#Medical Tests
stillfuckingtired · 6 months
Another day, another “your test results look completely normal”
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spooniestrong · 1 year
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csuitebitches · 1 year
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Health Check Ups List
You need to take care of your health, no matter what. It’s always better to spend a little right now to prevent bigger (and more expensive) issues later on. A rule my mother always taught me - if anything irritates/ you can feel pain/ something feels off with your ENT (Ears, Nose, Throat), get it checked out immediately.
In 2023, focus on your health. If you aren’t healthy, it will start affecting the other parts of your life - your career, personal life, social life- in the forms of stress, exhaustion, burn outs, etc.
If your periods are irregular or the bleeding isn’t consistent, visit your gyno immediately, it could be PCOS/PCOD. Always track your periods for this purpose.
Some other tests:
1. Pap and Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) tests- It is recommended to take a Pap and HPV screening between the age of 20 to 30 years to identify signs of cervical cancer and HPV virus at an early stage. Women aged between 21 and 29 should have a Pap test every three years and for women aged 25 to 29, HPV testing alone can be considered, although Pap tests are preferred.
2. Eye exam- From the age of 18 years, it is advised to get regular screening done.
3. Sexually transmitted diseases (STD)- One of the disadvantages of STD is that it shows no proper symptoms at an early stage. If a person is suffering from it, STD can be transmitted and passed on to your child and partner. Hence, it is advised to get regular screening done if a woman is sexually active.
4. Get your skin checked - At the age of 18, get your skin checked for abnormal moles or color changes on a monthly basis, especially if you're fair-skinned or frequently exposed to the sun.
5. Cholesterol - a risk factor for heart issues. Conduct your first test after the age of 20.
6. Breast cancer examination - once every 3 years after you hit your 20s.
7. Vitamin deficiency tests
8. Food allergy tests
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wobblefloss · 2 years
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It's not always obvious what's wrong.
Hi, Doctor. I'm tired. Like, all the time.
No. All the time. I wake up exhausted. I fall asleep at work. I fall asleep in the shower. I'm scared to drive.
No, Doctor. You don't understand. I'm not 'sleepy.' Not 'drowsy.' I'm tired in my bones. My blood feels heavy. The weight of my head hurts my neck. I can't think sometimes--I forget how to read--i get lost in familiar places! I say 'tired,' but I mean that 80% of my life, I feel like a sloppy heap of mud splattering and crumbling from too much moving, too much thinking, too much feeling, too much light, too much noise, too much everything. I'm confused and disoriented and like I'm in a terrible dream.
That's a symptom of a lot of things?
Anemia. Migraine. Sleep apnea. Vitamin deficiency. Thyroid dysfunctions. Brain diseases. Heart diseases. Neurological disorders. Blood disorders. Autoimmune issues. Depression and other psychiatric conditions. Lifestyle choices: sleep, food, activity level. Environmental factors: mold, pollution, allergies.
There's a lot of testing to rule things out, huh? Could take years? Yes, I know it will be expensive. Yes, I accept that some of the tests will hurt. Yes, I commit to rearranging my eating/sleeping/exercising habits and seeing every recommended specialist.
Doctor, you don't understand. Either we find an answer, no matter how long it takes, or I am trapped outside of the world forever for no reason. Not testing won't make these horrible feelings stop.
Can you imagine feeling this way? Always? During your friends' birthdays? When your boss demands work? When you're home alone in the middle of the night trying to remember how the sink works? During the commute. During the shower. Taking out the trash. Feeding the cats. Staring at your bills. Talking with your family. For years... weddings, funerals, holidays, weekends, 4am, 4pm, when your loved ones need you, during every emergency, while you fail at your job, at your hobbies, at your relationships, at being your basic self?
Fuck, Yes! Doctor! Run! The! Tests! We are burning daylight!! Let's get this ball rolling! Journey of a thousand miles, begins with single step, etc!
I do want to feel better. This is not my imagination. It's not my fault. I am a reliable witness to my own life and I don't care how many tests 'come back normal.' Those must be the wrong tests to find what's haywire. I know something is wrong and even if we can't fix it, I must understand it.
I'm now in year 7 of trying to improve my situation. I know so much more about my conditions than I did. I am getting help. I still don't have a full picture. I'm still disabled.
But it's not like it was.
Please. Don't give up. Diagnosis can take years. Some people never get a firm answer. Regardless, you will learn ways to cope. You will meet people who help you cope. Don't give up on yourself. You are worth the effort.
Seems like something we should all know.
Disability happens to people without our control or consent. Every single disabled person has strong feelings about their own situation and I would not presume to talk about anyone’s thoughts but my own. But none of us chose to do life on hardmode, so if the world could listen this month, there’s a lot to say.
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the-spoonie-life · 3 months
Right so I’ve been signed off work for another 2 weeks following complications from my cervical punch biopsy.
If you don’t know what that is it’s when they basically take a bit of your cervix tissue using a glorified hole punch and then send you on your way.
Anyways 2 weeks on it’s been decided I have an infection and me being in and out of hospital with pain, a temperature and nausea finally needed some antibiotics.
Fingers crossed I’m better soon but I’m more than happy to write some posts about this stuff if people are interested.
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
"In the oldest and most prestigious young adult science competition in the nation, 17-year-old Ellen Xu used a kind of AI to design the first diagnosis test for a rare disease that struck her sister years ago.
With a personal story driving her on, she managed an 85% rate of positive diagnoses with only a smartphone image, winning her $150,000 grand for a third-place finish.
Kawasaki disease has no existing test method, and relies on a physician’s years of training, ability to do research, and a bit of luck.
Symptoms tend to be fever-like and therefore generalized across many different conditions. Eventually if undiagnosed, children can develop long-term heart complications, such as the kind that Ellen’s sister was thankfully spared from due to quick diagnosis.
Xu decided to see if there were a way to design a diagnostic test using deep learning for her Regeneron Science Talent Search medicine and health project. Organized since 1942, every year 1,900 kids contribute adventures.
She designed what is known as a convolutional neural network, which is a form of deep-learning algorithm that mimics how our eyes work, and programmed it to analyze smartphone images for potential Kawasaki disease.
However, like our own eyes, a convolutional neural network needs a massive amount of data to be able to effectively and quickly process images against references.
For this reason, Xu turned to crowdsourcing images of Kawasaki’s disease and its lookalike conditions from medical databases around the world, hoping to gather enough to give the neural network a high success rate.
Xu has demonstrated an 85% specificity in identifying between Kawasaki and non-Kawasaki symptoms in children with just a smartphone image, a demonstration that saw her test method take third place and a $150,000 reward at the Science Talent Search."
-Good News Network, 3/24/23
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er-cryptid · 9 months
What Tests Look For (STIs)
Urine Test -- chlamydia -- gonorrhea
Blood Test -- HIV -- syphilis -- herpes -- hepatitis B
Swab Test -- HPV -- herpes -- chlamydia -- bacterial vaginosis -- gonorrhea -- syphilis -- trichomoniasis
Oral (Cheek) Swab Test -- HIV
Physical Exam -- warts -- bacterial vaginosis
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chaospixiemagic · 1 year
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Listen … if I can’t find humor in my own health and mortality WHERE CAN I?!
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4spooniesupport · 8 months
EMG is in a couple of hours and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. Medical PTSD is a bitch and worried what if they find something? Or what if they don't and we're back to square one with my tingly legs?? 😬😬😬
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trexalicious · 1 month
Random possible cost savings AKA Did you know: Please check with your Doctor and insurance plan first, but two of my doctors accept/use Apple iPhones for specific scans. My primary care physician (PCP) allows people with iPhones to use them for EKGs instead to save money as they give very accurate readings. Additionally my podiatrist uses his to scan veins in the legs and feet also saving on certain ultrasound expenses. If you have an iPhone be sure to check out what medical tests you might be able to take advantage of to save some money...
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raphoupix · 11 months
Valentin Castellanos
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twistedblueivy · 5 months
Warnings for descriptions of medical tests, difficult emotions.
I always forget about the stoicism with chronic illness. I had a horrible invasive medical test yesterday, not needed for something specific just my everyday existence. The prep was terrible and I find myself exhausted and sick in the hospital for prep procedure prep. Joking, chatting, doing my best to make the day of every nurse, technician, doc that I hate/love just a bit bettter. And I stare at the see of masked faces and terrible florescent ceiling in the surgery suite thinking I'm scared. I'm surrounded and so alone. I'm scared. And I can't tell them because it will remove one more chunk of credibility for my female presenting chronically ill self. And I am tired. I come home and crack into pieces, ready to glue myself together and continue on. I've come to peace with it and yet everytime. Room. Bug faces wearing masks. Scared.
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evalab · 2 years
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wotchergiorgia · 8 months
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“Ok, now just stay still while I finished connecting the magitrodes...”
“You seem excited...” Princess Feather’s nervousness shows as Twilight checks her over.
“It’s a fascinating phenomena! Don’t worry, I don’t think there’s anything physically wrong, but it’s like your whole magic reshaped itself overnight!” “And that gave me wings??” “Maybe! That’s what the tests are for!”
Art by DuckieKnight/Shy Paws
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aristocraticvision · 1 year
Chapter 346: A Deeper Look
“Right this way, your royal highness,” Dr. Philson said, leading a gowned Prince Stephen into a room with a large cylindrical apparatus at one end.
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“I’ve never seen anything like this, doctor,” Stephen said, fascinated. "May I ask what it does?"
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“I'm not surprised you're not familiar with it, your royal highness," the physician replied. "It’s very new technology we installed about a month ago. It’s called a multidimensional scanner. It was developed at the Crighton Institute right here in Weston and is now being sold worldwide in partnership with Xelios Industries.”
“Hmmm,” the prince said. “Looks expensive.”
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“Oh, it was,” Dr. Philson said. “About 16 million, I believe. You paid for it through a crown grant, so you would likely know better than I.”
Stephen laughed.
“Well then, I’m glad I can benefit from my own generosity,” he joked. “So what exactly does it do?”
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“It’s very much like traditional magnetic resonance imaging – or MRI, as you may know it,” the doctor said. “However, this machine provides a real-time, three-dimensional image of the body’s biological processes as they occur, and the images are much more detailed than traditional scans. It’s also not as subject to error due to movement, so it’s much more comfortable for the patient as well.”
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“So I stand inside it?” Stephen asked, poking his head inside, and Philson nodded. “Good. Then let’s get started, shall we?”
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“Of course, your royal highness,” Dr. Philson replied, motioning to the technician. “Rebecca will get you set up. I’ll be in the control room right behind that window there. You’ll be able to see me, and I’ll be able to hear you the whole time. If you have any issues or discomfort, just let me know.”
“Very well,” Stephen said.
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As Dr. Philson settled into his seat in the control room a moment later, the technician activated the scanner and the machine whirred to life.
“Good,” Dr. Philson said as data began appearing on the screens before him. “Let’s see what we can see.”
Leaning in, the physician studied the screens carefully.
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“Oh no,” he whispered to himself, burying his head in his hands.
Continent of Oceana | History of Weston | History of Corwyn | History of Torenth | History of Allycia
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