gabrielokun · 11 months
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mousydentist · 9 months
blorbos i desire carnally
thanks @xxhappy-chickenxx for the tag im SO fucking glad to talk ab these boys. i put more effort into this than any of my 200-level classes.
kim (kinnporsche)
you know this bitch is first because this mother fucker ruined my dumbass life
evidence: look at him
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look. he's so wet. so meow meow. i want to make him cry. i want to watch him murder people. ahem. anyway.
second is,
just kidding it's kim again LOOK AT HIM
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i couldn't just pick one so everyone needs to go look at this gifset because FUCK
ok second one
intouch (until we meet again)
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this is my baby. i would do anything for him. he made me cry for seven days straight. i think i saw god after watching this show. look at this gif. he has no idea. im gonna throw up. if i say anything else i will break down and i have shit to do today.
now that im crying
kurosawa (cherry magic)
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i want to eat this man. listen the first two were like just people that are important to me, THIS FUCKING MAN COULD COMMIT A HATE CRIME ON ME AND I WOULD SAY THANK YOU DADDY LIKE IM NOT EVEN EMBARRASED TO SAY IT CAUSE YOU KNOW YOU WOULD TOO.
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ok now that yall have seen into my deepest desires
tagging @zhaozi (i got the kim gifs from their reblogs, truly amazing work) and @emberfaye and anyone else who wants to! (no pressure ofc <3)
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physiqueandfantasy · 5 months
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I’m working on a side project with my vintage magazine collection. I’d like to clean up some of these ads for long gone gay businesses and make them into t-shirt designs. Do you think they would work?
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bl-bracket · 1 year
Round 1: Intouch (Until We Meet Again) vs Porsche (Kinnporsche: The Series)
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[Submitted Reasons Under Cut]
Intouch: "They just crave the attention from their crushes and can do nothing wrong. Plus they're cute and innocent as hell and must be protected at all cost."
Porsche: "Sass, snark, and style. Capable and helpless. Absolutely absurd but genuine. Stupidly attractive and knows it. He’s got issues, so many issues, but he’s willing to ignore them. Will only slightly pout when bullied into wearing a mermaid costume. Will not, in fact, be kicked out of bed for leaving crumbs. Gives great head at great heights."
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auseyre · 6 months
When You're Really Not Prepared -UWMA
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Me, watching the beginning of Until We Meet Again only knowing the basic premise -"Wow, they are really good, it's a shame they only have this small part and we'll never see them again."
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p-parapio · 1 year
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ragsweas · 2 years
All the uwma fans,
If you have read the Resplendent verse, this one is for all of you.
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I was trying to find a wallpaper of them and couldnt find one. This is a mix of everything.
Also, @kari-kurofai, thank you for this verse.
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trexalicious · 2 years
Back when she was an only child...
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hecate112 · 1 year
Ok i have so many emotions after watching until we meet again. I usually watch series very fast but this took some time as it was really long. So i have been watching parts and parts for so many days. Now i completed it and i don't know what to do with all these emotions. God this squeezed my heart real hard.
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gabrielokun · 11 months
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elsitiodelprogramador · 4 months
Borrar Tags InTouch wonderwore
Borrar Tags en el diccionario de tagnames es una tarea compleja si es la primera vez. Es posible borrar tagnames de InTouch de Aveva cumpliendo las condiciones: Eliminar tags Intouch aveva paso a paso 1. El tag a borrar no puede estar utilizado en ningún sitio. Ni Scripts, animation links, etc. 2. WindowViewer debe estar cerrado3. En WindowMaker no debe tener abierta ninguna ventana 4. Hay que…
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reckoningeverymile · 4 months
From the Pastor's Heart
Dear Julie Jane,
Here at the year’s halfway point, it’s a good time to pause and assess how things are going. What challenges are you facing this year? And how are you getting through them? Dr. Stanley often reminded us of the countless ways God provides for us to grow strong in the Christian life. This month, we’d like to share some of his thoughts on that topic. We hope they’ll encourage you through the rest of the year and beyond. How do you know if you’re a strong person? I’m not talking about your physical body, but the inner qualities of a vibrant spiritual life. In Matthew 7:24-29, Jesus told a story that vividly demonstrates the source of spiritual strength. He said those who hear and obey God’s Word are building their lives on a rock-solid foundation, while those who hear the Word and don’t obey have a foundation like sand. What we’ve built our lives on may not be externally obvious. But when the storms of life come, our response reveals what and whom we’re trusting. If it’s not God, we’ll fall apart under the pressure. To help you evaluate whether you’re building well, I want to share a few characteristics of a strong spiritual life.
First, your life must be built on the teachings and application of God’s Word.
The Bible becomes a treasured possession when you recognize that it’s the Lord’s voice speaking directly to you. Obeying its principles should be a constant in your life, not an exception. When you consistently feed on God’s Word, the Holy Spirit brings passages to your mind to help you respond correctly in every situation. That’s why Jesus said the Spirit will “remind you of all that I said” (John 14:26). What’s more, as you read the Bible, you are “transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is” (Rom. 12:2). The Word transforms you to think biblically about your circumstances. Then you can make good decisions and act rightly in trials.
Second, spending time alone in prayer is a priority.
Prayer is your connecting point with God and an essential means of strengthening your relationship with Him. Through the discipline of prayer, we learn how to communicate with the Lord about anything and everything. When His disciples needed the strength to stand firm, Jesus told them, “Keep watching and praying, so that you do not come into temptation; the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Matt. 26:41). A prayerless life is a powerless one.
Third, the spiritually fit see the Lord Jesus as the source of strength in their lives.
We are continually tempted to forget this perspective and think our strength comes from ourselves—the “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” approach. Yet when the apostle Paul was suffering with what he called “a thorn in the flesh,” Christ told him, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness” (2 Cor. 12:7, 9). The path to spiritual strength is humble dependence on God.
Fourth, if your life is characterized by obedience to God’s Word, you’ll be able to view troubles and afflictions as ways to strengthen your faith.
I wouldn’t change the pain, heartache, trials, and disappointments I’ve experienced, because God used each one to grow my faith. Instead of complaining and questioning God’s love in times of hardship, we can seek to understand His purpose and trust Him. The Lord’s goal is not to remove all our trials, but use them to transform us into godly people and equip us for His will (James 1:2-4).
Finally, our spiritual strength increases greatly through involvement in a local church that faithfully teaches the Bible.
Believers grow in church through hearing of the Word, love for one another, corporate worship, selfless service, and encouraging fellowship. That’s why, if possible, you should seek connection with other believers in a church body. We need each other.
Each of us is building our life on something—either God’s firm foundation, or the unstable sands of this world. What have you built your life on? No matter what you’ve done in the past or how old you are, it’s never too late to step away from the sand and start building on rock. It’s the one building project that won’t end until the day the Lord takes you home—stronger and better than you could ever have been on your own.
We hope you’ve been blessed by Dr. Stanley’s reminders of the many ways to build strength as you walk with the Savior each day. A few pages of God’s Word, read tonight, will not be wasted. A few moments in prayer tomorrow could strengthen you more than you think. And leaning on Jesus will carry you through to eternity.
Till next time, God bless you.
For His Glory,
Your Friends at In Touch Ministries
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the-perfect-author · 4 months
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iwritefirm · 8 months
INTOUCH: Heart My Heart IWRITE TV #ncs #intouch #musicvideo #iwritevideo...
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bl-bracket · 1 year
Best Siblings Round 1: Intouch & Ahn (Until We Meet Again) vs Tian & Longtae (A Tale of a Thousand Stars)
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[Submitted Reasons Under Cut]
Intouch & Ahn: "The women in Intouch’s life love him very much, especially his older sister. In always trusts his sister with his secret, and Ahn while worrying for him, always protect and take care of him, and she never reconsider his role in the life of her daughter. She was already a teen when he came into her life, she sang to him when he cried as a babe and held him when he cried as a young man, she tried her best to shield him from their father, and she should never have had to bury her baby brother so young."
Tian & Longtae: "They form a bond that is best described by the word brothers, Tian is out of place, a city boy living in the forest, while Longtae is a forest boy taking on the city. They hate shared experiences yet different and that is why their bond is so important. Torfun was the one who first inspired Longtae to go to university, it makes sense that Tian helps keep this dream alive"
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kageyamaana · 1 year
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Always There
Best friends.
That's what the four of them were and would always be forever.
If there was something they would never give up on in their life, it was their friendship because they had been there for each other in the good and bad moments.
It happened again.
She knew it would but it still hurt no matter how many times it happened.
Som shouldn't have been expecting anything to be different because every year her parents promised to be there for her birthday but never came or even sent a gift for her.
She didn't know why she still expected them to show that they cared about their daughter when she had mostly been raised by a nanny and all the attention went to her older brother.
For fuck's sake, Som could have been getting drugged at home and they wouldn't care as long as she didn't do it in public to ruin her family's good reputation.
"It seems it will be one more year alone" she mumbles as she looks sadly at her phone
Before she could do anything or think anything sad, she heard the doorbell ring which confused her since she hadn't known anyone was coming and she was 100% sure it wasn't her parents or brother especially because the last one had spent the previous day with her since he had to go to an important meeting today.
Confused Som went to see who it was and when she arrived at the entry she was surprised to see a maid let three people in.
"Guys? What are you doing here?" Som asks surprised "I thought you would be passing the weekend with your families" she adds
"And not bring our amazing presences to you? Never, Som" Day says making a pose which, even without her noticing, makes Som smile
"And we couldn't let you spend today alone" Jao adds with a shy smile
"What type of friends would we be with let our best friend spend her birthday alone?" Toh says and Som doesn't even try to hide the tears that want to leave her eyes
"Don't cry or we will also cry!" Day says running to hug Som and the other two following her
"S-sorry, i-it's just that..." Som tries to not cry but she couldn't "I t-thought I would have to spend it alone" she whispers and her friends hug her more tightly
"Never, for as long as we are your friends we won't let that happened" Jao promises and Som smiles even with tears running down her face
"Happy birthday, Som" Toh says as kisses her cheek with the other two following his actions but Jao kisses her other cheek and Day kisses her forehead
"Thanks, you guys are the best" Som says grinning 'I couldn't have asked for better friends' she thinks happily
Soon the group of friends are in Som's kitchen eating cake as they talk about anything and everything before the three boys decide to give their gifts to Som who has to try hard not to cry again.
Day hated this feeling.
He(she) felt like he(she) was in the wrong body and it didn't make sense.
His body was male and he(she) was a boy(girl).
Day just wanted to know why he(she) felt like this so he(she) looked on the internet for an answer.
The answer was what he(she) expected but it stayed in his(her) mind for some time until she finally understood that she was a she and not a he like she always thought.
Just thinking of herself like this made her feel better.
But soon a fear came to her mind.
What if her friends, the only ones she had and loved more than anything, didn't accept her? It would destroy her and she wasn't ready to take that risk yet.
The fear stayed with Day for some time but one day she just couldn't deal with being treated as a boy by her friends so she told them.
"I'm a girl" she said one time when they were all studying in Toh's house
"You are a girl?" Toh asks confused
"Yes" she says starting to get nervous
"You mean you are trans?" Jao clarified and Day nodded in agreement
"Yes! I'm not the only girl anymore!" Som says hugging Day happily
"Will you change your name?" Toh asks as he smiles at her
"I...maybe" she answers because she hadn't thought about it
"Maybe Daisy so it is a bit similar to your name now?" Jao offers
"Daisy...I'm Daisy..." she mumbles trying to get the feel of the name for herself "I like it, I think I'll change it to that!" Daisy says grinning at Jao
"Can we still call you Day? I'm asking because I might slip at some point and call you that" Toh asks while scratching his neck
"I would prefer not but if you slip I will remind you" Daisy answers truthfully after thinking for a bit 
"I apologize in advance in case I do it then" Toh says and Daisy is thankful that he is understanding her
"We should celebrate this!" Som decided and the two boys nodded in agreement before they all looked at Daisy
"Today Day died and Daisy was born in his place" Daisy declares grinning and soon she has her three best friends hugging her 'I really got the best friends ever' she thinks as she hears them fight over what food they should get and which movie is the best to celebrate Daisy coming out
He had always been chubby since he was a baby.
His parents said that him being chubby made him adorable.
But Jao stopped believing that since middle school.
He was bullied for being chubby and he forced himself to lose some weight so it would stop but he still felt those judgmental stares from those around him except from his three best friends.
Those three were the best thing to happen to Jao, especially when an old bully came to their class in their last year of high school.
"Look if it isn't the fatty boy!" Lay, the bully, says when he recognized Jao once the classes finished "You still look as fat as the last time I saw you, it's a miracle you even made friends when you look like that" he says as he laughs
Jao can't find words to defend himself and just looks at the ground, with fists closed while trying not to cry while relieving all the times this happened.
Until a voice made him snap out of it.
"Who are you calling fat, idiot?!" Som says glaring at Lay
"Him! Who else would it be?" Lay says pointing at Jao
"Jao isn't fat and even if he was, that is no reason to bully him" Daisy says putting herself in front of Jao
"Oh? Now you have defenders, fatty?" Lay teases and that gets him stronger glares from Jao's friends
"He doesn't have defenders" Toh says "He has real friends something I can see you don't have if this is how you act" he adds and Jao has to stop himself from letting a small giggle out at that
"You!" Lay says glaring at Toh
"Him, what?" Som says with a raised eyebrow "Toh is just saying the truth" she says and Lay glares at her before he leaves the classroom mad
"Ugh, I hate bullies" Daisy mumbles as she looks in disgust at Lay leaving
"Are you okay, Jao?" Toh asks turning to Jao
"Y-yeah" Jao says even if Lay's words did affect him
"Don't believe anything that idiot said" Som says "You aren't fat, you just have rounded cheeks and tummy" she says
"Which makes you the most adorable of us!" Daisy says as she decides to squish Jao's cheeks as if to prove her point
"Certainly!" Toh agrees "Daisy is the fashionista, Som the smart one, Jao the cutest and I am the richest" he declares and Jao finally laughs
"I'm fashion itself, darling!" Daisy says making a pose getting a laugh for her friends
"Better, Jao?" Som asks smiling softly at Jao
"Yes, much better" he says smiling at his friends
"Let's go shopping now! I heard there is this new store with amazing clothes!" Daisy says as she grabs Jao and Toh to drag them out as Som follows them
'They are the best' Jao thinks because he was lucky to have friends that would defend him and help him with his insecurities
He knew that this was wrong and he wanted to stop.
But since he was young, whenever he liked something, Toh got obsessed with it.
And Toh liking Nuea was no different from those times except that for the first time someone was messing with Toh's heart.
His friends, being the amazing people they were, encouraged him since they knew him well but Toh didn't want to be encouraged.
It was when he first picked trash that Nuea had left out that Toh realized that he was going somewhere he shouldn't.
Some photos or videos were okay but everything else wasn't because Toh didn't want to create fake hope for himself and end up like one of those crazy stalkers.
So, he decided to tell his friends his decision and ask for their help in curving down his obsession for Nuea.
"Guys, I need help" Toh says one time they are having dinner in their favorite restaurant
"Did your crush notice you?" Daisy asks excited
"Sadly no" Toh says and Daisy sighs sadly at that
"Do you need help studying for something or doing some work?" Jao asks and Toh shakes his head negatively
"Then?" Som asks looking at Toh curious
"I want to tone down by obsession/stalkerish behavior when it comes to P'Nuea" Toh says and his friends look surprised and Toh doesn't feel offended because he understands why they are surprised
"Why do you think you need to do that?" Daisy asks once their surprise was gone
"I noticed that I got too much when I started picking up the trash he left behind" Toh says he does understand the disgusting faces his friends make because picking up trash was disgusting
"So you want us to stop you whenever you do anything like that?" Jao asks
"Yes and if you notice that I am taking too many photos and videos of him" Toh answers truthfully
"And what about following him?" Som asks remembering that sometimes Toh follows Nuea
"If his fanclub isn't also following him then stop me" Toh says and his friends nod at that
"We will help you" Jao says smiling at Toh
"Maybe we should start by cleaning your dorm from some things of P'Nuea" Daisy offers
"That is the best start!" Som agrees
"Let's do that after dinner, we can have a sleepover at my dorm too" Toh says grinning and they all start talking about what they should do after cleaning Toh's dorm 'I'm so thankful to have them as my friends...' Toh thinks with a soft smile before giving his own input in the conversation
Always There
"Daisy! My mom got a dress for you!" Toh says entering the room were Daisy and Intouch were staying at and completely ignoring that he interrupted the couple while they were making out
"Mae did?! Show me!" Daisy says getting up from her boyfriend's lap to see the photo "This is beautiful!" Daisy says looking amazed at the dress "But I have no where to use it" she pouts as she is the scholarship kid of their friends group
"Yes, you do" Toh says "Paw has invited you for his birthday party and he expects you to bring your boyfriend for him to meet him" he explains
"Is he sure?" Daisy asks because she knows that someone might say something mean about Toh's father inviting a trans person to his birthday party
"You are family, Daisy" is Toh's only answer and Daisy smiles and hugs her friend at that
'They are so adorable' Intouch thinks '...Even if Toh interrupted me and Daisy' he adds a few seconds later before sighing and going to wrap his arms around his girlfriend and see how the dress that has Daisy so amazed looks like
"Jao! Jao! Jao!" Som calls her friend while entering the garden
"Yes, Som?" Jao asks looking at her as he continues to play with Sky's hair
"P'Mew says he will be free to celebrate my birthday with me this year!" Som says grinning and Jao looks surprised before smiling happily
"Those are amazing news!" Jao says happy for his friend since they knew they could trust Mew and his promises because every time he said he would be there for Som, or one of them, he truly would be there
"He also said he can't wait to meet Tor and present me his own boyfriend" she continues and takes a sit beside Jao and Sky
"Should I warn Tor about it?" Sky asks curious and hoping he wasn't interrupting Jao and Som from something personal since he loved to see his adorable boyfriend bonding with his friends
"Maybe" Som says "P'Mew is a wild card sometimes but I don't think he will be that protective when he knows I'll just copy him when he presents his lover" she explains and Sky hums at that and watches as the two friends go back to talking about Mew and the new series he is filming besides how Mew's company is doing
"I think this might be a bit too much" Daisy says as she looks herself in the mirror
"You look beautiful, Daisy" Som says as she finishes styling Daisy's hair "Right, Tor?" she asks looking at her boyfriend who had been watching Som help Daisy get ready for her date with Intouch
"Yes, Touch will love it" Tor says and Daisy smiles thankfully at him
"Now, let me put some makeup on you and we will be done" Som says turning back to her friend
"There is no ne-" Daisy tries to say but Som stops her
"I don't care, you asked me to help you get ready so just accept it" Som says and Daisy sighs fondly but lets her friend put makeup on her
"Touch will fall in love again with you when he sees you" Som declares once she is done and Daisy blushes a bit at that comment
"Thanks, Som" she thanks her best friend
"No need to thank me, I know you would the same for me" Som says and Daisy smiles at that before giving a quick hug to Som, apologizing to Tor for interrupting his time with his girlfriend and then leaving for her date with her own boyfriend
"This will look amazing on you" Daisy says as she puts a soft pink sweater in front of Jao
"You sure?" Jao asks biting his lip nervously
"Jao, darling, if you don't want to try this you don't have to" Daisy says looking at her friend
"No! I want to!" Jao says quickly "But..." he mumbles pointing to his stomach and Daisy sighed understanding that it was Jao's insecurities getting in the way
"Jao listen to me, you aren't fat and even if you were it is no reason for you to not try or do things" Daisy starts "Don't listen to what those idiots told you, okay? You are amazing and beautiful but if you don't believe me I will call P'Sky and our friends so they can remind you of all that" she adds and Jao smiles shyly
"Thanks Daisy" Jao says and Daisy smiles at him "Let's get six more pieces of clothes and then I will go try them" he says a bit more confident
"That's the spirit!" Daisy says grinning before dragging Jao towards were she saw some clothes she think will look good on him
Toh and Jao were both holding hands while looking nervously at the restaurant in front of them.
Today, they would officially meet their lovers family and neither knew how to feel about it
Sky and Nuea had been asking them to meet their families for a long time and finally the two agreed but in the condition it would happen at the same time so they could be there to help calm down the other.
But now they thought it was a bad idea since they were both really nervous and unsure if this was really a good idea.
"I don't think I can do this" Jao mumbles holding Toh's hand with more strength
"Me neither" Toh mumbles back
"But we promised" Jao says and Toh nods at that before they both took a deep breath
"Let's go" Toh says "No matter what, we have each other" he says trying to encourage both of them to finally enter
With that the two enter the restaurant and ask for the reservation their boyfriends had made to which they are quickly guided to the table where Sky and Nuea are with their families.
"Toh!/Jao!" their boyfriends say the second they notice them and come to them
"P'Sky" Jao says smiling as his boyfriend hugs him
"Hi, P'Nuea" Toh says softly and Nuea kisses his forehead
"Come, our parents are excited to meet you" Sky says grinning and offering his hand to Jao
"And Lam has been telling them how amazing you guys are" Nuea adds teasingly since Lam adored the four friends and talked always highly of them
Toh and Jao shared one more nervous look before grabbing their boyfriends hands and braving into meeting their in-laws.
Thankfully Sky and Nuea's families adored them and slowly the two friends relaxed into the dinner but they knew that even if they had known the outcome before, they would still ask to have the other with them because they would feel much better having one of their friends there.
"Som, I think that is a bit too much of salt" Toh says looking up from the the recipe they had chosen to try and make for their boyfriends
"You sure?" Som asks looking at Toh
"Yeah, we don't want to give them hypertension" Toh says and Som puts the salt down
"What's next?" she asks making her way to beside Toh to look at the recipe
"Uhhh, let's see" Toh mumbles
Slowly, with a few many mistakes, the two the cooking recipe they had chosen and once done they stare at the result unsure.
"This will taste like shit" Som finally says looking at the food they made that didn't look really good
"Yeah" Toh agrees "Wanna bet that P'Nuea and P'Tor will act like it is delicious even if it tastes like shit?" he asks looking at his friend and Som laughs
"Why bet when we both know they will do it, they are whipped for us" Som says and Toh joins her in laughing
"We are still doing it, right?" Toh asks and Som nods
"Of course, we can't lose the chance of teasing them especially after they had to pose with those girls for the school's journal" Som says
"I'm just happy the the girl P'Nuea had to pose with wasn't Prao" Toh comments and Som nods in understanding
"Let's call them here now then" Som decides and with that the two call their boyfriends, excited to see their reaction to the 'delicious' food they had just made
"Should we feel jealous?" Tor asks as he, Nuea, Sky and Intouch watch their lovers dance with each other while ignoring them
"Maybe" Intouch says but telling the truth none of them feels jealous
"I think we got lucky" Sky comments getting raised eyebrow from the other three "Those four are really close and if only one of them hadn't liked us we would be single right now" he explains
"Yes, that's true" Nuea agrees because it is easy to see that those four would do anything for each other and that they were always the priority even after they all got lovers
After that the four boys continued to observe their lovers dance with each other before they finally approached them.
"Touch! Let's dance!" Daisy says smiling and grabbing Touch to drag him to the dancefloor, Touch could only smile and let himself be dragged by his amazing girlfriend
"You too, Tor!" Som says grinning and Tor just smiles before grabbing Som hand so he could finally dance with his beautiful girlfriend
"Do you wanna dance too?" Sky asks Jao but the younger boy shakes his head negatively
"I'm tired and thirsty" Jao says and Sky offer his hand to Jao before guiding his cute boyfriend to where the drinks are
"And you, Toh? What do you want to do?" Nuea asks as he puts an arm around Toh's waist
"Let's go outside for a bit, it is getting a bit stuffy in here" Toh answers with a small smile
"Whatever my pretty boyfriend wants" Nuea says before they make their way outside the room towards the garden
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