#If Copperhead likes you then you get served the nice ones
cxpperhead · 9 months
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While he wouldn't exactly call himself a collector, Copperhead has amassed quite a few teacups and is always looking for interesting additions to add to his hoard. Some of them were pilfered from his earliest victims as trophies of sorts but decided against continuing to steal them in the event that authorities would catch him someday and manage to link these missing cups to as of yet unsolved cases.
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“Hey little pussy boy. Come here. No. No. I said ‘Come here.’ You are Danny Black, right? Good. You don’t have to be all scared,… yet. Heh heh heh, I’m joking. Seriously. I’m Beercan. And if you were thinking that meant alcohol, you would be wrong. I know you’ve been whoring for Copperhead. Well, he don’t own you anymore. I do. I paid your debt to him....
“He’s glad to be out of the fag whoring business. Drop your pants, I need to inspect my property. I’m assuming you are in shock, and that’s why you aren’t fucking following my orders. Now pants around your ankles. I don’t give a fuck if we are outside. I don’t know why you would care; you’ve been given your johns blowjobs in these abandoned buildings without a problem. Now one last time, and I will not repeat myself again. Pants around your ankles.
“About time you fucking follow orders. No underwear. Good. That’s not going to change other than to say no socks going forward either. I have the key to your chastity cage. That cage is worthless. It’s too big, and easy to pull out of. This one will work better. Nice and smooth I see. Not a stubble. Fuck yeah. Copperhead have that removed? Well he did that right.
“This cage is better suited for owning a faggot. It’s quite ingenious. It’s not only remote controlled, but it delivers a shock whenever I want. Now don’t fucking move. Fuck you are getting hard, rock hard. I should have figured that. You know what? Jack off for me. I don’t give a shit. In fact, give me some head. It’s thick I know. You’ll learn to accommodate me in your toilet mouth and your cunt hole. To the root. Pound your pud really hard. And cum quickly. You know how to handle a dick in your mouth. You should you piece of shit fucking whore.
“I can’t even begin to think of the number of real men who have used that toilet mouth, my fucking toilet mouth. About fucking time you came. Stay on your knees and keep my cock in your mouth. I’m going to use the toilet part of your toilet mouth. All of my piss goes down your throat or up your cunt.
“And the hole between your legs will be known as a cunt. Men have shitholes. Fags have cunts. You will always refer to your hole as a cunt. Its primary function is to serve my cock. Shitting for you is secondary. That means that I expect the cunt to always be clean. Copperhead might have been into shit, but I’m not. Not at all. And even though I’m not into it, I want you to think about what my shithole does every time your tongue is buried deep in there. Always remind yourself that you are a disgusting faggot, that drinks his owner’s piss, that cleans his owner’s shithole, that is his owner’s spittoon, ashtray, and most importantly, cumdump.
“Pull off. I’m done pissing. Always remember, I am not your master. I am your owner. You are not a slave to me. Slaves are humans. Rather you are a possession. That’s it. Nothing more.
“Stand up and present me your pecker. This chastity cage should go on easier. Yeah it does. I’ve not seen one like this before. First, it’s designed to prevent pulling the shaft out. Second, your shaft goes into this tube. And this is the battery lock. A small sensor goes around your head. Should you start to get aroused it delivers a shock to your wang, the whole thing. Now you are nice and locked up. I can also shock you remotely.
“My brothers in the gang are going to like that. Speaking of which, in order for me to make that deal with Copperhead, the gang demanded to gang bang you. That will be tonight. After that, no more other men for you. Get on my bike. Let’s get you back home and I’ll show you what those duties are. Leave your clothes. I don’t give a shit if anyone sees your naked. This is your life now.”
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Week Two: 1/10/2018
Books purchased:
Head Games Graphic Novel Craig McDonald/Writer Kevin Singles/Artist First Second
The Imposter’s Daughter Graphic Novel Laurie Sandell/Writer/Artist Little,Brown
Motor Girl Real Life TPB Terry Moore/Writer/Artist Abstract Studio
My Favorite Thing is Monsters Emil Ferris/Writer and Artist Fantagraphics
Elsewhere TPB Jay Faerber/Writer Sumeyye Kesgin/Artist Image
Royal City Issue 9 Jeff Lemire/Writer/Artist Image
Stray Bullets Sunshine and Roses Issue 31 David Lapham/Writer/ Artist El Capitan
Star Wars Forces of Destiny (Rey) One-Shot Jody Houser/ Writer Arianna Florean/Artist IDW/Disney
Star Wars Darth Vader Issue 10 Charles Soule/Writer Giuseppe Camuncoli/Artist Marvel
The Vision Hardcover Collection Tom King/Writer Gabriel Hernandez Walta
So it was a light new comic day for me but I still spent about $52 because I bought the new Vision hardcover collection which runs $40 by itself. I only picked up four new comics today (what I have heard some people call “floppies” so I’ll use that term here to designate new single issue comics). I did pick up some TPB’s (trade paperbacks) at a used bookstore and I did finish My Favorite Thing Is Monsters so I’ll be reviewing those as well. I have not read the Vision book yet so I’ll talk more about that next week. From what I’ve heard and read the book is supposed to be fantastic so I am looking forward to reading it. So let’s do this…..
Head Games Graphic Novel Craig McDonald/Writer Kevin Singles/Artist First Second
This book was okay. Just okay. I really liked the artwork by Kevin Singles. The cover blurb about him says this was his first time drawing a graphic novel and he did a really good job on it. Good visuals that enhance the story even when it’s meandering around which it’s prone to do. That brings me to the story itself. The main character is a Hemmingway like writer named Hector Lassiter who, the introduction tells us, is the subject of ten novels by Craig McDonald.  I’m not sure that I could read another book about this guy so ten seems like overkill. The problem I have with the character is that he’s too extra. He helped Blackjack Pershing chase Pancho Villa, he served in World War One, he’s buddies with Hemmingway and Dashiell Hammett, he has romanced great beauties such as Marlene Dietrich (who he endearingly calls “Kraut”…ugh), he’s a hard drinking, award winning book writing, son of a bitch. It’s as if Hemmingway’s life story was written by Dashiell Hammett and filmed by Sam Peckinpaugh. That may sound like a fun combination but it’s really a mess. Just like Hemmingway he is a hard drinking writer living a life of great adventure and sadness, just like Hammett he is a crime writer suffering from ailments that have slowed him down in his old age, and just like almost all of the great Peckinpaugh films he is a man out of time, unable to adjust to getting old and the changing world around him. He’s too much and the plot is as well. I won’t give it away but it’s convoluted and involves Pancho Villa, Prescott Bush, Orson Welles, and gun toting members of Yale’s Skull and Bones organization. I was kind of bored with it by the end.
Pass. Don’t bother unless you want to check out the art.
The Imposter’s Daughter Graphic Novel Laurie Sandell/Writer/Artist Little,Brown
I liked this book but I do tend to favor true stories and personal reflections, especially when it’s a good story. Laurie Sandell is a very good writer and her art is fun and colorful. The drawings are loose and a bit cartoony but they fit perfectly with her story and oh what a story it is! I won’t give too much away but here is the premise, Laurie’s dad is an imposter, I mean he is her real dad but nothing he has ever told her is true. He brags about his heroics in Vietnam and being a pen pal with the Pope and little Laurie is enamored of her larger than life dad until she discovers that all of his stories were lies. Not only that but he also turns out to be something of a scam artist. This causes Laurie to start seeking not only the truth about her father but also discovering who she really is. It’s a great read if you like personal memoirs like I do.
Buy. I recommend this to people who like slice of life comics.
Motor Girl Real Life TPB Terry Moore/Writer/Artist Abstract Studio
Motor Girl is okay. This is the first volume I’ve read and I’m not sure that I need to see more. Like most of Terry Moore’s stuff I’m “meh” about this. To be more specific, in case “meh” doesn’t serve well enough, I like his books but can live without them. I would buy another volume of this if I found it on clearance like this one (I paid $4 for it) but I wouldn’t go out of my way to find one and I certainly wouldn’t pay full price. It was a fun read with a few interesting ideas but nothing earth shattering. Like most of Moore’s work this one has a female lead (which I have no problem with). This lead happens to be a former Marine who works in a junkyard named Samantha (Sam). Sam spent some time in an Iraqi prison and has the scars, both physical and mental, to show for it. This leads the reader to question if anything they are seeing is real, like the giant talking ape she hangs around with or the aliens that keep coming to visit her. You may find that intriguing and want to know more but I’m not sure that I do.
Pass. For me, your opinion of Terry Moore may vary.
My Favorite Thing is Monsters Emil Ferris/Writer and Artist Fantagraphics
So I finally finished this and I have to say that all the praise this book is getting is well deserved. There is a lot going on here but the characters and their development keep it interesting. The artwork is phenomenal, drawn as if in a lined notebook with colored pens, sketchy but technically sound with gorgeous crosshatching. I was a bit irked that the book ended because I wanted to keep reading and it just left me hanging. I know there is a second volume in production now but there’s no telling how long that will take because this one must have taken forever to do. There is a ton of diversity and representation in this book with little stereotyping or misrepresentation. The book itself deals with monsters both real and imagined, from werewolves to Nazis, zombies to child abusers. I won’t give any of this away because I think it needs to be read without prejudice going in. I highly recommend this book and, if you don’t want to take my word for it, I suggest you look at any of the reviews online because almost all of them agree.
Buy. Yes, buy this. You will thank me later.
Elsewhere TPB Jay Faerber/Writer Sumeyye Kesgin/Artist Image
I thought this book was interesting. I enjoy most of Faeber’s books, especially Copperhead, so I was intrigued by this one. This is another book I picked up relatively cheap and I’m not sure if I would have bought it otherwise. I’m glad I bought it because I enjoyed it but I’m not sure I would continue to buy it. The art by Kesgin is nice and the story is unique but not exactly exciting. The gist is that an alternate dimension exists where things from other worlds get sucked in and trapped there. If you have seen Thor 3 then it’s kind of like that. A lot of people and things that have mysteriously vanished end up here, like DB Cooper and Amelia Earhart. Amelia is of course plucky and brave just as she was in real life and DB is a money hungry cad but together they plan to overthrow the head of this crazy place and escape back to their lives. I did enjoy the book but I’m not sure it’s something that would hold my attention over a long period of time.
Pass.  I reserve the right to change my mind if I ever read another volume because I think it may have potential but for now it’s a pass.
Royal City Issue 9 Jeff Lemire/Writer/Artist Image
I like a lot of Lemire’s work but sometimes his work is a little surreal and difficult to follow. I prefer his books that are about people and their relationships. This is one of those books. Some may find the book slow moving but it’s atmospheric and we are slowly seeing the characters develop and it’s worth the wait. The pacing mirrors the slow moving small town that the characters inhabit. It’s the story of the town just as much as it is of the Pike family. This is the story of people who grow up in dead end factory towns who never leave and always wonder what could have been if they had left. Everyone in this town is haunted by regret and lost dreams, the Pike family is haunted by that as well as the ghost of their little brother, Tommy. Patrick Pike, the de facto lead character, is one of the people who escaped from the town becoming a best selling author but now his star is fading and he’s come back to town to deal with his own ghosts. I love this book. Some may find Lemire’s art a bit cartoony or loose for their taste but I find it homey and ethereal. The art fits the story perfectly and Lemire knows how to use angles and varying shot lengths that help underscore the impact of this morose tale.
Buy. I love the book but I expect that not everyone is a fan of Lemire, or slow building character pieces, or mesmeric art so think about whether you enjoy those types of things before picking it up.
Stray Bullets Sunshine and Roses Issue 31 David Lapham/Writer/ Artist El Capitan
I enjoy David Lapham a great deal but almost exclusively on things he does by himself. I haven’t enjoyed much that he has done for outside publishers but I love his crime books like Stray Bullets and Murder Me Dead. Lapham does have a tendency to get off track at times but this run has been relatively straight forward. One of the fun things about Lapham’s characters in these books is that almost no one is innocent and almost no one is completely a villain. There are a lot of realistic characters in these books who just happen to do really dumb things. These books can be fun one second and deadly serious the next, it’s a good mix. There is a lot of history built into this series. I think the original series had 100 issues, I can see the omnibus from where I sit but I’m too lazy to get up and get it. The good news is that you don’t have to have read all of those books to get into this series but, you know, it wouldn’t hurt and that was a hell of a series so…. These books center around crime but they are mainly character pieces about crappy people. Lapham is great at building character and dialogue, sort of like a comic book version of Quentin Tarantino without all of the foot fetish stuff. If you haven’t read any Stray Bullets I suggest you correct that. I hope Lapham keeps doing this series for a while, it’s what he’s best at.
Buy. Go get the omnibus! It may be a bit expensive but it’s worth it! Then start on this series.
Star Wars Forces of Destiny (Rey) One-Shot Jody Houser/ Writer Arianna Florean/Artist IDW/Disney
This book was not as good as the Leia one. I guess these are tie-ins with some new Star Wars merchandise? Like Disney Princesses in space? I don’t know and I really don’t care to find out. I won’t spend a lot of time talking about this because it’s not worth it. Nice art, irritating story. Do you want to know what happened to Rey and BB8 between the time she found him and the time she took him into town? No? Me either but Disney seems to think we do. This books ends with a deus ex machina rescue that will just make you wonder why you read the whole book.
Pass. Unless you’re ten or younger I guess.
Star Wars Darth Vader Issue 10 Charles Soule/Writer Giuseppe Camuncoli/Artist Marvel
Why do I keep reading these Star Wars comics? That is all.
Pass. Only for Star Wars fans with low expectations.
That’s all folks. I’ll read The Vision and get back to you!
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annachronismmm · 8 years
A year of transition, of change. When I started writing this, I wanted it to be a melding of world events and my life, but it turned out to mostly be my life. Whoops. Anway, here’s my take on the craziness of last year: 
2016. A sentence that begins with quotation marks savoring of both endings and beginnings. The last year of chlorine, of perpetual exhaustion. A year of anxiety and apprehensions, applications and lessened application in the pool. A year of decimals--disappointing decimals, that is, slightly more than there were last year. Of yellow ribbons instead of white. Of love for the girls on your team--and those annoying boys, too. Of that mattering much more than the times.
A year of breakfast, of starting something silly with your friends because it’s second-semester senior year and what the heck. A year of dancing. Of learning to let go of leading and letting the up-and-comers take charge.
Again, a year of uncertainty. Of loading admissions portals with your eyes squeezed shut, terrified to see the results. Of celebrating good news and bemoaning the bad. Of finding new friends in strange places--in potatoes, of all things. Of knowing exactly what you want and spending spring break working to make it happen.
But then: a year of the guidance counselor materializing above you as you sit in the hallway with Maddie, Jeffrey, and Frankie. Of the valedictorian standing behind her. Of an invisible choke hold around your neck as you realize what’s happening and you know you should be exhilarated but you just aren’t. Of lilies, clutched in your arms, that break your heart but not because they’re beautiful. Of going home and crying in the bathtub because you feel like a piece of shit for wanting to throw away something that so many people you know would be incredibly grateful to have. Of revisiting a school you’d entirely written off so long ago, of realizing yes, you could love this place, too.
Still, though, a year of picking the sensible option, because that’s what you always do--your heart is forever muzzled, your mind with its hands firmly grasped on the leash.
A year of realizing that you can’t make a hero out of a person, because they’re bound to let you down, bound to be just as flawed as everyone else. Of proving him wrong, of adrenaline-rushed match play because that spot is ours, goddammit, we’re boss ass bitches who are fucking CLOSERS and we’ll be damned if politics are going to get in the way of that. Of deuce, of sheepish laughter. Of sunburns. Of dinner on the river bank. Of calls from the hotel front desk and pretending like we don’t know what’s going on, that people haven’t been banging on our door for the past hour even though we’re just inside hanging out.  
A year of a swanky dinner and ball gowns. Of speeding along in a jolting red sports car with a king, a prince, and your best friend with you. Of driving to the roller rink, contentedness emanating throughout you, with “Scar Tissue” by the Red Hot Chili Peppers illuminating the dark roads packed in by corn.
A year of finally not caring about a class. Of frauleins, frown lines, of saying plEASE in the most nasally voice you can summon. A year of Le Petit Prince, of right wingin’, bitter clingin’ proud clingers. A year of “Copperhead Road,” of Microsoft Paint.
And, finally, a year of endings, of goodbyes. Of lasts. Of it all feeling surreal for the next three weeks. Of knowing the next time you walk through those doors, you won’t have your backpack and it will all feel different, changed, permanently.
A year of ducking out early, of school being out of session for UDHS but still in session at FSU. Of, a week earlier, overconfidence at sectionals and paying dearly for it. Of petty parents and unrelenting shame as you trudge off the court. Of, today, craving redemption with every atom in your body and attempting to contain the nerves that come with that. Of an ace on match point. Of 6-3, 6-3. Of a win at regionals. Of the bus breaking down in the parking lot, but that being surprisingly okay because oh my god, it was the last day of school with these people forever and we just won regionals, too. Of sprawling out on the sun-drenched, dusty red courts with our water jugs in hand, again watching the up-and-comers rally half-lazily, half-seriously because they know their time will come, too. Of Ivanhoe’s with your best friends, sitting at a booth awkwardly because it all just ended and no one knows where to tiptoe first in this vast, exciting unknown.
A year of semi-state. Of being ridiculously, completely the underdogs. Of entertaining hope but entering the court with the suspicion that today, you’re playing for personal honor instead of team victory. Of personal victory and team defeat--again, another ending, another fig falling off the tree, spoiled.
A year of mortarboards and gowns. Of walking out of the auditorium at the front of the line, past all those parents who have shown you kindness over the years. Of emerging outside into the setting sun, laughing and hugging. Of pictures. Of Dairy Queen with your grandparents. Of post-graduation s’mores with friends, the reality of it all still not reality. Of never-ending parties and crockpots of pulled pork.
A year of t-shirts--lots and lots of t-shirts. Of ink and squeegees and screens. Of conveyor belts and boxes.
A year, still, of tennis. Of deuce, endlessly. Of small redemptions, revenge served. Of penguins. Of letting your partner’s ego run rampant because it’s funny and honestly kind of entertaining--then, of seeing him defer to the alpha tennis male. Then, beating said alpha tennis male and his partner. Of being a dark horse and #norespect.
A year of new cities. Of streets and avenues, crowds of people who don’t give a shit about you and honestly, that’s wonderful. Of mind-blowing cookies and the musical you’ve been dying to see. Of renowned paintings and sculptures, of a lush green square plopped in between the skyscrapers. Of wandering the High Line on Bastille Day with an old friend. Of returning home with a hunger for more.
A year of summer bonfires with friends old and friends really quite recent. Of kayaking down the river, letting the current pull you, of laughing when the others get stuck on a sandbank. Of county road car adventures. Of blue raspberry creamy slushes and that disgusting candy cotton Mountain Dew concoction you refused to try.
A year of an excruciatingly long July because you can’t wait to JUST GET THE HECK OUT OF HERE ALREADY. Of scouring Pinterest for dorm decorating ideas. Of packing, and, finally, more goodbyes. Of not knowing how to say goodbye to the best friend you’ve had since fourth grade. Of not crying until you’re on the interstate and not really knowing why, because this is what you’ve been looking forward to for years. Of the bumper-to-bumper traffic on the way into campus. Of you, your roommate, and your mom carrying your stuff into the dorm.  Of initial awkwardness--with everyone. Of having to walk away before your mom even gets in the car to drive away because she’s your best friend and you know you’re about to lose it.
A year of sweltering heat that first week, yet trekking all over the campus you don’t yet know in spite of it. Of adventures with people who will turn up again later. Of wandering through the art museum with people you’re pretty sure are going to be your friends.
A year of finding your people--the ones who love books and learning and early mornings just as much as you do. Of early Saturday morning runs through campus, when it’s empty and covered in a layer of dew. Of sitting in your friend’s dorm room in your pajamas as half the floor troops down the hallway for a night out. Of being perfectly, incandescently happy right where you are. Of sitting in the quad on a blanket with your friends, gossiping about boys. Of weekend afternoons spent at the library.
A year of enlightenment, of lots and lots of reading. Of timid knocks on professors’ doors for office hours. Of falling in love with the subjects you didn’t expect. Of call-out meetings. Of weekly deadlines and parliamentary procedure.
A year of late nights studying, but not always. Of staying up until 6 with a boy who, in the end, can’t ever say what he feels. Of kissing him, of disappointment in that. Of silence. Of realizing that you really didn’t care that much about him, either.
A year of nonsensical videos, of 9 P.M. runs to the cafeteria with your friends for donuts and hot chocolate. A year of exploring a new town. Of downtown festivals and restaurants and farmer’s markets.
A year of color runs. Of swim club. Of coming to the realization that working out is still a necessity, even when you’re walking five miles a day.
A year of SNL, of David S. Pumpkins, of Kate McKinnon’s Hillary Clinton. A year of disappointment and realization on a national scale. Of waking up on November 10th to the results you never expected. Of numbness, of shock. Of rude relatives on Facebook. Of sorrow.
A year of more cities--cities of the windy variety, that is. Of long hours in committee, of new friends. Of finally being home. Of it feeling like it’s been a day since you last saw some of your high school friends and running out of things to talk about once you’ve gossiped about your former classmates with the others. Of starting to appreciate your hometown, of loving it for its flaws, road entirely made of fast food chains and potholes and all.
A year of deciding to trust the boy who, if you’re being honest with yourself, you’ve been intrigued by for a good chunk of the semester. Of illusory hope. Of realizing that he’s either completely full of shit or great at telling one helluva fish story. (Probably both.) Of naively, stupidly looking for answers when you’ve been reminded that real-life isn’t like a book--no denouement, no closure, no loose ends wrapped up in a nice little bow. Of making peace with this.
A year of your first collegiate finals week, a week slower than any other the whole semester. Of packing, again. Of going home, however temporary it may be. Of living halfway out of your suitcase and your old dresser. Of all the adults in your life and the same questions, over and over.
A year of long road trips. Of the puppy bothering you the entire time. Of cousins and and aunts and uncles and grandparents. Of deciding that your grandmother has finally, really, truly lost it. Of tubing at night, looking not down the hill but up, feeling the ice dust through the air as you slide down the chute at a breakneck pace. Of unconventional New Year’s Eve shenanigans, because when have you and Krissy ever been conventional? Of gingerbread and hot glue guns and fireworks.
And, finally, the ending punctuation; a year of deciding, of choosing, to leave the things and people that belong in 2016 in the past, your eyes focused only straight ahead, on January 1st.
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Assessment: Starbucks’ Hotly Anticipated Pumpkin Spice Latte
Overview: Starbucks’ Hotly Anticipated Pumpkin Spice Latte
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miamibeerscene · 8 years
8 Arizona Breweries You’ll Want to Explore
Craft beer is thriving in Arizona. (Credit: Borderlands Brewing)
February 7, 2017
Beer enthusiasts around the Grand Canyon state would agree that over the last half decade, Arizona breweries have grown exponentially. Phoenix and Tucson, in particular, have exploded their numbers of craft breweries, as Arizona residents have fallen hard for beer from small and independent brewers.
In Tucson alone, seven new breweries opened up in 2016 and another one opened its doors just at the turn of 2017. However, there are lots of craft beer watering holes all throughout the state, which makes it a haven for beer lovers who love to road trip through the Southwest. Here are eight that you can put on your list for your next visit.
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Oak Creek Brewery – Sedona, AZ
Sedona is recognized worldwide for its enchanting red rocks and amazing spa resorts, however even in this spiritual haven there is a spot for the beer lovers too. The Oak Creek Brewery, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, is the perfect place to wind down at the end of the day with a cold pint and a breathtaking sunset over dinner. Their amber ale, pale ale and nut brown ale have all been medalists in national competitions and continue to be big hits with local and visitor drinkers alike. In addition to that, at the 22nd annual Great American Beer Fest in Colorado, Oak Creek won a gold medal for their delicious, light, German-Style hefeweizen. All of their beers have unique flavors and suggest pairings, as the brewery itself is also a highly rated restaurant in the Tlaquepaque Arts and Crafts Village.
Borderlands Brewing Co. – Tucson, AZ
Inside the taproom at Borderlands Brewing in Tucson. (Credit: Borderlands)
The Borderlands Brewing Company is only a few years old, but have settled into downtown Tucson so nicely, they feel like an old friend that their customers have known forever. Borderlands is known for creative brews that reflect local ingredients and native flavors, such as their iconic Prickly Pear Wheat and their Horchata Cream Ale. In addition to those, their Noche Dulce Midnight Vanilla Porter uses Mexican vanilla flavoring and is said to be one of the smoothest, silkiest dark beers in the region that even appeals to those who don’t typically like that style of brew.
Mother Road Brewing Company – Flagstaff, AZ
Even in the quiet mountain town of Flagstaff, fresh brewed beer is on the menu. The Mother Road Brewing Company is tucked away in a quiet area of the city and offers beer drinkers a cozy and intimate environment to enjoy their brews. In fact, they are situated in the Milum Building which sits on a long lost portion of the old historic Route 66 highway, and after hosting several other businesses over the past decades, Mother Road Brewing Company has made it their home. On a good weather day, patrons love to sit outside with their dogs and enjoy the mountain air, but they have a nice atmosphere indoors as well. Two of their staple beers include their Kolsch-Style Ale, a golden light beer with hints of pears and apples, and the Mother Road Lost Highway, a black IPA with a whopping 8.0% ABV and hints of orange zest and bitter orange chocolate.
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SunUp Brewing Co. – Phoenix, AZ
Just north of Phoenix’s city center is a brewery that is sure to brighten your day, even with the blasting Arizona summer heat. What was once the Sonora Brewhouse has been transformed into a place with an identity of its own and has shaped the culture in the Valley of the Sun. Its cheery colorful walls give it a warm and inviting atmosphere inside SunUp, and make it the perfect place to have a pint or two any day of the week, as their creative brew selection has something for whatever mood you’re in. They also have a menu that pairs well with that they have on tap, and offer many additional bottle selections.
Dragoon Brewing Co. – Tucson, AZ
Arizona Wilderness Brewing Co. in Gilbert, Arizona. (Credit: Arizona Wilderness)
Dragoon Brewing Co. started out as a tiny taproom and just a handful of thoughtfully crafted beers on tap a few years ago, but have evolved into a first-class sit-down pub that can seat plenty of thirsty people. There are typically around a dozen Dragoon made beers on tap at any time, including their flagship Dragoon IPA and Stronghold Session Ale. They also have a couple very popular seasonal creations such as their Saison Blue made with New Mexico blue corn, and the Ojo Blanco which uses local wheat. Enjoy your Dragoon favorites with service from a rotating local food truck outside the brewery.
Desert Eagle Brewing Co. – Mesa, AZ
Mesa’s Desert Eagle Brewing Company has only had its doors open to the public since 2012, but has gained incredible momentum on their products since then. Main Street Blonde Ale, Golden Eagle Wheat, Red Mountain Ale and Imperial Adler IPA are just a few of their fantastic permanent beers, but they also have an incredible selection of seasonal flavors as well. While the venue isn’t huge, it’s big enough to get social and small enough to have an intimate time on an evening at the brewery with some live music entertainment. This is also one of the few brewing companies that gives patrons a menu with ways to discover new tastes by mixing their own beers on tap.
(QUIZ: Beer 101)
Barrio Brewing Co. – Tucson, AZ
The Barrio Brewing Company is a classic Tucson establishment that was one of the original breweries to kick start the craft beer movement in town. Their fabulous beer and food keep their fans coming back to this always busy establishment located in an industrial part of town. The Barrio has a fair amount of delicious seasonal craft brews that rotate on a calendar schedule, but their famous Barrio Blonde can be ordered up all year long. Their Raspberry Wheat, Nolan’s Porter, Copperhead IPA and Barrio Rojo are just a few of the local favorites that are around most of the year. Some of their seasonal beverages such as their Ruby Red Grapefruit IPA and Beach Ale are typically served during the summer and fall season. Don’t forget “Rail Pints” are a dollar off when the train passes by just outside the brewery.
Arizona Wilderness Brewing Co. – Gilbert, AZ
Even though Arizona is typically associated with desert scenery, one brewery in the Gilbert area strives to reflect a different kind of natural environment. The Arizona Wilderness Brewing Co. will bring out your inner lumberjack as they specialize in beer and beards with a wonderful outdoorsy theme. Many of their creations on tap have a nature element to them, such as their seasonal Saddle Mountain Saison which includes local tangelos in its recipe, or their Ostreastoutus brew made with pink oyster mushrooms. However, anyone who takes a trip out to Arizona Wilderness Brewing Co. should no doubt get their set of taster flights, which are served on a big tree log tray.
Patti Kelsey
Patti was born in Singapore, grew up in Taiwan, and has visited 25 different countries which have been the fuel for her love of freelance writing and sharing those experiences with others. She also has a great appreciation for all kinds of beer, and has made a hobby out of pub hopping in cities all around the world in search for the perfect pint. Read more by this author
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from 8 Arizona Breweries You’ll Want to Explore
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