#Immediately after THAT scene in Halfblood Prince
Day 25 of @remadoramicrofics - Ina Dark Dark Wood
Nymphadora supposed, as she trudged towards Remus Lupin’s silhouette, that this was how moths felt as they fluttered about unattended candles. They couldn’t explain their draw to the sun, they could only follow it, no matter how ill-advised. She had spent the past few months being told to forget about her infatuation with the grumpy werewolf, that it was bad for her health, and, with him fleeing at every chance he got, she didn’t have any sound evidence to suggest the contrary.
“Are you done trying to kill yourself?” She asked as she reached him.
“Hm?” he asked as he stared at her.
“Well, you’ve rushed off to the werewolf camp and now you look like you're debating a swim. Just wondering if –”
“Dumbledore needed –”
“I don’t care, Remus,” she ground out, looking away from him.
“So you’ve said.”
He started to turn away, but Tonks caught his wrist. “Tell me you don’t feel the same, Remus, tell me you don’t love me and I won’t –”
“You know I can’t do that, Nymphadora,” he protested.
“Don’t call me –”
“And don’t you see how dangerous that is?”
“I’ve never –” she felt her anger flare and he cut her off again.
“Nymphadora, I need you to understand –”
She felt like there were a thousand bees buzzing in her ears and the anger swelled in her. More than that, was the sadness that flowered at the idea that Remus found his own love to be dangerous. She pressed up onto her toes and caught his robes, pulling him close as she crashed their lips together. Remus tensed, but his hands, maybe of their own accord, held her, one looping around her waist and the other resting on her shoulder.
As they parted, slightly out of breath, Remus stared down at her wide-eyed. “I-I– We can’t –”
“Yes, we can, Remus. There’s a damn war going on and you have the nerve to think you’re the most dangerous thing to me, an auror and an Order member.”
He swallowed thickly and Tonks waited, biting her tongue. “Let’s go for a walk,” he said eventually. Anyone else might have taken it for a rejection, but Tonks knew better. Remus was private, he wouldn’t want to get caught making out on school grounds, not after his unceremonious ousting.
“Alright,” she agreed as she slid her hand into his.
“Afraid of the Forest?” he asked as he led her along.
“Are you?”
He smirked, “No, I’m used to being the scariest thing on this campus.”
“Oh, that can’t be true,” she chided as they followed a path into the dark woods. The branches were so thick that it nearly pitch black.
“Have you ever been here?”
Tonks shook her head. She had never seen much need to venture past the edge, though Charlie had been sent out here with a group for detention once.
Remus nodded. “I had to come a couple of times with James and Sirius for detention.”
“Sirius did always say you were a trouble maker.”
Remus snorted, but didn’t refute the accusation. “It’s also where we spent a lot of transformations.”
“Where do you spend them, now?”
He looked her over for a moment before he sighed. “Recently? At the camp, with the others. Before that, at Grimmauld Place with Sirius.”
“Before that?” she pressed. She wanted him to know she was all in, furry little problem be damned.
“I own a cabin…in wales. It’s seen better days, but it suffices.”
“By yourself?” He nodded, leading her to the left of a y in the path. “I could –”
“No,” he said firmly.
She turned to him, her mouth twisted in a pout. “You don’t even know what I was going to say.”
He smiled knowingly at her. “You’re not coming to see the cabin and you’re not spending a transformation with me.”
“That’s not what I was going to say,” she told him as she pulled him along the path. “I was going to say I could take us to my place.”
He looked at her. “Nympha– Tonks, I don’t think –”
“Why? I’m not afraid of you and I make enough money that I don’t need any financial support from you, and I’m old enough to date whomever I please, so why won’t you really come?”
He sighed as if the act was particularly painful. “Everyone I’ve ever loved has died, Tonks, and I can’t subject you to the same –”
She scoffed. “Be serious, Remus, none of those deaths have been your fault. You weren’t the spy and Peter had everyone fooled, Bellatrix wasn’t going to let Sirius live, and no one could have known about Dumbledore.” Remus started to protest, but Tonks pressed on, “And one day, no matter how careful I am or you are or how much we try, I’ll die. Everyone does, you know, it’s inevitable. The important thing, the thing that makes death a little less painful, is making sure that you live while you have the chance. Because if you aren’t living, you’re just waiting for death. How long have you been waiting, Remus, and how much longer are you going to?”
He stared at her for a long moment before he crashed his lips to hers. Tonks’s hands immediately found their way into his hair and along the nape of his neck while his hands twisted in her robes and pulled her close. He drew back and she was about to protest when he whispered in her ear, “I love you, Nymphadora Tonks, and I have for a long time.”
“I love you, too, Remus Lupin,” she said into his neck, “Now please come home with me. Like, right now.” She felt, more than saw, him nod and quickly apparated them to her front door.
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cassiaallen · 1 year
Part 6/6 (not including the Jily Wedding Post I will post right after this one) of my Marauders Era series - this time, it’s my take on Lily Evans’s life!
As per usual, I was massively inspired by @thecarnivorousmuffinmeta, @moonlightdancer26, and @halfblood-princes-crown - thank you again! 🙏🏻
Lily Evans's Journey
Full name: Lily Potter (née Evans)
DOB: 30.01.1960
Born in: Cokeworth
Parents: Dorothy & Robert Evans
House: Gryffindor
In Hogwarts: 1971-1978
-is best friends with her older sister Petunia
-they spend most of their time together
-notices her magical abilities at around 7, but believes they’re just coincidences
-meets Sev at age 9 and they get along really well
-Lily now spends most of her time with him, especially because he can tell her so much about magic
-Minerva McGonagall brings her her Hogwarts letter and explains everything to her family
-everyone except Petunia is excited
-Petunia is devastated when she finds out that she can’t go and because of all the attention Lily receives
-re. Petunia: first, the magical world takes away her sister (Lily spending more time with Sev), and now they’re taking away her parents's love and attention (that’s how she feels and what contributes to her hatred of magic)
-Platform 9 3/4 Scene
-Lily is truly sad that her sister can’t go, but at the same time she is happy to go to this new exciting place with a familiar person (Sev)
-takes an immediate dislike to J&S on the train and is even more upset when they’re in the same House
-is forced to make new friends as she doesn’t share many classes with Sev
-becomes best friends with Mary MacDonald and gets along well with the other girls in Gryffindor
-she still likes Sev, but focuses more on her new friends
-struggled a bit academically in year 1, but after that she becomes a pro
-most of her friends/House mates are very anti-Slytherin and that influences her (and her friendship with Sev) a little
-doesn’t see much of the M bullying Sev and he certainly never tells her
-has a few crushes here and there, but no real relationship
-appreciates that J is a muggle(-born) supporter, but otherwise despised him for the first 3/4 years
-she is fascinated by his good looks though and that is what first sparks her interest in J
-WWI in February 1976
-she heard J talking about heroically saving Sev from the "Whomping Willow danger"
-confronts Sev "you’re being really ungrateful"
-she still likes Sev, but is more interested in her Gryffindor people
-the more she becomes aware of the war and her muggle-born status, the more she wants to distance herself from anything Slytherin related (eventually Sev as well [before the Lake Incident])
-spends less and less time with Sev even though he didn’t harm her in any way, she just associated him with harmful people
-Lake Incident; she is hanging out with Mary and the other Gryffindor girls before "intervening"
-is a bit sad about "leaving" Sev, but secretly glad she won’t be associated with him/Dark Arts anymore
-basically spends all her time with Mary, studying, helping younger students (as a Prefect)
-in the summer of 1976 she finds herself thinking about J a lot
-prepares for her NEWTS in year 6 and occasionally talks to J (largely ignores his bullying)
-starts catching feelings for J but is in denial
-is shocked to see the Head Boy badge on him (both because of her original dislike of him and because of her new feelings for him that she doesn’t want to confront)
-she sees that J is no longer bullying people (nvm he’s still bullying Sev) and thinks she can maybe give him a chance (plus, J does grow up a bit and shows her more of his nice side)
-they have their first date on Valentine’s Day 1978
-they officially become a couple on 31.03.1978
-[James's Journey + Jily Wedding]
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Why Harry is not a bad father in cursed child
So on the Harry Potter amino i had a quite “nasty” discussion (when you can actually call it that as for a discussion both persons actually have to use arguments, not just one person) with a very thin skinned person (when you spread around cc hate, be prepared that some cc fans may actually argue against you, especially when you don’t use any real arguments whatsover) about Harry in cursed child and cursed child in general. He/she made a blog about his/her arguments after i “rudely forced him” to actually give me some things to back up his /her opinion, but well it is actually amazing how you can make a full blog without giving any actual arguments and just keep repeating “Harry just wouldn’t do that” (you may remember my blog about his/her dealthy hallows argument) all the time without using any quotes or explanations.So i made a blog in respond. Well he/she told me that he/she doesn’t care about my opinion, but i wrote and published this anyway!(When i made effort to write it, why not post it on Tumblr as well?)So here we go! As i structured this based on his/her blog, this is the structure i came up with:
1)      Why cursed child is canon
2)      Why Harry isn’t out of character in cursed child
3)      Why Harry is not a bad father
This will be quite long, so be prepared xD
  1)      Why cursed child is canon
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 I heard a lot of people saying that cc isn’t canon, because Rowling didn’t completely write it. It is true that she got help by John Tiffany and Jack Thorne and that she didn’t completely write it on her own. The reasons are clear: She is not a playwriter, she hasn’t done this before and she didn’t think she could pull off a play script on her own.And i agree, writing novels and movie scripts is very different from writing a play script as this medium works different in some ways.
But this doesn’t mean cc isn’t canon. The inventing process was a close cooperation between these three and Rowling had the last say about her characters.
 QUOTE: „The collaborators she approved were Thorne and Tiffany. They emphasized that Rowling made sure they stayed true to HER VISION of the characters“
„It took about six months to really map the whole thing out. (…) Jo would say `This feels right, this doesn’t´   - Jack Thorne
 „And we didn’t start writing the play as such-or Jack didn’t-until we agreed on what that story was. Jack produced an AMAZING script“    -  J.K. Rowling
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 Do you really think she would agree on a play to be published, if she would disagree with the things that are in it?
Our queen herself stated that cc is 100% canon and when someone can define canon, then it’s her. She wouldn’t have published cc, if she wouldn’t see the story to continue like this and i trust her to know best how HER characters, she invented, would behave.
 So yes cursed child is canon, if you like it or not. Of course you are free to dislike the new developement as much as you want, but just because it destroyed your personal headcanons, it’s not less canon. Creators don’t owe us anything, especially not our headcanons, and this is how she sees HER characters. We as a fandom can’t claim to know her characters better than she does and we shouldn’t, which leads me to my next point.
  2)      Why Harry wasn’t out of character in cc
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 First of all (a point i actually agree on) cursed child is not a novel. It’s not written in Harry’s perspective and we have an objective look at Harry’s character. And no it’s not Albus‘ perspective, a play unlike a novel isn’t written out of anyone’s perpective.We are no longer influenced by Harry’s subjective opinion, but see everything a little bit more objective, especially Harry’s character. I think due to the perspective used in the novels it’s harder for some people to see Harry’s flaws in the original series.
In cc Harry of course grew up and got older, but he still has a lot of his original character traits.
I think a big problem for a big part of the fandom is that they forgot book Harry, because they watched the movies too often. The movies showed a very different and more bland, perfect and boring version of him.
Here are some things movie Harry didn’t do or did different:
 -books Harry had quite a temper and anger issues at times. In book 5 he totally destroyed Dumbledore’s office in a big anger burst and he loses control over himself, when he is under emotional stress (sounds familiar, right?)
 -book Harry sucessfully uses crucio (yes an unforgivable torture curse) on a death eater and doesn’t even regret it
 -book Harry didn’t hide Snape’s book in halfblood prince, because he thought it was dangerous or wrong to use it, he hid it so Snape wouldn’t find it and he could continue using it
 -book Harry said pretty mean stuff to Lupin in Dealthy Hallows. When he is under a lot of emotional pressure, he tends to say things to loved ones, he regrets afterwards (sounds VERY familiar, does it?)
 There is more, but i stop now. (and no this has nothing to do with the epilouge from dealthy hallows as this scene is in the books, the movies and cursed child). I love complex and flawed book Harry and they did a very poor job adapting his personality to the screen.
Harry is not a „perfect“ human in cc and he never was in the original series. No well written and realistic and relatable character is „perfect“. The headcanons some people create for Harry are simply unrealistic and don’t fit his flawed personality at all. I am happy Rowling decided to stay with her vision of the characters and didn’t give in to the unrealistic, glorified Harry headcanons.
 This doesn’t mean Harry lost his amazing and great characteristics in cc!
He is still the adventurous and brave and caring Harry we know from the books. Although he is indeed an office/ministry worker now, he actually isn’t in his office a lot. Harry still hates paper work and he still loves to explore the danger personally instead of reading about it.
 „HERMIONE: (…) – thought i’d check whether you’d kept your promise and were on top of your paperwork.
 HARRY: Ah. Turns out i’m not.
 HARRY: Great, let’s get out there. I’ll get the team together.
 HERMIONE: Harry, i get it. Paperwork’s boring…“
 He is still the brave, charming and adventurous Harry we know so well and love from the books and he wants to be right in the action. He is also still very caring about his loved ones, but i will get to that at my next point.
  3)      Why Harry isn’t a bad father
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 As i said Harry is not a perfect human being and he is not a perfect father, which doesn’t mean that he is a bad one!
In the play it gets clear that Harry is still very traumatised by the war, the dead people, his parent’s death and his abusive childhood. It is very hard for him to connect to people and to open up to another person.
You always have to look at both parts of a relationship to understand the motives why characters are acting like they do.
  a)      Blanket scene
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 In this scene we have the infamous „I wish you weren’t my son “ line, which so many people take out of context and totally ignore the circumstances of.
 The blanket scene is VERY important as it shows the basic misunderstanding between Harry and Albus, which leads to their difficult relationship.
In this scene we have proof of how much Harry cares for Albus. He knows that they distant themselve from each other and Harry wants to change that, because he loves Albus. So he decides to give Albus his most precious possession, the only thing he has left from his mother. It is clear how much this blanket means to Harry and that he wants to give it to Albus shows how caring Harry in cc is.
But when Albus rejects the blanket and distants himself more from him, of course Harry feels horribly hurt. This blanket means everything to him and that Albus rejects his kind gesture, really breaks his heart.
Parents are humans too and they are not immune to feelings and pain of rejection, especially not Harry who always had a bad temper. As in the original series Harry is portrayed very human and realistic in cc.
People who just look at this line out of context, mostly forget Albus‘ line immediately before Harry’s:
 ALBUS: No! I just wish you weren’t my dad.
 Here is where the essence of the play lies, the reason their relationship is so difficult.
Here lies the big misunderstanding between Harry and Albus. Everyone expects Harry to be perfect. Everyone just sees him as the „hero“ without any flaws, noone sees the human Harry, the frightened and flawed and realistic human being and person.
So Albus suffers under the unrealistically high expectations people set for him and he gets bullied at school. So of course he understandably projects his anger and pain on to Harry. He blames Harry for his suffering, but he actually doesn’t mean Harry as a person, but Harry’s fame and the high expectations that come with it. So with „i wish you weren’t my dad“ deep down he didn’t mean that Harry personally shouldn’t be his father, but that the famous Harry Potter shouldn’t be his father.
Harry of course is heartbroken, because he feels rejected by Albus and the line escapes his mouth. It is VERY clear, that he immediately regrets it and he tries the whole play to make up for it.
And  their relationship wasn’t always like that. At the beginning of the play their relationship is portrayed as very close and friendly. Albus is open about his fears and Harry is as open to him. Their relationship just went in the wrong direction after Albus gets bullied at school. Harry didn’t do anything wrong or different, it was Albus who (understandably) changed because of his father’s fame. We don’t see any problems between Harry and his other children, it’s just between Albus and him. The problem of their relationship isn’t based on what Harry did wrong as a parent, it’s based on what happened in his past and how his fame affects the way people treat Albus. They are both complex and interesting characters, who i can both understand very well. I can see why both of them feel how they feel and i feel bad for both of them. That’s why their relationship is so interesting and amazingly written, because you can understand both parts of this difficult relationship and you are rooting for them to overcome their problems.
   b)      Seperating Albus and Scorpius
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 You can say what you want, but you can’t say that Harry doesn’t love his son and that he doesn’t care for him. Every mistake he makes is based on his desperate need to protect Albus.
When Harry hears about the „black cloud“, he feels such a big need to protect his son that he loses his sense of reality. He never met Scorpius and he doesn’t know him. He just connects the black cloud to Scorpius (isn’t the first time his mistery solving attempts went wrong…Snape and Quirell *cough).
Is it illogical and wrong to do this? Of course! But it is also understandable in Harry’s situation as he is put under a lot of emotional pressure and all he wants is to see his son safe. I’m pretty sure he never really believed in what he was saying. He was so easily convinced by Ginny and Draco and he very easily regrets it and apologizes to Albus for it.
  Harry is not a perfect dad in cursed child and like any real parent he makes mistakes, but he is by no means a bad father.
„Love blinds“ is a theme of the play and yes, his love for Albus does blind him. But you can’t argue that he doesn’t love or care for Albus. He would do everything to keep his son safe – he throws himself in front of a killing curse for Albus – and his love and his caring make him a pretty good dad actually. Their relationship started of with difficulties because of Harry’s fame, but he never gave up on Albus and it is beautiful to see them finally finding each other at the end of the play. They finally show their love for one another and Albus can finally see Harry as a human, not as a famous hero. This is why the pidgeon line is so important. Harry admits his flaws and his fears to Albus and shows him that he is human. I love how Harry puts his arm around Albus in the last scene on stage. It’s such a beautiful and hopeful ending to the play.
Thanks @bounding-heart (i always take inspiration for my blogs from your page :))and @mrsellacott (the blogs you posted lately about Harry as a father really helped me writing this!)
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kayla1993-world · 4 years
Ginny Weasley performer Bonnie Wright told her parents  before she found her kiss with Harry Potter because they were in the books further forward
Bonnie Wright said her friends are writing about her character Ginny Weasley's kiss with Harry Potter before she even did it — and she was surprised when she finally reached the chapter.
The British actress, who played the Weasley family's youngest member in all eight Harry Potter movies, told Insider that while she was writing all of the books herself, of course, her friends were ahead of her.
"I vaguely remember reading the fifth book among mates or being ahead in the moment and being said, 'Oh my gosh, have you got to page 362?'
"They didn't say it to me but they were like, 'Wait until you get to this page,' as we're all reading it but they're reading it faster than me.
"And then they obviously got to the moment they kissed and I was like, 'Oh,'" Wright recalled.
In the 6th instalment of the series, "Harry Potter and The Halfblood Prince," Harry and Ginny actually shared their first kiss.
Harry kissed Ginny in the book after Gryffindor won their Quidditch game, although it was Ginny who kissed him aggressively in the 2009 movie, just before the pair retreated into the Requirement Room.
Though sometimes kissing scenes can be a little uncomfortable for actors, Wright said her experience came with even more pressure.
Wright — who was 18 at the time of filming — told Insider that she was worried she would not be doing justice to the pivotal scene.
"There's such a massive take-up to the books and there's an anticipation or type  of curiosity about this moment also, so it is just about it right," Wright added.
It became also easier for her to establish a bond of connection, as she had to do so with someone — Daniel Radcliffe — who she stated was like a friend.
"I find it funny if you understand people so well and you've had such a relationship with them that they have been that acquaintance and more of like a friend," Wright said.
"And then, somehow, immediately, in a usable world, you have to do some very private scenes."
Wright was just nine years old when she was cast with 11-year-old Radcliffe in "Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone."
Asked whether she predicted that Ginny would end up with the Boy Who Lived, Wright said: "Absolutely, but I think there were obviously moments when she was kind of trying to hinting at it like Ginny obviously had a crush on Harry long before he did.
Wright said her favorite filming experiences were those shot "The Burrow" in the Weasley family home, but some of the funnier ones were with her love interest, Harry.
"Where Harry and Ginny are kissing like a funny one and one of my twin brothers comes down and interrupts us while brushing his teeth," Wright said.
"And then there's another funny one where Ron tries to sit between us two and there's a plate of slender pies, so this scene also given us too long to film because we couldn't stop laughing."
Now 29, Wright said that for her trademark ginger locks, people continue to recognise her and ask with selfies with Ginny.
While some celebrities -- find this annoying when they played iconic characters, Wright said it's rewarding.
"It's a tale for so many people, and you're going to meet people like my age or older, it's just a huge part of their life, and you're gonna meet kids who just get into it now so know you.
"What's so fortunate with being in a series like Harry Potter is there are so many people that want to come up and talk to you.
Recently, Wright returned to the wizarding world to lend her voice to the audiobook "The Tales of Beedle the Bard," through J.K's special request. Rowling aussi-même.
The audio-book, released on Tuesday, also features Jude Law (who played a young Albus Dumbledore in the series "Fantastic Beasts"), Evanna Lynch (Luna Lovegood), Jason Isaac (Lucius Malfoy), Warwick Davis (Professor Flitwick) and many more.
Wright hopes the audiobook will allow people to find "escapism" and "comfort" as they return to the magical world during the pandemic of bloodstream infections.
"I really hope and believe that the audiobook will do the same [as the books and movies], the idea is that people will be able to recognize the voices if they read the narratives that are listed and relevant to Harry Potter's tale," Wright said.
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