#In purgatory’s shadow
ectogeo-art · 2 years
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Sentiment is the greatest weakness of all 💖💕
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girlmartok · 9 months
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daughter like father
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hyperiionvii · 1 month
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in purgatory's shadow/by inferno's light
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stopthatbluecat · 9 months
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Gods changelings just LOVE to be Julian Bashir. They love it, can't get enough of it. They slip into Julian form and do a little twirl about it I bet.
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goldyluna · 6 months
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Purgatory Trials: The Prolog
More below (may contain some body horror/scopophobia on the last pic)
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vampirerite · 6 months
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walkingstackofbooks · 3 months
Julian-is-pregnant-with-Yoshi AU but the timeline is squidged a bit so he's one month due when he goes to his medical conference.
(Miles protests, of course, but Julian has a pretty solid argument with "I'll be literally surrounded by doctors, even on the shuttle there'll be at least five, it will be absolutely fine.")
The Founders still plan to impersonate Julian, but they've done their research, so while kidnapping Julian they also deliver Yoshi and return to the station pretending to have given birth at the conference.
("Unbelievable!" says Miles. "I knew I shouldn't have let you gone." "I'm sorry you weren't there," replies the changeling, "but we were in the best hands. Dr Girani says we're both in excellent health.")
Julian wakes up at the Internment Camp, no longer pregnant. He assumes the worst. When Worf and Garak turn up, none of them mention the baby. Even Garak is too distracted by Tain to remember that Julian wouldn't know his child was safe. Or maybe he does, but chooses not to bring it up, fearing what the baby might actually be.
They escape. The irony is, if the baby hadn't been taken, he might actually have survived the camp, safe inside Julian. It's 37 days after his kidnapping. 5 months since he decided he was a more viable surrogate than Kira. He would have been due tomorrow.
Back on DS9, he does his best for Worf - always a doctor first - and waves off the concerns about his own health until later. There's something he needs to do first. He's dreading seeing Keiko and Miles, but apologising is the only thing on his mind right now.
("But what if it's not fine?" Miles had protested. "It's a medical conference, Miles," Keiko had laughed. "How much trouble could Julian really get into?" "I'll look after him," Julian had promised. "I'll keep him safe, you know I will." He should have listened to Miles.)
And he gets to the O'Brien's quarters and Miles answers the door like they've been expecting him and he doesn't even know where to start because somehow Miles is smiling at him and Keiko is smiling at him from the sofa and-
And Keiko-
And Keiko is holding a baby.
Julian looks at Miles, demanding answers to questions he can't even begin to formulate. And Miles gently asks him "Do you want to hold Yoshiro?" as if it's the most normal thing in the world.
(So this was meant to be very small "fic I'll never write but I want to share the premise" post but it kind of got away from me.... And now I want to write the actual fic, the worst XD )
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maeselc · 2 months
Ask game! Warm enough
(For the WIP ask game)
Thanks for the ask :) This is currently the WIP that's closest to being finished, but I've stalled because I've been in the mood to write lighter stuff. It's fairly light for what it is, though, which is an angsty-fluffy-smutty getting together fic covering events set from the period of In Purgatory's Shadow/By Inferno's Light through to the aftermath of Dr Bashir I Presume.
And naturally it starts with bed sharing in the Dominion camp. Opening (376 words) under the cut :)
If it’s taught Garak anything, a lifetime of…well, of his lifetime, if it’s taught him anything it’s how to read the sounds of a person’s gait, to know who is approaching.
He knows it’s Julian.
Of course he does; he knows where everyone was when he turned his face to the wall, of course. And of course he knows the sound of Julian’s footsteps, would anyway even if he didn’t, because no one else here is his height or his build or even his species. He knows it’s Julian who’s walking across their cell, but when he hears that the footsteps are definitely approaching his cot, slowing as they near, he begins to think it must be someone else, probably one of the Romulans, probably someone who’s been nursing a historic grudge since he got here and is finally ready to snap and kill him or, worse, try to talk to him.
He stops—they stop, whoever they are—and there is a long, silent moment.
Then he sits on the bed.
‘Garak?’ Julian whispers.
‘Are you awake?’
Garak rolls over to face him. ‘I am now.’
He wants to see an eye roll, or maybe even a smile. He doesn’t get either. Just the heavy, distant sobriety that seems to have settled over the doctor during his time in the internment camp. It makes Garak feel a bit sick.
‘Are you warm enough?’ Julian asks.
Garak considers. Is he? Maybe. Probably. He hasn’t noticed, so, almost certainly yes.
‘No,’ he says.
Julian lifts up the blanket and slides under it like it’s nothing, settles himself on his back and pulls Garak over, wraps his arms around him—loosely, but his fingertips dig in tight.
Garak feels outside of himself. He doesn’t have the energy to feel disbelief, really, but it is surreal.
Every part of this is surreal. It was practically minutes ago that he was in Sisko’s office with who he thought was Dr Bashir, and now he’s lying on a cot in a Dominion prison camp, grieving a father he’s already grieved once before, and he is in Julian’s arms. And they have been apart for a long time, and Garak didn’t even know. How could he not have known?
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demodraws0606 · 7 months
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goated33 · 4 months
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Gods old and new [cotl au]
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per1w1nkl3 · 3 days
in In Purgatory Shadow when tain asks garak if they're alone and garak turns to bashir and says yes. he was also venting to him just a minute ago, this is the most vulnerable garak has ever been like the next step is calling julian 'bashir' or something. what the fuck
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musashi · 8 days
Sorry for scrolling through your blog like it's my dashboard. It will happen again
i love it when ppl do this. you are safe now friend
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soullessduck13 · 7 months
Okay so post apocalyptic au, kinda zombie apocalypse?? the Shadow virus is the main thing here, and it's got canon typical violence, child death, all that. like. it's a qsmp post apocalypse au of course there will be a lot of that kinda stuff, also lots of mind fuckery
so!! how i imagine the virus works is that it like.. has rules, but like any rules they have exceptions (this will be a surprise tool used for later) and i dont have all of them figured out but i know there will be different stages and it takes a WHILE to get to the point the actually dangerous infected in this au are, but being infected means both physically and mentally, and it really depends on who you are as a person how that change affects you, it might make you more angry (wink) or might make you forget things
it can also alter age, and like appareance, obviously, but one of the main things is. well. the thing its named after, shadows. They move through shadows and reach out and grab onto unsuspecting souls
Now for like teams and stuff i have a general idea for all of them? but it requires the knowledge that the virus came into this world almost 400 years ago, the federation was started a decade or so after that, then the Eye (a group) appeared, later the Soulfire, Green (Gay) Ninjas and Bolas Rojas were founded, in that order.
Tubbo is the youngest known leader of the Soulfire to date, at only 19 years old which is surprising to basically everyone in higher ranks because 1, he's not even 20 yet (they still show him respect because he's their leader) and 2, he wasn't originally from the group. He only arrived a year or two ago but hey, he adapts fast Tina and Bad are co-leaders, leading different departments of the group, or better said organization. Tina taking care of their public reputation and farming, while Bad is usually taken as the actual leader but just being the one to help lead attacks on different groups
GGN were founded to rebel against Soulfire, and are now led by Etoiles, who much like Tubbo, wasn't born there, but unlike Tubbo was very much known before that and they knew he'd be a good fit for their leader after killing their previous one (dont worry about that) There's no co-leaders but there are well known people that like to take charge and lead, but they always go back to listening to Etoiles
Now, Bolas Rojas, also known as the Gas Mask cult, as a group are much younger compared to the other two, but they appeared with a set leader and chaos to create out of nowhere, and the leader is called the Crowfather and seems to have stayed the same since they appeared.... Weird!! Nowdays, they have a council and a second in command, but that doesn't change anything, really. They are much more spread out, and have an intricate introduction ritual and nobody really wants to deal with that unless they're desperate enough
if you're wondering about the eggs, don't worry about it! They're safe from all of their parents!
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skyloftian-nutcase · 5 months
hooray for hydration!
HECK YEAH! Self care is way cooler than anything else :D
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