disgruntled-lifeform · 4 months
I found a relic of a website design selling ornate spindle whorls if you even care
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messemasters · 23 days
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Kudos to Wato for having a fantastic show at IFAT 2024!
Are you planning to exhibit your brand at any exhibition? If yes, then you should know about us!
We at Messe Masters create success at exhibitions with our team of experts and professionals, who create exhibition stands that grab attention. So, stop being reluctant and connect with us https://www.messemasters.com/ !
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What a commendable presence “Skion Water” at IFAT 2024. It is really remarkable! Thanks for choosing us for the showcase!
Wondering how to have or create such a great stand! So, click at https://bit.ly/4bQjSOm Here, you can have a stand customized to your needs, brand, and industry.
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deltaponline · 2 months
Conical rotor-stator geometry in a progressive cavity pump
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  At Ifat exhibition in Munich (May 13-17, 2024), the German company Vogelsang GmbH & Co. KG will be showing the conical HiCone progressive cavity pump for use in wastewater treatment plants and pump stations. Additionally, a 3D model of a small, compact version of the HiCone will be on display at booth 347/446 in hall B1. “Wastewater treatment plants that consume large amounts of power in the municipal area owing to their demanding process steps depend on technologies that are both energy efficient and powerful,” says Michael Brinkmann, Director of Global Sales at Vogelsang. He also says: “The HiCone gives wastewater treatment plant operators a durable, highly efficient pumping technology that can be flexibly readjusted to different pumping tasks and operating parameters.”
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The HiCone features a conical rotor-stator geometry and a clever adjustment system. Precise readjustment of the rotor compensates for wear. This ensures constant pumping performance at a high level of effectiveness – without costly and time-consuming parts replacement. At the same time, the product has a status display that informs users about the pump’s condition continuously and in real time. The HiCone thus requires maintenance less often, and it can be planned better. If the HiCone is equipped with the automatic adjustment option and connected to remote maintenance, the rotor can be readjusted as needed from the control room – with no time-consuming travel and maintenance. Wastewater treatment plant operators with pumps in remote use benefit from this in particular, at pump stations, for instance, which usually are not monitored by specialists on site. Conical pump for high pressures up to 12 bar The HiCone is also designed for higher pressures of up to 12 bar. For wastewater treatment plant operators, that means the HiCone can even handle process applications with high pressures that usually require a long, two-stage progressive cavity pump. www.vogelsang.info Read the full article
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ifater-tech · 11 months
Legendás hangzás és “internetgyilkosság”
Komoly küzdelmek folynak a konzol- és játékpiacon, melynek újabb piszkos kis részleteiről hullt le a lepel egy napvilágot látott Microsoft levelezés kapcsán - többek közt erről lesz szó volt korábbi adásunk hírblokkjában, míg a fő témánk ismét az AI körül forog. Ezúttal az internet halálát sejtik egyes szakértők és ha ennyire nem is drasztikus a helyzet, a mesterséges intelligencia alkalmazása olyan drasztikus átalakításokat hozhat, melyre talán senki nem gondolt idáig. Hamarosan jöhet a tényleg “fizetős” internet? Lazításképp elhoztuk a Grado SR325x-et, az amerikai gyártó különleges hangzású nyitott fejhallgatóját, melynek hangját minden zenekedvelőnek meg kéne legalább egyszer tapasztalnia.
Az adást ide kattintva tudjátok meghallgatni a Jazzy oldalán.
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Az iFater OFFLINE (IS)! Minden szerdán este nyolctól kilencig iFater magazin a Jazzy 90.9-en! Juhé!!!!
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robertbakerde · 6 months
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This is a message to my black brothers and sisters
Learn about your history
Ethiopia is one of the oldest countries in Africa; the emergence of Ethiopian civilization dates back thousands of years. Abyssinia or rather "Ze Etiyopia" was ruled by the Semitic Abyssinians (Habesha) composed mainly of the Amhara and Tigray, the Cushitic Agaw. In the Eastern escarpment of the Ethiopian highlands and more so the lowlands was the home of the Arab-descended Harari that founded Sultanates such as Ifat and Adal and the Afars. In the central and south were found the ancient Sidama and Semitic Gurage, among otheres. One of the first kingdoms to rise to power in the territory was the kingdom of D'mt in the 10th century BC, which established its capital at Yeha. In the first century AD the Aksumite Kingdom rose to power in the modern Tigray Region with its capital at Aksum and grew into a major power on the Red Sea, subjugating South Arabia and Meroe and its surrounding areas. In the early fourth century, during the reign of Ezana, Christianity was declared the state religion. Ezana's reign is also when the Aksumites first identified themselves as "Ethiopians", and not long after, Philostorgius became the first foreign author to call the Aksumites Ethiopians.[The Aksumite empire fell into decline with the rise of Islam in the Arabian peninsula, which slowly shifted trade away from the Christian Aksum.[citation needed] It eventually became isolated, its economy slumped and Aksum's commercial domination of the region ended.The Aksumites gave way to the Zagwe dynasty, who established a new capital at Lalibela before giving way to the Solomonic dynasty in the 13th century. During the early Solomonic period, Ethiopia went through military reforms and imperial expansion that allowed it to dominate the Horn of Africa.
How did Ethiopia Resist Imperialism?
Ethiopia, formerly Abyssinia, is one of the world’s oldest countries. Dating to around 400 BCE, the region is documented in the in the King James Version of the Bible as the Kingdom of Axum. Along with Rome, Persia, and China, Axum was considered one of the four great powers of the era. Throughout the millennia of its history, the willingness of the country’s people—from farmers to kings—to come together as one, coupled with its geographic isolation and economic prosperity, helped Ethiopia score decisive victories against a series of global colonialist forces.
Ethiopia is considered “never colonized” by some scholars, despite Italy's occupation from 1936–1941 because it did not result in a lasting colonial administration.
Seeking to expand its already considerable colonial empire in Africa, Italy invaded Ethiopia in 1895. In the ensuing First Italo-Ethiopian War (1895-1896), Ethiopian troops won a crushing victory over Italian forces at the Battle of Adwa on March 1, 1896. On October 23, 1896, Italy agreed to the Treaty of Addis Ababa, ending the war and recognizing Ethiopia as an independent state.
On Oct. 3, 1935, Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, hoping to rebuild his nation’s prestige lost in the Battle of Adwa, ordered a second invasion of Ethiopia. On May 9, 1936, Italy succeeded in annexing Ethiopia. On June 1 of that year, the country was merged with Eritrea and Italian Somalia to form Africa Orientale Italiana (AOI or Italian East Africa).
Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie made an impassioned appeal for assistance in removing the Italians and re-establishing independence to the League of Nations on June 30, 1936, gaining support from the U.S. and Russia. But many League of Nations members, including Britain and France, recognized Italian colonization.
It was not until May 5, 1941, when Selassie was restored to the Ethiopian throne, that independence was regained.
Ethiopia's ability to resist being swept up in the "Scramble for Africa" can be credited to the stability of its longstanding imperial government, beginning with the Abyssinian Empire in the 13th century, and lasting into the late 20th century, with the exception of a brief Italian occupation during the 1930s. King Menelik II, the Emperor during the period of rampant European exploration and colonization in Africa, was careful to cultivate an alliance with the smaller surrounding kingdoms of North Africa, and with European powers including Italy and Russia. When Italy began to turn the sights of their imperial ambitions toward Ethiopia, the Ethiopian military became the only African kingdom able to successfully resist the military might of European colonial power, using Russian-supplied weapons to defeat the Italian invading force at the Battle of Adwa in 1896. In the aftermath of the battle, in exchange for permanent recognition as an independent empire, Menelik II granted Italy the right to claim the neighboring territory of Eritrea under their imperial umbrella.
Ethiopians have a history of taming lions.
Many Emperors kept pet lions including Halie Selassie. Occasionally visitors like Kwame Nkrumah could pet one of the lions!
This practice of keeping lions is said to date back thousands of years to the Axumite period.The descendants of the Royal Lions currently live in the Addis Ababa zoo.
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Meet his imperial majesty, the King of the Jungle.
And if, with his thick, shaggy mane Challa seems to have something of a frisky regal air about him - it's because he knows that he is a genuine blue blood.Challa is a direct descendant of Mochuria and Mollua - royal lions, which the late Emperor Haile Selassie kept as pets. The Emperor's practice of keeping pet lions is said to date thousands of years back to the Axumite period.Years ago in Ethiopia, Lions were pets to the people, some were used like donkeys, some like dogs kept at home. Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia had lions he kept as pets, while some Ethiopians could even ride on them. These were not wild lions, they grew up with humans and became domesticated.They didn't go after human blood or other animals, lions roamed around the streets of Ethiopia and live was beautiful with them. Ethiopia is in East Africa, it's a rugged, landlocked country split by the Great Rift Valley, Ethiopia is a place of ancient culture, they believe and still hold on to ancient affairs.
Any lion that goes wild was immediately hunted killed, they were only killed if they kill a human and not animals like goats and chickens. They forbid killing and eating of any lion because lions were pets used in different palaces.
Ethiopia as a country had its origin in about 980 B.C., which makes it one of the oldest nations in the world.
Due to this very long history and an unmatched diversity of people and cultures, the country has often been described as a “museum of peoples”. With such a highly diverse population, Ethiopia houses an intricate tapestry of language and ethnic groups.
Also nicknamed the “Land of 13 Sunshine’s”, Ethiopia is often described as one of the most enthralling and enchanting places in the world – and definitely in Africa.
Ethiopia may not be the first place any traveller think of when planning or booking a next holiday, but it may just as well soon be the case. As African country Ethiopia can boast about having been at peace for at least the previous 15 years or more years and its economy is consequently one of the fastest growing in the world.
With the added bonus of an astounding diversity of landscapes, mixture of cultures and history that tracks back to when homo sapiens first started to raise itself up onto two legs, a traveller suddenly may look forward to a surprising and breath-taking travel destination.
But talking about planning and holiday dated, you probably didn’t know that this unique nation even has its own calendar?
This is but one of a myriad fascinating facts about the country, of which a number are discussed in this article. Looking at the country’s ancient and statutory history, its religion, culture, people and natural phenomena, here are at least 44 random but fascinating facts that you can ponder in anticipation of a visit to this eastern African country in the near future:
Fact number 1 – The oldest people in the world probably lived here.
Fact number 2 – Ethiopia is the oldest independent country in Africa and the only African country that could evade colonial rule.
Fact number 3 – Ethiopia was one of the first African forces to achieve a significant victory over a European colonial power.
Fact number 4 – Ethiopia has a rich history of rulers, including emperors and queens.
Fact number 5 – Ethiopia is perceived to be the diplomatic capital of the African continent
Fact number 6 – Ethiopia is the country with the second highest population in Africa, and with almost 1,5 % of the world population.
Fact number 8 – Ethiopia has the most orphans in the world.
Fact number 10 – Addis Ababa is the highest capital city in Africa.
Fact number 11 – More than 200 dialects are spoken by the peoples of the country.
Please like and share so others can see, drop your comments below and let me know what you think.
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basilpaste · 3 days
i MUST change the tma aus name actually i have realize the acronym is ifat and i CANNOT reckon with that.
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irfaaaaannnn · 1 year
Kalau kita hidup di zaman Rasulullah
Apa jadinya ya jika kita dihidupkan oleh Allah bukan di abad 21, tapi di abad ke-7. Ketika mendengar risalah kenabian, kita ada di pihak yang mana?
Pihak kaum muslimin yang tertindas atau kaum kafir quraisy yang jumawa?
Di zaman sekarang mungkin enak. Kita memang sudah terlahir dalam keadaan muslim, hidup di tengah lingkungan muslim, wajar jika kita menjadi muslim.
Seperti perkataan guru kami, Fadhilah Syeikh Ali Jum'ah, kalau kita hidup di zaman Rasulullah, mungkin saja kita berislam, mungkin saja kita beriman, tapi kita akan dapati diri kita bersembunyi di balik pohon, melihat Rasulullah saw dari kejauhan.
Wajah teduh beliau saw, senyum merekahnya, perkataan-perkataannya yang renyah terdengar di telinga, tidaklah pantas diri kita yang kotor ini dekat-dekat dengan beliau. Jangankan menandingi sayyidina Abu Bakar atau Umar, bahkan sahabat yang paling terakhir masuk islam pun tak sampai derajat kita.
Buktinya? Kalaulah kita pantas berada di sekeliling beliau, maka pastilah Allah ciptakan kita hidup di zaman beliau saw.
Foto : Sesaat sebelum ujian ilmu hadits di Madrasah Syeikh Syahid Imaduddin Ifat, yayasan Miratsul habib
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ausetkmt · 1 year
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The founding of the Ethiopian Empire in the 13th century by Yekuno Amlak
Yekuno Amlak, a member of the Amhara nobility, overthrew the Zagwe dynasty in 1270 and established the Solomonic dynasty, which ruled Ethiopia until 1974. The Solomonic dynasty claimed descent from King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, and this claim was used to legitimize their rule.
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Yekuno Amlak was a powerful and charismatic leader, and he was able to unite the Ethiopian people against the Zagwe. He also established a strong central government and began to rebuild the Ethiopian army.
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Under Yekuno Amlak's rule, the Ethiopian Empire began to expand. He conquered the Kingdom of Damot and the Kingdom of Ifat, and he also made alliances with the Muslim Sultanates of Ifat and Shewa.
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Yekuno Amlak died in 1285, but his legacy would live on. He is remembered as the founder of the Solomonic dynasty and the one who restored Ethiopia to its former glory.
Here are some of Yekuno Amlak's accomplishments:
He overthrew the Zagwe dynasty and established the Solomonic dynasty.
He united the Ethiopian people against the Zagwe.
He established a strong central government.
He began to rebuild the Ethiopian army.
He conquered the Kingdom of Damot and the Kingdom of Ifat.
He made alliances with the Muslim Sultanates of Ifat and Shewa.
Here are some of the challenges that Yekuno Amlak faced:
The Zagwe dynasty was a powerful and established dynasty.
The Ethiopian people were divided and there was no central government.
The Ethiopian army was weak and in need of rebuilding.
The Muslim Sultanates of Ifat and Shewa were powerful and could pose a threat to Ethiopia.
Despite these challenges, Yekuno Amlak was able to overcome them and establish the Solomonic dynasty. He is remembered as a great leader and a key figure in Ethiopian history.
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messemasters · 30 days
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Congratulations, HIBLOW, for holding such a wonderful exhibit at IFAL-2024!
It was great working with you. We are hoping to create at your future ventures as well, so do connect with us for the same at https://www.messemasters.com/
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Here’s another successful showcase on our success board! We always strive for crowd attention and high ROI for the exhibitor’s brand; likewise, we did for STARLINGER at IFAT Munich 2024. 
So, if you’re also planning for your brand exposition, you can connect with showcasing experts at https://expostandservice.com/
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deltaponline · 3 months
Sulzer launches next generation controller for optimized performance of wastewater pumping stations
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  Network pumping stations invariably encounter challenging conditions, and operators can face an uphill struggle to maintain reliability and low operating costs. BlueLinQ Pro, the latest addition to the Sulzer pump controller lineup, uses an intuitive, quick setup wizard for simplified configuration and uses experience-designed presets to solve complex operating scenarios.
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Operators can interact seamlessly via the 7” touchscreen and use the integrated variable frequency drive (VFD) control to maximize pump efficiency and reduce energy costs. The new BlueLinQ Pro offers excellent scalability and is capable of controlling up to six assets including pumps, mixers and valves for the most effective operations. Plug-and-play performance The Sulzer BlueLinQ Pro offers advanced control features and a setup wizard that improve pump availability and reduce energy consumption - all within a small footprint that makes retrofitting easy. Built-in best efficiency point (BEP) and proportional integral derivative (PID) control logic functionality ensures that all pumps in the station operate as close to peak efficiency as possible. This reduces running costs and minimizes stress on the mechanical components.
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Smart control functionality provides multiple features that optimize pump operations and minimize the need for interventions from the maintenance team. The ability to calculate in and outflows, measure the speed of level changes and vary pump start and stop points ensures each pumping station operates to its full potential. This includes the addition of mixers and valves, which can also be included in the control logic delivered by the BlueLinQ Pro. Sulzer is setting a new standard for pumping station controllers. Simple module installation and configuration optimizes any retrofit by using multiple preset features to enhance performance. Round-the-clock remote monitoring and detailed analytics provide enhanced insights that support maintenance projects and minimize unnecessary call-outs. Simplifying complex tasks With so many very similar pumping stations in each network, the variety of controllers across sites can add unnecessary complexity for operators. The inherent flexibility of the BlueLinQ controller makes it ideal for many locations. Once the first station has been configured, all the settings can be easily transferred to others using the SD memory card facility, minimizing commissioning time. To further enhance the benefits of the BlueLinQ Pro, modern communications protocols offer excellent connectivity and remote access possibilities to maximize the effectiveness of operators and technicians. Centralized monitoring and programing ensure valuable staff and resources are only dispatched when absolutely necessary. In all, the features of this unique pump controller from Sulzer can support strategies to reduce operating costs, maximize reliability and optimize the productivity of the whole network. www.sulzer.com Ifat 24 Munich: Hall B1, Stand 321/420 Read the full article
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ifater-tech · 1 year
A TV streamingre költözik, a Walkman pedig jobb, mint valaha
Régi fogalmak, modern idők – ez talán a legpontosabb összefoglalója az iFater legújabb adásának, melyben szó lesz arról, hogyan próbál túlélni a klasszikus televíziózás ingyenes streaming szolgáltatások formájában, tesztalanyunk pedig egy ikonikus márkanév, a Sony Walkman családjának középkategóriás üdvöskéje. Az NW-A306 névre hallgató modell a nosztalgikus percek okozása mellett a modern kori elvárásoknak is eleget tesz ugyan, de vajon szükségünk van-e még dedikált zenelejátszóra az okostelefonok korszakában?
Az adást ide kattintva tudjátok meghallgatni a Jazzy oldalán.
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Az iFater OFFLINE (IS)! Minden szerdán este nyolctól kilencig iFater magazin a Jazzy 90.9-en! Juhé!!!!
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robertbakerde · 7 months
IFAT 2024 Munich in Germany | Expostandservices The IFAT 2024 in Munich is a leading trade fair for environmental technologies and sustainability. It gathers experts, companies, and organizations worldwide to showcase innovations and solutions for water, sewage, waste, and raw materials management. The event features discussions, presentations, and exhibitions focusing on cutting-edge technologies and strategies to address environmental challenges.
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membranedecors · 8 months
Stepping into 𝐈𝐅𝐀𝐓 𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐀 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 at the Bombay Exhibition Centre (𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐂𝐎), Mumbai, don't miss the opportunity to witness the brilliance of 𝐌𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐬-where every stand is a masterpiece, and every visit is an adventure into the future of design. Contact to let us weave the magic of innovation and aesthetics into your next exhibition.
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📞 +91-8800569899 📧 [email protected] 🌐 www.membranedecors.com
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