#Ikemen election
shatcey · 3 months
A hellish choice
The next elections begin in Sengoku.
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Last time it was either Mitsuhide or Nobunaga for me. I decided that it would be quite difficult to get into the Mitsu rating, so I chose Nobu. Yes, I'm really rational even in love department. Well… in games… I think only in games…. Hmmmm….
No, I don't remember...
It's really difficult this time, because now I like most of them…
And I hate choosing. Well, if I have two or three options, that's totally fine, but if it more… It's literally hell! Because I feel like a kid in a candy store… I want everything!
So, I decided to make a choice after learning that I would receive a letter from him. Okay… Who do I wanna receive a letter from? Obviously from Mitsu, he writes very funny letters, and… Maybe Keiji… he loves poetry, it should be interesting. So be it!
Just don't think anymore… Otherwise you will never choose!
🔝 Start page 🔝
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pinkgy · 2 months
Please keep reading this, and if you can, please share this and anything related to this topic, we NEED visibility.
Nicolas Maduro fraudulently won yesterday’s presidential elections, I repeat, NICOLAS MADURO and his allies have committed fraud against VENEZUELA.
There’s just been a day since this was announced and there’s already tons of harmed and killed citizens, OUR PEOPLE IS GETTING KILLED FOR SPEAKING UP, AND THIS HAS ALWAYS BEEN LIKE THAT.
This is a dictatorship, one that has took the life’s of millions of Venezuelans in the past 25 years.
WE ARE SCARED, i am scared, I want to get out of my house and protest for a better future, for the freedom of my people and for peace to finally win in Venezuela, but I’m scared of getting killed for fighting for my rights. Venezuela right now is dangerous, even staying in your own house is dangerous.
I’m deeply proud of all of those who are on the streets right now, thank you so much for being so brave, and for fighting for this country.
We want to finally have a break, we’ve been suffering for way too long because of this government, this is nothing like what the foreigners think is going on, this is not about the the lack of food, this about that WAY more that half of the country can’t even afford to buy decent groceries with their monthly income (the minimum wage is 3.5$ PER MONTH, and whatever you hear out there where they say that is 800bs is a LIE)
This is not about the inflation, this is about that we have to use a foreign currency, because ours is WORTHLESS.
We are not the country with the biggest oil reserves on the world, the gas on the gas stations in Venezuela is from IRAN, our oil reserves are being STOLEN by the government.
Just by natural resources, we are supposed to be one the countries with the best economies in the world, but we have one of the WORST, because the government and those who are connected to them STEAL EVERYTHING.
We don’t wanna live this way anymore, I don’t wanna say goodbye to another family member, I don’t wanna say goodbye to another of my friends, I want them to stay, to come back, I want to celebrate Christmas with a table full of my loved ones, I want them to be part of my life, I want to be able to go out with my friends in car where there’s no empty spaces, I want to be free.
Please, to whoever is reading this, wherever your Venezuelan or not, please share this and everything related to what’s going on right now, we want this to have visibility, for the whole world to know what’s going on.
Here’s so important information that might help you to understand things a bit better.
And if you wanna know what’s going on the streets and the ATROCITIES this government is doing to Venezuelans, you can check this Twitter/X account. https://x.com/uhn_plus?s=21&t=811ZdyqLhYbY4z4zGa7Qlw
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corpiote · 3 months
Ikesen Final Rankings 2024
I'm genuinely surprised by the top ranks :0
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who's the masa fan that out-whaled a mitsuhide stan?
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aishangotome · 3 months
Azel Radwan: Unless You Know Love
From A Hidden Oath: King of the BEAST (2024 Election) - Collection Event
(Ah, as I thought... I was right to come and see.)
A crowd had gathered on the desert sea trade route - the caravan's path connecting towns and cities.
Judging by the way they were pitching tents and making a fuss, it seemed like an unwelcome problem had arisen.
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I pasted a smile on my expressionless face. As I stepped closer through the sand, people noticed the god and bowed their heads.
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Azel: Is something troubling you?
Caravan Member: Oh, Living God! Please save this woman.
Caravan Member: She collapsed in the middle of the trade route. She seems to be barely conscious.
(That's not good.)
I made my way through the crowd and entered the tent.
Lying on a cloth was the foreign woman I had been meeting frequently lately.
She was a woman brought in as an assistant by the merchant I had been working with, and also a slave of the god, burdened with debt and forced to work.
(It's fortunate she was picked up by the caravan.)
Azel: Could you give me some water?
Caravan Member: Yes! I'll bring it right away.
I lifted her body, loosened her clothes, and forced her to drink the water that was handed to me.
Fortunately, she seemed to have the energy to drink, and her throat moved up and down slowly.
I wiped the water that dripped from the corner of her mouth with my sleeve, and her eyes gradually came into focus.
Emma: ...Huh... Azel...sama?
Azel: You've come to. How are you feeling?
Emma: ...Bad...
Azel: I thought so. It seems you're suffering from the heat.
I placed my hand on her forehead, and her body temperature hadn't cooled down yet.
(It's too hot here... This is troublesome, but should we change locations?)
The surrounding caravan members gasped as I lifted the woman, who seemed unable to walk on her own, with one arm.
Caravan Member: Living God! We will--
Azel: No, don't worry about it. You were about to head out for business, weren't you?
(I'll thank them for picking her up, but I don't want them to follow me because they're annoying.)
I flicked a gold coin from my pocket and handed it to the caravan man.
Azel: Here's some money for the water. May your journey be blessed, you kind and devout people.
As I left the tent, saying whatever came to mind, I heard the cheers of the foolishly grateful people behind me.
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Emma: It's cold! It's strange, even though it's a desert.
Azel: ...It's nice to be a carefree child, isn't it?
The woman, who had been on the verge of death just a few minutes ago, was frolicking in an oasis rarely visited by people. I sat in the shade of a tree and watched her lift the hem of her skirt and enter the lake, for no particular reason.
(Despite almost dying, this carefree attitude is a kind of talent.)
Emma: Would you like to join me, Azel-sama?
Azel: Unlike you, I'm a sensible adult.
Emma: But it feels good.
(...It would be creepy if I frolicked around.)
The woman turned around, stepping through the water, seemingly unconcerned.
Emma: Oh, right. Thank you for saving me.
Azel: Indeed. If you're going to collapse, at least give me a warning first.
Emma: That's impossible...
Azel: It's not impossible. You didn't get enough sleep today, did you?
Emma: H-How did you know...?
Azel: Because I'm a god.
(Who was it that was so excited about finding an interesting book yesterday?)
Azel: Don't come when you're not feeling well, it's a nuisance.
Emma: ...I'll keep that in mind.
Emma: But I was surprised. That you, Azel-sama, saved me.
Azel: Don't make me sound like a cold-hearted person.
Emma: But you actually are, aren't you? Oh, could it be, an exorbitant fee--
(Ah, I forgot.)
(It's troublesome to ask for money every single time, but...)
Azel: If you insist, then fine, show me your sincerity.
Azel: We have to rewrite the loan agreement, don't we?
Emma: That's all you ever talk about, Azel-sama.
Azel: I'm apparently a cold-hearted man in your mind.
Emma: ... And on top of that, persistent.
Azel: I see. I understand. I'll add on compensation for emotional distress due to the insults.
Emma: Th-That was a compliment!
Azel: How? You idiot.
Emma: ... Ugh... Why are you so obsessed with money even though you're a prince and a god?
(I've never said I'm obsessed with money, though...)
(... I suppose it's okay if she misunderstands.)
Azel: Want to know?
Emma: ... If I say I want to know, you'll probably charge me, so I'll hold back.
Azel: That's too bad.
(Rather than needing money, I need you to keep hating me.)
Women are valuable as slaves because they are a kind of atheist who don't see god as god.
I'd love to have such a person around, but my only concern is that she's a "woman."
Most of the time, women start talking about love and romance, which becomes troublesome.
However, at least, the woman innocently frolicking in the oasis shows no signs of such clinginess.
It seems she's come to recognize me as a greedy, scheming god, which is a promising start.
Emma: Ah, w-whoa…!
The woman fell on her backside into the lake, having tripped over something.
A violent splash of water flew up, soaking her completely.
Azel: ...I've never seen a woman look so unappealing even when wet.
Emma: That's just because you have no taste, Azel-sama!
Azel: Insulting me again---
Emma: Achoo...
With a sigh, I tossed the cloth I was holding to her.
Emma: I'm sorry... Thank you.
Azel: My kindness comes at a price.
Emma: ...I know.
Azel: Work hard. At least enough to repay the help I gave you.
(As long as you don't know love, I might keep you by my side and help you sometimes.)
(If I sense even a hint of "that," I'll get rid of you immediately.)
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dear-mrs-otome · 6 months
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No surprises there, really
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IkePri Election 2024
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*I'm not sure if I'll upload every story. It'll depend on my spare time and diligence. Hahaha. But Chev, Gil, Sil, and Clav will surely be in the list.
*Let me know if you want me to upload the others aside from the four. --those who are already listed below. (I actually received a lot of requests so the list just got longer🤔)
*anyway, I haven't obtained those without links yet. (I'm not so aggressive with the event and so I'm taking my time. Hahaha)
>>> d o n e <<<
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cozyfaee · 2 months
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cyikemen · 2 months
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🥁Drumroll... the biggest event of the year is here! 🔥
👑IkeVamp Election 2024👑 starts now!
Who will reign above all the other vampires? 🕯️🖤
The vampires' fates are in your hands! 🔮
Vote and get tons of attractive bonuses!🌙
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ellistral · 18 days
Goals achieved!!! 🎉
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Holding Chevalier or kissing Chevalier? 😭 You can't have both, so let's give holding Chev a break 😂
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Also ??????
The top 2, omg 😳, it wasn't like that last time I checked
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Hope everyone managed to achieve their goals too
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hariet436 · 1 month
Hey is anyone having trouble accessing Ikemen prince lately? I have Ikevamp, Ikevil and Ikesen installed on my device (ip 7plus) and they work just fine. But Ikemen Prince doesn’t even let me in the game :))) even ikepri jp works, but not ikepri eng. is it everyone or just me? If it’s just me, how do I fix this?
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mxrmaid-poet · 18 days
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yesssss!!! how did everyone rank?? 👽
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Napoleon: What did you two do?
Napoleon: You’re not in trouble, I just need to know if I have to lie to the police again or not.
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pinkgy · 2 months
Thank you so much for y’all the support I’ve received on my lasts posts.
Thing in Venezuela are still tense, the amount of deceased, harmed and arrested citizens you see on social media is not true, there’s more, there’s way more than that.
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Please spread the word, please repost this and every post related to this, it’s been 2 days and things HAVE NOT calmed down, they’re worse, the police and the military are protecting a statue of a GENOCIDAL and a DICTATOR more than their own people.
Things cannot be solved internally anymore, because this country’s internal organizations are all against the peace and the freedom of the Venezuelans, and the Government of Nicolas Maduro think that everyone that is not okay with them is a Criminal.
Repost this, and if you want more information, please check this Twitter/X account, they share live information, and more importantly, the TRUTH of what Venezuela is suffering right now.
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corpiote · 5 months
ok you all can stop liking william now
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aishangotome · 3 months
IkePri 2024 Election CE~
Hi guys! As you can see, I'm working on translating the little stories we get from the IkePri 2024 Election event from JP server. However, I doubt I'll be able to collect all of them as I only started this server not too long ago and won't have the resources to get to everything.
If you happen to play and can collect their stories, it would be wonderful if you can do a quick screen record of it (they're usually only 3-5 min long) and send it to me. I'll be able to do a translation here for everyone that way :)
Feel free to contact me via Twitter/X if you're able to help out. Thank you~!
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I just love that cybird ballot bonuses in this election make no sense
charles won the election last year but you only need 500 ballots to get his story.
but I need 700 to get napoleon's 🙃
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