#Ikemen Prince 2nd anniversary
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threw a few of my tickets out into the water seeing if either of my dogs would bite... but i even up fishing out a whole tiger instead???
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floydsteeth · 1 year
So like, Yves earrings used to be his mother's before she died, right? Do you think Yves when he was like a kid decided that he needed to design his entire wardrobe around that one piece of jewelry and that's why he's always dressed like that
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archiveikemen · 2 years
IkeLive 2nd Anniversary Story — Chapter 02
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I do not own any of the Ikemen Series content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD. Please support them by downloading and playing their games.
read this before interacting with my posts
Kanade: You’re invited to my castle.
His words were dignified and sharp, it felt impossible to defy them.
I snapped back to reality the moment I thought of Kanade’s words.
(Darn it… I can’t do this.)
I took off my headphones and sighed.
In the quiet room, the only thing I could hear was the buzzing coffee machine I turned on just now.
(... I need a break.)
I was in the high-rise apartment Kanade lived separately in.
Kanade was the one who brought me there, and I had been so concentrated on making my new song that I was depriving myself of sleep.
(This is where Kanade composes his music… I wonder what he usually does when he takes a break.)
Kanade told me that I was free to do whatever I wanted in his house while working on my song. After my coffee break, I decided to explore the other rooms in his apartment to give myself a mental break.
Opening the door to one of the rooms, I saw that it was empty, apart from the few music equipment stored inside.
In the end, the living room with a bed placed in the center was the only place in the apartment that looked like someone lived there.
(I can concentrate well in an apartment that doesn’t have a live-in feel, but… I kind of miss human interaction.)
I went to lay down on the bed and shut my eyes, feeling the comfort of the neat sheets that were free of wrinkles, as if the bed had just been made.
(Ah… I can smell the lingering scent of Kanade's cologne.)
After who knows how long I had been laying there, I heard the bed creak.
???: Resting in the beast's lair? You look as defenseless as ever.
The voice whispering in my ear tickled my eardrums.
(This is Kanade’s voice… am I dreaming?)
???: Did I bring you here just so that you can rest?
(Is Kanade the ‘beast’? … No way.)
If this really is a dream, I do bold things.
I slowly opened my eyes and reached out to grab Kanade who was staring at my face.
MC: Kanade… you look more like a prince.
Kanade: …
His eyes widened for a split second and he smiled.
Kanade: Glad you think I’m a prince.
MC: Mm…
Kanade moved closer to me and kissed me on the cheek.
Kanade: I’ll let you rest for a little longer.
His lips were still on my cheek.
The feeling of his shapely lips against my skin made my body ache sweetly.
MC: That tickles… Kanade…
I stretched out my legs and kicked the sheets as I mumbled in my sleep. Kanade’s lips traced my skin and nibbled on my earlobe.
MC: Ah…
A muffled voice escaped my lips.
MC: !
— I jolted awake and covered my ears in a panic.
(This is… still a dream, right?)
As I thought of my dream where I hugged Kanade and pulled him towards me, I heard his beautiful singing.
I looked up to see that it was already quite dark, and Kanade was wearing headphones while playing on his guitar and humming.
The way light reflected off his hair made the sight look like a scene right out of a fairytale.
(He really looks like a prince.)
He suddenly stopped humming.
Kanade noticed me staring at him and narrowed his eyes more affectionately than I had ever seen…
Kanade: Are you finally awake, my sleeping beauty?
His tone sounded like a continuation of the tune he was humming.
— Afterwards, with the spartan-like prince who was neither gentle nor nice in real life guiding me, I finished working on my song.
I gave the completed song to Koki, in hopes that it would be performed at a live show one day.
(Everyone must be busy practicing for the next live show.)
MC: Did you say something, Shuji?
Shuji: I asked if you would come hang out with me.
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clavis-hedonist · 2 years
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The new art is so good~ ♡♡♡
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lucyw260 · 2 years
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The boys look so good in their anniversary outfits🥰
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anischa22 · 2 years
Ikemen Prince 2nd Anniversary Campaign
Start from 10 June ~ 20 July 2022
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(Jp is not my language so correct me if there's wrong translation)
There will be 13 major campaigns to celebrate 2nd Anniversary, more than last year!
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{In-App Campaign} Limited Card & Avatar appeared!
2nd Anniversary Card Gacha & Anniversary Sale
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2. {In-App Campaign} 2nd Anniversary Event Story! All characters will appear!
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3. {Twitter} 2nd Anniversary Twitter Campaign!
Link here!
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4. {Goods} 2nd Anniversary Collaboration Goods are now available!
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5. {Goods} LINE stickers are now available!
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6. {Program Broadcast} 2nd Anniversary Broadcast!
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7. {In-App Campaign} Who will you support?
Handsome Prince General Election 2022
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8. {In-App Campaign} The Beasts celebrate your birthday!
'My Birthday Story' set is now available
9. {In-App Campaign} Get luxurious item!
2nd Anniversary Login Bonus
10. {Collaboration} Collaborate held!
11. {In-App Campaign} Renewal of Birthday to celebrate the Beast
New event will be held!
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12. {SECRET} ???
13. {SECRET} ???
For more detailed info about each campaign, you can visit Ikemen Prince Jp Website!
Note : well, the campaign is the same as last year, except for those secrets!! 👀
Since the secret from first anniversary is Ikepri in English version, i think this time it's the announcement of a new route and .... Maybe new act/new main story/season 2, for some characters like Leon, Chevalier and Yves???
And i really like their new outfits. Gorgeous 🤤
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otomeloversunite · 2 years
Ikemen Series ~Card Lines Masterlist~
A collection of some of my personal card lines for Ikemen Prince/Revolution/Vampire
Ikemen Prince
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Marry Me - Yves/Jin/Chevalier/Nokto/Leon/Licht/Clavis
To Wield My Sword ~2nd~ - Clavis
1st Anniversary - Nokto/Licht
Misc. Gacha - Clavis
Moonlit Swim - Clavis/Nokto
Sexy Valentine's Day Part 1 - Silvio/Keith
Team Doms Military Uniform - Chevalier/Sariel
To Catch a Bunny Rabbit - Gilbert & Chevalier/ Silvio & Nokto/ Keith & Leon
Wonderland - Chevalier
April Collection Events - Rio/Jin
Ikemen Revolution
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4th Anniversary Gacha(s) - Loki/Mousse/Oliver, Edgar/Fenrir/Ray
Birthday/Misc. Gacha - Kyle
Childhood Memories Gacha - Ray/Jonah/Lancelot
Hot & Sexy - Lancelot/Jonah/Dalim
Steamy Seduction - Jonah/Sirius
Sun, Sea, Sand, & You - Kyle/Jonah/Sirius/Fenrir/Ray/Oliver/Luka/Edgar
Top-up Campaign - Seth/Ray/Edgar
Ikemen Vampire
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Honeymoon Madness Gacha - Mozart/Leonardo
Best Buds Gacha - Vlad/Comte/Charles/Faust
Fates Tied By Red Thread Part 2 - Faust
Soaked Summer - Arthur/Isaac/Sebastian
Cruel Summer Collection Event - Charles*/Theodorus
Tropical Bonanza - Arthur/Isaac
3rd Anniversary - Arthur, Jean/Mozart
2021/2022 Birthday - Napoleon/Sebastian/Comte/Shakespeare/Isaac, Jean/Mozart/Charles/Faust/Vincent/Leonardo/Arthur/Theo/Dazai/Vlad
Funeral of Roses - Shakespeare/Leonardo/Comte
Love at First Bite - Arthur/Vincent/Isaac
Afternoons With You - Jean/Isaac/Arthur/Napoleon
Warmest Wishes Winter Kisses - Arthur/Leonardo/Vlad
All For Love! Ryo Fujiwara - Vlad/Napoleon
Maimed Heart - Vlad/Comte/Leonardo
Immortal Idol - Charles/Vlad/Faust
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jenaiea · 2 years
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Anyone interested in translating this stories?
(my japanese sucks 😭)
This is from the 2nd anniversary collection/election event in ikemen prince jp
If anyone interested, just chat meeeeeeeee
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hakuoyuki · 3 years
Hello, I love your blog, it's really amazing and helpful, thanks for all your translations. Sorry if this is a dumb question, but if I wanted to ask if there's something similar to lucky time in the Gachas. I started wondering this because in the Gachas' help section it was mentioned that "the odds will change only after an announcement has been made". Thanks beforehand!
Hello Anon! I assume you're asking about Ikemen Prince since I remember that line from IkePri's Gacha help section, but just to be sure I'll answer for Ikemen Vampire and Ikemen Revolution too.
IkeRev - Yes. I'm not sure how ENG does it now (the sudden rate up boost in ENG used to happen randomly out of the blue) but in JP, as seen with Harr's 6th Birthday Gacha below, the first 5 days of the gacha has a 2 times boost for 5 stars drop rate. Duration of boost depends on each gacha. JP always include a schedule.
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IkeVamp - Yes and No. It depends on gacha. This applies to both JP and ENG. Some gacha has boost right from the start until the end with no rate change. Some gacha has no boost at all, the drop rate for pick up card and regular card are all the same... However, with some gachas (such as election winner gacha / anniversary) a specific day would give a specific extra boost to a certain suitor's cards (a schedule will be given in such scenario). The Act 2.5 Route visual gacha is one of those gacha with "boost based on schedule". Right now (during Nov 30-Dec 16) Napoleon, Leonardo, Arthur, and Comte has their cards drop rate boosted to 0.40% while Vlad, Faust and Charles cards has the same rate as all the other 5 star cards.
(Also, in IkeVamp JP... 50 pulls guarantee you one 5 star card you do not yet own)
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IkePri - No. At least none so far. The odds has never changed while a gacha is being held (yet). All pickup cards were boosted from the get go. If anything, you can see as shown below how Yves' 2nd Birthday Pickup, Nokto's 2nd Birthday Pickup, and Licht's 2nd Birthday Pickup all has different individual cards drop rate despite the overall rate for each star category being the same.
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With IkePri, you get a boost from the get go, but how much the boost is... depends entirely on each gacha.
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dark-frosted-heart · 2 years
Hello, I just want to ask a random question about Ikemen Prince if you don't mind
Do you know when does the rookie set would come back?
(I want to buy Belle's Hair in the set 😭)
Hi anon! Unfortunately I don’t know when or if the rookie set’s going to come back. It was something that came out the first two weeks of the game’s release and then they reran it 2 years later for the 2nd anniversary due to popular demand. I guess if a lot of people ask for it again in surveys they’ll consider it? For another anniversary
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anischa22 · 2 years
Ikemen Prince 2nd Anniversary is here 🎉🎉🎉
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Detailed info will be post later!
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