#improbable cause
dftea · 22 days
Absolutely feral over the fact that Julian runs into fire to rescue Garak.
Doesn't even wait for the fire suppression to kick in. Ducks under live electricity. Leaps over burning detritus.
To get to Garak.
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andyoullhearitagain · 3 months
*After a days-long cat and mouse game involving psychologically picking each other apart and culminating in Garak torturing Odo for information*
Odo: Why don't we hang out more, Garak? We should get breakfast.
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eggthedyke · 10 months
Just rewatched Improbable Cause and I cannot help but be struck the childlike wonder Garak still has for his father. He’s well into his late adulthood, despite all the terrible things he’s seen and done, and seen his father do. Still ohhing and awwing at his every plan, still wide-eyed in wonder at his very presence, desperate to impress his father like a little boy. The kind of parent worship that most people loose in there tweens. But here he is grasping onto his fathers arm like a little kid, trusting so utterly naively in a way his entire life has taught him not to.
After an entire career in killing and lying and betraying the very people that are supposed to trust you, that you are supposed to trust. After losing everything. After a terrible and full life. He’s still partially a little boy desperate for his fathers approval. Desperate for his fathers love.
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justletmeon12 · 7 months
I like to think that part of the reason Sisko keeps Garak around is his penchant for knowing about/finding and then either catching or killing other, less obvious spies.
It's like not killing the spider in your house so it'll eat the mosquitos.
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usstrekart · 11 months
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Starting today and running for the next two weeks is a special limited time sale in my Threadless shop. I have had many requests to make a lot of my Star Trek episode posters available as prints so I am doing just that! I am starting with some of the most popular and most requested posters from Deep Space Nine for this first run. 
If you want more than a print, each piece is also available on magnets, stickers, shirts and more! You can find the collection at https://doctorheadly.threadless.com/collections/limited-time
For more of my episode-by-episode rewatch that has been the origination of these episode posters visit TrexReExamined on Twitter/X (for full episode live-tweets and episode posters).
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per1w1nkl3 · 4 months
so is mila garak's mother? and tain some other family member?? (dare i say some kind of adoptive father?)
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marxistgnome · 1 year
Enabran tain sees his son for the first time in years and ghe first thing he does is call his outfit slutty. King
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quarkspeed · 1 year
per your request for Star Trek asks: any thoughts on what was going through Julian’s mind when he gave garak those chocolates? or what was going through Garak’s mind then? ^_^
I honestly love that scene very much and there is a lot to unpack about it in my opinion!
Specifically about the chocolates, what I’m thinking is that (besides the fact that it was simply a sweet gesture) Julian had some clear intentions for giving them (back) to Garak. Garak would undoubtedly think of Julian when he carefully unwraps the chocolate while on the mission (I can just imagine his little smile T_T), and thinking of him would:
1. I guess in a way calm him down (because Julian is someone he genuinely enjoys being with and even though they’re bickering all the time and Garak has more trust issues than a Romulan, Julian is the person he’s closest to on DS9). Thinking of him and his sweet gesture might be soothing.
And also:
2. Give him reason to come back from his mission (alive). The chocolates were actually intended to be a gift from Garak to Julian (as discussed in the beginning of the episode) but now Julian is giving them back. For me this kind of implies that Garak would have to make up for it eventually and give Julian the chocolates he’d promised him, but for that he’d obviously have to come back from the mission first. So basically it’s Julian, once again, indirectly telling Garak that he should be careful and come back (and well, I guess not rejoin the Obsidian Order) because he’s waiting for him. Julian is super worried about him as we can see in the beginning of The Die Is Cast ;)
I kind of would’ve loved if the episode had ended with Julian finding the chocolates in his quarters or the infirmary (maybe Garak purposely didn’t eat them so he could give them back right away?), though that’s just the garashir-shipper in me and I do like the original ending of the episode very much.
Bonus: I love how their hands touch when Julian gives Garak the chocolates before he leaves! And the way both keep smiling at each other throughout that scene makes ME smile so much too ♡
Bonus Bonus: Why does this shot look like Julian’s gonna propose?? lmao
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Thank you for the ask, though I might’ve gone overboard a little haha ♡
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spectraspecs-writes · 2 months
Why do they need a tailor
Can’t they just. Get fitting clothes out of the replicator
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filmjunky-99 · 7 months
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s t a r t r e k d e e p s p a c e n i n e created by rick berman, michael piller [improbable cause, s3ep20]
'I really don't think your lady friend will like the aroma.' - retaya
'Much less the fact that when these three fragrances are combined, they produce a gaseous mixture that can trigger a fatal heart attack when inhaled.' - odo
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wanderingwriter87 · 2 years
in all ways except physical they kissed in the docking bay
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hitchell-mope · 11 months
Oh you stupid bastard.
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corkinavoid · 3 months
DPxDC Danny Is A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
(not in a necessarily bad way and it's by Clockwork's design)
Bats, or Constantine, or the JL, or whoever you want to be close to Danny in this prompt, don't notice it right away. It takes them a while to figure out its not purely coincidence. And even after they do figure it out, they still have their doubts.
The thing is, it doesn't work all the time. It also doesn't seem to have a system or a schedule to it, nor is it any kind of a superpower, as far as they can understand. By God, does Danny have way too many superpowers, but most of them are consistent, and yet this one... is weird. Weirder than anything they've seen before, and they've seen a lot, okay.
It also only works if Danny does it without thinking.
"You know what'd be perfect right now? A cheese sandwich," Danny says over the comms, in the middle of the fight with Dr. Freeze, "A warm, grilled cheese sandwich just out of the toas- Owch, what?" There's a pause. And then, "Guys, you're not gonna believe it, a cheese sandwich just smacked me in the face! I think someone threw it out of the window or something!" Danny sounds bewildered, but excited, and there's a sound of chewing from his comm now. At least he is eating, so that's good.
"I fucking hate robots," he grumbles the other day, punching his way through the Brainiac invasion in Metropolis, with no comm and only for the Supes to overhear, "No, correction, I hate only evil robots. The ones that interrupt my astronomy class. The ones that shoot motherfucking lasers and walk like crabs, and ruin a perfect day, and- I wish- aw, fuck, no, that's bad wording. Don't wish for shit. But if all these robots would just suddenly, miraculously malfunction and stop attacking me and the whole city, that would be, like, real nice of them."
A few minutes later, something goes wrong with the Brainiac's control over the army of robots, and all of them just stop moving and fall down at once. It is deemed as a chance, a lucky shot, a coincidence. Supes keeps quiet over what he heard Danny say.
"Oh, you bitch-ass fruitloop, you know what I want?" Danny yells at Plasmius, as the ghost is laughing like a madman, "I want a fucking brick to fall down right on your head, like, right now! Maybe that can set your brains straight for at least five minutes!" And even before he is finished talking, there's something falling down from the sky and hitting Plasmius's head. It's not a brick, to be exact, it's Miss Martian's shoe, though. She has no idea how it even came undone and fell from her foot. But it did somehow knock Plasmius out cold, so there's that.
It doesn't happen all the time. Red Robin does the math - the improbable accidents only happen in about 26% of the situations, given that Danny says something. It's by no means a reliable power. It also doesn't happen only during the fights: there were numerous times when Danny just said something like 'I wonder if the cafeteria serves garlic bread today' and sure enough, there's garlic bread there. Even if it was not on the menu. Ever.
They try to question Danny himself, but he has no idea. He doesn't even notice the coincidences most of the times - which is not surprising, knowing that they only happen in one out of four situations and Danny is known to have a short attention span. So, after a few unsuccessful investigations and failed attempts at calculating how this even works, they all give up. It has never jinxed anything, as far as they know, so everyone just leaves it be.
Danny is just magically lucky like that.
Meanwhile, Clockwork is having a good laugh about it. Danny's suggestions amuse him, and it's funny to watch the other superheroes having a mental breakdown over it, so he rigs the timeline from time to time. Just a little.
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ayyyy ok here's some extra Laughingstock Sillies from the past week or so. it aint much but its honest work
(human!Barnaby's design is partycoffin's - from their pokemon au! he's beautiful....)
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anydaynowany · 6 months
with how much emphasis they put on “tmagp is a separate thing, no previous knowledge of tma is required” i honestly didn’t expect there to be so many “the return of (…)” memes
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