#If you want spoilers the first 5 chapters are on Ao3 but imma be posting one a day here until I catch up
emerxshiu · 9 months
Spoilers for The Midnight Soirée on ao3
link to the series: RosenRot Au (i hope the link works, i dunno how they work here on tumblr) by Analytical_Cochineal (ao3) here is their tumblr too
I finally decided to draw fanart for my favourite fanfic and kirby au (its actually my second attempt, fucked up the first one and left it unfinished) so here it is!
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there isnt an official yin-yarn gijinka on the art references fic, and i was too lazy to create one for him so uh...yeah.
based on SaturdayLemon's comment on chapter 5.
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i thought it'd be funny to have him in the shinji pose, it was a pain drawing this, i dunno what was more difficult, the chair or kirby himself in that pose
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i kinda tried to like, merge my style a bit with the reference(? if thats understandable, dunno sorry im shit at explaining but i'll try my best, ok so, i wanted to keep the facial features, because my artstyle tends to be kinda simplified, especially in the face so it usually doesnt have much diversity in head form and stuff (im kinda trying to work on that), i think saying that i tried to adapt it to style would be more accurate? not sure, but if i try drawing this goober again i'll try ti adapt it better, because he kinda looks...off? to me
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love'd bad end nights, i tend to ocasionally check ao3 to see if theres anything new in the tags i lurk on, gasped when i saw another entry on the RosenRot AU
the only way that i had to describe it after finishing chap.1 was
"its written by a human yet it is so beyond my human comprehension i literally didnt understand anything at all yet i understood everything at the same time and i love it" i dunno its weird to put what i felt into words. i think kirby has a terrible time is so accurate, so much so i'd say its an understatement and terrible doesnt make it justice to what the silly goes trough
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originally this were gonna be two drawings, this the first, and another one of fluff dissapointed, but uh, i fucked up the second one and i couldnt salvage it. so he died i guess, i was thinking about end of chap3 and beggining of chap4, basically "were going to be wed my darling fian- what do you mean by what."
also my first attempt was chap5 fluff, but i fucked up and it was followed by one of the weirdest intereactions i've ever had (it was 2am and i hadent gotten a good sleep in some days and i was watching a video talking about those "kid channels" that are definitly not for kids and weird (censored ofc) stuff appeared and i literally said "do u see this shit fluff" y'know the spider-man meme? yeah that one, and there's more but im going off the rails)
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dead attempt of the chair thing
i think imma cut it here, i have so much more to rant about (i rlly love this au) but i'll save it for another post of this
Jambuhbye :3 !
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raidbossmadi · 4 years
People Like Us Chapter 1
Witch of the Woods 
Early morning light filtered in from the window, shining down precisely where a lizard-like fox creature happened to be sleeping on the floor. The creature awoken by the warmth hopped to its feet and screeched running around in a circle before rolling on its back in the sun beam.
��Ugh Persphone, not again.” A pillow was flung off the bed in the direction of the creature who caught it in its mouth and brought it back to where it came from.
“Why are you always like this?” Sloane asked as she uncurled from her nest of blankets and brushed her messy brown hair out of her face. “It’s way too early for this shit you know.” She sighed looking down at Persphone who wagged her tail and tilted her head expectantly. Sloane followed her into the kitchen blinking in the brightness as she’d forgotten to shut the curtains the night before, at least to her relief there wasn’t anyone peering in through the window.
“Are you only ever this friendly when you want food? Do I not do enough for you to warrant some love and affection sometimes?” She asked again as she rummaged through the cabinet before finding what she was looking for pouring the food into Persphone’s bowl before pulling out an apple for herself.
Sloane went back to her room to grab her Echophone, checking the time and seeing it was nine-thirty, too late in the morning to go back to bed if she wanted to be productive today. She pulled her art supply box off the table in the kitchen and called to her pet as she held the front door open then headed out herself. She looked to the woods that surrounded her quiet little house and chose the patch she wanted to paint this morning. She set down her supplies and easel then gestured and a vine wrapped around the stool sitting near the door and dragged it over.
She watched as the glow of the siren marks on her right arm faded to normal muted blue and went to work. She could really lose herself in her art on days like this when the weather was fair and the sun filtered lazily through the canopy of trees. She was laser focused only looking up from the painting when Persphone hopped into her lap to beg for pets before being set back down by a vine.
Noticing that it had been several hours now and the painting had come together in a way she liked, she decided to leave it out on the easel to dry in the midday sun. She headed back into the house to make lunch and just as she had finished the sandwich she’d made she noticed a dark figure in the yard.
“Ugh this again.” She murmured heading out the back door of the house cautiously. The people of Eden-4 had taken the appearance of a Siren on their planet as a sign that they had been blessed by a god and as such they liked to make Sloane’s life difficult. She lived in this clearing not only because it was close to her element but because it was out of the way of the towns and usually meant she didn’t have to worry about being bothered by people who wrongly assumed she wanted their worship.
She slunk around the side of the house towards the front again, she watched as Persphone yipped and ran in circles around the invader though she kept her distance and Sloane was glad to see that the invader was content to leave her pet alone. Their attention was however on the painting she had left out to dry.
“Oh god dammit.” She hissed under her breath, her art was usually the focus of the worshippers. They would take it and add it to strange forest shrines that they thought would earn them her blessing, all it really did of course was make her wish she had any other talent.
“Hey wait!” Sloane reached to grab at the intruder who had swiped her latest painting off the easel but they had already rushed off out of reach. She sighed, they never did like to listen. The tattoos that adorned her right arm began to glow as she reached out with her powers and bent the trees over the path blocking it.
She approached cautiously, though she had the upper hand here she wasn’t an idiot. “ I don’t want to hurt you.” She said calmly “I didn’t want to have to use my powers at all but you really didn’t leave me any choice. Can I please just have my painting back?”
“But how can I build a shrine without a blessing from our Siren?” The worshipper cried. Sloane sighed this was always a hassle to deal with but she supposed she really should be used to it by now.
“Alright, Alright hang on.” She took the painting back from the worshipper and to her side a vine slithered out holding one of her older sketch books. “Here take this, it’s got a lot more than one picture in it.” It was hard to part with any of her work but if they were going to take it she’d prefer they take it on her terms. She released her hold on the trees watching them spring back into place.
“Thank you, I will tell the others of your generosity!” The worshipper ran back down the path disappearing from sight.
Now that had been dealt with, Sloane went back inside, sinking into the couch to relax for a minute before returning to her fridge and retrieving the list she had stuck on it with a Skag shaped magnet. “Right, so I guess I can cross deal with crazy fanatic shit off the to do list and get onto the actual important things I need to do today.”
She grabbed her bag off the counter and headed into town. Thankfully the town was pretty chill so she could have regular interactions with people instead of having to worry someone might start groveling at her feet because they messed up when giving her change, or didn’t have a shirt in her size. She didn’t get what all the fuss was about in the first place, yes, she was a siren but it wasn’t like her power was anything to write home about. She could make plants move, not the biggest deal in the world, but to the people of Eden-4 it seemed like it was.
The bell above the general store door chimed as she pushed it open. She noticed the store was pretty empty which was strange for this time of day, even the counter was empty of employees. As the door shut behind her a familiar redheaded shopkeeper in an apron came out from the back room.
“Oh hey Sloane.”
“Hi Maggie, where is everyone? I don’t think I’ve seen this place so dead well...ever.”
“Didn’t you see the news, everyones out preparing for the visitors.” Maggie said, pulling out her Echophone seemingly to pull up the news.
“We’re getting visitors? No one ever visits Eden-4, who are they?“
“The Calypso Twins.”
Sloane quirked a brow, the name sounding familiar. “Wait wait what? Like the Echonet streamers, with billions of followers? What do they want with this backwoods planet?”
Maggie set her phone down on the counter and slid it towards her. Sloane looked down at the screen where a video on Echotube waited for her. The thumbnail being a picture of the aforementioned Calypso Twins shrugging at an edited picture of Eden-4. The Title of the video read ‘Our next stop’.
She clicked the play button and Tyreen’s voice filled the shop. “What’s up my brothers and sisters across the six galaxies. God-Queen Tyreen coming to live from the Centurion’s bridge, Troy and I wanted to announce that in a day’s time we’ll be blessing our followers on Eden-4 soooo if you’ve ever wanted to see your God-Queen in person and you’re on Eden-4 it’ll be your lucky day. To the rest of my devoted followers we’ll probably be stopping by your planets soon enough, stay bloodthirsty!” The video cut off after a moment of Tyreen smiling at the camera and making a heart with her hands.
“You don’t think they’re coming here to look for the vault do you?” Sloane asked her shopping all but forgotten at this point.
“Dunno, maybe? Tyreen’s a Siren isn’t she, that’s all your ballpark I’m afraid girly. Why are you thinking of handing it over to them if they asked for it?”
Sloane’s brow furrowed, when she had gained her Siren powers the historical society of Eden-4 had handed over the location of Eden-4’s Vault and key telling her that as a Siren it was her duty to protect it. It had wound up being another responsibility she hadn’t asked for but luckily for her the vault hunters seemed to stick to Pandora and far away from the Eden system. She doubted that many people even knew Eden-4 had a vault and as far as she was concerned the people who did know were more than enough.
“Yeah I don’t know. I suppose I’ll just have to see what happens. Thanks for your help Maggie. I appreciate it really.” Sloane said heading out the door before it could be pointed out that she didn’t even bother to buy anything.
When she returned home she sat down at her computer and began to comb the Twin’s Echotube channel, their Let’s Flay streams and any other information she could find on them. She of course had been aware of their existence, it was hard not to if you spent any time at all on the Echonet but Sloane had never been one for streams. However after watching a few of the Twins she found that she maybe should have, Tyreen was charismatic and electric in her personality on top of that she was pretty cute. Troy on the other hand was harder to get a lock on given that he was usually the man behind the camera but from what she could tell about him he was equally as charming as his sister, if not more so and he was quite the looker too.
What really held her attention though was the fact Tyreen was a Siren, being that there were only six sirens in the universe at a time the chances of meeting another one seemed slim. Sloane was intrigued to see what the other siren knew about what they were.
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owlswing · 3 years
Fanfic Writers 20 Questions!
Tagged by @belleyells! Thank you! I know I’ve been dropping off the face of the earth lately... ^.^’
1) How many works do you have on AO3? Uhh... 7 works!
2) What’s your total AO3 word count? Oh, gosh. Math, why!?... Okay, I think it’s ~534,610
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? I am not listing every single series I have in RoW, but I’ll list my favorites and ones I’ve written fic for individually: Httyd, RotG, Tangled, Brave, Trollhunters, Voltron, and I also used to have some fics for a couple anime and for the Legend of Zelda, but they have been lost to the void.
4) What are your top five fics by kudos? Well, I only have 7 on Ao3 X’D, let’s see...
Rise of Wizardry
War of Destiny
Tangled in Witchcraft & Sea of Treasures are tied!
Lights in Darkness
Dragons in Shadows
Now I feel bad for School of Bravery! That one was really fun to write. But I’m also proud of all of them, so <3
5) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try to. I’ve been less vocal on both FF and Ao3 because I’m busy and stressed a lot of the time, but I used to answer every single comment. Don’t know if I’ll ever go back to that, but I am trying to be more attentive and if someone poses a legit question that I can answer without spoilers than I try to always reply :)
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? ...Umm, out of what I have on Ao3? Probably Dragons in Shadows. Problem is I only have RoW up on Ao3, and as of right now I don’t think that’s going to change. Fandoms/antis and whatnot are scaring me away from posting writing tbh... I’ve got enough stress in my life y’all.
7) Do you write crossovers? As of right now? Exclusively *fingerguns* ;)
8) Have you ever received hate on a fic? I... Yeah, I think I’ve had some hate here and there, but it was all super minor stuff. Like trolls saying “this sucks” and nothing else. I once had someone get angry that I wasn’t writing the story the way they wanted it, but that’s about it.
9) Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I’ve never tried... I don’t think I’m going to... But maybe one day?...
10) Have you ever had a fic stolen? I don’t think so? I have the one series in a very small fandom, I think it’d be pretty hard to miss. But if anyone ever happens to notice, hit me up please!
11) Have you ever had a fic translated? I have not. No one has ever approached me, but if someone asked I would say yes, so long as they gave credit :)
12) Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, I have not. I think it’d be a fun experience tho!
13) What’s your all-time favourite ship? Ahh... Okay, mm, I don’t think I have one? I only have a couple ships that I’m really into and I don’t talk about them with people because they’re normally rare-pairs or disliked... Anyways, within the context of my writing, I’ll say Jim Lake/Emma Frost. Those two make me happy and they’re pretty cute together.
14) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? At the rate I’m going? RoW as a series. I’m DYING. Writers block, stress, moving. It’s awful, but I’m trying really hard guys, don’t give up on me! I’ve got nearly three chapters stock piled! I promise Imma start posting again soon!
15) What are your writing strengths? I’ve been told I’m very good at writing descriptions and fight scenes.
16) What are your writing weaknesses? Everything.
Okay, fine. Hmm, I guess there are times when I really struggle with dialogue. Making it sound natural and in character... and Show Don’t Tell is a rule that I am breaking constantly. I overwrite so much.
17) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language? I always get uncomfortable trying to write in a foreign language because I feel bad about butchering it. I would love to be able to write in other languages, but it’s impossible to know if it’s right/good: does it sound natural? is this something people say? Is google translate correct because I went back and forth a couple times and got something completely different???
Long story short, if I have someone who is well-versed in the language to help me out, I will gladly put it in my story, but I, personally, have the language ability of a parrot: Cheap imitation. I barely know what sounds human in English.
18) What was the first fandom you ever wrote for? Honestly? Pretty sure it was Digimon way back in the day...
19) What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
Dudes, this question is so hard because all of the RoW is a set. One without the other just isn’t right, so it’s really hard to pick a favorite. I’m really proud of all of them and I’ve been working on them for so long I can see how I’ve grown and I’m just... Even the first few books I can still look back on them without cringing because I honestly feel I did well with them (even if there are some things I would change now that I’m older and more experienced). This series is just close to my heart and I love them all. I suppose... School of Bravery was the most fun. Lots of joking around and fun plots points to play with. Dragons In Shadows was definitely the most dramatic and FEELING one, and I thrived with that. I think out of all of them War of Destiny is the biggest, most ambitious one out of all of them and it’s the conclusion so there’s a lot on it but I feel like I can handle it because of how far I’ve come in my writing. I don’t know guys. This whole series is just really close to my heart and each book, for me, represents a step in my growth as a writer...
That got real sentimental real quick... ANYWAYS!
20) Who do you tag?
I don’t have anyone in mind, but if you see this and wanna do it, please do! This was really fun and a good time of reflection during a pretty crazy time, so I’m really glad I got to do this :)
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