poetryoffailures · 1 year
Slumber of October
A score of tiny pellets
Slowly melted on the ridges
Of taste buds not so old,
And flowed down seamlessly
Along a throat choked with pain,
While the fatigued body sat
Along the edge of the cliff,
A few miles away from Kasauli,
Watching the sunset again,
The body slowly crumbled
So sleepy and so calm,
He had last felt that peace,
Years and years ago,
The last glow of the golden Sun
Cuddled with him
In his deepest slumber,
And the chilly gusts of wind
Wiped away his blemishes,
While the folded yellow chit
Freezed breathlessly
In the coldness of his hands,
Colder than the chill of October.
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nikita100me · 6 years
Anxiety fucking blows
So with all the absolute shit that is going on in the country from this immigration imprisonment bull shit to people being harassed on social media, I can’t express to you how much I want to be out there ending the hate and dysfunction. I want to make a difference. But no the moment I dip my toe in that pool all the red lights start going of in my head. I start freaking out that nothing I will do makes a difference, no one will listen, I will put all this effort into trying to make a difference and nothing will happen. No one will listen to me I’m just another white girl...
THEN when I’m like “shut up no matter what I do it helps!”...and oh boy I wish that would work but then my anxiety is like “oh okay then fine, people will notice and then you will be in danger, they will call you names, people will fucking kill or rape you if you try, not to mention if you try you will become homeless because you won’t be able to fucking focus on your own life. But also not doing anything makes you a selfish bitch! Stop making excuses!”
And I’m sitting here in tears torn between helping the world and my own mental health. And fucking when I think of taking care of myself I hear the voices of the internet saying “selfish bitch! Other people are suffering and need your help, yet you are not helping them and have the audacity to want to make your life good and stress free?! You are what is wrong in the world you white bitch! Haha anxiety is just a fucking thing you kind of people made up to excuse your inaction!”
But like literally I don’t have the will power or the ground beneath my feet to do anything that makes the difference that is needed. I’m drowning in my guilt of inaction yet I know I will loose myself and crash and burn if I do anything substancal.
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itsnotcamilla · 8 years
Tbh I don't understand how I get through a day without breaking apart... I feel like I am about to explode, not because of a special reason but idk. I feel like I don't have a reason to feel this way, but I do. Feel this way. I don't want it to seem like I am overreacting, but how do people get through a day? How do even I get through a day?
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thatgaysoul · 9 years
News just keeps getting worse and worse. The doctor told my mom she has stage 4 melanoma (skin cancer) and it just keeps spreading. Please keep my family in your thoughts..
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blazethei · 10 years
I just want all my friends to have what they need and want is that so much to ask?
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shrimppaste · 10 years
It's so hard trying to forget you.. I want to hate you, but i can't..
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dropsofmidnight · 10 years
I find it really hard to only have 24 days left in school and then I’m off to University and he whole ‘real’ adult world and moving and everything and it just makes me really scared and kind of anxious about the whole ‘future’thing.
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