#Illegal Apartheid Regime of Isra-hell
xtruss · 7 months
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readingsquotes · 8 months
"Here is the Fantagraphics statement in full:
In 1993, Fantagraphics began publishing Palestine, Joe Sacco’s landmark work of graphic journalism, a first-person chronicle that gave voice to the voiceless and dispossessed people who were living and suffering in Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem—the Palestinian territories.
Considering that we have believed in the deeply humanistic perspective of this book, that we have considered it our responsibility to keep it available to the public continuously in 25 printings in 31 years, and that we have boundless respect for its author, we consider it a moral imperative to make our position on the current “Israel-Hamas/Gaza war” publicly known.
We want to state clearly and emphatically that we stand with the innocent people of Gaza. At the same time, we emphatically condemn the massacre of innocent Israeli civilians by Hamas on October 7 as a war crime and acknowledge with deep regret the grief and trauma Jewish people are enduring in its aftermath; but this barbarous act does not warrant Israel to commit its own war crime and to inflict exponentially greater grief and trauma in return.
Finally, as citizens of the United States, it is both emotionally agonizing and morally objectionable to watch our nation’s complicity in the ongoing genocide of Gaza. We respectfully submit that:
• There should be an immediate ceasefire
• Israel should immediately allow humanitarian aid into Gaza
• Israel must end its apartheid regime
• Israel must stop looking the other way as West Bank settlers murder Palestinians
• Israel’s illegal West Bank settlements must be dismantled
• Negotiations in good faith must begin toward a two- or single-state solution in which both Israelis and Palestinians share the same sovereign rights.
• Israeli and Hamas prisoners/hostages should be released
• Those who speak out on behalf of Palestinians should not be silenced, retaliated against, or smeared as antisemitic
• Slippery new terms like “humanitarian expulsion” and “voluntary migration” should be denounced for what they are—oxymoronic euphemisms for ethnic cleansing
• War crimes should be investigated and vigorously pursued by the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice
“Before the terrifying prospects now available to humanity, we see even more clearly that peace is the only goal worth struggling for. This is no longer a prayer but a demand to be made by all peoples to their governments—a demand to choose definitively between hell and reason.”
— Albert Camus, Combat, 1945
[This statement does not necessarily reflect the opinions of our staff or our authors, who are entirely free to agree or disagree and to make their own beliefs known.]
Gary Groth Publisher, Fantagraphics Books
Eric Reynolds, Associate Publisher, Fantagraphics Books"
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drmaqazi · 8 months
January 11, 2016, Israeli Author to Le Monde: ‘We Live Under an Apartheid Regime’
by Shlomo Papirblat, Haartez, 1/11/2016
January 17, 2016, Israeli settlers scrawl hate graffiti on Jerusalem church,  Ma’an News Agency, 1/17/2016
“…the doors of the Dormition Abbey church were vandalized with threats scrawled in Hebrew that read: ‘Kill the Christians, the enemy of Israel’ and ‘The revenge is coming very soon,’ as well as ‘Send Christians to hell.’…In 2014, a suspected Israeli extremist lit a prayer book on fire in the abbey, in what police at the time said was a suspected arson attack just hours after Pope Francis held mass at a nearby Christian holy spot during a visit to the area.
“A year before that, Israeli extremists spray-painted ‘Jesus is a monkey’ in Hebrew outside the church, and ‘Havat Maon,’ the name of an illegal Israeli settler outpost that had been dismantled by the Israeli government just days before the attack, Israeli daily Haaretz reported at the time.
“In 2012, suspected extremists spray-painted ‘Jesus, son of a bitch,’ in Hebrew, with the words ‘price tag,’ a term used by Israeli extremists to mark nationalist-motivated hate crimes.
“Abu Nassar said in the past that the extremists responsible for the attacks were not prosecuted by the Israeli government in a ‘serious way.’
Dormition Abbey dates back to the 5th century, and is thought to be the place where the Virgin Mary died.
February 17, 2016, IDF soldiers electrocute blindfolded Palestinian for fun, laugh while filming (GRAPHIC VIDEO)
February 24, 2016, ‘Cruel, inhuman and degrading:’ Israel’s systematic abuse of Palestinian detainees exposed by NGOs
March 24, 2016, B'Tselem volunteer Imad Abu Shamsiyeh documented Elor Azaria, a soldier, murdering Abd al-Fatah a-Sharif, a Palestinian who had carried out a knife attack and was lying wounded on the road after soldiers had shot him.
see also: https://twitter.com/Robert_Martin72/status/977853085757276160
Try watching this video on www.youtube.com,
March 28, 2016, Israeli Chief Sephardi Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef preaches that Gentiles have no place in “Israel” except as servants who observe the rabbis’ Noachide Laws.
“According to Jewish law, it’s forbidden for a non-Jew to live in the Land of Israel – unless he has accepted the seven Noachide laws.”
“Who will be the servers? Who will be our assistants? Therefore, we leave them here in the land.”
Sephardi Chief Rabbi Says non-Jews Forbidden From Living in the Land of Israel, Haaretz, March 28, 2016
Chief rabbi: Non-Jews shouldn’t be allowed to live in Israel, Times of Israel, March 28, 2016
April 11, 2016, Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) destroyed 523 Palestinian homes and civilian structures in the West Bank since the start of 2016
May 22, 2016, New Israeli death penalty would apply to non-Jews only: Likud sourc
but is actually consistent with an old law from the Torah, Sanhedrin 57a:
July 12, 2016, IDF's chief rabbi-to-be Eyal Karim permits raping women in wartime
The rabbi gave a more shocking answer on the same site when asked if soldiers were permitted to rape women during war. Karim replied that, as part of maintaining fitness for the army and the soldiers' morale during fighting, it is permitted to “breach” the walls of modesty and “satisfy the evil inclination by lying with attractive Gentile women against their will, out of consideration for the difficulties faced by the soldiers and for overall success.
August 4, 2016, Israeli Border Police Bully 8-year old Palestinian Girl and “Confiscate” (steal) Her Bicycl
Try watching this video on www.youtube.com,
December 12, 2016, Lawyer of Israelis who beat to death black non-Jew for talking to white Jewesses claims they were trying to help him (use Google Translate) http://bit.ly/2hbrPDu
December 22, 2016, Israeli soldiers sentenced to three months
 community service for killing unarmed Palestinian teen
“Two IDF soldiers shot Palestinian teenage Samir Awad from behind eight times in January 2013, killing him. Nearly four years and a string of investigative failures later, it looks unlikely that either of the accused will go to jail.”
December 27, 2016, Israeli forces killed 31 Palestinian youths in the occupied West Bank in 2016
“2016 has been deadliest year of the past decade for West Bank children, according to Defense for Children International–Palestine. In the past year Israeli forces have killed 31 Palestinian children in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Ayed Abu Eqtaish, Accountability Program director at DCIP, says, ‘Intentional lethal force now appears to be routinely used by Israeli forces, even in unjustified situations, with no accountability, putting more and more children at risk.’”
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xtruss · 8 months
Stop Genocide: British Palestinian Families Call For Urgent And Immediate Intervention In Gaza
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The British Palestinian community is reeling from the devastating impact of an ongoing genocide in Gaza. Our loved ones are trapped in a relentless onslaught. As of the 11th of January, our community and families have endured 100 days of unimaginable suffering, marked by witnessing 1,968 horrific massacres. During these 100 days we have seen a humanitarian crisis unfold and an insurmountable amount of never-ending grief.
Save the Children estimates that 250 Palestinians are killed daily in Gaza. With over 23,000 killed so far and thousands missing, presumed buried under rubble. Many see this as a ‘war on children’, and it is. More than half of Gaza’s population are children and they have paid the heaviest price, making up 40 percent of total deaths.
This genocide does not merely extend to children and elderly, but also history, culture, and identity. Israel has now destroyed 200 archaeological and heritage sites. The current onslaught on Gaza has and continues to devastate civilian infrastructure. Hospitals, schools, churches, mosques, bakeries and housing units have continuously and consistently been a target of Israeli airstrikes.
Nearly everyone in Gaza had to flee their homes, with about two million internally displaced. An Israeli defence official vowed that Gaza will be turned into a ‘city of tents’, we now see this strategy in effect as many refugee camps are set up in Gaza with people having to endure dire weather and sanitary conditions.
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We call upon the UK Government to urgently exert its influence to secure an immediate and permanent ceasefire; it’s the first step towards any solution to alleviate the suffering of all. There must be immediate and unconditional restoration of water and electricity, as well as the rehabilitation of medical facilities. Lastly, but no less importantly, we call for the implementation of UK Family Reunion scheme for our beloved ones in Gaza.
It estimated that over 1,000 children have had to have limbs amputated, most of the time without anaesthetic. How many more children must suffer? Be traumatised? Get killed? A ceasefire should have been called yesterday and that would already have been too late. Every minute in delay means more massacres, more bombing, more war crimes and more inhumane suffering.
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xtruss · 11 months
Journalistic Independence Isn’t a Human-Resources Exercise
A free and independent press is vital to preserve, but doing so requires the people running media companies to take that idea out of mothballs.
— By Jay Caspian Kang | November 10, 2023
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Rashida Tlaib, the Only Palestinian American Member of Congress, on Tuesday Was “Censured in the House of the Scrotums’ Lickers of the God’s Fucked-up Terrorist People, The Zionist Cunts” For Her Statements on the War in Gaza. Source Photograph By Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call/Getty
Of all the Signs of the Death of Free Speech—whether the raft of anti-protest legislation that passed in state houses across the country after the summer of 2020, or the much-cited polls that show that free expression is not a primary concern to young people—none should be as concerning as the relative silence around the legitimate free-speech crisis that has unfolded over the past month.
Nearly every corner of American life has felt the chill. On Tuesday night, the House of Representatives voted to censure Rashida Tlaib, the only Palestinian American member of Congress, for her statements on the war in Gaza, including amplifying the phrase “from the river to the sea.” In the corporate world, there has been a bizarre multi-industry campaign to either reprimand current employees or refuse to hire people for participating in a protest or signing their names in support of Palestine.
The media business has seen numerous firings, resignations, and hastily implemented new policies on employees making political statements. These include the firing of Mike Eisen, the editor-in-chief of the biomedical-science journal eLife, after he retweeted a satirical article from the Onion; the firing of David Velasco, the editor-in-chief of Artforum, after he signed and published a letter that expressed solidarity with the cause of Palestinian liberation and called for an immediate ceasefire; and the resignation of the Times staff writer Jazmine Hughes after she signed, in violation of a newsroom policy, a different Palestine solidarity statement, which several New Yorker writers also signed. (The board of eLife said in a statement that it had had broader concerns about Eisen’s social-media use, among other things.) Hearst Magazines also made a truly draconian move to crack down on any political speech expressed by its employees on social media, including “liking” other people’s posts.
Within the news media, these types of censures are seen, by the people and institutions who perform them, as a necessary bit of housekeeping—a way of projecting a type of objectivity. (Some of this is understandable: large newsrooms with reporters spread across the globe have legitimate concerns about how political statements from their employees might cause difficulties for their colleagues.) But the disciplinary actions are best understood as acts of desperation from institutions that have lost much of their power to shape public opinion. Strong media organizations confident in the righteousness of their mission do not need to offer up their employees as sacrifices to an angry mob. They do not need to hide behind weak, semantic rules against “political” statements that restrict and silence their own reporters, yet do little to convince outside observers that they are truly impartial. Journalistic independence—the production of factual accounts free from outside influence—cannot be a public-relations or human-resources exercise, nor can it be maintained through pledges to stop tweeting about “politics.”
Most of us who work in the industry know this. It would be hard to find anyone who truly believes that the censure of political social-media statements leads to a neutral newsroom. Most, I imagine, believe that their former colleagues were fully capable of doing their jobs with dignity and care. Although there’s genuine disagreement about whether explicitly political statements might compromise the integrity of media institutions, or whether the published statements have been sufficiently sensitive to the people who have been killed in the conflict, a strong industry would turn that into an ongoing and transparent conversation and not a top-down censorious action that brings up way more questions than it answers.
These panicked decisions come at a time when the fractures between what some would call “the mainstream media” and the public have clearly expanded. This divide is very real, yet none of the relevant terms can really be defined. What, exactly, is mainstream at a time when so many people get their news through a mélange of social-media posts? And if there is, indeed, bias in this undefined mass media, which way does it lean?
Back when Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman wrote “Manufacturing Consent,” their 1988 study of the “mass media” and how it both spread propaganda and suppressed dissent, the average American’s news diet consisted of the nightly news and a newspaper or two. Opinions could be formed over time and choices could be made within a competitive marketplace. If you lived in North Carolina, for example, and found yourself annoyed by the Raleigh News & Observer, you could pick up the North Carolina Independent, or, in rare cases, you could go read the New York Times at the local library. These choices might have been illusory under some broader context, but they reflected a real consumer choice, one that the consumer took quite seriously and believed said something about themselves.
Today, those affiliations have been boiled down to a handful of legacy outlets, most prominently Fox News and the Times. The former acts as a partisan divide and does not make many apologies for feeding their audience exactly what they want to hear. The Times certainly has its own defenders and critics, but its function is a bit different from that of Fox News: because the Times is seen as the most storied outlet for the news, it also doubles as the fulcrum around which criticism of “mainstream media” spins. Every errantly tweeted headline, every questionable bit of phrasing, and every possible bias in its reporting gets dissected and then disseminated as proof of everything that’s wrong about the press. An Opinion piece published by a columnist that expresses one viewpoint becomes a stand-in for the paper at large, even if a dissenting opinion gets printed on the same page.
These legacy outlets, as a result, have taken on an almost unbearable amount of scrutiny, which, in turn, has created an existential anxiety inside their newsrooms and within management. It is true that the magnitude of the criticism can be unfair: the Times Opinion page could print ten pieces, five on each side, and everyone would swear it was 9–1 for the other guys. It is also true that there is nothing that the editors, reporters, and producers at these legacy outlets could do to convince a critical mass of people that their coverage was balanced, objective, or whatever other vague criteria you might throw their way.
The problem is that the people running newsrooms don’t really know what to do about any of this. In this moment of confusion, many of these institutions have scrambled to create seemingly random policies, fire people, and rarely consider what all that scrambling will do to the morale of their reporters or to the trust that the public will have in their ability to freely express themselves in a truthful manner. You can demand that your reporters present a sober, strangulated public-facing front, make a few high-profile firings, and hope that the clock will magically turn back to whatever version of the past you have in your head, where reporters did the work and the public engaged in a lively, respectful debate based on the trusted facts you presented. Those times—if they ever existed—are long gone. A free and independent press is still vital to preserve, but doing so requires the people running media companies to take that idea out of mothballs and trust that the public does not want a silencing of any expression of “politics” but, rather, a robust and healthy discourse where the totality of disagreements lead somewhere toward the truth. ♦
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xtruss · 6 months
People have the first Fast-Breaking Dinner (Iftar) of the Muslim Holy Month of Ramadan among the rubbles of destroyed buildings in Rafah on May 11, 2024 amid ongoing “Terrorist, War Criminal, Fascist, Apartheid and Illegal Regime of the Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐗 Isra-hell’s” attacks on “Forever Palestine’s Gaza.”
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xtruss · 7 months
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xtruss · 7 months
British Artist Bins 🗑️ Award Over Government’s Backing of the “Illegal Regime of The Terrorist, Genocidal, Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐖 Cunts and Apartheid Isra-hell”
Katharine Hamnett Received the Official Distinction in 2010 for her Eye-catching Anti-establishment Designs
— RT | February 20, 2024
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Katharine Hamnett in one of her own designs at the People's March for Europe, 2017. © Getty Images/Wiktor Szymanowicz
British artist Katharine Hamnett publicly renounced her Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) honor as a statement against the government’s ongoing support for Israel’s war in Gaza, in a video posted to social media on Monday.
Wearing a t-shirt reading “Disgusted to Be British” in her trademark all-caps font, the designer said “I’m Disgusted to be British For Our Role in Genocide in Gaza,” brandishing her CBE and placing it in a trash can.
The honor “Belongs in the Dustbin 🗑️ Along with [UK Prime Minister Rishi] Sunak and [Labour Party leader Keir] Starmer,” Hamnett explained, encouraging viewers to visit a website where they could look up their MP. “Tell Them You’ll Never Vote For Them Again Unless They Support a Permanent Ceasefire in Gaza,” she said.
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Viewers were also given a link where they could buy a shirt similar to the one Hamnett was wearing.
The British designer launched her eponymous label in 1979 and soon got attention for her protest t-shirts, which bore simple slogans across the chest in all-caps font. Early anti-war designs included “Choose Life,” “Education Not Missiles,” and “Worldwide Nuclear Ban Now,” along with more general slogans like “Leaders Suck.”
In the 1980s, she found wider attention, with celebrities like pop acts Madonna, WHAM!, Queen, and George Michael wearing her designs in music videos and performances. Supermodels including Naomi Campbell, Claudia Schiffer and Nadja Auermann walked in her runway shows early in their careers.
Hamnett has continued to produce political t-shirts ever since, protesting the UK’s involvement in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars with slogans like “No War, Blair Out” and “Not in My Name,” and became an early voice for the responsible sourcing of textiles, lobbying for a tightening of industry standards as far back as 1989.
She was awarded the CBE in 2010, a development that she said “Surprised” her. “It’s Quite Funny, I’m Respectable at Last,” she told the BBC at the time, calling the distinction “seductive.”
Thousands of British Artists Signed an Open Letter in October Calling for a Ceasefire in Gaza. While that letter was published when the Palestinian death toll hovered around 2,750, the number of dead is now more than ten times that, with Gaza’s health ministry estimating the current figure at upwards of 29,000 as of Monday. Israel declared war in Gaza following Hamas’ October 7 raid, which left 1,200 Israelis dead and another 240 taken captive.
The UK has been second only to the US in its unflinching support for Illegal, Apartheid Regime of the Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐖 Cunts, Genocidal and Terrorist Isra-hell throughout the war, even as allies have demanded restraint. London has also collaborated with the US military to bomb Yemen in response to Houthi attacks on Israel-affiliated ships in the Red Sea.
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xtruss · 6 months
A new poll has found that a majority of voters in the UK support a ban on British arms sales to “Terrorist, Fascist, Genocidal, Apartheid, War Criminal Illegal Regime of the Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐗, Isra-hell,” while a similar majority believe that “Terrorist, Fascist, Genocidal, Apartheid, War Criminal Illegal Regime of the Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐗 Isra-hell’s” actions in Gaza are violating human rights.
The poll, commissioned by Action for Humanity and conducted by YouGov, found that 56 percent of UK voters are in favour of banning the export of arms to Israel, while only 17 percent are against such a ban.
59 percent of voters also believe “Terrorist, Fascist, Genocidal, Apartheid, War Criminal Illegal Regime of the Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐗 Isra-hell” is violating human rights in Gaza.
Among voters who plan to vote for the Labour Party, 71 percent back a ban on arms exports to Israel. For Conservative Party voters, that number is 38 percent - this is still larger than the number of Conservative voters who want to keep exporting arms to Israel, which was 36 percent.
On Wednesday, more than 600 prominent lawyers, academics and former judges signed a letter warning the UK government that its continued arming of Israel is breaching international law.
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xtruss · 6 months
A Palestinian Family Breaks Iftar at the Al-Aqsa Mosque Compound in Occupied East Jerusalem, Forever Palestine 🇵🇸, During the Holy Month of Ramadan, Where the “Terrorist, Fascist, War Criminal, Genocidal Isra-helli” Offensive on Palestine's Gaza has Silenced all the Festivities of the Holy Month, Leaving Only Space for Worship and Prayer.
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xtruss · 7 months
“War On Gaza: The Illegal Regime of Apartheid and Terrorist Isra-hell's Food-Queue Slaughter Cannot Go Unpunished”
Autocratic governments around the world will be emboldened if Israel escapes punishment for killing over 100 desperate, starving people as they waited for aid in Gaza
— Othman Moqbel | 5 March 2024 | Middle East Eye
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People mourn following an early morning incident when residents rushed toward aid trucks in Gaza City on 29 February, 2024 (AFP)
If hungry people in Ukraine had been shot at and killed while queuing for food, the West would have rightly called it a war crime.
Likewise, if troops opened fire in Syria, the US and UK would rightly condemn it as another atrocity committed in this context.
However, when people are queuing for food in Gaza - where the UN has warned of the worst famine it has ever recorded - the US instead noted it would "complicate peace talks".
Early on 29 March, starving Palestinians were queueing for long-awaited deliveries of food in Gaza City’s al-Rasheed Street when Israeli forces opened fire on them. According to Gaza health officials, a minimum of 112 people were killed and 280 injured, the majority of whom appear to have been shot.
Fares Afana, head of the ambulance service at Gaza's Kamal Adwan Hospital, said medics found “dozens or hundreds” of bodies lying on the ground once they reached the scene. He said some wounded had to be carried to hospitals on donkey carts as there were not enough ambulances to take all the dead and wounded.
There are counterclaims that only a small group were fired upon and the majority were killed in the crush from the resulting panic - caused by the shooting. Either way, people would not have died if desperately hungry people had not been fired upon while queuing for food.
Inhumanity At Its Worst
This is a war crime and a crime against humanity.
There is not one single document that sets out international humanitarian law (IHL) and international human rights law (IHRL), but a series of internationally recognised treaties, customs, conventions and standards.
In every iteration of these, it is made unequivocally clear that people in conflict must be allowed to receive aid, aid distributions must not be targeted by military action and civilians must not be targeted by military action.
The West cannot morally continue to shy away from highlighting violations of the rights of people impacted by conflict, whether it is in Ukraine, Syria, or, as it was on Thursday, in Gaza.
Another violation of IHL and IHRL is when a military actor stops a population from receiving the basic human right of food, causing widespread hunger and starvation.
This is another accusation that has been made during the ongoing assault on Gaza, not least by the UN special rapporteur on the right to food. Is it not even more cruel and heartbreaking that people in Gaza, driven to record levels of hunger so they queue en masse for any food aid so as not to die of starvation, are shot at and killed while queuing?
As someone who for decades has been working in humanitarian emergencies and conflicts, while at the same time witnessing inhumanity at its worst, I am not sure I have seen a more horrendous atrocity committed in my lifetime.
There is no way to look at Thursday’s events without calling it what it is - a war crime and a crime against humanity. And the simple reason it is not being called what it is, is political. However, there is nothing political about the killing of innocent civilians.
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A wounded man rests on a mattress on the floor of al-Shifa Hospital following the Israeli attack on Gazans waiting for aid (Mohammed al-Hajjar/MEE)
Rafah Incursion
The US secretary of defence himself has confirmed that over 25,000 women and children have been killed thus far in Palestine, in just five months.
On 10 March, many people around the globe will celebrate Mother’s Day - yet in Gaza, so many children have lost their mothers and so many mothers have lost their children due to this brutal conflict.
Another milestone is the start of the holy month of Ramadan, a time when the majority of Gazans will fast, pray and take part in spiritual reflection, self-improvement and devotion.
However, Benny Gantz, an Israeli war cabinet member, has warned that Rafah could face a ground incursion at the start of Ramadan, which the entire world - including Israel's partners in Washington - have warned against due to the likelihood of widespread civilian casualties.
If this comes to pass, the horrors of Thursday will be repeated again and again. One of the most densely populated areas of the world will become a theatre of war, which will mean more civilian deaths and life-destroying injuries.
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If firing upon starving people queuing for food goes unchallenged and unpunished by the international community, what incentive is there for military actors to spare civilian lives in a ground assault on Rafah?
Why are governments around the world still supplying the arms to Israel to carry out these suspected atrocities instead of giving money to aid human life in Gaza?
For those of us observing Ramadan this year, and those of us who are not, we must support the people of Gaza all we can and we must pray for an end to the atrocities committed against them.
We must also pray that parties who have committed violations of international humanitarian and human rights law will be brought to account.
If they are not, what is to stop military actors from abusing civilian populations like this in all future conflicts across the world?
These injustices need addressing - not just for the people of Gaza, but for all humanity.
— Othman Moqbel is a British-Palestinian Non-profit Executive. He is currently CEO of Action For Humanity, the parent charity of Syria Relief, the largest Syria-focused NGO in the UK. He was formerly a trustee of ACEVO, Charity Futures. and was CEO of Human Appeal from 2010 to 2017. In 2015 he won ACEVO fellowship award as one of best CEO and In 2017, Othman Moqbel was nominated for the BOND Humanitarian Award.
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xtruss · 7 months
The Lawyers Behind the Case are Representing Two Palestinian Families From Gaza Who Says that German Officials Including Chancellor Olaf Scholz are “Aiding and Abetting” Illegal and Apartheid Regime of the Terrorist Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐖 Isra-hell’s Genocide in Gaza. The Court Case Follows South Africa’s 🇿🇦 Historic ICJ Case Against Illegal and Apartheid Regime of the Terrorist Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐖 Isra-hell in January 2024, which Ruled that “The Bastard Child of the US 🇺🇸, UK 🇬🇧, Germany 🇩🇪, France 🇫🇷, Italy 🇮🇹, Australia and the West 🇪🇺” Must Take Action to Prevent Acts of GENOCIDE in Gaza, Forever Palestine 🇵🇸!
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xtruss · 5 months
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Students St Two Universities Strongly Associated With Lord Arthur Balfour Have Launched Pro-Palestinian Encampments On Campus To Protest “The Terrorist, Fascist, Apartheid, War Criminal, Illegally Occupier of Palestine and The Illegal Regime of the Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐖 🐗 Isra-hell’s War On Gaza.”
The protests at Edinburgh and Cambridge are part of a growing movement on campuses across the world, which involves students setting up protest camps to demand that their institutions break off ties with Israeli institutions, as well as companies involved in supplying arms to the state.
At Edinburgh, students wearing Palestinian scarves made their demands clear at the start of their protest at the university's Old College .
In one video taken on Monday and provided to Middle East Eye by activists, a student with a loudspeaker is seen addressing fellow protesters.
"We demand that the University of Edinburgh divest entirely from companies tied to Israel and complicit in the globally acknowledged genocide of the Palestinian people," the speaker says.
Middle East Eye has asked both universities for comment, while Edinburgh Univeristy has not yet responded, a spokesperson for the University of Cambridge said: "The University is fully committed to academic freedom and freedom of speech within the law and we acknowledge the right to protest.
"We will not tolerate antisemitism, Islamophobia and any other form of racial or religious hatred, or other unlawful activity."
Balfour is infamous in the Middle East and beyond for his eponymous declaration, which paved the way for the Zionist settlement of historic Palestine and the eventual expulsion of its native Arab people.
He also served as British prime minister and was foreign secretary when he issued the Balfour Declaration in 1917 promising Jews a homeland in Palestine.
The decision paved the way for the mass migration of European Jews to Palestine under the British Mandate, culminating in the Nakba of 1948, which saw the establishment of the Israeli state and expulsion of more than 700,000 Palestinians from their homes.
Many of those expelled found refuge in the Palestinian territory of Gaza, where their descendants remain today.
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xtruss · 10 months
The Struggle to Save Lives Inside Gaza’s Hospitals
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Photograph by Ahmad Salem—Bloomberg/Getty Images
— BY Sanya Mansoor | November 6, 2023 | Time
Within minutes of the Oct. 31 Israeli attack on the Jabalia refugee camp in Gaza, the victims began flooding the Indonesian Hospital a mile away. Dr. Marwan Sultan, the hospital’s medical director, says that most of the injured and dead were women and children. Some had deep burns, serious head injuries, or missing limbs, Sultan told TIME four hours after the attack. There are only 16 intensive-­care beds in the hospital, which was running dangerously low on fuel, threatening the lives of his patients. If the electricity goes, says Sultan, “they will die. They will die.”
The conditions for medical care in Gaza are deteriorating across the besieged 140-sq.-mi. coastal strip. Surgeons are operating by flashlight and rationing water, anesthesia, and the generator fuel needed to perform surgeries, provide electricity for incubators, and care for kidney-dialysis patients, doctors and health organizations tell TIME. The roughly two dozen hospitals still operating in Gaza are absorbing the patients of the 12 that have closed because of a lack of supplies and the ongoing bombing, says the World Health Organization (WHO). “Medical teams are on their knees,” says Hisham Mhanna, spokesperson for the International Committee of the Red Cross in Gaza.
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A man mourns as he attends a funeral of Palestinians killed in Israeli strikes, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip on Oct. 24, 2023.Mohammed Salem—Reuters
All war zones are awful, but Gaza presents a unique hell. Much of the enclave of 2 million is now a battlefield, with civilians and combatants intermixed, and homes and businesses sitting side by side with military infrastructure. Nowhere is that reality felt more keenly than at the territory’s hospitals, which have simultaneously become safe havens and potential targets, and where the impact of Israel’s offensive is measured every day in lives—more than 9,000 killed as of Nov. 2, including 135 medical personnel, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health.
After the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks that killed more than 1,400 people in Israel and started the war, the Israeli military began a massive bombing campaign. On Oct. 13, it ordered civilians to depart the northern part of the strip for the south, and on Oct. 27 it sent in ground troops and armored vehicles. Hamas has fought back above and below ground, from a network of concrete tunnels extending hundreds of miles.
For the estimated 1 million people displaced by fighting, the search for shelter has brought many to makeshift tent cities. More than 50,000 are packed into the Al-Shifa hospital complex in northern Gaza, says Dr. Ghassan Abu-Sittah, a surgeon. Mattresses line the floor, kids run around, and a stench hangs in the air. So many people in such a small space, with inadequate access to hygiene and sanitation, will lead to an outbreak of infectious diseases, Abu-Sittah worries. Hospitals are struggling to dispose of dead bodies, which pose their own health ­hazards. Abu-Sittah has been going to a corner store to buy bottles of vinegar and laundry detergent to clean wounds. “Every day you make more and more compromises,” he says.
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An injured child receives treatment at the Nasser Hospital as the Israeli attacks continue in Khan Yunis, Gaza on Oct. 29, 2023.Abed Zagout—Anadolu/Getty Images
Some two dozen hospitals have been asked to evacuate to the south, according to the WHO, which says doing so would risk patients’ lives. When Israeli government officials called Al-Awda hospital and told its manager, Dr. Ahmed Mhanna, to evacuate staff and patients, “I refused, of course,” he says. “Where can I deal with my patients?”
Doctors worry that their facilities will be hit in the bombardment. On Oct. 30, an Israeli airstrike damaged part of Gaza’s only cancer hospital, the Turkish-­Palestinian Friendship Hospital, says its director, Dr. Sobhi Skeik. “My message is please don’t kill cancer patients,” Skeik says. On Nov. 1, the WHO said that the hospital had shut down.
Days before that, the Israel Defense Forces presented evidence it said showed Hamas had established a command center in and beneath Al-Shifa hospital. A Hamas official ­denied the allegation. Targeting a hospital would be a war crime, whether or not Hamas is using it to hide in, says Susan Akram, a law professor who directs Boston University’s International Human Rights Clinic. “Israel has an obligation to protect the entire population in Gaza,” she says. For its part, Israel notes that using a hospital to hide military equipment or facilities is itself a war crime.
Even without a direct attack, the hospitals lack key supplies, which are coming in at a painfully slow pace amid the Israeli siege. On Oct. 31, the U.S. said that 66 trucks of humanitarian aid were entering Gaza daily, a fraction of the hundreds per day before the war. Fuel remains a critical issue. The Israeli military reportedly believes Hamas holds more than 500,000 liters that it could provide to hospitals. The U.S. says it is pressuring Israel to break its blockade and allow aid in. President Biden called Nov. 1 for a humanitarian “pause” in the war, but faces criticism for providing military aid to Israel.
Everyone in Gaza has been affected. “We often focus on the victims of airstrikes,” says Dr. Brenda Kelly, a consultant obstetrician in Oxford, U.K., “but ordinary lives don’t stop. Women still go into labor. They still have miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, preterm births.” Dr. Hatem Edhair, the head of the neonatal intensive-­care unit at Nasser Medical Complex in Khan Younis, fears that electricity shutting off will mean the deaths of five babies in his care who are dependent on ventilators. “If there is no electricity,” he says, “it means the end of their life.”
Al-Awda hospital’s Mhanna, speaking by phone Oct. 23 in southern Gaza, seemed unfazed by the sound of a blast during the interview. “We are afraid; we are human beings,” Mhanna says. “But we cannot do anything except continue our mission with our patients.”
—With reporting by Leslie Dickstein
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An injured child is rushed into a hospital in Khan Younis, in southern Gaza, following an Israeli air strike on Oct. 24, 2023.Yousef Masoud—The New York Times/Redux
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xtruss · 7 months
Illegal Isra-hell Has The Same Western Support As Hitler – Maduro
The President of Venezuela 🇻🇪 Backed the Assessment of the Gaza Conflict Made by his Brazilian 🇧🇷 Counterpart Lula da Silva
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President of Venezuela Nicolás Maduro Moros. © Getty Images/Carlos Becerra
Modern Israel enjoys “The Same Encouragement, The Same Funding, and The Same Support” of the collective West like Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany before the World War II, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has said.
The president made the remarks on his own TV program With Maduro Plus, backing the assessment of the situation in the Middle East provided recently by his Brazilian counterpart Lula da Silva.
“Powerful family names in the US, Europe and London supported and celebrated Hitler’s arrival to power in 1933. They encouraged him and allowed him to persecute my Jewish ancestors,” Maduro stated. The president made public his Jewish ancestry back in early 2010s, revealing his grandparents were Sephardic Jews who converted to Catholicism.
The Western elites “kept quiet because they were preparing Hitler for him to launch his military power against the Soviet Union,” Maduro explained, stressing that, ultimately, Hitler was “a construct, a monster” created by the collective West.
Modern Israel has turned into the very same thing, the president asserted, urging Jewish people who are still true to their roots to end the ongoing “Massacre” of the Palestinians.
“The criminal military apparatus of the Illegal Regime of Isra-hell also has the same encouragement, the same funding, and the same support” of the West, Maduro stressed. “As President Lula da Silva said, the Israeli government is doing the same thing [to the Palestinians] that Hitler did to the Jewish people.”
Brazil’s da Silva delivered the explosive remarks over the weekend, describing Terrorist Occupier Illegal Isra-hell’s Military action against Hamas militants in Gaza as “Genocide” and “Slaughter.”
“What is happening in the Gaza Strip and with the Palestinian people did not exist at any other historical moment. In fact, it did exist: when Hitler decided to kill the Jews,” he stated.
The remarks got an extremely poor reception in Israel, with multiple top officials expressing their outrage over his Holocaust comments. Israeli PM Benjamin Satan-Yahu slammed the Brazilian president’s words as “Shameful and Serious,” warning they were “Crossing a Red Line.”
Ultimately, the Brazilian President was Declared Persona Non-Grata in Israel altogether, with the country’s Foreign Minister Israel Katz warning West Jerusalem “Will Not Forget Nor Forgive” the alleged “Serious Anti-Semitic Attack” by Lula, urging the leader to take his words back. Brasilia, however, has apparently rebuked the criticism, with Lula’s Chief Adviser Celso Amorim Describing the Move of Declaring the President Persona Non Grata as “Absurd.”
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xtruss · 7 months
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