#If it jumps like a dragoon
arcteris · 2 years
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don't sneak up on dragoons
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majorpepperidge · 6 months
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This is still a WIP cuz I'm 90% sure I gotta go through and plug a bunch of ingame icons for the sheet into a WebP to PNG converter and I'm runnin' outta steam, but! Putting together a profile sheet for Ray in MTAS as her design has changed a wee bit since the last reference pic I slapped together. What? Yeah, she's totally a Builder. Don't mind the evil looking spear bro it's fine she has a license. For the spear and being a Builder. I promise.
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lilbittymonster · 1 month
Still watching my way through the live letter (just hit break) but I'm gonna put my toxic gamer hat on for a sec and just say who the FUCK made the decision of "well we're going to get rid of Spineshatter because people are using it for damage as well as a gap closer and replace it with a new action that.....just scooches your character forward a bit".
You're really taking the jumps from the jumping job? If damage reduction was the goal then just take the damage part away and let it remain a gap closer like what red mage and samurai and reaper have ffs.
I have mixed feelings on the Drakesbane change and will have to play it through before I decide either way but I'm more concerned with getting the buffs that were at each end of the two melee combo trees.
Absolutely thrilled about the change to have a progressive skill on the same button though, I missed what they did to mirage dive with having it be on the same button as high jump. That's at least a single step towards managing button bloat.
And it's about damn time that second wind got an upgrade.
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I just got to Thavnair and uh. Rip Estinien
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tovaicas · 2 months
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sorry I'm whinging about these dungeons again bc I just hate them
#saint.txt#spoilers#major spoilers#ishgardposting#estinienposting#sorry I started thinking again abt how utterly fucked up it is that dragoons are deliberately retraumatized over and over and over again#until they have instinctual reactions to the sound of a dragon roar bc their helmets are specifically designed to make that noise#as the wind passes over them during a jump or fall#and how utterly fucked up that is in the context of esti.nien being who he is and and what he has been forced to live through#and how much the process of the dragonsong war completely and utterly abused him moreso than literally anyone else in any other conflict#and how he's a literal child soldier and how this trauma means nothing to his character in the grand scheme of things bc his HW writing#never manages to live up to its potential bc he's just so flat and fails to fulfill even his role as the ishgardian foil to nid.hogg#bc as written he is not actually an angry character in a way that's actually a character flaw#which made me remember this conversation and how much I hate the aery / sohm al and what they represent dvhbbjhgdf#and like it's particularly disappointing bc even if we have to keep both they *do* have actual potential but they just don't.#both of the dungeons are fucking horrific events in the course of the war. this is never engaged with seriously bc the Horde have no nuance#They are just enemies for you to kill and the morality of immediately slaughtering dragons in their own sacred spaces and homes#esp. after you have literally just learned they are sentient and have lives and are not responsible for the war you're fighting#is never engaged with and is glossed over bc the Horde are mindless animals to kill and esti.nien as a man is always right#it just annoys me so much bc all the pieces are literally right there.
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watanabes-cum-dump · 2 months
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The Azure Dragoons of Ishgard
"You give dragoons a bad name." "I have no idea what you mean! I'm a model dragoon!"
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lrdvyke · 3 months
found out that vyke's war spear's skill is a unique move set only his spear has and i think we don't appreciate that enough
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abimee · 1 year
i recognize that estinien fans probably dont enjoy how i draw him for many ways but i simply think my estinien is the only way. he needs to look like he just got over being an alcoholic and did so by picking up chainsmoking
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the curse of having a vision that is so far above ur skill level you just kinda think about it
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remma-demma · 7 months
Damn they really did Estinien at the end of Heavensward but Dion
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where-is-caithe · 2 years
me, playing vindicator: haha, you could make a dragoon out of this.
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helladventurers · 10 months
Discovered a new dream lucid skill, dragoon jumping 😤
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the-rogue-mockingjay · 11 months
💗 slow kiss / gentle kiss / inevitable / soft
Hiya Middy! Long time no see!! I hope life has been kind to you 💜💜💜
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lol we're thinking on the same wavelength today @coldshrugs 😂 :>
anyway. This was supposed to be a snippet. It...did not end up being a snippet omg, it really got away from me kdlfhgjkfdhgk. It's 3:40 in the morning and this is the first piece I've (more or less) finished in like 3 or 4 months. It's just under 1,300 words. Set a few weeks after the big Endwalker finale, so vague mentions of what happened there.
[prompt meme]
nascent hope & new beginnings
The uneven rhythm of O’ravi’s cane tapping on the cobblestone announces her presence before she emerges from the early morning fog that blankets Sharlayan, and Aymeric sets aside the report he was reading, its contents immediately forgotten.
She’s starting to look like herself again, a clarity in her eyes now that’s been absent since her return from Ultima Thule. The silver and teal shawl she’s wrapped around her shoulders clashes somewhat oddly with the dark red tunic dress she wears, which in turn contrasts with the royal blue ribbon that holds her hair in a loose ponytail. It’s a far cry from the well-coordinated outfits she wears for business and battle, but it suits her.
O’ravi smiles, a little lopsidedly, a little shyly, and waves. “Hey.”
“Good morning, Ravi.” He can’t help it—he runs to meet her, and offers his arm. “You’re up early.”
“The pain was too great to stay in bed. So I thought I might as well seek you out, enjoy the fresh air.” She moves to link her arm through his but pauses, a strange look on her face. Instead, she reaches up to grasp his collar and tugs.
Wordlessly, and with no small amount of confusion, he acquiesces to her wish and leans down.
And softly, sweetly, feather-lightly, she presses a kiss to his lips.
She withdraws before he realizes what happened, content. His heart lurches like a wounded animal within his chest, his breath suddenly shaky, and she winds her arm through his as if she didn’t just send him reeling.
He can’t bear to look at her, he can’t bear to look away. The kiss in Ala Mhigo, before she set out for Garlemald—when she’d kissed him like her survival depended on it only to flee for the airship. That was moons ago, and they’d not spoken of it yet. It was never the right time.
Now, this. Against all the odds she defeated Meteion and Zenos and made it home alive, and she could’ve gone to anyone—could’ve sought out anyone she wished—but she chose to be here. With him.
Halone have mercy.
They walk together down the garden path back to the pavilion. Her gait is unsteady and torpid, but between him and the cane she’s at no risk of falling. It frustrates and distresses her to be so robbed of strength, but he’s just glad to see her up and about and alive. Safe, and free.
There’s a chill on the breeze, carrying the promise of snow and the memory of home. The long walks they took through the Pillars on the eve of battles she didn’t believe she’d return from. He lays a hand over hers, letting her clammy hands soak up his warmth. Soon, they’d go home together, and never again would she need to leave fearing what fate awaited her in far-off lands. Not if he had anything to say about it.
They make their way to the bench where Aymeric left the report, and O’ravi attempts to fold her legs beneath her only to cringe and hiss when the motion aggravates some half-dozen different wounds.
“Careful,” Aymeric says, settling down beside her.
“It never gets easier.” She leans the handle of her cane into the corner of the pavilion wall, careful not to knock it over lest its clattering disrupt the morning quiet. Her tail swishes placidly as she shifts to close the distance between them, ensuring that her arm rests against his and her leg likewise touches his.
He raises his hand slightly in silent offering; without hesitation, she twines her fingers through his.
“Aymeric,” she says, so softly it’s almost a whisper, “what do you think happens now that the Final Days are over? No more Ascians, no more Garlean expansionism, no more Hydaelyn and Zodiark…”
“Years of rebuilding, to start with. No nation was spared the destruction the blasphemies and towers wrought—in every corner of the world, entire communities were wiped out, the population slaughtered or turned, to say nothing of the state of Garlemald. We must needs—”
O’ravi laughs. “No, no, no, I meant: duty and the wider world be damned, what do you want for your future?”
He blinks stupidly, trying to cobble together an answer. “I’ve not put much thought into it, to tell you the truth.”
In truth, that is a flat-out lie. Of course he’s thought about it. But what he wants, what he longs for above all else—he cannot ask that of her. What if the request hurts her? And, perhaps it’s selfish, but what if her answer hurts him? Their friendship is too important to take the risk. No, he will hold his tongue.
“You don’t have to have it all figured out right now,” she says, and while her smile is tender there’s a knowing look in her eye that he can’t withstand. “Just think about it for a while.”
He never has been good at lying to her. His one consolation is that she’s just as bad at lying to him.
“What of you? The world is yours now, your life is your own again. What will you do with it?”
“Well.” She straightens her spine, ears twitching excitedly, and her smile takes on a mischievous edge. “After all I’ve done, I have more than earned the right to live as I see fit. I’ve earned the right to put duty and responsibility and reputation aside—and I know someone else who has earned the same.”
“We do owe much to your fellow Scions and Warriors of Light.”
“No, Aymeric, I mean you.” She takes his other hand in her own and squeezes. “The future is ours now. Ours to shape, ours to live. After all we’ve bled and suffered and sacrificed, we need to do something for ourselves. Just this much at least.” She leans towards him, and he has no choice but to meet her gaze. “You give and you give and you give of yourself until you have nothing left. The world takes and it never gives back, and before you know it you’ve lost yourself. I know this is happening to you because it happened to me, too. You have to draw a line in the sand somewhere and say, this is mine, this belongs to me, and the world can’t touch it. Aymeric, may I tell you what I want for the future?”
The light is glinting off the gold veins that mar her eyes. Her sincerity is painful to behold.
“Of course.”
“I want you to find yourself again. I want to find me again…and I want us to do it together. I want us to walk into the future together, hand in hand, side by side. Whatever paths we walk going forward, I want us to walk them together until the end of our days.”
By the Fury, how is he supposed to answer that? How is he meant to—?
His heart is racing, and she’s watching him with such an innocence, a kindness that’s driving him mad.
Her wish answers the question he couldn’t voice. Yet it still leaves some things up in the air, namely: will they continue to keep a distance between them? Pretend Ala Mhigo never happened and remain friends and naught more?
A deeply foolish thought—he knows what the answer to that is, even if he won’t admit it—but nonetheless…
O’ravi raises an inquisitive eyebrow. “What say you, my brilliant blue knight?” His thoughts are spinning too rapidly to be trusted now, so despite the fact he’ll likely regret it later, he follows the impulse of his heart and kisses the scar that cuts across the bridge of her nose. Let that be answer enough.
#i slammed this out in one night so it is nowhere near as polished as what i usually post#if i allowed myself to edit it it would never get posted SO#no editing we die like dragoons using elusive jump during the titan boss fight#well i mean. i'll probably edit it tomorrow afternoon but. for now we're not playing that game GKJHDFLGKJ#don't judge me don't look at me it's 3am and this held me hostage even as my brain's ability to words sputtered out T^T#we are NOT main tagging this it is TOO SILLY#i might be cringe but i am freeeeeee baybee#i will probably rewrite the end later but for now it is good enough#i decided not to let the perfectionism win and prevent me from writing + posting this so if it's messy that would be why lmao#i will fix it later for now we are floating in the goofy pool and crying into our hands !!!#o'ravi soltholia#rogue writes#o'ravmeric#OKAY BYE IM GONNA SLEEP NOW BEFORE THE ANXIETY CAN CATCH ME 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️#endwalker spoilers#really really vaguely??? idk but just to be safe#HELPPPPP#is this even coherent? idk but i had fun writing it. that's the important part#and considering the migraines and pain and brain fog I've been in lately im amazed i was able to write at all#so. even if this sucks i created something so MISSION ACCOMPLISHED#thank u for the asks besties 💕 it really did help clear the brain fog a lil#also for the record this is my first time writing shippy stuff that isn't pre relationship or It's Complicated so. yay!!!!!#the only other shippy stuff ive written was shepard and kaidan angsting about shepard's death so this is new territory for me 😂
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tovaicas · 1 year
I think after becoming probably the most famous person in Ishgard after nearly dying to Nidhogg and after the heresy trial and their sad backstory that makes them the second-most eligible bachelor everyone wants carnally after Aymeric, Joranir develops a pathological hatred of being 'thank you for your service'd for being good at their job which is utterly hilarious
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cacklefrendly · 1 year
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more for the scrapbook, starring:
Dragoon-Typical Drama
“I Worked So Hard For A Level 50 Shield You Will Never See (And I’d Do It Again)” by P!ATD
Fuck Jumping Puzzles
“I Hate Playing Dragoon But It Would Be CRIMINAL Not To Love This Dragoon Glam” by Fallout Boy
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also ive been playing wayy to much ffxiv. finished heavensward and done the first 4 of the alexandria raids! now im waiting in the post campaign for my friends to be able to do a dungeon w me
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