#Ik i’m insane
heraldofcrow · 2 years
A day may come when I stop developing unhealthy obsessions with characters that have long pale hair and psychological issues…but it is not this day…
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pyr0frnzy · 5 months
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“I’ll do whatever you can’t do, and you do whatever I can’t do!!!” -🚬🏴‍☠️
close-ups + ver without the filter:
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luuxxart · 13 days
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he’s also ambidextrous but don’t tell him
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cherrysnax · 8 months
hi so our last post died, and things have gotten kinda worse with the arrival of our other cat, my elder brothers homelessness, and the racial abuse getting hurled my way
we’re two disabled black lesbians trying to navigate employment discrimination and the American healthcare system, and tbh we’re losing. we originally had to split everything between 6 people, but due to my brothers getting evicted, everything we have (and everything we don’t) also goes to them
like last time, I’m still waiting for a doctor but recently they told me to call back in November. I’ve been calling since April. I believe the stress of everything is causing a flare up of something and I have no idea how to manage it, on top of my new seemingly random food sensitivities that keep popping up. I’m exhausted all the time and sometimes can’t even get out of bed.
on a brighter note, my girlfriend applied to five jobs, but their phone was shut off this morning so it’s urgent that they pay their bill.
we were able to get some necessities early last month due to peoples help, but we can’t make it stretch with 8 people. it’s a shitty situation all around and I wish we didn’t have to ask but until my gf can get a job and I can find out exactly what’s wrong with me, this is literally all we have.
I’m not gonna link my PayPal anymore because people are harassing me with my deadname
my cashapp is $silvertheestallion and my gfs is $Peachjammn
my Venmo is cherryadventure2
thank you so much for reading
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fumifooms · 3 months
his flower...
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Aww, from the signing doodle board and the Adventurer’s Bible long illustration… He likes flowers he likes shells, just a guy and his flower he picked from the side of the road, what’s not to love. Nature lover boy…
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chrollohearttags · 5 months
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nighttiming · 3 months
hahaha yeah i accidentally controlled my best friend’s anal beads but that’s like something we do haha it’s not gay just guys being dudes haha
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carrtoonfreak · 2 months
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oobbbear · 7 months
2D animations should stop doing tight clean up and go back to the old Disney style semi clean semi sketch cleanup, the animation looks great, it saves you money and the animator’s sanity (especially the sanity part)
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meepmeep19 · 8 months
Yk one thing the BSD fandom hasn’t really realized yet is that Suegiku have actually known each other just as, if not LONGER than Soukoku. Seriously. Ik that sounds crazy, but just hear me out:
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First of all, we know Jouno joined the Hunting Dogs 6 years ago. That means he’s known Tetchou for at LEAST six years now
Now you may think it’s a little bit of leap to just assume that they knew each other for all those 6 years. After all it’s entirely possible that Tetchou joined after Jouno did, and so the two could’ve only known each other for as little as a year. However, I honestly don’t think that’s the case, and Tetchou did in fact join BEFORE Jouno.
Admittedly, this is just ultimately HC but it makes sense when u think about it. Out of all the Hunting Dogs. Tetchou is easily the MOST committed to justice and his job. He has passion for it almost unlike any of the other members. I think that he (unlike Tachihara, for instance) actually TRAINED and maybe actually applied to become a Hunting Dog the normal way, kinda like how u can apply to become a cop. In other words, based on his very evident dedication, you can tell that this was a career he CHOSE to go into. And considering that career planning requires, well, a PLAN, one that doesn’t necessarily have to take that many years (depending on the career), and the fact that current Tetchou seems like he’s already in his early to mid 20s max (most of the young adult characters in BSD tend to be in that range- Kunikida, Dazai, Ranpo), then 6 years ago (when Jouno joined) he would’ve most likely have almost completed or already completed his training and become a HD member
Ofc, u can argue that his training could’ve taken longer, so he still could’ve joined after than Jouno. But considering the fact that they took in Tachihara when he was like only 15 (I think?) mostly because of his ability, I don’t think the official training and application process actually takes THAT long. Or if does, then you can easily speedrun all that time by having an OP ability, regardless of ur actual age. (They’re kinda like ADA and PM in that sense; age literally does not matter if u have a broken power lol that can make up for that lol) And considering the fact that Tetchou HAS an OP ability and is literally the strongest Hunting Dog, I feel like he would’ve been accepted for the job sooner rather than later. So yeah, he would’ve already been a HD by the time Jouno joined.
But 6 years ago is just when Jouno OFFICIALLY joined the HD. That’s not even mentioning the time it must’ve took to find and arrest him in the first place. So considering Jouno was an executive of an infamous mafia group, I bet it would’ve taken more than just Fukuchi to capture him. Other HD members, like Tetchou and Teruko would’ve most likely been on the mission as well.
Especially because (while this is mostly HC territory again) it rly seems the HD took down, not just Jouno, but most likely his entire mafia group. We never hear any mentions of them in the present and it just doesn’t make sense that a group as ruthless and THOROUGH as the HD would capture Jouno,(someone who can literally hear them coming MILES away and literally disappear into thin air!) but somehow not anyone else in the mafia group. So if they rly did take down everyone, then that definitely would’ve been a job for more than just one person. Meaning Tetchou definitely would’ve been involved in Jouno’s arrest. Which is how they might’ve actually known each other for even longer than those 6 years, depending on how long it took to arrest Jouno. (Btw, SKK have known each other for 7 years)
I think the reason we’ve never actually realized this is because unlike SKK, SGK aren’t freaks that constantly bring up how long they’ve known each other every five minutes
Also, you could argue that SGK understand each other almost as well as SKK, considering Jouno can literally read Techou’s body like a book and that Tetchou is capable of perfectly describing Jouno to an absolute T.
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starlooove · 2 months
Ppl will say fanon v canon doesn’t matter and it’s all jokes and I’m sooooo close to going sure sometimes and then I remember y’all removed a major role of one of the if not THEE most prominent black character in Bruce’s story who was created a whole decade before tim and gave it to tim based off a run where he literally handed the role back! Like IN THE COMIC Tim was CEO in name only and handed it back to Lucius relieved when he didn’t need to front anymore like.
#also if I said y’all took a lot of what tam does and her character traits and handed them off to tim….#like from that run#it’s crazy bc I always say that’s like the only comic tim stans read#but if that’s true the racism isn’t even covert anymore el oh el#tim Drake#it’s actually about him this time#I’m not gonna clog Lucius or tam tags any further tho#oh and on the tam note#her quick thing and sheer insanity was seen as naivety from tim even tho it saved his ass quite a few times#mainly that Vicki vale shit#which is hung up on LUCIUS’ wall#bc it’s HIS office#bc HE is the CEO.#I think it’s so funny how Bruce quest was like unreliable narrator knows their unreliable and thinks that knowledge means that everything t#they say is true bc they acknowledge that maybe they’re not thinking healthily#which is so fucking fun#but y’all go ‘yesss this is Tim!’#like no! it’s not! and tim knows that! and he’s too high strung to be pissed or scared about it!#AND THAT IS WHAT SHOULDVE HAPPENED NEXT#IK cómics don’t like to acknowledge that kinda trauma and shit#but something going deep into Tim’s mental state at the time and how he was impacted in daily and personal life#(bc instead of black characters being written out and ignored I’m choosing to believe tam distanced herself bc he was such a Dick)#Like that would’ve been craaaazy#like even tims lack luster reaction at seeing Kon in Paris after he was DEAD#And then later having the emotional reaction like he really kept that shit on the backburner#but noooo he’s so badass and a killer 🥺#anyways justice for the fox family#at least for Lucius like he and cyborg are in the same boat for me#where they’ve been around for so long and have been so important (cyborg on a waaaay wider scale)#that the fact that they don’t get their flowers in favor of making shit up for tim is SICK
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josephtrohman · 8 months
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costume reveal
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ricky-mortis · 6 months
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God he slayed this look
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bigleoenergy · 5 months
I’m on my hands and knees begging Hollywood to bring the entire cast back but change the story so it’s no longer teens reuniting 1 year after their friends disappearance but old high school friends who are now in their lates 20s/early 30s reuniting after almost a decade since the Washington twins disappearance.
The increased tension, avoiding weird sexual plots with the “teen” cast, it gives more time for Josh to have lost his mind AND plan out even more fucked up games for the others, and it lets the original cast reprise their roles and get that bag. This is how we can win.
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enha-stars · 1 month
*grabs the mic that enha passed* THE SPIDEY SMUT IS OUT 🕸
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hooksredrum · 1 year
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BOOBS IN MY FACEE, the chain, THE HAIRRRR, and the damn v-line sticking out… he’s so sl*tty
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