#Imani Shepard
elfyourmother · 3 years
I just. Need this exchange to happen somewhere in this fic
Gisele: *swears in Ishgardian dialect*
Imani: You sound just like the African lady that used to braid my hair when I was a teenager. She was from Senegal.
Gisele: What is this “African” you speak of. I am Elezen.
Imani, upon meeting Gisele: I KNEW there were Black elves. I KNEW IT.
Gisele: *blinks*
Imani: Suck a dick, Tolkien!!!!
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calypsoff2 · 3 years
Thirty Nine.
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“All I ask is that he looks like Paw Patrol” the lady laughed which made me laugh “my daughter is crazy for it, like if you can hopefully have it that he does look like him then I will be happy, I heard that you are the main breeders here” she nodded her head “is it Chase by any chance?” she got it “yeah him” I sound so stupid “I think I have someone special for you, be back. Take a seat” turning around, Herb pushed me laughing “paw patrol nigga, that made me laugh. Little Imani is the cutest” I sighed out, the things I do for my daughters. We have finally moved into the home, it was quick. We just got on with it and are still fixing the things, but the home is pretty much done, just getting ourstuff over which is a pain, but we are getting there. The girls get their own bedrooms, so they are happy finally, it’s nice to be home. Like this is really a home, we are a family now. We only just moved in, and I am trying to get everything in order, but I really wanted to get this dog for Imani, I feel it’s going to help her immensely. She loves Paw Patrol with her whole heart, I just want to get this for her “how you finding the apartment without me? You not crying at night are you?” I laughed “shut up” I know Herb misses me “I want to see your castle, you didn’t even do a house party or anything, just jumped” he is right “we missed each other, we needed to move quick. I am happy though, waking up to Robyn in bed with me. To have that normal family life again, it’s something we needed. I rather live there while we do things still, it’s not a bad thing, we are getting security at the house. Not like Pat, Rich or Frank. They just come when she goes somewhere but like they live at the house. The neighbours came actually, they welcomed us. Nice couple, bought over cake and I asked how it is around there. He said because it’s quiet, they do try it. He has security there too so I said to Robyn got for it, there is a road that you go by which is public, it’s gated and only like residence live there but there is no guard at front, just a code and gate which anybody can break that shit, which she said has happened” shaking my head “better off having it” nodding my head agreeing, I think it is something I want now.
My smile grew and I couldn’t help it “this is Steve” I busted out laughing “but we can call him Chase can’t we” he is so cute “yo, he is actually so cute” I said getting up from the seat “they always say dogs know if they want you or not, let’s test it” she placed him down, this dog is so nice “it’s a German Shepard breed, he loves being the centre of attention” he has floppy ears “no this is cute” crouching down, he seems so laid back. He made his way over to me, getting my hand out “he will be perfect for your family, he comes from a champion breed so if you were looking to breed him he has a champion line” I have no idea what that is, he came to me “hey there” stroking his face “I think he wants to come home, he is ready to go yeah?” she nodded her head “you about to be so spoilt, forget Imani I am about to get all the hugs” I really like him so much “he’s been a popular one, he’s actually been put on hold but the couple never came yesterday” getting up from my position “I will pay double” her eyes widened “we are a charity also, it would be greatly appreciated if you can donate so we can keep this running” nodding my head “this puppy is three thousand dollars” letting out an oh “then I guess we paying out” I laughed to myself, I got to take him out with me. He seems so perfect for us “he doesn’t want to even come near me now, you want to see his parents. They are here too, the dad weight is 90 - 95 lbs so he will grow to that” nodding my head, I might as well see the parents, Imani better appreciate this though “can I take a picture also, hopefully it will push people to come and buy or even adopt the older dogs we have, if we can?” nodding my head, they are using me for promo, funny.
Herb is having too much fun with the dog already “if that dog pees in this car I will be pissed off” Herb laughed it off, but I am being deadass “it’s hired bro, fuck that shit. You know what, you should get a new car” the dog started sniffing my arm “hey there boy, you going to be so spoilt. Herb put that bowtie on him then, we are nearly there and put him in the dog bag” Herb laughed out “I can’t believe you bought this dog a dog bag like he ain’t going to outgrow this shit, this is crazy” looking over at Herb as he started videoing “my nigga over here bought a dog bag for his new family dog right, and I am kidding you not this nigga just put down three racks for this bag, and this dog ain’t no chihuahua, my bro you bought a dog bag for a German Shepard. A whole fucking Louis Vuitton bag too” Herb laughed out, then he pointed the camera at me, side eyeing him “my nigga I will punch you so hard, I will spend billions for my kids so I don’t care” Herb can’t stop laughing “like bro, this dog ain’t going to fit in thereafter, I don’t know what you on bro” shaking my head “I am going to stop, if I don’t post again. Chris Brown killed me” I am about to kill him, if he doesn’t quit this shit right now he will be getting beat “I am playing with you bro” shaking my head “trust me, this is perfect. They going to love it, my girls are bougie” he doesn’t know shit, he ain’t got no daughters so he can’t talk at all, my daughters are going to love it.
Robyn is looking at me in disbelief, now she knows damn well I would have got this for my kids “girls! Come down now!” Robyn shouted again “I am going to need a mic at this rate, they act like they don’t hear me” she mumbled “you not picked up one of those in a while” Herb said behind me, I stepped to the side “you about to get your ass beat” Robyn pointed at him, I snorted laughing “my bad, don’t kick me out now. My bad” looking at Herb looking ever so scared, he shouldn’t have said that but he did “Chris, poppa. I have to tell you something” the girls all came down one by one “you all need to quit ignoring me, when I shout I expect y’all down here ok?” Rylee rolled her eyes, I peeped that “I know mom” Imani is always there behind them “what y’all doing anyways up there?” they seem so busy “fixing my bedroom and Tianna is watching” nodding my head “let’s just wait for Imani to come” I pointed out, I hope that dog doesn’t bark right now, or I am screwed “y’all happy about the home? I hope so, I want y’all happy” Imani made her way over finally “so, we have a new family member. I got it mostly for Imani but it’s for all three of you” reaching over and grabbing Imani’ hands “come here, just stand here for me” turning to Herb “close your eyes baby, actually Robyn cover her eyes” Tianna and Rylee are just watching “it’s not even her birthday though?” Rylee said “I know but I want her to have this” Robyn placed her hand over her eyes “it’s ok, just me. Daddy will be a second” grabbing the bag from Herb “don’t say a word you two” placing the bag on the floor, unzipping the bag. Chase is making noises now “Chris” Robyn whined out in awe “ok Imani, open your eyes and say hi to Chase” he came out of the bag, Imani gasped “he’s called chase baby, it’s yours” naturally the dog went straight to Imani, pouncing on her in excitement “a dog!?” Tianna spat “he is so beautiful Chris; he looks like Chase. You like that baby, it’s yours” Imani is smiling, this is a good thing, she likes it.
The girls are happy, they are showing so much love to him and those floppy ears has got my heart “I love that dog already” I said smiling so wide “yes he is so cute, Chris. I need to speak to you, so I wasn’t expecting this, but I have to make a quick trip to London, I have to attend a meeting. I was hoping to not go but I have no choice, I wanted to skype in but I need to be there, it’s for my overseas Fenty Skin, it will be a quick trip. I promise, I am not going to stay for a week, max is three day. Can I go?” she asked me “sure, I don’t mind. Mel will be here won’t she?” Robyn nodded her head “she is in her room; she is not well but she will be here. I won’t be a week; I am sorry to have to go. I will need to leave tonight to make sure I am there by tomorrow. It’s last minute, please don’t hate me” shaking my head “stop it, it’s fine. I trust you; I believe you will be back, you ain’t going to make that mistake” I trust her, I know she will be back “thank you, I just didn’t want to go. I tried my best but they need me there in person but the good thing is that I will be back and yeah. Also the security team, they are in the guest house out there, meet them. They seem like really nice guys, they are working something out schedule wise” they have arrived “cool, I will talk to them. Girls, you like him” they are showing him so much love already “I think they are going to spoil him lots, Imani what do we say to daddy. Come on, give him a hug” Robyn said, she held her hand “go on hug him” holding my hands out to her “awww my baby girl” I adore her so much.
Making my way to the guest house, let me meet these security people. I hope they are ready to be here twenty four seven “your house is super cool bro, like it’s amazing. You don’t need to ever leave the home” he got that right, knocking on the door “thank you, I am so happy bro. What’s up, I heard you are a team of spies” I joked, they all black men “a room full of niggas” I started shaking their hand “a room full of tall niggas, bulking and shit” dapping them laughing “professional of course” one of them mentioned “so what is y’all name” making my way to sit down “I am Devonte, this is my team. We have Jayson, Marcus and Omar. We work for the security company, but we go as teams, and we are working for you. We have the night team, this is Jayson and Omar, then morning team which is me and Marcus and we will take it in turns. Anything you need, you both need top security. This should have happened for you, the name you both hold. This is needed, you won’t even know we are here” nodding my head “well I think y’all seem to be niggas we will get on with, I guess they heard black people needed protecting so they sent black people to us” they look very professional “y’all be armed?” Herb pointed at his gun, I didn’t even notice “always” that is new “cool, I can sleep at night then” I joked “and that is what you have us here for” dapping him “cool, I just thought I would see y’all that us all” I don’t want them thinking I am being nosey “we need a list of people so we can keep disruption to your family at the lowest possible, so we don’t need to call to ask if it’s ok” he asked “I will do that for you” I hope I remember that.
Pressing a kiss to the top of Rylee head “now be good for Mel, I have to work ok? I will be back, in the morning you will see me here” I have to go and listen to some songs of Herb “mom gone and you gone now too” she is grumpy “well it’s life, never happy. Mel, if they play up just call. You good?” she looks so drained “pulling through, don’t worry about them. I will beat their little asses if not” I trust Mel will be ok “cool, well I see y’all tomorrow” I better get going “and you don’t need to do anything in terms of security, no lock up or anything. They will do it for you” I like that I don’t need to worry about that at all, like I don’t need to worry about locking up and making sure things are in place “stop worrying” Mel said but I can’t help myself, Robyn left as soon as she could with just a duffle bag of clothes so that means she will be back. She took half of her things, I trust her to go, I know she kept saying I will be back, don’t worry. I somehow trust her; I really do but I hate she had to go at the same time. I want Robyn to just remain with me constantly, I love coming home to her, I love being in bed with her. We missed out on time, and I want to get that back, I want to make up for lost time, and we will soon.
I don’t exactly let females be in the studio but I can’t stop niggas having a good time, Robyn trusts me so we good but Tyga is meant to be my homie, but I feel like he brings these hoes over because he has some agenda and on top of that he brings Saweetie knowing there has been uproar or rumours floating around, he said he came to hear Herbo album which maybe he is but why her, I am sat well away from her, I am sat at the soundboard “Rihanna must really love you boy” Tyga said as he came up to me “what makes you say that?” frowning “because she has this bad bitch persona, she isn’t going to take no nigga shit but that remains with you” I shrugged “must be really lonely in bed if you thinking about me bro” I laughed shaking my head “there is always someone in my bed nigga, I am just saying. Don’t be uptight, we all boys here” I shrugged looking away and Saweetie caught my eye, she is just staring at me. Should I just face the issue straight on or continue to ignore her “nigga, aye. For you” Herbo said holding his phone out to me “who?” I questioned “Rihanna she called me, you in shit. Where your phone at” taking Herbo phone “oh shit, I must have left it in the car, sorry. Are you ok? It’s late” what is she doing awake “I have been calling your phone so many times, luckily I have Herbert’ number but I am on the jet, nearly in London and I have had Mel on the phone, Chris you need to go back home. She said it’s ok but I don’t think it is, the bitches water has broke and she has been holding out for it, and I am like for what. Rorrey is coming anyways, he should be there or coming there but you need to go back” what the hell she want me to do “and do what?” is she crazy “Chris, I am not there. Please be there for her, please. She is my sister, you need to go and take her to the hospital, she needs to go. She won’t go, please do this for me. She may be able to hold out until I come back, I am literally going to land, do the meeting and come back straight away, no waiting. She said she isn’t pushing but I think she is, just please” this is a mess, I don’t want to do that “I know you are pouting, just help her for me” I don’t have a choice “and if you don’t come back and it’s here then what?” I asked “then congratulations, go home now” now why did Herb have to answer “fine” I haven’t got a choice.
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vulpixelates · 6 years
My OCs: The Master List
Guild Wars 2
Kaia Darkbrand - norn thief/daredevil, disaster bisexual
Ingunn Wildslayer - norn ranger/druid, valkyrie goddess
Isoldra of Dawn - sylvari guardian, sunshine plant mom
Sajaa Eren - human revenant, magical girl chic
Rune Valiante - human elemental, big bitch/bush energy
Mass Effect
Ro Shepard - Vanguard, Spacer, Sole Survivor, Renegon - ♡ pansexual, Garrus & Aria - canon
Letha Shepard - Adept, Earthborn, Sole Survivor, Paragon - ♡ queer, Liara
Ben Shepard - Sentinel, Earthborn, War Hero, Paragon - ♡ straight, Tali
Sara Ryder - Casual, Emotional, Vanguard - ♡ pansexual, Liam & Peebee - canon
Quinn Ryder - Professional, Emotional, Infiltrator - ♡ pansexual, TBD
Dragon Age
Luce Cousland - Noble rogue - ♡ bisexual, Alistair
Aden Brosca - Dwarf rogue - ♡ bisexual, TBD
Amatia Amell - Human mage - ♡ pansexual, Morrigan - canon
Nora Hawke - Mage - ♡ demisexual lesbian, Isabela - canon
Leven Hawke - Rogue - ♡ bisexual, Merrill
Ioren Lavellan - Dalish elf mage - ♡ bisexual, Blackwall & Alistair - canon
Julien Trevelyan - Human rogue - ♡ bisexual, Dorian
Elera Lavellan - Dalish elf - ♡ heteroromantic & asexual, Solas
Hessa Adaar - Qunari rogue - ♡ lesbian, Sera
Elen Arel - chaotic good, half-elf, arcane trickster, smuggler - ♡ bisexual, Kilgore - retired
Arrora - rebel good, half-elf, circle of the moon druid, outlander - ♡ demisexual lesbian - retired
Caerellia Asperanas - chaotic good, aboleth tiefling, wild magic sorcerer - ♡ queer, Volusena & Mahraz & Lilith - active
Kara Avasdottir - lawful good, valkyrie paladin -  ♡ lesbian, Leira - played
Leda Damaris - chaotic good, Tiamat tiefling, fist of the forest druid -  ♡ queer, Faeruit - retired
Gadget Qirie - chaotic good, orc/gnome/elf arcane engineer -  ♡ queer - active
Medal “Whit” Whitforge - rebel good, mountain dwarf artificer, revolutionist -  ♡ bisexual- played
Thea - neutral good, forest nymph godkin, druid/monk, folk hero - ♡ pansexual  - to be played
Rhialla Stormhaven - chaotic good, aasimar champion, haunted one -  ♡ queer - retired
Ryla Anzar - neutral good, tiefling of the Morrigan, witch, spirit medium - ♡ pansexual - active
Wynrie Iathromi - neutral good, orc/elf, fist of the forest druid - ♡ queer, Reima Agaestil - played
Lodden Rhithron - chaotic good, sea nymph, swashbuckler pirate - ♡ bisexual, Aelius Evenwind & Eila Vorasil - played
Elixaris Iloeni - chaotic neutral, changeling, rogue mastermind - ♡ bisexual - played
Ru Evenwind - neutral good, half-elf/half-gnome, hermetic mage - ♡ lesbian, Kaza - played
Rowan Orda - chaotic good, half-elf/forest gnome fate cleric, acolyte -  ♡ clueless bisexual, Qadri - on hold
Aja Sky-Bearer - neutral good, elf/aasimar, order of the immortal mystic, hermit and herbalist -  ♡ panromantic demisexual - on hold
Ubati Rahazur - neutral good, orc/goliath ranger, monster hunter - ♡ lesbian, Cleo Eronette  - on hold
Cosima Colwycke - chaotic good, aasimar arcane trickster, noble -  ♡ lesbian, Alys Keenseeker - on hold
Canary “Ary” Longshot - chaotic good, gloom stalker ranger, war deserter - ♡ queer, Cybil Winddriver - for one shots
Brigh Orlaith - neutral good, wild fey sidhe bard, sapphic poet -  ♡ lesbian, Hera - on hold
Verna - chaotic neutral, half-elf, illusion wizard, archaeologist - ♡ queer, Sigrun - retired
Ellywick “Wick” Coppercrank III - neutral good, rock gnome gunsmith/hexgun warlock, astronomer -  ♡ bisexual - on hold
Ashes Orra - chaotic good, infernal tiefling ill-rigger turned retribution cleric -  ♡ lesbian, Theodora Conyver - to be played
Erasmia Diagoras - chaotic neutral, reincarnated eladrin sorcerer, revolutionist - ♡ queer, Nisea Minos - to be played
Aaliyah Rahal - neutral, aasimar tattoed temple monk/rogue, tomb raider - ♡ pansexual, Andrea Colwycke - played
Vanja Velikova - chaotic good, fetchling shadow sorcerer/grave cleric, charlatan -  ♡ bisexual - for one shots
Stranger Still (RPG)
Poppy Harris - strange forest ranger - ♡ pansexual, Callie Hayworth  - active
Renna “neuralc0re” Hezal - amnesiac space hacker, punk ass rebel - ♡ lesbian, ET - active
Lo Mistrel - chosen one ghost whisperer -  ♡ bisexual, Tula Chochokpi - active
Kit Wright - private detective, conspiracy nerd - ♡ bisexual, Neya - on hold
Vela Warders - jack of all trades scientist, mutant - ♡ pansexual, Cy & Vier - on hold
Margeaux Darkeaux - possessed tattoo artist, wannabe chosen -  ♡ lesbian, Jude Jinx - on hold
Audre Amador-Ripley - nosy journalist and witch - ♡ bisexual, Violet & Vivienne - active
Sable Calabar - cursed witch, seer -  ♡ lesbian, Harriet Still - active
Ramona Beaumont - engineer and future chosen  -  ♡ lesbian, Alex - for one shots
Leilani Palmer - mystic witch, sculptor - ♡ pansexual, Demetria Garza - played
Priya Goodspeed - artificer witch, video game dev -  ♡ lesbian, Nyla Fuentes - played
Valerie Flores - witch, paralegal, secret superhero -  ♡ queer, Noor Rahmanzai -  played
Fallon Escamilla-Tao - alteration witch, social worker, enchanting bard - ♡ lesbian, Hadley Escamilla-Tao - played
Juniper Rosegrove - transmutation witch, writer, nature lover - ♡ bisexual, Rafi - played
Liere Pilar - witch, tattoo artist, liberator and rebel - ♡ lesbian - to be played
Imani Jelan - abjuration witch, occupational therapist, wellness enthusiast- ♡ pansexual, Olivia Flores - to be played
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westwickrp · 7 years
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Westwick: Event #004  ▻ VALENTINE’S DAY
        With a total of 25 bachelors being auctioned for the charity ball, the Van Biljon couple has raised over $300.000 for the children’s hospital this year! To honor those who helped making this possible, and also to deliver the check to the head of Westwick Children’s Hospital, the couple is throwing a ball on Valentine’s day where people will be able to spend a nice evening either with the bachelors they’ve bid for, or with their respective ones!
        This Valentine’s event will last for a week, so everyone has the chance to develop conversations and have fun! The event will happen from Tuesday, February 13th to Tuesday, February 20th, 6pm EST. While participation in the event is not mandatory, it’d be a great way to develop your roles while placing them in a situation that could offer a new adventure or something fun to play with. Please tag your starters with wswevent4 so it doesn’t get mixed up with the other starters in the tag, and if you’d like, you can also tag with event: valentines.
        Under read more there are the names of the players and the respective bachelor they’ve bid for. We had to make one single change so that one player didn’t end up with their own character, but other than that, we were able to be pretty true to the bids! In case there are any doubts about the event, you’re welcome to come to us through the askbox or IM!
Priscilla Keo -- Bachelor 1: Christian Ortiz
Shea Barrett -- Bachelor 2: Jayden Bennett
Carleigha Ortiz -- Bachelor 3: Diego Olmedillo
Breanne Rollins -- Bachelor 4: Andrew Hale
Imani Henderson -- Bachelor 5: Graham Putnam
Phoenix Shepard -- Bachelor 6: Juan Carlos Vargas
Magdalena Brooks -- Bachelor 7: Ethan Chambers
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qljazz · 5 years
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New photo posted in Дискотека и Джаз: '🎹Reincarnation - это неожиданный поворот вибрафониста Warren Wolf. Он возвращается к #RnB и #soul, на которых вырос в 90-х годах. Девять композиций собственных и один кавер (The Isley Brothers), посвящены в основном близким людям, семье и пятерым детьм. 🎹Ему 40 и 21 год он профессионально играет мейнстрим джаз. Тем не менее, его отец - первый учитель, поощрял его играть другие жанры, и он решил, что пришло время добавить разнообразия в свою жизнь, собрав свежую группу. 🎹Барабанщик Carroll CV Dashiell III, клавишник Brett Williams, басист Richie Goods (недавно выпустил свой собственный альбом My Left Hand Man). Пару вещей альбома украшает гитарист Mark Whitfield. 🎹Совершенно неизвестная вокалистка Imani-Grace Cooper. Даже по джазовым стандартам я действительно мог слышать влияние госпела в ее пении, - сказал Вольф. Пригласили также Человека с Голосом - это диджей Marcellus Bassman Shepard. Голос задает ночное настроение в композициях типа In the Heat of the Night и сильно похож на Barry White. #fusion' https://ift.tt/2VJtSVM
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oedonretired · 7 years
@elfyourmother replied to your post: “honestly you want to know how invested I am in my Shepards? I made...”:
did i ever tell you about the control AU i wrote one night where Benevolent Reaper Goddess!Imani secretly watched over the galaxy and Primarch Vakarian was the only person who could sense her presence on the Citadel
oh my god that’s the exact kind of shit I’m 100% Here For(TM) tho??????!!!!?!?
like I can’t possibly convey in text how hype that literally-perfect concept makes me Benevolent Reaper Goddess ALL DAY *slams fist into earth*
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mageliberation · 8 years
Mass Effect: Andromeda 30 Day Countdown Ryder Meme
6 Days: Does your Ryder know your Shepard? What do they think of Shepard? Would they get along? What would Shepard think of Ryder?
I’d say that my main Shepard knows the Ryder twins in that she’s seen them like once when they were children. I’d say that Alec was a fan of Shepard’s though he never got to really know her. Imani thinks Shepard is a hero in a classical sense. Flawed and yet somehow bigger than life still. I think that Imani would get along with Shepard generally because of reciprocal liking and despite disagreeing on some actions in her past that had wider impacts. I think Shepard would feel an urge to pull her own version of being an Anderson to Imani as she would know how much having the responsibility of so many people counting on her to make the “right” choices for their futures. 
5 Days: Out of the squadmates, Tempest crewmembers and other characters shown so far, who do you think Ryder will get along well with? Who do you think they will get along best with? Why?
I think Imani will get along well with everyone. I think they’ll get along best with the main squaddies but especially Drack, Liam, and Cora. They’re all very straightforward and steadfast people, it seems, and Imani appreciates seeing that in others. 
4 Days: Out of the squadmates, Tempest crewmembers and other characters shown so far, is there anyone you think Ryder won’t gel so greatly with, dislike or otherwise come into conflict with? Why?
Tann and Addison are gonna be a problem for Imani. She has been forced into a position she did not ever think she would have and has the fates of not only hundreds of thousands of beings on her shoulders but also planets, a whole new galaxy, and the future of her and her allies species to ensure. The last thing she needs is to get wrapped up in power scheming and Negative Nancy-ism/people not even willing to attempt to believe in her. 
3 Days: Do you plan on romancing anyone with Ryder? If so, who? Why? What qualities would Ryder find attractive in a partner (if applicable)?
Yes, Imani is most likely going to be romancing Liam. After getting to know him and dealing with her lingering feelings for her past flames he seems like the type that could “handle” being with someone who feels as intensely as she does. She likes people, and especially men, who are very emotionally open and Liam is a Say It Plain kind of guy. Plus, he’s got a great smile, great hair, nice abs, and is funny! She’s a sucker for the funny ones. 
2 Days: Provide a “famous quote” from Ryder that sums them up as a character (like the ones for the squadmates in their official character profiles).
“The universe can be cruel, but we don’t have to be. We should only fight if we have to.” 
1 Day: Which song/songs would be “theme songs” for Ryder? Are there any symbols you associate with Ryder? If you’ve created a moodboard for them, share it here. If not, what sorts of things would be on their moodboard? Describe their aesthetic. What Hogwarts house would they be sorted into? If you’ve written fanfic involving Ryder already, share it here. [you don’t need to do all of these, they’re merely intended as creative exercises]
“Bad and Boujee - Migos”, “Rebel Girl - Bikini Kill”, and most of all “I Was Here - Beyonce.” Idk how to make a moodboard yet but if I did make one for Imani it’d have a black punching bag, pile of sci-fi comics, Black girl with septum piercing, Black girl with geometric tattoo, framed photo of Malcolm X smiling on a desk, short haired Black girl with face obscured, earth from the moon, and an I Want To Believe Poster.  
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Previo al gran estreno de la cuarta entrega de la exitosa saga de culto de Syfy, la audiencia latinoamericana podrá disfrutar, del lunes 25 al domingo 31 de Julio, de la ¨Semana Sharknado¨ incluyendo el estreno de “Planet of the Sharks”, “Ice Sharks”, “Summer Shark Attack”, y las tres primeras películas de la franquicia ¨Sharknado¨
 México D.F., A 25 de julio de 2016 – El próximo domingo, 31 de julio a las 20:00hrs, Syfy estrena en Latinoamérica ¨Sharknado 4: que la 4 te acompañe¨, la cuarta entrega de la saga de cine televisivo que ha cautivado a nivel mundial a los amantes del género de ficción y comedia. Este estreno ocurre de manera simultánea a su estreno en los Estados Unidos.
 Y para celebrar en grande y preparar a los fanáticos para tan esperado estreno, Syfy ofrece a su audiencia – del lunes 25 al 31 de julio -  ¨La Semana de Sharknado¨ en Syfy, incluyendo día y noche títulos originales relacionados con los tiburones, como: ¨Planet of the Sharks¨, ¨Ice Sharks¨, ¨Summer Shark Attack¨, y las tres primeras entregas de la franquicia ¨Sharknado¨, finalizando con el gran estreno de ¨Sharknado 4: que la 4 te acompañe¨.
 ¨Sharknado 4: que la 4 te acompañe ¨, tiene lugar cinco años después de que la costa este fuera devastada el verano pasado en ¨Sharknado 3: Oh hell no! En los años que siguieron al último ataque, Fin (Ziering), su familia, y el cosmos han permanecido felizmente libres de los extraños tornados de tiburones, pero ahora, estos feroces animales reaparecerán en los lugares más insospechados y en las formas más inverosímiles.
En esta cuarta entrega de la saga ¨Shaknado¨ regresan: Tara Reid como Abril Wexler - cuyo destino en la cinta fue elegido por los seguidores en redes sociales -, David Hasselhoff como Gil Shepard, y Ryan Newman como Claudia Shepard. Las nuevas incorporaciones de reparto incluyen a: Gary Busey, Tommy Davidson, Imani Hakim, Cody Linley, Masiela Lusha y Cheryl Tiegs. Además "Fin Shepard" (Ian Ziering, "90210"), en su determinada lucha por proteger al mundo de la amenaza de los tornados de tiburones, buscará la ayuda de algunos nuevos amigos, incluyendo:
 ·         Benjy Bronk (“The Howard Stern Show”) como conductor de un programa matutino
·         David Faustino (“Married with Children”) como apostador en Las Vegas
·         Corey Taylor (Slipknot) como guardia de seguridad del hotel Shark World
·         Lori Greiner (“Shark Tank”) como gurú de las compras caseras
·         Andre “Black Nerd” Meadows (estrella de YouTube) como el conductor del tren
·         Carrot Top (“Vegas Headliner”) como conductor de Uber
·         Chippendales Dancers (“Chippendales”) como ellos mismos
·         Cynthia Bailey (“The Real Housewives of Atlanta”), Robert Herjavec (“Shark Tank”), Kym Johnson (“Dancing with the Stars”), Carrie Keagan (TV host), T’Keyah Crystal Keymah (“In Living Color”), y las estrellas de “Baywatch” Gena Lee Nolin y Alexandra Paul como científicos de los cohetes Astro-X
·         DeStorm Power (estrella de You Tube/Vine) como Guardia Nacional
·         Dolvett Quince (“The Biggest Loser”) como entrenador
·         Erika Girardi (estrella de “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills”) como Tech Frances
·         Gilbert Gottfried (comediante) como corresponsal de TODAY Show
·         Seth Rollins (Super estrella WWE) como AstroTech Lopez
·         Steve Guttenberg (“3 Men and a Baby,” “Lavalantula,” “2 Lava 2”) como dueño de auto
·         Hayley Hasselhoff como la Supervisora Mary Jane y Taylor-Ann Hasselhoff como la piloto Shaylin
·         iJustine (estrella de You Tube) como el Supervisor Brock
·         Paul Shaffer como él mismo.
 ¨Sharknado 4: que la 4 te acompañe ¨ es una producción de The Asylum, en la que Anthony C. Ferrante vuelve a dirigir un guión original escrito por Trueno Levin.
 No te pierdas el inesperado rumbo que tomará el viaje de esta fascinante tripulación en el estreno de la 2° temporada de ¨Dark Matter¨ el próximo 31 de agosto a las 20:00hrs
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NBCUniversal International Networks es una de las redes de entretenimiento más importantes del mundo, brindando contenidos y marcas de alto impacto a 176 territorios en Europa, Oriente Medio, África, América Latina y Asia Pacífico. El portafolio incluye Universal Channel, Syfy, E! Entertainment Television, 13th Street, DIVA, Studio Universal, Telemundo, The Style Network y Golf Channel. Estas marcas ofrecen grandes experiencias de entretenimiento a audiencias en todo el mundo; el portafolio también incluye Movies 24 en el Reino Unido. Adicionalmente, NBCUniversal News Group, uno de los portafolios más influyentes y respetados de noticias al-aire y digitales en el mundo, opera internacionalmente CNBC y NBC News.
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elfyourmother · 3 years
thinking about my XIV/Mass Effect crossover replacement raid for the Nier stuff again and lost my shit thinking about how badly Gisele would lose her own shit the first time she sees Imani use her biotics. like a kid seeing Santa gjgjfjfh
…Gisele corps a corps at the same time Imani does a biotic charge
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qljazz · 5 years
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New photo posted in Дискотека и Джаз: '🎹Reincarnation - это неожиданный поворот вибрафониста Warren Wolf. Он возвращается к #RnB и #soul, на которых вырос в 90-х годах. Девять композиций собственных и один кавер (The Isley Brothers), посвящены в основном близким людям, семье и пятерым детьм. 🎹Ему 40 и 21 год он профессионально играет мейнстрим джаз. Тем не менее, его отец - первый учитель, поощрял его играть другие жанры, и он решил, что пришло время добавить разнообразия в свою жизнь, собрав свежую группу. 🎹Барабанщик Carroll CV Dashiell III, клавишник Brett Williams, басист Richie Goods (недавно выпустил свой собственный альбом My Left Hand Man). Пару вещей альбома украшает гитарист Mark Whitfield. 🎹Совершенно неизвестная вокалистка Imani-Grace Cooper. Даже по джазовым стандартам я действительно мог слышать влияние госпела в ее пении, - сказал Вольф. Пригласили также Человека с Голосом - это диджей Marcellus Bassman Shepard. Голос задает ночное настроение в композициях типа In the Heat of the Night и сильно похож на Barry White. #fusion' https://ift.tt/2VJtSVM https://ift.tt/2Il4Rsf
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payroo · 10 years
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imani shepard for elfyourmother since you made me pine for space again
i miss mass effect (and imani's beautiful face) so much man haha
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elfyourmother · 4 years
so this gif set + commentary
i have always felt insanely guilty about the way Imani’s Virmire mission goes in large part because of how fandom has always treated Ashley so despicably and how much deranged misogynistic (and racist, lbr) glee so many people get from making her die there, but also because I just genuinely love her as a character and wish she got so much more in canon (esp. in 3, her content is ridiculously sparse compared to Kaidan’s)
I never wanted to be yet another asshole who just thoughtlessly kills Ashley off for spurious reasons, which is why I’ve always taken great care in talking about it wrt to the context of Imani’s story, that it was purely a tactical decision, “deadly calculus” for the sake of the mission. Kaidan was on the bomb and that was the objective. Imani’s a tactician before anything else and making risky calls on the spot is her Thing as a soldier. it literally had nothing to do with Imani’s feelings for Kaidan because she was in love with Ashley too. That’s what made it hurt so badly, and Imani has been grieving for years, keeping it bottled up inside (the nightmares she had during the Reaper War were 100% Mindoir PTSD and re-living Ashley’s death).
y’all know I have never had any particular compunction about canon when it gets in the way of the story I want to tell, even when it comes to ignoring deaths--I mean Haurche and Ysayle obviously but even before then, both Marisol’s siblings survived the escape from Lothering and everyone made it out of the Fade alive after a battle royale with the nightmare beast. Everybody Lives is like my calling card at this point
but Virmire is the one exception to that and has always felt somewhat sacrosanct to me. I know that originally they intended to have a signature Bioware Third Option(tm) where Shepard could save them both, and it is very much in character for Imani to go “screw this, I’m finding another way”--she is Paragon of Paragons and saving everyone is always her MO, I mean even in game she had 0 colonist casualties in Zhu’s Hope and saved every single scientist on the special Paragon mission on Chohe. But Virmire is one of the very rare times I thought a canon death in a game worked well--for the reasons in the gifset certainly, but also from Kaidan’s POV in Imani’s ‘verse because he has some pretty severe survivor’s guilt over it, wondering if he wasn’t saved just because he was the Commander’s boyfriend and feeling like he didn’t deserve it and blaming himself for putting Imani in that position to begin with, seeing how she’s silently suffered over it
and I look at the very astute commentary on that gifset and wonder if Imani’s story wouldn’t be much less compelling if she somehow managed to save them both. having even just 1 time where she couldn’t save everybody, given what happens later on--it makes the Suicide Mission that much more poignant, because her determination to save the crew and make sure her entire team got out alive, even from beyond a relay literally no one has survived a trip through is that much more urgent and intense because of the loss on Virmire. Imani refused to let anyone under her command die again, and the Omega-4 Relay was her personal redemption for that (even though no one blamed her for what happened on Virmire in any way).
how would it change the character arc for Ashley and Kaidan if they were both alive and not having to cope with survivor’s guilt? Especially Ashley, given the points that were brought up about her self-esteem struggles, not feeling like she was good enough? I don’t see how it’s as effective tbh.
but I also want the three of them to kiss once Kaidan’s head is finally out of his ass about polyamory
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dandelionofthanatos · 10 years
"tomorrow's child" is basically imani's theme song in my head forever
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commanderinchef · 9 years
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