#Immunology Tests
hygeamedlaboratories · 4 months
Located in the heart of Thrissur, Hygea Med Laboratories is a leading Medical Laboratory in Thrissur that offers top-notch and comprehensive diagnostic services. With a team of highly skilled professionals and state-of-the-art equipment, Hygea Med Laboratories is dedicated to providing the best and quality services to the residents of Thrissur.
When it comes to healthcare, accuracy and reliability are of utmost importance. That's where Hygea Med Laboratories stands out. The laboratory is equipped with the latest technology and follows strict quality control measures to ensure accurate and precise test results every time. This not only helps in accurate diagnosis but also aids in better treatment and management of diseases.
Hygea Med Laboratories offers a wide range of diagnostic services including blood tests, urine tests, imaging services, and more. The laboratory is equipped with advanced equipment and machines, which are regularly maintained and calibrated by a team of trained technicians. This ensures that the results obtained are accurate and reliable.
One of the key factors that make Hygea Med Laboratories stand out from other medical laboratories in Thrissur is their team of highly skilled professionals. The laboratory has a team of experienced and qualified pathologists, technicians, and support staff who are well-trained in their respective fields. They are dedicated to providing patients with the best care and ensuring that all tests are conducted with utmost accuracy and efficiency.
At Hygea Med Laboratories, patient comfort and convenience are given top priority. The laboratory has a spacious waiting area and comfortable sample collection rooms to ensure a stress-free experience for patients. The staff is friendly and approachable, making the entire process of getting tests done hassle-free.
Apart from providing quality diagnostic services, Hygea Med Laboratories also offers home sample collection services. This is especially beneficial for elderly patients or those who are unable to visit the laboratory. The samples are collected by trained phlebotomists and are transported to the laboratory with utmost care and efficiency.
In addition to its top-notch services, Hygea Med Laboratories also maintains a strict code of ethics and confidentiality. Patient information and test results are kept confidential and are only shared with authorized individuals. This ensures that patients feel comfortable and secure while getting their tests done.
Overall, Hygea Med Laboratories is the go-to medical laboratory in Thrissur for accurate and reliable diagnostic services. The laboratory's commitment to quality, advanced technology, and skilled professionals make it the best choice for all your healthcare needs. So, the next time you need to get a test done, head to Hygea Med Laboratories for a hassle-free and superior experience.
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tchaikovskym · 2 years
let me be the neutrophil to your mast cell
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toastsnaffler · 9 months
its actually nuts how missing a single vaccination has shaped my entire fucking life. like not only would I not be deaf if I had gotten it on time but I probs wouldn't have adhd either 🫣
#like yeah I have a family history of adhd but im pretty sure the current model suggests u can be genetically *predisposed* but the actual-#development of adhd is thought to be closely linked to environmental 'triggers' like childhood stress or head injuries lol#or in my case brain trauma. fun fact: a suspected 62% of kids who survive hib meningitis later develop adhd symptoms#vs. 5% incidence in the general population.....#when I first heard that I was still in denial bc i thought of adhd as a 'natural' condition like ur just born that way#so if meningitis survivors displayed symptoms that didnt mean they were ACTUALLY adhd. except literally all adhd is-#is a collection of symptoms its not some tangible 'switch' thats flipped in some ppl and not others. maybe thats a rly obvious statement-#but I found it kinda hard to get my head around. i guess just bc of how a lot of psychology is viewed by the public innit#anyway being deaf + nd kinda fucking sucks yall better be jabbing ur babies with every vaccination possible or im coming for ur knees#its funny bc it sounds like im saying watch out !! vaccination may PREVENT neurodivergence NOT cause it !!#*andrew wakefield voice* u wouldnt want a child with autism#but thats not what i meaaaannn obvs ur kid not getting xyz disease that could kill them is the number 1 most important thing#its so cringe actually bc hib b incidence has been down to abt 2 in every 100 000 babies since the vax was introduced in 1985#so I was one of like. probably less than 10 babies to get it in the fucking country and they misdiagnosed me a bunch of times#bc it was so uncommon + I had some rarer symptoms plus the only way to actually CHECK is to test spinal fluid which is a faff#if theyd realised earlier then i also wouldnt be deaf bc it wouldnt have been as severe. just a series of unfortunate events i guess#anyway. immunology is so fascinating i wish id focused on it more in my degree tbh#over and OUT#.diaries
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ms-hells-bells · 2 years
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hebasoffar · 1 month
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foggyscholar · 5 months
all my final grades of the semester are Bs let's fucking goooo
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industryupdate · 7 months
Minimal Residual Disease Testing Industry Will Grow Fastest in Asia-Pacific
In 2022, the minimal residual disease testing market was worth around USD 1,156.8 million, and it is projected to advance at a 15.1% CAGR from 2022 to 2030, hitting USD 3,570.1 million in 2030, according to P&S Intelligence. This development can be ascribed to the increasing occurrence of solid tumors and hematological malignancies. Furthermore, the rising healthcare spending, also the…
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drpedi07 · 11 months
Allergy is a condition that arises when the body's immunity starts reacting to common substances such as food, drugs and even dust, pollen, animal dander leading to reactions in the body.
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bpdshan · 1 year
(medical updates)
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ceyhanmedya · 1 year
What is an allergy? What are the types of allergies and allergy symptoms? 2023
New Post has been published on https://bankakredin.com/what-is-an-allergy-what-are-the-types-of-allergies-and-allergy-symptoms-2023/
What is an allergy? What are the types of allergies and allergy symptoms? 2023
What is an allergy? What are the types of allergies and allergy symptoms?
Allergies are antibodies in our body that fight and react to substances that may be harmless to others. These substances can be dust, nutrients, inhaled substances, pollen, mites and animal dander. Allergy can be seen in all age groups. Although it is thought to be mostly genetic, allergies occur at different ages with the effect of environmental factors. Smoking and environmental pollution are seen as the main causes of allergy.
Table of Contents
What is an allergy? What are the types of allergies and allergy symptoms?
allergy symptoms
What are spring allergies and pollen allergies? How is it formed?
Do babies have allergies?
What is allergic rhinitis?
What is allergic asthma?
Who should get allergy tests?
What are allergy medications?
allergy symptoms
Allergy symptoms differ from person to person. The severity of the allergy also affects the symptoms. Symptoms include itching, nasal congestion, frequent sneezing, chronic cough, shortness of breath or wheezing, rash or swelling in the body. 
What are spring allergies and pollen allergies? How is it formed?
With the arrival of spring, nature comes alive and pollen emerges. Pollen is an allergen for sensitive people. Pollen allergy manifests itself as allergic rhinitis, eye allergy and asthma. The symptoms of these patients are exacerbated with the arrival of spring. Frequent sneezing, nasal congestion, tearing and itching in the eyes, coughing, wheezing and even shortness of breath are among the symptoms seen. The treatment is done with antihistamines, nasal sprays containing cortisone or drugs taken by the respiratory tract, breathing relievers. In severe cases, immunotherapy can also be performed. 
What is an allergy? What are the types of allergies and allergy symptoms?
Do babies have allergies?
Allergy can be seen in babies as well as in all age groups. Allergies are believed to be mostly genetic. However, there are reasons that increase the severity of the allergy. For example; The mother’s smoking during pregnancy or after birth facilitates the emergence and exacerbation of the symptoms.
respiratory allergies in infants; nasal congestion, wheezing, recurrent or persistent coughing attacks. Food allergy may be seen in some babies during the acclimatization period. These infants may experience symptoms such as excessive gas, bloating, diarrhea or constipation, blood in the stool, skin rash or eczema.
When talking about baby allergies, cow’s milk allergy should not be forgotten. Cow’s milk allergy symptoms can begin with birth. Symptoms are often the same as those listed above. In treatment, it is essential to remove cow’s milk from the diet of the mother and the baby. This type of allergy may resolve spontaneously in advancing ages.
What is an allergy? What are the types of allergies and allergy symptoms?
What is allergic rhinitis?
Rhinitis means inflammation of the nose. Allergic rhinitis is the occurrence of inflammatory symptoms in the nose due to different allergens. It can occur at any age, from infancy to old age. In the spring, there is an increase in the findings. In patients with allergic rhinitis, runny nose, nasal itching, nasal congestion, sneezing, nasal itching may be observed.
Allergic rhinitis is also called hay fever. Atopic dermatitis, eczema and asthma can be seen together with allergic rhinitis. It is among the diseases that greatly reduce the comfort of life of people. It can often cause sleep disturbances and snoring. Concentration disorders may occur in children.
Allergic rhinitis is distinguished from the common cold by the absence of other signs of infection. The diagnosis of allergic rhinitis is made primarily by the patient’s history. Then allergy tests are done. Allergy drugs and cortisone can be used in its treatment. It is also important to protect the patient from pollen. If necessary, patients can also be vaccinated. 
What is allergic asthma?
Asthma is chronic inflammation of the airways. Just like in pollen allergy, antibodies in the body fight against allergens that enter the respiratory tract. As a result, coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath occur, just like a lung infection.
Asthma can range in severity from mild to severe. The severity of the disease is evaluated according to the number of days in which the signs of the disease are seen. Childhood asthma plays an important role in children’s school absenteeism. Sometimes asthma can manifest itself as a night cough that does not go away alone or as a cough that starts with exercise.
Asthma that starts in infancy may improve with advancing age. History, physical examination and allergy tests are used in the diagnosis of asthma. Allergy drugs, inhalers and cortisone are used in its treatment. Immunotherapy can be done.
What is an allergy? What are the types of allergies and allergy symptoms?
Who should get allergy tests?
Allergy tests are performed for patients with persistent allergy symptoms to plan treatment and provide protection . Allergy testing can be applied to all patients from infancy. These tests are evaluated by performing them on blood or skin. The tests should definitely be administered by an allergist. Sudden findings may also occur during the test. 
What are allergy medications?
Antihistamines ( allergy medicine ), cortisone-containing nasal sprays and inhaled types, inhalers and allergy vaccines are the main drugs used in treatment.
If you see symptoms related to allergies in your child or yourself, apply to the nearest health institution. 
what is an allergy, what is an allergy doctor called, what is an allergy test, what is an allergy shot, what is an allergy action plan, what is an allergy attack, what is an allergy specialist called, what is an allergy cough like, what is an allergy test called, what is an allergy cold, what is an allergy dr called, what is an allergy and how does it work, what is an allergy attack called, what is an allergy and immunology doctor,
What is an allergy?  What are the types of allergies and allergy symptoms?
What is an allergy? What are the types of allergies and allergy symptoms? 2023
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tchaikovskym · 2 years
Due to having some social contact outside work and school settings, my schedule has fallen apart and I don't know how I'll do
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jcrmhscasereports · 2 years
Trends in incidence of COVID 19 based on performed Rapid Antigen Test by Piratheepkumar. R in Journal of Clinical Case Reports Medical Images and Health Sciences
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The COVID 19 outbreak represents a historically unprecedented pandemic, particularly dangerous and potentially lethal for elderly population. The biological differences in the immune systems between men and women exist which may impact our ability to fight an infection including SARS-2-CoV-2. Men tended to develop more symptomatic and serious disease than women, according to the clinical classification of severity. Age-related changes in the immune system are also different between sexes and there is a marked association between morbidity/mortality and advanced age in COVID-19. This is a single-center, retrospective, data oriented study performed at the private hospital, in Central Province, Sri Lanka. The data of the patients who performed the Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) to know whether they have infected by SARS-CoV-2 or not, were taken for analysis. Test performed date, age, sex, number of positive and negative cases, number of male and female patients were extracted. Finally the data were analyzed in simple statistical method according to the objective of the study. Totally 642 patients performed RAT within the period of one month from 11.08.2021 to 11.09.2021. Among them 426 (66.35%) are male and 216 (33.64%) are female. 20.4% (n=131) of male obtained positive result among the total male population (n=426). Likewise 11.4% (n=73) of female obtained positive result among the total male population (n=216).  Large number of positive cases was observed (34.89%) between the age group of 31-40 years in both sexes. The age group of 21-30 and 41-50 years also were shared the almost same percentage (17.13% & 17.75). The large number of positive male patients observed among the age group of 41-50 years. Almost same number of patients was observed in the age group of 21-30 and 31-40. The least number of positive cases (0.7% and 0.9%) observed almost in 0-10 and 81-90 years. When considering the females, large number of positive female patients observed among the age group of 31-40 years.
Key words: Rapid Antigen Test, Covid-19, SARS-CoV-2
A rapid antigen test (RAT) or rapid antigen detection test (RADT), is a rapid diagnostic test suitable for point-of-care testing that directly detects the presence of an antigen. It is used to detect SARS-CoV-2 that cause COVID-19. This test is one of the type of lateral flow tests that detect protein, differentiate it from other medical tests such as antibody tests or nucleic acid tests, of either laboratory or point-of-care types. Generally 5 to 30 minutes only will take to get result and, require minimal training or infrastructure, and cost effective (1).
Sri Lanka was extremely vulnerable to the spread of COVID-19 because of its thriving tourism industry and large expatriate population. Sri Lanka almost managed two waves of Covid-19 pandemic well, but has been facing difficulties to control the third wave. The Sri Lankan government has executed stern actions to control the disease including island-wide travel restrictions. The government has been working with its development partners to take necessary action to mobilize resources to respond to the health and economic challenges posed by the pandemic (2) (3).
The COVID 19 outbreak is dangerous and fatal for elderly population. Since the beginning of the actual SARS-CoV-2 outbreak there were an evident that older people were at higher risk to get the infection and develop a more severe with bad prognosis. The mean age of patients that died was 80 years. The majority of those who are infected, that have a self-limiting infection and do recover are younger. On the other hand, those who suffer with more severe disease require intensive care unit admission and finally pass away are older (4).
Sandoval.  M., et al mentioned that the number of patients who are affected by SARS-CoV-2 with more than 80 years of age is similar to that with 65–79 years. The mortality rate in very elderly was 37.5% and this percentage was significantly higher compared to that observed in elderly. Further their findings were suggested that the age is a fundamental risk factor for mortality (5).
Since February 2020, more than 27.7 million people in US have been diagnosed with Covid-19 (6). Rates of COVID-19 deaths have increased across the Southern US, among the Hispanic population, and among adults aged 25–44 years (7). Young adults are at increased risk of SARS-CoV-2 because of exposure in work, academic, and social settings. According to the several database of different health organizations young adult, aged 18-29, were confirmed Coid-19 (9).
Go to:Amid of coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic, much emphasis was initially placed on the elderly or those who have preexisting health conditions such as obesity, hypertension, and diabetes as being at high risk of contracting and/or dying of Covid-19. But it is now becoming clear that being male is also a factor. The epidemiological findings reported across different parts of the world indicated higher morbidity and mortality in males than females. While it is still too early to determine why the gender gap is emerging, this article point to several possible factors such as higher expression of angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 (ACE 2; receptors for coronavirus) in male than female, sex-based immunological differences driven by sex hormone and X chromosome. Furthermore, a large part of this difference in number of deaths is caused by gender behavior (lifestyle), i.e., higher levels of smoking and drinking among men compared to women. Lastly, studies reported that women had more responsible attitude toward the Covid-19 pandemic than men. Irresponsible attitude among men reversibly affect their undertaking of preventive measures such as frequent handwashing, wearing of face mask, and stay at home orders.
The latest immunological study on the receptors for SARS-CoV-2 suggest that ACE2 receptors are responsible for SARS-CoV-2. According to the study by Lu and colleagues there are positive correlation of ACE2 expression and the infection of SARS-CoV (10). Based on the positive correlation between ACE 2 and coronavirus, different studies quantified the expression of ACE 2 proteins in human cells based on gender ethnicity and a study on the expression level and pattern of human ACE 2 using a single-cell RNA-sequencing analysis indicated that Asian males had higher expression of ACE 2 than female (11). Conversely, in establishing the expression of ACE 2 in the primary affected organ, a study conducted in Chinese population found that expression of ACE 2 in human lungs was extremely expressed in Asian male than female (12).
A study by Karnam and colleagues reveled that CD200-CD200R and sex are host factors that together determine the outcome of viral infection. Further a review on association between sex differences in immune responses stated that sex-based immunological differences contribute to variations in the susceptibility to infectious diseases and responses to vaccines in males and females (13). The concept of sex-based immunological differences driven by sex hormone and X chromosome has been well demonstrated via the animal study by Elgendy et al (14) (35). They were concluded the study that estrogen played big role in blocking some viral infection.
The biological differences in the immune systems between men and women may cause impact on fight for infection. Females are more resistant to infections than men and which mediated by certain factors including sex hormones. Further, women have more responsible attitude toward the Covid-19 pandemic than men such as frequent hand washing, wearing of face mask, and stay at home (15).
Most of the studies with Covid-19 patients indicate that males are mostly (more than 50%) affected than females (16) (17) (18). Although the deceased patients were significantly older than the patients who survived COVID-19, ages were comparable between males and females in both the deceased and the patients who survived (18).
A report in The Lancet and Global Health 5050 summary showed that sex-disaggregated data are essential to understanding the distribution of risk, infection and disease in the population, and the extent to which sex and gender affect clinical outcomes (19). The degree of outbreaks which affect men and women in different ways is an important to design the effective equitable policies and interventions (20). A systematic review and meta-analysis conducted to assess the sex difference in acquiring COVID-19 with 57 studies that revealed that the pooled prevalence of COVID-19 confirmed cases among men and women was 55% and 45% respectively (21). A study in Ontario, Canada showed that men were more likely to test positive (22) (23). In Pakistan 72% of COVID-19 cases were male (24). Moreover, the Global Health 5050 data showed that the number of COVID-19 confirmed cases and the death rate due to the disease are high among men in different countries. This might be because behavioral factors and roles which increase the risk of acquiring COVID-19 for men than women. (25) (26) (27).
Men mostly involved in several activities such as alcohol consumption, being involved in key activities during burial rites, and working in basic sectors and occupations that require them to continue being active, to work outside their homes and to interact with other people even during the containment phase. Therefore, men have increased level of exposure and high risk of getting COVID-19 (28) (29) (30).
Men tended to develop more symptomatic and serious disease than women, according to the clinical classification of severity (31). The same incidence also noticed during the previous coronavirus epidemics. Biological sex variation is said to be one of the reasons for the sex discrepancy in COVID-19 cases, severity and mortality (32) (33). Women are in general able to stand a strong immune response to infections and vaccinations (34).
The X chromosome is known to contain the largest number of immune-related genes in the whole genome. With their XX chromosome, women have a double copy of key immune genes compared with a single copy in XY in men. This showed that the reaction against infection would be contain both innate and adaptive immune response. Therefore the immune systems of females are generally more responsive than females and it indirectly reflects that women are able to challenge the coronavirus more effectively but this has not been proven (32).
Sex differences in the prevalence and outcomes of infectious diseases occur at all ages, with an overall higher burden of bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic infections in human males (36) (37) (38) (39). The Hong Kong SARS-CoV-1 epidemic showed an age-adjusted relative mortality risk ratio of 1.62 (95% CI = 1.21, 2.16) for males (40). During the same outbreak in Singapore, male sex was associated with an odds ratio of 3.10 (95% CI = 1.64, 5.87; p ≤ 0.001) for ITU admission or death (41). The Saudi Arabian MERS outbreak in 2013 - 2014 exhibited a case fatality rate of 52% in men and 23% in women (42). Sex differences in both the innate and adaptive immune system have been previously reported and may account for the female advantage in COVID-19. Within the adaptive immune system, females have higher numbers of CD4+ T (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) cells, more robust CD8+ T cell cytotoxic activity (49), and increased B cell production of immunoglobulin compared to males (43) (50). Female B cells also produce more antigen-specific IgG in response to TIV (51).
Age-related changes in the immune system are also different between sexes and there is a marked association between morbidity/mortality and advanced age in COVID-19 (52). For example, males show an age-related decline in B cells and a trend towards accelerated immune ageing. This may further contribute to the sex bias seen in COVID-19 (53).
Hence, this single center, retrospective, data oriented study performed to identify the gender age influences the RAT results and the rate of positive cases before and after the lockdown.
This is a single-center, retrospective, data oriented study performed at the private hospital, Central Province, Sri Lanka. The data of the patients who performed the Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) from 11.08.2021to 11.0.2021 to know whether they have infected by SARS-CoV-2 or not, were taken for analysis. The authors developed a data extraction form on an Excel sheet and the following data from main data sheet. Test performed date, age, sex, number of positive and negative cases, number of female patients and number of male patients were extracted. Mistyping of data was resolved by crosschecking. Finally the data were analyzed in simple statistical method according to the objective of the study.
Totally 642 patients performed RAT within the period of one month from 11.08.2021 to 11.09.2021. Among them 426 (66.35%) are male and 216 (33.64%) are female. Men mostly involved in several activities such as alcohol consumption, being involved in key activities during burial rites, and working in basic sectors and occupations that require them to continue being active, to work outside their homes and to interact with other people even during the containment phase. Therefore, men have increased level of exposure and high risk of getting COVID-19 (28) (29) (30). The present data descriptive study also were supported certain previous research findings.
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Figure 1: RAT positive male cases among the total male patients performed RAT with days
Figure 1 shows that the number of male patients got positive result in RAT among the total male patients who performed RAT on every day. According to that, 20.4% (n=131) of male obtained positive result among the total male population (n=426). Philip Goulder, professor of immunology at the University of Oxford stated that women’s immune response to the virus is stronger since they have two X chromosomes which is important when talk about the immune response against SARS-Cov-2. Because the protein by which viruses such as coronavirus are detected is fixed on the X chromosome. This is exactly looks like females have double protection compare to male. The present study also showed that large number of RAT positive cases were observed in males compare to females. Gender based lifestyle would have been another possibility for large number of males got positive in RATs. There are important behavioral differences between the sexes according to certain previous research findings (54).
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Figure 2: RAT positive female cases among the total female patients performed RA
Figure 2 shows that the number of female patients got positive result in RAT among the total female patients who performed RAT on every day. According to that, 11.4% (n=73) of female obtained positive result among the total male population (n=216).
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Figure 3: The pattern of total RAT positive cases before and after lockdown.
Figure 3 showed that the relations between the number of positive cases before and after the lockdown. The lockdown declared by the tenth day from the initial day when the data was taken for analysis. The red vertical line differentiates the period as two such as before and after the lockdown. Though there was no decline observed as soon as immediately considerable decline was observed after the 21 days of onset of lockdown. Staying at home, avoiding physical contacts, and avoiding exposure in crowded areas are the best way to prevent the spread of Covid – 19 (54). However the significant decline would be able to see after three weeks only from the date of lockdown since the incubation period of SARS-CoV-2 is 14-21 days. The continuous study should be conducted in order to prove it. However the molecular mechanism of COVID-19 transmission pathway from human to human is still not resolved, the common transmission of respiratory diseases is droplet sprinkling. In this type of spreading, a sick person is exposed to this microbe to people around him by coughing or sneezing. Only the way to prevent these kind of respiratory diseases might be prevent the people to make close contact (54) (55). Approximately 214 countries reported the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases (56). Countries including Sri Lanka have taken very serious constraints such as announced vacation for schools, allowed the employers to work from home and etc. to slow down the COVID 19 outbreak. The lockdown days differ by countries. Countries have set the days when the lockdown started and ended according to the COVID-19 effect on their public. Some countries have extended the lockdown by many days due to COVID-19 continues its influence intensely on the public (57) (58).
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Figure 4: Incidence of COVI 19 by age group
Figure 4 showed that the incidence of Covid-19 and age group. Accordingly large number was observed (34.89%) between the age group of 31-40 years in both sexes. The age group of 21-30 and 41-50 years also were shared the almost same percentage (17.13% & 17.75). A study provides evidence that the growing COVID-19 epidemics in the US in 2020 have been driven by adults aged 20 to 49 and, in particular, adults aged 35 to 49, before and after school reopening (59). However many researches pointed out that adults over the age of 60 years are more susceptible to infection since their immune system gradually loses its resiliency.
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Figure 5: The age group and RAT positive male cases among the total positive cases
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Figure 6: Age group and RAT positive female cases
Figure 5 & 6 showed that the relations between the positive number of male & female patients and the age group of total patients. According to that the large number of positive male patients observed among the age group of 41-50 years. Almost same number of patients was observed in the age group of 21-30 and 31-40. The least number of positive cases (0.7% and 0.9%) observed almost in 0-10 and 81-90 years. When considering the females, large number of positive female patients observed among the age group of 31-40 years. In USA Ministry of Health has reported 444 921 COVID-19 cases and 15 756 deaths as of August 31. For men, most reported cases were persons aged 30–39 years (22.7%), followed by 20–29 year-olds (20.1%) and 40–49 year-olds (17.1%). Most reported deaths were seniors, especially 70–79 year-olds (29.5%), followed by those aged 80 years and older (29.2%), and 60–69 year-olds (22.8%). Also found a similar pattern for women, except that most deaths were reported among women aged 80 years and older (44.4%) (60).
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Figure 7: Age group and the positive cases
Table 1: Relations between the age group, sex, and RAT results
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The present study showed that the male are mostly got positive in RAT test than female. Further comparing the old age young age group in both sexes were noticed as positive in RAT. Moreover there were no relationship observed before and after the lockdown and trend of Covid-19
 The limitations of the study
This study has several limitations.
Only 1 hospital was studied.
More than the absence of specific data on mobility patterns or transportation, detail of recovery, detail of mortality etc.
The COVID-19 pandemic is still ongoing so statistical analysis should continue. There are conflicting statements regarding lockdown by countries on COVID-19.
The effect of the lockdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic on human health may be the subject of future work
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Even as someone interested in immunology I will never not think of a RAT (Rapid Antigen Test) test as a test to see if you are a rat or not
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Free HIV testing to be offered by local health departments - Rocky Mount Telegram
Free HIV testing to be offered by local health departments – Rocky Mount Telegram
Free HIV testing to be offered by local health departments  Rocky Mount Telegram Source link
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feminist-space · 11 months
"Long COVID has destroyed my life
I would love nothing more than to “finally ignore COVID,” as the headline to Dr. Ashish Jha’s July 31 op-ed reads (“With a few basic steps, most of us can finally ignore COVID”). As a healthy, vaccinated, and recently boosted 35-year-old, I did what he said: I ignored COVID-19 on a weekend trip with friends in September 2022. But the infection I got as a result has all but destroyed my life.
A week after my infection, I began to experience intense fatigue, overwhelming headaches, and cognitive challenges that continue to this day. These symptoms are debilitating: I can no longer work, socialize, or travel. My finances are dire. And if I am unable to avoid another infection, my condition may deteriorate even further.
Jha wrote of long COVID “treatments” being promising. Perhaps he could clarify what treatments he is referring to, because my doctors say that there are no approved treatments for long COVID.
A recent study funded by the NIH’s RECOVER initiative showed that 10 percent of adults infected with COVID still have symptoms six months later, even with vaccination. By downplaying the prevalence and debilitating outcomes of even moderate long COVID, Jha is signing thousands of people up to the misery and despair with which I live every day.
Ezra J. Spier
Oakland, Calif.
Another view from infectious disease doctors
As infectious disease doctors, we disagree with Dr. Jha’s contention that it is time to ignore COVID-19.
Yes, being vaccinated and taking Paxlovid thankfully decrease the risk of severe disease. But only 43 percent of people age 65 and over and only 17 percent of all Americans had received an updated COVID vaccination by May 2023, and access to Paxlovid treatment is inequitable by race and insurance status.
Long-term complications of COVID can be devastating, including after second infections.
More than half a million Americans have died since the summer of 2021, when sufficient vaccine doses were available: COVID death rates in the United States continue to be double those of Canada. Termination of free tests and “commercialization” of medications as implemented by the federal government will only widen our country’s grisly COVID-related health disparities.
Inevitably, ignoring COVID leads to ignoring the slow-motion epidemic of long COVID. Standing up against such neglect, leaders like Boston Mayor Michelle Wu and Governor Maura Healey can promote meaningful measures to protect our communities: air purification in all schools and public spaces; free COVID-preventive masks (KN95 or N95, not surgical masks); tests, vaccines, and Paxlovid for all who cannot afford to buy them; and concern for and support of long COVID victims.
Dr. Julia Koehler
Dr. Regina LaRocque
We remain vulnerable to long COVID
Ashish Jha’s position as former White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator is a conflict of interest masquerading as a qualification for his op-ed. Researchers who study long COVID stated in a recent paper in Nature Reviews Immunology that “the oncoming burden of long COVID faced by patients, health-care providers, governments and economies is so large as to be unfathomable.” Rapid tests, which are less accurate with recent strains while PCR tests are less available, and low death rates give a false sense of security.
I agree that despite progress, more buildings need the air filtration and ventilation that would make public life safer. But Jha omits our vulnerability to long COVID after even mild infections, its devastating effects, and higher death rates for hospital-acquired COVID-19, combined with a lack of collective protection in health care settings with unmasked, untested people who prefer to ignore COVID-19.
Aside from advocating vaccines, he describes an everyone-for-themselves approach, not mentioning responsibility to protect others or access to essentials.
Jha dines in a restaurant with his friends while patients even in leading cancer hospitals are forced into Russian roulette, thanks to this approach.
Kathryn Nichols
Vigilance is necessary to prevent long COVID
While I understand the desire to promote optimism amid the ongoing pandemic, I am deeply concerned about the potential consequences of downplaying the importance of COVID precautions and the significant risk of long COVID. As a person living with long COVID for the last 16 months despite being vaccinated and boosted, I have experienced post-exertional malaise, fatigue, headaches, joint and muscle pain, cognitive dysfunction, and more symptoms that have continued to today. I have tried numerous medicines, supplements, and even participated in a clinical trial, only to find limited relief from the persistent effects of this virus.
Such a stance overlooks the reality that millions more people could end up with long COVID if we fail to remain vigilant in our efforts to combat the virus. Long COVID is a devastating consequence of this virus, and we cannot rely solely on vaccinations to end the pandemic. Even with widespread vaccination, the risk of contracting long COVID remains high. A recent study funded by the NIH’s RECOVER initiative showed that 10 percent of adults infected with COVID still have symptoms six months later. Minimizing the significance of long COVID not only neglects the suffering of long-haulers but also risks undermining public health efforts to control the spread of the virus.
By raising awareness about the risk of long COVID, media outlets can play a pivotal role in educating the public and promoting continued vigilance. Responsible reporting on the enduring impact of long COVID can serve as a reminder that the pandemic is far from over and that we must remain committed to taking necessary precautions to protect ourselves and others. Highlighting the struggles of long COVID survivors and the lack of proven treatments can spur further research and medical advancements in addressing this condition. Empathy and support for those living with long COVID are essential in paving the way for better understanding, compassionate care, and better health outcomes for everyone as COVID rates increase again this summer.
Travis Hardy
Norwalk, Conn.
Link https://www.bostonglobe.com/2023/08/05/opinion/cant-ignore-long-covid-jha/
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foggyscholar · 5 months
all my final grades of the semester are Bs let's fucking goooo
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