#If Cuddy didn't have House she would be bored and cautious if she didn't have Wilson she would be cold or overworked
thebeeshaveknees · 11 months
"Wilson's House's conscience" "Cuddy's House's reasoning" "muh muh muh muh muh" WRONG they are all insane in their own ways and they all help eachother with use of their own Insanity Specialties and they should all kiss eachother
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like-sands-of-time · 2 years
So apparently it was a money/politics issue, and Lisa edelstein chose to leave the show for a few reasons I've read.. either the people in charge of the show decided to give more funding to Olivia Wilde over her, despite her significance in the show and seniority on the staff, or they disagreed with her political decisions outside of the show and she chose to leave.
Either way it's clear after six years of build up, and apparently twenty years of the characters having history, chemistry, genuine attraction to each other, that the relationship was boring and House being a moody self destructive addict was better for views (I roll my eyes here)
So House, the addict if you recall, was able to tell Stacy she should be with her husband after he slept with her, after he genuinely tried to win her back, because her husband begged him and he realized that they still had a future.
Then a few years later House, the addict who's been reformed and has since been going to therapy and working on himself for two years, is able to see Cuddy with another man and accepts it, offers his blessing, gives her a housewarming gift.
Then Cuddy once again tells him he's alone, always has been, always will be. Just like Wilson has done. It's hurtful, it sucks, but he's heard it before. And he's thought it before. He's not even outwardly emotional about it. He confesses to the dying woman that he is in fact alone and it's not worth it, pride and vanity to have his leg in tact wasn't worth losing his heart.
She decides to call off her relationship that we have to assume she's been hesitant on the whole time, given even Lucas has mentioned it, all because she has to give 'this', their relationship, a shot. Ok. So... Now what?
Back from the edge of using once more, he's struggling but managing. He knows she's gonna leave him one way or another but she's sure she won't, and despite every warning bell he's trying not to self sabotage. He respects her opinion at work more, genuinely, and he preps Rachel for preschool, forming an actual bond with her over cartoons and toys.
He gets drunk and confesses to Cuddy that him listening to her, him being more cautious and overthinking himself is making him a worse diagnostician, and that logically he should break up with her. But that he'd rather find the happiness that comes with their relationship, than the stress and inevitable pain that comes with losing patients. She seems to take this as drunken ramblings and we see nothing more on the subject, until her surgery.
She breaks up with him because he relapses. She got together with him because he was going to relapse. Is it irony? Is it fate? Is it a dumbass character move that someone who's loved another for years and knows how much he struggles with the genuine physical pain would do? You're telling me after perjuring herself just a few years earlier she's not willing to handle a relapse he had at the very real fear she was dying? He didn't hurt her, or Rachel, he took the pill for the pain both physical and emotional he was in. How does that seem unlike House? All that means is just how much he cared about her and couldn't handle losing her, like millions of other people in the world.
Maybe she wants to take a step back, maybe she insists that he go to a rehab facility for 30 days, but breaking up...? "He's never going to be there for me?" That doesn't quite make sense. You've never wanted that before? You've never needed that before? So this is different, this is extreme, and cuddy is scared too. But how she doesn't accept his actions doesn't make any sense for her character. Even if her enabling him is morally wrong or anything else, it was very uncharacteristic for her to break up with him knowing how he'd take it. Knowing how she'd take it.
Then to have Cuddy spend the next several episodes trying to poke it him, force him to talk to her? Why not his therapist? That doesn't make sense
It's writing laziness and I started season eight anyway because I know I hate leaving things unfinished but honestly I just don't feel it. I don't feel the emotional connection to the show, to the new characters in it, I just don't care. Because it doesn't matter right? We're not gonna see either Lisa again and she was fundamental to both the show and the character.
Seeing the spoilers that I have for the end of the show no longer push me to see what happens leading up to it, they honestly just disappoint me. Cancer is a weak and doubly ironic way to end things for an oncologist, but I just don't even care anymore.
His years of friendships and eventual self help are worthless within half a season. It's amazing really.
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