milksystem · 4 years
do you still have the plural discord up?
Hello, gosh, wow, I’m gonna jump on this ask to say a couple things, bear with me!
So, as the post now says a couple anti-endo blogs had mentioned trying to raid the server, so I’ve been really wary about giving the link out. All old links have been deactivated!
I’ve had multiple DMs and now this ask requesting the link so this is my apology to everyone who’s been waiting in a response! I’ve been trying to wait it out because the safety of the people in our server comes first.
However, it’s been a few weeks now and I think I feel comfortable giving links out again. They’ll just be single use ones and ppl inside the server can’t make their own invites, but yeah...
In short, yes! I’ll DM you a link now. And to the folks in my inbox who have also asked for one I’ll get back to you now too. Hope to see you soon!
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milksystem · 4 years
If you're claiming that 'HEADMATES ARE A TUMBLR THING', you're (still) wrong.
People have been talking about multiplicity/plurality outside a medicalised paradigm and DID/MPD treatment that isn’t integration-focussed for over a decade. amorpha-system and iexistwow have discussed this as well. This doesn’t mean that there aren’t systems that benefit from from the strict medical model, including integration, but that the discussion has happened for twenty years at the very least.
Here is a list of links from personal sites and blogs by plural systems who have been active for a long time or don’t fit into the ‘spoilt white tumblr teenager’ stereotype. Some of these are trauma-based systems like the Anns and Phoenix Household, whilst others aren’t or aren’t fully sure of their origins (we don’t know what ours are, for example).
Astraea’s Web has a counter dating back to 1999 and Astraea still update the site a few times a year. On an older version of the site it says they’ve been ‘changing minds since 1995’, which means they’ve been doing plural activism for about twenty years, which seems about right, as I know they were involved in several mailing lists. We ourselves first encountered the site nine years ago in late 2005(?).
The Pavilion activist group was created in the early 2000s. If you look at the ‘projects’ page you’ll see that all these dates are from 2004 or earlier.
Amorpha’s Collective Phenomenon page has an Internet Archive version from 2004, but I’m fairly sure they started the website a few years earlier than that using a different host. Amorpha haven’t updated their website in some time but they’ve been active occasionally here on Tumblr (as amorpha-system).
The Consortium (who post sporadically here as elstru) ran the Disenchanted Forest website, where they rejected the ‘multiplicity is inherently disordered’ idea. They were also the creators of the ‘Multiple Code’. The archive for their site dates back to 2001.
The Anachronic Army founded Dark Personalities, which was both a website and mailing list. As Amorpha have said in the past the most innovative thing about Dark Personalities was the uncensored mailing list - most lists at the time were very therapy-centred and required strict trigger warnings, both for common triggers and personal ones as well. Like many of the other systems listed here, the Army rejected the MPD/DID label, especially the focus on integration and words like ‘alters’, ‘ego states’ and ‘parts’. The Army also hosted an informational website on multiplicity called the Multiplicity Gateway. I don’t agree with some of the Army’s attitudes towards triggers and survivorship but their role was significant in the empowered multiplicity subculture. Dark Personalities was before our time but we did know many people who were in the community longer than we were who told us about it.
Most people, when they talk about DP, refer to the mailing list, but there was also a website with a staggeringly large number of articles. There is, for example, a very good article about the unnecessary divide between ‘survivor’ and ‘natural’ multiples by Hijynx of the Volalupi system that I think is worth reading.
Four and Twenty, the Blackbirds system’s plurality website, was last updated on 30th September 2004 - over ten years ago. Four and Twenty was one of the first sites we encountered when we were reading about different kinds of multiplicity nearly nine years ago.
Positively Plural was created by Doltaghey House (who’ve since changed their system name; I think they go by Nosselinfea now) and the last update was from 2002 - nearly thirteen years ago.
The Courts created No Apologies for Existing, a website that was focussed on affirming the validity of identities and different world-views: the peopletips of 2001 (yes, there was ‘SJ-like’ language back then)!
Even our website, which is fairly new in comparison, was originally created in 2007 (though we’ve changed hosts a few times, but you can still find an Internet Archive capture of an early incarnation of the site).
Ann Garvey& (the Anns) are a DID/trauma-based multiple system who have worked with other empowered multiples (both trauma-based and not) to spread awareness. They’re in their fifties and are not the ‘Tumblr teenager’ stereotype.
Phoenix Household’s website is nearly fifteen years old. Phoenix are a trauma-based system with an extensive otherworld and strong connections to their individual identities. They’d gone through much of the classical therapeutic process, including attempted integrations, but they didn’t view themselves as disordered and found that the best way to deal with their multiplicity was to establish co-operation after re-organising their system.
The Vicki(s) ran the ‘Wonderful World of the Mid-Continuum’ website, about people who fell in between the ‘multiple’ and ‘singlet’ categories.
House of the Moon ran a website about their multiplicity. There are edits from late 1997 here (just over seventeen years ago, imagine that). They were a system who had a DID or MPD diagnosis (1997 was not long after the diagnosis had been changed, so they may have received it before) and didn’t consider the multiplicity itself a disorder.
Darktide were similar (website founded in 1997, updated sporadically in the early 2000s) - they had a traumatic history but viewed themselves as always being plural in some sense and rejected the ‘DID’ label in particular.
The Shire’s website, Those That Walk, has an Internet Archive version dating from 2005. The original site was hosted on Tripod and has archives going back to 2001. The Shire have an MPD diagnosis (they refer to it as ‘MPD’, the ICD-10, the diagnostic guide used in many countries outside the USA, keeps the MPD name rather than DID, and the Shire live in New Zealand) but reject the ‘disordered’ label.
If you want to be critical of empowered multiplicity it is your right, but if you’re going to criticise the phenomenon at the very least stop spreading the myth that this is a Tumblr Thing™.
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milksystem · 4 years
hey just letting u know that singletsbeingsinglets (a violently anti-endo blog) rb'd your system discord post (which you may have seen) and said in the tags that they 'might raid it later' so be careful!!! stay safe!
Ah yea thank you so much! I had seen it but I’m really grateful you took the time to warn me in case I hadn’t it’s touching to see such caring ppl in the community.
The server has taken precautions, I.e. there are currently no working links to the server! A couple other things were done too. Hopefully we’ll be fine!
Again thank you so much for looking out for us! You keep yourself safe too 💓💓
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milksystem · 4 years
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taken from our about page, a readily available and accessible document.......... anyway endogenic/quoigenic =/= untraumatised or neurotypical please think things through for more than two seconds!
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milksystem · 4 years
Hello! Your blog is adorable
Why thank you! I (the host) and Dust worked on it together 💕 have a nice day!!
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milksystem · 4 years
why do people just assume all endogenic systems have no trauma at all
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milksystem · 5 years
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finally drew all of the non-fictives! & in animal crossing style because we can’t afford the new game
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milksystem · 5 years
(Aris) best think about alters is just the wild differences between them . We have Dante who’s all fancy, flirtatious; drinks fancy teas, he’s devilish yet friendly - and then there’s Goldfish. Goldfish is 13 and kins tails from sonic
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milksystem · 5 years
(Aris) all I know how to do is make / join discord servers and then get overwhelmed within a few weeks and stop talking ... Anyway. ! I’m thinking about making a hxh kin server
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milksystem · 5 years
Could we maybe have a promo? 💕 @pluralpositive @plural-things @plural-positivity @system-comforts
Plural Discord!
anti-non-traumagenics DNI!
Hello! We just started a new Discord Server for systems of all origins, types, etc.!
It’s 16+ and currently not open to singlets (sorry). We hope you wish to join us!
Features include:
• Reaction roles for pronouns, system type, age, vent/blacklist channels access, and display name colour!
• Pluralkit!
• Organised/minimal channels. Though we still have quite a few and are open to suggestions, we try to keep it as least-overloading as possible.
• Designated alter hangouts! For human alters, nonhumans, fictives, factives, fcktives, littles, protectors and gatekeepers.
• A mental health bot and cool-down channel, for if you’re not feeling well. The bot can give you counting and breathing exercises, as well as e-hugs and messages of encouragement.
For more info feel free to DM us, or just drop in! Feel free to invite others too as long as you know they’ll meet our criteria.
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milksystem · 5 years
Plural Discord!
anti-non-traumagenics DNI!
Hello! We just started a new Discord Server for systems of all origins, types, etc.!
It’s 16+ and currently not open to singlets (sorry). We hope you wish to join us!
Features include:
• Reaction roles for pronouns, system type, age, vent/blacklist channels access, and display name colour!
• Pluralkit!
• Organised/minimal channels. Though we still have quite a few and are open to suggestions, we try to keep it as least-overloading as possible.
• Designated alter hangouts! For human alters, nonhumans, fictives, factives, fcktives, littles, protectors and gatekeepers.
• A mental health bot and cool-down channel, for if you’re not feeling well. The bot can give you counting and breathing exercises, as well as e-hugs and messages of encouragement.
For more info feel free to DM us, or just drop in! Feel free to invite others too as long as you know they’ll meet our criteria.
Links have been deactivated due to raiders! Please DM me!
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milksystem · 5 years
Cute Plural Ideas 💕
(anti-endo, anti-non traumagenic etc DNI!)
1. Do you& have Instagram? Try assigning different alters a specific filter (there’s a whole lot now if you search for them!) so when they take selfies they can feel more like themselves! (example: Dante uses a demon horns filter every time he takes a selfie. Our followers won’t know it’s him fronting, but he gets to feel seen!)
2. Trying to get to know an alter better? Invite them to cook! It doesn’t have to be anything complicated, and supervision might be reccomended (where possible), but you can start up some interesting inner-dialogue while they cook, and learn about their tastes! (Example: we often make plain ramen noodles and then invite new/shy alters to season and flavour them, welcome to anything in the kitchen. It can make some really interesting outcomes!!)
3. Why not try using this website to make a little pixel icon for different alters? They can be used to sign posts or decorate about pages, and the site is very easy to use! I reccomend setting them as “each pixel = 1 pixel” (you can change this ratio when you save it!) as that makes them very small & easy to paste on posts. (Example: check out our blog’s links! We have them everywhere)
4. Outfit & makeup co-ords! Letting different alters pick out & assemble a look out of your existing wardrobe can be really fun and let’s different alters express themselves. You& can wear them around the house or when heading out! If you meet up with folks who know you’re plural, you could even give each alter a signature outfit, so whoever you’re meeting can get an idea of who might be fronting just by looking! (Example: Cherry likes to wear our red turtleneck with our long green coat, and the host’s boyfriend can recognise him easily that way!)
5. Trying eachother’s hobbies! If one alter likes art, why don’t others try it? If one likes to write, make a story where different alters add a little to it and see where it goes! Gaming, sports, makeup, cosplay, journaling or really any hobby can be great for this! (Example: sometimes different alters of ours try playing the same video game— it’s really fun seeing what different strategies alters will take!)
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milksystem · 5 years
When you get common memories from before you formed
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milksystem · 5 years
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(dante) damn bro you got the whole squad testing
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