#In the RP sphere there's been a good share of times where like
astrxlfinale · 6 months
17 with fanon because I know the tea is going to be 15/10 ☕
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And a good morning to you there agent of chaos! I see you're immediately going for the fun pitchfork topic.
Aight! Let's break it down then. Exactly how do I angle myself with fanon?
I think my best approach (as it has a lot of on blog examples of my feelings) is how horribly misrepresented the genuine canon material is within fandom space (which often echoes obnoxiously). The classic of moniker 'if its in my hands its my world', in my opinion, just serving as an excuse for being callous. Now I'm not going to say anything about the creators of these trends, for that's just a starting spark, it's when the evolution of this trend falls into the hands of actual fan space itself that the story switches up.
Where the headcanon is taken as gospel that has to be abided by, you can only be recognized when you respect that, that right here, I believe will always serve as my core as to why I can never fully stand it. Since to be frank, in the name of the many more emotionally charged avenues 'such as XYZ character being a person's comfort character', this is where we're tearing far from the medium of storytelling/creation and having this be a confirmation or preening act to the emotions of these said fans. The lack of respectful boundary, and in fact, this is the form of behavior that gets aggressive is where it goes to high hell.
It's taken as an attack on the 'feel good' element experienced, which can range from new works, to constant confirmation by seeing folks mindfully/mindlessly come to agree.
So what ideas are people supposed to have on the authentic content as an outsider coming in? As someone who find themselves getting increasingly well versed in the contents of a series? In my mind it just becomes a road to high hell.
The series/mediums these characters come from can speak for themselves. I believe a lot more attention should be fashioned on that facet.
Now if you want me to just get plain old salty on this. LMAO. As it stands for being one of the most emotionally charged aspects for a series fanbase, shipping has singlehandedly been a PLAGUE and I can not be moved on that. As much as I adore it myself, the scale of agendas, outright attacks, harassment to actual workers of their favorites (such as VAs), and the wealth of these experiences have been a festering mark.
It's mainly how it's personal, respect is some unknown factor, and ultimately people are very willing to become some online terror to others nonsensically in the name of this act. I'm tooooooo old (I say as a 31 yr old) and tired to even remotely amuse this. Let people work to their rhythm, respect that, and find better outlets for the pettier emotions that can stem from this.
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sabbactroll · 4 years
An Introduction
Hello, and welcome to my slice of the Tumblr-sphere. This page is dedicated to my Darkspear troll, Sabbac, who started out as a warlock/mage and performer and has transitioned into a Frost Death Knight as of ToA ‘20 and the release of the Shadowlands expansion.
Sabbac began as a way for me to relearn WoW, to rejoin a community I had left after breaking up with my ex-boyfriend in early 2015. Over the years I have played and RP’ed her, she has become more than just a level 120 character on my select screen.
She has been a Succulent Tart. She has performed on stages across the world of Azeroth. She has gone to the Tournament of Ages and soared in the skies above Thorim’s throne while “Through the Flames and the Fire” threatened to tear my computer’s speakers in half. She’s even run in the Running of the Troll event for charity - twice.
She is fierce.
She is strong.
She might be changed with the coming of Shadowlands, but that doesn’t mean her spirit has died. She’s just different from what she started out as. And with a chance to overcome the things that held her back for so long.
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The Basics:
Name: Sabbac
Age: Early 30s (Ageless now)
Birthday: January 13th
Race: Darkspear Troll (Undead?)
Gender: Female
Martial Status: Single
Physical Appearance:
Hair: Mohawk with back braids, usually blue, red, or pink
Eyes: Formerly red
Height: 7′4″
Build: Muscular (”Thicc”)
Distinguishing Marks: Various scars along her arms
Tattoos: A small, inked, direhorn head on her right shoulder
Piercings: Gold earrings on her ears
Common Accessories: Gold jewelry of various kinds
Personal Information:
Profession: Owner of Aunt Sabbac’s Snack Shack, a traveling food stand driven by her trusty raptor, Bitey. Offers food that’s definitely not good for you.
Hobbies: Singing, Dancing, Fire dancing (formerly), Burlesque
Languages: Zandalari, Orcish, limited Elvish
Residence: Formerly Silvermoon, Eastern Kingdoms
Birthplace: Echo Isles, Kalimdor
Religion: Traditional troll worship of loas, formerly voodoo. Favored Torcali and Pa’ku.
Spouse: None.
Children: None.
Parents: Mor’et (Father, whereabouts unknown) and Chiabi (Mother, whereabouts unknown)
Other relatives: Unknown
Pets: Bitey the venomhide ravasaur
Sex & Romance:
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, leans towards female-identifying people. Will not turn down time with male or non-binary identifying people if the opportunity arises.
Preferred Emotional Role: Switch, with dominant leanings.
Preferred Sexual Role: Switch.
Libido: High, depends on the day
Turn Ons: Restraints, consensual pain, subtle flirting
Turn Offs: People who think they’re sexual gods in bed.
Love Languages: Food, cuddling, close physical contact
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
RP Hooks:
Succulent Tarts. Before the fateful patrol that would take her to Zul’drak in Northrend, Sabbac was a member - and prolific performer - of the burlesque guild the Succulent Tarts. The troll’s role within the guild may change depending on her new circumstances.
Recently Turned. Sabbac is a recently turned Death Knight, and is still coming to grips with her new life. She may find comfort in knowing that there are others who share her burden of unlife.
How To Contact:
OOC: I’m getting my blog feet wet, so I will try and keep this updated and like things where I can! I promise I’ll get back to your asks too, I want to receive them!
IC: I will usually be in IC on days I don’t have work, but if I have free time, I’m usually on Sabbac or one of my Moon Guard characters in WoW.
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inscmniia · 3 years
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* jeon jungkook , cis male + he/him | you know moon daehyun, right? they’re twenty-four, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, eight years? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to call my name by the unlikely candidates like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole impulsive decisions commemorated in ink upon his skin, black and blue under his eyes from self-imposed, monster-fueled all nighters and not a stitch of color to be found in his all-black wardrobe thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is october 30th so they’re a scorpio, which is unsurprising, all things considered.
please LOOK AWAY from the state of my blog -- i haven’t made one of these suckers in actual years so i’m incredibly out of touch! but hello, hi i go by cece and i’ll be joining you with just one of my little messes for now. hopefully more to come but time management and whatnot. my friend told me this was a nice chill little group for someone who maybe fell out of touch with rp but wants to get back into it and so here i am. 
and without further ado, here’s daehyun!
- professional gamer & twitch affiliate of notable success, lucrative enough to sustain a much more lavish life than he lives
- bisexual legend; very much out although he feels the need to constantly remind his audience he is not, in fact straight
- plans to move out to LA and is pressured by his agents to do so but he’s also very much a creature of habit (and probably has connections here so ?)
- outward aesthetic is very grungy eboy -- all black clothes, a sleeve of tattoos, knuckle ink, the whole nine yards -- and his natural reclusiveness in public gives an off-putting air but he’s actually just? kinda shy
moon daehyun was born to impulsive young korean parents who were abroad in the states at the time they were making all their mistakes. a pregnancy happened to be one of them. growing up with dual citizenship; dae spent his childhood in korea. life just outside of seoul wasn’t particularly bad though he did feel as though his parents neglected him -- to the point where some of his few friends’ strict upbringings seemed enviable.
his parents’ happiest memories seemed to be of their (prolonged) time in the us and so it was ingrained in a tiny dae that maybe america would lead to his own happiness too. despite being told that he had a pretty face that was made to be famous, an idol or an actor maybe, dae shirked away from attention as a youth. with mediocre social skills at best, dae dedicated himself instead to excelling academically, aiming to earn himself a scholarship that would allow him the chance to study abroad. his cold shoulder towards real life relationships earned him a reputation as something of an ice prince as he grew into his looks.
gaming took a hold on him from a young age. it was easier to find social communities without needing to be exhaustively social in online spheres. he could shut down from the world for a while and log into something where like minded people shared a lot of his own insecurities, goals, dreams. he didn’t think he’d one day get to call it his career but he also didn’t think he’d be so naturally gifted at it either. 
fast forward to early high school age and dae already had built himself a following online which, in turn, made socializing seem slightly easer. people liked him on the internet so surely he could handle a few friends in real life. he was still a little awkward but his boy next door doe eyes carried the rest of the burden into making himself a solid little friend circle. they were the only thing he regrets leaving behind once he made his childhood dream of studying abroad a reality.
at 16 he was offered early admittance and a scholarship to whatever the closest decent college is to irving, nc and jumped at the chance. he was studying something he thought might benefit him as a fallback but by that point had already been exposed to the idea of gaming for profit and capitalizing on his online persona so would he need his business degree? maybe not. but was he going to take the opportunity it offered? absolutely.
did america bring all the happiness he’d been imagining since he could dream? not quite but it did bring success and, after all, isn’t that the precursor to happiness? college life was a bunch of firsts for the previous recluse. his first learned language and the struggles that came with it, his first relationship(s), his first experiences with questioning his sexuality (beyond just joking flirting with his guy friends online), his first taste of alcohol, his first best friend, and his first breakup.
he’s not only settled here but he’s thriving. as he had planned, he graduated and got his degree without too much struggle but the real life changing moment came in stages. professional gaming didn’t exactly make his parents proud but daehyun didn’t exactly care. he was planning on seeing this path to its end and reaping the reward. besides, it was so much easier to slip into his online persona, shedding the shy socially awkward irl exterior and adopting a charismatic, desirable charmer demeanor instead. he’s got sponsorships, affiliate money, and a semi regular streaming schedule over and above tourneys (which do occasionally require a trip out to the west cost or, in rare instances, worldwide)
- still tends to give off an icy first impression; the all black wardrobe and plethora of ‘self expression’ impulse tattoos will do that
- passionately loyal to his friends and those allowed on his inner circle
- tends to get jealous easily but doesn’t know how to express it in a particularly helpful way. he’s not used to wanting things and not being able to work his way into getting them.
- CONSTANTLY tired during the day time and practically nocturnal. his personality consists of caffeine and i don’t know how to explain it any better 
- probably spends too much time on tiktok; could be successful on tiktok too - someone sign him up. is that a personality trait?
TL;DR bisexual bilingual gamer boy ice prince who takes some getting used to but is actually a good boy dressed in all black the end.
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theliterarywolf · 4 years
I haven't slept for a week now but upon getting a boost of good brain juice equivalent of what I assume drugs do to you but without the bad (this is my first time finishing NaNo and I finally got to eat a cake I've been craving for literal months) I have Things to Share ™:
1, cookie run is a fun game and I don't know what I'm doing in it. Story mode (don't think it's called that but hey) just sent me somewhere in the ocean with characters I have never seen before. Feels like I'm seeing something forbidden for my little unknowing eyes... And if Lovecraft taught me anything is that usually that feeling is accompanied by an eldritch abomination, AKA, a reward.
2, "a yautja with the patterning of blue sea slugs" has been in my mind for far too long and I need to let it out.
3, Do you have any creators who you stopped following long ago but can't quite recall why? Feels weird man
4, ToastyGlow's Church and Heaven animatics are a treat and blessing for the soul, so here's me recommending it
Anyway I'm going to knock myself into a coma now, have a great night!
Newt!Anon... You gotta keep up with your sleep, hun. It’s one of the few things that keeps the human mind sane in trying times.
To reply to your questions in order (and hopefully when you see them, you’ll have gotten some sleep): 
1. Oh, you’re probably talking about Main Episode portion of Breakout Mode. You do still get the story of the Sugarteara (I still don’t know how to properly pronounce this name) by collecting Light Spheres, so it is technically a story-mode.
Don’t worry, the game is good at guiding you in the first stages and, if you’re still confuzzled, I can hopefully offer some insight. 
2. That would be interesting to see. Though I have to wonder was this the result of something I reblogged or said because I honestly can not remember.
3. I can’t think of anyone that I’ve stopped following/supporting for a long while that I forgot why I did so. Usually the reasons for their shittiness are front and center whenever I see/remember them. 
4. Let’s see... 
Can I just say how much I dislike that we’ve gotten to the point that, in a cultural environment where people are starving for more original content, people who do create said content constantly have to put disclaimers of ‘these are original characters; no, they aren’t a part of X,Y, or Z fandom; please don’t tag this as such’? I see it with original artists on here too, especially with the amount of people who face-claim other people’s OCs for RPs without permission.
That being said: wow, I loved these! Even just with two videos (which, even though I say ‘just’, I know full well the hundreds of hours of work that had to go into them) the creator here set up a universe, told two compelling stories within said universe, and tugged one’s interest and hunger for more. 
Thanks for introducing it to me; it reminds me that I need to get started on my ‘Best Animations I Found This Year’ post for 2020.
... Also, again, please get some sleep.
P.S. - Congrats on finishing a NaNoWriMo!
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perpetuitys · 4 years
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AAAA hello everyone i’m peep and this is my independent n impulsive vampire bb michel !! also sorry for being Mad late i’ve been moving/flying for the past couple days but i’m finally settled in and super super excited to rp with you all :~) but Yes this is michel he has an attachment to the sea ...... he’s curious abt everything ..... can be very sarcastic at times .... and more found below !! also def hit me up to plot on discord <3 @uwfmintro​
FULL NAME:  michel de la rue NICKNAME(S): michel’s fine AGE:  twenty-five GENDER + PRONOUNS:  cis male + he/him ORIENTATION:  bisexual ZODIAC:  sagittarius sun, libra moon BIRTHDAY: december 3rd, 1802 PLACE OF BIRTH: paris, france OCCUPATION(S):  bartender, helps with the liberation TRAITS: (+) open-minded, honest, adventurous, curious, independent  / (-) turbulent, careless, irresponsible, impulsive, dogmatic
the following biography page contains the following: death, grief, suicidal ideation.
read at your own risk.  
it was eleven years later and new york was just starting to feel like his home. michel still hated speaking english and the permanent odor was sort of annoying, but he felt like he had a purpose that wasn’t dependent on war. fatigued by the aftermath of the french revolution and disappointed in the end of napoleon’s reign, the de la rue’s left their mother country when michel was fourteen in hopes of creating something new and fresh, devoid of any monarchial rule. his family lived a fairly simple life that was dedicated to running their bakery in brooklyn.
this simple life began to feel quite exhilarating as he found himself falling more and more in love with a newly-immigrated family friend at twenty. ever since meeting colette lyon (which of course was at the bakery — where else) he couldn’t think of anything else. the two remained inseparable into their marriage, too, where the two decided to momentarily elope to the beach despite his parents’ wishes. both colette and michel had a fascination with the sea, perhaps symbolizing the voyage that connected their childhood with their newfound adulthood. this fixation grew as he decided to leave his  family in favor of becoming a fisherman running his own shop at the local fish market (also against his parents’ wishes). and as their family grew to include two children, he believes it truly was the best financial decision he’s ever made (which he was well-aware there weren’t many).
but honestly, michel’s favorite thing about new york had to be the selection of taverns. the routine of waking up early, going out to fish, spending his entire day trying to sell his catches at the market, and coming home to two rowdy toddlers proved to exhaust the brunette both physically and emotionally by the time he was twenty-four. so, it wasn’t a surprise to often see him spending most of his evenings during the week at the local bar, making several short-term friends who also wanted to make the most of their night. however one night felt different as michel became what was most likely the most intoxicated he has ever been with a room with equally intoxicated men who decided that receiving fists hurt good and fighting felt fun. he was too drunk to process the chilled air (perhaps that hurt good, too), but something felt wrong as the men continued beating on him. leaving him bleeding out in the early winter air, it very quickly dawned on him that there would be no more life for him to live. no more colette. or his family and their quaint bakery. never see his children get married. as he made peace with this reality, in his last moments he thought about the sea.
everything felt bright and intense as he gasped his first breath of immortality. focusing his attention on how fast his senses were heightening and the excruciating bloodlust, it took a moment for him to realize his bougie surroundings. confused, capricious, and super fucking hungry, aleksander was there to guide him into this new underground world.
which honestly terrified the fuck out of michel. as his senses began to settle, his heart sank to his feet thinking about his death — the stupidity, carelessness and impulsivity causing an eternal separation to the life he worked hard to achieve. he grew depressed and the intense bloodlust that he wasn’t able to get a grasp on wasn’t doing much to uplift him. he depended on the older vampire emotionally as transitioning into a life completely vacant of his family was very challenging as he witnessed the rest of their lives at a distance. this often resulted in michel coming to him, very depressed as he questioned his vampirism, with aleksander always finding a way to lift his spirits and remind him of his purpose. because he saw it in michel that night before he died at the tavern. he saw the charm and how he could make anyone in the room feel like his best friend. he knew that once this cloudiness of despair and self-loathing blows over that a magnetic charisma would lie underneath. something he can use.
so, aleksander stayed beside him. reassured him. and ultimately invited him into his home to live as he would adopt him as a son, passing down his millennia of knowledge on to him and sowing seeds that he hoped to one day reap. luckily, the stages of grief passed away quickly throughout the coming months as michel realized the potential in this unfortunate situation. firstly, he has never seen so much opulence in his life. he heard stories of it, though mostly negative ones as they were all passed down from the french revolution, but now this was able to be his reality. and he was pretty fond of his newfound speed and strength. now at least it was guaranteed he wouldn’t die from another drunken bar fight.
but as he was increasingly noticing the positives of living in the mansion, the negatives began to bother him. or as others call them: helena. you see, with his human siblings, he didn’t have the problem of trust as they all grew up together and shared blood. but it wasn’t long after moving in that michel realized just how necessary the blood relation would be and how significant the corvinus name is in their world. and perhaps another large part of the problem was they didn’t truly see him as a sibling at all. truthfully, the condescension stung at the beginning and resulted in michel spending most days keeping to himself and reading the literature that occupied the walls.
as decades passed and michel was sure colette and the kids had most likely passed too, he found himself integrating back into human society by the end of the nineteenth century. which he surprisingly felt more relieved than disheartened by, as he’d finally be able to get more separation from his older sibling, but perhaps it could also be one of the signs of vampire cynicism creeping in. because, oh boy, did it creep in. the first couple decades of the twentieth century were probably most notably some of the sloppiest years michel had. he began transitioning from blood bags (the mansion always had them on deck) to feeding directly from humans and while he knew never to bite the neck, he felt it hard to resist biting elsewhere. and found it hard to resist in general, often accidentally killing a few people in the process.
however, once magdelena was born, he found himself becoming interested in the family again and decided to clean up his careless feeding act. as she grew older, he became quite fond of her presence and protective, because she sort of reminded him of his own son and daughter who he had left behind. in a way, it felt very cathartic to (practically) raise her; like he was writing a wrong and filling the void that the act of no longer being a father created. being there for her and caring for her gave him a purpose that he lacked up until that point (which probably explains his tendency to overfeed). he came around the house more, helping her as she developed into her vampirism and taught her all the things aleksander had taught him. minus the shitty values. when he would pop back into society, he spent it educating himself on new ideas and theories that inhabited both human and supernatural spheres, mostly out of curiosity and his love for learning if anything. during this time, he also eventually met others of his vampire kind as well as lycans, though more clandestine. many of which soon became his closest friends.
and that’s why he was fairly devastated to know about aleksander’s plans. his stomach twisted knowing that someone who once raised him could be capable of such cruelty. it sickened him — and he let him know it. which, in turn, earned him expulsion from his home of two centuries. maybe some saw it coming — how michel was often distanced from the start — but it still hurt the vampire nonetheless. he lost connection to his first family and it hurt like a bitch to lose it to another, regardless how he felt about them individually. especially to leave behind magdelena, who he felt attached to since her childhood. but he hoped that this would send a statement throughout their underground world. that they should not turn their eyes away from injustices no matter who it’s coming from. he needed to get the vampires to care about this issue and needed to do something to bring awareness and a call to action. so, in comparison, present-day michel is much less gloomy and blindly naive than early-day michel, luckily. although he still feels guilty and a tinge of regret for his association to aleksander, he finds that offering any resources he can in the fight for the liberation is his best way of coping with it.
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aparticularbandit · 5 years
30, 31, 39, 40, 45, 46 (sorry i’m curious)
Fanfiction Questions
30. What inspires you to write?
I don’t know.  That’s a dumb answer.  But like, if I’m really honest, I don’t really know.
I’ve been writing since...almost as long as I can remember, and I don’t know why I started.  For a while, I wanted to do adaptations?  I don’t know.  I just. write.When it comes to specifically what I’ve been writing recently, it’s like...there are these stories and ideas that I want to develop and find out?  Like ideas that come together and just I want to write that and then go and write it and don’t always finish it.With RP, it’s been I want to develop and get to know this character better and I want to have this character interact with these other characters but also a very clear I think I can write this character - because there are a lot of characters I like but don’t have strong enough muse to think I can write them well.Fanfic - with Roisa, it was just...I was intrigued by the dynamic.  And then it’s just - I have these ideas and I want to write them down and I want to get them out and to share them with other people.  It’s just having this ideas that sit and sit and don’t go away and want to be written and I keep thinking about them and want to write them out. (Which has gotten me into trouble.  Not in the fanfic world so much as in the rp sphere, but that’s an entire other story.)Once I’ve started something, I will be honest, interaction from readers is what inspires me to actually finish the thing because I will be honest, I’m typically horrible at finishing longer projects.  It’s so easy to get distracted with new projects and forget to go back to other ones, even if I want to finish them, and that’s probably why I do the polls and everything because it’s just-- That’s a way for me to take and go and do and write in a way that keeps me inspired to keep writing.
31. What’s the nicest thing someone has ever said about your writing?
Well, I don’t really like to think of things in terms of nicest just because that...sounds like there’s a sliding scale and it’s really more like...with the exception of angry mob people, I typically love the comments and reactions I get to my writing?  Even when it’s people being mean because it means they’re at least paying attention?But I think - typically - when people tell me that I should write original fic, that’s something that sticks with me, and then - and this is a carryover from the rp sphere - but when people tell me that something I’ve written (typically headcanon but character portrayal is a thing) has changed how they interact with the canon material, that means a lot to me, too.
39. What is you greatest strength as a writer?
Worldbuilding.  Hands down, I think worldbuilding is my greatest strength.  (Consistency is a second but that’s just me being a stickler for consistency, and I can’t even use that because Carla’s eyes used to be blue and now they’re canonically brown for me and I don’t plan on going back and editing them so oops.)But, no, worldbuilding - taking small changes and seeing the effects those have further down the line.  Um - I keep going back to rp examples, but when I wrote Jessica Rabbit (and this is a good example I think), it was taking okay, cartoons are actually Toon actors, so what does this mean in terms of the world?  Where did they come from?  Are there other Toon cities? How does religion interact with this? etc.  Just - that’s a small thing and then building around and extrapolating from that.Or - soulmate aus.  I love soulmate aus.  Like - the soulmate timer au that came up in One Screwed Up Family - that’s one that I’ve had for a while - but like.  If you live in a world with soulmates where they are actually a documented thing, how does that affect society?  What happens to people who no longer have soulmates?  What happens to shallow hookups and bars because is that cheating on your soulmate?  What if your soulmate is abusive?  But they’re still your soulmate?  So do you divorce them?  Would you ever feel like you could be happy with anyone else since they aren’t your soulmate?  What does soulmate even mean?  (And soulmate definition, for me, does change depending on what the soulmate prompt is.)So - yeah.  I think that’s my strength.  I’m...really thorough when it comes to worldbuilding.
40. What do you struggle the most with in your writing?
Dialogue.  I have a hard time making my characters distinguishable through their dialogue.  They tend to sound the same.  And I’ve found I tend to reuse descriptions and small things over and over - and going through edits does help with that a little bit, but not as much as I want.  I think Rose and Luisa have a lot of the same actions over and over because my mind grabs something and it...I think it gets repetitive.  :/But I think I’m worse at dialogue.  My characters can often sound ooc - at least to me - especially in comparison with other writers who I think capture their voice a lot better.  (This, for me, is particularly telling in IYLHYBHN - I think I got Luisa and Rose’s voices down pretty well in the first chapter, but I don’t think I maintain that very well.)
45. What is your all time favourite fanfic?
I...have a lot of favorite fanfics, and I don’t know if I can pick one overall favorite, but.
To The Stars by hieronym is probably the first one I’ll bring up because I love it and it’s intricate and the characterization is amazing and the worldbuilding is phenomenal and also it’s really, really long and has been going for over seven years and I love this fic a lot.  This is for Puella Magi Madoka Magica, and it was started before Rebellion Story came out (and if you haven’t seen PMMM, I highly recommend it because the story is really good).I also really love the fatal plunge series by maleficently, which is swanqueen fanfic and unfinished and the second book had such amazing Regina characterization and that’s why I loved it.  I loved how she captured Regina.  It was just.  Ugh.  Love!...and then there are too many favorite Roisa fics to try and just pick one so I’m not going to.  ;D
46. If someone was to read one of your fanfics, which fic would you recommend to them and why?
Depends on fandom.
I would probably suggest either....  Well, one of the following:
1) Luisa and the Fox (because it is my personal favorite of my fics and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read it or how excited to finally start on the sequel in a more specific format like, I love this fic it is my favorite of mine and I want a printed copy of it so I can share it with people this one probably has my highest recommendation if you only read one of my fics, read this one)
2) like lightning (because i love my baby!lint fic and this is the other one i want to print out and share with people)
3) grind (because this is probably my favorite of my roisa one-shots)
4) hollows (because this is my other favorite roisa one-shot)
5) body, body (because i really loved this frozen one-shot don’t judge me and also anna was a freaking cannibal and i actually have an entire world built around this that i wanted to expand on but oh well - and also my second most read fic)
6) on aquariums and besties (which is a really bad title but i love the scully/jess fluff and also hey remember how luisa hallucinates i’ve played around with people who don’t have concrete holds on what’s real before and this does come up here)
7) lost causes (to this day, this is my most read fic)
8) make life worthwhile (my third most read fic - my wfrr stand alone stuff does really well)
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the-royal-courier · 5 years
The Scarlet Conclave: More Than Their Past
By Constance Riverton
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Deep in the northern lands known as the Plaguelands, a group works meticulously to see the corruption purged from every blade of grass, every rock, every tree, and every creature. They work tirelessly to restore the pride and good name those wearing the Scarlet tabard once held.  The Scarlet Conclave is a unit of holy warriors dedicated to restoring the lands of the North.
The apprehension, I felt as I walked toward the group standing at attention in the center of their base of operations can not be denied. However, by the end of my time with them, I believe these stalwart men and women follow their leader and work everyday to fulfil their desires to improve Azeroth. Misconceptions about who they are and what they do, prompted the decision to interview the members of the Scarlet Conclave. My worries and fears were laid to rest as I got to know these dedicated holy people.
Led by Highlord Crowley Thoranis, the Scarlet Conclave was formed after breaking from the traitorous Scarlet Crusade. Since that time, their mission has been one of protection and restoration.
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On the day I visited, eleven members --  Evistara Turner, Marshal Tiberius O'Sullivan, Lorathyr Duskveil, Highlord Crowley Thoranis, Highlady Eirdwen Thoranis, Viglundur, Charles Schacktorn, Baryn Silveraxe, Chaniste Skyguard, and Kael’thallas Nightdweller -- presented themselves to welcome me and share their histories, beliefs, and dedication to their cause.
The history of the Scarlet Crusade is one fraught with good intentions turned bad. The Scarlet Conclave is diligently trying to overcome the problematic past with their good actions and positive attitudes. Highlord Thoranis stated earnestly, “The Crusade started with good intent, to save the people of Lordaeron, and to eradicate the vile Scourge that infest it! And it did work, to some effect, to save some and to destroy undeath. I think it would be a shame to leave Alexandro's legacy in the mud because of what his successors did.”
Commander Lorathyr Duskveil added, “The Crusade was a good organization corrupted by evil and ignorance. We are not. We fight for justice and the Light, not our own prejudices.”
The group was earnest in their desire to discard the negative stereotypes. All of them agreed the idea that anyone wearing the Scarlet tabard is automatically out to murder you is one such misconception that needs to be changed.
Kael’thallas Nightdweller stated, “We aren't a walking talking time bomb, if you meet us in the city or outside of, we aren't going to just murder you. We are people too, and we have feelings that allow us to make friends, connect to people, and understand where they are coming from."
Commander Duskveil added, “The racism and xenophobia of the Crusade is, quite simply, a lie. Look at me, ears long and eyes ablaze, and I'm not persecuted. I'm treated as a brother in arms.”
"Scarlets are more than just humans. I mean even here... we have Dwarves, Elves, half breeds. It's frustrating to be called a racist when that's far from the truth," Mr. Charles Schacktorn shared.
Even the Highlady Eirdwen Thoranis contributed to the misconceptions they would like to be rid of, "We are not racists, or bigoted murderers out for blood at all times. We welcome other races of the Grand Alliance with open arms and have no quarrel with the others so long as they do not abuse us. Light above! If I ever heard that one of my Crusaders had murdered an innocent I would be beyond furious."
From priestesses to fighters the members of The Scarlet Conclave all believe in the mission they share. While coming from various backgrounds, they all agreed serving with each other is one of the benefits and they have found a home within the group.
Evistara Turner, "I was born in Andorhal and I have spent my life as a Priestess serving and healing others in the Alliance since I was forced to leave. I joined because we are working on restoring this land and working towards something I believe in."
Marshal Tiberius O'Sullivan, “Well, my introduction to the order was an interesting one. The short version of it was that I was extremely sick, on my deathbed when I found the Highlord and they cured me. On that day I swore allegiance to the Highlord and the Scarlet Conclave."
Commander Duskveil, “I was little more than a skeleton wandering the Plaguelands when I came upon the Highlord some months ago. It had been years since I felt purpose, the Light itself, even the will to live. The Conclave saved me from a certain death, and for that I will serve to the end of my days.”
Highlord Thoranis,  "I was one of a few founding members of this Conclave. Myself and one, who is not with us now, Gerard Crawford, deserted the Crusade as it was led by Whitemane, fleeing southwards to Stormwind, where, upon arrival, we formed our group and sought to redeem the Ashbringer's legacy."
Highlady Eirdwen Thoranis, “I was raised in the Crusade. My father joined soon after it was founded, and I spent the vast majority of my life in New Avalon. My mother and I fled to Tyr's Hand after the massacre, then I went on to Light's Hope. They directed me to Stormwind and I met Cr- Highlord Thoranis about two years ago in the graveyard memorial on a dark night..."
Viglundur, "I have not been vith the Conclave for very long. Vhat brought me into the service of the Highlord vas the promise of glory in battle to bring back to my home in the north."
Charles Schacktorn, "My rejoining more formally with the Scarlets was a relatively recent happening. Roughly a month and a half ago. I was... a lost sheep of the herd and had to return to what was once my brotherhood. I was a member of the Crusade itself early in its birth."
Baryn Silveraxe, "When I was takin' a break from me adventurin' I met Gerard n' Crowley, we talked about our mutual interests 'n what not... and, I ended up workin' for 'em. Ah don't regret it one bit!”
Some might question anything related to the former Scarlet Crusade as being too zealous and too radical, however, the members of the Scarlet Conclave were the opposite of the frenzied zealotry the Crusade was known for. Instead as Highlord Thoranis put it, “Our zeal is directed to the Horde, the Scourge, the Forsaken, and any rogue undead. Innocents are to be protected, and a crazed mind blocks fair judgement!” The sentiment was met with nods all around as the group shared some of what they each do to protect innocents and purge the land of any remaining traces of the Scourge.
While not your typical military organization, the Scarlet Conclave is one ready to take up arms to defend when called upon. Their mission is one of protection and providing “a haven for civilians in the face of war, to eradicate undeath, and to secure a sphere of influence in our homelands” as the Highlord stated earnestly.
Joining the ranks is accomplished through conversation with the Highlord or one of his officers. Skills and faith are not a mandatory requirement, but they do help. If there was one negative I could point out about the organization it would be their steadfast determination to keep the Conclave free of Worgen curse and Undeath, but this seems another aspect of their desire to protect coming through. With these two exceptions, the group seemed welcoming and accepting of those with or without faith to their order. When prompted on their current recruitment needs, those with healing capabilities were considered the highest priority to fill their ranks.
For the past two years, the Scarlet Conclave has been working diligently to protect and serve the Alliance. Their deeds a far cry from the hateful acts of the Scarlet Crusade. Through grit and determination, the Scarlet Conclave will break the stereotype of their predecessor and show the world how it should have been all along.
(OOC:  The Scarlet Conclave was created by Crowley and a few friends to break the stereotype of the racist and hateful roleplayers typically associated with Scarlet RP. The group is friendly and welcoming to all on an OOC basis. Each of the members present attested to their comfort and how Crowley has created a fun, friendly and safe atmosphere for his guild members.
Evistara Turner: I was connected through Tiberius and I love rp and this guild has been one of the best I have been in. The people in the guild, the rp, everything is great!
Tiberius O'Sullivan: I've always been interested in Scarlet Crusade lore, what it was about and who was involved. When I came upon the Scarlet Conclave they were basically everything good that came from the Crusade, the way it was when The Ashbringer was around.
Lorathyr Duskveil: I had met Crowley through the WRA discord and befriended him over our love of history. I had never actually RP'd a scarlet before, so I jumped on the opportunity to try something new. Been loving it ever since.
Highlord Crowley Thoranis: Me and Gerard leveled up and formed the guild on 3-20-17, and decided to run it as more than a guild for friends.
Highlady Eirdwen Thoranis: I played a forsaken and DK as mains for YEARS and loved the Scarlet lore. I needed a villain for another plot and I made Eerie. My partner had a hard drive fry, so I just joined up with some random freak advertising in Elwynn. That was Crow, soon after the guild was made. Eirdwen grew and I just fell in love. Baryn and I were two of the earliest inductees <3
Viglundur: I have been with the Guild for about two weeks now, and they have been great. I was looking for a place where a character would fit in a Housecarl role, and they allowed me to do so. So far, all I can say is that it's a great place with great people.
Charles Schacktorn: I was looking for some Scarlets for awhile and happened to run across the recruitment drive in Stormwind awhile back, and jumped at the chance. Much more level headed than some of the guilds I'd been in previously.
Baryn Silveraxe: I was a close friend of the founding members of the guild, they pretty much brought me into wow rp and taught me the ropes.
As a Heavy RP guild with a casual RP night every week, The Scarlet Conclave considers itself a religious paramilitary guild with a focus on historical accuracy.  The types of individuals they are looking to join their RP are those who RP faithful types. “Military or not, you can be a simple civilian and you'll still be able to play a major part in the guild. We're also looking for mercenaries, even if non-faithful!” Crôwlêy indicated when asked about the type of individuals they were looking to recruit.
The Scarlet Conclave does have a strict policy on the classes and races they will bring in to the guild ICly.  Races: Human/Kul Tiran, Dwarf and High Elf, (can be a human or void elf for proxy.) Classes: Paladins, Priests, Warriors, Mages, Hunters, Rogues and Monks.
“Our policy on allies, however, is much more lax. We'll ally with anyone willing to fight the Horde and Scourge.”  Crôwlêy added.
From an RP experience level, the guild is ready and willing to teach anyone the ropes around RP, any level and any skill set when it comes to the individual behind the character.
To join, there is an IC and OOC interview required but no formal application is needed. Contact  Crôwlêy in game to inquire about how you can be a part of The Scarlet Conclave.
I wish to thank the members of The Scarlet Conclave and Crôwlêy for allowing me to interview them and I hope that those of you reading have a better idea of who they are and what they stand for in their RP.  A more friendly bunch of Scarlets could not be found!)
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hisband · 5 years
3 , 8 , 9, 38 !!
 meme: carling shares her honest opinions. || status: no longer accepting.
3. what current rp trend do you hate?
   i find that the rpc as a whole has gotten a lot more… idk, picky & shallow about which characters they interact with? of course, no one is obligated to interact with anyone and i would never guilt-trip anybody for not being interested in specific muses of mine or not following me back. but i have notice a shift over the last four years that i don’t particularly like.
   to give you guys a better idea what i’m talking about, let me give you an example. i roleplay captain spaulding from r.ob zombie’s firefly f.amily trilogy on my multi @mnstrsqd. he’s currently my longest running muse; i’ve been writing him publicly since spring 2015 and have moved him across multiple blogs. spaulding, despite being a chubby, ill-tempered, unhygienic guy in his late 50s / early 60s ( what can i say, i have a type ), was once my most popular character. not because he was pretty to look at or digestible, but because i was told he was interesting. people were drawn to his personality. for that reason, i wasn’t afraid to approach people on him or to follow first ( though i tried to be mindful because he Is a clown character and there are people on this website with coulrophobia, which i completely understand ). it wasn’t difficult to get interactions on him at all.
   nowadays? i’m fairly reluctant to approach people on characters that are considered unconventional, like my main horror muse belial or half the roster on my multi or even murdoc himself, because it seems like the rpc has devolved in the sense that the majority of writers on here ( based on my Own Personal Experience, at least ) are looking for characters that are easy. easy to get along with ic, easy to ship with, easy on the eyes. my buddy ruben made a much more detailed post on that here if you guys wanna check that out, but yeah. shallowness ( or perhaps an extreme reluctance to go outside one’s comfort zone ) is a rampant problem on tumb.lr these days, and it wasn’t like that at all when i first started out. people were a lot more willing to give others a chance no matter how fucking weird or obscure their character was, and i miss that a lot. had the community not been so accepting when i first joined, i probably wouldn’t have stuck around.
8. name any three things about the rpc that bother you.
   besides what i mentioned above? let’s see…
here’s a controversial one: people who feel the need to go around blocks and demand to know why you cut them off. like, dude, all you’re doing is proving to me that i made the right call by removing you from my social sphere. i find this behaviour incredibly entitled & invasive and i don’t like it one bit. i don’t like the idea that you owe people explanations as to why you left, especially if the person in question has been exhibiting abusive or triggering behaviour ( unknowingly or not ). just accept you’re no longer welcome in that person’s life and move on. the length of time you’ve known that person - or favours you’ve done for that person in the past - should not be used as bargaining tools to keep them around. you can tell someone why you’re ending a friendship or writing partnership, but you shouldn’t have to.
on the flip-side of this, i don’t like vague-posting. i try not to follow people who vague-post unless they have a damn good reason to do it ( i.e. trying to warn people about a past abuser but not wanting to say the person’s name for the sake of their own safety, or somebody else’s ). i strongly dislike when vague-posting is done for the sake of guilt-tripping others or making them uneasy. that’s passive-aggressive, petty & not at all a mature way to deal with conflict. if you’re having issues with someone ( and yes, there is a Huge, Huge Fucking Distinction between miscommunications in a relationship and legitimately toxic and abusive behaviour ), talk to them or else the issue is never going to be resolved. don’t drag everyone else down because you’re feeling upset or frustrated with one person.
people making assumptions about other people’s characters seems to be a problem that’s on the rise. just… don’t do it, even if you truly believe you know the other mun’s character. even if you’ve been writing with that character for years. even if you’ve written that character before yourself. it’s really rude & disrespectful, and most writers i know don’t appreciate someone else coming in and telling them how to portray their own muse, or acting like they know them better than they do. if you’re not sure about something in regards to a partner’s character, just ask. it’s that simple.
9. what is your opinion on exclusivity? do you practice it? why / why not?
   i don’t mind exclusivity & have never seen it as a big deal! if you’re really attached to a friend’s portrayal ( and i personally get very attached to the way my friends write their characters ), i think it’s fine to stick with their interpretation and their interpretation alone. the only time it’s ever been a problem for me is when i’ve written in really small fandoms ( i.e. the fire.fly family trilogy ) and felt the need to give everyone a chance. i think that’s a little bit different than when you’re developing a whole ship or story arc with one specific character, y’know?
38. what advice would you give to someone new to rp?
   don’t make rp your only hobby - that can turn unhealthy super fast. if you rp because you like to write, as i do, find other ways to write if you ever reach a point where you don’t wanna rp but still need a way to express yourself artistically ( and believe me, this Will happen ). if writing isn’t cutting it, then try something new, like drawing, or podcasting, or scrapbooking, or arts & crafts, or even cooking. these are all creative hobbies with very similar pay-offs! 
   don’t become too emotionally dependent on rp. i understand getting invested in characters & ships - believe me, i do - but when it becomes your only source of happiness or when you can’t see yourself being able to function without these things in your life, there’s a problem. similarly, don’t become too emotionally dependent on your friends & writing partners. that isn’t fair to them; they aren’t objects or bots here to cater to you, they’re living breathing people, usually with multiple things going on at once. no one’s life should revolve around one thing or one person, period. that’s recipe for disaster.
   and please, please, don’t treat rp like a job. don’t beat yourself up over things like not writing fast enough, or not writing enough threads, or not writing with enough people or not being online enough. this is a hobby, and should be treated like a hobby, and should absolutely not take priority over things like finding / keeping a job, doing well in school, taking care of your responsibilities & spending time with loved ones. the sooner you stop taking tum.blr rp super-seriously, the happier and more fulfilled you’ll feel. promise.
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fulcrum-agent · 6 years
About the Character - Ashe of Dalmasca
Ashe of Dalmasca (Princess* Ashla Manasse)
Ashe, Phoenix (Little Phoenix), the Princess of the Heart, the Lioness Rampant
Dark Embers (Balmung)
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While I am updating all of the graphics for the FC, I still really love how the original logo (which is above, once you ditch the Year Five! subtitle) turned out for the FC. The new one is in progress, as I lost all of my layer styles and PSDs during the issues with my PC.
[ Twinthings ]
Most twins have some sort of innate bond, particularly monozygotic and bi-monozygotic (there’s a third, yet unnamed type of twin science is looking into, so I gave it a name, your welcome science), but the bond shared between Ashe and Rel exists on a deep and complex aetheric level. The existence of such has manifested several times over the course of the Manasse Twins lives.
While minor changes to her aetheric configuration, such as colouration changes or ‘hiding’ her freckles, don’t affect her twin all that much, major changes to Ashe’s aetheric configuration - like longer-term aetheric dispersal - do have an impact on Rel.
Despite being in their 40s, Rel looks remarkably young, though not quite as young as Ashe does. He’s only just starting to get his first grey hairs, and there aren’t many of them. This discrepancy stems from the handful of times that Ashe's aether has shattered, for a total of somewhere around 7 - 10 years of ‘missing’ time; while she looks barely 30, Rel looks to be in his mid-30s or so.
Major alterations to their forms brought about by things like injury also reflect from one twin to the other, to varying degrees. While Rel’s hands were nearly destroyed during the battle at Nalbina Fortress, his sister frequently has arthritis-like symptoms in her hands, particularly within the palms, which is where most of the damage to Rel’s hands occurred. And while his scar has faded quite a bit more than hers, the scar across the bridge of Ashe’s nose is from an injury her brother suffered not long after Nalbina.
There’s quite a number of additional scientific and anecdotal things involving twins that I’ve as headcanons for the Manasse Twins, but the above is the most modified version of such.
[ Aetherology as Particle Physics Science ]
As much as people baulk upon the initial hearing of this phrase, the game has plenty to support the idea that a lot of aetherology has roots in quantum and particle physics. The most notable being the way the aetheryte systems and other forms of teleportation are described/how they work.
The specifics of Ashe’s Echo gift are all based on this concept, built on the same sort of idea as the Sphere Rote system of Mage: the Ascension. The applications of this are only limited by the person’s imagination and their ability to think on their feet - much like on the fly Rote casting in MtA, which I got pretty good at (I also dodged Paradox like a champ, but that’s for another post).
However, much like MtA’s Sphere system, there are a number of things that can limit how much or how fantastical Ashe’s use of this can be. While it’s not quite like the Paradox system, there’s a similar underlying concept. There’s checks and balances on this, even though they weren’t all that clear near the beginning of playing Ashe, due to having to frequently make the Storyteller call of removing the limiters to deal with certain RP situations.
Underpinning all of this is Ashe’s core Echo gift - the ability to ‘see’ aether in its rawest forms. Much like Neo in the Matrix, the minutiae structure of aether is plain to her, though how it’s actually seen is more like the colour/shade overlays of the Miraluka sight in KotOR.
Cooking - While she’s always been a capable enough cook, after spending time learning the more granular layers of the art from Elric, the Roegadyn chef employed by the Knight-Captain, cooking has become something that is relaxing, even though she’s constantly challenging her skill level with new styles, techniques, and recipes.
Writing - Although she’s thus far only published translated works since arriving in Eorzea, Ashe writes frequently. Sometimes it’s just updating her journal (though I’m shite at that since a couple of months after starting the character), or working on writing the modern history of the Kingdom, or working on the occasional piece of fiction. Aside from long-form novella writing, she’s got some skill with poetry and prose and can write song lyrics, when such a fancy strikes her.
Dancing - Most make the mistake of thinking that Ashe learned how to dance due to her family’s station prior to the invasion, however, they would be mistaken. Ashe loves dancing, having learned and taught herself myriad of different styles and techniques, as well as creating something of a fusion style with all she knows. Though she doesn’t get to dance often, she does really enjoy such.
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[ I. Her Knight ]
{ @thelionofdalmasca }
There will always be a soft spot in Ashe’s heart for the squire that had been assigned to guard her when she was a child. No matter the trouble she got up to, no matter how well hidden she was, he’d always find her, being sure to make her smile and laugh before guiding her home.
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[ I. The Lion of Dalmasca ]
{ @thelionofdalmasca }
Despite the passing of decades, the man the squire became ultimately didn’t fail in keeping the promise he made to her when they were but children - that he would always find her. Though the passage of time has greatly changed him, and though their paths have since parted, she’ll always care about him, and always - though sometimes begrudgingly - respect him.
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[ II. Her Starlight ]
{ @jurien-ashur }
If someone had told her how important he’d become, how integral a part of her life he’d be, the day she met Jurien, she would have laughed and brushed their words aside.
Perhaps it’s as much of a surprise to her as it is to everyone else that she and Jurien have become something far more than anyone ever imagined. After everything that had come to pass between herself and her Knight, the last thing Ashe was looking for was something that lay between philia, ludus, and pragma***.
Despite the fact their marriage was something of an accident, she can’t bring herself to take off the ring from their eternal bonding ceremony; thus far, he’s given her no reason to want to, and she’s hoping he never will.
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[ III. The Doctor ]
The level-headed nature of this Raen, along with his penchant for tea and the higher sciences, led to Ashe coming to respect and trust Doctor Briggs in short order after their first meeting. Before she began her rapid trips between Dalmasca and Eorzea, she considered him something akin to her royal physician, even though she knew he’d never enjoy such an unforgiving position amid the court.
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[ IV. The Violet Mage ]
{ @gal-the-violet }
Despite initial uneasiness between the two, Ashe developed a healthy respect for Galtara during her few moons with the Desert Sapphire Company. The woman’s passion for knowledge, both practical and theoretical, gave the Mage something of a foot in the door with Ashe. Her capability as a combatant, as well as her quiet method of leadership, also garnered respect from the Dalmascan.
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[ V. The Axe-Maiden ]
{ @vayduh }
While there is still much Ashe doesn’t know about J’veda, what she has seen from the Seeker has earned the woman an odd sort of respect from Ashe, one that’s quite unique to Veda.
The warrior’s confidence with her feelings, stating her mind, and particularly her body and sensuality - while sometimes overwhelming - creates something of longing respect for the Seeker. Ashe would very much so like to be as carefree and confident about such things, but always feels the grip of noblesse oblige and the expectations of her behaviour it places upon her.
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[ VI. The Gilded Lily ]
{ @mai-takeda }
Although they’ve not interacted all that often, soft and quiet respect has been growing for the Raen. While initially, she seemed far too naive and far too shy, Ashe has realised there’s more to Mai than she initially expected, finding her wide-eyed selflessness to be incredibly endearing.
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[ VII. The Playwrite ]
{ Return to Ivalice NPC }
Despite the fact that he’s a Garlean pureblood, she has nothing but respect and admiration for Jenomis cen Lexentale. His love for her kingdom and the kingdom that came before it, coupled with his passionate sacrifices have deeply touched Ashe, and given her hope for the Garlean people.
With her understanding of auracite, knowledge of the Lucavi, and the geography of Dalmasca, Ashe became something of a fixture within the group attempting to prove the writings passed down within the Lexentale’s family correct. The journey from a return to Rabanastre, to the Lighthouse of Ridorana, and finally deep within the Golmore Jungle to discover the strangely familiar Orbonne Monastery has been something she’s quite thankful to have experienced.
For some time, she’s been working on both a written adaptation of Lexentale’s precious artefact known as the Durai Papers and an adaptation of the play he’s created from the Zodiac Braves myth that’s more palatable to foreigners with no background to the story - primarily, Eorzeans.
Her time as a conscript within the Garlean Military.
Revealing her childhood love to the person whom it was for.
Tagged by @jurien-ashur (This was sooooo long! And I crashed like six times and lost most of my work on it. YOU HAD BETTER APPRECIATE MY FINISHING THIS.)
Tagging: Everyone in the list of seven people are tagged for this, along with @snow-and-sea, @the-ruby-rogue (WHY YOU CHANGE YOUR NAME ON ME, I WAS SO CONFUSED), @kazexvoss, @arcanakiller, @galla-xiv, @rinrin-rinalys, @aelathetrashcan, @catdette, @velarishiku, @thewitchofthechocoboforest, @zhauric, @garlean-nonsense, @hei-lowell, and anyone else who’s wanting to torture themselves for a few hours!
* - I made the mistake of not hauling down my line of succession information off my SCA document backup before working out the Manasse family’s place in the nobility and lineages. As it turns out, it all put Ashe into the line of succession, and given the death toll in Dalmasca, she’s now fairly near the top of such. Until there are more clarifications on the leader of Lente’s Tears, and/or perhaps the B’nargin twins’ life before the Garlean invasion, it leaves her within the top 5.
I considered retconning it but got encouragement to keep it, and so I did. It should be noted, that unless something is really super wacky with the Dalmascan story that’s unfolding, Ashe is so not going to become the rule of Dalmasca - and even then, I’d feel awkward as hell and probably not. XD
** - Choosing just seven people was rough because there’s more than that many people that Ashe gets along with, or has respect for while saving space for some of the NPCs she deals with. In the end, I picked just one NPC, even though there are three or four who fit the bill.
Please don’t feel like your character isn’t important to Ashe if they’re not mentioned in this list. All of Ashe’s friends and colleagues are important and cherished by her - and by me.
*** - Anyone who knows me has heard me bitch about how terrible a language English is, in so much as the fact that we have words that have myriad and varying meanings, which leads to far more confusion than necessary. Often, when expressing some sort of ‘love’, I will revert to the 7 Loves created by the ancient Greeks. Because while they still don’t cover the various different types and levels of love, they do a hell of a lot better job of it than English could ever hope to.
Also, as English is nigh a requirement in this world, I prefer the Queen’s English. Deal with it.
**** - Most of my characters have this phobia because my RL arachniphobia is so bad, I can’t even fake that it doesn’t exist for role play fun times.
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rkrosememories · 6 years
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hello everyone, i hope you’re all well. happy rkfifth! five years, that’s a fair portion of time, half a decade in fact! i was contemplating on whether i wanted to write up one of these posts, as i usually do something similar when my own personal anniversary with rookies comes around, but for the sake of this being the big ol’ 5, i’m willing to do it. let’s take a walk down memory lane shall we and see where it all began for little ol’ me ( i got a job interview today, yay! )
i joined the krp community in august 2014, and rookies was one of those rps i considered joining, and a part of me wishes i did. i didn’t though, i found the large size of the roleplay to be somewhat intimidating so i ended up going on to make my own idol themed roleplay; which was fairly successful in its own way! ( r.i.p apollokrp ). but, i did end up meeting steph there, and eventually, i would end up being convinced to join rookies in july 2015; bringing forth my first rk muse, rkseokmin ( that’s dokyeom of seventeen, btw ). he didn’t last for long, and neither did my other two muses rkkyungri ( yes, i roleplayed kyungri prior to this, looking back, she was sort of like rkrose, being from australia and all ) and rksana, who i brought to rookies in july 2015 and december 2015. and now, looking back i don’t really have any strong attachments to these muses, i think i really just brought them in on a whim, and it wouldn’t be until the following year that i truly found my place at rookies.
come may 2016, season three of the mgas had begun and i decided to give rookies another go. damn rp! pulling me in and trying to get me invested! this time round, i brought forth a muse which y’all will definitely be familiar with. rkjuyeon, who was known as rkseo back then. and for anyone newer, that’s rksaercm. it all began with her, my tall dancing gay who had ambitions of idoldom since a young age. she had auditioned with her cousin in a process called the deathmatches ( you guys, if you weren’t around during like ... early 2016, you won’t know the pain of reserving / applying etc. as the old main blog was ancient. anyways, bless the rookies team for keeping everything going for so long ) and she failed to make it through. meanwhile, her cousin ends up winning the whole goddamn program. what a fluke. i did end up dropping her though, although she did return a few months later in september!
and we fast forward to july 2016; enter rkrose. blackpink’s iconic dance practice video was released and instantly fell in love, with one member in particular ( everyone was ranting and raving about lisa, but i couldn’t take my eyes off of the girl with braids in her hair ). that girl, was park chaeyoung, who like me, is a fellow australian! i instantly knew that i had to bring her to rookies, along with rose and keith ( who play lisa and jisoo, and eventually lari would end up completing the rkblackpink lineup that we know today with jennie ). looking back, i don’t really know how i envisioned rkrose to be; i mean, she was signed to royal within her first six months of being at rookies! she won the kt & royal contest, if ya didn’t know! she is probably the muse i am most well-known for, likely for not so good reasons. she’s been through countless “scandals” in her time, things of which are likely both of our faults. i’m not ashamed of her though ( more so of my own actions ). i think she’s a good egg.
when rookies gave us permission to go ahead with third muses, i think we all went a little crazy. i’ve had quite a few third muses, some whom i’m sure i can’t really remember, but rkchangkyun and yugyeomrk come to mind; i’m sure some of you might be baffled to know that i’ve ever actually roleplayed a male before, considering the fact that all i talk about on twitter is girls and girl groups. ah i forgot i did actually bring rkclaudia to rookies, aka moon hyuna. but we come full circle, and in march 2018, we meet rkkyungri, who is my third and final muse at rookies ( unless y’know, y’all wanna open up fourth muses to the public rk, because i’m down for that, i have many stories to share still wink wonk ). she was unlike any of my rookies muses; an ex-idol who failed at achieving her dream the first time round.
so, here we are, december 2018; i’ve given you a rather comprehensive and detailed run down on my past with rookies, muses wise that is, because there is a ton more to talk about. and i shall, because i want to be able to commemorate this special occasion! i think it is healthy to reflect on things that have happened in the past, so we can learn from our mistakes and better ourselves as people and writers. i have had my fair share of negative and positive experiences at rookies, and i think it’s normal to. rookies is a really big place, and people are bound to bump heads and not get along, that’s just human nature. i think that a good portion of my problems at rookies have been because of miscommunication. so new members, please take a leaf out of my book and remember that communication is key! also don’t get swept up in ooc drama and take your problems to the mods! that’s what they’re here for ( and they do an excellent job of it, thank you guys <33 ).
i really am invested in rookies; invested in the plot, the characters and their stories. i think it’s so amazing that we have a place on the internet where things can unfold and happen in real time almost. krp can be so fast-paced and it’s refreshing to see a place like rookies. i don’t think i could ever truly leave rookies behind, well, one day i’m probably going to have to, but that is another thing; rk is always there. rookies has reached five years. five! years! and that is a momentous occasion, because some rps don’t even see five months. as someone who has been an admin countless of times in the past, i have always wondered how rookies withstood the test of time, and now, having been apart of rookies for nearly three years, i think i understand now. many things go into making a roleplay work: the admin team and the members must work cohesively together, and i think we at rookies all do a good job of that. 
i have learnt a lot at rookies, and i think i definitely have a lot more to learn and experience. i must say, going into the new year, i really want to work on being more productive. some of you amaze me! replying every week, getting those points! you get that, pal! it’s really, really inspiring, and i want to be more like that. i’m honestly amazed i’ve made it two years at rk, as i’m someone who gets bored easily ( i also have commitment issues to some extent ). there have been countless occasions where i’ve wanted to give up and drop my muses, be it lack of motivation or drama, but the sole fact that i’ve dedicated two whole years to creating these characters is an incentive to keep going. i’ve always loved writing and i love that i have a space to share my creativity, interests and dreams with like minded people! i think that rings true for a lot of other people, but i’m sure y’all have your own reasons for sticking around.
i don’t think a post like this would be complete without some shout outs, but this part for me will probably be lacking, whoops. maybe i can make that another goal of mine. socialise more.
steph ( @jungwooxrk​​ ), thank you for introducing me to rookies and convincing me to join. we’ve been friends since december 2014!?! which feels like a long ass time. you were my first real internet friend and i’m very grateful to of met you. thank you for writing with me and putting up with me!
rose ( @rklisa​ ), keith ( @rkjisoo​ ) & lari ( @rkjennie​ ), rkblackpink is precious and means so much to both me and rkrose. although we don’t talk as much as much as i would like ( or we should??? ) i’m so happy that we’ve got y’all, i hope that our girls can experience many more things together. 
shinobi ( @rkkangjoon​ ) thank you so much for putting up with me. we’ve been through a lot of crap but i’m really thankful that we’re still able to talk despite everything. i hope you know that kangjoon will forever be important to rose, he was her first real boyfriend after all! thank you for putting up with us both! we love you! <33
peach ( @rkhaechan ) i don’t think rkrose would be who she is today without you and the help of jaebum. after a year of depression i think she’s back on her feet though!! toughest 12 months as a writer! but, despite everything we’ve been through, i’m so thankful we’re still able to talk. i also love your new muses, haech is a cutie & i love him very much :((((
lemon ( @rkyena ) aaaaaah i can’t believe i forgot to put you in here, i’m so sorry. thank you sO MUCH for putting up with me and my forgetfullness. i really love seoyoung as a muse and i’m excited to see her grow as an idol! also saeseo?! 
nana ( @younghyunrk​ ) i’m so thankful that i get to talk to you almost everyday!? i feel as though these past few months we’ve been able to get close which is exciting because you are awesome & i treasure you a ton! i’m excited for whats to come in the following months for our muses! hopefully we meet when i fly over your way sometime soon! i love youuu!!! <33
royal and sphere trainees! i would tag you all, but i’ll be here forever. thank you for making me feel included, even if i don’t participate in the group chat! i love our group antics, like photocard swapping, that was fun. thank you for taking care of both me and my girls, rose and saerom. i would like to work on getting closer to y’all!
and our incredible mod team, you know who they are, they know who they are. thank you so much, for everything you do. you guys keep this place safe, happy and running for all of us, all while writing for your own muses and keeping up with real life stuff like work and school?! incredible! amazing! fantastic! thank you for being so accepting and welcoming and supportive. i love y’all a ton and i don’t think this little message truly explains how grateful i truly am. thank you, for all that you do. 
i’m sorry if i forgot anyone in particular, i probably did and i’m sorry; i don’t have the greatest memory. just know that i’m grateful for you! even if we’ve never spoken to eachother before! thank you for making rookies the place it is! that being said, i should probably work on wrapping this whole thing up, since it’s getting pretty darn long and i would like to do some things today prior to this job interview i have later ( please send positive vibes, i’m going to need them ; _ ; )
these past two, nearly three years have been absolutely wonderful. i’m bummed i didn’t join rk back in the day but maybe the fact that i joined later was a good thing? i mean, everything happens for a reason right? these years have been hard and tiring but also very exciting and rewarding, and i’m very enthused to see where 2019 takes me and my girls, along with you and your muses! lets work hard and be happy, happy rkfifth everyone <3
  - lots of love, from sacha!
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hannahchronism · 6 years
Yo can you talk about parallels b/w Lu and Tech???
Oh shit good one, uh
Okay so some groundwork: Lu is an achievement of mine in that she’s divorced from the pitfall of a habit I (still) have of making characters who are either overly humble or, in some way or another due to mental illness or just a lack of confidence, self depricating. She’s also one of a small number of extroverted muses I have, and just in general, a big step out of my comfort zone. (Which.. I mean Danger Days is really my comfort zone. It’s just so familiar and such a large part of like… if not my identity itself, how I came to be the person I am yknow?? So while I love all my characters there and I have been trying to branch out within it, the much bigger progress for me is to go outside of the setting.)
And all of that is to say - in a lot of ways that I could list for …paragraphs upon paragraphs, probably, they’re very different, and it’s very intentional that they are so different. But then again, either because everyone’s subject to “write what you know” or just my own common themes and elements as a creator/writer/whathaveyou, theres some things to track through and compare which actually not that long ago brought up some interesting thoughts for me regarding Lu and the limits of HER comfort zone.
To back off and go from a.. more of a formulaic perspective, like a few groundwork level similarities:
– central perspective/main character of their stories*– maternal heritage plays a significant role in their lives– Protective Older Brother™– adopted (albeit one literally and one symbollically) by family friend(s)– themes of tragedy/fate and (trying to) overcome it
Oh and
– chaotic alignments lmao
They’re wild girls. I love them.
*I know Tech’s sorta in the aether of rp and therefore the fluidity inherently involved in plot less co-creation, but if I was to treat dustverse like a book (or to write her a fanfic which I am… considering) she’s absolutely my main protagonist. Call it self awareness: I know that no matter how many danger days characters I make or how much I love them or they interest me, Tech’s just my main girl. She’s got staying power.
So what that gets into is that.. the simplest way I could put it would be to say if I HADN’T decided to try to challenge my habit of falling back on giving characters weaknesses/flaws that I strongly relate to, Lu could have very easily ended up being.. effectively a modern AU Tech, really. She’s the tough spirit, the younger sister, the stuck-in-her-mothers-shadow kind of character who then endures tragedy and trauma and could have become another fearful and defensive sort of character, like Tech. So I guess their similarities come from.. sort of a natrative perspective, the general happenings of their lives, and it’s only when you consider their personalities, the way they handle what they’ve been given, and (!!) the strength of their support systems and whether or not it gave them a genuine sense of security and the space to recover, that it becomes them being such different characters.
Which..makes it sounds like they don’t have any personality similarities but I suppose there’s a few. Independence. Ingenuity. Empathy. And, well, they both certainly hate being told what to do.
And really though the thing about the fundamentals being similar despite the resulting characters being so different and actually being really REALLY … grating? competitive?? headspaces to try and occupy at the same time is that the similarities are actually what generate the disconnect (as ass backwards as that sounds.) Having Lu, in a metaphysical sense, close to someone like Tech draws attention to how… easily (?) her life could have gone down a similar if not identical path that would have fundamentally altered/influenced her values and beliefs and forces her to confront the arguable malleability of her actual existence and … to be frank it scares the shit out of her. This turned out to be a really revealing thing too because I’ve always known Lu has great pride in herself and her characteristics but it had never occurred to me before thinking on that that the concept of how easily she could have been very different is such. a. threat. Lu could have, in a version of events where her brother wasn’t as self sure or her mother’s softness was a lie and not just a well kept secret or the family friend who looked out for her wasn’t so well connected, been bent and beaten and burned into someone suspicious and confused and lost. And it kinda almost sounds like… uncomfortable about cofronting her privilege when I get it down on paper (er, in text) like that, but it’s not. I swear it’s not. Lu knows she’s had a inmmeasurable amount of assistance to her success just being raised as she was and she’s constantly trying to check that and do what she can to share what random chance gave her and .. really actually welcomes being called out her Trust Fund Kid status most of the time — it’s not about being uncomfortable with the concept of having had less or being called out as being, essentially, lucky, it’s the thought that something like that, whether you call it luck or fate, could do something as powerful as alter her fundamental, core beliefs, when she has spent all her life trying to escape the very concept of it.
And… I realize… I strayed off but ultimately it comes down to: they’re not especially similar except when you consider them both in the sphere of possibilty. Their luck and lack of it made them different, and different they are, but if Fate (…. me? am I the Fate at work here???) had felt urged by a different whim, they COULD HAVE been very, very similar.
EDIT: This is probably not the answer you were looking for and I’m sorry and if you want me to try again with more focus on something in particular I’ll try aljsvdjslakshs
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dlamp-dictator · 7 years
Allen’s End of the Year Rambling: IRL Stuff
Where has the time gone folks... 2017 has been quite a year for me, for all of us I’m sure. So many things have happened, so many things have passed by. So before this year ends, and even a bit after when it does, I want to take a bit of time to talk about all the fun and crazy things that’s happened to me and all of us in the last year.
Alright, let’s just get the controversial stuff out of the way here so you guys don’t start spamming it to me in my inbox. 
Now, for those that didn’t know, I live in the USA, meaning I live in America, meaning we now have... Donald Trump as president. 
God, I still shudder thinking about it. 
I’ll save my personal feelings on that for another time, but it’s almost impossible to talk about this year as US citizen without acknowledge that man is in charge of this country now. Not to mention the recent riots, the terrorist attacks in Europe, bomb threats, White Supremacy becoming an actual issue, debates on punching Nazis of all people, and speaking of things that shouldn’t be happening, need I even mention Net Neutrality? Like... goddamn, I’m an optimist at heart, but even I have a hard time keeping a neutral stance when all this craziness is going on. Am I happy about all the goings-on in our country at this point in time? No. Am I going to whine about it and make noise on it? No, I don’t like talking about politics on this blog or even in real life unless specifically asked, but let the fact that the guy that talks about anime tiddy ninja, niche anime and video games is discussing the politics be a sign of how... upsetting things are in the politic sphere.
Now then, onto the fun stuff.
Well, even though the stream wasn’t as active as I though it’d be, I think I’ve made it clear that I’m doing more art and drawings this year. I got a new tablet around April, I did a daily art challenge in June, and I’m active on Deviantart again. As far as that goes, I want to keep doing this. Even if I’m just drawing my OCs, even if I can’t do perspective and lineart for the life of me yet, I want to improve myself in the art department. If any of you guys had a request art-wise you want me to take a stab at, I’ll give it a shot. Can’t promise it’ll be done quickly, but it will be done.. probably, provided you guys aren’t asking for porn or anything... you really don’t want the virgin to be drawing porn.
A fanfic, two original stories, and two one shots... dang, I did quite a bit this year in terms of writing. Granted, my writing isn’t the best, and the fanfic had to get dropped due to me making a it too complicated for its own good, but I want to keep at this as well, especially my original stories. I’m finally getting to work on Violacious Storm after so many months of hiatus, and Hunting Owl is slowly becoming a fun thing to write since I made it about female forest ninja. I didn’t link my one-shots since they were for dead fandoms and more writing exercises if anything, but you can find them on either my deviantart or my fanfiction profile. I’ll be linking the fanfics and whatnot as I update, maybe a few one shots as well if I feel so inclined to.
Now this came as a surprise to me. My Ramblings were originally just me talking about RP things on my RP blogs, but... then I started doing them so much that I felt I should make an archive blog for them, and then... I just started Rambling on this blog. It was literally at random, I think it was around the time I started doing the Anime Updates. Honestly, I like doing them, as much as they mentally drain me afterwards. I have just one more volume of Tokyo Ghoul left before I start talking about my thoughts on it, and... I’m excited. I’m definitely going to be doing more of these, tagging them and all, so keep an eye out. Expect some more Anime and Video Game Updates as well.
IRL Things
Now, I’m not in the business of blogging about my personal life, but I think there are a few highlights of my life outside the internet that I feel comfortable sharing.
My Uncle moved into the X Household and it’s... not as bad as I thought it’d be. It’s great having him around the house. I talked a little bit about it when I was giving my concluding thoughts on Maid Dragon, but he’s now a part of the family, and I’m glad to have him in the house... even if I lock myself in my room most of the day.
I now have a mild addiction to Coca-Cola now since I’ve gotten into the habit of writing late into the night and now work morning shifts at work every so often, so I need the caffeine and I hate coffee with a passion. I no longer care about the taste of Sprite outside of the Cranberry Twist variety... someone, send help.
I’m slowly learning how to cook my own food, or at least learning how to use stove without burning the building down. It’s going pretty well so far, I can make grilled sandwiches, pasta, pancakes, waffles... gonna’ get better and more self-sufficient as time goes on!
Ah, I graduated with my Associates in Human Services this year, or at least finally got the physical degree for it... that was a thing.
I made my first Youtube Video... probably not gonna’ do that for... quite awhile too. I have a respect for all Youtubers now after doing my own for the first time.
I believe that’s everything that isn’t anime, manga, or video game related. I’ll be doing those in a bit on a separate post. Hope you all had a good year in 2017 folks, or at least a manageable one. Here’s hoping 2018 will be better.
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