#Im a bit proud of how that first panel came out
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 years
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Violence and macro-aggressions
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justjensenanddean · 2 years
Jensen Ackles and Danneel Ackles Panel | Brighton UK (Crossroads 6), March 11, 2023
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( sicparvis87 )
Jensen: IT’S ONLY SATURDAY WE GOT A WHOLE OTHER DAY, PACE YOURSELF! (to Danneel) have YOU been pacing yourself? Danneel : No! (x)
“are you ready for this?” - jensen to danneel  (x)
Ok, so. Danneel’s first con was a Starfury. Jensen said she shouldn’t brag. And a bit later Jensen said he had the dancing covered. (x)
“as long as there’s no dancing i’ll be fine” “it’s okay i have that covered”  (x)
“we’ve got to develop some projects currently in development”  (x)
Jensen saying he’s really proud of what they’ve been doing with the Winchesters and what’s in the work.  (x)
“i wanna work with the people i know i trust and who are outstanding human beings”  (x)
Dream projects? Jensen: “Ruth would obviously be the star.” (Ruth is watching from the balcony.) “Oh hey, Ruth, didn’t see you there.” He wants to work with the people he trusts, outstanding human beings. (x)
Jensen: “we’ve had 15 years to weed out the bad people, I’m not sure how Mark Sheppard is still here…”  (x)
Jensen just wants to work with the people he’s got to work with who are just good people. It’s gotta be grounded in love, family, a tad of humor and a little magic.  (x)
“it’s gotta have heart, humour and a little bit of magic” the unofficial tagline of their company  (x)
Jensen helping Danneel count for how many years they’ve been together when she started as Anael on SPN  (x)
How was it working on set. Danneel struggles with how long she’s been together with Jensen. Jensen knows it would’ve been 12 seasons when she came in at 13 and is proud he knows. (x)
Jensen immediately asked “IS THAT ON THE GAG REEL” when Danneel fell during her first scene on SPN  (x)
“i did not act like a husband in that moment” jensen too focused on getting danneels gag reel moment on film instead of helping her  (x)
Danneel put together a whole playlist for The Winchesters before they even cast anyone, and a lot of it actually made it onto the show. They chose “I’d Love To Change The World” which in the pilot FIRST.  (x)
Which scene with music from The Winchesters did they like most? Danneel put together a playlist before they even cast, a lot of it made it on the show. “10 years after”/I love to change the world” (?) really set the tone. (x)  But a lit of songs they wanted were too expensive to afford. On SPN, as production got more expensive, they had to stop using music so much, used more score to save money (x) 
“i get to go and destroy some robots in a warehouse? i’m in. i’m easy” (x)
Jensen is easy. When he heard he gets to come on the set and destroy a bunch of robots, he was in, but doesn’t play a lot of video games. Danneel snitches that he plays Mario Cart with the kids almost daily. (x)
Jensen said he doesn't play video game anymore but Danneel said he plays Mario Kart almost everyday with the kids  (x)
In his old house pre-Danneel he had a special dark room with two TVs and two couches to play Halo with his friends. (Danneel snitches again.) He plays “blue shy guy” on Mario Cart. (x)
Fan asked if Jensen plays video game and Danneel went “well you play one every day”. And Jensen went “Wordle? … BACKGAMMON?!” (The answer is Mario Kart because he plays it with the kids)  (x)
help jensen is so excited to introduce his kids to his fave videos games when they’re older and he also doesn’t always let his kids win video games which danneel finds mean considering he’s competed by 6 year olds (paraphrase)  (x)
“I know your next question, it’s ‘what character do I choose on Mario kart’, the answer is blue shy guy. I’m a shy guy ” (x)
Q person reccs Red Dead Redemption. Jensen really wanted The Last of Us, but when he heard Pedro got the job, he knew he had no shot. (x)
Jensen really wanted to be on The Last of Us, then he heard Pedro Pascal got the part and went “oh no he’s PERFECT” (im paraphrasing but he was nerding out )  (x)
They’re talking about recreating the music video for their anniversary. Their friend did it first as a birthday gag. So he suggested they do it “for instagram”. Danneel was like “let’s go”. and they got into a serious fight over who would be Paul Simon  (x)
Danneel says they do zero work for instagram content. Q was about the music vid years ago. The Ackles’s argued who plays Chevy and who plays Paul Simon. Jensen complains about having to be the short guy again. He’s gonna get a complex. He yells for Mark to come down. (x)
Danneel telling Jensen he was so good on their anniversary video, and telling him “you were made to play Paul Simon”  (x)
“it was very rare for him to be home during the week… for 15 years”  (x)
He also said he was really sad his kids wouldn’t get to experience the whole ‘taking the cartridge off and having to blow on it for it to work again’ (x)
Danneel didn’t wanna be in The French Mistake bc it’s “Jensen’s thing”  (x)
Karaoke. Danneel only did it once. Sang “Band of the run” and there was a very long musical interlude. It scared her so much she never did it again. Jensen went with the Dawson’s Creek gang and sang “El Paso”.  (x)
Everyone put their glass down either in amazement or shock. There’s a plate in a corner of that bar with an etching how great that night was, Jensen jokes. (x)
Editor, director, actor walk into a bar, you can only buy one drink? Danneel: Editor, they can make you look good. Jensen: Would buy himself a drink. (x)
Danneel once got handed a bag with her as a doll filled with fish hooks. She blindly reached in the bag and straight into a hook. (x)
They’re talking about creepy fans, and Danneel just said “they’re not fans of the show, fans of the show don’t do these things”  (x)
danneel is telling a story abt her accepting a gift off a fan of her being made into a doll out of fish hooks and she accidentally got hurt and jensen said ‘you know how much i had to PAY for that doll?!’  (x)
Weirdest thing given to Jen and Dee, someone left a dead kitten on their door step  (x)
jensens talking about how performing radio company concert for the first time was a very different experience to acting or performing other peoples songs bc with those other two you interpret it your own way but it’s still other peoples words but these were his and steve’s  (x)
Playing in Nashville and performing words he actually wrote himself with Steve was “next level”. Danneel adds that he was nervous and he doesn’t get nervous. (x)
“to get out there and perform something you created it’s certainly more of a vulnerability”  (x)
danneel watched the concert with the kids on stageit. “they thought it was cool” (x)
The kids were pretty impressed seeing him on stage, but they see him play a lot, because he plays them songs on the piano at home all the time.  (x)
their kids have watched the scoobynatural episode so many times  (x)
Jensen is talking about fighting to have Dean dying while he was standing instead of how it was originally planned with Dean dying on the floor. (x)
Jensen about Dean’s death: “I don’t have to LIKE it, but I’m proud of it.”  (x)
Jensen would change how they handled the Leviathans and get rid of them sooner if he got to change something  (x)
What would Dean from s15 tell Dean from s4? Danneel: Beware of vampires!  (x)
question about what directors inspired them the most! (Jensen’s answer has been long but he mentioned Kim Manners, Bob Singer and John Showalter)  (x)
jensen ensuring he was conscious of every crew members job so that they felt like they had purpose.  (x)
Kim Manners and Bob Singer, they both set the tone on the show. Micromanaged. Kim said “you’re gonna direct one day” to Jensen and it got him thinking. It was becausehe was interested in the lenses, lighting & such. (x)
Bob and Phil Sgriccia helped him a lot. Phil said “always have an answer, even if it’s wrong.” Because when you say “you pick” or “whatever” to a Q from someone working for you, you dimish the other person’s job. And you can always change your mind & that tells them you thought (x)  about it, thus making their job even more important. (x)
To Danneel; how did you know he (Jensen) was THE ONE? Jensen; *cracks up* Danneel: It was on Ten Inch Hero, I always knew he was cute and all of that, but… It was one of those, we were driving back and forth, and just talking about our future, and our career (x)  Danneel: I’m a girl who likes to do things first. (…) At the end of the movie, there’s a scene where I walked up to Priestly and gave him a kiss… That was NOT scripted.(x)  Danneel: but obviously Jensen had read the script, he knew it wasn’t scripted. I just knew I had to do something else or it would be too late. (x)
danneel knew by the end of filming ten inch hero once they’d spent time doing long drives talking about their futures and everything and then in the scene where she kisses priestly wasn’t scripted and jensen was like “oh!!!!!! i caught a BIG fish let’s go!”  (x)  “i like your talent your cute your-” “you were like this one can give me good kids” “yeah i saw you with your nephews and-“ “and you were like this is a good pedigree!” (x)
J-yeah but after we dated when did you know I was the one to marry They went on vacation and her mum knew then D needed to marry him. J-i knew I needed to spend the rest of my life impressing her  (x)
When did Danneel know that Jensen was the one? They were friends before but thought they would never be together. They carpooled to the Ten Inch Hero set. 40 mins each way, just talking about the future, how they were raised, carreer… (x)  She always knew Jensen was cute, but those talks really did it. In the last scene of the movie, the little kiss between their characters wasn’t scripted, that was Danneel making the first move. (x)  Jensen immediately knew it was a big fish snd went “bzzzz” (reeling in noise). Jensen prods when she knew he was the one to marry though. They went on a family trip. Then Jensen knew he’d spend the rest of his life trying to impress her. Danneel’s mom knew they were it too. (x)
Jensen: “I’m gonna try to impress for the rest of my life… Still hasn’t done it! I’m gonna keep trying to.” (x)
Danneel said she was really nervous up until she did her first photo ops and everyone was so nice to her  (x)
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( MurielFPhotos )
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The Last Ronin 2: Re-Evolution Issue #1 LIVEBLOG
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Okay so Casey Marie's muscles are something I'm never going to get over. SHE LOOKS GOOD!!!!! Her getup is feeling a little too reminiscent of a cape-wielding superhero for my tastes to be honest - I really loved the more practical outfits she wore in TLR Lost Years, especially in issue 4 when she was running the training mission for the kids. But ah well, I'm sure this will grow on me. It may not be practical (edna's law of no capes is coming to mind, also PLEASE TIE YOUR HAIR UP WHEN YOU'RE FIGHTING GIRL!!!) but it's very cunty anyway which I appreciate
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Straight up thought she killed this guy - what was that sound effect if he's still able to walk??? I fr thought she snapped his neck
IDK if we needed a whole 8 pages of punching and kicking to exposition dump what we kinda already knew from what's been shown in the lost years (esp the lost day special) but IT'S FINE IG... NOW ONTO THE BABIES
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GIGGLING KICKING MY FEET. We're ALREADY getting the leo-v-raph adjacent dynamic with these two and I'm living for it. if one of them drops a stone cold 'fearless leader' jab i will lose my shit
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HI? HELLO, EXCUSE ME, MIND-TALKING? PICTURES IN HEAD? ARE WE A FAMILY THAT LUCID DREAMS OR SOMETHING?!?? I DON'T REMEMBER THIS BEING SOMETHING THEY COULD DO?? every new speech bubble here is like a punch to the gut, wdym telepathy wdym secret lair wdym honouring everything master splinter taught you???? (although i'm proud that when this panel dropped on news sites i was immediately like THAT ISN'T THE KITCHEN FROM LOST YEARS. turns out it was a Secret Lair TM)
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Seance -- TURTLES COUNT IT OFF!!
not gonna screenshot the whole backstory but they're basically doing a telepathic puppet show explaining the backstory and it's pretty much the mirage origins with a bit of extra tlr flair. as always it HURTS ME seeing the turtles dying so thanks for that tlr2 :'')) icb these kids watch a mind movie of their uncles dying every fucking night. yall are messy
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SOBBING AND CRYING,, I WISH YOU'D ALL HAD THE CHANCE TO KNOW HIM TOO!!!!!! I WISH YOU'D GOTTEN TO KNOW ALL OF THEM!!!!! (tlr splinter doesnt count tho because hes a dick)
there was a cool sequence of them rooftop hopping n stuff but i wont cover it bc we already saw it in a bunch of news articles weeks ago
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i just did the SHARPEST INHALE. casey marie you and your beautiful muscular arms have aged like the finest wine
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YI NO!!!!!
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lmaooo moja is JUDGING your taste in women u two
lots of text... blah blah blah jobs, crimerates, blah blah... jiro in pig uniform jumpscare.. casey marie i thought u were going to fix him :(((
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dude that first issue was wordy but the kids were ON POINT. they were so fun!! their dialogue is fun and they kick ass.
i loved yi announcing the punishment for casey while the others were like NOO SHE DIDNT MEAN THAT DONT LISTEN TO HER. we're getting more of their personalities and it's great!! it was a nice throwback to issue 2 of lost years when they were cleaning - yi refused to help because of how strictly she was following instructions. im picking up that she might be neurodivergent but i did get that from the lost years too - only doing things within strict instructions, getting frustrated at teaching odyn chess, not because of him playing horseys with the knights but that it was Against The Rules Of Chess - and now not picking up on some social cues. It's nice to see!! I love her very much, but it feels like besides rehashing the origin story she took a bit of a backseat to the other three.
i want to know more about why uno said being a rebel was moja's 'thing', since she didn't seem to be any more rebellious than the other three in this issue. we didn't get any unique interactions between her and casey marie which is what i felt was lacking from lost years but i wonder if this is hinting towards a more turbulent mother-daughter dynamic with them... I REALLY HOPE SO!! her and uno butting heads in a leo-raph way is very fun - i don't mind one or two prior group dynamics leaking into the new turtle siblings because they're all so different from the original 4.
uno seems to be taking on slightly more of a leader role than moja so i think he won the title of fearless leader. which is fine, i think it'll be fun to see and he's definitely less of an asshole now than when he was growing up in lost years. still picking on odyn a bit but seems to snipe at moja just as much. even when he was commenting on yi's storytelling he didn't make fun of her, though - i think she may have inherited the 2k3 don ability of being Completely Unbullyable.
i was really pleased that odyn felt more involved!! i feel like he took the backseat a few times in lost years - it was fun seeing more of his personality shine through! he and yi seem to get on the best, and i giggled at them rolling their eyes at moja and uno's raph-leo schtick. i didn't expect him to TURN TO FUCKING STONE THOUGH, so i'm nervous about that. WHAT DOES IT MEAN? WHO DID THIS TO MY BOY? IS HE GOING TO TURN BACK NEXT CHAPTER OR IS HE OUT OF COMMISSION UNTIL THE END OF THE RUN??? (if it's the latter i'll be a bit annoyed - don't take odyn away from the equation please!!)
I do wonder if by introducing casually that they can PSYCHICALLY CONNECT, the turtles will use that as a technique to reach odyn's mind to make sure he's still in there and piece together what's happened to him. i mean, their casual telepathy has gotta be some sort of chekhov's gun right?
and shit.... april was so fucking mad casey took the babies out so she's going to EXPLODE when she finds out what happened to her baby boy, her beloved favourite, her baby odyn :''(( im giggling rubbing my hands together waiting for the fallout but also if she cries i might cry too. speaking of april, she seems to be working on a new project and i saw nano particles mentioned - are we going to have a roninverse version of nano in this run???? I NEED MY ROBOT SON
as always, casey marie... u have aged like fine wine. u are stunning. disappointed that ur still believing that jiro can do good as a cop when their entire police force and government is corrupt as fuck. just feels very naive of her. i'm excited to see her break down at the concept of losing odyn - in fact i need everyone to mourn this beautiful kid. they tell us so much that shes a super clingy helicopter mom and i am picking up on the strict part, but it would be nice to see more of her just... hugging her kids. holding them. i get why she didnt in this issue but id love more mama casey squishing their cheeks and kissing their foreheads.
i have zero fucking clue what's going on with odyn. im wondering if it's somehow related to nano, or to whatever project April is working on - she says it's to do with clearing the tunnels, but I''m not convinced. who knows, there might be some ulterior motive happening.
Anyway, that's the end of my liveblog!! thanks for reading all the way to the end... go read it wherever you read ur comics!!!
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loopscereal · 5 months
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in honor of golxy dying in the war have an unfinished digitization of the first panel of my scrappy comic abt them.
anyways i headcanon that fox does soccer/futbol , and invites is friends when he can, and one day when neither chica nor bonnie can attend (his first asks), Goldens next in line! Then it becomes a regular occurrence, if their schedules line up.
extras below the cut
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the original scrappy lil panel, close ups to their faces,
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their shoes + close ups to their hands bc im kinda proud of how they came out since i struggles with them a lil bit. my style is simple but the struggle with hands is unavoidable, it seems
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theyre idiots. goldens unaware abt how they feel and fox got lit on fire. i think goldens situation is funny bc they lose the plot via "the hypothetica public in my head would start editing photos and stuff" like sure kid of course they would, you are not imagining just dating him through this weird lil window you crafted. youre not. youre being so realisitc.
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Miku Wrap-up 2022
Another year comes to an end and it's time to look back and reflect, so here's my top 10 favorite Mikus of the year!
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While this has a few janky bits that keep it from being higher up I can't help but adore her smarmy ass look, the foot up on an unoccupied chair and the little details with the dice and the cards.
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This one, inspired by the Bayeux Tapestry, is just so ridiculous I can't help but love it. It's somewhat a spiritual successor to the Goya inspired Miku and emulating the style/appearance of such old art was a joy, as was filling in the gaps with a few Miku related references.
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Speaking of the ridiculous, this Loss meme parody I titled Gain.png still gets me. Doing the Gumi for the body pillow was also fun and Miku is very cute in this.
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I have no idea why I drew this even then but fuck me is it good. Don't think I've drawn a pony since a few poor attempts over a decade before this. I love how AJ came out and the idea of like, Applejack carrying home a drunk Miku while chiding her for having too much cider is so fucking good to me.
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This one is rather simple honestly, but I just love how clear the silhouette is and the highlights from the back lighting. This was inspired by an AURORA concert my sister invited me to.
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Im still very happy with how this came out, especially in regards to the lighting. I feel like I made a lot of headway here as an artist, even if parts of it could stand to be cleaner.
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Hatslimey Migoo looks so relaxed here, the details I was able to include for the room such as the water under the door are great and the small bit of landscape outside the window is something I'm extremely proud of. Had I just a bit more time with this piece I think it could have placed even higher.
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This one's a bit special cuz uh, it's fucking me lmao. Not only is this my high school duds, the location is also based off the liquor store I used to bum around at after school senior year. I still have the pants (they're more shredded now) and the black and white sleeve (actually leg warmers). The only real anachronism is the black nails- my dad wouldn't let me do that cuz he said I'd look like a fag lmao. Looking at this piece brings me just immense amounts of joy and soothes that part of me still in highschool and mad about it.
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Honestly this and the #1 spot are really tough to decide which goes where but I think I'm happy with this. Based off some AI generated text (no doubt written by Miku herself) Not only is this the most successful piece I've done notes-wise it's also my first one where I drew more akin to painting then to coloring cleaned up lines, a process I made a ton of progress with over the year. There's very few things about this I would change (namely a few details in the final panel) but the way this comic is laid out was and is excellent. I feel this piece is the biggest jump in overall quality I had during the year.
Honorable mention:
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While i do adore these, especially the top left and bottom one, there are a few issues that keep it from being in the top 10 properly. I also wanted to avoid this list being just every Hatslimey Migoo piece which actually brings me to the final entry and my favorite Miku of the year 2022-
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The original Hatslimey Migoo, before she even had that name. This piece is very interesting because I had pissed away most of time and couldn't do the Miku I had thought about doing up to that point. Unwilling to do proper anatomy either, because again, I had gotten too wrapped up in runescape and was low on time, It popped in my head that I could make her a slime girl. I can't mess up getting bodily structure right if there is no proper bodily structure after all. The result couldn't have been better. She's so cute and adorable and this is easily the best original design I've yet to do for Miku. I doubt I'll top it for some time. The pieces came together naturally- her color had to be green to give her that Miku color, she had a few spots to give some detail, her arms were bulky to be reminiscent of her sleeves the headset was to help push visually that this was, indeed, Hatsune Miku and her eyes were pink to stand out and draw attention to them. Created in haste, Hatslimey Migoo has gone on to fill my heart with joy (and slime) and if I could pick any of my Mikus to be adopted by the wider vocaloid fan base it would have to be Migoo.
Thats my top 10 for 2022, I'll see you next year to wrap up this year- I'm sure I'll make even better Mikus! If you like these and wish to support me, I have a Patreon where I upload the full PSD, PNG and a 60 second time lapse of the Miku being drawn. It's only 2$ a month and it means a lot to me.
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cassyapper · 2 years
What are your thoughts on each JoJo opening? I'm asking bc I'm so hyped for the second stone ocean op
oh god anon you've opened the gates of hell this might get long
um to make a long story short: while i have my preferences for the music by itself, i do appreciate and respect all the openings to some degree. as for the visuals, i think they're almost all fucking brilliant and some in particular just make me completely insane (we'll get to that)
as for specifics:
sono chi no sadame
musically: I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE TOMMY I LOVE THE JAZZ I LOVE THE FULL FUCKING ORCHESTRA IN THIS SONG I LOVEEEE THE MODERN GUITARS I LOVE THE CHORUS SO MUCH. THIS SONG IS THE FIRST THING I LOVED ABOUT JOJO. the way it escalates and decelerates GOD. this song is a fucking experience. it's so fucking perfect im not even kidding. "JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOJO" lives in my fucking soul that shit echoed in my chest cavity and landed right the fuck in my heart and it never left.
visually: SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD. NOTHING WILL EVER FUCKING BEAT THE BEGINNING WHERE THE FUTURE MAIN-VERSE JOJOS ARE FEATURED AND THEN IT SLAMS INTO THE TITLE AND THEN JONATHANNNNNNNNNNNN OH MY FUCKING GOD. AND HE IS SMILING.... the "animated manga" look for this intro came together so so so fucking well with all the panels and i love the homage paid to the og colors (like when erina had brown hair) just UEHHGHH.. it's so fucking good. also jonathan running up the stairs toward DIOOOOOO AND HOW IT'S REFERENCES WHEN JOTARO MAKES IT UP THE STAIRS IN THE END OF THE WORLD OP GOUGHOHUGHJF;JNJNJWJJ;NJNJNJNJKSENDNKSN;KDN;KS;NJDJNJDJD im actually gonna cry shut the hell up. oh my god
2. bloody stream
musically: literally could not be more perfect. coda has such a gorgeous and unique voice and it fits the blatant modern jazz of this intro SOOOOOOOO well fuck. such a good texture to it. the instruments are swanky and smooth and funky just like joseph and just kjNJDNJFJ;DJ;J. god. oh my god. it's so good. i would literally kill a man to hear this song for the first time again
visually: STUNNING. not as much like symbolism? but the colors and movement are just so GORGEOUS. it comes together SO WELL FUCK. the intro's justice for joseph is so good and also references his og color palette (the purple). UGH IT'S SO GOOD. the bits of suzi and smokey are so cute and lisa lisa is so fucking pretty in this intro. AND CAESAR AND JOSEPH'S DYNAMIC REPRESENTED VISUALLY...IT CAME OUT SO PERFECTLY...also i really fucking love the part where joseph screams with caesar's headband. haunting. UGH. so good
3. stand proud
musically: in the words of my friend maddie, this intro is so naruto-esque, but god dammit it's still so fun. i love jin's voice and the echoes in the chorus i love how fucking Final it feels and i would KILL and DIE for that fucking guitar oh my god. WRRR WRRR WRR WRRRRRRRRRRRRR WRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. god. it makes me so fundamentally sad btw the beginning riff just ehcoes in my soul and frankly makes me want to sob. i want to cry. i want to cry so bad jotaro please. it's so supposed to be fun and hype and epic but it makes me so nostalgic and wistful and ache and i dont know if that was intentional on the muscians' part but god fucking dammit if it isn't at least a few points in their favor because good. LORD.
visually: NOTHING. NOTHING. NOTHING WILL EVER MAKE ME NEED TO EAT DRYWALL AS BAD AS THIS INTRO. except the next one but we'll get to that. oh my god where do i even begin. the movement. the colors. the camera work. oh my god all the spins in this intro make me feel so excited it's like im on a rollercoast or some shit. please and the SYMBOLISM FUUUUUUUUUUCK. the part where jotaro's kneeling down and all his family are above him on his shoulders I HAVE NOT FUCKING KNOWN PEACE SINCE THAT DAY. oh my god an all the shots of the crusaders using their stands FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. it's so good. it'sssnsj;n;wn;kw ;sm nj;
4. sono chi no kioku (the end of the world)
musically: i wasn't a fan when i first heard this intro but now OHHhhdu;djod. i think bringing together all the op singers so far for this song was fucking genius. it's sjksjn IT WAS FUCKING GENIUS. oh my god it makes me so ill. it reminds me that part 3 was originally going to be called heritage for the future like nothing else. fuck. AND THE MUSIC GOES SO HARD THE GUITARIST PUT THEIR ENTIRE PUSSY INTO THIS SONG AND IT CAME OUT SOOOO GOOD. the fucking violins btw too oh my god. THE DRUMS. such a great sense of foreboding. so good. and the harmonies of the singers are so good. oh the way they each sing "crusaaadeeeeeeerrsss" ohhhh oh
visually: NOTHING AND I MEAN NOTHING HAS RUINED ME LIKE THE VISUALS FOR THIS INTRO. the clock gears and pendulums everywhere. the sand. the colors. all of the crusaders fighting so hard. THE LINE UPSSSSSSSSSSSS oh my god when they were in a row during the "ha ha ha HA" part and then on the last ha it turned into their stands FUCK OH MY GOD. the ghosts of his family following jotaro around AGAIN. dio watching and waiting. .... tick tock.... oh my god. oh my god. i mentioned this earlier but jotaro making it to the top of the stairs where Jonathan couldn't FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK AND HOW IT . AND HOW IT. CAUSE JOTAOR INHEREITED JONATHAN'S BATTLE. SO LIKE. TEARS DOWN MY FACE. oh my god it was all perfect. do not get me fucking started on the scene where dio stops time and walks smugly past jotaro and IT NNSNKANSJKS;NJ;SNSDSNJSN AND HE TURNS AND GITHR SKJLSKJ ;S;JKSB;SKSK;S;NSJ ;KSBANA; ;im actually fucking isnane. ohbim sjks; toh j;ks sk; oh this intro has fucking ruined me
5. crazy noisy bizzare town
musically: SO FUCKING FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVED THE RETURN OF THE JAZZ I LOVE HOW IT'S A REFERENCE TO JOSUKE BEING JOSEPH'S SON. it comes together so well i enjoy it so much it bangs so hard I LOVE LISTENING TO THIS INTRO. it always makes me have such a smile on my face. fuck the horns and drums fit together so perfectly and the singer's smooth and calming voice is just so good. this is the song you listen to on the bus to wake yourself up and get optimistic and ready for the day. it's so GOOD. fuck. even the edm version is fun but nothing beats the og
visually: i really missed the 3d openings so i was really disappointed when i started part 4 and saw it switched to 2d intros. HOWEVER the colors and movement in this op were still VERY reminiscent of the 3d style esp the bloody stream op and just god it's so good. it's SO fun to watch fuck. i love how apparent it is that josuke okuyasu and koichi are students i love how it's like "we're in this wacky little town together but it's our town (:" UGH SO CUTE. fuck. oh my god. AND THE LIKE WAY THE INTRO REPRESENTS THEIR STANDS AND HOW KOICHI HAS NOTHING THERE AT FIRST BUT THEN!!! ECHOES APPEARS AND POSES WITH HIM AHGHGHGKL sobbing. so good. fuck. also the shadows that haunt them... OUGH. so good
6. chase
musically: I KNOW THIS INTRO GETS A LOT OF HATE BUT I FUCKING LOVE IT SO MUCH. i love the raw and emotional tone of the singer i LOVE LOVE LOVE A GOOD GUITAR RIFF FUCK i would eat the sounds that electric guitar makes in this song if i could. AND I LOVED THE DRUMS i love how this song is so representative of josuke's fury at injustice. i love how the singer is almost like yelling in the end like "CHASECHASECHASE-E" AUGHH IT . i just think it does an amazing job of representing josuke's mindset during the kira chase especially when kira made it personal by killing shigechi
visually: I LOVE THE BEGINNING SEQUENCE WHERE THEYRE ALL SPINNING TOGETHER AND THEN IT FADES INTO A PHOTO GRAPH AND JUST !!!!!!!! FUCK EVERYTHING. i love the blue color palette in places. i love how we see flashes of kira and his stand and REIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. fuck. oh my god and do not get me started on josuke screaming and reaching, reaching, reaching and the camera turns and we see killer queen's eye in kira's face FUCK. oh my god. actual fucking chills.
7. great days
musically: the horns and drums in this opening just make me want to cry to be quite honest with you. they're just so powerful and fun and it makes me want to jump up and go nuts. this whole song frankly gives me the vibe of a celebration happening in the summer at dusk and you're with the people you love and just having so much fun and it's beginning to cool off and you're all at a comfortable temp and just having so much fun and just existing to the fullest. it makes me so fucking happy. great days indeed king fuck you're so right. oh my god. the way that they didn't even have to edit the song btw for kira's time fuck, they just already had that in the song, and IT STILL SOUNDS SO GOOD. FUCK. makes me think about how you want to make that moment i was talking about earlier last forever. but god. GOD. LET THE VOICE OF LOVE TAKE YOU HIIIIIIIGHER. this song means so much to me and i think it's the fucking PERFECT WAY to end part 4. fuck
8. fighting gold
musically: i wasn't a fan at first of this one either. i did get used to it but it'll never be my favorite. i do love coda's voice though and i love the part right before the chorus sm
visually: i LOVED meeting all the team and their stands in the intro. like all of them just running and doing their thing and looking swag as hell. and the ABUNDANCE of symbolism in this intro. fuck it was so good. i also love how the colors were so fucky wucky almost the whole time, reminds me of cnbt. ugh. i enjoyed it
9. traitor's requiem
musically: eh. it did eventually grow on me but the chorus is the only part of the song i ever grew to full on like. i do like when it picked up and got like faster paced but it just kind was all over the place for me. also no jazz elements for any of the p5 intros. boo.
visually: the whole first part is unnecessary. i get they didn't rlly know what else to animate for it that wouldn't spoil anything but like. idk just half the visuals do literally nothing it's just recapping what we already know. and the like intro where the dude is kissing giorno/diavolo's hand. idk. it would've been fine if that was a shot but the amount of time it had dedicated to it was just. like come on. get on with it. once the intro gets started though it's very fun. twish (: i also love the crumbling of bricks and gio's whole sequence at the end with the stand arrow and shit. ugh so fun i wish the whole intro was like that
10. stone ocean
um and there's that. im so sorry for this word vomit and I'm even more sorry cause i am not gonna proof read it. but yeah these are my thgouths. god bless
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springki · 3 years
Isu 8
heyy i found paragraph to be more comfortable, so yeaa i will continue with this format :D spoiler ahead <3
The episode starts with Papazola and ochobot struggling to get away from the plant monsters that attacked and bind the ship with vines. Ochobot then saved a message to bbb to come save them. The scene then moves to our gang who were hiding inside a big trunk. While in hiding, Ying tried to search info about the monsters only to find out that there are nothing about the monsters in their database. Gopal then named them as Tumbosaur (Tumbuhan+Dinosaur) in which Ying disagreed and thought that the name he gave is ridiculous lol The others started using the name to refer to the monsters tho.
In the midst of it, bbb did not forget their purpose in coming there and asked about the location of pasubot. Just then, the tumbosaurs detected them and invade into the trunk. Our gang fought the tumbosaurs back until the monsters suddenly ran away terrified due to a strong roar (?). It came from a gigantic triceratop-like tumbosaurs that were heading their way! Gempa protected the gang using earth shield ( gempa is really cool in this scene <3) Then, they head to the direction of the pasubot.
On the way, they need to pass through a long trunk that acts as a bridge, connecting two cliffs. Upon reaching halfway, a T-rex tumbosaurs appeared at the end of the trunk :O to make matters worse, the triceratops followed them and were at the beginning of the trunk. So, they are trapped between the two monsters. They have no choice but to fight and prevent the tumbosaurs from stepping onto the trunk, or else they will fall. bbb turns into 3 (duri, hali, solar), Hali and yaya (and gopal too but yknow :v) handled the triceratops while ying, solar, daun handled the T-rex.
The interaction between solar and daun is the highlight in this issue XD as yknow, solar and duri: light and plant fighting a plant monsters. You can already guess the outcome lol. Duri;s power has no effect on the plant and solar's power only make it stronger! These two roasted each other for their fail attempts XD The now stronger T-rex steps on the trunk causing ying, solar and duri to fall. (Yaya was quick enough to save gopal on the other side.) Ying and solar failed to save themselves because they fainted due to being hit by some branches, leaving our boi duri to save the two :D
On the other side, the three successfully stop the triceratops but then were attacked by other tumbosaurs. The monsters binded them with tree vines. Just then, the sun goes down, and the monsters turn into normal plant. The plants only active during the day. The three of them were then approached by a group of indigenous people that said 'jaba'. Bbb tried to communicate with them but they became even furious, and take the yaya, bbb and gopal with them. oh and actually their real langauge is 'baja' (fertilizer) not jaba hMmm
Now to the other side, Ying woke up in the middle of the night, on a leaf boat created by duri. Duri proudly said that they are now sailing on the sea and he had saved them with his power (He looks so proud btw haha) There are bit where solar argue with duri on why he make the boat WITH THORNS, and ying was basically stuck with the two. These three decided to head to the pasubot first.
Back to the other three, They were put on the chair and given fruits by the indigenous people. Then, they heard the laugh of Adudu. Adudu explained that the indigenous people are not cannibal and they only eat fruits and veggies. Surprisingly, Adudu became the leader of the indigenous people?? He then stole the said 'oakuat seed' from bbb (because he wants to ruin bbb's plan and awaken power inside of him) and said that he plan to take the pasubot as well. Yaya questioned why he became the leader, but he won't tell. Then, he and probe head to pasubot location.
Btw, yaya was funny because she keeps on being calm and husnudzon optimistic from the start about the indigenous people even when these three were buried in the earth (only their head is on the surface) while gopal was freaking out the entire time. They were buried to become the 'fertilizers' for the tumbosaurs when the sun rise.
Meanwhile, ying, duri and solar already reached a pyramid that had pasubot inside. In the last panel, duri talked about how excited he is to get the third tier, and solar mentioned that they should quickly get the power sphera and unite with hali or else they will forget again o.o (oh so he still has that problem?) the enddddd
note: IM SORRY idk how this turns out so long gg andd i might post some cute solar and duri in a separate post later ehe
imo: This is actually one of my favourite issue ?? like, I love the interaction between the characters in this issue; the interaction between gopal and ying, solar and duri, ying with solar and duri, yaya and gopal :D there's not much fight in the issue but the plot progression is there. I have noticed a pattern where monsta tends to separate our gang ever since the movie 2, and spoiler! it might happen in the third arc as well. I kinda like it because it feels like many things are going on and the characters' roles are more efficiently used that way i guess :o
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snkpolls · 4 years
SnK Episode 67 Poll Results (for Manga Readers)
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The poll closed with 254 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that these are the results for the Manga Readers’ poll. If you wish to see the results for the Anime Only Watchers’ poll, click here.
RATE THE EPISODE 246 Responses
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The response to this week’s episode remains overwhelmingly positive, with 97.6% of responses giving it a score of 3 or higher. 
This is the first episode where I have absolutely no criticisms, so im quite happy with how it turned out.
Voice acting was top tier
Great Job! I'm glad my favorite character's death was so emotionally misered.
Forget Attack on Titans, this episode was Attack on my Feelings ! 😭
I want to rate it a 1 because of Sasha but a 5 because of how well it was done... so 1.5
Absolutely loved it
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Connie’s heartfelt admission to Jean seems to have stolen the hearts of the plurality of responders (36%). That is followed by a tie of 18.2% responses noting Eren’s breakdown or EMA’S tense reunion as the most emotional moment for them. In third place is Gabi’s tragic declaration about her struggles with 11.3%. Other responses were, in order, Jean lamenting all of the deaths occurring, Gabi and Falco realizing that Zeke betrayed them, Hange scolding Eren for forcing the SC to intervene in Marley and Levi and Eren’s confrontation.
Connie telling Sasha and Jean that they're special to him made my heart hurt knowing what was going to happen mere minutes after. I honestly saw me and my two best friends through them, and it was gut wrenching seeing Connie and Jean's reactions. Even Mikasa's reaction broke me, to be honest. They all lost a huge light in their lives.
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So this question was meant to only go on the anime watchers poll and ended up here somehow. Thanks to the 222 who were good sports and responded anyway! :P The most shocking moments that took place in this chapter/episode was the revelation that Eren went rogue from the Survey Corps, that Zeke was collaborating with the Survey Corps, how the Survey Corps treated Eren, and that some Paradisians seemed to be turning to nationalism, in that order. 
Not sure why we're being asked as manga readers which moment shocked us the most since we already knew everything that was going to happen this week
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When it came to Sasha’s death, it would appear that it broke the hearts of the overwhelming majority of responders, with 81.1% giving it a rating of either 4 or 5 on the tragic scale. 
Broke my heart and I'm still crying over it three days later. Honestly though, it was greatly done. 
3 years later it hit me, Sasha is dead ;_;
Cried my whole soul and body. Rip sweet Sasha
I thought Sasha's death would've been more emotional.
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Sasha’s death elicited various reactions from the main cast. Two different responses tied at 36.4% noting Connie and Mikasa’s reactions to Sasha's death as the one affecting them the most. This was followed by Eren’s at 13.2%. The rest were, in order, Armin, Jean, Levi and Hange. 
I don’t cry at fiction much, but Sasha’s death got me more than I thought it would. I feel like seeing Armin and Mikasa’s reactions in particular is what got me.
The way they animated Armin and Mikasa bawling over Sasha's body and the inclusion of Call Your Name made it all the more emotional. I think by "Assassin's Bullet" they also meant a bullet through my heart because man did that hurt to watch. 😭🤧
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A bit of a joke question, but we wanted to know if Levi appeared as threatening as he seemed. 80.2% seems to think so, admitting their incentive to piss their pants. In contrast, 19.8% don’t think the Captain’s such a scary guy!
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“Ashes on the Fire” has been released to rave reviews, with 88.1% of responses giving it a 4 or a 5. Nobody gave it a 1, either. Yamamoto-san, thank you!
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In spite of the relatively vocal complaints about the adaptation of certain elements of the Marley Arc, it would appear that the overwhelming majority of responders seemed pleased with it, with 51.4% giving it 5 and 37.1% giving it a 4. 1s not present. 
I've been a bit bothered how Mappa follows the Manga like a slave, using the panels as scenes and not adding anything in between. Sure it works for Manga, but it feels weird to me to watch in Anime how Eren grabs Armins hand and they don't give a transition where Armin pulls him in, but just show him inside the airship next. Just little things, but bothers me a bit. Overall I'm really enjoying their choices.
The show looks BETTER
I was fine with the episode. The quality of animation dropped but I understand that every scene cannot be animated on highest level. MAPPA has done a great job with the Marley arc. They shown the character development and bonds between the warriors perfectly. We had some cuts here and there but overally was okay: 8/10 for me. 
I’m so pleased that MAPPA has taken the anime. I’m still more of a fan of this particular series’ manga than anime though.
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As noted above, Sasha’s death seemed to be a hard hitter for most. Comparison of the adaptation vs the original allows to discern which hit the readers/watchers the hardest. Just one percent shy of a majority (49%) thought that the anime made it much more tragic. 30.9% noted that the impact was roughly similar across both mediums. On the flip side, 10.4% thought that the initial depiction of it in the manga was the hardest hitter. There were also a couple of write-ins. 
I dont remember I sped run reading the manga, kinda regretting it
I knew it for the first time in the manga, so it had a more powerful impact (I cried for a whole week. Not kidding) and the anime managed to make me cry as hard as in the manga. Though, I already was aware and grieved so it wasn't as bad
Got Spoiled :( so kinda meh, saw it coming
When the music kicked in after Connie announced she was gone, my heart broke into a million pieces. 
Let's be honest, Sasha's role was over after she killed the titan in the village and saved Kaya. After that she was just there. She got zero development, zero important moments, zero depth. Her death effected many characters and helped them to develop. Sasha's death was sad but at least brought some important changes in others. 
Not a Sasha fan so I was not really that affected but having a death in the series always feels sour
I think for me, they're both even.....mostly. There's just something about having been waiting for the chapter leaks on reddit with a bunch of other people and most of us collectively grieving at the same time. Once bigger pages of the chapter started coming out, it made me cry. I didn't even cry during serumbowl when I first read it and that had plenty for me to be even more upset about.
Honestly while reading manga I hated that Sasha’s last word was „meat”, it seemed so ridiculous. I’m happy MAPPA made it look more serious with music. Actually everyone’s reaction for Sasha’s death had more impact on me than the death itself
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Gabi is perhaps the most controversial character introduced post-time skip. Whether you’re a proud member of the Gabi Gang, proud hater of the 12 year old or just a neural party, everyone can admit that. With Sasha’s death at her hands, many seemed to offer up their opinion on the kid, back then and now. A slight plurality, 31.2%, stated that they did not hate her back when 105 first released and they don’t hate her now. 23.1% note that although they were rather upset with her back down, they are not (upset/angry) any longer. On the flipside, 25.5% state that they still hate the kid, as they did back then. Finally, some were simply neutral. Classic. 
Quite a few write-ins, as well.
I hated her in the manga but after watching the anime, I’m not happy about it but I understand why she did what she did and don’t hate her as much anymore.
I was extremely upset about it before and am still extremely upset about it now, but for different reasons. I hate her less but am not any less annoyed by her brainwashed hatred of the Paradisians, although I understand her much better and realize and empathize that she's just a kid who's been used by her country in the worst way.
Gabi Braun Must Die
Broke my heart and was upset, but understood where she was coming from (thought about her perspective only)
Sasha shoulda killed this cunt while she had the chance
It’s war, she did as she needed to.  Her arc is fantastic 
love hate relationship 
I didn't like her but not because of Sasha death (that's war consequence) and it's the same now
I really hated her with my whole heart and soul, but now that it has been all explained, that she had character development, I even like her now
I used to be angry about it but I understand why now, Gabi is just a victim of Marley’s control just like anyone else is, it’s a shame this is the results of it. She’s still at fault but I can’t hate her so much for it
I feel tired of Gabi hate. I disliked her in the manga back then but now I feel neutral towards her, because she has changed. Yet, I wish she took less screentime. 
SORRY for ranting! I don't understand the hate on Gabe. Yes, I know she killed a Paradise character which was present in series since its beginning and I understand Sasha's fans are upset Sasha is not here anymore because of her. but those people do not analyse Gabe as they should be. Every character belongs to a different side and each side is blinded by what heir belives in. It is okay to not like Gabe but I don't tolerate hate on her. I THINK THIS QUESTION SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN INCLUDED AT ALL.
Initial hate, understanding after some thought
Understanding her situation I know I shouldn’t hate her, but I’m choosing to be petty and hate her anyway 
I liked her much more than I like her now. She was a much better character back then, her killing Sasha (a one-note comedic relief) was cool and brought some spice to the story. Now she just exists to spout themes and convenient exposition and to be an aimbot
i dislike her, even if i understand her
I dont like Gabi. Never did. It isnt because she killed Sasha tho. I just dont care for Gabi tbh BUT i can totally understand her actions and do not blame her for it after seeing the destruction and killings
I was and still am upset about Sasha's death, but from the start I blamed it more on the circumstances than Gabi.
I loved her then, I love her now and it probably wouldn’t change even if she killed my favourite characters. She’s my cinnamon roll
Gabi did nothing wrong, killing a soldier in the battlefield is not a crime.
See, I WANT to like Gabi since she's obviously changed, but knowing she killed Sasha nonetheless will ALWAYS prevent me from having any love or respect for her. She will always be my most hated character
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MAPPA added an extra scene of Floch and Friends raining down copious amounts of gratuitous violence upon two 12 year olds (MAPPA is pro-child violence???????? Find out when 111 is adapted). 48.8% seemed to think that it was a decent addition, even if just for the SC’s characterization (or perhaps you enjoyed seeing that?). 22.5% thought it was a bit over the top to feature. Finally, 16.7% did not care. 
I didn't like it. But, it was def a believable reaction from them.
I just wish it was enough to kill her
I liked the additional characterization of Floch & co.
Great addition, it was implied in the manga so the scene fitted well. Still, it was horrifying to see how vile the scouts were to two kids
How about an option where we're glad Gabi got beaten to a pulp but not when Falco was?
ORA ORA thing, but we viewers get hurt too. 
Didn't feel bad about Gabi getting beat up, but I did feel bad seeing Falco get beat up. Poor boy didn't deserve that
A nice addition 
I thought it was a great choice to highlight the continuing violence and feelings of vengeance from both sides even more. and I thought it contrasted really well with Jean's decision not to throw the kids out of the airship.
The people glorifying this scene annoy the shit out of me
It's a good way to hint the "Yaegerist" perspective to anime onlies
The Gold Experience memes are funny
It was an IC scene for people like Floch + I feel bad for the kids
The way they shot that scene made the recruits seem like mindless, gross-faced animals storming towards the kids to beat them up. I liked how they were dehumanised like that, considering that most faces amongst them belonged to the ones who support the rumbling. 
It hurt to see that but good scene though
Feel empathy for Gaby. Violence don't solve problems
Now THAT'S what I call fan service! Who needs big-boobed, big-ass females or shirtless guys with and when you can just have the most hated character get the tar beaten out of them xD
I can see why they did it. MAPPA's not dumb and I'm sure they anticipated a massive onslaught on hate towards Gabi specifically, so it was their way of trying to satisfy the haters. Falco didn't deserve it tho.
It was a good addition
I hate Gabi too but that was too much beating up a child, yet it also showed how shit Floch and the others are.
Apparently some people never noticed that Gabi and Falco got beat up, probably because it happened in the background. So it was good for MAPPA to call attention to it.
I love Gabi but she had that coming. No need to hurt Falco though. :(
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The reveal that ZOOK has been working against Marley for years on end is one of the most important ones in the series, really. So it was important to have it be executed in a rather decent manner. The vast majority of the fandom thought that MAPPA did a fine job. 52.1% gave it a rating of 4, 27.5% gave it a 5 and 17.1% gave it a 3. The couple of the other respnders gave it a 2, with no 1s.
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A question to remember… Were Eren’s actions in Marley ultimately “justified”? A plurality, 44.6% seems to think so. In contrast, 24% disagree. And 31.4% still aren’t sure to this day.
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When it comes to the SC treating Eren as they did, the division is much less pronounced however. The majority, 60.7%, think that the SC had quite the justification for treating Eren as they did. On the flip side, 19.7% think that there was such justification for behaving in such a manner towards Eren. Finally, the same amount of responses stated that still can’t be sure to this day.
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YELENA is here. Queen 👑. Or well, maybe not. Who am I to say? In any case, her appearance was received well. 52.7% thought MAPPA did very well and 33.7% went on to declare their love for her. Just shy of 10% noted that MAPPA could have done a little better though. 
Kinda wish her hair was like neon or something idk
Need more eps of her to decide, she didn't get much screentime and lines here. 
I don't like Yelena, but yeah I guess they did good.
In the manga she was a creepy-looking person. MAPPA made her unique, interesting and mysterious. I love her voice and her stoic, relaxed self. MAPPA did a good job.  
Great adaptation but I still don't like her as a character
Don’t care about her 
don't really care
I hate her and I don't care about her.
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Such a colorful chart for this one. It would appear that slightly over a quarter look most forward to seeing Crykasa at Sasha’s grace. Slightly less (21.9%) want to see Sasha enjoying Niccolo’s cuisine. In third place is the scene with Connie, Jean, Mikasa and Niccolo at Sasha’s grace. The rest are, in order from most to least, Onyankopon and Yelena teaching the Survey Corps about the Port, EMA talking at the shooting range and Hange and Armin learning about Marley’s technology.
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The time skip flashbacks seem to be a hit. A little over 51% are super stoked about seeing them animated. Slightly under 24% state that they’ll enjoy them, but are looking forward to other things more. In contrast, 22.6% are ready to go crazy (from a positive standpoint)! Wooo! 
Enjoying AND dreading it at the same time
I just want the centipede
Boring. The only thing what interests me is Historia teasing Mikasa about her crush on Eren. The rest is too jolly. 
I'm looking forward to see Yelena's insane self be animated. That, and more Zeke.
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The manner in which the Season will end is a mystery to even the manga readers. Where will it end? Will it have many cuts? These are the questions. 36.6% seem to think that MAPPA will somehow manage to both end it at Chapter 122 and cut as little as possible. 26.5% don't believe ending on 122 is possible. 12.2% do believe MAPPA will end the Season on 122, but only with many notable cuts. Finally, just a little under 20% are simply not sure. There were a few write-ins as well. 
I hope not, too many cuts would be required 
The is no way they're making it up to 122, at first I thought they were going to finish it off with Eren's head getting blown off in 119, but now that seems like a reach too. Now I think MAPPA is probably going to end this first half of the season with Eren and Pieck's "where is the enemy?" and the warriors arriving to Shiganshina 
I’m not sure right now so I’ll have to see for later episodes for the cut-off point, if it isn’t the Rumbling then it’ll be when Gabi shoots Eren
I'm conflicted. I'm sure they'll end at rumbling because it's the only reasonable point to cut it, but I feel like they're running out of episodes. Then again I'm feeling the same about the state of Manga, there's just too little chapters left to end things up well.
I don't really want to think too much about it, I just want to enjoy the anime lol
I fully expect 119 to be the end
What was the point of rushing Reiner's chapters if you are going to slow down later. Goddamn it MAPPA. 
It'll really depend on the pacing for the next couple episodes, but I'm with a bulk of the fandom that see Chapter 119 Two Brothers being the end point for The Final Season. IF they were to skip the opening and maybe the ending, I can see them transitioning from Eren's head getting blown off immediately into his transformation and the beginning of the Rumbling. But even that is quite farfetched. 
I have no idea, I'm a little worried now. Wouldn't be the first time a lot of content gets cut but if they insist on reaching ch. 122, I just don't see how you do that without butchering a lot. If that happens, it would probably lessen my enjoyment of the season.
Yeah, I think it will have a lot of cuts, but I believe that it will get there because Ymir falling in the tree was in the trailer
It's amazing seeing how each week, something with SnK trends! ^^
It still baffles me just how much people insist on hating Gabi, especially when her arc has shown tremendous growth in the manga. Reiner was no better than her when he was a child and continued to insist that Paradisians are devils and chose to further destroy their lives even after sleeping under the same roof as the 104th for 3 whole years and forming personal bonds with them. Yet, his actions are forgivable but Gabi's are not? Both characters have shown remorse for their former beliefs and misdeeds against Paradisians. Both realized that they were in the wrong. The characters have forgiven Gabi. Why can't y'all do the same? People who want Gabi to suffer are no better than they accuse her of being. 
Well done episode which managed to capture the emotions of sasha's death perfectly
I really appreciate Gabi as a character. She has spunk and a strong character arc in which she changes and grows more than anyone in the last 30 chapters of the manga, save maybe Mikasa (ignoring how Eren, Reiner, Armin and maybe a few others changed during the timeskip). It makes me sad seeing people wishing for her to die and praising Floch and the others for kicking her.
Gabi absolutely deserves the hate she gets
I absolutely love to see the anime-onlies mass hate of GabBitch, does my heart good xD
Boring ,too much Gabi she is annoying
Time to strap in: wild ride ahead!
Gabi Braun is the WORST character, her arc was poorly written and the moment she kills Sasha solidifies her rightful place as most hated character
No development has made me stop hating Gabi. The wound of Sasha's death will ALWAYS overshadow any crocodile tears Gabi may cry.
Kudos to Jean's and Connie's voice actors. Emotions were so raw and natural.
so good! they're really nailing down the emotional beats so far!
Dialogue-heavy but still amazing! Also the music was great
I didn't felt anything when Sasha died. Even the first time, in the manga. She hasn't enough personnality for me to care. Erwin and Bertolt's death were more saddening for me. Stop hating Gabi. She was in grief and she did what Marley brainwashed her to. And Sasha killed people right in front of her, so…
1 chapter was too little to be adapted for an episode, you could tell some scenes were stretched to fit the runtime
The music they chose for the scene of Sasha passing was also the same music they used when the Survey Corps first donned their capes and Eren found out Marco was dead... man, that song is gonna hit harder than ever now
It didn’t help with the overwhelming amount of hate Gabi is getting. I hope Mappa does her justice because she’s a great character but the Anime only seem to hate her because its a “funny” “popular” thing but it really isn’t... shows who really is paying attention to the story and the people who are watching it because it’s popular and trendy 
People who are hating on Gabi do not understand the themes portrayed in AoT
Pretty solid overall. Wonderful bits of animation such as the ODM bits and the solid character acting from Sasha going down, Mikasa and Armin is distress, personal highlight being Gabi's reload animation. Good ost choices, nice addition of Samuel and Daz to foreshadow their conflict later on in the story, and great work from Connie, Gabi and Eren's VAs.
Friendly reminder that just because we hate Gabi does NOT mean we don't "understand" the story or themes. We just don't care because Gabi is a bad character.
U mad at Gabi for what she did ? Did she kill Potato girl for no reason? Imgine a kid, at least 3 years younger than the 104th, made fighting on WARS and praised for it, brainwashed by Marley that Paradisians are devils, and these devils came in her home, killing her friends and this WOMAN killed in front of her eyes two people who tried to protect her. Don't be mad at Gabi. Grieve for Sasha, okay, but stop hating Gabi. You're the worst when you do it
Hey Gabiatans: as long as you're not threatening the VA or other RL p olle, it's PERFECTLY fine to hate Gabi. Period. We don't have to like her, and it's not like we don't "understand" her just because we hate her. I "understand" a lot of Germans were forcibly coerced into joining the Nazi regime, but I don't have to pity then for any consequences that came for them.
I was surprised that Mikasa and Armin crying over Sasha had no voice over. I thought it was still effective but I'm not sure if I prefer it. Other than that, the character animation was amazing this episode. Gabi's hands as she reloaded the rifle and Armin crying were my favorites. Overall, everything was pretty perfect and I love it when a chapter gets adapted in full with basically no cuts. One of the best episodes in the series and a proper send off for Sasha.
Wonderfully done episode! They truly did Gabi and Falco's perspectives justice. Also, seeing Eren's expressions and reactions in animated format was clarifying and super well done, too!
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Thanks again to everyone who participated! 
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wonwvoo · 4 years
Content Creator Year in Review
tagged and mentioned by the talented people @xuseokgyu, @coupsnim, @uriboogyu, @myunqho, @art-hao thank you so much for either tagging me or mentioning me in this, im so happy and sorry it took so long ;-;
first creation of 2020:
ahh it was this fear gfx i made when i came back to tumblr
most recent creation of 2020:
joshua one i did for his birthday!
one of your favourite creations from 2020:
its my wonwoo one ;-; i love love how the first panel turned out
a creation you are really proud of:
probably my poster one, because i determined myself to use scenes from the mv as background and im glad it turned out pretty
a new style you tried this year and a work that uses it:
mingyu one, it was my first time to do a themed one and it was kinda harder than i thought to follow a certain theme
a creation that took you forever:
joshua brithday one, i started it at the start of december but i kept changing my mind and i think i had abut 10 different panels to choose from, it was painfulll
your creation from 2020 that received the most notes:
my poster one! im glad it got the most notes, that is the only gfx i made i think its pretty
a creation you think deserved more notes:
my wonwoo one ;-; i love this set and i think it deserved more love but it is what it is and we move on :))
a new fandom you joined and a creation you made for it:
hmm i didnt do this but i guess i came back to tumblr after like 4 years? does that count..
a creation you made that breaks your heart:
i dont really think i have one? but maybe my dwc one because it turned out pretty but i wanted to make way different one and it wasnt turning out the way i wanted to so i just went with it
a simple creation that you really love:
wasnt really simple to make but again my wonwoo one hahaha can you see how bitter i am 
a creation that was inspired by another one:
i dont think i have one?
a favourite creation created by someone else & some of your favourite cc from the year:
im gonna combine these two bc ill mention some of my fav cc and fav creators from them! i wont be tagging any of you bc i think its too late? but please feel free to do it if you havent already done so id love to see it and also bc i wanted to mention those who mentioned me :)
@xuseokgyu: its this one for sure! i still remember thinking it was a real poster, belle is the best when it comes to doing posters for fanfics, id never have the determination and skill to do something for so specific
@coupsnim: i never properly looked at your edits, damn all of them is so nice. you know how people press flowers in books? somehow it makes feel the same way, so delicate and elegant? i cant find the words but i love all of your edits, if i had to mention one its this one! its so retro-ish but so different retro feeling, i cant describe it well but pls know i love it!! also shinee blog? im coming for this blog when i revamp my blogs
@uriboogyu: i also never properly looked at your stuff and there is so much pretty stuff on there, i just fell in love instantly when i saw this tho! i love the transitions, typos and everything, the patience to do these kind of edits? i admire, and your love for bread seungkwan is so cute ;-; (we are mutuals btw hehe my main blog is not this one so you were probably confused)
@myunqho: i love your colouring so much!! they all look so soft, i think they are the prettiest gifs ;-; but if i had to choose one, its this one. when i saw the colouring in this, i gasped, its sooo pretty
@art-hao: i love love this one!! i used to buy these japanese fashion magazines when i was in high school and it reminded me so much of those! thank you for mentioning my poster, please know this edit also stole my heart and hasnt returned it. also i love your unfinished thingy, it looks so pretty!!
and some of my favs:
@johajaho: i love this art, i feel blessed whenever i look at it, i love your style!
@seungwoonies: this one is so colourful i love it, positioning of those three, the typo, colours, everything!!
& so much more, but my small brain can’t remember a lot now. im so glad caratrevival happened and there were so much good content out there. i hope 2021 blesses us with a lot more creations and let’s support each other bc now i know why people were saying blogs only like and not reblog, it is painful ;-;
and also happy new year!! hope everyone enjoyed little bit of holiday spirit even in this tough times :)
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voidselfshipp · 4 years
The Copper Wars
Chapter 5
Ok to rb
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'Hey dad....I hope this letter finds you well.
I know I havent written in a while,im sorry I was very busy.
Im working with some folk now, kicking ass, the usual.
The town we lived in was raided by robots, Its some sci-fi bullshit I know...but these folks that im working with, they are battling against them.
I... Also seem to have feelings for six of them...I might need your advice on this....
I also sent you some trinkets and some photos of me,I hope Ill hear about you soon.
With love,your son.
Jerico finished writing his letter and put it inside the envelope that then went into a small box with some small treats,some photos and some dried flowers;he wrapped the box in some nice paper and made sure to tie it up so nothing would scape.
After delivering that to miss pauling, he went back to work on forge.
The big robot was almost done,the circuits,the mechanisms were all done,he needed to weld the last Copper metal sheets and he was done.
And thanks to engie, they did finish it by mid day.
The robot came to life with the whistle of the steam coming out of the big pipes,its belly shone with bright red glow,all seemed oķay,after some test,Like making it eat the scaffolding around it,and then,it grabbed the molten metal form ite opened panel in its exposed stomach/inner forgery shaping it into a big sword,they Turned it off and the night was bound to be celebrated.
However, as soon as the test finished, engie pulled jer to one side.
--We did it engie! In record time!
--Yes we did,and I say this is worth celebratin!--the texan smiled playfully, and pulled blacksmith in a sudden kiss,they had confessed after their obvious crush started to interfere with their work,so engie took the bravery to tell him,and got the most wonderfull answer, Jeri returned his feelings, so a good kiss was the best way to seal said confession.
At night They all went to the same town they went when jerico first arrived, and headed to a pub to celebrate, they were one step closer to defeating grey manns army.
Jeri had excused himself to go outside and catch a breather, unbeknownst to him, spy was outside too.
--Congratulations on finishing that proyect of yours jerico--Spy said letting out the smoke of his cigarrete.
--Thanks spy...I cant Belive we actually finished it so fast...im so proud of it
The frenchman had moved closer to him,and his free hand brushed his.
Jer looked at his companion and tilted his head,witha soft smile.
Spy tried to fight back a smile as his gaze met his crushes.
Stomping his cig, he sighed, and fixed his suit,anxious about his Next move.
Jerico took his hand, making him startle,but then look once again at him.
--I havent realized how cute you looked until now--Blacksmith said, squeezing hid hand Gently.
Spy felt at a loss for words as jers free hand went up to his cheeks.
--You havent been sleeping much have you?--the frenchman shooked his head.
--i never have a good night sleep
--Well...those dark circles under your eyes make you look even more handsome
--W what?
--I know what youre trying to do spy, if youre gonna kiss me, then just do it
--it seems like youve found me out ....--his companion said a bit ashamed.
--Youre not subtle at all , you known that right?
He hears him snort, and nodd--Appparently im not...
Jerico then hugged his neck and kissed him, the frenchmans arms hug his waist and push him to the wall.
They gasp softly for air,then pressing their foreheads togheter.
--You know what?i think we should get inside...--Jeri said.
--Lets just....lets just stay like this for a bit longer...oui?
--Hmm okay...
The rest of the night was then spent around town,buying some snacks or small trinkets.
Once jerico arrived at his room he collapsed on the bed, snoring softly,and into a peacefull sleep.
That wasnt much peacefull the Next day, he woke up to the sound of scout screeching while running for his dear life.
Apparently,Jeremy had touched heavys gun,Sasha, and well...poor thing had put his life on the line.
As he made his breakfast, he felt an arm wrap around his neck, he saw demo with a huge smile on his face--'ello lad! Good mornin!
Jeri smiled softly and looked at his face,trying to find all the details he could, he was very handsome.
--Are ye gonna kiss me or somethin'?--demoman meant this as a joke, until of course,jer did in fact kiss him quickly--Were do ye think yer going huh!?--the scottish Man grabbed him by his hand and kissed him again--Now thats a kiss!
Jeri couldnt help but giggle like a schoolgirl the rest of the morning.
In the afternoon, blacksmith decided to run some test, interrupted by some stolen kisses from engie ,wich made him giggle even more.
--jerico!--medic called out--could jou go and check on sniper?hes been in his nest all day,and he needs to eat with Us
Friday nights such as these was the only time the mercs would get along,and everyone was to eat togheter, but the food is almost done and sniper is no-where to be seen.
So, jerico nodded and Walked outside, and up the water tower, making sure to knock first, so
A, he wont get a bullet between his brows,and B,not scare the living daylights out of his aussie friend.
And talking about him.
He knew the rest were confessing to jerico,the only two that havent done it were medic and himself,and he was anxious about it.
He wasnt the best when feelings were involved so he did the only thing he knew,that was isolate himself.
--hey sniper foods almost ready
--Oh...ill be there in a bit--sniper lowered his rifle and scratched the back of his neck.
--Everything okay?...you seem off
--Its nothin ta worry about
Jeri sat besides him--Still whats up...?,do you want to talk?
His whole face started to heat up,and he looked away.
Jeris hand grabbed his chin softly, and made him look at him.
--Come on whats up?
Without any warning sniper saw his chance and kissed him.
--Thats whats happenin roo
Jer started to giggled and kissed him again,hugging his neck peppering his face with kisses.
The aussie started to laugh,softly--Alroight enoughs enough come on...foods almost ready...
--yeah lets go...im starving
After dinner,jeri went and opened up the package that was left for him.
There was a letter and some small gifts.
'Hey son' his fathers handwriting read'im glad youre okay.
I understand you had your hands full.
Im okay, ive traveled Back home and I plan to stay a while,I missed this.
Your aunts told me that they miss you, and they cant wait to see you.
Eryz,ozi and vel sent you some treats.
And about that love advice, its what I always say, trust your gut boy, look good, and be smooth, thats all.
I love you,stay safe.
Jeri smiled, and looked at what was inside the box.
Some treats,and some photos of his dad and his aunts.
Jerico sighed with nostalgia and went to sleep, his cats curled besides him.
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isaackuo · 5 years
Starco Week5 Wrap-up!
This week was really fun! It was nice for someone to actually see the silly comics I draw! Normally, hardly anyone even notices so I rarely put in the effort of a multi-panel comic.
Here are links and explanations to my Starco Week 5 comics:
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The one that started it all for me! I actually didn’t even notice there was a Wedding prompt later in the week. I just saw a post about “Awkward Dating Moments” and the Kellco shipper in me thought of a cute little comic that MAXIMIZED STARCO AWKWARDNESS.
So I thought, why not? It was only 3 little panels, and it mostly involved me drawing Kelly - who I find easy to draw. And I thought it was freaking hilarious.
This comic refers to Booth Buddies, a “memorable” episode among us Starco shippers. In it, Kelly and Marco are on a wedding date, until Star Butterfly yoinks Marco away to the infamous photo booth. Then things get a little weird. In this comic, Kelly gets back by yoinking Marco to be her breakup buddy “booth buddy”, when Marco and Star are on a “wedding date” ...
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This one was the toughest for me, and also the weakest. I don’t follow AUs and I’m not used to thinking in terms of AUs. I tried to study the Bad Boy AU a bit, but I couldn’t think of any funny jokes for it. Honestly, I just went with the first idea I finally thought of which was vaguely funny.
This comic references a few of the “bad” things canon Star actually did:
1) Trash a cop car in Star vs Echo Creek
2) Shoot a cop chopper out of the sky in Sad Teen Hotline
3) Murder the MHC in Cleaved
But “nice” AU Star wouldn’t do that stuff, right? So Bad Boy Marco picks up the slack for her. So ... it’s funny? I dunno, I think my sense of humor is too obtuse a lot of the time. You really need to be in deep with the show to even remember the stuff I’m referencing and make the connections?
I guess either you “get it” or ... oh well.
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Haha, this one was “controversial”. I mean ... if you read my stuff then you know I think Star was addicted to the thrill of having both Marco and Tom, the same way Marco was addicted to the thrill of two timing with Star and Hekapoo (in Night Life). I think this was cute and tragi-comic, and it’s one of my favorite parts of Star Butterfly’s character. Let her have her distinctive flaws, okay?
But apparently this also cuts a bit too close to home, since it’s one of the things hardcore Tom stans criticize Star for (both the character and the show).
Anyways ... while everyone else was going sweet lovey-dovey, I went a bit freaky. I mean ... I think of this as romantic, but maybe I’m just weird that way. Like ... just imagine. Marco Diaz consoling Star every night for breaking up with Tom, and then he gets hit by “Mind Eraser” so he gets to do it again tomorrow. Isn’t that romantic?
This comic is based on the “Mind Eraser” spell Eclipsa teaches Moon in Total Eclipsa the Moon. It’s one of my favorite spells to make jokes around, because it’s basically the flashy thing from Men in Black.
So I ponder ... what if Star really went all out using “Mind Eraser” and she went completely nuts taking advantage of it on Marco Diaz? Okay, in Here to Help, Star rushed to skip the awkward talky talky stuff and went straight for a kiss first. Maybe she’s used to it because she’s had the confession talk with Marco dozens of times already?
Oh, I also snuck in a joke referring to how Tom didn’t let Star kiss him on the lips after they broke up. As such, the only actual Tomstar kiss shown was the Lava Lake Beach kiss Marco saw from a distance. A bit mean to the Tomstar shippers, don’t you think?
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Road Trip was a challenge for me. I wanted to minimize drawing effort since my arm was sore, but I also wanted to depict a long amount of time. So I was thinking of them taking turns driving, but I switched to a bicycle based on Honey and Clover. Using a bicycle also allowed posing them in cute ways not available with a car, so it all worked out!
I was also thinking to try and cram in a joke about Star not being able to just use magic - using the Thor reaction gif to Steve Rogers not having the internet to look up the weather meme ... but ultimately it just didn’t fit. Also, I wanted to minimize drawing effort.
Not much going on here - there’s really only one joke. But the cuteness of Star slumping on Marco really sells this one. Apparently, everyone else also thought so, since this ended up being pretty popular.
Oh, I suppose the sheer absurdity of doing an interstate bicycle trip eastward from the California coast is also a bit funny.
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I initially struggled with this prompt. I mean ... crossover double date? It’s just weird to me. How do they even know each other? How did they meet? It makes no sense?
Well, a classic Douglas Adams writing trick is to take what you’re stuck on and turn it around. And so I did. How do they even know each other? THEY DON’T. It’s just some random “Fight Club App” meetup. Once I had that epiphany, it was a matter of figuring out what couple would be the funniest to fight ...
I’m proud of all the jokes I packed in here. Of course, we start off with the fact that this “date” is a random “Fight Club App” thing. Not only that, but it’s a Sword Fight Club. Like that’s a thing. You’re just going to randomly fight some strangers with swords. Like you’re in freaking Highlander except there’s no Prize or whatever.
But it’s funny because getting into some random fights is indeed the sort of thing Star and Marco would do for a fun date! Same with Steven and Connie, really (although this is more along the lines of Steven and Amethyst wrt Tiger Millionaire).
Then there’s the fact that Marco Diaz wore baby Mariposa to a sword fight. Who even does that? Oh right ... Queen Solaria and Queen Eclipsa. Which fandom didn’t question at all ... we just thought it was cute.
Star’s “We’re fighting kids?” is a reference to Alone Together, when Kevin freaks out that Stevonnie is actually two kids.
Marco is okay with fighting a kid, since his Season 1 karate nemesis was 8 year old Jeremy Birnbaum (remember him?).
The slit eyes Mariposa give Steven are based on the way baby Meteora looks at Marco.
Connie’s right - Star and Marco are 15 ... not all that much older than she is. But Star has been through a lot of serious stuff making her grow up young. She has lost touch with what teenagers even do (as she noted in Cornonation).
Star’s shocked at Steven’s age the same way Connie was shocked when she learned Steven’s age.
Even though Steven’s age disconnect is caused by wibbly wobbly gem hybrid growth rates, Marco assumes it’s because he “Did time in the Neverzone”. I had fun rewording that phrase until it implied something like doing a prison sentence.
The final kicker is baby Mariposa revealing she’s almost as old as Connie. This calls up fandom mixed feelings about Neverzone age ambiguity and what the heck this implies after Gone Baby Gone. And I mean ... you all saw it coming, right? You knew baby Mariposa had to be there for a reason, right? It’s funny because you see it coming a mile away.
Needless to say, this one is the one I’m most proud of. I had so much fun writing and rewriting it in my head until it was perfect! The only bad thing is that you need to be pretty familiar with both Star vs the Forces of Evil and Steven Universe to get all the jokes. But hey ... my sense of humor is obtuse like that.
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This was another tough one. I already blew my best wedding joke on Day 1, and I didn’t even notice there was a Wedding Day prompt at the time!
I struggled and struggled to come up with anything. So I just latched onto the first joke I came up with. In lieu of good jokes, I tried to sell this one with sweet cute character art showing Tom being dashing and Starco being lovey dovey. Still ... this is one of my weaker ones.
Obviously this is based on the Blood Moon Ball/Curse, but this time Tom’s hitting them with a different curse - the Honey Moon Curse.
As we find out in Curse of the Blood Moon, Star didn’t pay attention to the MC and she thought the Blood Moon light was just a fun party light. So in this comic, she’s just obliviously caressing Marco while he questions what Tom means.
I initially thought of Tom explaining that he was confused about what Marco had previously meant when he said he wanted a “honeymoon”. But then, I thought it would be funnier if it’s simply ambiguous whether or not Tom is being spiteful or a silly practical joker or what. Sometimes it’s funnier when there’s a psychological tension - you don’t know what Tom’s thinking/feeling.
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Another one which was initially tough for me. I’m just not familiar with AUs, so I knew I’d have to make up my own. But what? Nothing clicked until ... TOY STORY! After that stroke of brilliance, there were too many ideas. The hard part was paring things down into a manageable short comic.
I’m most proud of the INSANE look of Princess Star tapping her Wand at Diaz. And also the Pony Head box for Princess Star.
Anyway, the great thing about Toy Star is that I didn’t need to fill in much detail in order for the reader to imagine a whole world around it. I mean ... we all know and love Toy Story. It’s part of our cultural consciousness. So it’s really easy to imagine some fun enemies-to-buddies story just from a few suggestions.
The boxed Princess Star bonking Diaz off the bed is actually not quite how it happened in Toy Story. But close enough! (We don’t actually get to see the majesty of a boxed Buzz Lightyear until Toy Story 2.)
Princess Star has ball jointed arms similar to Buzz Lightyear while Diaz is a flexible stuffed doll like Woody. I left off “Butterfly” because “Princess Star” feels more self centered and self important.
Diaz is named “Diaz” just to make Jackie’s line sound more intimate and personal.
Mermaid Jackie is, of course, a reference to the popular fan theory that Jackie was a mermaid. This “Sunny Atlantis” mermaid is a reference to the Pixar short Knick Knack. She’s an aquarium decoration, rather than a toy. This is a reference to how Woody’s girlfriend Bo Peep was also not a toy (she was a lamp).
The mermaid in Knick Knack has shades rather than eyes. So that’s why mermaid Jackie is lifting up shades to look down toward Diaz.
The panel where Diaz is getting out from under Adam’s bed is directly based on a Toy Story screenshot. The original does have a cactus pictured on the bedspread. I thought it would be kinda funny if it’s ambiguous what sort of “cactuses” broke Diaz’s fall.
The “must be some mistake” panel is also directly based on a Toy Story screenshot.
Princess Star immediately trying to Narwhal Blast Diaz indicates she’s even crazier than Buzz Lightyear. Buzz merely shifted around pointing his laser arm at Woody. Oh - the “psycho” look in her face really sells this, I think.
The fact that Princess Star is somehow aware she has to tap the button on her wand to activate it is ... well I think it’s funny. (The button placement, of course, is plainly designed for human use.)
Princess Star requesting a nearby Quest Buy is a reference to Quest Buy, the episode where they go to Quest Buy to buy a wand charger. “Or do you still use Plutonium” is a reference to Buzz’s technobabble “distolic fusion” ... but I thought the use of real world “Plutonium” would give the joke a bit more kick (sort of a Back to the Future reference also).
Diaz answering “we’ve got double-A’s” is a reference to Toy Story where Woody says the same thing.
“Look, new friend,” is something Star Butterfly would say, but with a flat attitude more like Buzz Lightyear. This indicates Princess Star has a bit different personality than canon Star Butterfly. It fits in more with Toy Story, helping the reader imagine how this Starco relationship will play out.
“Multiverse High Command” is a mashup of “Magical High Commission” and “Star Command”. The threat of the multiverse being destroyed is something Queen Moon warns Star in Star Comes to Earth. The spiel where Princess Star explains her mission is similar to Buzz Lightyear explaining his mission. Presumably, it’s written on her Ponyhead box. Again, all this stuff helps the reader imagine how this Starco relationship will play out.
Diaz’s “You’re a toy” is, of course, a reference to Woody trying to explain to Buzz Lightyear that he’s just a toy.
“I believe the term you’re looking for is ‘Magical Princess from Another Dimension’“ refers to a similar Buzz Lightyear line, as well as how canon Star introduces herself to Marco Diaz in Star Comes to Earth.
But really ... there are SO many memorable Toy Story lines that cramming in references is like shooting fish in a barrel. Too easy! But still fun!
Of all the silly ideas I put out there for Starco Week 5, Toy Star is perhaps the one which has gotten some interest. It’s begging to be fleshed out. I welcome anyone to do whatever they want with it!
And again, a big thanks to everyone who read my stuff, followed, reblogged, and such! Especially, of course, @starco-week
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cosmicpercy · 6 years
asia pop comicon day 2
so.... it’s day 2 of asia pop comic con here in manila and oh man, everything just keeps getting better and better! the only thing i did today was attend hall n which is the netflix panel, from 15:00-18:00 and man i had tons of fun
im just gonna keep this short so basically there was a netflix anime panel, then luke cage and iron fist panel. i enjoyed listening to the panel and their stories about working backstage, onset, and the creative process. i was a bit disappointed tho that there wasn’t a q&a portion because i was getting ready to ask my questions. anyway, when they introduced the marvel netflix part, there was a vid of ALL the marvel netflix shows and man i freaked the fuck out when jessica jones, matt murdock/daredevil and frank castle/punisher also appeared like HELL YES KEEP EM COMING!!!!!! i just felt so proud of them and so happy that i am part of this fandom
anyway, here comes my favorite part: the clips they showed us. there’s not much new clips for luke cage since season 2 just came out, so they replayed the trailer. but with iron fist, oh boy!!! i mean i already expected that a trailer might played, but they showed us 2 clips/trailers and greetings from jessica henwick and sacha dhawan so i was already overwhelmed by that time. i thought the whole panel was over but then i saw that it’s only 17:00 (5:00 pm) so i was like wait why did it end an hour early? then.... finn jones and showrunner raven metzner teased us about not leaving us empty and gave us the biggest surprise of all (even the emcee was surprised tbh): WE GOT TO WATCH THE FIRST EPISODE OF IRON FIST SEASON 2!!! finn hasn’t even seen it and isn’t due for release in more than a month so i felt so damn lucky to be part of this!!!! i now know how it feels to be the first in the whole world to watch an episode or something!! IT FEELS GREAT and yeah i’m not gonna spoil anything else, just gonna let out all these happiness i’m feeling!!!
comic cons are now my second favorite thing after concerts!!!!! or maybe even tied in first place
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thejamesoldier · 7 years
81 Bucky x Reader?
Thanks lovie for sending something in! This was so fun to write bc let’s face it, we’re all jealous hoes when it comes to Bucky xxx
Prompt #81: “Who’s texting you? - “Umm. Nobody.”
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{im sorry but this gif is actually making me cry. he’s just so beautiful someone stop him}
A Naked Face & A Phone
There were a couple of Things that happened that ultimately led to your downfall.
The first Thing was Bucky got a phone.
The second was Bucky shaved for the first time since the 40′s. Like not stubble management, but actually full on shaved. Naked face and all.  
Both were huge steps for him and you were so proud. You didn’t tell him that because you’re not Steve and it’d be weird. The only reason Bucky and you have ever spoken is because your the only one he let’s work on his arm.
Stark brought you in because you’re the best of the best when it comes to modern cutting edge technology (which Tony never said straight out, but it was implied and coming from Tony Stark you were flattered). Originally you were only supposed to conference with Stark about creating a new arm for one Sergeant Barnes. Help him with ideas and such because two geniuses were certainly better than one. But when you both brain stormed up a possible first model to present to Barnes before actually making it (because Barnes knows more about it than you two ever would and it would be stupid not to have him involved in the process), he took one look at the graphs and walked out without saying a word.
Tony almost chased him down being offended, furious, and exhausted from about two weeks of no sleep and too much coffee trying to make this for him with you. But you held him back and talked some of Barnes perspective into him. You figured the idea of any kind of surgery on his body would with out a doubt be one of Barnes’ big red ‘DON’T PUSH ME’ buttons on the PTSD panel in his brain.
It took a month of hard conversations and more model work-throughs before Stark, Barnes, and you decided on a final draft. You and Stark manifested this final theory into reality to make the first physical model of Barnes’s new arm. When it came time to put it on though, Barnes took one step into the surgery/tech room, one look at the metal table in the center of hovering machines and assistant drones, and plummeted into one of the most heart wrenching panic episodes you have ever witnessed. It down right broke you in two.  
It took another month for Barnes to be comfortable enough to even look Tony and you in eye (not that it was personal, you had to keep reminding Tony of that), and then another month after that to agree to try again. You couldn’t blame him for his fears. Honestly, if it were you, you would have given up long ago. But Bucky has the kind of soul that is so resilient, so strong even at it’s weakest, that he truly does belong in those comic books and museum murals. He deserved to be made a constellation in the sky to be look up to an awed at. Bucky astounded you.
Of course you’ve never told him that.
It turned out that Barnes was only comfortable with you touching him and securing the new arm because during his time with Hydra, no woman ever worked on him. Sure there were women scientists, but the actual surgeries and operations and tune-ups were left to the male “doctors”. Tony, for once, wasn’t offended if maybe a little troubled. Tony understood it wasn’t about him, it wasn’t even about Barnes, it was about fear and how it controls the mind and body, irrational or not.
It’s been about a year and a half since you attached that first new arm; a year and a half of you hopelessly and secretly pinning over Bucky Barnes.
Currently, you’re sitting in your own tech room (after the realization that Bucky wouldn’t allow anything to be done to him unless you were doing it, you were permanently hired) at Stark Tower, sitting a little crooked on a rollie-stool, bent over at an odd angle, nose deep in Bucky’s newest upgraded arm: JBB Model #024.
For the last hour you have been trying to get a set of wires to cooperate in his forearm and are heavily relying on your stores of patience to not do something childish or over dramatic in front of Bucky. Bucky still couldn’t make himself sit in a chair with a high back or head rest, so instead he sits on a stool too, metal (or vibranium – courtesy of T’Challa) arm resting on the sturdy work table between you. A bunch of tools and gadgets are displayed haphazardly on the generous wide tray. At the beginning of your tune-up the tools were all perfectly organized by purpose and necessity, but as this process dragged on a lot longer than originally planned, you got sucked into the mechanics of his arm and sacrificed your pretty tray for a messy one.
Your eyes hadn’t left the inside of his arm the entire time, blindly grabbing at tools and things as you could not pull your focus away or relax the line that felt as deep as the grand fucking canyon inbetween your eyebrows. Bucky watched every tick and snap you made in his arm. At the beginning he had to watch because he never was aloud to watch before, making sure you were doing what you told him you were doing. He sometimes felt the need to apologize for treating you like a Hyrda doctor, but one look at your face and he knew you understood and weren’t even the slightest bit offended.
He was so grateful.
Bucky now watched yes to oversee progress, but his gripping fear lessened the more he trusted you, and instead his eyes had wandered to watching you. He hadn’t looked at a woman and thought, ‘She’s pretty’ in such a long time that when it happened to him in the middle of one of your regular tune-ups, he had to exercise every inch of self control to not jolt in his seat. You thankfully didn’t notice but Bucky was left with a big ol’ ball of yarn to grapple with now.
As he observes you now, focused like the world will end if you break your concentration for even a second, he gives himself permission to admire you. He’s as familiar with the planes and lines and curves of your face as you are with every inch, inside and out, of Bucky’s arm. You’re simply beautiful, and Bucky feels so refreshed at having such a human thought but also nervous because shit how does this work again? and he’s kept this precious feeling he has for you tucked safe away inside his chest. No danger of being found out because if Bucky is good at anything, its holding onto things.
Barnes believes he’s too fucked up for you, but there’s no law against admiring you from a far (or one foot away) is there? He doesn’t remember that there was. Staring is only rude if you’re caught, which he made sure he never was.
As you tinker away you’re so absorbed in your work that you don’t feel Bucky’s gaze on your face, never have. You go into this zone when you work where everything blurs out, time, hunger, thirst, rest, your surroundings, and its a curse and blessing. Tony is the only one (and Bruce) who gets that.
Now nothing short of the world blowing up could pull you from your focus –
Beep beep!
Your ears register the sound of a phone vibrating and for some reason your brain deems this ‘world blowing up’ serious because you tear your eyes away from the godforsaken wires, to see Bucky blinking down at his Stark phone, large thumb tapping across the screen.
Your sore fingers want to twitch but instead you let your left eye do the twitching instead. Before you can stop yourself because who the fuck is texting Bucky?!! you finally, after a year and a half, trip up.
“Who’s texting you?” You would like to say your voice was casual and friendly, but instead it sounded hoarse from not having spoken in a while and surprisingly sharp.
Bucky’s thumb pauses. A number of reactions and emotions flutter and tumble through him at your tone. Plus the fact that you never once have been distracted, or even made small talk, while working on his arm before and now of all times you break your streak? Bucky ends up settling on feeling mushy and warm but also like gongs were being banged on in his stomach when he hits send, locks his phone, and stuffs it back into the front pocket of his jeans before responding.
“Umm. Nobody.” Now Bucky had no idea why he lied. Obviously someone had texted him (it was Sam yelling at him in capslock accusing him of eating the last of the oreos he had called dibs on; Bucky was totally guilty of this quote ‘HEINOUS CRIME’), but for some reason a foreign instinct told Bucky to be cryptic. To be mysterious.
Barnes’ words hit you like a slap in the face. The obvious fact that you had expected him to tell you was beyond embarrassing. He might be yours in your head, but in reality he barely said two words to you. Of course it wasn’t your damn business to demand to know who’s texting him! Bucky’s looking at you from the corner of his eye like you might have another head sprouting out of your skull or something. Your heart cries and hides under metaphorical covers.
Bucky keeps his profile to you, side-eyeing you with what he hopes is a dark horse (as Nat had called him) sexy confidence, but seeing your face heat up and your eyes blink back an expression of unfiltered humiliation, before you practically stuff your face inside his arm as you get back to work, he realizes you may have misinterpreted him.
Fuck, he thinks, barely stopping himself from huffing like a child, this flirting shit is harder than I remember.
You almost can’t take the never ending Niagara Falls level of embarrassment pouring over your head and soaking your body to the bone. You want to vomit. You want to stab yourself in the eye with the electric tweezers in your hand. You also couldn’t stop even if you wanted to the rush of theories running through your head at who could be texting him. The phone is new, barely a week old so you comfort yourself that he couldn’t have gotten loads of girls’ numbers…
Yet, you’re inner asshole adds.
You know Nat is trying to rope Bucky into her matchmaking game, the same one that she’s been doing with Steve. Your heart gives an extraordinarily uncomfortable squeeze in your chest, but you’re proud to say you didn’t wheeze. You only continue working on the wires, praying you can fix them because sitting here under Bucky’s obviously disgusted eye is Purgatory itself.
Bucky hears your heart do an impressive chorus of pumps and jolts, the only hint that you’re as effected by this as he wanted you to be. Okay maybe he didn’t want to make you feel humiliated, but the confirmation that you cared was so satisfying; he actually loved you wanted to know who was texting him. Your exterior expression is back to its professional masked coolness and Bucky is hit with the itching urge to try to do something to break it again. To peel you out of your formalities and get you offering –
Offering? Bucky’s eyebrows would have knit together but his face is as cool and empty as yours, Offering him what?
Its another ten horrible minutes from hell before you finally fix those fucking wires. As quickly as you possibly can you carefully re-plate his arm, making sure everything is secure and smooth, before near leaping out of your seat and sprinting for the sliding glass door even if this is your workshop. Shut up, escaping was vital to your survival at this point. You shout some excuse about really having to go to the bathroom before Bucky can say anything, door already sliding close behind you.
Bucky stares after you, outwardly impassive, but inside there’s a hurricane of What the Actual Fuck Am I Doing?
It’s been a week since your outburst. You keep torturing yourself with re-runs of the moment to remind yourself why you need to avoid him at all costs. I mean not that you spoke that much anyway, but still you made extra sure. You wish you were cool enough to not have to avoid him and could hide your feelings so effortlessly like Natasha tried to teach you, but you were much more pathetic and therefore, weren’t good at hiding your feelings. You’re surprised you’ve gotten away with it this long. If it was a normal dude you would have been caught much sooner, but since Bucky is so far from normal you realize that’s been your cop out.
Now you’re panicking. Because Bucky, while oblivious to certain things while he re-learns how to be a man, was and still is one of the world’s most deadly assassins with instincts and reflexes as sharp as a fucking laser. Nothing got past him in a professional setting, but now that he’s realizing he can apply those same skills to everyday communication in reading people you have a fairly good dooming feeling that your time has run out.
He’ll emotionally snipe your ass so quick you won’t even know what hit you.
Bucky’s arm tune-ups are weekly. Sometimes more than once a week if there are any minor training incidents or the like. Tomorrow he’s due back in your workshop and you’ve been laying sprawled out on the carpet of your bedroom in your place in Queens for the better part of three hours.
You’ve been meticulously going over emergency procedures, installing ‘self-eject’ buttons, on multiple situations that could occur in that room. You know your end is here but goddammit you’re going in prepared. You know you might be over-dramatizing things, but you’ve been head over heels for this guy for a year and a half. You give yourself a little slack.
It’s tomorrow and your about ready to vomit sitting, or more like jittering on your stool obsessively organizing and re-organizing your tools. Your hair is tied back into a loose ponytail to keep your hair out of your face as you work, but you are tempted to yank a few strands out to hide behind. Before your nerves can get the better of you and release a curtain of your hair, Bucky strides in.
You don’t look up right away, pretending to be professionally preparing your tools for the tune-up. It’s not until Bucky grunts his usual hello and sits down, before you brave a quick glance up and do a painfully embarrassing double take. Your lips part, your fingers drop the tool you just picked up, and your lungs peace out.
Thing #2 happened. He shaved.
The once rugged look Bucky sported had disappeared completely. The loss of stubble on his face revealed the elegant lines of high cheekbones and a diamond cut jawline, high arched eyebrows sitting low and enticing over crystalline cobalt eyes, a swath of coal lashes that cast soft shadows on either side of a swooping nose sitting above the deep valley of his cupid’s bow. It all collected into this handsome portrait of old world charm and beauty.
The sound of your tool clanking against the metal of your tray wrenches you out of your staring. You fumble with it some more making an awful ruckus. Bucky is smiling fondly at you scrambling cross the work table and gently places his metal elbow down in the usual position you like it when you first start. When you eventually wrangle your tools back to their spots and a loud silence reigns over the two of you, you gently run your fingers over his arm before starting the tune-up.
Your cheeks are like two bonfires that adamantly refuse to go out. Bucky watches you blush and blush and blush and blush as you dive nose first into his arm. It’s downright adorable. He hears your heart pump unevenly and fast, doing it’s best imitation of Thumper in your chest. Bucky rolls his shoulders a little and swallows against a dry throat. He takes out his phone and opens up the messaging app.
“Sorry!” You squeak when your fingers twitch at seeing Bucky fucking texting again who the hell is he texting?! and a sensor on the inside of his bicep sends an electric jolt into Barnes’ shoulder.
Bucky feels the jolt but doesn’t do anything but smile when you look up all doe-eyed and jumpy.
“Didn’t hurt.” The supersoldier says kindly, looking in your eyes and letting his smile ink into his gaze. You bite your lip, flutter your lashes in a nervous flurry, and snap your eyes back down to his arm.
Bucky is so damn smug with himself. Knowing for sure that him possibly communicating with other people makes you jealous. At first he didn’t know why you were acting the way you were, he just knew he liked it. It wasn’t until he really thought about it that it came to him. Bucky doesn’t want to play with you, he just wanted to run a few tests of his own before going in for what he so charmingly called ‘Real Obvious Flirting Initiative’.
With a small steadying breath and without taking his eyes off you, Bucky types out a text. His smile grows with your terribly hidden jealousy as you listen to the thick pads of his thumb tap the screen. When he’s finished typing, he checks to make sure there are no weird autocorrected words then hits send.
Your phone goes off with a ding! in your back pocket. You pay no mind to it and continue to work, subconsciously plotting ways to steal his phone and see who he has in his contacts. Threatening every female in his contact list is too much right? Right, yeah too much. Maybe you could accidentally break the phone? No, Stark would get him a new one. Probably even a better one at that. You continue your devious train of thought while pacing on through the tune-up.
Thankfully Bucky doesn’t pull out his phone again, so when you finish you don’t have to bolt out of the room. Again. You look up and deliver (what you hope is) a professional smile and a nod, wiping the grease and fluid off your hands with a rag. Bucky stands, looks down at you and winks.
You’ve never felt so close to death (and maybe heaven) in your entire life.
When Bucky leaves you breathless sitting dumbly on your stool, you pull out your phone and subconsciously check for any messages. 
Today 16:30
Unknown Number: Hi
You furrow your eyebrows and respond.
Today 18:12
You: Who is this?
It’s not a second before you get a reply. 
Unknown Number: Next tune-up you’ll find out
Things went pretty smoothly from there. Sickeningly cute actually but you weren’t complaining (only Tony did but what’s new).
Hi so I hope you liked it! I had a blast writing jealous!reader and smug af!bucky xx
Don’t be afraid to submit something if you so desire! Drabble Prompts are here .
Permanent Tag List:@evilmermaidsinc @buckyandsebsinbin @simplyme8308 @captain-chimichanga @mellifluous-melodramas @creideamhgradochas @notsoprettykitty @ryverpenrad @whintersoldiers @mini-muffin-mountain @the-one-and-only-vampcake @james-bionic-barnes @badassbaker @kenobi-and-barnes @fangasms101 @almondbuttercup @mar-gega @vacam79 @nenyakj @angryschnauzer @rosegoldarmour @ladylizzieofdarbyshire @takemetoneverland91 @jenairedale @musichowler @seargantbcky @mllx-anazra @amrita31199 @jenna-luke @theassetseyeliner @thefuturewinemom @nuvoleincielo @redroomproperty @ho-ne-y @cornflax01 @feelmyroarrrr @paranoid-borderline-insane @thewinterswimmer @kapolisradomthoughts
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@soonyoungs here you go!!!
Monsta X is a seven-member group that debuted on May 14, 2015! 
Their fans are known as Monbebes.
Each member won their spot through a survival show called NO.MERCY, which you can watch here: (episode 1) (episode 2) (episode 3) (episode 4) (episode 5) (episode 6) (episode 7) (episode 8) (episode 9) (episode 10)
Warning about NO.MERCY: it’s... tough to watch, sometimes. It’s great to see how the group came to be, and it’s awesome to see each members growth, but you also have to see their peers and friends lose a spot and leave, which is always sad. Episode 7 in particular is rough, and I still haven’t watched the last episode because I’m a weenie and don’t wanna see #GUN not get in, haha. ;;;
The members are Shownu (Sohn Hyun-woo), Wonho (Shin Ho-seok), Minhyuk (Lee Min-hyuk), Kihyun (Yoo Ki-hyun), Hyungwon (Chae Hyung-won), Jooheon (Lee Joo-heon) and I.M (Im Chang-kyun). I’ll write more about them later, because I’ll never move on if I get started, haha.
Their lead singles are:
All In
Shine Forever
Other songs with music videos (plus one performance vid):
Perfect Girl
Gone Bad
Mirotic cover
Unfair Love
Roller Coaster (my personal favorite c’:)
White Love
Need You
They have 1 studio album (plus a repackaged version) and 4 mini-albums out right now! I have other favorite songs from each album but I won’t list them right now because it’s been a while since I said I’d link you things, haha... but if you want more song recommendations, just ask and I would be happy to give you them!
They’ve also done a few reality shows, most notably Right Now and X-Ray!
Right Now episodes:
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
X-Ray episodes:
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5 (get ready to have your heart melted! this is literally one of the cutest things I have ever seen.)
Episode 6
Here’s a playlist of a thing they did called Deokspatch (where they do random challanges).
I wanted to link you to their Fan Heart Attack episode, but it seems to be taken down??? That’s a major bummer... :’c
Some shorter videos that I remembered that are great:
Who’s the best at dating?
Safari in Monbebe World
Hero Qmentary
Their first Weekly Idol
Baggage Check
Prank Call
Monsta X vs Seventeen: Basketball
S.Coups is good at DDR. I.M, Hyungwon, and Minhyuk... not so much.
Hyungwon sure can lie to himself.
Shownu is the leader, lead vocalist, and main dancer! A 92 liner. The “dad” of the group. Definitely the “strong, silent” type. Gets called robotic a lot, but he’s opened up a ton as time has gone on. Is actually super adorable, once he feels comfortable. He’s currently on a show called Lipstick Prince, where a panel of male idols learn about different make up techniques!
Wonho is a sub-vocalist, lead dancer, and one of the visuals! A 93 liner. He’s literally one of the sweetest people I’ve ever seen!!! Very kind-hearted and emotional, and loves ramen, bunnies, and fashion. Gets sick easily and works out a lot. Used to have to show off his body a lot, but luckily they’ve seemed to let him chill a bit with that. Loves working on songs, and actually wrote lyrics to three songs on their latest album!!! (He also wrote the music for two of them, and arranged one of them!)
Minhyuk is a sub-vocalist, and he’s also one of the visuals and the group’s mood maker! A 93 liner. Very loud and bubbly. Hilarious, and loves entertaining others. Loves video games! Also loves kids, and wants to have some in the future. Doesn’t get a lot of lines. :ccc
Kihyun is the main vocalist! A 93 liner. He’s proud and feisty, but also a bit insecure (which more than half of the members are, actually :\) and thrives on compliments. Is super corny, but also makes himself cringe a ton, haha. The “mom” of the group. He’s very cleanly, and nags the other members a lot.
Hyungwon is a sub-vocalist, and one the visuals! A 94 liner. He’s modeled in the past, and also enjoys dj-ing. Sassy and fairly expressive, and naps a lot. You’ve seen memes of him, no doubt! Also doesn’t get a ton of lines. :ccc
Jooheon is the main rapper! A 94 liner. Has a charismatic, fairly “aggressive” stage presence. Does aegyo a lot off-stage to make him seem less “scary”, although he’s stopped doing it as much recently due to him wanting people to see him as more than cute. Is a major scaredy-cat. Is also very self-conscious, and can be sensitive when he thinks people are making fun of him. :c Has the best dimples when he smiles!!! 
I.M is the lead rapper and “4D” member! A 96 liner. He’s the youngest, and had a rough start on NO.MERCY due to being brought into the competition late. :c Is kind of aloof, and has a “strange” sense of humor. Loves memes and hates doing cute things. 
I’m so sorry the member’s section is limited... I’ve gotten distracted and gave like... the bare minimum, siiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. ;;; I will give you more info on them later, if you want!!! :’D
Here’s my tag for Monsta X.
Here’s a great blog dedicated to them.
They have yet to get their first win, which is a real bummer... they continuously work sososososososo hard, and hopefully that win is coming sooner rather than later!
I know there’s so much more I could write, but I’ll leave it at this for now. I hope this helps in any small way, and if you have any questions, or just want to talk, I am more than willing to answer/talk/etc.!!! ^ ^
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tdrcycle09 · 7 years
Rags To Riches Ball Part III: Regally Royal Couture
Our next category celebrates all those who have sat on the throne, decked out in drag inspired by kings and queens of the past! With this, our final 4 are also telling us why they should win to get their own crown and throne too! Let’s see what they’ve done!
Analyse Thropic
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Lila: Analyse, you are breathtaking. You turn a silhouette that is arguably quite simplistic, intelligently select colour stories and fabrics to go with it, accessorize it extremely, and produce makeup and hair that you may not think goes with the outfit, and man, does it come together. This is such a fucking strong ass look, the concept is so right and I literally die from how Elizabethan it is in design. There are issues, like the lace could’ve came all the way down, and it could’ve had this Vera Wang look to it that would’ve made it more breaktaking, but that’s just me. Your makeup is absolutely stunning in this category and you should be extremely proud because this is a makeup that really made me audibly gasp when opening the link to the pictures. You’ve came such a long way from Charm School and it’s so amazing to see you create such powerful strides.You are truly a TDR success story - and the first queen to truly make me cry. Analyse, it has been such a remarkable journey with you in the past 5 months, and I am so proud to stand by while you go through from strength to strength in this competition, and see you tackle some of the most ambitious challenges in TDR herstory without complaining or being defeatist about anything really was a breath of fresh air. Your speech honestly refreshed my mind and really had me nodding my head, agreeing with your statements and you didn’t filibuster into the realm of repetition, nor did you make it all about yourself. You acknowledge your low points and defend yourself well over those points, and I honestly love a queen who can carry themselves like you can. Analyse, you’ve done amazing this cycle, and I really can’t wait to see what you do in the future, no matter the outcome.
Letha: Analyse Thropic, Miss Royal Tea. You picked a great color palette for this look, as the colors of gold and purple go with royalty while not necessarily borrowing from a specific monarch in particular. I love the ruffs as well as the belt, and from the waist up, I like the outfit, but I don't love the bottom half as much, the length of the gold skirt makes it a bit too business fish for my taste. The hair is a bit of a wash as far as styling goes, but the crown on top does help to make it more regal. Love the nails on gloves, they're the best kind of tacky. I like parts of the makeup, the lips and eyes are great, and the pearl forehead/eyebrows are also good, but the rest of the pearls on the face doesn't read as glamorous for me. Your winning speech was inspiring and you talking about your growth and journey throughout Charm School and Cycle 9 really illustrates how far you have come, and I can only hope that someone watching it becomes motivated to follow their own drag and begin a journey like yours. You should be very proud of your work, Analyse, because I know I am. 
Toni: I loved this look, I think its very well done and I think its clear who you are a queen based around this look. Just a few things thought: Your hair is really confusing looking at it, im not totally sure what its doing but I don’t like it. I also wish that the lining went all the way down to the floor because it would have made it very much ROYAL and I think it’s a bit missing. The speech was beautiful and well spoken. It was funny when it needed to be, serious and heartfelt when needed, and I think it really went over well and gave you a strong platform. 
Gluttoni:  What a beautiful queen you make Analyse! This look is quite stunning and I think my favorite reason why is because of your color palette you chose. The golden champagne color along with that royal deep purple is honestly such smart choice girl! I’m obsessed with the design of your crown and the amazing negative space of it. It’s honestly a gorgeous look but it’s lacking in some areas for me. The hair is definitely you signature color and great length but it need some serious styling in my eyes because it just looked too fried with this polished look. Also you lose me a bit with the underskirt length because it’s just a tad awkward with the sheer panel.  Good job regardless. Your speech was very well spoken and honestly you gave very solid points that really moved me. You should be proud my favorite skin cavity.
Avana Noir
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Lila: UGH. This concept is so smart and I get your convention that you set out to achieve. Your hair is so good, literally love this hair on you and paired with this makeup, you LOOK SO DAMN BEAUTIFUL. The makeup is fucking stunning Avana - STUNNING.The colours are strong here, if your silhouette was more of a flair than a ball - shape, then I would’ve enjoyed this a lot more. But without that - I feel your concept is superb. I foresaw this being the route you took, your Mexican heritage should be a proud staple and the chance to express it like this, like I’m proud of you. You have such a great presence when you’re on camera, you have the ability to make me laugh, make me cry, and make me believe that you believe that you can win this. Your points in your speech came across really genuine, I feel such a strong connection to those who go through TDR in a way that you have - you seemed anxious at times, you undermined your work when nothing was really wrong with it, and now, you’ve overcame a sort of renaissance period where you are good enough and you are the one to watch - you’ve acknowledged some of your “mistakes” and you’ve managed to overcome them. Look where you stand. You are such a warm glow in a community that could be watching their Next Drag Superstar. One of the biggest points of TDR is growth - personal growth and growth in drag - and your potential is starting to shine brighter than you know it!
Letha: Avana Noir, or is it just Avana???? Either way, Queen. This look is really great and I love your thought process for it, making it regal but also about your heritage. The color scheme is great, but I do wish you had a strap to hold up the top and stop it from flopping, because otherwise it'd be perfect. The hair goes very well with the look, and the makeup is STUNNING, you really knocked that part out of the park. Your speech was entertaining and funny, as you always are, and you discussing your growth during your time here, as well as you finding your community here, is always so great to hear that someone has gotten that out of their cycle. Know that these friendships will last beyond this competition if you want them to, and that just because we may all live in separate places, we're all sisters and having a network of such fabulous and creative people is like nothing else on this Earth. I am so proud of you, Avana, and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for you.
Toni: I love love love that you went in and made a whole fucking ball gown for this!!! Its rough around the edges but it’s totally amazing for a first try!! I think if you had slowed down and focused on making more ruffles and make sure the lace looked nice this would have been stellar!!! I also think that this could have helped with straps because right now it looks like its barely holding on to your chest. Your speech was so very very very you!!!! It was fun and light hearted but had the slight seriousness that I’ve come to appreciate from you ❤
Gluttoni:  Right in time for Cinco De Mayo, you give it to us with this beautiful Mexican queen look. I love that you pick something so close and meaningful to the person that you are. I love the mug and you really look like doll that you would get as a souvenir for visiting Mexico. Your speech was hilarious. I really got some good hardy laughs out of it and I’m so glad you are owning everything that you are and really bringing what you had along to the competition. Good luck henny.
Lexi Lamour
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Lila: I like your Marie Antoinette a lot - The colour scheme is almost very Cinderella as Marie Antoinette, and truly the makeup is just such a standout. Your costuming is coming across for me, very halloweeny store at the bodice line, however with the flare out it’s extremely draggy and it balances out the Yin and Yang pretty much. Your hair is so good and I just think the powder blue is just so fucking beautiful for this scheme like wow. Another success story comes from culminating, well, success, in TDR. Your speech made me choke up a bit and I’m really glad you explained yourself in your reasoning for your personal situation. It sucks to be in such a tight spot and obviously knowing your passion and determination to win this, it must’ve been such a dire situation to be in. For me, you really hit home about some of your points - remember to relax on camera too - we’re only behind the screen and that lense isn’t an eye for the CIA to stare at you through! Touching on your success restored a lot of your achievements in this cycle and I think you should really be proud of what you’ve managed to achieve and succeed in through your journey in this cycle - the amount of friends you’ve made, the new challenges you’ll face afterward, and the support system that you can always turn to. Really, you’ve done such a great job this cycle, Lexi. Don’t forget about it.
Letha: Lexi Lamour, are you you gonna finish that cake or can the children have some? This look screams ROYAL and is so opulent, I am amazed. Even if you didn't make it, you sold the garment and it's so fabulous. I don't love the petticoat underneath, as it creates an odd shape underneath the skirt, but that would be my only crit for the gown. The hair is also incredible, and the makeup is honestly so beautiful, you look so soft and delicate, even if it isn't totally the typical Marie Antoinette style. Your speech was so heartfelt, and your drag journey is much longer than many of ours, with so many ups and downs, but the fact that you are still here is a testament to your strength and resolve to push through and commit to your drag, and I am so proud to see it. I am happy to have helped you through this cycle with my tough love, and I cannot wait to see what's next. 
Toni:I love love love love love adore love this rococo inspired outfit and I think you did a good job of styling it, I just wanted two things form this. It needed a different  hoop skirt, one that went more side ways like rococo gowns do, and I wanted you to be drenched in pearls. I love your speech so much because you really talk from the heart and its something from you that I haven’t seen before and I really enjoyed it and fell in love with you during it. that this
Gluttoni: I love anything referencing French lifestyle and culture so this look is quite the slam dunk for me. I love the soft pastel blue for this look and the hair up to the gay gods. This makeup is probably the best you’ve ever looked in my eyes and the styling was fantastic as well. Nothing bad I can say about this look. You gave us the cake and we got to eat it too. I couldn’t help but tear up during your speech because I heard all the passion and drive in your voice and it was very reminiscent of when I had to do my speech. I was literally boohooing while watching. I just want to you to know whatever comes of this. THIS NOT THE END OF YOU. You have so much more work and passion for the whole world to see. You have the platform, now what are you going to do with it?
Sugar Monroe
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Lila: Because this is the finale and you are all battling for a crown, I’m going to be outright with this. I do not like this at all and I was expecting a lot more than this. If you are going to do a Marie Antoinette look, the hair needs to be sculpted up, there needs to be more accessories, and certainly, there needs to be more cohesion. Your makeup has the conventions of Marie, but more of a clown inspired rather than beauty inspired. I would’ve done a lot more white paint all the way down to your clavicle, and certainly tried to make the arms look a lot more white too. Your speech made me soooooo sad. As soon as I opened your speech, I didn’t expect you to give into your own negative thoughts so quickly. Even if you think of all those things - The argument that you didn’t expect to make it this far, the argument that you did this for yourself - you did this like every other person standing in those positions at the finale. You all have reasons for and reasons against winning this competition. Any person in this cast could’ve came to the finale, and you all have potential to win this thing. I say this in a critique so that people can see it - you beating yourself up isn’t going to change how you perceive yourself, nor how others see you too. If you can go through being low, being bottom 2, and still make it to the finale? You have as much right as anyone standing up there with you to plead your case. So Sugar, read this now: You are a great queen. You deserve to be here, and you should celebrate it. Good job in this competition, and good job in this finale.
Letha: Sugar, I have to admit that I'm not loving the look. Beyond the makeup, I don't get too much "royal" so much as "holo", which could work for say... a future queen? but it doesn't have that typical futuristic sleekness. The hair is pretty nondescript, and the makeup throws me a bit. It's very Marie Antoinette, but the contour meeting the cheek kind of muddies the shapes a bit for me. I like the lip/eye, though. All in all, it is a bit hodge-podge and not very cohesive for me. Moving on to your speech, there were some good parts, but you seemed to have felt very defeated. Your confidence didn't carry through the speech, but I want you to know that you and your drag are so valid, and that your growth here is so evident in these challenges. When we started together on Cycle 8, I had no idea we would end up here, but now that we have, I can only say how proud I am of you and how much I look forward to your future in drag. I love you, Sugar. 
Toni:I really loved your speech, I love how you talked about your personal growth and how you really showed us passion for who sugar was and your art, and proving yourself to others as well as yourself. The look is a bit of a let down im afraid. I think if you had done an updo for your hair it would have helped a lot. Maybe adding more stones or jewels, a crown, or even a septar, just something to show us your royalty because other than I’m not getting queen from any section of this. I think your makeup is interesting, I’m not sure if I like it or not. I think if you ahd softened the blue a bit it would have made it a lot better. very you!!!! 
Gluttoni: I feel like I got the vision of the parts of royalty you were trying to reference but I must admit I’m kind of lost with the whole picture of it all. The good parts like the beauuuuutiful holographic fabric seems dulled by the uneventful and plain juxtaposed top. I’m also obsessed withe shoes but it seems a tad too modern for the silhouette's sake.Something about the sullen clownish mug and flat hair really doesn’t spell out opulence and queen-like regalness in my eyes. Not to say any of this is at all bad because it not but I wish you would have though out more about the whole picture which is why this is hard because you can’t explain for yourself your thought process. Your speech was definitely the embodiment of your growth and testament of your hardships overcome by your triumphs. I know this isn’t the end of you journey and my hopes is the that really own your star quality.
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snkpolls · 7 years
SnK Chapter 98 Poll Results
The chapter 98 poll closed with a record 1,771 responses. Thank you to everyone for participating. 
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If you disliked this chapter, you were very much in the minority. Only 1% of respondents rated it poorly. Satisfaction with recent Marley chapters have been generally positive, but this is the highest rating since we started the poll.
This chapter was so fire I had to call 911 after I read it
Goddamned life ruining basements.
Sadly, SNK is eventually going to end, and having taken the time to properly explain its unique universe and its characters will that day leave to this world the completed masterpiece it has the potential to be
I gasped during the "I'm Dr. Yeagar'" scene, but I almost threw my phone from excitement from the "Hey, it's been 4 years huh Reiner." I was one of the people that thought I wouldn't care for the young Warriors, but damn, this chapter won me over. Especially Falco. The awesome character building scenes, the mystery behind Tybur & Magath, the attitude's of the vet Warriors, and Eren's new shred of awesomeness made this one of my favorite chapters.
Magath is still making me wet with his humanity, Willy needs a hug and some Hellos D, I can't believe the East Sea Clan is actually a thing (eeeek) and if Falco gets hurt I will die. Also where's Annie.
I think the entire chapter could be my favorite moment.
Willy and Magath vs Levi for clean house?
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Because of our own intense fangirling after reading this chapter, we had to lead off the poll with something fun. Thankfully most didn’t mind and agreed with us that this chapter was packed with supreme cuteness.
Remember when attack on titan was dark? Now it's all rainbows and unicorns. Jk, I loved this chapter.
   ON THE BEST DAD SCALE OF 420-10 HOW GREAT WAS REINER??? (1,721 Responses)
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It’s also nice to see that 84% of us agree that Papa Reiner was just awesome! 275 people disagreed, including one commenter below.
Reiner accompanying the kids at the festival was SOOO DAMN CUTE
Reigner is my favourite moment every chapter.
This chapter was great. Seeing daddy Reiner was one of the sweetest moments in SNK
This may be an unpopular opinion but Reigner honestly feels like the least interesting character in the whole arc. We have all these shiny new characters that are in desperate need of character development and all we keep getting is more and more Reigner. Reigner this, Reigner that, Isayama is starting to sound like a bunch of Bertholdts. Where is the love for Colt, Porco, Ms Exactly Right, Theo and more? Grim Reminder 2.0 also needs to happen fast.
this one salty anon saying reiner is the least interesting character of marley are you in your right mind or are your standards simply just low
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I love how difficult it was for people to choose a best moment. “Reiner as Marley’s Best Dad and ATM” eked out the number one slot by just 1 vote. “All of the above” was second and Falco’s near confession was a distant third.
Reiner awkwardly avoiding eye contact with Galliard.
Eren spending one month undercover by disguising himself as Sad Keanu
Porco being low-key supportive of Falco and the parallels it draws with his own life/relationship with Reiner.
Falco's proud face when he guides Reiner to the basement.
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Basement Reveal 2.0 was our favorite moment. Twenty-four percent of the fandom couldn’t pick just one, making “All of the above” the number two selection. Eren meeting his grandfather and the mysterious Asian women round out the third and fourth pick.
When Reiner Meets Eren
The asian woman is about on par with basement 2 electric boogaloo but i could only pick one so im cheating a bit pls dont be angry
While you've mentioned all the moments that stood out most to me, I can say I definitely appreciated the variety of races drawn as they were distinct, reasonable designs. All in all, these are all awesome moments, it's hard to pick favorites in this chapter.
You can sense the excitement for a chapter when 237 people take the time to gush in the comments section. If you want to read them all, you’ll need to visit the full poll results but here are a few.
Zeke's three-level comment about being a big brother (works for Colt, Porco and Zeke himself), also Zeke playing catch with Colt and Eren playing with Zeke's ball.
Eren basically slamming that baseball right in his gorgeous face is kinda one of the best moments!?!?
Gabi waking up. Those panels were so detailed on her face, I'm worried that little Gabi is waving her death flags. I almost had a heart attack because I thought for a second she was Mikasa when I first read through.
Gabi's relationship with Udo and Zofia and the "devil" line
Cory in the house finally meeting the fresh prince of bel-air
black people being not so stereotypical. they just looked like people, not over-cheerful big lipped afro hair stereotype or anything like that
The attitude and mystery of that old asian woman
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Eren’s “Good to see you made it back home” was declared the  sassiest line by a significant majority. Sassmaster Pieck was second with her slam about entrusting the Paradis operation to four kids. My personal favorite was Porco’s hugely sarcastic “We have some awfully bright officials leading us”, but only 5% agreed with me.
While “Good to see you made it back home” was the winner, it wasn’t without controversy. I saw several comments on Reddit and Tumblr from people who thought that Eren wasn’t being sassy when he said them. It’s possible I suppose, but unless a lot of has changed in the last four years, I find it hard to believe he was being sincere.
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Perfect little bean Falco wins by a landslide! Was there every any doubt? Gabi is far more polarizing but has maintained a loyal fanbase. She came in second with 16.9%. Zophia received 133 votes (7.8%). Colt received 98 votes (5.8%). The wine-spilling, multi-lingual, “not from around here” Udo received the fewest votes with 76 (4.5%).
Falco's smile, I just want to hug him as if he were my little brother/cousin ^^
Falco cemented his status as a cinammon roll. I'd hate for him to get toasted in the next chapter, considering what's about to go down in the basement!
Gabi's ego is charming.
Udo is the most precious kid and I love him a lot and if he dies, I die. (I keep saying this about all my faves but it's true.)
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Isayama deserves mad props for introducing a brand new cast and gradually making us care about them. More than 65% of us now have strong feelings for the Warriors and candidate kiddos .
Pieck. Just Pieck.
I can't believe I got sucked into Marley. This chapter just solidified my new found affection for 90% of the Marley characters, and even though I do miss the main cast I'm totally fine with more Marley chapters! Gabi went from hate to fave in a heartbeat. I must be sick? Not to mention all the pokkopikku moments... Honestly I'm in love with SNK all over again. RIP Me.
I used to not be very fond of the warrior cadets, but this chapter just filled me with love for those kids. My only problem is that I KNOW Isayama is trying to get me to sympathize with them before ultimately crushing my soul and having something terrible happen  :(
I still hate all the kids, but Reiner has got some brownie points with me now.
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Our single answer to Willy’s single answer is that we are all over the place with ideas. A slim majority believe that Willy is going to propose a genocide starting in Liberio, but there were almost 100 write ins with other options. Here are a few.
Definitely the elimination of Paradis
I think he found a way to turn even non-Eldians into titans and he will try to create some sort of balance of terror.
I think he'll give a long winded speech, and just when he's about to lay it all out, *loud boom* *lightning* Grim Reminder part 2
A possible solution for all of this is Eren eating all shifters and sealing himself in a crystal, like Annie, forever. We still haven't seen if Annie has aged inside the crystal or not though. I wonder if this is Willy's solution.
Someone will kill him before he tells the answer
High School Eldian Musical
I dunno.  But it sure as hell ain't anything good, that's for sure.  Just what are you up to, you slippery snake?
I have no idea but I'm 300% convinced that the Tiber family was in contact with the Reiss one the whole time (remember the "Armored - Braun" vial Rod Reiss had? That was Reiner's spinal fluid and how the frick frack it ended inside the Walls??). I think that will play a big role in whatever Willy Billy is planning to do.
I'd say gather Loki and the Avengers to obtain the nine titan powers, using it to control the the Eldians who'll win over foreign leaders and defeat Marley, then proceed to turn on said ambassadors as well as the Eldians they're controlling.
Destroy all perceptions that Eldians are the only ones who can turn titans and use the ambassadors as an example, bringing chaos
Dunno how plausible this is but...maybe he knows how to get rid of the Eldians's capacity to turn into titans, and that's his single answer ?
Either kill all non-Eldians or gain the coordinate and somehow mindwipe all Eldian and non-Eldians alike somehow. Or something idk. I just feel like mindwiping will come into play. Either that or unite Marley and Eldia and ally with the Asians and fight against literally the rest of the world.
Final solution, Willy Hitler
"We will allow the Paradisians to live in peace if they can win a game of baseball against our best team: The Warriors."
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“Willy or wont he” be the big bad of the series? Gray morality wins. But whatever Willy has planned is making a large number of us uncomfortable.
This chapter made me feel really uneasy. Willy Tyber is throwing me off, and I'm really nervous for whatever he has planned next chapter. I feel like this was almost too good, too sweet, too happy. Something big is about to happen, I can feel it, and I know Tyber's gonna be at the center of it. I don't trust him, and I love that this chapter made me feel something this strongly. 
I feel like Willy's "If only the titans didn't exist" was a giveaway. Willy will try to remove all titan powers, either by killing all Eldians (he should know that's gonna be hard to accomplish), or by collecting all titan powers and locking it up idk how. But genocide is not out of the question. He might do it, but even if he does, I don't think I'll really see him as your typical "villain."
Well, damn guys... What if Willy's not even the bad guy, huh? He has shady plans of his own, no doubt... But to just say he's seeking genocide is too far fetched, in my honest opinion. Yes, I don't have a clue as to what he's going to do, but I'm not ready to label him a murderer yet. Maybe I just got charmed by that "Thor-like" haircut, but to me it seemed like he genuinely felt bad for closing his eyes on the treatment of Eldians, and wanted to change that. Of course, Paradis could be the scapegoat, but I don't know about that either. Oh well... We have to wait and see, I guess...
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Eren, Pieck, P A T H S and Colt received the most write-in votes (in that order), but the majority believe we haven’t met the person spying on the inside for Magath.
I didn't understand what they meant by this when I first read it, and I barely still know after reading it again after reading this question.
I wanted to say the SC being spies, but I really think it's either other countries' spies or just mean other countries' leaders/elites had arrived.
It would be interesting character-wise for Magath if he discovered Zeke was legitimately (I have my doubts) conspiring with Eren/Paradis. Magath could be more grey, should he prosecute Zeke, keep it to himself, or join in.
Probably some competent high-ranking Marleyan soldier but the ultimate plot-twist would be Pieck (imagine Zeke being the one snitched out by his most trusted warrior)
Zeke. If Zeke's working with Eren (and not just talking to him but actually helping him), then I think it's possible that Zeke's sort of double-crossing Magath. He could act like he's interested in cleansing Marley by ridding it of the "mice," or he's simply acting interested in Magath and Willy's plan so as to get inside info on what they're up to.
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The baseball glove was proof positive for 86.1% of the fandom.
I wonder if Zeke realizes that it's Eren with whom he's communicating? He only saw Eren once, when his glasses were off, so even if they met in person, I'm not sure he'd recognize Eren.  Eren could be hiding his true identity from Zeke to avoid being stabbed in the back for the coordinate.
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The majority say yes!
We should ask Pieck if Zeke is working with Eren... Because Pieck is exactly right.
Zeke has no side. He is with Eren but he will also rat him out to Magath.
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Zeke looked at his watch and gave Falco permission to escort Reiner to the basement despite it being almost time for the program to begin. That, plus the baseball glove, is enough to convince 72.5% of us that Zeke was in on the Reiner/Eren reunion.
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We were a little more divided here. Most are convinced Zeke and Eren are working together but they are less confident that Reiner will join them.
He doesn't forgive but does work with reigner and zeke.
I can see Eren working together with Zeke or actually manipulating and using him, while Zeke thinks he's his pure cinnamon roll brother. But I don't think a Reiner/Eren alliance will work. Like why would Reiner want to help Eren? Why would Isayama want to fucking ruin Bertolt's life after his dead even more?
I hope Reiner and Eren will be good boys and won't fight. I also hope November will come quickly.
I'm dying to know WHY Eren gave away his presence to Reiner. like WHY take such a risk omg. I gotta read the next chapter asap!!!!
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My personal feeling are in the #2 red zone here. More than half the fandom feels that Eren’s appearance in Marley is fully sanctioned by the Survey Corps.
If Eren really had gone rogue & left Paradis, that means Paradis are one 1 shifter less so more reason for them to recruit Annie as Eren's replacement
Why would they send Eren of all people to Marley? Eren is very well known as a person who can't easily control his emotions, and someone who isn't very good at acting. Just look how bad he did in the Stohess Arc. If he was the only person who could regenarate limbs, I'd understand. But why not send Armin? He has shown to be much better than Eren in both acting and manipulating people. He was also shown to have some slight understanding of Reiner's feelings, so why not him? How could they trust the most emotional person on the team? Has Eren really changed that much?
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This poll result surprised me. On the far extremes, 253 people think Eren is a cinnamon roll while 52 individuals categorize him as essentially scum of the earth. The majority seem to be taking a “wait and see attitude” about his intentions.
"Eren is the same old cinnamon roll"  .......Since when has Eren "I will destroy all titans/murder these rabid dogs masquerading as humans/make sure your death is the most painful possible" Yeager been a cinnamon roll?  Sin-amon roll, maybe.  But even that's kinda a stretch.
I think he: is older and wiser, has a better understanding of the world (and how cruel and unfair it is, I think he's kind of emo) and the memories are affecting him somewhat.
war changes a man
This kid has seen some shit. I don't doubt he's haunted as hell. And that's pretty haunted.
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Close to 60% of respondents believe the influence of Kruger and Grisha’s memories have made Eren a changed man. Basic maturity was the second pick with 30%. In third place, 6.6% of respondents think he hasn’t changed and believe that Eren’s cold demeanor is only an act.
A lot of things have changed Eren, starting from him losing his family and friends, seeing the titans,fighting them and discovering the truth about them, his father and his half-brother. Also seeing the state the Marleys and Eldians are now. So a lot of things have changed Eren and turned him into who he is now.
All except 'he hasn't changed' but I do think the memories had the most affect. Hell after he got those memories he didn't even care about the ocean anymore. I think he realized that there was no freedom inside the walls or outside of them. Which basically made his original goal to 'break humanity out of its cage and eliminate all the titans' meaningless. Really sad honesty.  
All of the coordinate boys get chill eventually
Blurrier moral realization combined with his dwindling lifespan
If we remember the kind if shit he went through it's only natural to assume that he changed. Just like Reiner, all his childhood dreams and goals were shattered to pieces when he saw the bigger picture.
Revenge against the people who genocides our folks generally do that to you.
depression's a bitch
He's coming more dickhead than before that's all
Marley pizza. That shit is life-changing. Reiner can testify.
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I suppose the bottom line here is that the fandom likes the new kids, but they like Eren better. This is war and people get hurt. A slim majority will not hold it against Eren if his actions hurt the warriors or warrior candidates.
If Eren manipulated Falco and doesn't care about him, I will cry.
Can we discuss that all the Jaegers are probably ruining the lives of the Grice family? Grisha with the original, Zeke playing Colt, Eren adopting Falco... Poor kiddos.
No matter how much we enjoy the current chapters, these poll numbers barely change. A significant portion of the fandom remains desperate to see the main cast.
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Although a few fans are impatient to see the SC, I enjoy to see that Isayama is taking is time and is not rushing this part.
I still want the series to bring back the Paradis cast while staying in Marley. I have the feeling things are about to kick into overdrive next chapter, with the landmark chapter 100 incoming, and I'd love it if the finale remained in Marley while having the whole cast there. Have Paradis left for flashbacks/explanations and the epilogue, the mainland's a perfect staging ground for the end of this.
I swear to Ymir if we leave Marley in this cliffhanger there will be riots
I want the 104th back.
With the reveal of the Asian clan symbol (FINALLY), I strongly feel as though Mikasa and the rest of the Survey Corps are going to show up really soon. I expect them to finally return on issue #100, but on next month's issue would be even better!
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RIP my beloved Vets :(
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Hajime Isayama blowing my mind
With tgis new infomation its more liekly that the marleyans have sour cream
He [Willy] will tell the real story of how the titans came into existence, and by fusing all nine titan powers together you get the same powers as the original Ymir Fritz had so you can do some voodoo shit and "cure" all Eldians of their curse. Everyone gets to live happily ever after, oh, and Levi opens up his tea shop.
I really liked the scene with Eren playing with the baseball. He looked so calm
I really enjoyed the entire chapter. It felt like a break but it revealed a ton. I am so eager to keep reading.
Reiner looks so handsome in his uniform >.>
RIP Reiner's wallet
The Asian woman I need to know more
I appreciated the worldbuilding in this chapter. The festival scene in particular showed how big the scale was compared to Paradis. Leaning Eldians lived in other parts of the world and not only Marley, puts things into perspective about their goals. If Paradis is submitted, other Eldians would melt in the population slowly but surely. The REZ alliance or whatever its' called, is completely bull: Zeke isn't going to team up with someone going against his plans. Also Eren didn't mature. He still shares the same goal, but he became way more cunning about it thanks to Kruger and Grisha's memories. He inherited their democratic skills and would gladly use them against Reiner. He never forgave Reiner and isn't going to forgive him. Since Bert died and Shiganshina was rebuild, that alleviated his rage, but he feels like he has to take Reiner down.
It's not so much this chapter sucked, it's just that I'm so sick ok Marley, so I couldn't enjoy it that much
On a serious note, finding out that Grandad Yeager is also a trauma patient at the hospital was heart-breaking. But it makes sense: both of his children are dead and his grandson Zeke is due to "pass on his powers" (die) soon too. I wonder what he'll do if he finds out that Eren is his grandson too, is also a Titan AND has the Founding Titan power? Uh oh! Also worth happy screeching about: That symbol on the back of the Asian lady's kimono. That had to be a deliberate reveal? Is that the symbol of the East Sea Clan from whom Mikasa is descended from and will she reveal that symbol on her wrist?! Last but not least, Reiner gets his own basement reveal and Eren is in there!
The cult of reigner has affected the typesetters i must now retire to the forest where i will live as a hermit with the treefolk only coming out once a month to read the mangastream translation this is my vow so help me god and may the lord be my witness
I know I say this every month, but man is next chapter gonna be a doozy! Eren and Reiner finally meeting is going to stir up some feelings and arguments.
Is Willy going to let the cat out of the bag about the Tyburs being the power behind the leaders of Marley? Will the play be the true history of what happened after the Titan War?
With the reveal of the Asian clan symbol (FINALLY), I strongly feel as though Mikasa and the rest of the Survey Corps are going to show up really soon. I expect them to finally return on issue #100, but on next month's issue would be even better!
I think Willy is actually plotting to overthrow the Marleys and bring power to the Eldians Maybe he's joined forces with Eren and Zeke and we still don't know. I think he wants to restore the Eldian race.
I hope we get to know more about the actual history of "The Subjects of Ymir", perhaps in the form of a theatrical play on that stage. Where do people get this genocide thing from, only from the Nazi parallels? If Willy were planning it, then why did he talk about how the whole world wants exactly that to happen and how he thought up a solution to this problem? Really sounds like he's got something entirely DIFFERENT up his sleeve, and I guess it's got something to do with how Ymir created titans in the first place.
Is Willy going to let the cat out of the bag about the Tyburs being the power behind the leaders of Marley? Will the play be the true history of what happened after the Titan War?
Pieck and Porco are ALWAYS together what's up with that and also we never see Zeke's eyes in this chapter
Zhophia is a Annie relative, Udo is Naruto's son too (Boruto's brother).
Eren meeting Reiner has me so FUCKING HYPED for the next chapter that I so anxious for November. Isayama you damn torturer!!!!
Zeke is a majestic beast leaping for that ball.
Eren meeting Reiner has me so FUCKING HYPED for the next chapter that I so anxious for November. Isayama you damn torturer!!!!
99/100 hype is real
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