#Image Submission Websites List
Explore the High DA PA Image Submission Websites List of 2023
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Unleash the power of visual content with our curated collection of High DA PA Image Submission Websites for 2023. Elevate your online presence and reach a wider audience by leveraging these platforms. Discover the perfect channels to showcase your stunning images and gain valuable exposure in the digital realm. Get ready to make a visual impact and take your brand to new heights in the year ahead!
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wiliamson45 · 6 months
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webtechmonster · 1 year
User profile creation websites are one of the strategies being utilized to tackle this issue in order to improve the webpage's ranking. And with the use of a profile creation site, you can make it easy to start with.
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nova-dracomon · 6 months
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My Gender is [NOT] Human Zine is Now Accepting Submissions!
Xenogender: A gender that cannot be contained by human understandings of gender; more concerned with crafting other methods of gender categorization and hierarchy such as those relating to animals, plants, or other creatures/things.
This zine will be a collection of artwork, writing and more created by alterhumans and nonhumans to express both their species identity, gender, and how they intersect. While this zine will have an xenogender slant, everyone who has something to share about how their species and gender overlap are encouraged to submit pieces! Similarly, if you are currently questioning, you are still welcome to participate. Anonymous submissions are accepted.
What Can I Submit?
Both fiction and nonfiction pieces are accepted. As long as what you have in mind fits the theme, it’ll probably be a-ok. 
Off the top of our head, we’re thinking of:
Essays of your personal experiences
Short stories 
Advice columns
Fictional advertisements
Mock interviews
This is far from an exhaustive list, we welcome you to think outside the box!
How to Participate
Please email your completed submission to ruffledgryphon(@)gmail(.)com and title the email “My Gender is Not Human Zine Submission.” Also make sure to include the following information in your email:
A name you would like the piece attributed to 
Title of your submission
Any content warnings that you feel are necessary for the piece
Any social media handle or personal website you’d like listed in the contributor section
A logo or icon for the contributor section
**If you would like to stay anonymous please let us know
Members of systems are welcome to submit individually or collectively. Please let us know your preference when it comes to attribution.
Once the deadline has passed, the submissions will be crafted together into a single zine and it will be posted on our itch.io as a free PDF. 
Submissions are due by May 1, 2024.
Our itch.io: https://ruffledgryphon.itch.io/
Submission Guidelines
Each individual may submit up to 3 works to be featured in My Gender is [NOT] Human. Comics and multi-image works count as one piece. Individuals within a system may each submit up to 3 works. All work must be your own! Anyone caught plagiarizing or submitting AI-generated work will be barred from entering My Gender is [NOT] Human and any future zines from us.
Written submissions should not exceed 30 pages and multi-part art entries should not exceed 10 pages. Please keep in mind the zine’s pages will be 8.5x11 and entries will be scaled accordingly to fit that size. We request all art submissions to be sent in either .jpg or .png file formats. 
For stories that use multiple different fonts, we will do our best to preserve the general “feel” of your piece but cannot guarantee we will be able to use the exact fonts or sizes due to restrictions in what fonts we have access to, readability and overarching zine style.
Submissions must fit the thematic criteria of
About the intersection of gender and species identities
If you’re not sure if you count, feel free to reach out to us. However, we will be leaning on the side of “Yes! We’d love to hear from you!”
Q: Where will the zine be hosted? What will it cost? A: The zine will be hosted digitally on our itch.io and will be free to download. Our itch.io can be found here: https://ruffledgryphon.itch.io/
Q: Is there a cap on submissions? A: There is none, as long as the file doesn’t start getting too big for our computer we’ll do our best! If there are an unprecedented amount of submissions, we may have to delay the release. In the event that happens, we would communicate that through updates on our tumblr.
Q: Can I update my application after it’s been submitted? A: Yes you may, as long as that is communicated to us before the submission deadline.
Q: Can I rescind my submission? A: Yes you may, as long as that is communicated to us before the submission deadline. This is because once we begin work on the zine, having to remove content mid-way through would throw off the formatting of everything else after. Please take this into account before submitting. 
Q: Will this zine allow NSFW entries? A: No, nothing 18+ will be accepted.
Q: What is your timeline for the project? A: Our submission deadline is May 1, 2024. We are then planning to spend the next month compiling all of the entries. Our goal is to have the zine live by June 1, 2024. If something unforeseen happens and we are unable to make that deadline, we will post an update about it on our tumblr.
Q: I have another question! A: Feel free to reach out to us at our email ruffledgryphon(@)gmail(.)com or here on tumblr  with any other questions you have about the zine.
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waxerboilmonth · 2 years
SFW prompts NSFW prompts🌶️ Waxer*Boil Month AO3 collection Discord server
SCHEDULE (weeks begin on Sundays) : • Prompt submissions: Dec 1, 2023 - Dec 14, 2023 • Prompt voting: Dec 15, 2023 - Dec 21, 2023 • Prompts announced [SFW prompts] [NSFW prompts🌶️]: Dec 22, 2023 • WEEK 1: March 3, 2024 - March 9, 2024 • WEEK 2: March 10, 2024 - March 16, 2024 • WEEK 3: March 17, 2024 - March 23, 2024 • WEEK 4: March 24, 2024 - March 30, 2024 • Late contributions accepted/re-reblogs posted to Tumblr: March 31, 2024 - April 21, 2024 • Collection closes: April 22, 2024
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FAQ and rules below the cut:
1. Can works created for Waxer*Boil Month include other characters or ships?
Of course! That said, the focus must be on Waxer and Boil's relationship, however you envision it. Any other characters featured should be in supporting roles only (see Rule #1 below for more information). The purpose of this event is not to encourage more works that simply include Waxer and Boil, but to encourage more works that focus on their story, specifically, above all others.
For example, if you were to post the work on AO3, the tags ‘Clone Trooper Boil/Clone Trooper Waxer’ and/or ‘Clone Trooper Boil & Clone Trooper Waxer’ would be the first and primary relationship tag(s) in the work.
2. What kinds of fan works are welcome for this event?
All kinds of fan works are welcome, including, but not limited to, fan fiction, digital and traditional art, gifs, podfics—anything you'd like to create!
3. What platforms/websites can I use?
Waxer*Boil Month will include an AO3 collection to which you can submit works, the waxerboilmonth Tumblr account, and a Discord server. If you are sharing a work on Tumblr, please tag @waxerboilmonth​​ so that I can reblog it. If you don't have a Tumblr account or don't want to share a work directly to Tumblr, you can send an ask or DM waxerboilmonth with a link to the work on AO3 or other sites (such as Instagram, Twitter, etc.), and I will share it on the event Tumblr.
4. Do I have to make something for each week in order to participate?
No. Participants are welcome to create as many fan works as they like for the month. If you just want to create one work, that's great!
5. How many sets of prompts will the month have?
Four—one for each full week of March, 2024. The list of prompts for 2024 will be posted on Tumblr after Dec 22, 2023.
6. How many prompts will there be per week?
Each week will have 4 text prompts and 2 image prompts that participants can choose from to create any kind of fan work. In addition, there will be 3 NSFW prompts per week, though again, contributors may create any kind of work from any prompt. The list of prompts for 2024 will be posted on Tumblr after Dec 22, 2023.
7. What's the difference between the text prompts and image prompts?
Aside from how they are submitted, there's no difference between the two types of prompts. Text prompts could be anything from tropes to AUs to short song lyrics. Image prompts can be anything from an aesthetic image (cyberpunk, cottagecore, etc.) to something that is more suggestive of a plot or other theme (a person going running with their dog, a birthday party, etc.). Feel free to use any of these prompts as inspiration for any kind of fan work.
8. Are there rules regarding whitewashing?
This event does not condone whitewashing of any characters, but there are no specific rules that participants must follow. Descriptions or visual representations of the clones, for example, do not need to check any arbitrary boxes of 'correctness.' Nor must they exactly resemble the models in The Clone Wars or any people who have played the clones in live action roles—art is hard and demanding anything like photo-realism is exclusionary. However, please keep in mind the frequent whitewashing of characters in popular media and create your contributions to Waxer*Boil Month in good faith.
9. Are NSFW/E-rated works allowed?
Yes, fan works of all ratings are welcome (please see the rules below for exceptions). However, they must be properly tagged on AO3 and labeled with the appropriate Major Archive Warnings. On Tumblr, contributions must also be properly tagged and have appropriate community labels applied. You are free to post your works on other platforms as well, but please follow those platforms' community guidelines and tagging policies.
10. Do you accept late contributions?
Yes, the event will accept late contributions through April 21, 2024.
1. This rule is being added in April, 2023, due to some confusion with contributions for the first Waxer*Boil Month in March, 2023. To elaborate on and reiterate item #1 in the FAQ, the focus of the work MUST be on Waxer and Boil’s relationship. This means that:
Waxer and Boil must both be included in the work in some way (for example: though flashbacks, talking via holocalls, etc.)
The main story or theme cannot revolve around other characters, relationships, or plot elements unrelated to Waxer and Boil’s relationship.
If the work consists of multiple chapters in which each one is a drabble or ficlet, all of the chapters must be focused on Waxer and Boil’s relationship.
Works that do not meet these criteria will not be accepted in future Waxer*Boil Month events.
If you are unsure about an idea, feel free to DM or send an ask to the waxerboilmonth Tumblr account. As an example, here is a work that may not, at first glance, seem to meet the criteria above, but the caption underneath the image ties the work together and makes it clear that Waxer and Boil's relationship is the focal point.
2. I’m the only mod and need to at least skim all works to make sure they fit the event criteria, so while I place no moral judgements on works of fiction, I ask that participants not contribute works that feature:
explicit sexual content, non-con, or graphic violence involving characters under the (species equivalent) age of 16—that's 8 for clones.
animal cruelty
3. Please do not add any DNIs (Do Not Interact) to any of your contributions to this event.
4. The AO3 collection is open but moderated, so you may join it and contribute works at any time. However, the works will not be approved until the appropriate week. For that reason, ✨please include the week number and whatever prompt(s) the work is filling in the tags, summary, or author’s notes.✨ 5. Have fun! Support each other!
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Comic Box 1997 End of Evangelion Issue - Archive Scan
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Comic Box was a magazine in Japan launched in, from what I can gather, 1982. It was a bit of an ‘alt” magazine - it has an imprint, Comic Box Jr, which focused on doujinshi for example - and would cover anything anime-adjacent, including western films. The October 1997 release of the magazine was dedicated to the release of the End of Evangelion film, and to answering the question “what was the phenomenon called Evangelion?”. Towards that end it features fan submissions, art, comics, essays, all talking about what Eva meant to them. Some are serious, some are fully comedic, way way more than I expected are erotic, and overall it is a time capsule of how the anime community was thinking about Evangelion when EoE came out. The magazine dissolved in 1998 from what I can tell, so this was one of its last releases - you can still see its absolutely vintage website here! Complete with dashing chibi cat gif.
I discovered this magazine through japanese anime/manga archivist-in-residence ehoba on twitter, who provided photos and rough summaries of some of the pages. They are just camera photos of an open magazine though, not scans, and not at all complete. I hunted around for a while to find a scanned version, messaged ehoba and a few others, posted on forums like Evageeks, and drew total blanks. I couldn’t find any listings of it online, so I set the quest aside...until I was placing another order for some artbooks for import and decide to check Yahoo Auctions Japan and lo and behold, there is was! It arrived this week.
So that image above is not one pulled from the internet - I have scanned the entire Evangelion segment of Comic Box - October 1997 issue. I am a neophyte scanner & image editor, these aren’t gonna be amazing or anything, but while I hope to make a more polished version I wanted to share the drafts now. I really aspire to translate it, but of course I don’t speak Japanese, so I am going to see how far working with some people I know and brute-forcing with AI would go. If you are interested or know someone who would be, definitely reach out! 100% would crowdsource this. If someone already scanned and translated this, also let me know, I would groan heavily and curse my google skills but i’d rather it be available and know, and not waste time.
Below will be some reduced-down PNG’s of the magazine to fit Tumblr image limits with Ehoba’s notes and a few of my own attached to them. A link to the full images as a singular PDF is on the Internet Archive [Here]
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A reflection of a very known thing in this magazine is that, from my perspective, End of Evangelion is definitely Asuka’s moment to shine, but it didn’t matter because the 90′s Eva fandom *loved* Rei. She was the most popular by far, and I think dethroned Sailor Mercury on the ‘best girl’ polls in magazines of the era. Nowadays if you poll audiences - as the NHK did recently - Asuka is the most popular girl, but it was a different, proto-moe-boom time.
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"Evangelion was fake. A fake made by one director, or by the staff. However, it was a very real fake. God, it was so good."
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Watermelon Kaji absolute goat here; so cool indeed
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How much Asuka is suffering in all these images vs god-salvation Rei is, again, saying alot about the waifu wars.
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"I don't think episode 25 and 26 were professional work. I understand that the ADR script and previews with layout sheets are supposed to be avant-garde, but something is wrong with it." "TV show is not an individual's job, so I wanted them to deal with the schedule limitation."
90% sure this Asuka ‘escaped’ and I saw it on the internet in the early 2000′s - maybe the author published it elsewhere in a doujin, I assume a lot of this art would have been repurposed for other mediums.
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Honestly the art is incredible for this magazine sometimes, the splash pages they have are filled with Evangelion’s anime-spiritual energy.
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"Unit 02 has a mouth, which means it can give a blow job." "The biggest surprise is Rei in cowgirl position. The official content does that, so hentai authors have nothing to do."
(Gainax putting hard-working hentai doujin authors out of a job, what assholes!)
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"My heated up feeling toward Evangelion was quick-freezed by episode 25 and 26. EoE defrosted it, but now I feel distant from Evangelion."
How much Episode 25-26 come up here is great evidence for how divisive they were - End of Eva is absolutely seen as commentary on, and opposition to, the TV ending. I think in the west the initial reception of the original ending is overall more positive? Certainly nowadays, would be curious how it is seen in Japan today.
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OCR’ing this image will literally murder me, pls I can’t
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"Bullshit plot, surficial information, shallow dialogues, inconsistent direction, story with tons of plot holes, the director's masturbation, the otaku's useless attempt to enlighten other otaku..." "BUT I LOVE IT."
10/10 take
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"'Sincerity' of someone I don't like just confirms that I still don't like them. Anno apparently thought that honest depiction of himself can be depiction of otaku, but that's not wrong. Anno is exceptionally creepy."
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God-tier Anno portrait here. I love how many of this art showcases “settings” from End of Eva and which ones hit the audience - re-using the movie theatre seats for Shinji, that is really cool!
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Evangelion - Slayers edition! The artist names are in the black box panel on the page lining, I absolutely hope to track down a few of them and see what kind of works they made.
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"I think each material of Evangelion was nothing new. In the early half, however, I was moved by their techniques of arranging and remixing those materials." "Creators' strong desire for expression supported this story, but I'm not sure."
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"Adam and Eve in the Eden East" "I hope they will live happily after the ending."
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"The theater was like a funeral after the screening. No, I should say it was a literal funeral. Evangelion ended, it died. In terms of entertainment, Evangelion was completely and brilliantly killed."
Kaworu’s insta-inclusion into the ranks of the kid cast is always amusing to me; he is in one episode of the show after all, barely in Eva! But he is all over the art immediately. The power of design - and also being one of the first gay characters on television (as opposed to OVA’s) in Japan.
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Hopefully if I can make progress on translation I can have actual thoughts to add to the scan, certainly I will post results if I get them.
I value, way too deeply to be honest, the preservation of the other side of the ‘media mix’ - how people responded to the media in question and what it meant to them. It is way more likely to be lost than the media itself or documents from the production side. May this contribution to preserving a bit of that experience be of value to those out there who would be interested in the history of Evangelion, and anime more generally.
If you think you know anyone or your followers overall would be interested in translation help, I would appreciate the broadcasting!
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seedcomp-if · 2 years
Introducing SeedComp!
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Forenote: this was posted ahead of the 2022-2023 edition of the Seedcomp! For current information about the competition, see the pinned post.
SeedComp! is a newly created 2-round interactive fiction game jam, focusing on creativity and the growth of ideas, happening over on Itch.io. 
SeedComp! is separated into 2 distinct rounds: Planting and Sprouting. During the Planting Round, you are invited to submit 'seeds' into the competition (text, images, code, etc...). In the Sprouting Round, you get to select one or more seeds and use them as inspiration for your interactive fiction entry for fun, awards, and bragging rights!
You can take part in either round or both. The first round runs from Dec 7th to Jan 7th, the second from Jan 9th to March 1st.  You can sign-up to Round 2 here. 
All indicated deadlines are set to midnight UTC -10/HST time. Don’t worry, they are translated to your local time automatically on Itch.
Signing up to Round 1 Signing up to Round 2
Join our Discord! Official Website
The full list of Rules and Guidelines can be found under the cut.
Round 1 : Planting
During the 1st Round, Planting, you are invited to submit 'seeds' into the competition. These seeds can be absolutely anything, from game introductions, pieces of art, blurbs, design documents, puzzles, poems, characters, I7 extensions, settings, feelies, or even code!
You can submit:
As many 'seeds' as you'd wish.
Unfinished  IF projects, only if you are the author of said entries.
NSFW  seeds as long as content warnings are included.
Other guidelines:
Seeds must be your own creation and licensed under a CC BY-NC licence, CC-BY license or equivalent, or a less restrictive license.
All seeds must be downloadable.
While there is no minimum word count for static text seeds (like blurbs/intros), we encourage you to submit more than just one sentence.
All seeds will be screened by the organisers for trolling/abuse.
If your seed is not selected during this edition of the SeedComp!, you may choose to keep it in the seedbank and make it available for future editions until it is used.
Round 2 : Sprouting
During the 2nd Round, Sprouting, you can sign-up your intent to use Seeds (optional, via this form [TBA]) and submit your entry to Round 2. 
 Discussion of seeds is encouraged in both our Discord and the Community Tab (Itch).
Submission Guidelines:
All entries must be Interactive Fictions.
All entries must be completed games. While there is no requirement in length, a reasonable target is about 15-30 minutes to play.
All entries must be based on at least one seed from Round 1. You may choose to incorporate more  or all seeds if you wish to. 
The entries must follow the licensing type of the most restrictively licensed seed used (indicated on the seed page).
All entries must indicate the seeds used in their submission form.
Seed use is not exclusive to one person, multiple people can sign up for the same seed.  There is no 'dibs'.
You may use your own seed from Round 1.
While you may use only your own seed, this does go against the spirit of SeedComp! and thus your submission won’t be eligible for awards.
Content Warnings must be displayed when submitting the entry.
You can also opt out of receiving awards on your own when submitting. Organisers can submit entries but are not eligible to receive awards. 
We encourage you to provide a downloadable copy of your entry in your game page, for accessibility purpose.
Possible Softwares to create Interactive Fiction:
Inform 7
and many more can be found listed in the IF Wiki.
Playing and Voting for Awards
All Sprouting entries will be made available to play shortly after Round 2 ends. 
Unless opted-out, every entry is eligible for Awards. Awards are titles set by the organisers (such as Best Overall, Best UI, Best Puzzle, etc..). However, every entry can also be nominated for Stickers, which are unique awards submitted by voters for a specific entries (note: all stickers will be screened by the organisers). 
Awards will also be awarded to seeds, such as Most signed-up Seed, or Most Finished Entries for a Seed, etc..
You will be able to vote for Awards and submit Stickers starting March 2nd/3rd until March 31st through this form [LINK TBA]. The results will be released early April.
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crumb · 2 years
This is your friendly reminder to periodically check the Whitepages site to see if you or a loved one has information available and to request it's removal via their opt-out service. I tend to check my name + a city I've lived in, my surname + city I've lived in (might only be useful if you have a semi/uncommon surname), family member's name + city they've lived in, & other variations. Your full name and any related info may appear on relative's/roommates search results. So I usually go through and have their info removed as well. If you search and find your personal information on any other sites, most likely that website will have it's own way of supressing or opting out of having your info available through their service so check their help centers, FAQs, etc for more information on how to do that. (This process will be slightly different depending on the site.) Are you still able to find your personal information when googling certain search terms? (ex. ' "Your Name" address ') You can also request that Google remove the search result from appearing. You can either do it through this troubleshooter page which will walk you through the process and let you provide multiple URLs, screenshots, etc. in one submission: https://support.google.com/websearch/troubleshooter/9685456 Or—You can also make individual requests to remove search results directly from the Google results page like shown in the image below. Select the 3 verticle dot icon to the right of the search result you want to request removal for, you'll be shown a window with various info, at the bottom of that pop-up you'll see a button labeled "Remove result". Select that and then you'll be taken through the process of requesting its removal.
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Note: This will remove the result from the Google search results but the page itself will remain up. People accessing the page through a direct URL, social media, etc will still be able to. This is why it's also a good idea to request the info be removed through the specific site itself. Stay safe out there! ♡
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cytocutie · 4 months
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Mariupol — Kathleen Truax
Painting (Oil on canvas), 40"x30"x1", 03/27/2022
Presented at The deYoung Open 2023 (ID #29)
Listed for $4000 *
Artist statement:
Out of great emotional upset over the invasion of Mariupol by Russia, I painted an abstraction on March 27, 2022 as a way to distract myself. I didn't consciously set out to paint anything to do with the invasion, but nevertheless must have done so, because my longtime partner took one look at the painting and exclaimed, "It's Mariupol!" I said without a moment of thought, "You're right!" Even the colors are related to the flag of Ukraine.
Kathleen Truax is an oil painter of landscapes, abstractions, portraiture, and figures. You can see a higher-quality version of this image and more of her artwork on her website, kathleentruaxart.com , or follow her on instagram @/krtruax .
The deYoung Open is a triannual exhibition featuring artwork by California-Bay Area creators. The most recent exhibit was on display at The deYoung Museum in San Francisco from 09/30/2023 to 01/07/2024. To learn more and view a digital gallery of all 883 pieces that were featured, visit deyoungopen.artcall.org . And if you're an artist from Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, or Sonoma County, you should consider making a submission for 2026! Applications will probably go live in early June 2026, so you have some time to plan :)
I am not an affiliate of The deYoung Museum, Kathleen Truax, or any of the artists featured in The deYoung Open 2023. I'm just posting to celebrate some amazing CA artists. If you are the artist and would like me to take this post down or add additional credit, please message me on Tumblr.
* Listing price is shown on the deYoung Open website at time of writing. The artwork may no longer be available for sale.
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twstedpometea · 1 year
Ugigiugi Trace-Source List
Hello everyone
I've decided to go ahead and release the text list of artists and other media that Ugigiugi has traced from.
Please note that this is not a complete list.
These are the only sources people have found online and made comparisons on. These are also submissions people have DM'd me and things I investigated personally. Some items have have also been forward to me by others.
This list is subject to possible updates if people send in more proof! (traced image/source + name of the artist). Names and sources are subject to corrections if errors are discovered. (If there is an error, please let me know!)
Once again, I will remind everyone that this post is not to be used for harassment of Ugigiugi or any of her supporters. This list is for archival purposes ONLY.
With that said, the list is below for public viewing.
The following names were sourced from the following websites. Deviant Art Twitter Pixiv
Please bare in mind some of these artists have either deleted their social media or locked their accounts. Art has been source through websites such as Pintrest and through the links.
Also! Please keep in mind Ugigiugi has traced multiple times from certain artists as well.  This listing will not include a tally of how many individual art pieces but rather a tally of the artists themselves that have been identified.
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This section are the names of fanartists from the Twisted Wonderland fandom that Ugigiugi has copied/traced from. Both eastern and western artists are listed. 1. りつ | r1kuuw 2. pnt_kzt  3. 桃山 | ATM_momoyama  4. モミ | momimmmm 5. Bun0286 6. 村上 | mjl__k (18+ Artist) 7. たろう | ttytrotro  8. メディ| medy_hisho 9. しそジュ |  Htt_Zq 10. オミトン | twst_rere  11. かになべ | gadicil9s 12. (PAN粉) (18+ Artist) 13. ヌイG | boiler300000 (18+ Artist) 14. ろめ | romemememero (18+ Artist) 15. 猫山みけ | Mikesan1014 16. c℃ | hptw_mt (18+ Artist) 17. RiaRiiRii 18. Primrozii 19. marymileMM | SmileYume_MM 20. 白玉子 | Shiratama_games 21. _kanibaum (18+ Artist) 22. むった | niku___daisuki 23. タケバヤシ | take_bayashi_3d 24. 白戸 | kojiro_0408 (18+ Artist) 25. びた | bi__ta (18+ Artist) 26. ベントー | bentouoic 27. よかぜ | 1yokaze0 28. 梦路 | yu0814me (18+ Artist) 29. すし | letterhyms 30. ヨウ | 0_5rudo 31. matanetws 32. 柚木鈴 /ももも|  mmmmomomi016 33. みいち| 3mi1chi 34. 痛腹| fu_ku_2 (18+ Artist) 35. ゆのみず | onigiripanrice 36. yyy1205ui * 37. さんかく. | karaokemint 38. ぽろろ| frontier_moboj | 71 (18+ Artist) 39. キャベ子 | aliceneko07 (18+ Artist) 40. 冷え(ひえ| hiehie_02)  41. 一文字くん| ichimonjikun 42. 師走 | twstshiwasu 43. ぐうちゃん | Guu91972691 44. にぱち | itinukepi 45. 舟 | uuelc 46. とろ | 0doro0 47. はっさく| hassaku28 48. mekoorou * 49. かめ乃 | kameno_oz 50. おあー 51. シチコ | shichiko 52. kir_glass 53. 下僕のmio氏 | mio_Gtwst (18+ Artist) 54. ichikura_twst03 (18+ Artist) 55. 00kinaki_M 56. powam | demipomu 57. 風羅 | fuuraffy 58. るー | rutu25twst 59. よもつ | yandalycaon (18+ Artist) 60. 玹 | tghrzzz 61. みみ屋 | twst_lr 62. (ちゅうさん) ちゅうさぎ | chusan_D 63. 岡喜 | okaki12 64. Hidaka 65.ワカメ | mewakame  66. めんるい  (18+ Artist) 67. Iroirosumi 68. .かめ  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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This section lists artists who are unrelated to the Twisted Wonderland fandom but their artwork has been copied and traced by Ugigiugi. 1. dCTb | ctchrysler 2. Norin  | Mahoukarp  3. The-stray-liger. 4. Croisy 5. 헤라| 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐀 | K_pupu 6. Lenbarboza 7. Mintycanoodles 8. Elentori 9. Coleglend  10. JING | JING30357709 11. SarahCulture 12. みざら| mizala_ 13. Guillaume Morellec 14. Sol-Lux* 15. Nanata98 16. to | to_no_e * 17. Ramuda Amemura | pinkyramuda 
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This section is for resources such as anime/pose bases. Most base makers are open to people using their resources as long as credit is given. Ugigiugi has never credited her base sources. -Free to use with credit resources
1. CourtneysConcepts   2. 뾰옹 | bangpaze   3. Aniforce 4. Aniforce_BC 5. 포돈 트레이스 | phodon_TRACE 6. 김길규 | Kim_Gilgyu 7. Commission_0v0 * 8. anion_art 9. JANGSA_KK 10. 다래 | commision_dr 11. BW42_cms 12. Daegu_aniforce 13.Apprii98  14. 빡배 | bbakbbagi_baepo 15.Milkie-Moo 16. 랏시(Ratcy) | ratcy_rm
-Y.C.H (Your Character Here)
1. Zenithomocha 2. Tiroma 3. Quinnyil 4. Lonary  
-Closed Patreon Bases/Poses
1. Precia-T
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This section lists published works that are copyrighted through print, media, and are products of studios, websites, and other media including manga/webcomics/Manwha/other series. A number of these digital platforms have made physical copies of their comics. 1. Twisted Wonderland (Game assets, animation and manga/anthology book.) 2. Disney (Sleeping beauty, The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Hercules). 3  Black Butler  (Manga series) 4. Ennead (18+ Manwha series) 5. Unholy Blood (Manwha series) 6. One Punch Man (Manga Series) 7. Freepik. (emoji/avatar website) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are 113 identified sources at this time. Note: All names with a * are marks go thought linking to accounts that art locked/deleted posts. -TwstedPomeTea
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veggiecats · 2 years
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we are between: a modest mouse fanzine
[EDIT] submission deadline: april 9th, 2023
poster transcription under cut! @steadbox @sleepdrawing @zine-scene
we are between: a modest mouse fanzine
submission deadline: march 26th, 2023
email submissions to: [email protected]
- you can submit up to 3 pieces, you are welcome to submit things you have already made!
- be sure to use 5.5x8 (8x11) as a rule of thumb when submitting, anything outside of those parameters will either be cropped or distorted
submission requirements:
- please include the name that you would like to be credited as and any social media or websites that you would like to be listed
- please also share something you like about modest mouse, why you’re a fan, or simply your favourite song!
visual work:
- illustrations, collages, photography, etc. is welcome! no video/audio
- jpeg files will come out with the best quality!
written work:
- please include a title at the top. please don’t exceed two pages.
- you can either send me your work as a document or as an image file. please have it formatted as you would like it to be seen in the zine.
this is a non-profit zine and it will be completely free and available to view online, with both a digital-view and a printable version!
message me or leave an ask on tumblr @veggiecats or email me at [email protected]
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webtechmonster · 1 year
Want to know about the best free image submission sites list, then you must visit Webtechmonster. There are lots of information available regarding the image submission websites. Go check it out today!
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if-whats-new · 1 month
FAQ - (Frequently) Asked Questions
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Below are all the questions we received since creating the zine, compiled into one post for easier find! If you have a question, don't hesitate to ask! We'll update this if needed.
About the Zine
Why the Zine? why A zine?
Because there's so much stuff happening in the IF community that it's hard to keep track of everything. We hoped to compile as much news as we could for people to get reminders on what's new to check out!
And zines look neat!
What's in the Zine? What can we expect?
All the good IF stuff! Covering what happened the previous week:
Events happening right now, from conferences to jams to competitions (registration, submission, voting, or just ended)
New games/projects released
Updates of projects
Game recommendations
And more! (if we find something)
When is the next issue coming out?
Every Saturday, around 9-10 am EST. Unless something happened, then it might be a bit later.
Where can I find the Zine?
On Tumblr (both image and transcription), on Itch.io (viewable current + downloadable past), and on Google Drive (same as Itch downloadable).
How do you make the Zine?
Google Drive to compiles notes, and Canva to make it all pretty. Also Notepad for the .txt transcription.
Why more than one (readable) format?
It was important for us that there were multiple medium to read the zine, and for it to be accessible to as many people as possible. We loved the vibe of the visual template we chose, but it is not the best. Images can't be read by screen readers, and are pretty large (they might not fit a screen).
So we have:
the OG ZINE format, with pages that flip because it looks cool!
a PDF with clickable links, to easily get to the content you want to check out.
a folder of separate pages as images, to view each page separately and zoom in on them
a .txt file with just the text and the links because it is the most accessible format for devices (Noi insisted)
Why can't you add colors to make the zine pop?
I (Axelle) am colour-blind. It's safer for everyone if I only use black and white. I can't do contrast just fine (because it's all shades of grey), just not colour contrast (I end up with bright red on bright pink too often). this is also why parsers are so cool to me, because I can set the interpreter to whatever contrast I want! but it's harder with choice games...
About the Content
Can I submit something?
Even between the 4 of us, we'll miss stuff. Especially smaller projects/websites, stuff that isn't in our feed/tags/etc...
So if you know a cool thing that was published/updated/is happening, let us know!! A link can change everything!
Are there things you don't accept?
Project without playable content, not even a demo. Otherwise, there would be way too many projects to keep up with for the zine.
This list may change at any time, if we think it needs to.
Where I can send you news/games/other stuff?
You can:
Send us an ask (anonymous open)
Submit something (anonymous open)
Add it to our Google Sheet (can be anonymous)
Post it on our itch.io page
And also:
You can fill in the form with our game recommendation!
What's the difference between recommended by and submitted by?
In our Highlight on section, we share titles that we liked or were sent to us by other users. In the later case, some send us just the link, other send us a whole sentence about why they like it.
We call the first recommended (because we have to come up with a little bit of text for it) and the second is submitted (because we only have to copy-paste the submission).
Hey! You didn't include [my/this] project! What gives?
Sorry, we probably didn't see it/missed it!
But if it's within the time range (posted/updated the week mentioned in the current issue), it has at least a playable demo, and you share with us a link, then we'll add it to the next issue!
If it's just outside that release/update window, better submit it as a recommendation!
You make a mistake here.
Thank you for letting us know! We'll try to correct it ASAP! And if it's too late, it will show up on the next issue!
Why do you promote old IF games? No one likes them!
Well, I (Axelle) do. I think they're neat, and they're a type of Interactive Fiction. It would be weird not to promote them like we do with the others, especially since there are parser authors on Tumblr/itch.io. Noi, if you sent this ask...
About The Team
Who are you? Why haven't we heard of you before?
Erika, Marjorie, Axel(le), and Noi. Just some IF readers and IF lovers. We talk a bit more about ourselves here. But if you want to know more, just ask! We might not answer, though.
What's your handle? I want to follow you.
No, thanks. (our blogs are empty anyway, cause we just use them to follow people).
Are you authors too? What's the name of your projects?
Lol, absolutely not. We're not good enough writers to write coherent sentences together. We prefer just playing games. Making stuff takes too long. Noi: I tried, it was so bad I deleted the files/program and wiped my drive.
Is it Axel or Axelle? Why can't you pick one? It's confusing.
It's Axelle. Just use that one (I was named after this other Belgian Axelle). Please only use that name,. Same with getting my pronouns right (surtout en Français!!).
If you're just lurkers... How did you get together as a group???
It wasn't actually IF that brought us together at first, but TTRPG. A Vampire the Masquerade one to be exact, with a friend looking for players. It was only after some chatting about other non-TTRPG stuff that we realized we all loved IF (different kinds of IF at first). And we've been sharing recs with each other, and thoughts, and rants. Noi won't shut up about hating parsers... Axelle hasn't lost hope to convert him.
We still play TTRPG (almost) every Sunday, but we've been rotating systems and leaders. Currently, we're on a homebrew CyberPunk one now, with Axelle as the GM. It's a treat for after releasing the zine!
Other questions
Do you have a Discord server?
No, and we don't plan on making one. Doing the zine is already enough work. We wouldn't be able to handle moderating people on top of that...
Do you have a Ko-Fi/Patreon/tipping jar/subscription ?
No, and we don't plan to. The whole project is meant to be free forever for everyone.
If you want to support us, please share the issues with other people (like reblogs, or linking it on other social, or even blaze the posts!!!). We're big suckers for kind words and cheers!
AND share with us cool IF stuff you found or send us your recommendations! That helps us more than you know!
If you really want to spend your money on an IF project, we suggest you throw some coins at non-profit organisation like the IFTF, at tipping jars of IF system programmers (e.g. Twine format creators) or directly to game/creators (many of them have tipping jars)!
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amperage · 4 months
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS  PROGRAMMING 2025-2026 Call opening : February 1, 2024 Closing date : March 31, 2024
Active in Québec since 1982, Le Lieu, centre en art actuel, brings together installation, performance, manœuvre, audio art, sound poetry, video and other explorations of the vast field of action art. The center's programming integrates activities and operations related to what are now recognized as interdisciplinary, ephemeral and relational aesthetic practices. 
For its 2025-2026 program, Le Lieu is looking for project proposals that explore the different relationships forged between the work and the gallery. Whether processual/evolutionary exhibitions or other explorations of the potential for occupying a space, we wish to question what a gallery can offer in the dissemination and actualization of works of performance art, action art and interdisciplinary practices (including various archival, sociological, scientific blends, etc.). With this call, Le Lieu aims to present practices and exhibitions that consider action as the foundation of the proposed exhibition, without limiting itself solely to the presentation of archives.
The call is open to local, national and international artists, collectives and curators of all ages and levels of experience. Le Lieu pays exhibition fees at the recommended CARFAC rate for the 3-week exhibition project. An additional fee will be granted for the performative, discursive or workshop proposal. We cannot guarantee reimbursement of national and international travel expenses, but letters of support will be written to assist in the search for funding.
Le Lieu aims to create a diversified program that reflects current thinking on the arts. This is why, in addition to occupying the gallery space, selected artists, curators or collectives are invited to integrate a discursive or performative component into their project. 
All submissions must include : - A short statement of approach (250 words max.) ; - An exhibition project description (max. 500 words) ; - A curriculum vitae (max. 3 pages) ; - A maximum of 20 numbered images and/or a link to video extracts (youtube, vimeo, wetransfer) of 5-10 minutes maximum ; - A detailed list of your supporting material.
INFORMATION : - The call is open to artists, collectives and curators of all ages and levels of experience ; - The call is open to local, national and international artists, collectives and curators ; - Letters of support will be drawn up for selected international artists, collectives and curators, with the aim of securing a grant to cover their travel costs ; - Le Lieu pays exhibition fees at the recommended CARFAC rate for the 3-week exhibition project ; - An additional fee will be granted for the performative and/or discursive proposal. - A map of the gallery is available on our website ; - Submissions will be evaluated by a committee of peers ; - All applicants will receive confirmation of receipt and a reply by mid-June.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. Applications can be submitted to the same address, specifying "call for applications 25-26" in the subject line. 
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alearcrystweek2023 · 10 months
Alearcryst Week Rules and Guidelines!
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Hello Alearcryst Fans!
The rules and general guidelines have been created for Alearcryst Week 2023, and are as follows:
Alear and Alcryst must be the featured characters in submissions, and interactions may be platonic or romantic in nature. Content for both genders of Alear is welcome!
Submissions can be made through mentioning @alearcrystweek (Twitter), @alearcrystweek2023 (Tumblr), or by using #alearcrystweek. If your content was posted on an outside website, leave a link and/or a preview image!
Prompts serve as suggestions and themes for a specific day, but content outside of the day's prompt is just as welcome!
You must tag any content warnings if they apply to your work. Please refer to Archive of Our Own's list of archive warnings for a baseline.
The inclusion of NSFW content shall be up to the community, and voting will take place through an inquiry form posted on the Alearcryst Week Twitter and Tumblr. The decision will be announced after the poll closes on Sat. Sept. 9th at 11:59pm UTC and rules will be updated accordingly.
First and foremost, this ruleset is here to provide a level of organization and create a space where participants can be comfortable and have fun "engaging" with the community. Thus, if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or even just want to say hi, feel free to ask questions here on this blog or on my main accounts (as linked in the pinned). Thank you all, and stay "cool"!
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rumplteazer · 6 months
Welcome to my CATS sideblog! During 2020, I got intensely into CATS and worked on several projects to archive and document various things that have to do with this musical.
This blog is an active sideblog that will be reblogging normal content, however I'm also working on moving over all my posts from my main blog (sorry for any spam) for archival purposes. Below the cut is information on all my archival projects:
Here are some helpful tags you can check if you're looking for something in particular:
#resources - covers all media listed below, a catch-all for any original posts I made with pertinent information about CATS.
#photos - photos of specific productions or actors. All images are sourced from the CATS wiki unless stated otherwise, as I scanned in a few myself.
#audio - audio of specific productions that I posted to tumblr.
#video - video from various productions that I posted to tumblr.
#information - posts with factual information regarding CATS
#my art - very simple, anything i've drawn!
Many of my archival projects are free-standing and can be accessed outside of this blog:
Victoria Grove - a website I built to serve as a hub of information for CATS fans. It includes summarized information for new fans, character profiles, lyrics, links to any 90s/early 2000s fansites that are still up, archived images from fansites that are no longer regularly accessible, games, a forum, and my personal favorite pet project: a section covering the history of the original Broadway run.
The Broadway Mega Edit - A project to compile all available footage of the original Broadway production into one video. Any sections of the musical where no video exists has been replaced with photos and audio. This is outdated as footage that was lost at the time of making it has since resurfaced but I have no idea when I'll be able to make a new version. If you have any information on a full Broadway bootleg from 1982-2000 please contact me.
@catsnonreplica - a blog cataloguing all nonreplicas of CATS that I could find at the time. I'm too busy to research and post there anymore however I accept submissions if anyone wishes to add a nonreplica that hasn't been catalogued.
@catsmusicalmerch - a blog cataloguing CATS merchandise, mainly ones that are hard to find any documentation on. Like the above I don't have time to continuously update it, but the blog accepts submissions.
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