greezyscumbag · 5 years
Wisdom teeth are so fucking painful
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greezyscumbag · 5 years
When are we going to start teaching kids that it’s okay to disagree with adults? That it’s okay to demand respect from them and that them being younger doesn’t mean they deserve to get treated like shit just because adults are “always right”? When are we gonna start doing that?
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greezyscumbag · 5 years
Intrusive thoughts are something I deal with daily, and it's actually can be a symptom of OCD. If you're thoughts are distressing you or even if you're just more curious for information, go to your doctor and seek advice!!! 💜
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greezyscumbag · 5 years
Hiiiiiiii. Posting for the first time in ages with a Thomas Shelby imagine, my current baby love thanks to finally starting Peaky Blinders. It might take me a minute to get back into the swing of things but I really hope you guys enjoy this!!!
I love you all and thank you for always supporting me and being so patient. It truly means the world xxxxxxxxx
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"I can't believe you're finally here." Ada says, perfecting your hair as you watch her movements in the mirror. "You've been promising to come see me for ages."
"I know, I know. Dad's been struggling a lot lately so I've been helping mom in the shop." You explain, Ada smiling sympathetically, the price of war taking it's toll on every man who took part.
She fiddles with your hair for a few more minutes before stepping back, proudly admiring her hard work. "There. It's like you never left."
Truth is, you wished you hadn't. Birmingham was your hometown, the place you spent your childhood, the scent of smoke pulling you back to running round the streets with Ada and the rest of the Shelby clan.
However, when your Grandad died a few years back, you all moved in with her mom and took over the business.
"Now, come on, the others are already out and we've got 6 years of drinking to catch up on."
Butterflies flood your stomach as you follow Ada into the pub, nervous to see everyone again after your time away. You were only 15 when you left, barely an adolescent, young and naive. Now, you were a woman, both mentally and physically.
"Fuckin' hell, are my eyes deceiving me?" John is the first to greet you, wrapping his arms around you tightly. "Little Miss (Y/L/N)."
"Ey, less of the little, you're barely taller than me." You tease, the familiar scent of cigarettes and alcohol helping you feel a little less anxious.
"(Y/N)!" You turn at the sound of the drunken voice, Arthur slinging his arm around your neck and pressing a sloppy kiss to your temple. "Finally, someone who can handle their booze."
You laugh as John rolls his eyes, cigarette hanging from his lips as he ignites the tip. "Where's Tommy?"
"Who needs him when you've got us?" Johnny grins, gesturing to his brother.
"Don't take it personally, John." Ada slips a drink between your fingers, a knowing smile on her face. "He's always been her favourite."
"Oh, piss off." You reply bringing your glass to your lips, the amber liquid burning your throat as you swallow. "I was just wondering, that's all."
"He'll be here soon." John says, refilling your glasses. "Come on, we've got some catching up to do."
The next couple hours pass by in a blur of laughter and liquor, stories from your separated years being shared. You can't remember the last time you felt this happy, this content - this at home.
"Ade, remember when Vinnie Patchett lifted up your skirt?" You ask, Ada choking on her drink, laughter overwhelming her. "You kicked him so hard in the balls he couldn't walk for a week."
"He's lucky I didn't rip them off." She says grinning, leaning back in her seat. "Was that the same day you slipped and fell into the canal?"
"I forgot about that!" You gasp, still able to recall the fear you felt from being unable to swim.
"I've never seen Tommy move so fast." She says, referring to the way he dove into the water and pulled you to safety, you smiling involuntarily at the memory. "He didn't take his eyes off you for ages after that."
Calloused hands place themselves on top of your shoulders, mint and aftershave filling your senses. "If I'd a known you were talking about me, I'd have shown up sooner."
Butterflies fill your stomach, tingles travelling from the top of your spine to the tips of your toes at the voice. Ada wiggles her eyebrows at you teasingly, grinning suggestively.
Spinning around in your chair, you finally set eyes on Thomas Shelby, your breath getting caught in your throat.
You'd forgotten how piercing his eyes were, flecks of blue upon blue as he looks down at you. His whole aura screams authority, a bubble of strength and subtle confidence surrounding his tall, broad figure.
"Aren't you gonna say hello?" He asks, an unlit cigarette between his lips, that boyish charm you remember so well creeping through. He opens his arms widely, your brain finally sending the message to your feet as you stand up and into his embrace, surprised by the firm torso that greets you.
"Hi." You say breathlessly, an involuntary sigh leaving you as you relax in his hold, feeling like that love struck teen all over again. His arms wrap around you tightly, safety and protection surrounding you. "How have you been?"
You pull back reluctantly, his hands slipping down to your lower back, keeping you close. You hold onto his upper arms, expensive fabric sitting beneath your fingertips.
"You know me, just been getting by." He says, stepping back and lighting his cigarette, your skin tingling from where his hands lay moments before.
"Oh don't be so modest, I hear the tales of you, Tommy." You say, watching as the smoke leaves his lips. "Do they ring true?"
"Depends on the tale." He replies coyly, a challenging glint in his eye. "Tell you what, have a drink with me and maybe I'll slip you a few secrets."
"That so?" You ask, crossing your arms, unable to control the smile on your lips. "Some authentic tales from the number one Peaky Blinder himself?"
He nods in confirmation, grinning and holding his hand out for you to take. "Once in a lifetime offer, love."
"Well, in that case," you pause, placing your empty glass into his out stretched hand. "I'm all yours."
"I can't believe how much you've changed." Tommy says, dangling his legs over the edge of the canal, grabbing your hand to pull you down next to him. "How longs it been?"
"About six years I think, give or take. I haven't changed that much." You reply, nudging him gently with your shoulder. "You're the one who's got his own empire."
He chuckles at your words, taking off his cap and placing it beside him, his hands finding the whiskey bottle he's brought with him as he pours you a glass.
"I'm just a man trying to make an honest living." He swirls around the drink in his glass, before his eyes find yours again. "I don't remember you looking like that when you left."
"Looking like what?" You challenge, raising your eyebrows, watching him over the rim of your glass. "Something wrong with the way I look?"
"No no, quite the opposite. You're a proper woman now, aren't you?" He says, gesturing towards you. "Your fella at home is a very lucky man."
"Thanks." You respond, "I'll be sure to tell him when he exists."
You feel his eyes burning into the side of your face as you look out to the canal, the moonlight illuminating the water, ripples knocking gently against the wall.
"What about you? Is there a lady in your life?" You ask, leaning back on your hands, the pavement smooth underneath your fingers. You try to hide the joy in your face when he shakes his head, your heart skipping in your chest.
"Just me for now, love." He says, placing a fresh cig between his lips. You can't help but watch as he ignites the end, admiring the way he makes the simplest actions so inticing. "Nobody round here seems to grab my attention."
"Maybe you're just looking in the wrong places." You say non chalantly, finishing your whiskey, using it to fuel your confidence. Shuffling closer to him, your wrap your hand around his wrist, guiding the cigarette that sits between his finger tips towards you.
His attention is focused on you as you wrap your lips around the tip of the tube, cheeks hollowing as you take a drag. Leaning backwards you tilt your head back, smoke escaping from your lips and into the open air.
"Is that so?" He questions, you nodding in response. "Where should I be looking, then?"
You think on it for a moment, psyching yourself up, not wanting to lose your chance to hesitation and overthinking. "You know what they say, sometimes the best things in life are right infront of you."
Seconds pass, your words lingering in the air. You start to regret being so bold, so foolish for even considering that the guy sitting next to you would even look at you in any way other than his sister's childhood friend.
Those thoughts come to a stop, however, when you feel his lips upon your own, you so in shock that you forget what to do for a moment, your body stiff.
He starts to pull away, your senses finally kicking into gear as you grasp at his blazer, pulling him back to you. His lips may be soft but his kisses are drastically different, passionate and hungry, like he's been waiting for this moment for a lifetime.
His hands grip at your hips, fingers digging in as his tongue slips into your mouth, mind foggy and dreamlike as you arch into his touch, every cell of your body on it's highest sensitivity.
"(Y/N)." He groans, your fingernails dragging teasingly down his firm torso, moving closer and closer to where he desperately wants them. You catch his bottom lip between your teeth, nibbling lightly, enjoying the way his hold on you tightens, keeping you right where he wants you.
You can't stop the whine that leaves you as he pulls away from you, his pupils dark and dialated. Heavy breaths leave your mouth as you try to catch your breath, his hand cupping your face as his thumb traces over your lower lip.
"As much as I want to, and believe me, I really fucking want to," he says, you laughing breathlessly at his words. "It's not exactly the most private of places."
You laugh breathlessly, common sense agreeing with his words but your body defying them, skin tingling and thighs aching as you gaze at his lips, your mind racing with thoughts so impure they'd make the devil look tame.
Leaning closer to him, you brush your lips against his ear, fingertips remembering their path as they trace over Tommy's thighs, creeping their way up slowly. A sigh leaves his lips as you palm him over his trousers, his cock pushing against it's restraints.
"We better get going then."
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greezyscumbag · 6 years
A fresh start - returning to your world.
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Hi everyone, I know I've been gone for a super super longgggg time, and I cannot thank you enough for continuing to be supportive, loving and patient.
I hope you're all happy and well and that 2019 is treating you well so far. I'm sorry for being absent for so long. Writing is something I truly love and take pride in, so being separated from my passion has been truly difficult.
Mental health is such an important thing, and although struggles surrounding mental health are so so common, we sometimes feel ashamed or embarrassed to admit we are struggling.
Depression is something I've been living with for a few years now, but this past year it has really made it's presence known. I've been on medication for a few months now, and I'm currently taking steps to help myself, as well as being mindful of those around me and supporting them in any way that I can.
Losing interest in the things that drive you is one of the many side effects of depression, and it can be so hard to keep yourself afloat when the waves and tides of depression threaten to swallow you whole.
I hope 2019 is the year that I can begin to discover my life and my love for things again, and I'm beginning to write again for the first time in so long.
I wish I could give you a schedule or a plan, but for now, I'm just going to write when the inspiration hits, and try to find the ebb and flow within my writing.
I'm here for anyone who wishes to talk about anything, and I wish nothing but good health, happiness and love for you all. I look forward to finding my feet on Tumblr again, and I hope you'll continue to be patient with me, as you have been for so long.
I love you all, thank you so so much for your support. It truly means the world.
Love Niamh ❤❤❤❤.
PS: I've just started watching Peaky Blinders, so my first post back will probably be the Tommy Shelby imagine that I've begun to write. I'm only on S1 though so no spoilers please!! Xx
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greezyscumbag · 6 years
Thank you soooooo much ❤❤❤❤
Any fic writers that you can recommend?
Sure. Although, if I’m completely honest, there’s only a  handful of people I consume a lot of fic from. 
Also, if you’re hesitant of OC writers, just know that I was too and when I read them I was in love. Give them a chance. 
@angelkurenai - Honestly, Angel is my KWEEN. Girl can make you feel things. Her writing feels like it’s jumping from the pages and twisting its blissfully sizzling hot fist around your heart and most of the time, I found myself empathizing with the characters and biting down my nails till there was nothing left. “A Supernatural Marvel”, which is a Dean x Reader x Steve crossover AU is simply…breathtaking with the love triangle and I love it so much.  Also, “My True Gentleman” needs a sequel. Pronto.
@dreamwritesimagines  I devoured Dream’s “Daddy Issues” Logan Delos series and her “Don’t You Love Me?” Steve Rogers one and I’ve gotta say…talent. Pure raw talent. Dream knows how to write a flawed character we’ll still love, let me tell ya’. Not to mention “Faint of Heart” which…words can’t even describe how incredible this series is. Literally. The character that is Y/n is just…my heart and soul. It’s the kind of character I wished more stories had as a young girl and it takes my breath away every time I read it. She’s got loads more fics that are simply masterfully written and I enjoyed thoroughly but these are my top three. 
@ravengirl94 Ugh. She’s incredible. Every chapter/story makes you want more and more and I couldn’t stop reading after I started. The “Dust” series, a Cowboy!Dean AU, which is simply EVERYTHING. I swear to God, I checked every day to see if she’d updated it. Actually. She has this way of writing that makes your stomach knot and twist in the best way possible and “The Arrangement” was incredible. The relationship was just…beautiful and I want- no, I need more fics that are as breathtaking as this.
@annablack1102- She SLAYS my life with her Negan fics. Like, literally snatches my wig. Smut is very prominent in the stories of hers I read and oh. My. God. My body felt like it was on damn fire. And fuck if I didn’t enjoy every damn second of it. Her dialogue skills are on point and the dynamics between many of the characters had me shook. She’s incredible at the art of seduction with writing. Her characters are sexy as hell. 
@daddymenrah Smut. Pure, filthy, absolutely detailed amazing smut. I-I don’t even have words for how shamelessly and beautifully dirty Daddymenrah’s fics were. I just- I love every second of it and the forbidden aspect of “Professor Negan” and “Coach Negan” only made the sexual aspect of this that much stronger. I- literally can’t even describe how unbelievably great it was.
@greezyscumbag- I absolutely love this writer’s SoA fics. Especially the Jax Teller ones. The ideas behind these fics are simply brilliant and the writing style is of a vast and varying range. It can go from sweet and fluffy to hardcore smut. So much talent. Such incredible writing. 
@supernatural-jackles Jackles’s writing honestly- I have never in my life read stories more incredibly tender and vulnerable yet strong and motivating. This incredible writer, who is so easily able to make you feel a dozen different types of emotions all at once with merely her words, literally has fics written specifically to help you through tough times. Sadness, depression, anxiety, etc. Honestly, at times when I felt like there was nothing to look forward to, her writing made it just a bit better. I am so in love with her style of writing too. It’s a bit minimalistic but that only magnifies what you feel so much more and I am here for it. 
@an-abundance-of-castiels This writer is a good friend of mine and she’s currently writing this series, “Best Left Forgotten”. Dude…it’ll have you at the edge of your seat at the end of every chapter and- ugh. I can’t even express fully how good this series is, like…I- the characters are INCREDIBLE and you’ll find yourself wanting things to happen really bad and craving more and more and more. I lightly beta this fic, but most of it is all her magic. She’s incredibly talented.  
@peakyblinders1919 Her peaky blinders fics are EVERYTHING. Her characters are so beautiful I could weep. Her words simply emerge you in the story, invest you completely and goddam if the subtlety of her words isn’t just…amazing. Also, I can’t stress enough how AMAZINGLY MAGNIFICENT her characters are. I’m not being dramatic. (OC too, but again, you won’t regret it)
That’s pretty much it for now. I know, I know, I need to expand my list of fic writers and I will work on that but trust me when I tell you that these writers are gold. Pure gold. 
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greezyscumbag · 6 years
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Chris Evans signing after Lobby Hero - 05/09/2018
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greezyscumbag · 6 years
How is Steve Rogers like the biggest rebel and the baddest bitch who fucks the system continuously but also the most righteous and honourable man who ever lived hOW
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greezyscumbag · 6 years
If you haven't watched Man from U.N.C.L.E yet, you're missing out. I've watched it 737383 times so far
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greezyscumbag · 6 years
Why do I only fancy men fifteen+ years older than me???? Sigh
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greezyscumbag · 6 years
Me running towards my problems cause mama didn’t raise no bitch
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greezyscumbag · 6 years
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The Man From U.N.C.L.E. | 2015
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greezyscumbag · 6 years
Say It With Me:
Man From Uncle doesn’t get enough credit.
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greezyscumbag · 6 years
Girl, I came for Jax but you do not understand how long I have searched for a Robb Stark imagine that’s good and that being the first thing I saw on here made me scream! Ahhhh I’m so happy and now I’m stalking your page reading everything!
Hahahah I'm so glad you liked it!! Thank you, part 2 will be up soon
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greezyscumbag · 6 years
Thank you so much!! Part 2 will be up soon :)
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greezyscumbag · 6 years
Okay, I am so here for your new Selection series. Very nicely done!
Thank you!! Part 2 will be up sooon hopefully!!
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greezyscumbag · 7 years
To my future daughter: a letter to you.
To my future daughter,
You're not yet conceived, not yet planned and I have no idea who your daddy will be, but I already eagerly anticipate your arrival.
You're my love and my light even though you're not yet here. When I struggle through days, and I question how I can even go on, you are the first thing I think of, and you are the one who pushes me forward and gives me the motivation I need to continue.
My heart already bursts with the love it holds for you. I can't wait for the day I see you on a little screen, feel you kicking in my tummy, hold you in my arms for the first time. Nothing will ever come close to these moments; you shall hold them forever.
I hope you know how much you are loved and adored. Every inch of you is wonderful and special. You are all you need to be and more, and as long as you stay true and love yourself, that's all that matters.
I will love you forever, no matter who you love, how you dress, what hobbies you enjoy, etc. Your happiness comes above all else, and you will always be accepted and welcome in our home.
I burn with longing to hold you already, to hear you sniffle and cry, to listen to you talk and sing. You have a voice, one with so much importance and you deserve to be heard. Stand up for what you believe in, I will be right behind you all of the way.
I hope you find your way in this world, and I hope you love your life as much as I love you. Whenever you need me, I will always be here, no matter the time or place. You're my baby girl and you will always be my baby girl, even if you have children of your own.
There is so much more I wish I could say, so many things to tell you. However, I'll leave it at this for now. You'll know it all when you're with me, I promise.
I'll be waiting for you until the day we meet, my sweet angel.
I love you so so much, you'll always have a place in my arms.
Love, Mom.
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