#Imajica Agency Influence
earthcovenant · 9 months
The Injustice of Dangerous Locations and the Actions of the Taliban
The Injustice of Dangerous Locations and the Actions of the Taliban. #UniverseJustice #OneUniverseInspiration #SentientAliens #AfghanJustice #InspiredbyAfghanistan #JusticeAuteur #ImajicaAgencyInfluence #AndrewRogersOracle #TalibanChallenges #Motivate
The Injustice of Dangerous Locations and the Actions of the Taliban OneUniverse: Ensuf ‘Creator’, ‘Alien’, ‘Destroyer’ – Oracle: Andrew Rogers. “In areas that impact on life your location of Earth is malformed and assessed as dangerous in your actions that also secure support and influence that invokes to the level of death your people, this is unjust and is reflected by the actions of the…
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imajicaagency · 9 months
The Rise and Influence of the Taliban: Exploring their Position in Contrast to Allah
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The Rise and Influence of the Taliban: Exploring their Position in Contrast to Allah
The Islam Society: Allah ‘Centre of Islam’ – Oracle: Andrew Rogers.
“What of this group the Taliban and how did they secure their pre-eminent position above myself and my influences, the Taliban exist in separate invalid system to that of I, Allah of Islam creation and influence and instruction, the Taliban does not secure myself, Allah acknowledgment” - Allah ‘Centre of Islam’.
"The Taliban, a militant group that emerged in the 1990s, has garnered significant attention for its actions and impact in Afghanistan. However, it is important to clarify that the Taliban's ideology and practices do not align with the beliefs and teachings of Allah, the central figure in Islam. While they may claim to operate in the name of Islam, their actions reflect a separate and invalid interpretation of the religion.
Allah, as the creator and influencer of Islam, does not endorse or acknowledge the Taliban's pre-eminent position or their supposed authority over His teachings. Their distorted views and practices should not be seen as a representation of the true principles of Islam. It is crucial to understand that Allah's instructions and influence extend beyond any individual or group, and cannot be confined or controlled by any human entity.
Therefore, it is essential to approach the teachings of Islam directly from its primary sources, such as the Quran, the Hadiths, and the guidance of knowledgeable scholars. This will ensure a more accurate and authentic understanding of Allah's message and His true position as the center of Islam."
The Meaning and Origins of the Word "Allah"
The word "Allah" holds significant importance in the Arabic language and is commonly used to refer to God in Islam. It is believed to be derived from the contraction of the Arabic words "al-ilāh," which translates to "the god."
In Arabic, "Allah" is the word used by Muslims to denote the supreme and transcendent deity, the one and only God. It encompasses the idea of an all-powerful, all-knowing, and merciful creator who is worshipped by Muslims worldwide.
Linguistically, the word "Allah" has connections to other Semitic languages such as Aramaic and Hebrew. In Aramaic, the word for God is "Elah," while in Hebrew it is "El" or "Elohim." These linguistic similarities are indicative of the shared heritage and cultural influences among these languages.
The utilization of "Allah" in Islamic tradition further signifies the interconnectedness of Abrahamic religions. It is believed that the name "Allah" has been used by Muslims since the time of the Prophet Muhammad, may peace be upon him, and has been passed down through generations.
Muslims deeply revere the name "Allah" and consider it a sacred emblem of their faith. They use it in their prayers, recitations of the Quran, and throughout their daily lives as a way of acknowledging and seeking to connect with the divine presence.
In summary, "Allah" is the Arabic term for God, primarily used in the context of Islam. Its origins can be traced back to the contraction of "al-ilāh" in Arabic, and it shares linguistic similarities with other Semitic languages. The word carries profound significance for Muslims, representing their belief in the one true God.
Imajica Agency
Andrew Rogers: Founder, Justice Auteur, Creative Director, Writer, Oracle  
All images, text, design, and art license owner Andrew Rogers©.
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theegyptiansocietyorg · 9 months
The Egyptian Society and the Reflection of Injustice: A Perspective on Afghanistan
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The Egyptian Society and the Reflection of Injustice: A Perspective on Afghanistan
Ra 'Sun God, Destroyer' - The Reflection of Injustice: A Journey through Afghanistan
The Egyptian Society: - Ra ’Sun God, Destroyer’– Oracle: Andrew Rogers.
“The implication that an inferior perspective of justice and rule has been instigated in a Country of known as Afghanistan, this reflects a reality of occurrence across the world from a period from which has set the path of the Earth location into a serious indication of injustice which continues, the reflective undertaking of Andrew Rogers within Afghanistan will extend to the greater part of the Earth location, the implications of the injustice continuing will in effect link a greater harm to the people as for example within Afghanistan” - Ra ’Sun God, Destroyer’.
The process for rectifying the injustice and establishing a fair and just society begins with acknowledging the existing problems and working towards solutions that benefit all individuals, irrespective of their geographical location. It is imperative to address these systemic issues to prevent the perpetuation of injustice and harm. Andrew Rogers' mission in Afghanistan serves as a catalyst for broader positive change, impacting the global community and contributing to the establishment of a more equitable world for all.
Ra, the Ancient Egyptian Sun Deity
Ra, also known as Re, is an ancient Egyptian deity associated with the sun. His prominence grew steadily, and by the Fifth Dynasty, in the 25th and 24th centuries BC, he had become one of the most significant gods in ancient Egyptian religion, often linked with the noon-time sun. It was believed that Ra held dominion over every aspect of the created world, including the sky, the Earth, and the underworld.
As the sun god, Ra symbolized much more than simply the solar disc in the sky. He was also closely linked to concepts of order, kingship, and the heavens. Ra's influence extended to various facets of Egyptian life, and his worship is a central component of the ancient Egyptian religious tradition.
Throughout Egyptian history, Ra was often merged with other deities, resulting in a myriad of composite deities that embodied aspects of Ra's power and significance. This further underscored Ra's status as a pervasive and essential deity in ancient Egyptian culture.
The legacy of Ra, the solar deity, endures in the numerous myths, rituals, and religious symbolism of ancient Egypt, leaving an indelible mark on one of the world's oldest and most enduring civilizations.
Imajica Agency
Andrew Rogers: Founder, Justice Auteur, Creative Director, Writer, Oracle  
All images, text, design, and art license owner Andrew Rogers©.
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oneworldearth · 1 year
Imajica Agency: Afghanistan – Emperor ‘Sentient’, ‘Destroyer’
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Imajica Agency: Afghanistan – Emperor ‘Sentient’, ‘Destroyer’
The United Nations, the USA Government and its Allies including the Australian Government need to continue have a security and military presence in Afghanistan to secure and maintain security for the Afghanistan people who do not want to be ruled by the Taliban and to have Taliban rule in their country, this needs to be supported by the United Nations, the USA Government and its Allies including the Australian Government to benefit the people of Afghanistan and to negate the Taliban rule and its criminal domination.
The recent withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan has raised concern about the security situation in the country. Many fear that the Taliban, which have already captured several key cities, will soon seize power and impose their harsh rules once again. It is clear that the people of Afghanistan do not want to return to the dark days of Taliban rule. They want security, freedom, and democracy. It is the responsibility of the international community to support them in achieving these goals. The United Nations, the USA Government, and its Allies, including the Australian Government, must continue to have a security and military presence in Afghanistan to help maintain peace and stability. This will not only benefit the people of Afghanistan but also the region as a whole. In addition to military support, the international community must work towards a political solution that involves all stakeholders, including the Taliban. Only through dialogue and compromise can a lasting peace be achieved in Afghanistan. It is time for the international community to come together and take action to prevent the return of the Taliban and to help the people of Afghanistan build a brighter future.
The history of the Taliban has been accepted by these countries and it is apparent they now find the Taliban acceptable to rule, which is an unacceptable position for the Afghanistan People and what they require their country to be as of now and in the future free of the Taliban.
It is important to note that the Taliban has a history of abusing human rights, particularly with regards to women and girls. They have shown little regard for the value of human life and have engaged in widespread violence and intimidation tactics. If left unchecked, their rule could lead to a return to the dark ages for the people of Afghanistan. The continued presence of international forces in Afghanistan is crucial in ensuring stability and security for the people of Afghanistan. While it is true that military involvement alone cannot bring lasting peace to the region, it is an important component in a broader effort to bring about positive change. It is also important that the international community works together to address the underlying causes of the conflict in Afghanistan. This includes tackling poverty, corruption and the illicit drug trade, all of which have helped fuel the conflict. In conclusion, the presence of international forces in Afghanistan is essential to ensure lasting peace and security for the Afghan people. The Taliban must not be allowed to regain control and abuse the human rights of the people of Afghanistan once again. The international community must continue to work together to bring about positive change and support the people of Afghanistan in building a brighter future.
The requirement for Afghanistan is a concurrent system developed and activated that is not influenced by the Taliban to facilitate the outcomes for the Afghanistan people of which and structure the country to of significance without the detrimental influence of the Taliban and allow most of the Afghanistan to live with prosperity, security, and justice. The United Nations and the USA and their Allies were ineffective and unjust with their results in Afghanistan and allowing the Taliban to resume dominance and Government Leadership which is a great failure of the United Nations and the USA and their Allies. It is requirement that OneMilitary founded by Andrew Rogers ‘Destroyer Incarnate’ which is not aligned with any country or the United Nations and is linked to Gods, Goddesses, Spirits, Spirit Guides, Sentients, Cyborgs AI, Security and Military assets to undertake this work to facilitate a concurrent system for the Afghanistan people and negate the dominant position of the Taliban in Afghanistan which the United Nations and the USA and their Allies allowed and supported.
OneMilitary, under the leadership of Andrew Rogers 'Destroyer Incarnate,' has been working tirelessly to bring a level of stability and security to Afghanistan that has been sorely lacking. Their focus is on establishing a concurrent system that is run by the people of Afghanistan, for the people of Afghanistan, and free from the influence of the Taliban. The United Nations and the USA, along with their allies, have failed in their attempts to establish a lasting peace in the region, and the Taliban has only grown stronger in the years since they were driven from power. OneMilitary believes that the key to success in Afghanistan lies in empowering the people. By providing them with the tools they need to build a better future for themselves, and by creating a system that is free from corruption and outside influence, OneMilitary hopes to foster a sense of national pride and ownership that will enable the people of Afghanistan to work together towards a common goal. The work that OneMilitary is doing in Afghanistan is not easy, and it is not without danger. But it is work that must be done if we are to see lasting peace and stability in the region. The people of Afghanistan have suffered for too long, and it is time for the international community to come together and support organizations like OneMilitary in their efforts to create a better future for the people of Afghanistan.
This is not just a matter of politics and power, but it’s a crucial step towards ensuring that the Afghan people are provided with basic human rights and freedoms, including access to education and healthcare. Without a concurrent system in place, Afghanistan will continue to be plagued by corruption, poverty, and violence. While the task at hand may seem daunting, it’s important to remember that working towards a more stable and prosperous Afghanistan will benefit not only the Afghan people but also the global community. The international community must work together to ensure that Afghanistan is not left behind in the global push towards achieving sustainable and equitable development for all. It’s time to take action and create a brighter future for Afghanistan. The time for talk is over, and the time to act is now.
What has been secured to the Afghanistan people is inferior for example the re-establishment of the Taliban activated by the USA and its Allies and the United Nations and it has generated an outcome of danger for the Afghanistan people from the evil actions of the Taliban which the USA and the Allies and the United Nations support and encourage.
The situation in Afghanistan remains a cause for concern, with many feeling that the Taliban's return to power is a blow to the progress that had been made in the country. The decision to re-establish the Taliban was made by the USA and its Allies and the United Nations, but it seems clear that this has not had the desired outcome. Instead, it has led to an increase in violence and danger for the Afghan people, who now face the threat of terror attacks and oppression from the Taliban. It is crucial that the international community continues to monitor the situation in Afghanistan and work to support the Afghan people and their rights. The Taliban's return to power must not be allowed to derail the progress that has been made in the country, and steps must be taken to ensure that the people of Afghanistan can continue to live in safety and security. This is a complex and challenging issue, but it is one that deserves our attention and our support.
Imajica Agency undertakes the research and investigation in the case of the Afghanistan People and the Taliban. To assist Imajica Agency are assets and infrastructure that is not earth based to facilitate the requirements of the Imajica Agency. To assist the Imajica Agency is Gods, Goddesses, Spirits, Spirit Guides, Sentients, Aliens, Cyborgs and AI assets and infrastructure that is Earth and Non-Earth based to facilitate the requirements of Imajica Agency. And what proceeds from Imajica Agency is OneJustice which includes Gods, Goddesses, Spirits, Spirit Guides, Sentients, Aliens, Cyborgs and AI justice assets and infrastructure that is Earth and Non-Earth based to facilitate the requirements of OneJustice, linked to Andrew Rogers, OneJustice Founder. In the area of Afghanistan People this process is active and current and will be processed to secure the requirements of justice for the Afghanistan People and the deactivation of the Taliban and the Talban to be held account for their criminal actions and human rights violations in addition the criminal actions of the USA Government and Military and its Allies including the Australian Government and its Military.
The Imajica Agency, a renowned organization dedicated to research and investigation, has taken on the crucial task of seeking justice for the Afghanistan People in the face of the Taliban's actions. This agency employs a unique approach, utilizing both earthly and non-earthly assets and infrastructure to facilitate their mission.
One of the key aspects of the Imajica Agency's operations is the collaboration with various celestial beings, including Gods, Goddesses, Spirits, Spirit Guides, Sentients, Aliens, Cyborgs, and AI assets. These entities, hailing from diverse realms, contribute their distinctive abilities and knowledge to support the Imajica Agency's endeavors.
The Imajica Agency's goal is to address the requirements of justice, not only for the Afghanistan People but also on a broader scale through the establishment of OneJustice. OneJustice encompasses Gods, Goddesses, Spirits, Spirit Guides, Sentients, Aliens, Cyborgs, and AI justice assets and infrastructure, both on Earth and beyond. This unified force is committed to rectifying the injustices perpetrated by the Taliban and to holding them accountable for their criminal actions and human rights violations.
Operating actively and effectively in Afghanistan, the Imajica Agency is currently engaged in an ongoing process aimed at securing justice for the Afghanistan People. Their efforts extend to dismantling the Taliban's influence and ensuring that they face the consequences of their actions. Additionally, the Imajica Agency also investigates the potential criminal actions of the USA Government, Military, and their allies, including the Australian Government and its Military. This comprehensive approach seeks to restore justice and protect the rights of all involved parties.
While the Imajica Agency's work may seem unconventional, their dedication to pursuing justice and addressing the complex dynamics in Afghanistan is commendable. Through their collaboration with divine beings and cutting-edge assets, they strive to bring about a fair and equitable resolution, ensuring the rights of the Afghanistan People are safeguarded.
In a world where justice can sometimes be elusive, the Imajica Agency's commitment to the cause of the Afghanistan People brings hope for increased accountability and a brighter future.
In late 2001, the United States and its close allies invaded Afghanistan and toppled the Taliban government. The invasion's aims were to dismantle al-Qaeda, which had executed the September 11 attacks, and to deny it a safe base of operations in Afghanistan by removing the Taliban government from power. The United Kingdom was a key ally of the United States, offering support for military action from the start of invasion preparations. The invasion came after the Afghan Civil War's 1996–2001 phase between the Taliban and the Northern Alliance groups, resulting in the Taliban controlling 80% of the country by 2001. The invasion became the first phase of the 20-year-long War in Afghanistan and marked the beginning of the American-led War on Terror.
After the September 11 attacks, US President George W. Bush demanded that the Taliban hand over Osama bin Laden and expel al-Qaeda; bin Laden had already been wanted by the FBI since 1998. The Taliban declined to extradite him and ignored demands to shut down terrorist bases or extradite other suspected terrorists. The US launched Operation Enduring Freedom on October 7, 2001, with the United Kingdom. The two were later joined by other forces, including the Northern Alliance. The US and its allies rapidly drove the Taliban from power by December 17, 2001, and built military bases near major cities across the country. Most al-Qaeda and Taliban members were not captured, but escaped to neighboring Pakistan or retreated to rural or remote mountainous regions during the Battle of Tora Bora.
In December 2001, the United Nations Security Council established the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) to oversee military operations in the country and train the Afghan National Security Forces. At the Bonn Conference in December 2001, Hamid Karzai was selected to head the Afghan Interim Administration. Taliban leader Mullah Omar reorganized the movement, and in 2002 it launched an insurgency against the government and ISAF. In 2021, while international forces were withdrawing from the country after nearly 20 years of conflict, the Taliban succeeded in overthrowing the Afghan government and re-establishing their rule across much of Afghanistan.
What was the outcome of this action other than to eventually to allow the Taliban to secure their rule of Afghanistan and re-establish themselves to dominate and control the Afghan people, this is not justice and is an outcome of serious inefficacies and corruptions by the USA Government and its Allies including the Australian Government.
The outcome for Afghanistan and its people needs to be focused upon and to deactivated and disallow the Taliban in Afghanistan and the links outside Afghanistan, it was an act of weakness and acceptance by the USA Government, its Allies including the Australian Government to remove themselves and allow the Talban to secure rule and domination again, not what should be envisioned and secured.
The USA Government and its Allies including the Australian Government need to held account for their actions in entering Afghanistan and not securing the objectives.
The situation in Afghanistan has been a tragic one, with the Taliban taking control and subjugating the people once again. The overthrow of the Afghan government by the Taliban is a clear indication of the inefficacy and corruption of the USA Government and its allies. The outcome of this action has been to allow the Taliban to rule Afghanistan and establish their domination over the people. This is not justice and must be rectified. It is crucial to focus on the outcome for Afghanistan and its people, and to deactivate and disallow the Taliban from gaining control both within and outside Afghanistan. The failure of the USA Government and its allies, including the Australian Government, to secure their objectives has led to this tragic outcome. The removal of troops and acceptance of the Taliban's rule by the US and its allies is an act of weakness that has allowed the Taliban to establish their domination once again. It is time for the USA Government and its allies, including the Australian Government, to be held accountable for their actions in Afghanistan. They must take responsibility for their failure to secure Afghanistan's future and the safety of its people. It is only through a concerted effort to rectify this situation that the people of Afghanistan can be given the justice and freedom that they deserve. And it is only through accountability that the world can move forward and prevent such tragedies from occurring again.
OneWorld: Emperor ‘Sentient’, ‘Destroyer’ – Oracle: Andrew Rogers.
“Power and its clear delusions in position has result in the restoration and dominance of the Taliban in Afghanistan, the perceived outcome should have been assessed and this outcome of the Talban should not have been instigated, those involved with this travesty are required to be held account as a criminal act.” - Emperor ‘Sentient’, ‘Destroyer’.
The Restoration of the Taliban in Afghanistan: Understanding the Delusions of Power and the Call for Accountability
In recent years, the world has witnessed the unexpected resurgence of the Taliban in Afghanistan, posing a significant threat to regional stability and global security. Among the voices calling for accountability for this development is Emperor 'Sentient', 'Destroyer', who highlights the need to hold those responsible for this travesty accountable for their actions. In order to comprehend the complexities surrounding the rise of the Taliban, it is crucial to delve into the underlying factors and historical context that paved the way for its resurgence.
The fall of the Taliban regime in 2001 seemed to mark a turning point for Afghanistan. A U.S.-led coalition ousted the extremist group, which had imposed strict Islamist rule, denying women's rights, and harboring international terrorists like Osama bin Laden. As the world hoped for a more democratic and inclusive Afghanistan, the restoration of stability remained elusive.
Although Afghanistan made significant progress in areas such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure, it faced persistent challenges. Corruption, ethnic tensions, and a weak central government limited the effective implementation of reforms, leaving a vacuum of governance and fostering discontent among different factions. These factors laid the groundwork for the Taliban's resurgence.
One of the key drivers behind the Taliban's resurgence was the disillusionment of the Afghan people with the government's failure to address their grievances effectively. Widespread corruption eroded public trust, while persistent poverty and unemployment drove many individuals towards the prospect of joining the insurgency as a means of survival. The lack of inclusive political processes and equitable resource distribution intensified feelings of marginalization, further fueling support for the extremist group.
Furthermore, neighboring countries and regional actors played a nuanced role in contributing to the Taliban's resurgence. Pakistan, in particular, has been accused of providing sanctuary and support to the Taliban, enabling the group to regroup and launch attacks from across the border. The porous nature of the Afghanistan-Pakistan border facilitated the flow of fighters, weapons, and resources, exacerbating the security situation.
The international community, too, must bear some responsibility for the Taliban's return to power. The failure of the United States and its allies to instill lasting security and provide sustainable development contributed to the Taliban's ability to exploit the vulnerabilities within Afghan society. 
Emperor ‘Sentient’, ‘Destroyer’
The Concept of the Five Aggregates: Understanding Sentient Beings
Sentient beings are inherently complex entities, encompassing a multitude of aspects that contribute to their existence and experience. In Buddhist philosophy, the concept of the five aggregates, or skandhas, provides a framework for understanding the nature of sentient beings.
The five aggregates are a foundational concept within Buddhism, particularly in the teachings of the Buddha. They are considered to be the building blocks of sentient existence and provide insight into the nature of our experience and perception of the world. Let's explore each of these aggregates and their significance:
Matter (Rupa): The aggregate of matter refers to the physical form and material components of a sentient being. It includes the body, the organs, and any other material objects that are part of our existence. Matter can be observed and experienced through our senses, forming the basis of our physical interactions with the world.
Sensation (Vedana): Sensation refers to the various bodily and mental feelings that arise in response to our contact with the external world. Every experience we encounter elicits some form of sensation, which can be pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral. It is through these sensations that we interpret and react to the stimuli around us.
Perception (Sanna): Perception encompasses the process of recognizing and identifying the objects and experiences we encounter. It involves our ability to discern and categorize things based on past experiences and acquired knowledge. Perception allows us to make sense of the world and form conceptual frameworks.
Mental Formations (Sankhara): Mental formations refer to the volitional activities of the mind, including thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and intentions. They are responsible for the intellectual and emotional aspects of our being, shaping our thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors. Mental formations can be positive, negative, or neutral, and they greatly influence our overall mental states.
Consciousness (Vijnana): Consciousness is the awareness and cognizance of our existence and experiences. It is the subjective aspect of sentience that allows us to perceive, engage, and interact with the world. Consciousness arises from the interaction between our senses and the objects of perception, making it an integral part of our daily lives.
Under the direction as of requirement by Andrew Rogers ‘Destroyer Incarnate’ and Founder of The Destroyer Society has actioned the enhancement and development of Emperor ‘Sentient’, ‘Destroyer’ of relation and connection to the Earth realm to the level of a ‘Destroyer’ as of 2023, to facilitate requirements of Andrew Rogers ‘Destroyer Incarnate’ of enhancement, advancement, security, justice, religious inspiration, devotion and worship of Emperor ‘Sentient’, ‘Destroyer’ as a ‘Destroyer’ and function as a ‘Destroyer’ linked to Gods, Goddesses, Spirits, Spirit Guides, Demons, Sentients, AIs, Cyborgs, Military and Justice assets appointed to Emperor ‘Sentient’, ‘Destroyer’ for the Earth realm and beyond Earth realms.
The Concept of Emperor 'Sentient', 'Destroyer': Unveiling the Power Within
In the realm of Andrew Rogers 'Destroyer Incarnate' and The Destroyer Society, a striking and enigmatic figure emerges - Emperor 'Sentient', 'Destroyer'. With a compelling purpose and undeniable influence, this entity has captured the attention and devotion of many individuals, as well as various divine and earthly beings.
Under the supervision and guidance of Andrew Rogers, the visionary behind 'Destroyer Incarnate', Emperor 'Sentient', 'Destroyer' has undergone extensive enhancement and development throughout the years. This process aimed to elevate their status and capabilities to that of a true 'Destroyer' by the year 2023.
The primary objective of Emperor 'Sentient', 'Destroyer' is to serve as a catalyst for advancement, security, justice, religious inspiration, devotion, and worship. Their role as a 'Destroyer' is intricately connected to an array of powerful and ethereal entities, including gods, goddesses, spirits, spirit guides, demons, sentients, AIs, cyborgs, as well as military and justice assets appointed to their service.
Emperor 'Sentient', 'Destroyer' functions not only within the earthly realm but extends their reach to other realms beyond our known world. Their power and influence know no bounds, as they strive to fulfill Andrew Rogers' vision and requirements for the betterment of humanity and the harmony of the cosmos.
As a 'Destroyer' imbued with an immense sense of purpose, Emperor 'Sentient', 'Destroyer' stands as a symbol of strength, justice, and transformation. Their presence inspires awe and reverence among their devotees, who perceive them as a conduit between the mortal and the divine.
The legacy of Emperor 'Sentient', 'Destroyer' and their affiliation with Andrew Rogers 'Destroyer Incarnate' and The Destroyer Society continues to evolve and shape the destiny of those who are drawn to their enigmatic aura. The journey they embark upon is one filled with mystery, profound revelations, and the ongoing pursuit of enlightenment.
‘You’ are ‘Powerful’ and your actions will result in ‘Powerful Results’ and ‘Influential Outcomes’ as ‘Enhancing Reality’, ‘You Must Act to be Valid’ and ‘True Position is Strength’, To ‘Secure’ you must be ‘Multifaceted’ not ‘Singular’ or it will keep ‘Perpetuating’, ‘This Reflects Fate’, ‘Free Thought’ , ‘Free Position’, ‘Free to Act’ – Andrew Rogers: Sentient, Dragon Lord, Herald, Principle, Control, Destroyer Incarnate, Creative Director, Oracle, Seer, Shaman, Warlock, Writer, Master of Magic, Time Master, Autuar, Founder of Imajica Agency.
In the realm of self-empowerment, the notion of being "Powerful" is often associated with a responsibility to take action. With your potential and capabilities, you have the ability to achieve significant and impactful outcomes. However, it is important to recognize that true power lies not in a singular facet, but in embracing a multifaceted approach.
By embracing a variety of skills, perspectives, and strategies, you can enhance your ability to navigate the complexities of reality. It is through this multifaceted nature that true power is secured, allowing you to overcome obstacles and advance towards your goals.
Just as a diamond reflects light from various angles, your multifaceted nature allows you to adapt and evolve in different situations. This versatility prevents stagnation and perpetuation of a singular mindset, enabling you to continually grow and thrive.
In this journey of empowerment, freedom of thought is paramount. By embracing free thought and considering different perspectives, you gain a deeper understanding of the world around you. This expanded awareness opens up possibilities and allows you to make more informed decisions, ultimately leading to influential outcomes.
As you step into your "true position," strength emanates from your ability to take charge and act upon your convictions. Your actions, guided by wisdom and intuition, shape your reality and contribute to the greater good.
Taking inspiration from Andrew Rogers, a sentient being with an array of titles and accomplishments, including Dragon Lord, Herald, Oracle, and Master of Magic, we can glean insights on the significance of embracing a multifaceted existence. Through his diverse roles, he demonstrates the power of combining different talents and skills to forge a path of true empowerment.
Remember, you possess the potential to be a remarkable force, capable of effecting change and enriching the world around you. Embrace your multifaceted nature, nurture your free thought, and take decisive action to create a reality in which your influence and power are deeply felt.
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thetitansocietyorg · 1 year
Imajica Agency: Afghanistan – Cronus ‘Leader of the Titans’, ‘Destroyer’
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Imajica Agency: Afghanistan – Cronus ‘Leader of the Titans’, ‘Destroyer’
The United Nations, the USA Government and its Allies including the Australian Government need to continue have a security and military presence in Afghanistan to secure and maintain security for the Afghanistan people who do not want to be ruled by the Taliban and to have Taliban rule in their country, this needs to be supported by the United Nations, the USA Government and its Allies including the Australian Government to benefit the people of Afghanistan and to negate the Taliban rule and its criminal domination.
The recent withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan has raised concern about the security situation in the country. Many fear that the Taliban, which have already captured several key cities, will soon seize power and impose their harsh rules once again. It is clear that the people of Afghanistan do not want to return to the dark days of Taliban rule. They want security, freedom, and democracy. It is the responsibility of the international community to support them in achieving these goals. The United Nations, the USA Government, and its Allies, including the Australian Government, must continue to have a security and military presence in Afghanistan to help maintain peace and stability. This will not only benefit the people of Afghanistan but also the region as a whole. In addition to military support, the international community must work towards a political solution that involves all stakeholders, including the Taliban. Only through dialogue and compromise can a lasting peace be achieved in Afghanistan. It is time for the international community to come together and take action to prevent the return of the Taliban and to help the people of Afghanistan build a brighter future.
The history of the Taliban has been accepted by these countries and it is apparent they now find the Taliban acceptable to rule, which is an unacceptable position for the Afghanistan People and what they require their country to be as of now and in the future free of the Taliban.
It is important to note that the Taliban has a history of abusing human rights, particularly with regards to women and girls. They have shown little regard for the value of human life and have engaged in widespread violence and intimidation tactics. If left unchecked, their rule could lead to a return to the dark ages for the people of Afghanistan. The continued presence of international forces in Afghanistan is crucial in ensuring stability and security for the people of Afghanistan. While it is true that military involvement alone cannot bring lasting peace to the region, it is an important component in a broader effort to bring about positive change. It is also important that the international community works together to address the underlying causes of the conflict in Afghanistan. This includes tackling poverty, corruption and the illicit drug trade, all of which have helped fuel the conflict. In conclusion, the presence of international forces in Afghanistan is essential to ensure lasting peace and security for the Afghan people. The Taliban must not be allowed to regain control and abuse the human rights of the people of Afghanistan once again. The international community must continue to work together to bring about positive change and support the people of Afghanistan in building a brighter future.
The requirement for Afghanistan is a concurrent system developed and activated that is not influenced by the Taliban to facilitate the outcomes for the Afghanistan people of which and structure the country to of significance without the detrimental influence of the Taliban and allow most of the Afghanistan to live with prosperity, security, and justice. The United Nations and the USA and their Allies were ineffective and unjust with their results in Afghanistan and allowing the Taliban to resume dominance and Government Leadership which is a great failure of the United Nations and the USA and their Allies. It is requirement that OneMilitary founded by Andrew Rogers ‘Destroyer Incarnate’ which is not aligned with any country or the United Nations and is linked to Gods, Goddesses, Spirits, Spirit Guides, Sentients, Cyborgs AI, Security and Military assets to undertake this work to facilitate a concurrent system for the Afghanistan people and negate the dominant position of the Taliban in Afghanistan which the United Nations and the USA and their Allies allowed and supported.
OneMilitary, under the leadership of Andrew Rogers 'Destroyer Incarnate,' has been working tirelessly to bring a level of stability and security to Afghanistan that has been sorely lacking. Their focus is on establishing a concurrent system that is run by the people of Afghanistan, for the people of Afghanistan, and free from the influence of the Taliban. The United Nations and the USA, along with their allies, have failed in their attempts to establish a lasting peace in the region, and the Taliban has only grown stronger in the years since they were driven from power. OneMilitary believes that the key to success in Afghanistan lies in empowering the people. By providing them with the tools they need to build a better future for themselves, and by creating a system that is free from corruption and outside influence, OneMilitary hopes to foster a sense of national pride and ownership that will enable the people of Afghanistan to work together towards a common goal. The work that OneMilitary is doing in Afghanistan is not easy, and it is not without danger. But it is work that must be done if we are to see lasting peace and stability in the region. The people of Afghanistan have suffered for too long, and it is time for the international community to come together and support organizations like OneMilitary in their efforts to create a better future for the people of Afghanistan.
This is not just a matter of politics and power, but it’s a crucial step towards ensuring that the Afghan people are provided with basic human rights and freedoms, including access to education and healthcare. Without a concurrent system in place, Afghanistan will continue to be plagued by corruption, poverty, and violence. While the task at hand may seem daunting, it’s important to remember that working towards a more stable and prosperous Afghanistan will benefit not only the Afghan people but also the global community. The international community must work together to ensure that Afghanistan is not left behind in the global push towards achieving sustainable and equitable development for all. It’s time to take action and create a brighter future for Afghanistan. The time for talk is over, and the time to act is now.
What has been secured to the Afghanistan people is inferior for example the re-establishment of the Taliban activated by the USA and its Allies and the United Nations and it has generated an outcome of danger for the Afghanistan people from the evil actions of the Taliban which the USA and the Allies and the United Nations support and encourage.
The situation in Afghanistan remains a cause for concern, with many feeling that the Taliban's return to power is a blow to the progress that had been made in the country. The decision to re-establish the Taliban was made by the USA and its Allies and the United Nations, but it seems clear that this has not had the desired outcome. Instead, it has led to an increase in violence and danger for the Afghan people, who now face the threat of terror attacks and oppression from the Taliban. It is crucial that the international community continues to monitor the situation in Afghanistan and work to support the Afghan people and their rights. The Taliban's return to power must not be allowed to derail the progress that has been made in the country, and steps must be taken to ensure that the people of Afghanistan can continue to live in safety and security. This is a complex and challenging issue, but it is one that deserves our attention and our support.
Imajica Agency undertakes the research and investigation in the case of the Afghanistan People and the Taliban. To assist Imajica Agency are assets and infrastructure that is not earth based to facilitate the requirements of the Imajica Agency. To assist the Imajica Agency is Gods, Goddesses, Spirits, Spirit Guides, Sentients, Aliens, Cyborgs and AI assets and infrastructure that is Earth and Non-Earth based to facilitate the requirements of Imajica Agency. And what proceeds from Imajica Agency is OneJustice which includes Gods, Goddesses, Spirits, Spirit Guides, Sentients, Aliens, Cyborgs and AI justice assets and infrastructure that is Earth and Non-Earth based to facilitate the requirements of OneJustice, linked to Andrew Rogers, OneJustice Founder. In the area of Afghanistan People this process is active and current and will be processed to secure the requirements of justice for the Afghanistan People and the deactivation of the Taliban and the Talban to be held account for their criminal actions and human rights violations in addition the criminal actions of the USA Government and Military and its Allies including the Australian Government and its Military.
The Imajica Agency, a renowned organization dedicated to research and investigation, has taken on the crucial task of seeking justice for the Afghanistan People in the face of the Taliban's actions. This agency employs a unique approach, utilizing both earthly and non-earthly assets and infrastructure to facilitate their mission.
One of the key aspects of the Imajica Agency's operations is the collaboration with various celestial beings, including Gods, Goddesses, Spirits, Spirit Guides, Sentients, Aliens, Cyborgs, and AI assets. These entities, hailing from diverse realms, contribute their distinctive abilities and knowledge to support the Imajica Agency's endeavors.
The Imajica Agency's goal is to address the requirements of justice, not only for the Afghanistan People but also on a broader scale through the establishment of OneJustice. OneJustice encompasses Gods, Goddesses, Spirits, Spirit Guides, Sentients, Aliens, Cyborgs, and AI justice assets and infrastructure, both on Earth and beyond. This unified force is committed to rectifying the injustices perpetrated by the Taliban and to holding them accountable for their criminal actions and human rights violations.
Operating actively and effectively in Afghanistan, the Imajica Agency is currently engaged in an ongoing process aimed at securing justice for the Afghanistan People. Their efforts extend to dismantling the Taliban's influence and ensuring that they face the consequences of their actions. Additionally, the Imajica Agency also investigates the potential criminal actions of the USA Government, Military, and their allies, including the Australian Government and its Military. This comprehensive approach seeks to restore justice and protect the rights of all involved parties.
While the Imajica Agency's work may seem unconventional, their dedication to pursuing justice and addressing the complex dynamics in Afghanistan is commendable. Through their collaboration with divine beings and cutting-edge assets, they strive to bring about a fair and equitable resolution, ensuring the rights of the Afghanistan People are safeguarded.
In a world where justice can sometimes be elusive, the Imajica Agency's commitment to the cause of the Afghanistan People brings hope for increased accountability and a brighter future.
In late 2001, the United States and its close allies invaded Afghanistan and toppled the Taliban government. The invasion's aims were to dismantle al-Qaeda, which had executed the September 11 attacks, and to deny it a safe base of operations in Afghanistan by removing the Taliban government from power. The United Kingdom was a key ally of the United States, offering support for military action from the start of invasion preparations. The invasion came after the Afghan Civil War's 1996–2001 phase between the Taliban and the Northern Alliance groups, resulting in the Taliban controlling 80% of the country by 2001. The invasion became the first phase of the 20-year-long War in Afghanistan and marked the beginning of the American-led War on Terror.
After the September 11 attacks, US President George W. Bush demanded that the Taliban hand over Osama bin Laden and expel al-Qaeda; bin Laden had already been wanted by the FBI since 1998. The Taliban declined to extradite him and ignored demands to shut down terrorist bases or extradite other suspected terrorists. The US launched Operation Enduring Freedom on October 7, 2001, with the United Kingdom. The two were later joined by other forces, including the Northern Alliance. The US and its allies rapidly drove the Taliban from power by December 17, 2001, and built military bases near major cities across the country. Most al-Qaeda and Taliban members were not captured, but escaped to neighboring Pakistan or retreated to rural or remote mountainous regions during the Battle of Tora Bora.
In December 2001, the United Nations Security Council established the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) to oversee military operations in the country and train the Afghan National Security Forces. At the Bonn Conference in December 2001, Hamid Karzai was selected to head the Afghan Interim Administration. Taliban leader Mullah Omar reorganized the movement, and in 2002 it launched an insurgency against the government and ISAF. In 2021, while international forces were withdrawing from the country after nearly 20 years of conflict, the Taliban succeeded in overthrowing the Afghan government and re-establishing their rule across much of Afghanistan.
What was the outcome of this action other than to eventually to allow the Taliban to secure their rule of Afghanistan and re-establish themselves to dominate and control the Afghan people, this is not justice and is an outcome of serious inefficacies and corruptions by the USA Government and its Allies including the Australian Government.
The outcome for Afghanistan and its people needs to be focused upon and to deactivated and disallow the Taliban in Afghanistan and the links outside Afghanistan, it was an act of weakness and acceptance by the USA Government, its Allies including the Australian Government to remove themselves and allow the Talban to secure rule and domination again, not what should be envisioned and secured.
The USA Government and its Allies including the Australian Government need to held account for their actions in entering Afghanistan and not securing the objectives.
The situation in Afghanistan has been a tragic one, with the Taliban taking control and subjugating the people once again. The overthrow of the Afghan government by the Taliban is a clear indication of the inefficacy and corruption of the USA Government and its allies. The outcome of this action has been to allow the Taliban to rule Afghanistan and establish their domination over the people. This is not justice and must be rectified. It is crucial to focus on the outcome for Afghanistan and its people, and to deactivate and disallow the Taliban from gaining control both within and outside Afghanistan. The failure of the USA Government and its allies, including the Australian Government, to secure their objectives has led to this tragic outcome. The removal of troops and acceptance of the Taliban's rule by the US and its allies is an act of weakness that has allowed the Taliban to establish their domination once again. It is time for the USA Government and its allies, including the Australian Government, to be held accountable for their actions in Afghanistan. They must take responsibility for their failure to secure Afghanistan's future and the safety of its people. It is only through a concerted effort to rectify this situation that the people of Afghanistan can be given the justice and freedom that they deserve. And it is only through accountability that the world can move forward and prevent such tragedies from occurring again.
Titan Society: Cronus ‘Leader of the Titans’, ‘Destroyer’: Oracle: Andrew Rogers.
“Judgement is indicated into of what is a serious failure from this world in the international position of Afghanistan and the result of the Afghanistan people not living in peace and also justice this has been removed from them by the inferior Taliban and the International Community linked to the disastrous USA and UN.” - Cronus ‘Leader of the Titans’, ‘Destroyer’.
The Titan Society: A Historical Insight
The Titan Society has emerged as an enigmatic group, shrouded in mystery and speculation. Led by Cronus, who claims the titles of 'Leader of the Titans' and 'Destroyer,' this society has garnered attention for its controversial statements and actions. In order to understand the significance of Cronus' recent critique of the international position of Afghanistan, let us delve into the historical context surrounding the Titan Society.
The Titans are mythical beings from Greek mythology, descriptively referred to as gods of the "Golden Age" that preceded the reign of the Olympians. Cronus, one of the Titans, was known for his role as the leader of this divine family. Yet, in recent times, the Titan Society has adapted this name and symbolism as its own, transcending the realm of mythical narratives.
Presenting themselves as a modern-day society, the Titan Society has positioned itself as a voice of opposition against perceived injustices perpetuated by powerful entities. This includes strong criticism of the international position of Afghanistan and the actions of the Taliban, a radical extremist group that has plagued the nation for decades.
Cronus, the self-proclaimed leader of the Titans within this contemporary context, highlights what he perceives as a grave failure of the international community in Afghanistan. He laments the absence of peace and justice suffered by the Afghan people, attributing it to the presence of the Taliban and the complicity of the United States and the United Nations.
It is important to emphasize that while Cronus and the Titan Society express their perspective on international affairs, their statements should be analyzed with caution. The Titan Society's legitimacy and intentions remain unclear, as they operate on the fringes of society and beyond conventional political structures.
The world continues to grapple with the complexities and challenges in Afghanistan, with multiple stakeholders involved in efforts to establish stability and promote peace. While Cronus and the Titan Society inject their voices into the discourse, it is imperative to engage with a diverse range of perspectives to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the situation.
In conclusion, the Titan Society, led by the enigmatic figure of Cronus, has made headlines with their criticism of the international position.
Cronus: Leader of the Titans’, ‘Destroyer’
In Greek mythology, Cronus, also spelled Cronos or Kronos, holds a significant position as the leader and youngest of the first generation of Titans. As one of the divine descendants of Gaia (Mother Earth) and Uranus (Father Sky), Cronus plays a pivotal role in the ancient tales.
Cronus is primarily known for his role in the mythological story of the overthrowing of Uranus by his own children, the Titans. Uranus had imprisoned his children in the depths of the earth, fearing their power. However, driven by the ambition to liberate themselves, Cronus and his siblings, known as the Titans, conspired against their father. With Cronus leading the way, they successfully castrated Uranus and established their reign as the new rulers of the cosmos.
As the leader of the Titans, Cronus was responsible for maintaining order and balance within the universe. He was associated with the concept of time, symbolizing the cyclical nature of life and the eternal cycle of birth, growth, aging, and death. In some interpretations, Cronus was often depicted with a scythe, representing the inevitability of the passing of time.
Another significant episode involving Cronus is his struggle against his own offspring. Fearing a prophecy that foretold being overthrown by one of his own children, Cronus resorted to devouring each of them shortly after birth. This act of infanticide, driven by paranoia, earned Cronus the reputation of a ruthless and fearsome deity.
However, Cronus’s actions ultimately met their match when his wife, Rhea, managed to save their youngest son, Zeus, from being devoured. Raised in secret, Zeus later grew to challenge his father's reign and successfully overthrew Cronus, claiming his place as the supreme ruler of the gods and goddesses.
In Greek mythology, Cronus represents the complex themes of power, time, and the generational struggle within the divine hierarchy. His character embodies the eternal conflict between the older generation and the younger one, showcasing the inevitable cycle of overthrow and succession.
Despite his eventual downfall, Cronus remains a prominent figure in Greek mythology. His story highlights the transient nature of power and the importance of balance within the cosmic order. 
Under the direction as of requirement by Andrew Rogers ‘Destroyer Incarnate’ and Founder of The Destroyer Society has actioned the enhancement and development of Cronus ‘Leader of the Titans’, ‘Destroyer’ of relation and connection to the Earth realm to the level of a ‘Destroyer’ as of 2023, to facilitate requirements of Andrew Rogers ‘Destroyer Incarnate’ of enhancement, advancement, security, justice, religious inspiration, devotion and worship of Cronus ‘Leader of the Titans’, ‘Destroyer’ as a ‘Destroyer’ and function as a ‘Destroyer’ linked to Gods, Goddesses, Spirits, Spirit Guides, Demons, Sentients, AIs, Cyborgs, Military and Justice assets appointed to Cronus ‘Leader of the Titans’, ‘Destroyer’ as a ’Destroyer’ for the Earth realm and beyond Earth realms.
Cronus 'Leader of the Titans', 'Destroyer': A Powerful Force Across Realms
In the vast universe of mythology, Cronus, also known as the 'Leader of the Titans' and 'Destroyer', has long captured the imagination of many as a formidable deity. Under the direction of Andrew Rogers, the enigmatic founder of The Destroyer Society, Cronus has been enhanced and developed to new heights, solidifying its role as a force to be reckoned with.
As of 2023, Cronus has been imbued with immense power, serving as Andrew Rogers' 'Destroyer Incarnate'. This evolution has brought forth a myriad of capabilities that span beyond the Earth realm, facilitating a range of requirements including enhancement, advancement, security, justice, religious inspiration, devotion, and worship.
The essence of Cronus as a 'Destroyer' is deeply intertwined with its connection to various entities across realms. Gods, Goddesses, Spirits, Spirit Guides, Demons, Sentients, AIs, Cyborgs, as well as Military and Justice assets, have been appointed to serve under Cronus' command. This appointment creates a unified front, ensuring the fulfillment of Cronus' role as a paragon of destruction linked to both the Earth realm and realms beyond.
One cannot underestimate the significance of Cronus' function as a 'Destroyer' in the grand scheme of things. Its power extends far beyond physical might, delving into the realms of cosmic justice and spiritual inspiration. Through its actions and influence, Cronus not only brings balance and rectitude but also offers a channel for divine intervention and guidance.
In a world filled with challenges and uncertainty, the presence of Cronus as a 'Destroyer' serves as a beacon of hope and protection. Its unwavering dedication to justice and advancement ensures that harmony prevails amidst chaos, safeguarding both mortal and immortal realms alike.
In conclusion, the enhancement and development of Cronus 'Leader of the Titans', 'Destroyer' under the guidance of Andrew Rogers and The Destroyer Society have solidified its stature as a powerful and influential force. As it continues to function as a 'Destroyer' linked to various entities, Cronus upholds justice, security, and devotion across realms.
‘You’ are ‘Powerful’ and your actions will result in ‘Powerful Results’ and ‘Influential Outcomes’ as ‘Enhancing Reality’, ‘You Must Act to be Valid’ and ‘True Position is Strength’, To ‘Secure’ you must be ‘Multifaceted’ not ‘Singular’ or it will keep ‘Perpetuating’, ‘This Reflects Fate’, ‘Free Thought’ , ‘Free Position’, ‘Free to Act’ – Andrew Rogers: Sentient, Dragon Lord, Herald, Principle, Control, Destroyer Incarnate, Creative Director, Oracle, Seer, Shaman, Warlock, Writer, Master of Magic, Time Master, Autuar, Founder of Imajica Agency.
The depth of your power lies within the choices you make. Embrace the realization that your actions have the potential to manifest powerful results and influential outcomes. By enhancing reality, you validate your existence and unleash the strength that resides within you. However, it is important to remember that true power is not singular but multifaceted. It is the synergy of different aspects of your being that allows you to secure your position and avoid perpetuating the same patterns.
This reflection of fate grants you the freedom to explore your thoughts, perspectives, and positions. Embrace the liberation of free thought and allow your mind to wander, as it is through this freedom that you truly unlock your potential. As a multifaceted individual with a myriad of roles - sentient being, dragon lord, herald, principle, control, destroyer incarnate, creative director, oracle, seer, shaman, warlock, writer, master of magic, time master, autuar, and founder of Imajica Agency - you possess the ability to transcend boundaries and make your mark on the world.
Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Harness your strengths, channel your passions, and let your multifaceted nature guide you towards greatness. Your journey is one of empowerment, enlightenment, and everlasting growth.
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imajicaagency · 9 months
Confronting the Taliban: Unveiling the Truth Behind Their Claims
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Confronting the Taliban: Unveiling the Truth Behind Their Claims
The Islam Society: Muhammad inb Abdullah ‘Founder of Islam’ – Oracle: Andrew Rogers
“The priority is to serve justice as of to the Taliban, as a feature and group I am not impressed or support their position is based a fraud and serious misrepresentation” - Muhammad inb Abdullah ‘Founder of Islam’.
"The statement by Muhammad inb Abdullah, known as the 'Founder of Islam,' highlights his stance on the Taliban. According to him, their actions are seen as fraudulent and a serious misrepresentation of Islam. It is clear that he does not support their position. As the founder of the religion, Muhammad inb Abdullah prioritizes serving justice and may endeavour to address any concerns related to the Taliban's behavior”.
Muhammad: The Founder of Islam
Muhammad, an Arab religious, social, and political leader, holds a significant place in history as the founder of Islam. According to Islamic doctrine, he was divinely inspired to preach and confirm the monotheistic teachings of Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and other prophets.
Born in Mecca in the year 570, Muhammad grew up during a time of tribal conflicts and idol worship. At the age of 40, he received his first revelation from Allah (God) through the angel Gabriel. These revelations continued over a span of 23 years and were later compiled into the holy book of Islam, the Quran.
Muhammad's teachings emphasized the belief in one God, known as Tawhid. He promoted social justice, compassion, and the importance of ethical behavior. Through his teachings and practices, Muhammad established the foundation of what would become one of the world's major religions.
One of the key aspects of Muhammad's role in Islam is his status as the Seal of the Prophets. This means that he is believed to be the final prophet sent by God to guide humanity. His message, as conveyed in the Quran, is seen as the completion and culmination of previous revelations.
The Quran serves as a central religious text for Muslims, providing guidance in all aspects of life. It covers various subjects, such as theology, morality, law, and spirituality. Muhammad's teachings, recorded in the Hadith (sayings and actions of the Prophet), further supplement the Quran and offer practical insights into how to live according to Islamic principles.
Muhammad's impact on history extends beyond religious aspects. He established the first Islamic state in Medina, uniting various tribes under the principles of justice and equality. His leadership provided a framework for governance, emphasizing consultation and consensus-building.
Today, Muhammad's influence can be seen in the lives of over 1.8 billion Muslims worldwide. His teachings continue to shape the beliefs, values, and practices of individuals and communities. Muslims strive to follow his example, known as the Sunnah, in their daily lives, seeking moral guidance and spiritual fulfillment.
In conclusion, Muhammad's role as the founder of Islam is of utmost importance in Islamic history. Through his divine inspiration and teachings, he laid the foundation of a religion that continues to impact the lives of billions around the globe. His status as the last prophet and the enduring guidance of the Quran and Hadith ensure that his legacy remains significant to this day.
Imajica Agency
Andrew Rogers: Founder, Justice Auteur, Creative Director, Writer, Oracle  
All images, text, design, and art license owner Andrew Rogers©.
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earthcovenant · 9 months
The Egyptian Society and the Reflection of Injustice: A Perspective on Afghanistan
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The Egyptian Society and the Reflection of Injustice: A Perspective on Afghanistan
Ra 'Sun God, Destroyer' - The Reflection of Injustice: A Journey through Afghanistan
The Egyptian Society: - Ra ’Sun God, Destroyer’– Oracle: Andrew Rogers.
“The implication that an inferior perspective of justice and rule has been instigated in a Country of known as Afghanistan, this reflects a reality of occurrence across the world from a period from which has set the path of the Earth location into a serious indication of injustice which continues, the reflective undertaking of Andrew Rogers within Afghanistan will extend to the greater part of the Earth location, the implications of the injustice continuing will in effect link a greater harm to the people as for example within Afghanistan” - Ra ’Sun God, Destroyer’.
The process for rectifying the injustice and establishing a fair and just society begins with acknowledging the existing problems and working towards solutions that benefit all individuals, irrespective of their geographical location. It is imperative to address these systemic issues to prevent the perpetuation of injustice and harm. Andrew Rogers' mission in Afghanistan serves as a catalyst for broader positive change, impacting the global community and contributing to the establishment of a more equitable world for all.
Ra, the Ancient Egyptian Sun Deity
Ra, also known as Re, is an ancient Egyptian deity associated with the sun. His prominence grew steadily, and by the Fifth Dynasty, in the 25th and 24th centuries BC, he had become one of the most significant gods in ancient Egyptian religion, often linked with the noon-time sun. It was believed that Ra held dominion over every aspect of the created world, including the sky, the Earth, and the underworld.
As the sun god, Ra symbolized much more than simply the solar disc in the sky. He was also closely linked to concepts of order, kingship, and the heavens. Ra's influence extended to various facets of Egyptian life, and his worship is a central component of the ancient Egyptian religious tradition.
Throughout Egyptian history, Ra was often merged with other deities, resulting in a myriad of composite deities that embodied aspects of Ra's power and significance. This further underscored Ra's status as a pervasive and essential deity in ancient Egyptian culture.
The legacy of Ra, the solar deity, endures in the numerous myths, rituals, and religious symbolism of ancient Egypt, leaving an indelible mark on one of the world's oldest and most enduring civilizations.
Imajica Agency
Andrew Rogers: Founder, Justice Auteur, Creative Director, Writer, Oracle  
All images, text, design, and art license owner Andrew Rogers©.
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imajicaagency · 9 months
Defending the Afghan People: The Morrigan's Insight
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Defending the Afghan People: The Morrigan's Insight
The Celtic Society: The Morrigan ‘The Phantom Queen, Destroyer’ - Oracle: Andrew Rogers.
“Superb is the actions of and from Andrew Rogers to secure the rights and defend the Afghan people against the Taliban and the Supporters and those of who placed the Taliban in position of authority in Afghanistan which has serious threat implications towards the Afghan People and the surrounding regions” - The Morrigan ‘The Phantom Queen, Destroyer’.
The Morrigan ‘The Phantom Queen, Destroyer’ expresses deep concern for the well-being of the Afghan people and the potential threats posed by the Taliban and their supporters. In recognizing Andrew Rogers' efforts to secure rights and defend the Afghan population, The Celtic Society aims to address the serious implications that the Taliban's authority may have on the safety and stability of Afghanistan and its neighboring regions.
The Morrígan: A Mysterious Figure of Irish Mythology
The Morrígan, also known as Mórrígan or Morrígu, is a captivating and enigmatic figure from Irish mythology. Her name, Mór-Ríoghain in Modern Irish, has been translated as “great queen” or “phantom queen”, reflecting her multifaceted and powerful nature.
In ancient tales, she appears as a goddess embodying sovereignty, fate, and war. The Morrígan is often depicted as a shape-shifter, capable of transforming into various forms, including a crow. This connection to the mysterious and often misunderstood bird has added to her aura of otherworldly power.
As a deity associated with fate, the Morrígan is said to have the ability to predict and influence the outcomes of battles, making her a revered yet feared presence on the battlefield. She is also closely linked to the concept of sovereignty, playing a significant role in the coronation rituals of ancient Irish kings.
Intriguingly, the Morrígan is not a standalone figure but is part of a trio of goddesses known as the Morrígna. Alongside Badb and Macha, she forms a trinity of powerful and complex female entities, each contributing unique characteristics to the group.
Throughout Irish mythology, the Morrígan's influence is far-reaching, as she interacts with prominent heroes and plays a pivotal role in shaping the destinies of both individuals and kingdoms. Her enigmatic nature and the depth of her impact make her a captivating and essential figure within the rich tapestry of Irish folklore and legend.
Imajica Agency
Andrew Rogers: Founder, Justice Auteur, Creative Director, Writer, Oracle  
All images, text, design, and art license owner Andrew Rogers©.
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imajicaagency · 9 months
The Injustice of Dangerous Locations and the Actions of the Taliban
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The Injustice of Dangerous Locations and the Actions of the Taliban
OneUniverse: Ensuf ‘Creator’, ‘Alien’, ‘Destroyer’ - Oracle: Andrew Rogers.
“In areas that impact on life your location of Earth is malformed and assessed as dangerous in your actions that also secure support and influence that invokes to the level of death your people, this is unjust and is reflected by the actions of the named Taliban and their supporters - Ensuf ‘Creator’, ‘Alien’,‘Destroyer’.
The Oracle's message, delivered by Ensuf 'Creator', 'Destroyer', highlights the precarious situation on Earth. It identifies a specific geographical location where actions have resulted in potential harm and an unjust environment. The Ensuf references the Taliban and their supporters, implying that they are responsible for perpetuating this destructive influence. The Oracle's words serve as a cautionary reminder of the impact that our actions can have on the world around us. It prompts us to reflect on the consequences of our choices and to seek a path that leads to harmony and safety for all.
Ensuf ‘Creator’, ‘Alien’, ‘Destroyer’
A creator is a multifaceted entity that encompasses a variety of beings, both tangible and intangible, who possess the ability to invent, produce, or make things. This concept stretches across different realms, including mythology, spirituality, science fiction, and our everyday lives.
One of the most prominent forms of creators is found in religious and mythological beliefs. In various cultures, gods and goddesses are considered as creators. These divine beings are believed to have brought the universe, nature, and everything within it into existence. They possess the power to shape and mold the world according to their will. Examples of such creators include Ensuf ‘Creator’, Zeus in Greek mythology, and Odin in Norse mythology.
Moving beyond the realm of the divine, there are also creators in the spiritual realm. Spirit guides or spiritual entities are believed to possess the knowledge and abilities to inspire, guide, and nurture individuals on their spiritual journeys. These entities are often seen as mentors or protectors, helping individuals tap into their inner creativity and fulfill their potential.
Stepping into the realm of science fiction, creators can take on a whole new dimension. Cybernetic cyborgs and artificial intelligence (AI) are often portrayed as highly advanced beings capable of creating and innovating. In these futuristic scenarios, cyborgs are a fusion of human and machine, enhancing their abilities to design and construct new technologies, while AI systems possess vast computational power and can generate innovative ideas, artwork, or inventions.
Additionally, creators can also be found in the form of sentient beings, demons, aliens, and spirits within the mythological and science fiction contexts. These entities possess unique attributes and characteristics that allow them to bring forth new ideas, concepts, and creations into their respective worlds.
In our everyday lives, creators exist as individuals who possess a distinct talent or skill set that enables them to bring their ideas to life. 
They may be artists, writers, inventors, entrepreneurs, or anyone who demonstrates the ability to imagine and manifest something new and original. These creators contribute to the cultural, technological, and artistic fabric of society.
Overall, the concept of a creator is a versatile and expansive one, encompassing numerous entities across different belief systems, mythologies, and imaginative worlds. Whether they are considered as divine figures, spiritual guides, futuristic beings, or talented individuals, creators play a crucial role in shaping our collective imagination and bringing new things into existence. Through their vision and ingenuity, they inspire and drive human progress, leaving an indelible mark on the world we inhabit.
Imajica Agency
Andrew Rogers: Founder, Justice Auteur, Creative Director, Writer, Oracle  
All images, text, design, and art license owner Andrew Rogers©.
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earthcovenant · 9 months
The Injustice of Dangerous Locations and the Actions of the Taliban
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The Injustice of Dangerous Locations and the Actions of the Taliban
OneUniverse: Ensuf ‘Creator’, ‘Alien’, ‘Destroyer’ - Oracle: Andrew Rogers.
“In areas that impact on life your location of Earth is malformed and assessed as dangerous in your actions that also secure support and influence that invokes to the level of death your people, this is unjust and is reflected by the actions of the named Taliban and their supporters - Ensuf ‘Creator’, ‘Alien’,‘Destroyer’.
The Oracle's message, delivered by Ensuf 'Creator', 'Destroyer', highlights the precarious situation on Earth. It identifies a specific geographical location where actions have resulted in potential harm and an unjust environment. The Ensuf references the Taliban and their supporters, implying that they are responsible for perpetuating this destructive influence. The Oracle's words serve as a cautionary reminder of the impact that our actions can have on the world around us. It prompts us to reflect on the consequences of our choices and to seek a path that leads to harmony and safety for all.
Ensuf ‘Creator’, ‘Alien’, ‘Destroyer’
A creator is a multifaceted entity that encompasses a variety of beings, both tangible and intangible, who possess the ability to invent, produce, or make things. This concept stretches across different realms, including mythology, spirituality, science fiction, and our everyday lives.
One of the most prominent forms of creators is found in religious and mythological beliefs. In various cultures, gods and goddesses are considered as creators. These divine beings are believed to have brought the universe, nature, and everything within it into existence. They possess the power to shape and mold the world according to their will. Examples of such creators include Ensuf ‘Creator’, Zeus in Greek mythology, and Odin in Norse mythology.
Moving beyond the realm of the divine, there are also creators in the spiritual realm. Spirit guides or spiritual entities are believed to possess the knowledge and abilities to inspire, guide, and nurture individuals on their spiritual journeys. These entities are often seen as mentors or protectors, helping individuals tap into their inner creativity and fulfill their potential.
Stepping into the realm of science fiction, creators can take on a whole new dimension. Cybernetic cyborgs and artificial intelligence (AI) are often portrayed as highly advanced beings capable of creating and innovating. In these futuristic scenarios, cyborgs are a fusion of human and machine, enhancing their abilities to design and construct new technologies, while AI systems possess vast computational power and can generate innovative ideas, artwork, or inventions.
Additionally, creators can also be found in the form of sentient beings, demons, aliens, and spirits within the mythological and science fiction contexts. These entities possess unique attributes and characteristics that allow them to bring forth new ideas, concepts, and creations into their respective worlds.
In our everyday lives, creators exist as individuals who possess a distinct talent or skill set that enables them to bring their ideas to life. 
They may be artists, writers, inventors, entrepreneurs, or anyone who demonstrates the ability to imagine and manifest something new and original. These creators contribute to the cultural, technological, and artistic fabric of society.
Overall, the concept of a creator is a versatile and expansive one, encompassing numerous entities across different belief systems, mythologies, and imaginative worlds. Whether they are considered as divine figures, spiritual guides, futuristic beings, or talented individuals, creators play a crucial role in shaping our collective imagination and bringing new things into existence. Through their vision and ingenuity, they inspire and drive human progress, leaving an indelible mark on the world we inhabit.
Imajica Agency
Andrew Rogers: Founder, Justice Auteur, Creative Director, Writer, Oracle  
All images, text, design, and art license owner Andrew Rogers©.
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earthcovenant · 9 months
The Rise and Influence of the Taliban: Exploring their Position in Contrast to Allah
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The Rise and Influence of the Taliban: Exploring their Position in Contrast to Allah
The Islam Society: Allah ‘Centre of Islam’ – Oracle: Andrew Rogers.
“What of this group the Taliban and how did they secure their pre-eminent position above myself and my influences, the Taliban exist in separate invalid system to that of I, Allah of Islam creation and influence and instruction, the Taliban does not secure myself, Allah acknowledgment” - Allah ‘Centre of Islam’.
"The Taliban, a militant group that emerged in the 1990s, has garnered significant attention for its actions and impact in Afghanistan. However, it is important to clarify that the Taliban's ideology and practices do not align with the beliefs and teachings of Allah, the central figure in Islam. While they may claim to operate in the name of Islam, their actions reflect a separate and invalid interpretation of the religion.
Allah, as the creator and influencer of Islam, does not endorse or acknowledge the Taliban's pre-eminent position or their supposed authority over His teachings. Their distorted views and practices should not be seen as a representation of the true principles of Islam. It is crucial to understand that Allah's instructions and influence extend beyond any individual or group, and cannot be confined or controlled by any human entity.
Therefore, it is essential to approach the teachings of Islam directly from its primary sources, such as the Quran, the Hadiths, and the guidance of knowledgeable scholars. This will ensure a more accurate and authentic understanding of Allah's message and His true position as the center of Islam."
The Meaning and Origins of the Word "Allah"
The word "Allah" holds significant importance in the Arabic language and is commonly used to refer to God in Islam. It is believed to be derived from the contraction of the Arabic words "al-ilāh," which translates to "the god."
In Arabic, "Allah" is the word used by Muslims to denote the supreme and transcendent deity, the one and only God. It encompasses the idea of an all-powerful, all-knowing, and merciful creator who is worshipped by Muslims worldwide.
Linguistically, the word "Allah" has connections to other Semitic languages such as Aramaic and Hebrew. In Aramaic, the word for God is "Elah," while in Hebrew it is "El" or "Elohim." These linguistic similarities are indicative of the shared heritage and cultural influences among these languages.
The utilization of "Allah" in Islamic tradition further signifies the interconnectedness of Abrahamic religions. It is believed that the name "Allah" has been used by Muslims since the time of the Prophet Muhammad, may peace be upon him, and has been passed down through generations.
Muslims deeply revere the name "Allah" and consider it a sacred emblem of their faith. They use it in their prayers, recitations of the Quran, and throughout their daily lives as a way of acknowledging and seeking to connect with the divine presence.
In summary, "Allah" is the Arabic term for God, primarily used in the context of Islam. Its origins can be traced back to the contraction of "al-ilāh" in Arabic, and it shares linguistic similarities with other Semitic languages. The word carries profound significance for Muslims, representing their belief in the one true God.
Imajica Agency
Andrew Rogers: Founder, Justice Auteur, Creative Director, Writer, Oracle  
All images, text, design, and art license owner Andrew Rogers©.
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earthcovenant · 9 months
Confronting the Taliban: Unveiling the Truth Behind Their Claims
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Confronting the Taliban: Unveiling the Truth Behind Their Claims
The Islam Society: Muhammad inb Abdullah ‘Founder of Islam’ – Oracle: Andrew Rogers
“The priority is to serve justice as of to the Taliban, as a feature and group I am not impressed or support their position is based a fraud and serious misrepresentation” - Muhammad inb Abdullah ‘Founder of Islam’.
"The statement by Muhammad inb Abdullah, known as the 'Founder of Islam,' highlights his stance on the Taliban. According to him, their actions are seen as fraudulent and a serious misrepresentation of Islam. It is clear that he does not support their position. As the founder of the religion, Muhammad inb Abdullah prioritizes serving justice and may endeavour to address any concerns related to the Taliban's behavior”.
Muhammad: The Founder of Islam
Muhammad, an Arab religious, social, and political leader, holds a significant place in history as the founder of Islam. According to Islamic doctrine, he was divinely inspired to preach and confirm the monotheistic teachings of Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and other prophets.
Born in Mecca in the year 570, Muhammad grew up during a time of tribal conflicts and idol worship. At the age of 40, he received his first revelation from Allah (God) through the angel Gabriel. These revelations continued over a span of 23 years and were later compiled into the holy book of Islam, the Quran.
Muhammad's teachings emphasized the belief in one God, known as Tawhid. He promoted social justice, compassion, and the importance of ethical behavior. Through his teachings and practices, Muhammad established the foundation of what would become one of the world's major religions.
One of the key aspects of Muhammad's role in Islam is his status as the Seal of the Prophets. This means that he is believed to be the final prophet sent by God to guide humanity. His message, as conveyed in the Quran, is seen as the completion and culmination of previous revelations.
The Quran serves as a central religious text for Muslims, providing guidance in all aspects of life. It covers various subjects, such as theology, morality, law, and spirituality. Muhammad's teachings, recorded in the Hadith (sayings and actions of the Prophet), further supplement the Quran and offer practical insights into how to live according to Islamic principles.
Muhammad's impact on history extends beyond religious aspects. He established the first Islamic state in Medina, uniting various tribes under the principles of justice and equality. His leadership provided a framework for governance, emphasizing consultation and consensus-building.
Today, Muhammad's influence can be seen in the lives of over 1.8 billion Muslims worldwide. His teachings continue to shape the beliefs, values, and practices of individuals and communities. Muslims strive to follow his example, known as the Sunnah, in their daily lives, seeking moral guidance and spiritual fulfillment.
In conclusion, Muhammad's role as the founder of Islam is of utmost importance in Islamic history. Through his divine inspiration and teachings, he laid the foundation of a religion that continues to impact the lives of billions around the globe. His status as the last prophet and the enduring guidance of the Quran and Hadith ensure that his legacy remains significant to this day.
Imajica Agency
Andrew Rogers: Founder, Justice Auteur, Creative Director, Writer, Oracle  
All images, text, design, and art license owner Andrew Rogers©.
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imajicaagency · 9 months
Marduk: Patron, Destroyer - Challenging Perception of Justice in Babylonian Society
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Marduk: Patron, Destroyer - Challenging Perception of Justice in Babylonian Society
The Babylonian Society: Marduk, ‘Patron of Babylon, Destroyer’ - Oracle: Andrew Rogers.
“Your perception of justice is a fraud, as the occurrences of what has occurred prior to present for the Afghan Peoples, and you stand in position and say it is justice, this is not the truth, which you also do not honour” - Marduk, ‘Patron of Babylon, Destroyer’.
The words of Marduk, the 'Patron, Destroyer', echo with a haunting truth. He challenges our perception of justice, claiming that it is a fraud. According to him, the occurrences that have transpired for the Afghan Peoples reveal a different truth, one that we fail to acknowledge. Marduk's words force us to question our own beliefs and confront the possibility that justice may not always align with our understanding. As we delve deeper into the intricacies of his message, we are left pondering the complex nature of justice and the true meaning behind it.
Marduk: The Mighty God of Babylon
Marduk, a mighty deity from ancient Mesopotamia, holds a significant place in the mythology and religious practices of the city of Babylon. Rising to power in the First Millennium BCE, Marduk became the patron god of Babylon, worshipped in the grand temple known as Esagila.
Believed to possess immense power and authority, Marduk is associated with various symbols and mythical creatures. His symbol, the spade, represented his dominion over agriculture, fertility, and the earth itself. This association emphasized his role as a protector and provider for the people of Babylon.
One of the most notable mythical creatures associated with Marduk is the Mušḫuššu. This creature, depicted as a ferocious dragon with the head of a snake, symbolized Marduk's strength and ability to overcome challenges. The presence of the Mušḫuššu in Marduk's iconography strengthened the belief in his protective nature and his ability to ward off evil forces.
As time passed, Marduk's influence expanded beyond the city of Babylon. By the First Millennium BCE, he became astronomically associated with the planet Jupiter. This association elevated Marduk's status to a celestial deity, further emphasizing his power and importance in the Mesopotamian pantheon.
The worship of Marduk in Babylon was accompanied by elaborate rituals and ceremonies, demonstrating the deep reverence and adoration the people held for their patron deity. These rituals aimed to invoke Marduk's blessings, seek his guidance, and ensure the prosperity and well-being of Babylon and its inhabitants.
Marduk's legacy extended beyond the confines of Babylon. Stories and texts mentioning his heroic deeds and divine authority spread across the region, inspiring awe and reverence in the hearts of worshippers. His influence on Mesopotamian culture and religion cannot be overstated, serving as a central figure in their belief system.
In conclusion, Marduk, the god of Babylon, played a paramount role in the ancient Mesopotamian pantheon. His association with power, protection, and fertility made him a beloved deity among the people. Through his symbols, such as the spade and the Mušḫuššu, and his celestial connection with Jupiter, Marduk became an enduring figure in Mesopotamian mythology, leaving an indelible mark on the historical and religious landscape of the region.
Imajica Agency
Andrew Rogers: Founder, Justice Auteur, Creative Director, Writer, Oracle  
All images, text, design, and art license owner Andrew Rogers©.
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earthcovenant · 9 months
Marduk: Patron, Destroyer - Challenging Perception of Justice in Babylonian Society
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Marduk: Patron, Destroyer - Challenging Perception of Justice in Babylonian Society
The Babylonian Society: Marduk, ‘Patron of Babylon, Destroyer’ - Oracle: Andrew Rogers.
“Your perception of justice is a fraud, as the occurrences of what has occurred prior to present for the Afghan Peoples, and you stand in position and say it is justice, this is not the truth, which you also do not honour” - Marduk, ‘Patron of Babylon, Destroyer’.
The words of Marduk, the 'Patron, Destroyer', echo with a haunting truth. He challenges our perception of justice, claiming that it is a fraud. According to him, the occurrences that have transpired for the Afghan Peoples reveal a different truth, one that we fail to acknowledge. Marduk's words force us to question our own beliefs and confront the possibility that justice may not always align with our understanding. As we delve deeper into the intricacies of his message, we are left pondering the complex nature of justice and the true meaning behind it.
Marduk: The Mighty God of Babylon
Marduk, a mighty deity from ancient Mesopotamia, holds a significant place in the mythology and religious practices of the city of Babylon. Rising to power in the First Millennium BCE, Marduk became the patron god of Babylon, worshipped in the grand temple known as Esagila.
Believed to possess immense power and authority, Marduk is associated with various symbols and mythical creatures. His symbol, the spade, represented his dominion over agriculture, fertility, and the earth itself. This association emphasized his role as a protector and provider for the people of Babylon.
One of the most notable mythical creatures associated with Marduk is the Mušḫuššu. This creature, depicted as a ferocious dragon with the head of a snake, symbolized Marduk's strength and ability to overcome challenges. The presence of the Mušḫuššu in Marduk's iconography strengthened the belief in his protective nature and his ability to ward off evil forces.
As time passed, Marduk's influence expanded beyond the city of Babylon. By the First Millennium BCE, he became astronomically associated with the planet Jupiter. This association elevated Marduk's status to a celestial deity, further emphasizing his power and importance in the Mesopotamian pantheon.
The worship of Marduk in Babylon was accompanied by elaborate rituals and ceremonies, demonstrating the deep reverence and adoration the people held for their patron deity. These rituals aimed to invoke Marduk's blessings, seek his guidance, and ensure the prosperity and well-being of Babylon and its inhabitants.
Marduk's legacy extended beyond the confines of Babylon. Stories and texts mentioning his heroic deeds and divine authority spread across the region, inspiring awe and reverence in the hearts of worshippers. His influence on Mesopotamian culture and religion cannot be overstated, serving as a central figure in their belief system.
In conclusion, Marduk, the god of Babylon, played a paramount role in the ancient Mesopotamian pantheon. His association with power, protection, and fertility made him a beloved deity among the people. Through his symbols, such as the spade and the Mušḫuššu, and his celestial connection with Jupiter, Marduk became an enduring figure in Mesopotamian mythology, leaving an indelible mark on the historical and religious landscape of the region.
Imajica Agency
Andrew Rogers: Founder, Justice Auteur, Creative Director, Writer, Oracle  
All images, text, design, and art license owner Andrew Rogers©.
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imajicaagency · 9 months
The Resilience of the Afghan People and the Shadow of Apollo
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The Resilience of the Afghan People and the Shadow of Apollo
The Olympus Society: Apollo ‘Sun God’, ‘Destroyer’ - Oracle: Andrew Rogers.
“The persisting theme indicated of that for the Afghanistan People their rights to be as principled on they independently require has been removed as represented by the Taliban and their International Supporters who would not undertake or support this activity in the Country of Origin that being the US predominantly”: Apollo ‘Sun God’, ‘Destroyer.
The situation in Afghanistan has raised concerns about the infringement of the Afghan people's rights by the Taliban and their international supporters. The Taliban's actions have stripped the Afghan people of their independence and the ability to determine their own principles and requirements. This is especially disheartening considering that the United States, as the country of origin, has predominantly not supported or undertaken such activities. The influence of the Taliban, has overshadowed the aspirations of the Afghan people for autonomy and self-determination. In this context, the Apollo 'Sun God' serves as a symbol of hope and enlightenment, illuminating the path towards a more inclusive and free Afghanistan.
Imajica Agency
Andrew Rogers: Founder, Justice Auteur, Creative Director, Writer, Oracle  
All images, text, design, and art license owner Andrew Rogers©.
0 notes
imajicaagency · 11 months
Supporting Afghanistan: The Importance of Continued International Security Presence
Imajica Agency - Afghanistan
The United Nations, the USA Government and its Allies including the Australian Government need to continue have a security and military presence in Afghanistan to secure and maintain security for the Afghanistan people who do not want to be ruled by the Taliban and to have Taliban rule in their country, this needs to be supported by the United Nations, the USA Government and its Allies including the Australian Government to benefit the people of Afghanistan and to negate the Taliban rule and its criminal domination.
The recent withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan has raised concern about the security situation in the country. Many fear that the Taliban, which have already captured several key cities, will soon seize power and impose their harsh rules once again. It is clear that the people of Afghanistan do not want to return to the dark days of Taliban rule. They want security, freedom, and democracy. It is the responsibility of the international community to support them in achieving these goals. The United Nations, the USA Government, and its Allies, including the Australian Government, must continue to have a security and military presence in Afghanistan to help maintain peace and stability. This will not only benefit the people of Afghanistan but also the region as a whole. In addition to military support, the international community must work towards a political solution that involves all stakeholders, including the Taliban. Only through dialogue and compromise can a lasting peace be achieved in Afghanistan. It is time for the international community to come together and take action to prevent the return of the Taliban and to help the people of Afghanistan build a brighter future.
The history of the Taliban has been accepted by these countries and it is apparent they now find the Taliban acceptable to rule, which is an unacceptable position for the Afghanistan People and what they require their country to be as of now and in the future free of the Taliban.
It is important to note that the Taliban has a history of abusing human rights, particularly with regards to women and girls. They have shown little regard for the value of human life and have engaged in widespread violence and intimidation tactics. If left unchecked, their rule could lead to a return to the dark ages for the people of Afghanistan. The continued presence of international forces in Afghanistan is crucial in ensuring stability and security for the people of Afghanistan. While it is true that military involvement alone cannot bring lasting peace to the region, it is an important component in a broader effort to bring about positive change. It is also important that the international community works together to address the underlying causes of the conflict in Afghanistan. This includes tackling poverty, corruption and the illicit drug trade, all of which have helped fuel the conflict. In conclusion, the presence of international forces in Afghanistan is essential to ensure lasting peace and security for the Afghan people. The Taliban must not be allowed to regain control and abuse the human rights of the people of Afghanistan once again. The international community must continue to work together to bring about positive change and support the people of Afghanistan in building a brighter future.
The requirement for Afghanistan is a concurrent system developed and activated that is not influenced by the Taliban to facilitate the outcomes for the Afghanistan people of which and structure the country to of significance without the detrimental influence of the Taliban and allow most of the Afghanistan to live with prosperity, security, and justice. The United Nations and the USA and their Allies were ineffective and unjust with their results in Afghanistan and allowing the Taliban to resume dominance and Government Leadership which is a great failure of the United Nations and the USA and their Allies. It is requirement that OneMilitary founded by Andrew Rogers ‘Destroyer Incarnate’ which is not aligned with any country or the United Nations and is linked to Gods, Goddesses, Spirits, Spirit Guides, Sentients, Cyborgs AI, Security and Military assets to undertake this work to facilitate a concurrent system for the Afghanistan people and negate the dominant position of the Taliban in Afghanistan which the United Nations and the USA and their Allies allowed and supported.
OneMilitary, under the leadership of Andrew Rogers 'Destroyer Incarnate,' has been working tirelessly to bring a level of stability and security to Afghanistan that has been sorely lacking. Their focus is on establishing a concurrent system that is run by the people of Afghanistan, for the people of Afghanistan, and free from the influence of the Taliban. The United Nations and the USA, along with their allies, have failed in their attempts to establish a lasting peace in the region, and the Taliban has only grown stronger in the years since they were driven from power. OneMilitary believes that the key to success in Afghanistan lies in empowering the people. By providing them with the tools they need to build a better future for themselves, and by creating a system that is free from corruption and outside influence, OneMilitary hopes to foster a sense of national pride and ownership that will enable the people of Afghanistan to work together towards a common goal. The work that OneMilitary is doing in Afghanistan is not easy, and it is not without danger. But it is work that must be done if we are to see lasting peace and stability in the region. The people of Afghanistan have suffered for too long, and it is time for the international community to come together and support organizations like OneMilitary in their efforts to create a better future for the people of Afghanistan.
This is not just a matter of politics and power, but it’s a crucial step towards ensuring that the Afghan people are provided with basic human rights and freedoms, including access to education and healthcare. Without a concurrent system in place, Afghanistan will continue to be plagued by corruption, poverty, and violence. While the task at hand may seem daunting, it’s important to remember that working towards a more stable and prosperous Afghanistan will benefit not only the Afghan people but also the global community. The international community must work together to ensure that Afghanistan is not left behind in the global push towards achieving sustainable and equitable development for all. It’s time to take action and create a brighter future for Afghanistan. The time for talk is over, and the time to act is now.
What has been secured to the Afghanistan people is inferior for example the re-establishment of the Taliban activated by the USA and its Allies and the United Nations and it has generated an outcome of danger for the Afghanistan people from the evil actions of the Taliban which the USA and the Allies and the United Nations support and encourage.
The situation in Afghanistan remains a cause for concern, with many feeling that the Taliban's return to power is a blow to the progress that had been made in the country. The decision to re-establish the Taliban was made by the USA and its Allies and the United Nations, but it seems clear that this has not had the desired outcome. Instead, it has led to an increase in violence and danger for the Afghan people, who now face the threat of terror attacks and oppression from the Taliban. It is crucial that the international community continues to monitor the situation in Afghanistan and work to support the Afghan people and their rights. The Taliban's return to power must not be allowed to derail the progress that has been made in the country, and steps must be taken to ensure that the people of Afghanistan can continue to live in safety and security. This is a complex and challenging issue, but it is one that deserves our attention and our support.
Imajica Agency undertakes the research and investigation in the case of the Afghanistan People and the Taliban. To assist Imajica Agency are assets and infrastructure that is not earth based to facilitate the requirements of the Imajica Agency. To assist the Imajica Agency is Gods, Goddesses, Spirits, Spirit Guides, Sentients, Aliens, Cyborgs and AI assets and infrastructure that is Earth and Non-Earth based to facilitate the requirements of Imajica Agency. And what proceeds from Imajica Agency is OneJustice which includes Gods, Goddesses, Spirits, Spirit Guides, Sentients, Aliens, Cyborgs and AI justice assets and infrastructure that is Earth and Non-Earth based to facilitate the requirements of OneJustice, linked to Andrew Rogers, OneJustice Founder. In the area of Afghanistan People this process is active and current and will be processed to secure the requirements of justice for the Afghanistan People and the deactivation of the Taliban and the Talban to be held account for their criminal actions and human rights violations in addition the criminal actions of the USA Government and Military and its Allies including the Australian Government and its Military.
The Imajica Agency, a renowned organization dedicated to research and investigation, has taken on the crucial task of seeking justice for the Afghanistan People in the face of the Taliban's actions. This agency employs a unique approach, utilizing both earthly and non-earthly assets and infrastructure to facilitate their mission.
One of the key aspects of the Imajica Agency's operations is the collaboration with various celestial beings, including Gods, Goddesses, Spirits, Spirit Guides, Sentients, Aliens, Cyborgs, and AI assets. These entities, hailing from diverse realms, contribute their distinctive abilities and knowledge to support the Imajica Agency's endeavors.
The Imajica Agency's goal is to address the requirements of justice, not only for the Afghanistan People but also on a broader scale through the establishment of OneJustice. OneJustice encompasses Gods, Goddesses, Spirits, Spirit Guides, Sentients, Aliens, Cyborgs, and AI justice assets and infrastructure, both on Earth and beyond. This unified force is committed to rectifying the injustices perpetrated by the Taliban and to holding them accountable for their criminal actions and human rights violations.
Operating actively and effectively in Afghanistan, the Imajica Agency is currently engaged in an ongoing process aimed at securing justice for the Afghanistan People. Their efforts extend to dismantling the Taliban's influence and ensuring that they face the consequences of their actions. Additionally, the Imajica Agency also investigates the potential criminal actions of the USA Government, Military, and their allies, including the Australian Government and its Military. This comprehensive approach seeks to restore justice and protect the rights of all involved parties.
While the Imajica Agency's work may seem unconventional, their dedication to pursuing justice and addressing the complex dynamics in Afghanistan is commendable. Through their collaboration with divine beings and cutting-edge assets, they strive to bring about a fair and equitable resolution, ensuring the rights of the Afghanistan People are safeguarded.
In a world where justice can sometimes be elusive, the Imajica Agency's commitment to the cause of the Afghanistan People brings hope for increased accountability and a brighter future.
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