Corran Horny for Corran's Horn
this man is as bland as oatmeal on saltines covered in flour
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x-wing-junkie · 2 years
Tagged by @nimata-beroya!
Name six Star Wars characters (dead or alive) you would invite as guests to a dinner party.
Mine are themed, not eclectic, just because I want all the stories (and dirt) from these guys I can get. All Legends versions:
Wedge Antilles
Iella Wessiri-Antilles
Tycho Celchu
Wes Janson
Hobbie Klivian
I'm tagging: @ysalamiri-queen, @maryellencarter, @camshaft22, @gay-agents-and-generals, @sempaiko, and @lots-o-doodles!
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eclecticmuses · 2 years
Tag 9 people you want to know better
Tagged by @horsyunicorn hello!
• 3 ships:  Fitzsimmons (Agents of SHIELD), Amy/Rory (Doctor Who), Sylki (Loki)
• 1st ever ship: this is actually a little difficult because while Star Wars was the first IP I got into, I actually didn’t start engaging with the actual fandom for a few years (and that was a mistake), but since it’s definitely the first thing I really got into, my first ship is a tie between Luke/Callista Ming and Wedge Antilles/Iella Wessiri. Yes, I am old. No, I don’t like Mara Jade as a romantic partner for Luke. Don’t @ me.
• Last song: Taylor Swift - How You Get The Girl
• Last movie: honestly I think it was Thor: Love and Thunder. I don’t get out much lol
• Currently reading: fanfic. Lots of fanfic.
• Currently watching: my son and I just finished Andor. Absolutely elite television, give it a try even if you don’t like Star Wars. Diego Luna got nominated for a Golden Globe and while deserved, he’s not even the best performance on the show IMHO.
• Currently consuming: orange Fanta (is anyone surprised)
• Currently craving: sushi
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Admiral Ackbar just said “there’s bigger fish to fight” which is objectively a much better idiom
Iella Wessiri
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from-a-legends-pov · 4 months
Star Wars Legends Spotlight: The Wedding of Luke and Mara
In this last week of writer signups for the From a Legends Point of View fanfiction event, we’ll be celebrating Legends by spotlighting some key events, characters, and moments from the Legends continuity.
Writers: Help us add to the story! Sign up to write for the From a Legends Point of View fanfiction event now through June 2. Together, we’ll build a collection of Star Wars Legends fanfiction set during the time of the Original Trilogy. Use our Signup Form to pitch your story concepts (Signup Guidelines available here) and please encourage your favorite writers to participate!
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Our first spotlight is the wedding of the galaxy’s most eligible Jedi bachelor, Luke Skywalker, with former Emperor’s Hand and current Jedi Master Mara Jade in 19 ABY on Coruscant.
Why is this important?
Luke and Mara are in many ways the power couple of Star Wars Legends (along with Leia Organa and Han Solo). While Leia and Han were shown as a committed couple by the end of Return of the Jedi, Luke Skywalker spent a fair amount of the Legends continuity in various ultimately doomed love affairs. Mara Jade, one of the most prominent characters to originate in Legends, was introduced in the Thrawn trilogy and clearly had some chemistry with Luke from the start, as well as going on her own journey from Emperor’s Hand to smuggler to Jedi knight to Jedi master before ending up with Luke.
How does it happen?
The engagement takes place toward the end of Timothy Zahn’s novel Vision of the Future, appropriately happening in the middle of a life-or-death situation. The room they are in is filling up with water, and Luke asks Mara to marry him. She says, “You mean, if we get out of this alive?” and he says, “I mean regardless.”
The wedding and the leadup take place in Star Wars: Union, a four-unit comic series written by X-Wing series writer Michael Stackpole. Most of the series deals with the more mundane events leading up to any wedding— choosing a dress, the bachelor / bachelorette parties, the wedding itself, and moments from the reception— but the happy couple being who they are, of course there is danger, intrigue, and shenanigans. There are actually two weddings: a Jedi wedding only attended by members of the Jedi Order early in the series, and a formal wedding that serves as a major event for the New Republic.
The Jedi portion of the wedding largely goes off without a hitch, but the New Republic ceremony is where the shenanigans come in.
We see Mara attempt to “say yes to the dress” only to be confronted with some of the worst fashion crimes imaginable, then find her dream designer out in the alley, having been originally prevented from preventing her designs by her evil boss.
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Luke’s bachelor party at the Red Rancor (attended by Han Solo, Wedge Antilles, Chewbacca, Gavin Darklighter, Talon Karrde, Wes Janson, Derek “Hobbie” Klivian, Tycho Celchu, Kam Solusar, Corran Horn, Booster Terrik, and Lando Calrissian) ends in a bar fight instigated by a Moff who is trying to kill Luke / prevent the wedding.
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Meanwhile, the women (Mara, Leia, Tionne Solusar, Winter Celchu, Mirax Terrik Horn, and Iella Wessiri Antilles) have a spa day and then kick some ass in a slingball game.
The day of the ceremony is a major New Republic event, with people like Mon Mothma in attendance and Admiral Ackbar presiding. A Moff is determined to interrupt the ceremony and violently prevent the festivities, but Chewie, the Jedi, and the Rogues take care of that while those with parts in the ceremony carry on. Meanwhile, Booster Terrik has been tasked with keeping the children quiet during the ceremony, including his grandson Valin Horn as well as Myri and Syal Antilles and Jaina, Jacen, and Anakin Solo.
Finally, we see the happy couple wed:
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…And various other couples at the ceremony get nostalgic about their own weddings as they enjoy the reception.
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magnetarbeam · 1 year
Hearing "Mara Skywalker" or "Leia Solo" or "Mirax Horn" or "Tyria Tainer" or "Iella Antilles" always annoys me because I wish Star Wars had developed more unique marriage customs for the different cultures.
I know it works differently for Mandos, but I want to know specifically what a Corellian or an Alderaanian wedding looks like, for example, and, you know, create something actually unique and appropriate instead of copy-and-pasting from our primitive planet.
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jedidryad · 1 year
WIP: Meeting new people
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One of the complexities of Lightsabers Are Always Loaded is that Mara has a lot of people to meet over the 18 months or so covered by the story. Here she meets Iella Wessiri at a tough moment for both of them. 
“You understand why I am suspicious of your sudden appearance at the bridge.” Wessiri declared, no question in her tone.
I agreed that I understood but I offered no elaboration. What was I going to say after all? I was following a funny feeling in my stomach that there was somewhere I should be? That would go over well with an intelligence officer - which is what I was pretty sure she was.  This was the person outside of the fringe Mirax had mentioned needing to meet. That she’d been on the bridge and knew where Mirax was staying meant she was more than just a distant business connection.
“I get that you don’t trust me, but Booster does, and you’re about to fall over.” I pointed out.
“Mara’s okay, Iella,” Mirax broke in in a ragged whisper, voice thick with unshed tears, “She’s Luke Skywalker approved.”
Wessiri stepped back and contemplated me again for a moment.
“Luke Skywalker’s judgement calls might be the primary cause of all digestive issues faced by the NRI.” she muttered, shaking her head.
“Karrde could probably get them a good deal on antacids.” I replied, doing a terrible job hiding the smile that threatened at her concise evaluation of Skywalker.
“Talon Karrde too, I see.” she mumbled nodding, “I’ll tell Cracken.”
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forcesung · 2 years
Wedge grinned and typed a series of numbers and letters into the ’pad. The air lock door hissed and slid open. From another pocket, he pulled a pair of thin gloves and donned them. He began prodding at the corners of access panels, running fingers across the tops of glowing WARNING signs, peering into every crack and cranny in the air lock. “Wish Iella were here,” he said.
“Or Winter,” Tycho added.
“Both our wives are ex-Intelligence,” Wedge said, his comment directed at Zekk. “Tycho’s wife used to babysit Jaina, in fact. Whatever we’ve learned, we’ve picked up mostly through osmosis.”
“Normally, we just shoot things,” Tycho added.
“We keep trying to retire,” Wedge said. “Give up this life of shooting things.”
Tycho nodded. “We’re really men of peace at heart.”
—Legacy of the Force: Betrayal, Aaron Allston
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Re-reading the X-Wing series, and man, is Wedge Antilles gay.
Like, I can’t envision him as anything but now. I know he ends up with Iella Wessiri in Legends/EU, and I have no idea about Canon, but my Force does he spend a lot of time fawning over Luke Skywalker and Tycho Celchu. 
OK, in SDTCI, both Wedge Antilles and Iella Wessiri are gay and do their mlm/wlw bonding through sadness over LukeMara.
I’m definitely making a follow up to this.
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jedimordsith · 2 years
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It’s been a while, so how about a bit from Katana for today?
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“Your droid was looking for tea.” Iella stepped inside and the door closed behind her. She carried a tray in both hands. On it was arranged a compact tea set, obviously designed for travel. Steam curled from the teapot’s spout. “I thought it sounded like a good idea.” 
Mara watched, staying where she was, as Iella carried the tray to the bunk opposite hers and set it down. 
“He insisted on testing it,” Iella continued, carefully angling her body so Mara could watch as she poured a cup. Her brow furrowed as she passed it over. “I hope you don’t actually think we’d try to poison you.” 
Mara accepted the mug and discretely sniffed the dark brew. Gatalentan, she thought. Too snobbish for Solo. It must have be what Organa-Solo preferred. She wondered if Reggie had made a note of that. It was worth knowing, but she likely wouldn’t remember to tell him by the time she got to see him alone again.  
Iella was still looking at her expectantly. 
Mara replayed the other woman’s words and shrugged. “You’re NRI,” she said, taking a sip of the tea anyway. It was perfectly brewed and the rich, soothing taste unwound some of the tension in her shoulders in spite of herself. “You hate smugglers and it’s your job to keep the Republic safe. Eliminating an asset held by a smuggler wouldn’t be outside your purview.” 
“Bothans hate smugglers,” Iella corrected, pouring herself a mug and settling onto her bunk beside the tray. “The rest of us tend to like them just fine. As for being NRI,” she added slowly after a brief pause, “yes, I am. And I’ll admit I’ve done a lot of things I’m not proud of as part of deep cover assignments.” She cradled her mug in her hands and regarded Mara solemnly. “But I don’t kill people — or order them killed — just because what they’re up to isn’t in the best interest of the New Republic.” 
“So when this is over, you’re just going to let us go?” Mara challenged. “Me and Talon. Let us disappear back into the Fringe, knowing he has an Oracle?” 
“I like to think I’m just, not stupid,” Iella said, arching an eyebrow. “Obviously, I’m going to try to broker a deal with you. To keep you in our orbit.” Her expression changed, her brows knitting a little. “I would never try to take you away from Karrde. You need to know that.” 
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Found the problem with the Star Wars EU.
Too many cops
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