kemetic-dreams · 2 months
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What the Hell?
Judaism does not have a specific doctrine about the afterlife, but it does have a mystical/Orthodox tradition of describing Gehinnom. Gehinnom is not hell, but originally a grave and in later times a sort of Purgatory where one is judged based on one's life's deeds, or rather, where one becomes fully aware of one's own shortcomings and negative actions during one's life.
The Kabbalah explains it as a "waiting room" (commonly translated as an "entry way") for all souls (not just the wicked). The overwhelming majority of rabbinic thought maintains that people are not in Gehinnom forever; the longest that one can be there is said to be 12 months, however, there has been the occasional noted exception. Some consider it a spiritual forge where the soul is purified for its eventual ascent to Olam Habah (heb. עולם הבא; lit. "The world to come", often viewed as analogous to heaven). This is also mentioned in the Kabbalah, where the soul is described as breaking, like the flame of a candle lighting another: the part of the soul that ascends being pure and the "unfinished" piece being reborn.
According to Jewish teachings, hell is not entirely physical; rather, it can be compared to a very intense feeling of shame. People are ashamed of their misdeeds and this constitutes suffering which makes up for the bad deeds. When one has so deviated from the will of God, one is said to be in Gehinnom. This is not meant to refer to some point in the future, but to the very present moment. The gates of teshuva (return) are said to be always open, and so one can align his will with that of God at any moment. Being out of alignment with God's will is itself a punishment according to the Torah.
Many scholars of Jewish mysticism, particularly of the Kabbalah, describe seven "compartments" or "habitations" of hell, just as they describe seven divisions of heaven. These divisions go by many different names, and the most frequently mentioned are as follows:
Sheol (Hebrew: שְׁאוֹל – "underworld", "Hades"; "grave")
Abaddon (Hebrew: אֲבַדּוֹן – "doom", "perdition")
Be'er Shachat (Hebrew: בְּאֵר שַׁחַת, Be'er Shachath – "pit of corruption")
Tit ha-Yaven (Hebrew: טִיט הַיָוֵן – "clinging mud")
Sha'are Mavet (Hebrew: שַׁעֲרֵי מָוֶת, Sha'arei Maveth – "gates of death")
Tzalmavet (Hebrew: צַלמָוֶת, Tsalmaveth – "shadow of death")
Gehinnom (Hebrew: גֵיהִנוֹם, Gehinnom – "valley of Hinnom"; "Tartarus", "Purgatory")
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Besides those mentioned above, there also exist additional terms that have been often used to either refer to hell in general or to some region of the underworld:
Azazel (Hebrew: עֲזָאזֵל, compd. of ez עֵז: "goat" + azal אָזַל: "to go away" – "goat of departure", "scapegoat"; "entire removal", "damnation")
Dudael (Hebrew: דּוּדָאֵל – lit. "cauldron of God")
Tehom (Hebrew: תְהוֹם – "abyss"; "sea", "deep ocean")
Tophet (Hebrew: תֹּפֶת or תוֹפֶת, Topheth – "fire-place", "place of burning", "place to be spit upon"; "inferno")
Tzoah Rotachat (Hebrew: צוֹאָה רוֹתֵחַת, Tsoah Rothachath – "boiling excrement")
Mashchit (Hebrew: מַשְׁחִית, Mashchith – "destruction", "ruin")
Dumah (Hebrew: דוּמָה – "silence")
Neshiyyah (Hebrew: נְשִׁיָּה – "oblivion", "Limbo")
Bor Shaon (Hebrew: בּוֹר שָׁאוֹן – "cistern of sound")
Eretz Tachtit (Hebrew: אֶרֶץ תַּחְתִּית, Erets Tachtith – "lowest earth").
Masak Mavdil (Hebrew: מָסָך מַבְדִּ֔יל, Masak Mabdil – "dividing curtain")
Haguel (Ethiopic: ሀጉለ – "(place of) destruction", "loss", "waste")
Ikisat (Ethiopic: አክይስት – "serpents", "dragons"; "place of future punishment")
Maimonides declares in his 13 principles of faith that the hells of the rabbinic literature were pedagogically motivated inventions to encourage respect of the Torah commandments by mankind, which had been regarded as immature. Instead of being sent to hell, the souls of the wicked would actually get annihilated.
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1-ruhubozuk · 1 year
enok, 20. 1-8
bunlar, gözleyen başmeleklerin adlarıdır.
uriel, başmeleklerden biridir. haykırışları ve korkuyu yönetir.
rafael, başmeleklerden biridir. insanların ruhlarını yönetir.
raguel, başmeleklerden biridir. dünyada ve diğer yıldızlarda ceza verir.
mikael, başmeleklerden biridir. günaha sapan insanların ruhlarını yönetir.
ramiel, başmeleklerden biridir. başkaldıranları yönetir.
fanuel, başmeleklerden biridir. duyguları yönetir.
sarakiel, başmeleklerden biridir. cenneti, ikisat ve kerubileri yönetir.
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444namesplus · 4 months
Afam Afatul Afekis Afem Afer Aferer Afinir Afir Afufas Afum Afur Afutamuf Akak Akakap Aket Akinop Akol Akomofap Akorapus Alasetut Alen Alepinuk Alil Alituf Alolusop Alurep Alutek Alutis Amapup Amar Amerum Amiparin Amos Amulumor Amuneput Amutimop Anaf Anek Anit Anot Anum Anus Apakipek Apan Apekek Apem Apen Apik Apofar Apol Apop Apoponis Apuf Aramam Arasos Arerosal Aresuf Arifar Arim Arimirus Aritum Arok Aromipop Aror Arusok Arut Arutal Asaraf Asat Asatum Asefal Asekof Asemetis Asit Asuk Asusokat Atap Atefoper Atenut Atesotir Atin Atir Atofifos Atos Efan Efef Efesef Efet Efinem Efisos Efolot Efosaf Efukirun Ekat Ekes Eket Ekin Ekot Ekufof Ekupel Ekurofop Elalolet Elam Elamefom Elas Elat Eleluk Elip Elisalim Elop Elum Elup Elupak Eman Emapef Emasaf Ematerem Emefok Emikemil Emim Emis Emolamon Emul Emusul Enapelap Enapol Enefus Enek Enekes Enenikok Enet Enilelap Enim Eninoral Enol Enur Enuros Epamep Epamepot Epametal Epap Epat Epek Epen Epikanum Epofuk Eponakof Epul Epulerim Epup Eput Erapes Erat Erek Erelam Erok Erorutek Erufel Erumolep Esimefis Esol Esomotar Esop Esot Etaf Etalis Etanas Etap Etataraf Etel Etilisop Etin Etir Etisit Etol Eton Etopet Etorosut Etulak Ifak Ifan Ifarelan Ifen Ifes Ifokaf Ifokipet Ifor Ifotak Ifusun Ikan Ikanok Ikanor Ikik Ikin Ikisat Ikit Ikon Ikosusar Ikuperem Ilaf Ilaforom Ilafus Ilam Ilat Ilem Ilinep Ilinomom Ilofef Ilom Ilor Ilot Iluf Ilul Ilunem Ilup Ilur Ilut Imak Imapurim Imas Imat Imemun Imeturek Imipel Imop Imukaf Imumis Imuronon Imus Inan Inar Inarofar Inefokus Inis Inukot Ipafir Ipam Ipep Ipif Ipinuf Ipofun Ipok Ipolanip Ipolasur Ipop Iral Iranunef Irasip Iren Irom Irop Irur Isaf Isalot Isan Isasit Isef Isif Isifor Isil Isir Isit Isom Isuf Itekem Iterus Itim Itit Ititem Itol Itonusul Ituk Ofam Ofen Ofesik Ofinop Ofit Ofok Ofol Ofolen Okifikof Okikalir Okit Okop Okupetip Olasup Olasupom Olel Olir Oluturus Omakon Omarem Omasip Omerakas Omikak Omikilon Omom Omosirip Omumuf Omut Omutap Onaf Onal Onarol Onipul Onit Onufepik Onuk Opaf Opak Opekan Opekofus Opim Opit Opof Opofifar Opuk Opuleram Orenusaf Orik Orir Orop Orosol Oruf Orus Osamenut Osek Oserik Osok Oson Osup Otakel Otas Otekal Otel Otemor Otenup Oter Otetem Otin Otines Otinimuf Otosik Otur Ufapar Ufaperom Ufarilat Ufas Ufefif Ufen Ufir Ufof Ufolanef Ufolep Ufom Ufot Ukef Ukem Ukenalof Ukepok Uker Ukifatom Ukik Ukit Ukur Ukus Ulal Ular Ulatef Ulem Ulof Uloramol Ulosimak Ulotar Ulul Umaf Umakulep Umef Umepus Umik Umukuful Umup Unanan Unarem Unefimof Unekum Unem Unesapap Unetes Unifof Unin Unurup Unut Upak Upakul Upalis Upat Upel Upelos Upen Uper Upet Upifalol Upifir Upik Upis Upokunek Upolif Upufoker Upupit Uraretep Ureker Urer Ureril Urerul Urik Urisimef Urokelap Uror Urosam Urupof Urus Urut Usakamus Usam Usanekip Usatuk Usekitos Uselanok Usitinas Usor Usot Utek Utem Utemeset Utikek Utir Utokasut Utom Utonok Utorin Utotakek Utotim Utumak
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fusionbolts · 6 years
ikisats replied to your post:     “That said… Resh, I hate him too, but please...
everyone in my life is a killjoy and a horrible person
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    “What if I told you that you can still punch him?”
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obsidiae-blog · 7 years
[ STARTER ▶ @ikisats ]
       ITS dark in this reach of space, rocks closing off any potential ways to get in or out. Necrozma sensed it long before it arrived, THE BEING OF VAST WHITE- It was unknown to her what the Demi-God actually was, though immediately she assumed it was some sort of Light Being. And if it was made of Light, she wanted it.
        Necrozma tears through the fabric of space, descending out of nowhere to land delicately on the solid ground. A powerful aura flares around her, Crozma gritting her teeth as she flexes her fingers that crackle with power.
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in-limbc-blog · 7 years
❛ How can I be a cool fire type like you? ❜
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It was an innocent question, really- the way they suspended themself in the air, upside down and poorly hiding their curiosity. Yes, certainly the child of the creator.
❛ You have big wings, and snowy, poofy hair! And- and you have really cool moves! How did you become a huge, cool dragon!? I wanna be like you! ❜
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sideoftrxth-a · 7 years
  "Oh?" Eyebrows raise in curiosity at the Snivy, bending down to the Grass-types height. "Reshiram, you had not told me you had made a new friend."
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doublebattled · 7 years
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    “Why d’you hang around my nerd of a brother, anyway? Doesn’t he get, like, boring?”
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creatordeath-a · 7 years
                                   such an   ancient   creature.    yet what was age above reality    grandest one admired he   beasts   . conversing with children of nature brought it more   pleasure   than dull words spouted by children of men.   &&   wether a bear,    stronger than ten men    , or a dragon,    hotter than ten suns    , stood before GREATEST being above godhood.               they would care naught               , how   m a j e s t i c   they were in each their own way. SCRAWNY CLAW lifted black cloak, bearing all universes, as diamond body lowered to a   genteel   curtsy. dragons were fairy tales in most fragments,    not in this one    .  SELFISH CLAWS would gather as much   entertainment   this one had to offer.    not unlike a magpie    &&   was it not irony for the dragon of   truth   to meet the cruelest truth   ??
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“   mea veritas~   ”
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nijinohane · 7 years
ikisats replied to your post: ikisats replied to your post: ...
so he could vape and spin a fidget spinner At The Same Time
ikisats replied to your post: ikisats replied to your post: ...
ho oh meme dad confirmed
ho oh: im a Cool Dad(TM)
suicune: shouldve left me dead
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samuramii-blog · 7 years
🖤 to 💚 when resh Learns Some Respect
name! that! relationship! -- accepting🖤 - enemies💚 - rivals
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Perfect. A small Pal and a large dragon go from hating each other and fighting to respecting each other and still fighting. I can definitely appreciate this. N still screams from his blog.
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windandclouds · 7 years
[ heck yeah
do you want me to hop over to shin? ]
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amaiuta · 6 years
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     “ so you’re my baby sister’s dragon, ” a bow to the fluffy creature, how soft they looked and bright too. like an altaria, though far more draconian. a big dragon too which resembled her brother’s own Zekrom. perhaps they were related? oh ... but look at how fluffy they were! she wanted to pet them. “ well any friend of Ran-chan’s a friend of mine! here, come sit. let’s have some tea and cookies, Reshiram-chan. ” // @ikisats
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nijinohane · 7 years
ikisats replied to your post: me, sitting here at my computer: would ho oh vape
does ho oh have a rainbow fidget spinner too
//he probably got some fidget spinners for his kids and then realized they were fun and he did in fact get himself one
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theputterer · 6 years
yeeesss i found the nonsense playlist on spotify! Also, could you gush some more about the theme of angels? and the beowulf references? (no cut-off hands in this au, or monsters sneaking up on sleepers, or very sexy passing of mead cups [that's all I remember from Beowulf]?)
first off: I ALSO FOUND THE NONSENSE PLAYLIST ON SPOTIFY. OMG. I think it must be the one created by @gloriouswhisperstyphoon . :D
so the BEOWULF stuff is gonna have to wait until later; my notes for that are buried somewhere in my room, and I don’t remember enough from memory. And also because this post is stupidly long, and all about angels.
but thank you for this ask. I am so excited.
“Did you ever notice how in the Bible, whenever God needed to punish someone, or make an example, or whenever God needed a killing, he sent an angel? Did you ever wonder what a creature like that must be like? A whole existence spent praising your God, but always with one wing dipped in blood. Would you ever really want to see an angel?” 
Cassian is written to share qualities with angels, and to even be an angel, with the cause/Rebellion acting as the god whose wishes and beliefs he embodies, spreads, and fights for in GRAY AREAS/the Nonsense.
Note: my knowledge of angels is limited to interpretations in Christianity and Judaism.
Blasphemy like whoa.
Jorge Luis Borges, in ”A History of Angels“, lists attributes of angels as Rothe came up with them. Angels can work wonders, but not miracles. [Cassian can steal the plans, but not destroy the Death Star; that takes a more powerful divine intervention, a la the Force]. Angels cannot raise the dead. Angels lie in a zone halfway between God [“good”] and Man [“bad”]: gray. They are immutable; Cassian believes he is set in his ways, set in stone.
Both of Cassian’s parents have angel-related names. Serafima is a Russian name that is a derivative of seraphim, a class of angel. The word itself is Hebrew in origin, and means “fiery ones.” The main point of this name is to show Serafima is not from Fest; a name like “fiery one” would not be common on an ice planet. There is also this quote by Alexander Pope that I always thought fit Serafima: “As the rapt seraph, that adores and burns…” I think it touches on Serafima’s devotion to her children, all the while dealing with her mental illness.
The Book of Enoch describes the seraphim as “flying elements of the sun”; this is in keeping with Sernpidal, a planet known for its huge, ever-present sun. It also says the seraphim (then called the Ikisat) are under the rule of Gabriel.
Gabriel is a Hebrew name meaning “God is my strength”; in Abrahamic religions, he’s an archangel, and God’s messenger. he is perhaps best known as the angel who tells Mary that Jesus is on his way. When Gabriel appears before Mary (and Zacharias, earlier) he has to tell them “Fear not”, because he appears so strange and terrifying. I always thought of Gabriel as a leader; what with the archangel status, and important tasks, which is why it made sense that Cassian’s father have his name. He’s a leader, charismatic but terrifying, and he sets up the events that begin the story. Gabriel the archangel would also command other angels: namely, perhaps, Nerezza and Cassian.
Nerezza and Cassian are both whole-heartedly devoted not only to their father, but his cause. Nerezza rallies soldiers around her. Nerezza is a name meaning “darkness”; yet Nerezza is described as an inferno. She is as fiery as the seraphim are described; interesting, because Nerezza bears a striking resemblance to Serafima. Her fire is just more obvious.
Nerezza and Cassian, who spent their free time on Fest messing around in the snow, making shapes like these:
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When Cassian finds Nerezza’s dead body, he notes that the blood from the bullet that killed her has gathered around her head like a halo. Killed for her cause, as a soldier for this thing she was so zealously devoted to.
Cassian comes to be written as a fallen angel, but maybe not in the most damned of senses, but in the idea that he’s a rebel; that’s basically what a fallen angel is. 2 Peter 2:4 notes that angels are kept in “gloomy darkness” until the judgment. Cassian is never written as “light”, which marks him as different from angels; maybe it’s that so-called sinning he gets up to all the time.
Cassian displays an uncommon devotion to the cause. Multiple times, he is asked why he does the work he does; he never gives a real answer. It’s always a “I must” thing, or a “I know nothing else” thing. He’s almost programmed to be a soldier. He’ll always do whatever the cause asks of him, simply because he’s asked to do the work; he does it even if he disagrees. He doesn’t remember a life before the cause. Arguably, he was born to be a rebel in the Rebellion. Angels are creatures designed to carry out orders and missions. He fits in with this. Cassian is so devoted to the cause (religiously, I would say) that to leave the cause is to unhinge everything he knows about himself. He’s tied inextricably to it. He has no idea what he is without it. And what is an angel without a cause, or a mission? What is an angel when the war is over?
[Donald Barthelme, in “On Angels”: The death of God left the angels in a strange position. They were overtaken suddenly by a fundamental question. One can imagine the moment. How did they look at the instant the question invaded them, flooding the angelic consciousness, taking hold with terrifying force? The question was, “what are angels?” New to questioning, unaccustomed to terror, unskilled in aloneness, the angels (we assume) fell into despair.]
Angels can be symbolized by bird wings, and Cassian is connected to a bird in AMOR FATI: rara avis, or “rare bird”, or “an extraordinary thing.” I’d call an angel an extraordinary thing. Jyn is someone who regularly thinks of Cassian as this unusual, extraordinary thing; there is something about him that is very unique. Maybe otherworldly.
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The Hebrew Bible has this “Destroying Angel”, which is sent out to kill the enemies of the Israelites. They are also called “Messengers of death”, which is a thing Cassian does a lot in the Nonsense. I think most obviously on Darkknell when he appears to Garm Bel Iblis at the same time as Bel Iblis’ family is killed, a thing Cassian is on Darkknell to participate in. Bel Iblis’ whole world falls apart; Cassian is there to usher him into the next stage. Do not be afraid.
Cassian is, of course, a soldier and messenger, and a messenger of death, his whole life. As a child on Fest, he carries messages around Fulcra for the Rebellion; it’s the word of his cause, word of his religion, in a sense. As a teenager on Coruscant, he smuggles information out of Imperial Intelligence. As an adult, he carries intelligence across the galaxy. He dies having carried the ultimate message: the message of the Death Star, and how to destroy it.
This is also his judgment, when he feels like he’s done enough, and can be redeemed. But there’s a long period before that, and I think it’s a kind of purgatory, and I think it starts after the Iego Incident, where Cassian does literally die. The [literal] Angel there tells him he has more to do; he can’t move on yet. He isn’t ready to. Purgatory is the immediate state after death where those destined for heaven have to first “undergo purification” and have some of their offenses forgiven. Purgatory is then a kind of gray middle; which is Cassian. Upon leaving purgatory, angels then escort the soul to heaven; perhaps on Jacob’s Ladder. This also means angels can be in purgatory.
Hebrews 13:2 goes: “Forget not to show love unto strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” This is what happens with Alkmene on Corulag, pre: Ring of Kafrene and ROGUE ONE. Alkmene goes out of her way to heal Cassian; she could easily be exposed, could be imprisoned by the Empire. etc. But she helps him. She also tells him, before he goes, thank you, in a most emphatic way. The implication is she knows exactly what he is going to do (steal the plans); but I think it could also be that she knows exactly what he is, too.
Jeseej, who Cassian compares to Alkmene, who is also psychic, but in a more aggressive, crueler way, finds Cassian very interesting. He first asks “Who are you?” and then “What do I call you?” Like there is something almost not quite human about him, that his species/race is a little unclear. Jeseej is almost desperate to read Cassian’s future; he calls him mysterious, notes he is very hard to read, calls Cassian a “gray, monolithic thing”, which is a pretty weird thing to call a 16-year-old. but, you know, angels have been written as being huge and impossible to accurately describe, and “gray” in the Nonsense is written as a way to convey uncertainty about something’s place/morality. Jeseej also notes that something is “binding” Cassian, preventing him from doing what he wants to do; which is also what Cassian knows he SHOULD be doing. Cassian is aware that the things he is doing are horrible, and perhaps are things he should be questioning. But he doesn’t question them. It is not his place. He’s a simple soldier among thousands.
This is also something that happens on Iego. The Angel seems surprised about Cassian; the first thing it says is Why? and reaches out to touch Cassian. It’s surprised that he is both bad and good, and knows his name. It ultimately decides Cassian is gray and notes that this is not only a thing Cassian is, but something he will live and be killed in. Cassian is perplexing to this Angel; which is a little strange, because you’d think Angels would understand humans.
Going back to the purgatory thing: the near-death experience that follows this scene has Cassian in a very gray place (“Fest”) speaking with his brother, who notes that Cassian has not gotten over murdering him. Yet Zeferino insists he does forgive Cassian; it is this crime that can be forgiven in purgatory, yet some of the others cannot.
[Also: if that gray “Fest” is not really Fest; if Zeferino is the only Andor to linger, and speak directly to Cassian; then perhaps Zeferino really was there. And perhaps Zeferino, unlike the other Andors, has not yet been cleared to leave purgatory for the next level.]
I think if Cassian is written to mirror any particular angel, it’s Sariel (or Suriel, Seriel, Sourial; you get the idea). Sariel appears in the Book of Enoch; he is a fallen angel, a Watcher, one of the seven holy angels “of eternity and trembling.” [Cassian trembles a whole lot in the Nonsense.] Sariel teaches men about the course of the moon, or the Lunar Calendar. In the “War Scroll” of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Sariel is listed as a name soldiers would write on their shields (as is Gabriel). I tend to think of this as a legacy thing, a way to remember, and to call upon something for strength. Maybe like pilots naming their squadron after a group before them, a group they admire, a group they might want to create a legacy for.
In “Ladder of Jacob”, it is noted that Sariel is the angel dispatched to tell Jacob what his vision of his ladder means. Sariel is someone who’s very aware/familiar with the ladder, and also, an overall meaning and goal.
Jacob’s Ladder, in the Bible, is the connection between heaven and Earth. It’s said that angels can be seen going up the ladder. Cassian climbs a type of ladder right before he dies. He climbs this, uh, ladder believing it is the very last thing he is ever going to do, and he’s right. The Nonsense also goes out of its way to describe how Cassian has been climbing his entire life. He’s been preparing for it. He knows he is supposed to climb somewhere.
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[The Bath Abbey in Somerset, England.]
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^Cassian and the tower.
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[Look at those rungs; now compare to the Bath Abbey.]
so in GRAY AREAS, he climbs the ladder. he delivers his final message.
he dies surrounded by light.
thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
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pyrrhe · 6 years
Another Munday Prompt Except This Was Made On a Sunday Because I’m a Rebel
Remember to repost, not reblog!
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Name: ramiel/rami
Prefered pronouns: she/her or he/him
Selectivity: i’m selective because this is my hobby and comfort space! i support it and reserve the right to keep it fun and safe. that said i do also support anyone who wants to block me for their comfort
Favorite animal: dragons and cats.
Favorite muse you’ve had so far ever: UMM.... shouto’s up there but my fave is and always will be @ikisats. horrible truth gremlin deity child. ive written it for about four years on and off so ofc its my fave.
Muse you kinda wanna pick up: jupiter from wktd but there is no fandom for that. cries.
Most identifiable fictional character: shouto, mikan tsumiki (who has the same Tragic Backstory as me h elp) and asuka langley soryu. also hollyleaf from warrior cats iufhfdsihfsiu
What color your aura is/think it is: blue or red!
Personality stuff you agree with (astrology, mbti, Hogwarts house, etc be as specific as you want!): mbti is my Jam i love it. also dnd alignments
Do you think you’re a good driver: i don’t have my license yet bcs ive been.... busy this year and im a mess 
Favorite minor discourse (pineapple on pizza, what color is the dress, etc): crocs. just crocs.
Favorite vine and/or meme: this for the vine and begone thot in all its pure iterations for the meme
Why did you choose this muse: i love shouto and hes really relatable to me and i just. wanted to put my spin on him. this is also secretly a vent blog shhhhhhhh
Favorite rp memory: once me and two other rpers reenacted frozen in one thread with our muses. it was wild.
Favorite thing you’ve written, in rp or not: this fic im so proud of it
A line/lyrics/quote/etc you like or that means a lot to you: anything margret atwood has written. specifically morning in the burned house my fave poem ever
Give a shout-out to someone: @tsplash !!!!!!!!!!! a good friend and an excellent tsuyu. scuttles.
Tagged by: stolen from the dash.
Tagging: anyone who wants to do it. just say i tagged you <3
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