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imperialgrunt · 4 years
Hey look it’s a new canon Circleverse story from Tamora Pierce that she wrote for a lucky recipient as a reward for a charity donation! It’s the meetcute between Lark and Rosethorn! Go enjoy it!
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raidbossmadi · 4 years
The Great Equalizer   - Leech HCs
To talk about the Leech I feel I must first talk about Nyriad and what I think about her and the way she was raised. 
So Nyriad lived in an era where for better or worse the Sirens always came together and lived as a unit. However I believe the Sirens did not live as a unified force as some would naturally be more inclined to leadership than the others. I also believe that they lied to Nyriad about the nature of her powers because the other sirens knew what she was and feared her. 
I believe that the Leech power and the Siren who wields it is meant to be a check for the other Sirens. If another Siren were to abuse their powers and step out of line it would be the job of the Leech Siren to take her sisters power and hold it until a suitable replacement could be found, this is the true nature of the Leech power, to take but also to give. Because of the high amount of responsibility the Leech Siren was often kept in the outskirts of Siren life either by self imposed exile pr the group simply keeping them at arms length. 
In Nyriad’s case though I believe something else happened, She had to dispose of the seventh Siren at a young age before she was truly able to understand her task and so instead of doing her duty she locked them away, and after that her Siren sisters, all of whom where older than her and wiser in her opinion told her that she was a burden on Siren kind, a Leech, a monster who had no place in this world and she believed them. Hence why she was so willing to lock herself and her power away in a vault forever, while the rest of Siren kind has remained unchecked and forgotten about their sister who was always meant to temper them.  
Now onto the Twins 
The way I write the power split is that Tyreen has the majority of the powers, and all of Nyriad’s memories/ the ability to commune with her. Her powers where never tempered by learning from an adult siren as Leda was killed by Tyreen’s powers before she could teach her daughter. As such her powers are reactive; Negative emotions set off her leeching ability in a way she cannot control. When she is calm and collected she can use her powers at will and no one is in danger of being leeched, but fear, anger, distress, etc  all turn her into a dangerous force that cannot be controlled until she calms down.  
The Leech power needing to be fed on a regular bias also stunted her growth, she’s very short and makes up for with heeled boots. The trade off being she doesn’t need to eat real food as often so long as she feeds on something. 
She can take other sirens powers but she cannot give them back, she was not the one to get that side of the leech power, Troy was.
Troy, has no off switch for his side of the power, he leeches every siren he comes in contact with, but only if he makes contact with their markings, hence why he always touches Tyreen’s Siren arm to feed and why he dusted Maya. However in return for not being able to turn it off he also has the missing part of Tyreen’s power, the Give to the take, he can put his leeched energy into other things. 
Troy however also has to deal with the fact that because he has part of Tyreen’s power, his body is trying to destroy itself. The Siren energy in him wants to be a part of its proper host, hence why he heals very slowly and is basically being eaten from the inside out.  Of course it is part of his though, and giving it up would surely kill him just the same as living with it does. 
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simon-newman · 5 years
Stories I (don’t) write
Ok. So...
I am supposed to write a bunch of stories (books?) for quite a while now.
The progress on them is kinda... Well...
I CAN write over 1k words in about 2 hours.
On the other hand I can write 1k words in half a year. Yup - this is how much I have done in 2019.
So yeah. I am bad at this “writing” thing.
Today - just to give you an idea - I’ve decided to make a list of stories I’ve began.
1. When Immortals die - my oldest book idea. An urban fantasy featuring a hidden magic society setting and focused on “The Circle” a small organization within the magic society that gathers individuals who gained immortality. The story starts when a new candidate they’re investigating gets killed... Yeah. They don’t really pay attention to that until one of them is killed as well.
Someone out there is hunting down the immortals. What’s worse he knows exactly how to do it.
2. Empire 23 - A sci-fi story set in the unspecified future nearly a century after the “Freak War”.
Basically: Humanity kinda destroyed itself in an interplanetary religious war.
The Empire - a radical group of 23 planets ruled by single individuals - “won” the war... That’s the official part. Of the 23 Emperors only 9 survived and 13 planets remain in their domain that’s cut off from the hyperspace travel from outside.
Yeah... This kind of a “victory”.
Four leaderless planets were given to the refugees from other parts of the former Commonwealth and a century after the war ended a the political situation is not looking well.
The refugee planets insist on re-establishing connections with the other parts of the former commonwealth and peaceful cohabitation.
The totalitarian regime is firmly believing in isolation and finding a way to counter the overwhelming military might of potential enemies from the outside.
Things take a sudden turn for worse when a massive fleet enters the Empire’s space using only conventional drives. They will take a long time to reach anything but... they are approaching.
3. Okeanos Abyss - Set in the same universe as Empire 23 this story happens a lot earlier - in the 22nd century. Humanity is only starting it’s journey to become a massive interplanetary Commonwealth and MegaCorporations are involved in creating colonies on newly discovered habitable planets.
One such planed it Amude where a research base was established 2 years ago to find out if it’s safe for colonization. 
With the approval granted the 2nd phase begins and an additional team is sent along with equipment to expand the research station into planet’s first habitation center.
Conflict arises between the newly dispatched Chief of Engineering and the Science team leader over who will become the Colony’s first Administrator - a position which would set them for life. All in the beautiful environment of the underwater research station - because Amude is a planet of oceans.
Oh... And that’s just the beginning. Soon strange things begin to happen in the underwater complex. Unexplained accidents start to plague the facility and people start to disappear. on top of that there’s a mysterious person on the team that the MC has nearly no data about. What is she doing there and... Who is she?
(This story is more of a Visual novel idea with A LOT of dead endings)
4. Circleverse Short Stories - Bits on this and that left from the #1 that wouldn’t make it into the actual book. The origin of certain characters and how various things work would be explained here. Werewolves, vampires and magic. How some of the characters became immortal? Who are they? Why many would want to kill them?
This sort of stuff.
Also - “Circleverse” is a term used by a friend of mine whom I told about all those ideas before.
5. Devourers (temporary title) - Loose idea of the story set in the universe where magic is based around eating stuff.
Some people can eat rock and turn their bodies into it. Others can eat wood and control plants.
This kind of a thing.
The continent is ruled by the Eternal King. Few know what’s the element he’s devouring is.
Everyone knows that it makes him untouchable. Every attack against him fails, every assassination attempt is doomed to fail.
And people want it to work because every year a special kind of taxes is being collected.
The King orders for small children to be sent to him and tested.
Tested for their affinity to devour fire.
Many die in the process and it only stops when they quota is met.
Surviving children are sent back to their families but those discovered to devour fire are trained to be the enforcers of the King’s will.
You see - fire devourers are kinda special.
They wield fire as a weapon obviously but... There’s more to it.
Fire burns them as they eat it and also grants them regeneration needed to survive. The enforcers are terribly scarred and extremely dangerous people - ruthlessly enforcing the law and brainwashed to serve their king until death.
Someone needs to stop it. Right?
6. Gifters (temporary title) - Another separate universe.
Universe where “magic” works by the way of Gifting.
With a spoken command you can gift someone with one of your attributes.
There are Eight Gifts - each representing one of the Eight - Ancient heroes who defeated the Dark God and were the first to Receive the attributes of the God of Light.
Those Gifts are Strength, Endurance, Health, Reflex, Memory, Knowledge, Senses and Skill.
There are also two Sacred Gifts - Time and Life - those always kill the one who Gives and extend the life of the Receiver.
You can Give someone half of your Strength to make them stronger.
If they die while wielding it - the strength is gone.
If you die while they wield it - it’s theirs now.
So it’s a matter of trust and a sacred practice.
There’s also the Radiant Emperor - the Chosen Successor of the Gods, last of the Eight and the Ruler of the World... A centuries old shell of a man who rules the Empire for so long by gathering innumerable Gifts of Life on top of the First Gift of Life - one he received from the God of Light.
Except. He doesn’t look like the one who appears on paintings and sculptures from centuries ago...
We follow one of the concubines living in the Emperor’s palace as she decides to get back the life she was denied and run away...
Run away from the man who Rules the World? Well... That’s the idea.
7. ??? - A story born in my mind some late afternoon as I was trying to write a smut...
Yeah - because I need to create a whole fu*ing world for two people to spend a night together in. I am a terrible, terrible god.
Anyway. The idea is that the world (or the continent the action takes place at) is mostly ruled by the Theocratic Empire. The citizens worship the Gods and thus consider demons evil and demi-humans filthy.
Your classic fantastic racism.
In the far West there’s the Land of Demons - a desolate territory of death and fire... Or that’s what most think.
Because for millennia every Emperor had to “prove” himself by leading a crusade into the Land of Demons and slaying the Demon Lord.
Or a Demon who looked the part.
So yeah - the country of Demons was regularly plundered for centuries now and to make the Empire more hypocritical - demons are long lived and reproduce slowly so the land is populated mostly by regular humans as well.
The actual demon nobility is also corrupted and minds their own business.
Right now whenever a crusade comes along they basically gather all of their forces in the Capital and wait them out - allowing for slaughter of innocents.
Those who object are often set up to become the “Demon Lord” that’s being killed by the humans.
One of those was MC’s father. A General under the Demon Lord who disobeyed orders and left the Capital during the Crusade.
Years later our Protagonist returns from exile - grown up to be a powerful demon. Powerful enough to challenge the Demon Lord himself.
But he won’t be satisfied with just that. The nobility, the Empire...
Hell - he wants to destroy the current balance of the World and possibly challenge even the Gods themselves.
Only then he will be satisfied - when the world is safe for those like him.
8. ??? - Another more recent idea with a twist on Black and White magic... Kinda. Also - a bit of D&D I guess.
A world where two schools of magic exist.
The Divine Magic gifted by the Benevolent Gods to improve mankind and allow them to better care for themselves.
The Arcane Magic - a filthy Heretical power made in defiance to the Divines’ benevolence. And insult and mockery of Their power.
Or... That’s what everyone is being told now.
Back when it all began it wasn’t so simple.
The Divines ruled over mortal humans for millennia before the invention of the Arcane gave humans the means to fight back.
Not to endanger themselves directly the Divines gathered their followers and granted them similar powers.
In return the Divines would receive the power back upon wielder’s death along with their soul - this would make them more powerful even if only a bit.
Soon the forces fought each other. The Divines and their Chosen Ones against the First Heretic and his filthy disciples of the Arcane.
The Divines won.
Or so they think.
With Arcane Might rivaling their own power and without a predatory “patron” to devour his soul the First Heretic returns to the world.
Centuries have passed. Nobody even remembers his name. He’s the monster old women scare their children with.
And he is alive again.
Powerful as ever and... The Divines and their followers have no idea.
So yeah... There’s a lot out there already and not that much actually written.
I am making this post in part to keep track of all the ideas.
Other than that I am curious if I could get people interested with those stories.
First thing I want to mention:
Yes - I have to include some form of Immortality in every single one of my books. I am kinda obsessed with it.
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hakureiryuu · 2 years
FULL CIRCLE UPD8 WHEN? [hope you're doing well!]
hello anon from a month and a half in the past!! the short answer is probably never at this point but if you want a plot synopsis I'd be happy to give it to you privately 🙂
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echobazaar · 7 years
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will i ever have a consistent art style? probably not but here’s some more sandry
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referencetortall · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQbVIRiEAcQ)
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i LOVE your circleverse art sm...
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soppinegeasyin · 2 years
Amazfit Zepp E Stylish Smart Watch CircleVersion , Health and Fitness Tacker with Heart Rate, SpO2 and REM Sleep Monitoring, Stainless Steel Body with Genuine Leather Band (Polar Night Black)
Amazfit Zepp E Stylish Smart Watch CircleVersion , Health and Fitness Tacker with Heart Rate, SpO2 and REM Sleep Monitoring, Stainless Steel Body with Genuine Leather Band (Polar Night Black)
Price: (as of – Details) 【Ultra Slim Metal Body】The 3D glass and polished stainless-steel back perfectly fused together, making the watch sleek and ultra-slim. With only 9 mm thickness, it’s exceptionally comfortable to wear day and night.【Multiple Design Collection】From metal, leather to fluoroelastomer, pick your favorite band to match your outfit. Exchange it within seconds and you are ready…
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raidbossmadi · 5 years
Circleverse Master list
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Alright so I’ve finally settled on a name for the AU I’ve been writing and it’s the Circleverse, as it focus’ on the Twins and the people they keep close to them. I’ve also decided to bite the bullet and start posting the Fic that all this world building has been leading up to. So before Chapter 1 goes up why not familiarize yourselves with what’s going on in the Circleverse so far 
All Eyes on Me - Link 
Tyreen struggles with the pressure of being God-Queen all the time 
The Leech - Link
Tyreen’s power wakes up for the first time as child 
Touch Averse - Link
Troy’s Spinal implant is bothering him, so is the fact that people won’t stop touching him
Maintenance - Link
The Twin’s share a quiet moment together while Tyreen does maintenance on Troy’s implant 
Crumbling- Link 
The Twin’s take a pitstop on their way to Promethea, Troy is sick and Tyreen doesn’t know what to do.
Outgrowing the Cage - Link  Tyreen looks up at the stars and desperately wishes she was anywhere but here 
Worldbuilding and Headcanons 
Tyreen General Headcanons 
Leda Headcanons
Layout of the Twins ship The Centurion
Troy Headcanon Masterpost
Members of the Inner Circle
Headcanon Tag
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hakureiryuu · 8 years
[1/31/2017 9:36:28 PM] Ryuu: OKAY SO ON A SCALE FROM ZERO TO ALL OF THEM HOW MANY SPOILERS DO Y'ALL WANT [1/31/2017 9:36:42 PM] Ben: For? [1/31/2017 9:36:44 PM] Rhia: ALL THE SPOILERS [1/31/2017 9:37:22 PM] Ben: Oh YGO movie [1/31/2017 9:37:23 PM] Ben: ok shoot [1/31/2017 9:48:01 PM] Ryuu: so it opens up with the fact that kaiba has built a goddamn space elevator
[1/31/2017 9:48:16 PM] Ryuu: because why wouldn't he [1/31/2017 9:49:20 PM] Ben: Right [1/31/2017 9:49:53 PM] Ryuu: I mean I guess the real thing to start with is, my circleverse fics no longer fit in canon, and I have a sad [1/31/2017 9:50:06 PM] Rhia: Aw [1/31/2017 9:50:09 PM] Ryuu: because this was an after-the-end kind of thing [1/31/2017 9:50:15 PM] Rhia: -nod- [1/31/2017 9:51:13 PM] Ryuu: and it did surprisingly well for itself!! several characters got completions to otherwise ignored story arcs. bakura for example. huge shit there. and a few nods to tea and joey. [1/31/2017 9:51:42 PM] Ryuu: mostly though, this movie was about kaiba's unquenchable hateboner for atem. [1/31/2017 9:51:50 PM] Rhia: WHEEEEE [1/31/2017 9:51:51 PM] Ryuu: like, jesus fucking Christ dude calm the fuck down [1/31/2017 9:52:47 PM] Ryuu: just. thank GOD for homestuck because without quadrants firmly in my head I would spend 3/4 of the movie clutching my skull and screaming internally MAKE THE FOE YAY STOOOOOOP hahahhaa [1/31/2017 9:53:08 PM] Rhia: -snigger- [1/31/2017 9:53:22 PM] Ryuu: the Japanese don't mess around with their spades okay? [1/31/2017 9:53:31 PM] Rhia: Nope [1/31/2017 9:54:40 PM] Ryuu: leading to weirdly poignant conversations between the pharaoh's moirail and kismesis that boil down to "dude he's dead let it go" "NO HE'S NOT FITE ME" [1/31/2017 9:55:12 PM] Rhia: oh my gaaaaaaaaaawd [1/31/2017 9:55:41 PM] Ryuu: seto kaiba. this fucker. [1/31/2017 9:55:58 PM] Ryuu: THIS FUCKER SCIENCES HIMSELF INTO THE AFTERLIFE FOR ONE LAST GO ROUND OKAY????! [1/31/2017 9:56:23 PM] Ben: flashbacks to YuYuHakishu and Kuwabara at Yuuske's funeral [1/31/2017 9:56:33 PM] Rhia: Yuuuuup [1/31/2017 10:00:34 PM] Ben: Seto Kaiba is the real protagonist. [1/31/2017 10:00:49 PM] Rhia: OMG KAIBA GIVE IT UP [1/31/2017 10:01:52 PM] Ryuu: SO ASIDE FROM THE FACT THAT KAIBA'S EGO WAS LITERALLY TOO BIG FOR THIS STORY [1/31/2017 10:02:50 PM] Ryuu: and aside from parts of the ending there I felt like he was really pretty flandarized into exactly two character traits: his kismessitude with atem and his UNPARALELLED ABILITY TO MAKE A PUBLICITY STUNT [1/31/2017 10:03:51 PM] Ryuu: i had a rly good time with this movie! like i said, there were nods to incomplete character arcs. i appreciate bakura's trauma being FINALLY FUCKING ADDRESSED. [1/31/2017 10:04:35 PM] Rhia: YAY IT CHEERED YOU UP [1/31/2017 10:04:45 PM] Ryuu: even though his backstory was one among several rather noticeable retcons... another being shadi's entire. existence. :? [1/31/2017 10:06:04 PM] Rhia: Shadi is the schrodginer's cat of the YGO fandom [1/31/2017 10:06:29 PM] Ben: ... [1/31/2017 10:06:36 PM] Ben: Wait that's flanderizing Kaiba? [1/31/2017 10:06:45 PM] Ryuu: like. i get that he's some kind of force ghost in canon but there's no way he died THAT RECENTLY. and there's also no way he would not have talked to the villain of the movie in all the years since, given that shadi's death is the villain's motive. [1/31/2017 10:06:57 PM] Ryuu: KAIBA HAS AT LEAST A FEW MORE TRAITS TO HIM OKAY? XD [1/31/2017 10:07:31 PM] Ryuu: i mean i like to think of him as a stage hog, but not desperate. that's beneath him, y'know? [1/31/2017 10:08:21 PM] Ben: XD [1/31/2017 10:11:52 PM] Ryuu: but yeah this movie was nostalgic in other ways. it had that good ol' 4kids overdub, with bad puns and inserting extra dialogue where there was clearly silence in the original. but there were no visual edits except for making any actual visible text into English, which was nice. the voice acting was a return to its season 1 quality as well, not the lazy crap they devolved to by the end. [1/31/2017 10:12:14 PM] Rhia: ogood [1/31/2017 10:13:51 PM] Ryuu: okay u said ALL of the spoilers so [1/31/2017 10:17:55 PM] Ryuu: supposedly with atem's death a residual power would be awakened. this power at full force can completely reshape reality in the most vague and yet literal sense, and shadi, before his death, had spent his time giving this power to worthy children he came across. when the pharaoh finally died, they would reshape the world as they wished. shadi gave this power to kids because they would supposedly create a good, pure world, free of fear and hatred. and there was a lot of really good talk on that subject, if necessarily kind of clipped by the dub (it's a complex subject that you can't fit into x mouth movements too precisely, so i understand). it's basically yoda's fear -> anger -> hate -> suffering, paraphrased. [1/31/2017 10:20:17 PM] Ryuu: but shadi's lessons are cut short by bakura's retconned backstory, in which he received the ring as a damn 10 year old or something and murdered shadi with more power than he EVER displays in canon so shruuug haha. but this breeds fear/hate/all the rest in the antagonist's heart, and he begins to misuse the power once it comes into play. [1/31/2017 10:23:42 PM] Rhia: Which would explain all the stuff from the later series. [1/31/2017 10:27:53 PM] Rhia: ....That line was supposed to be earlier. Thanks Skype [1/31/2017 10:28:31 PM] Ryuu: well, no. because, for no reason, if the pharaoh ever returns, the power would be negated. which brings us back to kaiba. [1/31/2017 10:31:38 PM] Ryuu: and. y'know. his hateboner's quest to bring the pharaoh back. kinda throw's a wrench in whatever plans this kid might have for his powers. [1/31/2017 10:32:31 PM] Ryuu: so he's like, okay 2 possibilities here. i could stop kaiba from digging up the items and putting the puzzle back together, or i could kill yugi and make the whole thing moot anyway. [1/31/2017 10:32:40 PM] Ryuu: he chooses the latter ^^U [1/31/2017 10:33:35 PM] Ben: Naturally [1/31/2017 10:34:54 PM | Edited 10:34:58 PM] Ryuu: many shenanigans ensue, including some handwavey bullshit involving how magic and technology interact. literally handwaved. like, "oh, that happened, i don't care why." [1/31/2017 10:36:19 PM] Ben: Any magic sufficiently analyzed? :P [1/31/2017 10:36:51 PM] Ryuu: apparently, since i repeat, KAIBA SCIENCES HIMSELF INTO THE AFTERLIFE [1/31/2017 10:37:09 PM] Ben: I really want that YGO/DBZ crossover now. [1/31/2017 10:37:17 PM] Ben: Kaiba and Vegeta would get along like a house on fire. [1/31/2017 10:37:18 PM] Ben: EGO [1/31/2017 10:37:22 PM] Ben: EGO EVERYWHERE [1/31/2017 10:38:09 PM] Ryuu: one of my earliest fics was like that, only with kaiba and sesshomaru from inuyasha. only the punchline was that it was less explosive than expected xD [1/31/2017 10:38:20 PM] Ben: XD [1/31/2017 10:38:22 PM] Ben: Like [1/31/2017 10:38:34 PM] Ben: I like to think that Kaiba is Vegeta's ego with Bulma's brilliance [1/31/2017 10:38:53 PM] Ben: Mabye YGO takes place AFTER DBZ and Kaiba is Trunk's little brother? XD [1/31/2017 10:39:30 PM] Rhia: PFFFFFFFF [1/31/2017 10:40:00 PM] Ryuu: that's the other thing i think is a bit flandarized about kaiba, and yet even i have to admit it's pretty accurate - he keeps losing because he's so goddamn predictable. [1/31/2017 10:41:22 PM] Ryuu: THAT'S LITERALLY WHAT COST HIM THE WIN AT BATTLE CITY: HE SAID LET'S HAVE A SUDDEN DEATH ROUND, DRAW WHATEVER HAND OF CARDS YOU WANT TO USE. and he lost because he picked the cards that let him get the blue eyes ultimate dragon, and yami picked a hand that would negate exactly that. if he did something different just this ONCE... [1/31/2017 10:41:28 PM] Ryuu: i mean [1/31/2017 10:41:34 PM] Ryuu: it's for effect, y'know? it's for his ego. [1/31/2017 10:42:15 PM] Rhia: It's like when Bri is going for the super-dramatic effect. "Because she can, because it's Rule of Cool." Kaiba's BEWD is because Rule of Kaiba. [1/31/2017 10:42:21 PM] Ryuu: in his duel with ishizu the whole plot is that he ALMOST fell prey to that, because his plan for ego purposes was to use obelisk against her, but went against predictability FOR ONCE IN HIS LIFE and chose blue eyes. [1/31/2017 10:42:28 PM] Ryuu: BUT FOR SOME REASON HE DID NOT LEARN FROM THIS [1/31/2017 10:43:02 PM] Rhia: It could be said that Kaiba is a tragic character and therefore will never learn to fix his flaws. [1/31/2017 10:44:03 PM] Ryuu: yeah let's go with that. i even kind of believe it. i'd like for it to be at least addressed in canon though, even if it can't be fixed. i just don't want it to be a plot device again. it's old. [1/31/2017 10:44:23 PM] Ryuu: god TOO MUCH KAIBA IN THIS MOVIE [1/31/2017 10:44:43 PM] Ryuu: HIS EGO WAS SO HUGE THEY HAD TO TRIM DOWN TO JUST ONE REFERENCE TO THE HEART OF THE CARDS SO IT WOULD EVEN FIT [1/31/2017 10:44:57 PM] Rhia: LOL [1/31/2017 10:45:06 PM] Ryuu: but yeah where was i [1/31/2017 10:45:54 PM] Ryuu: so through shenanigans the puzzle is almost completed but for a few stolen pieces. yugi, through more shenanigans, gets his hands on them, then puts the puzzle together to make a point. [1/31/2017 10:46:48 PM] Ryuu: literally everyone in the story is all like putting the puzzle back together would bring atem back but yugi basically waves it in their faces like Y'ALL. THIS IS A PIECE OF METAL. HE'S NOT IN THERE. HE IS DEAD. CALM DOWN. [1/31/2017 10:46:56 PM] Ryuu: and then everyone refuses to calm down XD [1/31/2017 10:47:06 PM] Rhia: -snrk- [1/31/2017 10:47:13 PM] Rhia: Yugi the only one with his act together. [1/31/2017 10:47:23 PM] Ryuu: HE SO HAS HIS ACT TOGETHER THO [1/31/2017 10:47:39 PM] Ryuu: LIKE HIS DESIGN IS ABOUT THE HALFWAY POINT BETWEEN HIS SHOW SELF AND YAMI [1/31/2017 10:47:49 PM] Ryuu: WHICH IS EXACTLY HOW I PICTURED HIM IN MY FIC IT WAS WONDERFUL TO SEE [1/31/2017 10:47:55 PM] Rhia: XDDD [1/31/2017 10:49:07 PM] Ryuu: like he's taller and has slightly pointer eyes and has his "do no harm" FULLY UPGRADED to "do no harm but take no shit" IT'S WONDERFUL [1/31/2017 10:49:19 PM] Rhia: 8D [1/31/2017 10:50:05 PM] Ryuu: and he wants to design board games when he grows up like YES I ACCEPT THIS HEADCANON [1/31/2017 10:50:28 PM] Ben: Because FUCK has he had his fill of the bullshit that comes with card games [1/31/2017 10:50:36 PM] Ryuu: i imagine XD [1/31/2017 10:50:42 PM] Ryuu: joey hasn't though. wants to go pro. [1/31/2017 10:50:47 PM] Rhia: YUGI BEING SO DONE WITH EVERYONE [1/31/2017 10:50:54 PM] Rhia: AND CHEERING JOEY ON THE SIDELINES [1/31/2017 10:50:59 PM] Ryuu: YAS [1/31/2017 10:51:44 PM] Ben: Reminds me of Vanguard. In the Vanguard G series the old protagonist shows up once. Sees the other new progtagonist...and keeps walking. [1/31/2017 10:52:04 PM] Ben: Like "OH HELL NO I'VE DONE MY TIME GOOD LUCK SUCKER YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN WITH THIS GENERATION OF BULLSHIT" [1/31/2017 10:52:16 PM] Rhia: LOOOOOL [1/31/2017 10:52:26 PM] Ryuu: OMGGGGGG [1/31/2017 10:55:08 PM] Ryuu: but ye i was very happy that dead is dead? because that's the sole problem i have with 99% of after the end ygo fics: they can't find a plot without bring atem back to life, which i find oddly disrespectful. [1/31/2017 10:55:26 PM] Rhia: LET THE MAN REST MOTHERFUCKER [1/31/2017 10:55:29 PM] Ben: I was actually going to do that in one of my own fics. [1/31/2017 10:55:47 PM] Rhia: Now if he's doing stuff from the afterlife, that's a different set up. [1/31/2017 10:56:38 PM] Ben: Basically.  Basically my fic had Necromancer bad guys trying to do True Ressurection. [1/31/2017 10:56:58 PM] Ben: Yami didn't like that so he sent a deck to a girl of Fallen Heroes, or dead characters from fiction. [1/31/2017 10:57:23 PM] Ben: He refused to come himself in card form though. Until the very end, which was the form of a card that banished all cards from the grave yard. [1/31/2017 10:57:30 PM] Ben: Then the deck vanished. [1/31/2017 10:57:38 PM] Ben: "OK, WE CLEANED THIS SHIT UP NOW GET BACK INTO THE AFTERLIFE" [1/31/2017 10:58:51 PM] Ryuu: that is.... KIIIINDA what happens actually. because due to yet more shenanigans, the ring possesses the villain, and ring corruption + infinite power = the end of the world as we know it. [1/31/2017 11:00:08 PM] Ryuu: so naturally dueling the weird monster that results happens (because this is ygo we're talking about here). and some more foe yay pining happens. and then it's just yugi about to pass out from shadowgame biz and GIANT COLUMN OF LIGHT hey look who it is. [1/31/2017 11:00:24 PM] Rhia: WOOOOOOOO [1/31/2017 11:00:37 PM] Ryuu: and as much as i would have loved that he not appear at all [1/31/2017 11:00:51 PM] Ryuu: they reached a middle ground by keeping him completely silent. [1/31/2017 11:01:01 PM] Rhia: Nice. [1/31/2017 11:01:43 PM] Ryuu: i'm not sure if he even actually dueled when he arrived so much as dispersed the shadowgame entirely. [1/31/2017 11:02:08 PM] Ryuu: also, mahaad. like i am a ridiculous mahaad fangirl and i don't know why. all i know is that i SQUEE whenever he's onscreen XD [1/31/2017 11:02:17 PM | Edited 11:02:16 PM] Rhia: SAAAAAAME [1/31/2017 11:02:29 PM] Rhia: It's because he's a giant fucking sweetheart. [1/31/2017 11:02:35 PM] Rhia: Have you read his story in the manga? [1/31/2017 11:02:40 PM] Ryuu: yeeeeee [1/31/2017 11:02:49 PM] Rhia: GIANT BAB [1/31/2017 11:03:13 PM] Ryuu: i headcanon that he had an on/off thing with isis and she was pregnant with his bab when he died, thereby starting the line of tombkeepers. [1/31/2017 11:03:25 PM] Rhia: Fuck. [1/31/2017 11:03:28 PM] Rhia: Sharing that now. [1/31/2017 11:03:44 PM] Ryuu: LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT MY BEFORE-THE-BEGINNING FANFIC [1/31/2017 11:03:46 PM] Ryuu: LATER [1/31/2017 11:03:58 PM] Ben: Weren't the tombkeepers a thing BEFORE mahaad? [1/31/2017 11:04:03 PM] Ben: Because Theif King Bakura? [1/31/2017 11:04:13 PM] Ryuu: nope, only after the pharaoh died (the first time) [1/31/2017 11:04:22 PM] Ben: I could've sworn in the manga [1/31/2017 11:04:29 PM] Rhia: The tombkeepers were specifically guarding Atem's tomb. [1/31/2017 11:04:31 PM] Ben: millennium world arc? [1/31/2017 11:04:31 PM] Ben: Oh wait shit envermind [1/31/2017 11:04:33 PM] Ben: I'm thinking Village of Kul Elna [1/31/2017 11:05:18 PM] Ryuu: so yeah atem does a total deus ex machina [1/31/2017 11:05:37 PM] Ryuu: because of that convenient rule that if he shows up in this world again, the megapower or whatever is gone. [1/31/2017 11:06:43 PM] Ryuu: and like yugi said in the beginning of the movie that he would have liked a chance to say what he needed to say, so i knew there was always a chance of him showing up. but all they do is stare meaningfully at each other for a bit, and then he's gone and everyone's happy. [1/31/2017 11:07:18 PM] Ryuu: which, i was also pleased with, because i would argue very strongly that they said everything that could be said through their duel at the end. the manga version had some fairly transparent subtext. [1/31/2017 11:07:27 PM] Ben: It always does [1/31/2017 11:07:31 PM] Ben: Manga>anime [1/31/2017 11:07:55 PM] Ryuu: well i love the anime too. but i like sort of mashing them together in my head when i put together what i'm considering canon for fanfic purposes. [1/31/2017 11:08:02 PM] Ryuu: SPEAKING OF MANGA THERE WERE SO MANY CAMEOS [1/31/2017 11:08:04 PM] Ben: Fair [1/31/2017 11:08:19 PM] Ryuu: DUKE'S FATHER WAS THERE OKAY. THE GUY WHO DIED IN A FIRE AFTER TRYING TO MURDER YUGI. [1/31/2017 11:11:48 PM] Ryuu: but yeah with the power gone the antagonist has nothing except the family which had been trying to get him off this path of darkness for years now so they all get to be kids again and grow up in the world we've got. [1/31/2017 11:12:01 PM] Ben: D'aw [1/31/2017 11:12:56 PM] Ryuu: appropriately, this movie was about moving on from loss and grief. if the world had real quadrants and no queerbaiting i'd call this an excellent addition. [1/31/2017 11:13:25 PM] Rhia: As it is, it just pulled you out of a shitty mood, so I call it worth it. [1/31/2017 11:13:46 PM] Ryuu: yeees, tis what i needed. <3 [1/31/2017 11:14:14 PM] Ryuu: also the main kids all graduate highschool and tea goes off to some kind of juliard analogue with a full ride. hooray! [1/31/2017 11:14:21 PM] Rhia: Wooo! [1/31/2017 11:14:35 PM] Ryuu: and kaiba sciences himself into THE FUCKING AFTERLIFE. [1/31/2017 11:14:37 PM] Ryuu: the end. [1/31/2017 11:14:42 PM] Rhia: Pfffffffff [1/31/2017 11:14:49 PM] Ryuu: i will never get over that [1/31/2017 11:14:50 PM] Ryuu: just [1/31/2017 11:14:53 PM] Ryuu: this fucker [1/31/2017 11:14:55 PM] Rhia: This movie, alt title: Kaiba plz. [1/31/2017 11:15:30 PM] Ben: Just when you got done saving the world, relaxing in the afterlife, your pokemon are almost unconscious [1/31/2017 11:15:33 PM] Ben: who should show up [1/31/2017 11:15:35 PM] Ben: but gary [1/31/2017 11:15:36 PM] Ben: fucking [1/31/2017 11:15:37 PM] Ben: kaiba [1/31/2017 11:15:46 PM] Rhia: -SNORT- [1/31/2017 11:16:19 PM] Ryuu: the entire theater was laughing their asses off when he pulled this i shit you not [1/31/2017 11:16:30 PM] Rhia: Man [1/31/2017 11:16:35 PM] Ryuu: HE'S WEARING THIS TRON OUTFIT OKAY [1/31/2017 11:16:43 PM] Ryuu: IN SOME KIND OF SPACE POD AT THE TOP OF HIS SPACE ELEVATOR [1/31/2017 11:17:00 PM] Ryuu: HE AIMS IT DOWN, PRESUMABLY TO HIT 88MPH OR SOMETHING [1/31/2017 11:17:11 PM] Rhia: PFFFFFFFFFFFF [1/31/2017 11:17:13 PM] Ryuu: SHOOTS FOR EARTH IN HIS FUCKING SPACE ROCKET INSIDE THE SPACE ELEVATOR [1/31/2017 11:17:18 PM] Rhia: Leave Doc Brown out of this [1/31/2017 11:17:35 PM] Ryuu: AND THEN SUDDENLY HE'S IN ANCIENT EGYPT, STILL IN HIS TRON OUTFIT [1/31/2017 11:17:54 PM] Ryuu: HE WALKS STRAIGHT INTO THE PALACE, STANDS BEFORE THE PHARAOH, WHO LOOKS AT HIM [1/31/2017 11:17:58 PM] Ryuu: AND SMIRKS [1/31/2017 11:18:04 PM] Ryuu: CUT TO BLACK, ROLL CREDITS [1/31/2017 11:18:17 PM] Ryuu: GOOD NIGHT EVERYBODY [1/31/2017 11:18:29 PM] Rhia: 8D [1/31/2017 11:18:55 PM] Rhia: Ben can you illegally download this for me when it makes an appearance? I need to see what the hullabaloo is about [1/31/2017 11:19:06 PM] Ben: Will do [1/31/2017 11:19:10 PM] Rhia: Ta [1/31/2017 11:21:44 PM] Ryuu: oh, i'm gonna call mokuba genderfluid from now on. just cuz. ^^ [1/31/2017 11:21:52 PM] Rhia: Eeee [1/31/2017 11:22:25 PM] Ryuu: not that his growing bishiness is in any way out of the ordinary for Japanese masculinity [1/31/2017 11:22:31 PM] Ryuu: i just think it would be cool [1/31/2017 11:22:41 PM] Ben: I'm sorry [1/31/2017 11:22:46 PM] Ryuu: and i like to picture seto asking his sibling's pronouns every morning :D [1/31/2017 11:22:54 PM] Ben: but isn't the term Japanese masculinity self-contradictory? [1/31/2017 11:22:57 PM] Ben: badum-tish [1/31/2017 11:23:08 PM] Ryuu: -double pistols and a wink- [1/31/2017 11:23:27 PM] Rhia: Imagine Kaiba donating to SHITLOADS of charities for LGTBQA because Mokuba. [1/31/2017 11:23:40 PM] Rhia: And biting heads off anyone who dares give them stinkeye [1/31/2017 11:24:44 PM] Ryuu: yes. this is the kind of headcanon that makes my day. using kaiba's assholery and penchant for drama for the forces of good. [1/31/2017 11:26:13 PM] Ryuu: "did i just hear you misgender my sister?" [1/31/2017 11:26:35 PM] Rhia: -person recants or dies by BEWD- [1/31/2017 11:26:47 PM] Ryuu: -dies of happy-
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referencetortall · 8 years
The rock paintings in Gyongxe might be based on the ones around Lhasa.
A small look at the paintings anon is talking about. :)
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emblazonet · 9 years
001: Circle of Magic?
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favourite character: Sandry, Daja, Tris, Briar. It’s always them.
Least Favourite character: Probably Ben Ladradun.
5 Favourite ships (canon or non-canon): DAJA/RISU, LARK/ROSETHORN. Oh man are there even enough ships in this to keep on? Niko/Moonstream is cool. Keth/his yaskedasu gf were cute… you know… before… I also like the idea of Frostpine in a threesome with the Bancanors, back when they were younger.
Character I find most attractive: Hmm. Older Daja, I guess? Honestly, I’m almost never attracted to Tamora Pierce’s characters, especially her male love interests (although that’s more Tortall)—she just doesn’t write the sort of person I’m into, usually.
Character I would marry: …Daja?
Character I would be best friends with: Sandry, maybe, or Lark.
a random thought: I WANT THAT TRIS AT LIGHTSBRIDGE BOOK YESTERDAY ARRGH. (I’m so disappointed with the directions of the new books…)
An unpopular opinion: The Circle Opens are mediocre and I really wish Tammy would stop writing procedurals/crime dramas.
my canon OTP: Eheh, Daja/Risu I guess. Except I’m happy with how it ended up? Lark/Rosethorn for a ship that lasts.
Non-canon OTP: N/A, honestly
most badass character: Daja Kisubo.
pairing I am not a fan of: Tris/Briar, or any of the kids with each other, because as far as I’m concerned it’s incest and NOPE.
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Like everyone in Melting Stones because that book is a snoozer. Also I don’t think Briar, Evvy and Rosthorn were on point in Battle Magic either.
favourite friendship: THE CIRCLE. Secondarily, Briar, Rosethorn and Evvy.
character I want to adopt or be adopted by: CHIME
004 | send me 2 fandoms and I will give yo my crossover OTP
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raidbossmadi · 4 years
People Like Us Chapter 1
Witch of the Woods 
Early morning light filtered in from the window, shining down precisely where a lizard-like fox creature happened to be sleeping on the floor. The creature awoken by the warmth hopped to its feet and screeched running around in a circle before rolling on its back in the sun beam.
“Ugh Persphone, not again.” A pillow was flung off the bed in the direction of the creature who caught it in its mouth and brought it back to where it came from.
“Why are you always like this?” Sloane asked as she uncurled from her nest of blankets and brushed her messy brown hair out of her face. “It’s way too early for this shit you know.” She sighed looking down at Persphone who wagged her tail and tilted her head expectantly. Sloane followed her into the kitchen blinking in the brightness as she’d forgotten to shut the curtains the night before, at least to her relief there wasn’t anyone peering in through the window.
“Are you only ever this friendly when you want food? Do I not do enough for you to warrant some love and affection sometimes?” She asked again as she rummaged through the cabinet before finding what she was looking for pouring the food into Persphone’s bowl before pulling out an apple for herself.
Sloane went back to her room to grab her Echophone, checking the time and seeing it was nine-thirty, too late in the morning to go back to bed if she wanted to be productive today. She pulled her art supply box off the table in the kitchen and called to her pet as she held the front door open then headed out herself. She looked to the woods that surrounded her quiet little house and chose the patch she wanted to paint this morning. She set down her supplies and easel then gestured and a vine wrapped around the stool sitting near the door and dragged it over.
She watched as the glow of the siren marks on her right arm faded to normal muted blue and went to work. She could really lose herself in her art on days like this when the weather was fair and the sun filtered lazily through the canopy of trees. She was laser focused only looking up from the painting when Persphone hopped into her lap to beg for pets before being set back down by a vine.
Noticing that it had been several hours now and the painting had come together in a way she liked, she decided to leave it out on the easel to dry in the midday sun. She headed back into the house to make lunch and just as she had finished the sandwich she’d made she noticed a dark figure in the yard.
“Ugh this again.” She murmured heading out the back door of the house cautiously. The people of Eden-4 had taken the appearance of a Siren on their planet as a sign that they had been blessed by a god and as such they liked to make Sloane’s life difficult. She lived in this clearing not only because it was close to her element but because it was out of the way of the towns and usually meant she didn’t have to worry about being bothered by people who wrongly assumed she wanted their worship.
She slunk around the side of the house towards the front again, she watched as Persphone yipped and ran in circles around the invader though she kept her distance and Sloane was glad to see that the invader was content to leave her pet alone. Their attention was however on the painting she had left out to dry.
“Oh god dammit.” She hissed under her breath, her art was usually the focus of the worshippers. They would take it and add it to strange forest shrines that they thought would earn them her blessing, all it really did of course was make her wish she had any other talent.
“Hey wait!” Sloane reached to grab at the intruder who had swiped her latest painting off the easel but they had already rushed off out of reach. She sighed, they never did like to listen. The tattoos that adorned her right arm began to glow as she reached out with her powers and bent the trees over the path blocking it.
She approached cautiously, though she had the upper hand here she wasn’t an idiot. “ I don’t want to hurt you.” She said calmly “I didn’t want to have to use my powers at all but you really didn’t leave me any choice. Can I please just have my painting back?”
“But how can I build a shrine without a blessing from our Siren?” The worshipper cried. Sloane sighed this was always a hassle to deal with but she supposed she really should be used to it by now.
“Alright, Alright hang on.” She took the painting back from the worshipper and to her side a vine slithered out holding one of her older sketch books. “Here take this, it’s got a lot more than one picture in it.” It was hard to part with any of her work but if they were going to take it she’d prefer they take it on her terms. She released her hold on the trees watching them spring back into place.
“Thank you, I will tell the others of your generosity!” The worshipper ran back down the path disappearing from sight.
Now that had been dealt with, Sloane went back inside, sinking into the couch to relax for a minute before returning to her fridge and retrieving the list she had stuck on it with a Skag shaped magnet. “Right, so I guess I can cross deal with crazy fanatic shit off the to do list and get onto the actual important things I need to do today.”
She grabbed her bag off the counter and headed into town. Thankfully the town was pretty chill so she could have regular interactions with people instead of having to worry someone might start groveling at her feet because they messed up when giving her change, or didn’t have a shirt in her size. She didn’t get what all the fuss was about in the first place, yes, she was a siren but it wasn’t like her power was anything to write home about. She could make plants move, not the biggest deal in the world, but to the people of Eden-4 it seemed like it was.
The bell above the general store door chimed as she pushed it open. She noticed the store was pretty empty which was strange for this time of day, even the counter was empty of employees. As the door shut behind her a familiar redheaded shopkeeper in an apron came out from the back room.
“Oh hey Sloane.”
“Hi Maggie, where is everyone? I don’t think I’ve seen this place so dead well...ever.”
“Didn’t you see the news, everyones out preparing for the visitors.” Maggie said, pulling out her Echophone seemingly to pull up the news.
“We’re getting visitors? No one ever visits Eden-4, who are they?“
“The Calypso Twins.”
Sloane quirked a brow, the name sounding familiar. “Wait wait what? Like the Echonet streamers, with billions of followers? What do they want with this backwoods planet?”
Maggie set her phone down on the counter and slid it towards her. Sloane looked down at the screen where a video on Echotube waited for her. The thumbnail being a picture of the aforementioned Calypso Twins shrugging at an edited picture of Eden-4. The Title of the video read ‘Our next stop’.
She clicked the play button and Tyreen’s voice filled the shop. “What’s up my brothers and sisters across the six galaxies. God-Queen Tyreen coming to live from the Centurion’s bridge, Troy and I wanted to announce that in a day’s time we’ll be blessing our followers on Eden-4 soooo if you’ve ever wanted to see your God-Queen in person and you’re on Eden-4 it’ll be your lucky day. To the rest of my devoted followers we’ll probably be stopping by your planets soon enough, stay bloodthirsty!” The video cut off after a moment of Tyreen smiling at the camera and making a heart with her hands.
“You don’t think they’re coming here to look for the vault do you?” Sloane asked her shopping all but forgotten at this point.
“Dunno, maybe? Tyreen’s a Siren isn’t she, that’s all your ballpark I’m afraid girly. Why are you thinking of handing it over to them if they asked for it?”
Sloane’s brow furrowed, when she had gained her Siren powers the historical society of Eden-4 had handed over the location of Eden-4’s Vault and key telling her that as a Siren it was her duty to protect it. It had wound up being another responsibility she hadn’t asked for but luckily for her the vault hunters seemed to stick to Pandora and far away from the Eden system. She doubted that many people even knew Eden-4 had a vault and as far as she was concerned the people who did know were more than enough.
“Yeah I don’t know. I suppose I’ll just have to see what happens. Thanks for your help Maggie. I appreciate it really.” Sloane said heading out the door before it could be pointed out that she didn’t even bother to buy anything.
When she returned home she sat down at her computer and began to comb the Twin’s Echotube channel, their Let’s Flay streams and any other information she could find on them. She of course had been aware of their existence, it was hard not to if you spent any time at all on the Echonet but Sloane had never been one for streams. However after watching a few of the Twins she found that she maybe should have, Tyreen was charismatic and electric in her personality on top of that she was pretty cute. Troy on the other hand was harder to get a lock on given that he was usually the man behind the camera but from what she could tell about him he was equally as charming as his sister, if not more so and he was quite the looker too.
What really held her attention though was the fact Tyreen was a Siren, being that there were only six sirens in the universe at a time the chances of meeting another one seemed slim. Sloane was intrigued to see what the other siren knew about what they were.
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