#Im so fucking cranky and tired
bottlewoman · 2 years
My city has the worst fucking transit system
I hate it with a fiery passion and I want who ever redesigned the routes to die from excessively stubbed toes.
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tuliptiger · 1 year
I am sick to death of made up and worthless expectations from society and work. Im sickkkkk of it.
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sparrowposting · 9 months
Stop over spiritualizing everything as a "battle" against the "forces of evil" or I am going to beat you with my fists, and unlike the nebulous authority and power you attribute to demons, I can assure you my fists are very present and actively intent on stopping this rhetoric
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bokutosbiceps · 3 months
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barkingangelbaby · 5 months
I feel like such a broken fucking person lol
I talked way too much in the tags don't read them
#fighting off the ideation like my life depends on it!! bc it does!!!#been good about not thinking certain phrases but F U C K am i feeling it. i want to turn into a pile of dust#i am so desperately trying to work on myself and change my patterns and bad habits and perspective but it feels like i always fall short#i try not to talk about it online but I'm just. having a very hard day with N because we experience our feelings in different ways#i isolate myself bc i struggle with regulating my reactions and tones when im having an episode but she needs me to talk through things and#i sometimes just. can't. bc I'm not done experiencing the negativity and am not in a place to have a productive convo bc shame spirals etc#we just spent a long time talking and being patient and i thought i was understanding and explaining myself well but i just. idk.#i don't know how to explain that of course i love her even if I'm isolating myself. of course i love her although I'm nonverbal today. i jus#t can't *make* myself talk when I'm like this i don't want to be nonverbal i don't want to isolate i don't want to be a distant partner i do#n't want to fall back into these patterns related to my grief i want to be better i am trying to be better i am working so fucking hard on#being better. i just feel so defeated bc this all spiraled from me not wanting to decide what to get for lunch n using a poor tone about it#I'm about to talk with her some more but I just. kinda don't want to exist right now. fuck dude. it feels so fucking awful when i upset her#like i love her so much she is so important to me and it breaks my heart that our entire day is shot bc i was tired and cranky#i just don't understand how that equates to me not loving her bc she is my whole world dude. I'm going to throw up#i also don't know how to explain to her that scrolling on tumblr is comfortable to me I'm not ignoring her it's just the SM that i scroll on#like we're hanging out watching tv together I'm gonna scroll a little bit. it's just not insta or anything#idk my mind is scrambled I'm crying I just want to be a better person who can calmly communicate my thoughts and emotions#today has just beat my fucking ass dude. i isolate so those feelings don't get translated into my interactions with others#i don't even know what i typed in these tags I just don't want to off myself or think about it I'm fighting myself so much 2day#rAMbles
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shrimpmandan · 1 year
Ngl I always find it interesting to talk to non-LGBT/non-discourse involved people about LGBT discourse and inter-community politics because there’s very much a noticeable dissonance of “well, this thing doesn’t affect me, so why does it affect you? Why are you bothered by this?” while simultaneously acknowledging that they aren’t involved in the community, and/or community politics.
It’s very easy (and arguably fairly rational) to say people should be able to identify however they want, but it often comes at the cost of ignoring science or incidentally bigoted history. Autistic people being scapegoated by an allistic to “justify” the existence of MOGAI, pansexuality existing as a “replacement” label for bisexuality since either the 1920s or 1930s, the very definition and criteria of gender dysphoria being willfully ignored or changed when the term is already highly inclusive of a variety of different trans experiences, how “gender is all fake bullshit!” can help one trans person and harm another, all of the varying and complex opinions people have on various slurs being reclaimed, I could honestly go on. LGBT people are highly variable in the opinions they can hold and this has been a universal constant truth. The age of the internet has definitely made these politics and discourse more accessible-- as well as opening the door for a whole host of misinformation-- but to act as if community in-fighting and discourse is a recent invention would just be absurd. The issue will always come down to when community politics and discourse distracts from fighting for our actual, tangible rights. If you prioritize identity politics and label discourse over actual people being killed or our rights being under direct threat, then you genuinely need to re-evaluate those priorities. It should also go without saying that other people are not mandated to engage with you and staying in your lane and being reasonably amicable towards things you don’t understand or simply fundamentally disagree with is the mature option in the vast majority of cases.
I have VERY strong opinions about biphobia and bi history, the ableist history of MOGAI, misinformation about gender dysphoria, and the scientific/neurological basis of gender in general. All that can be discussed WITHOUT going out of your way to attack random internet users hoping that they’ll engage you in a discussion you aren’t entitled to. You’re allowed to be frustrated with other members of your own community, but that frustration should never take priority over the rage you should feel towards the bigots in positions of power, nor your ability to evaluate if arguing with a random teen on the internet over their identity is worth it. Trust me LGBT discourse and politics would be so much more fucking productive if it wasn’t a dick measuring contest over who the “real” bigots of the LGBT community are and instigating random strangers, as opposed to, oh I dunno. Posting actual sources pertaining to community history and being open to other perspectives as opposed to being rude and accusatory towards each other? Just a thought.
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leatherbookmark · 11 months
my dream portrayal of jgy is that he's an independant character with his own strengths (not lxc's sweet little child-birthing wifey) that get recognition and appreciation (and that aren't 'being a good mommy/rabid event planner, haha, such a control freak this a-yao'), who deserves and gets love (but isn't just a tiny lovely thing whose only purpose is-- do you get my point already i wonder), who's allowed to be in a bad mood (but isn't defined by those moments, which is very important to me personally), but who isn't a cruel or bad person (and whose attempts at explaining his situation to others are taken seriously, and not as just him trying to Manipulate Others As Usual because, and i might be controversial but idqc, if i'm to call a character a gaslighting manipulator i'd like to see cases of him a/ doing it b/ succesfully c/ often, and no, "well he conned lxc into thinking he's not an evil murderous twink, SOMEHOW" doesn't count)
and my problem is that it's, well, as dreams usually are, rather unattainable
#what i mean by 'allowed to be in a bad mood but not defined by them' is that like. i talked about it before but the way the entirety of the#fandom and their moms are convinced modern jgy is sooo cranky when he wakes up and he loooves to bitch and complain and his ^_^ is ALWAYS#AND ONLY a mask hiding murderous rage towards stupid customers. and as an irl misinterpreted character i find this kinda#hurtful because you're not really 'allowed' to do something if this something will get you teased/immediately associated with Being A Perso#Who Does Thing. like the fandom is very bad at recognizing when a character is acting influenced by intense emotions#but like if cql!lxc slaps jgy that doesn't make him a violent person who solves all problems with his fists and is Sooo Scary Haha to be#around haha Don't Piss Him Off. but this happens to jgy a lot in fanfiction and i'm kinda tired of it#give me one (1) fic where jgy can complain about his stupid ass father and his stupid ass job and gets comfort and support#i also don't get people being so into wwx+jgy friendship. like. jgy would be like 'hey please think abt how your behaviour impacts#not only your reputation but also those of your friends and associates' and wwx would be like lmao chill out idc!#and wwx would be like 'wow your life situation sucks you should just tell everyone to kiss your ass and get the fuck out' to which#jgy would be like There Are No Words To Convey How Much I Can't Just Do That and that would be it. idk#anyway. lotsa words when im just being a hater#shrimp thoughts
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mieczyhale · 2 months
"i had to surrender my cat bc he's got incontinence issues and i'm just not equipped to deal with that"
i'm stealing your fucking kneecaps
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hickoryhorneddevils · 10 months
i regret going back to school i need to drop out and fuck off to middle of nowhere ireland. become a sheep or something (yes a sheep not a shepard.)
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batbluud · 10 months

man, i really just. absolutely loathe living through this era of everything i once cherished growing up degrading into corporate sludge. websites i once adored using are either gone or had to go so corporate to survive they are barely even a facsimile of what i once loved. no more flash games. no more forums. no more fun. every website has to look like tiktok even though i and many others fucking loathe that app. no more customizing your page with html, no more blingee, no more making silly amvs, everything has a copyright bot on it, youtube poops i used to love watching have been erased from existence cus of said aforementioned bot, we're in the post-sopa era where they won and all the absolutely insane religious fascists in the govt are trying to censor any and everything that they don't agree with on the internet, ban this, ban that, "protect the children"...i hate this place. i can't do it no more brother HH. i want to live through a sludge era. i want to do whatever the fuck i please without some puritan fuck breathing down my neck. what is the point in wasting air if you can't do anything with it?? Like Actually What Is The Point of living if you're not allowed to, well, live. christ alive.
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catboyfurina · 1 year
i am never living four people to a bathroom ever again
#beeep#medical talking aka shit talking ahead nya. predictably. because. looks at the words part of the post#i know literally nobody would take my side since im the bathroom hog but#i hurt so bad and im so nauseous and i DO need like. 12 hours. that might be an exaggeration but not that big of one#adn people keep kicking me out like . my organs dont work i need to FIX THINGS#and im NOT quick and just rhgrhghrhhgr#its not this bad except before infusion but like. i NEED a fucking. schedule. i have to take the laxatives and i need#time for my system to get over them and just rhgrhghr#and i dont think id be needing to take the big ones tomorrow if people had just let me have my 6 hours that week before infusion requires.#which!!! sounds like a fucking lot i know!!!!!!! i am not healthy.#and just rghgrhgrbhgrbnifshsfen im so cranky#im so tired and hot and cranky and i hate everything#except for some things but im sooooooo sure that the only reason they can tolerate me is me not being a huge fussy nuisance in person#and jsut#AURGH#i wish id gotten the bag they told me about it like a scary thing but it sounds SO freeing#like yeah im sure its a scary adjustment but rgh#and im just so scared that the big laxative will not fix me and then ill be bathroom locked before infusion and miss it and aaa#and i hate everything and i wanna explode and i hate things and im cranky and upset.#and beause theres no predictable schedule im probably gonna have to use the Fail proof Tactic because i will not be allowed in the bathroom#for six consecutive hours the night before (because if i have to stop it takes hours for my body to free the shit again!!!!! because!!!#shits fucking broken!!!!!) and i dont like the fail proof tactic:<#it is Egg Diet (diet of Only Hardboiled Eggs and Juice. so that i an have enough sustenance to not die but also not enough to cause problems#pre appointment#)#and. rgh its like 3 days away. i dont wanna do egg diet for three days. its unpleasant and i get so shaky#and i wanted to make soup.....but i shouldnt make soup if i cant eat soup..............#anyway i hate everything and i am so cranky i need sleep so i can cry about this in the morning when i an have nice song voice to distract m#im not even sure about 2 people to a bathroom..... like.....that wouldnt be nearly as bad as 4 but i still feel like#there needs to be minimum 2 bathrooms for anyone to tolerate living with me / have peace
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shellsinadune · 1 year
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thefoulbeast · 2 years
finally more or less settled into new apt. still need some stuff like a bookshelf and maybe some more cupboard space but got all the amenities... -w-
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starrypawz · 2 years
This week has been marked with ‘my brain and body decided to be massive a holes’ and just
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llocalgoblinn · 2 years
you ever have those days where you just fucking hate every single one of your friends and your roommate and your neighbors and your parents and society and culture and this whole fucking human experience
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fritextramole · 3 months
a tribute to the lost soul on the second floor of my building
who burned popcorn at midnight and forced us all
to waste away in the 30 degree weather
fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you
but now I'm inside
and I'm warming
and I'm more inclined to be kind
and still I say
fuck you
good night
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