#Indian restaurant in Point Cook
wordsinhaled · 2 months
Restaurant owner/chef Charles / Food critic Edwin AU!!!
So, I just thought of this AU and I am so jazzed about it that I need to drop this idea somewhere so it can become a 100k fic I can devour in one sitting asdfhfhfhf
In an ideal world I’d want to offer the floor to someone Desi to run with this idea, or to collab with me on it because I want to do Charles' food and culture and relationship with his mum justice. I’ve only been adjacent to the restaurant business (my family ran a small café for a bit and I worked there, and I have a family member who did culinary school, so).
I just know that this idea has Arrived in my brain and I can’t just let it sit in there unattended, asdjfjfjf
I'm tagging @nix-nihili and @queen-of-hobgobblers 'cause I feel like this will be up your street???
Okay - so Charles and his mum own a small Indian restaurant. It’s a family business and his parents ran it together ("together") before. Charles’ father was incredibly controlling about the menu, their community partners and suppliers, as well as pretty much every other aspect of the business (and their lives, behind the scenes). Now Charles’ father is out of the picture—I'm undecided how this happens, but I just think Charles deserves to live an unfettered life without Mr. Rowland hurting him anymore, tbh.
He gets to rediscover the joy of cooking together with his mum, cooking as freely as he wants and not being held back by his dad's expectations, refreshing the restaurant's menu to feature more authentic versions of the dishes, making connections with new suppliers, redoing the accounting to pay everybody a living wage... Just generally, like, revamping the entire restaurant to be a more joyful place to be that celebrates delicious food and companionship as a form of connection and sharing. Edwin is a food critic who goes to the grand reopening of the restaurant. Edwin likes to write about and document food. He enjoys experiencing a restaurant and its food possibly even more than the tasting of it. He presents like the uptight, exacting sort of food critic restaurants are intimidated by, with his many layers and his bow tie and his posture and his perfect hair, his little notebook and his vintage pocket pen. But inside he just wants to be able to feel some sort of a connection: with the chef through the food (What is the dish trying to tell him?); with the other person at the table—if there is another person, which is so rare.
Family mealtimes for Edwin growing up were distant affairs, overly formal and stilted and coded, minefields for being scrutinized and speaking and acting in only the most acceptable ways; not places to be honest or genuine or to let one's guard down. Certainly not occasions to experience genuine enjoyment. He wants to believe that food, which is so vital to life, and the preparing and the sharing of it, can be different. Positive. Joyous.
Charles gives Edwin a tour of the restaurant when he arrives. Charles is not like a lot of other restaurant owners Edwin has met. He introduces Edwin to his mum and the way he looks at her makes a pang go through Edwin's chest because clearly, they love each other so much, and Edwin may have never had that but just looking at it heals something in him. He's not getting invested, though. (Right?)
Charles' enthusiasm is like, off the charts. He's practically vibrating, to the point where excitement tips over into anxiety, clearly trying to keep it toned down and failing. And Charles is like, "I'm sorry. Just a bit nervous, yeah? I really care about this place. I need it to—I mean. I really want it to do well."
Edwin's heart goes out to him. "Do not worry," he says, softly. "I am not here to hurt you." He doesn't know why he says it but all the tension goes out of Charles, the slightly frantic look goes out of his eyes, and he gives Edwin the brightest smile he thinks he's ever seen. It's a gorgeous smile. Relieved, and carefree, and warm like sunshine.
"D'you want to try some food?" He says it almost conspiratorially, as though this is not Edwin's primary and entire purpose in being here.
Edwin looks around the quiet, empty restaurant. It's cozy and warm with mid-afternoon sunlight streaming in through the windows at the front. Even without any patrons, without the din or bustle of a full dining room, it seems to beckon to foster shared happiness within it. "I was under the impression that I would be partaking of your dinner service this evening," he says delicately, trying to hide that he might actually want nothing better than to never leave here at all, let alone try some food.
"Well, yeah," Charles says, "'course you are. But this is different, innit? Not for the article. Come on, let me cook for you. You look like..." He stops. Perhaps considering if he's about to say too much. His eyes are bright and thoughtful and fixed on Edwin so intently that Edwin doesn't breathe for a moment. "You look like no one's cooked for you in ages." It comes out soft, but firm; as though he knows what he's talking about. Edwin feels like the wind has been knocked out of him.
"No one has ever cooked for me," says Edwin matter-of-factly.
He has no idea what it is about Charles that makes him admit something so honest—although it is not entirely accurate. His family had had a personal chef. Technically speaking, all of Edwin's meals had been cooked for him, until much to his parents' chagrin he went off to a student flat, and culinary school, and began to cook them for himself. But he suspects that no one has ever cooked for him, the way Charles Rowland is offering to now. Properly. Like it means something. Like he is trying to say something through it; unspoken words that Edwin has always wanted to hear.
Let me know you. Let me connect with you. Let me take care of you.
Charles' eyes widen. Clearly, he is trying to process Edwin's bleak admission. "Right," he says, after a beat, as his posture gains something determined; his grin bright and charming. "That settles it, then. I know exactly what I'm going to make you."
And before Edwin can say anything else, he's taking Edwin's hand in his and tugging him towards the kitchen.
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Maternity Leave (part 1/3)
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Summary: Past your due date and feeling desperate, you and Emily try everything you can to start labor.
Pairing: Emily Prentiss/Reader 
Word Count: 1,761
TWs: pregnancy, labor, fluff, comfort
Every day past your due date that you woke up and weren’t in labor caused you to be in an extremely bitter mood.
Your raven-haired wife’s eyes would flutter open to find you curled around your pregnancy pillow, lips furled into a tight frown. Her eyes would crinkle in sympathy, and she’d reach out to comfort you.
By the fifth day, you’d officially had enough. You waited, somewhat impatiently, for your wife to wake up, wanting her to be well-rested. Your back was aching; there were no comfortable positions anymore—not sitting, standing, or lying down—and you felt like you were getting bigger every day.
You’d pushed the blankets off of you long ago—you were too hot these days, so all you could bear to sleep in was a sports bra and underwear—to look at your stretched belly. You rested your hand on it, feeling your daughter shift beneath your touch.
“I love you,” you mumbled, “but you can’t stay in there forever.”
Emily’s hand reached across the bed to rest on top of yours. “Still nothing?”
“Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you,” you said, attempting to shift into a more comfortable position and wincing when you failed.
“Never apologize for that. How do you feel?”
“I love our daughter, but I want her out. Today.”
Emily raised an eyebrow. “Today, huh?”
“I had a lot of time to brainstorm when I wasn’t sleeping, and she’s coming out today.” You couldn’t be swayed.
But you knew your wife loved a challenge, so she sat up with a mischievous smile. “Whatever you want. What’s first?”
Fortunately, you had a specific craving that you hoped would move things along. With assistance from Emily, you sat up, resting your back against the backboard, and rested both of your hands on your ever-expanding belly.
“Baby wants scrambled eggs for breakfast. With extra spicy hot sauce.”
Emily leaned over to give you a peck on the lips before bending down to do the same on your bump.
“Whatever baby wants,” she said, throwing the blankets aside and jumping out of bed.
“I’ll be down in a bit,” you called after her, envious for a time when moving didn’t require quite so much effort.
Slowly, you eased yourself out of bed and threw on the first oversized t-shirt and pair of sweatpants you could find before making your way downstairs to the kitchen, where Emily was already hard at work.
She wasn’t much of a cook, but throughout your pregnancy, she’d mastered scrambled eggs and managed to make them exactly how you wanted.
It had taken you so long to get to the kitchen that breakfast was almost ready by the time you sat down. Emily already set the hot sauce on the table, and you debated the pros and cons of just emptying the bottle directly into your mouth.
But you weren’t quite that desperate yet.
Emily dumped the majority of the scrambled eggs onto your plate before setting a small amount on hers. She set the pan down in the sink and joined you at the table with a kiss on the top of your head.
“What else is on your master plan for today?” Emily said, reaching for the salt and pepper.
You bypassed both and started pouring hot sauce all over your breakfast.
“This,” you said, pointing to your plate. “Then some curb walking to that Indian restaurant for the spiciest spicy curry they will let us leave with. Curb walk back, eat the spicy curry, and if I’m still not in labor, I found some workout videos on YouTube that have comments raving that it sent them into labor.”
“And if you’re still not in labor?” Emily asked through a mouthful of eggs.
You stabbed the plate with more aggression than you’d intended before shoveling in as many eggs as you could fit in your mouth. The hot sauce burned, but you powered through it. Anything to not be pregnant anymore.
“Don’t you dare say that,” you said with a growl.
Emily raised her hands in surrender. “You’re right, I’m sorry.”
You ate your breakfast quickly but with determination. As you chewed each bite, you waited for something to change, but to your disappointment, your plate was finally empty, and you still hadn’t felt anything.
Emily cleared your plates, knowing better than to ask after seeing the look on your face.
No amount of food was enough these days; so despite having just eaten, you were ready for some spicy curry.
Emily threw on some leggings and a t-shirt, tied her hair back into a ponytail, and joined you in the living room. She put on her own tennis shoes before putting yours on for you. You couldn’t remember the last time you could reach your feet.
Though it was only a few blocks’ walk to the restaurant, you could tell Emily was hesitant. If you did go into labor, it would be a long walk back, but that was a risk you were willing to take.
“It’ll be fine,” you reassured her as she held the door open for you.
You fought back annoyance as Emily refused to take her eyes off of you as you walked; you had to remind yourself that she only did it because she loved you to keep yourself from snapping in hormonal rage.
The walk to the restaurant was quick, and you’d placed the order on the way there so you could pick the food up and turn around immediately.
The walk back felt much longer, your body aching all over. But when Emily offered to run home and grab the car, you refused to give in. You would try this, and it would work.
As a reward, when you made it home, Emily rubbed your sore feet as you ate as much spicy curry as your stomach would allow. When your stomach started rebelling, you had to ask Emily to put the rest in the fridge.
You spent the rest of the day relaxing together until you regained enough energy to try the workout videos you’d found. Again, Emily hovered nearby in case you needed her, but you kept your focus on the TV, hyperaware of every sensation in your body, ready for any sign of labor.
But nothing came.
By nightfall, you were exhausted physically and mentally. Tears brimmed in your eyes. You’d come so far, and you couldn’t help but feel like you were failing. You sat on the edge of the bed, holding your belly, and your tears fell onto it.
Emily stepped out of the bathroom to find you a sniffling mess.
“Oh, love,” she said, sitting beside you. “Tell me what I can do.”
You rested your head on her shoulder, tears still flowing. “I’m sorry,” you whimpered. “She should be here by now; I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“Hey, nothing is wrong with you,” she took your hand in hers. “She’ll come when she’s ready.”
You nodded and sniffled, not trusting your voice.
“Will you let me try something? It might help.”
You lifted your head, feeling wary. “What?”
“Stand up for me?”
She got to her feet first, offering you her hands. You took them gratefully, and she pulled you up.
She walked to the wall on the side of your room and pressed her back against it.
“Turn around,” she said.
You obliged, and she pulled you so your back was pressing against her body.
“I’m gonna lift your bump to try and take some of the weight off for you.”
You hesitated. “Are you sure? She’s pretty heavy…”
Emily scoffed. “Have you seen my arms? I’ll be fine.”
You giggled; she was right.
“Ready?” she said, interlocking her fingers and placing them under your bump.
Gently, she lifted your belly, taking the weight from you.
The groan of ecstasy that fell out of your mouth was inhuman; your eyes fluttered shut, and you leaned your head back onto her chest. You could feel Emily’s arms shaking slightly from the weight, but you knew she would never complain. She would bear the weight for however long you needed her to.
Emily kissed the back of your neck. “I love you,” she murmured.
“I love you more,” you echoed in pure bliss.
After a few moments of peace, you knew you couldn’t ask Emily to hold on much longer. “You can set her down,” you whispered, bracing yourself for the weight to return to you.
Gently, she released your belly, and you immediately ached for her to take it away again. Instead, you whipped around and pressed your mouth against hers, hungry for her.
“You know,” Emily said with a giggle as you planted kisses down her neck. “There is one thing we haven’t tried to start your labor…”
She didn’t need to say anything else. You practically leaped into bed, Emily right behind you, stripping her clothes. You climbed under the comforter together, and you took a few minutes to try and maneuver the best way to pleasure your wife, but your belly posed an obstacle. It had been weeks since you’d last felt sexy enough to be intimate, and you hadn’t thought about how much a large belly would get in the way.
“Lay back,” Emily instructed, situating you on a cloud of pillows. You obeyed and felt the closest to comfort you’d felt in weeks.
“Let me take care of you,” she whispered, removing your clothes. When it was just your body and hers, she started biting your ear and planting kisses in a pattern down your body and over your bump.
You shifted a bit, pain lacing through your lower back.
“You okay?” Emily asked.
You nodded. “Keep going; you can’t imagine how that feels.”
With a smirk, Emily teased you, bracing a knee between your legs. You rubbed against her, pleasure building in your core. Even the persistent aching in your back couldn’t pull you out of the moment, this perfect moment where the only things that existed were you and your stunning wife.
“Are you ready for me?” Emily purred.
“Yes, love,” you panted.
“That’s my girl,” she said, parting your thighs with two fingers. You eagerly anticipated her entry, locking your eyes with hers, when you were interrupted by a new sensation. Water trickled down your thighs and onto the bed beneath you, and you sat up with a start.
Emily sat up with you, excitement in her eyes. “Is that…?”
Nervousness blossomed in your chest, quickly eclipsed by excitement. “My water just broke.”
Tag List:
@yena-reyna, @propertyofemilyprentiss, @chaekhan, @obsessedwjill, @mrs-prentiss, @i-lovefandom, @tireddeadgirl, @lez-talk1, @emilyprentiss-ily
Join my tag list!
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glitchedwendigo · 4 months
Rajbow Headcanons:
1. When Raj gets sick, Bowie asks Wayne for information of everything Raj feels when he's sick, and uses that information to do everything he can to help Raj.
2. Raj picks up Bowie's sass to the point he uses it while playing hockey. He's implemented it into his trash talk.
3. When Raj plans dates, they're usually small and simple but mean the most to Bowie. When Bowie plans dates however, he goes all out. Restaurants, spoiling Raj with gifts, taking him to places he's always wanted to go.
4. Bowie's brother is Lightning. (HEADCANON OFC.) When Lightning first met Raj, he didn't approve of him, until he learnt he played sports. Raj and Lightning hang out whenever he stays over at Bowie's house.
5. Bowie learnt to cook Indian food because he knows how much Raj loves it. In return, Raj learnt how to bake because Bowie has a sweet tooth.
6. Raj protects Bowie from spiders and Bowie protects Raj from birds.
7. Raj probably wants to propose to Bowie on an ice rink at one of his most important games.
8. Bowie loves fashion and gets Raj to model all of the clothes he makes. Raj loves it.
9. Bowie is really good at walking in heels and Raj is amazed by it because everytime he tries he falls flat on his face. (Wayne and Raj sometimes steal Bowie's heels and walk around the house like idiots.)
10. Every Halloween, they do matching costumes. They always playfully argue over what they should dress as. Bowie lets Raj win, though.
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thekrows-nest · 11 months
Btw sily questions, but what are Eli's eating habits? What kind of foods does he like? Is he a good cook? Does he cook often or eat out more do you think? Is he very particular with table manners or does it depend on the setting a bit for him? Is there also any foods he straight up does not like? Before i ask too much, broadly what is eli like domestically kinda?
Eliyah is a pretty polite, well mannered eater, and it reeeeeeally bothers him when others aren't. He isn't afraid to point it out or remark on poor dining habits/manners. Including to you/Dove. He would always expect good manners in eating/dining out regardless of the setting. Whether it's a casual cafe or burger joint or a low light dress code restaurant. Obviously though, the fancier the place, the more he would expect of folks to be mindful of the environment.
Generally for foods, he isn't one for foods that are particularly spicy or have a lot of complex flavors going on at once (so generally things like Indian and Thai would be ones he is... not fond of). French and Italian cuisines are his favorites. He straight up doesn't like foods he considers ""weird"", which is essentially anything that the typical white American wouldn't have in their diet. Things like durian, certain dishes of fish, meats and such he will just flat out not eat. So, no, you won't ever see him trying something like balut or chicken feet.
He can cook... fine I guess. It's not AMAZING, but one can still eat it, say it's good (Krow and Luke are DEFINITELY much better cooks than Eliyah is). He vastly prefers eating out in part cause he just doesn't like the prep or clean up. Which kind of segways into how he is domestically, which is to say... Not great lmao. Like yeah he keeps his place clean, does laundry and all, but if he can get someone else to do it, even pay them to, he would rather have that.
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luv-assangiebatch · 9 months
Mendax Undercover - Chapter 8: Charged Gazes and Dropped Hearts
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As the friends met the next day for lunch at their favorite Indian restaurant, Kat decided to surprise them with her interesting news.
“So I slept at Julian’s last night,” she nonchalantly blurted out.
Marilu had just taken a drink of water and immediately spit it out after hearing Kat’s words.  The others reacted with dropped jaws, gasps, and exclamations.  Kat laughed as she waved her hand to clear the mist from Marilu’s reaction.
“I thought you might like that…” she chuckled.  “Honestly though, nothing happened.  We just worked really late, and I ended up falling asleep in his lap at one point.  Then the trams weren’t running anymore so he offered for me to stay in a guest room.  It was quite sweet, actually…”
“In his LAP?!”  Juniper echoed with wide eyes.
“Yeah…you sure nothing happened?” Astrid giggled with a raised eyebrow.
Kat shook her head adamantly.  “No, no, no… I mean, yes I dozed off and collapsed and my head landed in his lap somehow…and he just…let me sleep I guess?  When I woke up I was beyond embarrassed—but he seemed to find it amusing…”
“I dunno about this…you two seem to have some peculiar connection…” Marilu mused.
“Yes, I keep saying he doesn’t talk to anyone else the way he talks to her,” Juniper confirmed.
“Well, I think it’s sweet he offered up his guestroom to you to stay in because it was late.  It’s a bit romantic, isn’t it?”  Bethany added, beaming with optimism.
“He also let me wear some of his clothes to sleep in, you know, just like a t-shirt and comfy pants…”
“Oh that’s so sweet!” Bethany exclaimed, bringing her hand to her heart.  “What a gentleman!”
“Yes, that is a bit familiar, isn’t it?” Marilu pondered.  “Intimate…”
“By the way, do any of you know what ‘The Pirate Bay’ is?” Kat asked.
“It’s a BitTorrent website where people can go to download media, like movies and songs, for free.”  Marilu answered.  “Why do you ask?”
“Oh well, that’s what was on the shirt he let me borrow…I was just curious what it was…” Kat blushed, feeling a little foolish for having to ask the question.
“So how did this morning go?  Did you come to work together?” Bethany asked before taking a bite of her paneer tikka masala.
“Oh…well…” Kat began while she tore her naan into a few single bite pieces.  “I haven’t seen him yet today…I left this morning before he woke up…”  she lowered her head a little, as if she were ashamed.
The four friends gasped almost in unison.  Kat responded with a flustered shrug.
“Well I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do!  I had to get home so I could get ready for work…and I still felt a little embarrassed over the whole thing…I wasn’t sure if I could face him…and have him see me all a mess in the morning…”
“Awe, I don’t think he would have minded any of that one bit!  You worry way too much,” Bethany responded, hoping to reassure her friend.
“Yes, maybe he would have cooked you breakfast or something!” Astrid added, reaching for more rice.
“Oh I dunno…maybe…” Kat shook her head a little.
“I don’t know how you don’t see it—he likes you!  Why else would he let you sleep in his lap and stay at his place overnight?  It’s so obvious!” Juniper exclaimed with bright eyes and a hopeful smile.  “You guys would be really cute together!”
Kat couldn’t conceal her beaming as her face flushed with a little heat, which was not caused by the spices in her delicious meal.
“That is definitely a thought that lives rent free in my head quite often…but ugh, I just don’t know… I think it might be easier if we didn’t work together and he wasn’t in such a high position…”  Kat sighed as she paused for a moment.  “Anyway enough about me and Mr. VP…what else have you all been up to for the past week?
“Oooh, well something I haven’t told you guys yet…is I have recently started archery lessons…” Juniper shared, reaching for their mango lassi and giving it a stir.
The table directed their attention to Juniper with enthusiastic surprise.
“Archery?!  That is so cool!” Bethany exclaimed.
“Yeah definitely!” Kat confirmed.  “How did I not hear about this sooner?”
“How is that, is it difficult?” Marilu asked.
Juniper nodded and smiled, acknowledging all of the reactions.  “Well, you know my affinity for all things outdoorsy and adventurous, and, well, I just thought this sounded like fun—like a new adventure.  It is difficult, a little awkward, but the instructor seems to think I have a bit of a natural knack for it…”  Juniper began to blush a little when they mentioned the instructor.
The friends were intrigued and wanted to know more about the archery in general, but also picked up on Juniper’s reserved giddiness over this instructor.
“So this instructor…” Astrid began.  “What are they like?”
Juniper smiled as their eyelashes fluttered for a moment.  “Well, the instructor is very skilled, I mean I guess that is why he is the instructor…”
“He?” Astrid raised an eyebrow. 
Juniper fidgeted a bit, feeling a little shy at first but eventually obliged the questions and told their friends all about the instructor.  He was an Irishman with long, thick, and wavy brown hair with some lightly tamed scruff about his face.  His eyes were also of a dark chestnut color, but they were kind and warm.  His name was Killian, fitting of his Irish background, but most people called him Kili for short. He was brawny like a lumberjack but also had a grace about him, as if he were a descendant of Mother Nature herself.  Juniper found themselves to be quite taken by Kili’s talent and kind-hearted soul.  He was soft-spoken and quite playful at times, which made his class quite popular.  Juniper often wondered what it might be like to go on a camping adventure with him in the Swiss mountains sometime.
“Well this is exciting…you should invite him out sometime so we can meet him!” Bethany cheered.
“Yeah maybe…” Juniper began.  “Or you could come and observe a class, too.  See him in action.  He is really something!”
“Does someone have a bit of a crush?” Astrid inquired with a smirk.
Juniper shook their head. “Agh, I dunno…m-maybe a little…but I’m just really enjoying the class right now and learning from him.  Besides, I don’t really know what his story is, if he is single or any of that…”
“Well there is always time to figure that out…how many more classes do you have with him?”  Kat asked.
Juniper took a sip of water as they finished up their lunch before responding.  “This class is a 12 week class, twice a week, and I just started a couple weeks ago.  I think he teaches more advanced classes as well.  He also competes in those axe throwing competitions…”
“Oh yeah, those are really popular right now!” Marilu noted.
“Yeah!  So I suppose that is my news for now,” Juniper concluded.
“I think it’s cool you just signed up for archery…I mean how random!  But also exciting.  I’d like to see you do that sometime,” Kat added.
The rest of the table responded in kind, and Juniper really appreciated the support.
“What about you, Astrid?  You always have intriguing tales for us,” Bethany inquired.
“Ah yes, you know…the rich doctors and businessmen…they are all the same.  Although last night, I did meet a somewhat peculiar man…”
Marilu tilted their head inquisitively. “Peculiar—howso?”
“Well…” Astrid smiled as she gestured with her hand dramatically.  “He was a bit of a wallflower at the bar, you know…just gawking in the shadows.  He had a typical upper-crusty look due to his attire but there was something about his face…something that seemed a little….dark.”
“Ermm…sounds like a serial killer…” Bethany giggled.
“Yes…he was dark and mysterious, but I didn’t get this sense that he was harmful in any way…” Astrid continued.
“Well did you talk to him?”  Kat asked.
“I did.  He had a very refined British accent, soft-spoken.  He is a doctor, of course…but quite different than the other doctors I’ve met.  He’s a forensic pathologist by training.”
The table gasped.  “Forensic pathologist?  How cool!  I wonder if he has a skull in his office…” Juniper smiled as they folded their hands and tapped their fingertips together just under their chin.
“Yes…so, it takes a special type of person to do that sort of work, no?  A dark and twisted soul, “ Astrid mused, finishing up her drink.
“I dunno, “ Kat shrugged.  “I mean, I’ve worked with pathologists and assisted on autopsies, and they are pretty normal.  Family men and such.  However that was just surgical pathology, not forensic.”
“Yeah, think of all the heinous crimes he may have seen throughout training, “ Juniper added.  “But the crime might be worse in the US or England, rather than here in Basel?”
“I definitely think he has seen some stuff, probably when he trained in London,” Astrid theorized.  “We didn’t talk too much about that though.  He was charming, he bought me drinks and treated me like a lady…”
“And did you dominate him later, put him in his place?” Marilu asked.  The rest of the table giggled.
Astrid shook her head though.  “Nope, not this time.  I offered, but he declined.”
“Has that actually ever happened to you before?” Bethany asked with genuine surprise.
“No—and this is what intrigues me.  He did however, ask for my phone number, so I gave that to him.  I think there is an interesting man in there—something deeper, more profound than these others who are so easily toyed with it’s sickening…” Astrid sighed.
“Did you get his name?” Kat asked.
“What does he look like?” Bethany followed.
Astrid shared that the man’s name was Alister and he was a man of medium height and build with pale skin, freckles, and ginger hair that was tied back in a low ponytail.
“Hey, ginger…!” Juniper raised their glass in a humorous manner which gained a round of chuckles from the table.
By this time, the friends had finished their lunch and needed to make their way back to the office.
*   *   *
After lunch, Kat settled back into her desk and unlocked her computer as she prepared to finish the second half of the workday.  Just as she had opened a case and began reviewing all of the detected variants listed, a mysterious black chat window popped up on her adjacent monitor.  It was like the one she received from Julian just the day before.
<jjj>: Kitty-Kat
Kat’s heart dropped into her stomach as she saw this message, both excited to receive another message from Julian but also worried she may have upset him by leaving without seeing him earlier.  As she pondered a response, she noted in the lower left hand corner of the screen she could update the chat handle that appeared for herself.  She smirked as she took a subtly flirtatious step, wondering if Julian would pick up on it.
<kkk>: Hi Julian!
<jjj>: Can you drop by my office?
<kkk>: Of course!  On my way now…
Kat sighed as she locked her computer again, feeling her face flush with warmth and her palms starting to glisten.  She took a quick sip of water to help calm her excitement before standing up and heading toward Julian’s office.  Once she arrived, she knocked on the door lightly before popping her head inside.
“Hey, Julian…?”
Julian looked up from the monitors at his desk and grinned once he saw Kat, and motioned for her to enter.  She nodded and walked inside, shutting the door behind her.
“Hi Kitty…” he said softly with a smile as she sat down in one of the chairs on the other side of his desk.  “So you must have left early this morning, I was surprised to see you were gone already when I got up.  Did you sleep okay?”
“Oh, yes I did—very well in fact!  I just had to get up so early so I could get home and get ready before work.”
Julian nodded, his blue zircon eyes shining warmly.  “I understand.  I should have given you the number to the driving service to come get you…”
Kat smiled, trying not to blush or fidget too much.  “Oh it’s okay, thank you though—and thank you again for letting me stay there last night.  I still can’t believe I just fell asleep on you like that!”
Julian nodded with an amused smile.  “It’s quite alright…I had a nice time.”  His eyes gazed at her before he blinked softly.  This look made her heart race a little faster.
Kat lightly batted her eyelashes before responding.  “I—I had a nice time too…”
They continued to share a charged gaze before Kat spoke again.
“By the way…I meant to ask you about the driver…and while we’re at it, the mysterious chat window…?”
Julian chuckled with another nod.  “Well I can’t give away all my secrets now, can I?”
Kat giggled, very much enjoying the flirtatious banter.  “Something tells me you have more…”
Julian returned a smile but then seemed to pause and tense up for a moment.  He did have a lot of secrets, especially one big serious one, so he thought it might be best to try and change the subject.  He pursed his lips and sighed briefly before delivering his next response.
“The driving service is just a company benefit.  The chat window, well…”  Julian bit his bottom lip for a second before continuing.  “Let’s just say I like my privacy and because I know my way around computer networks I found a way to create an instant chat that is not monitored by our IT department…”
Kat blinked a few times, intrigued.  “You really worry about IT looking at your chats?  They’re so harmless…”
“Yes, you’re probably right… call it an old hacker habit.  Sometimes it’s just fun to do it because you can.”
“Hacker, huh…?”  Julian’s mystique and dreamy good looks were driving Kat mad inside.  Every time she talked to him the attraction got stronger.
Julian internally scolded himself for letting out another juicy secret, but he did feel comfortable around Kat and believed her to be trustworthy.  However, he still wanted to remain cautious.
“Yes, well…you know—all ten year old gamers think of themselves as hackers,” he chuckled, diffusing the disclosure.  “Anyway, I asked you in here because I have some good news regarding our project.  I think I’ll have a better idea toward the end of the week, but I think we are almost ready to start validation!”
“Oh, that’s such exciting news, really?”  Kat was ecstatic.
Julian nodded with a wide grin, then swooped his hair behind his ears.
“Yeah…I will need to spend the rest of this week helping out with the pipeline issues the blood assay has been having, but I may have some time by Friday afternoon to put the final touches on this and take it for a test spin.  Think you’ll be available then?”
“Oh definitely, Friday is perfect.  I can’t wait to see how this turns out!  What time works best for you?”
Julian rolled his chair back toward his monitors to look at his calendar.
“Hmm…probably 4 or 5…”
“How about 430 then?” Kat suggested.
Julian leaned back toward her and flashed another one of his charming grins.  “Perfect.  I’ll see you then.  Thanks Kitty-Kat.”
Kat felt as if she were going to melt right there in his chair.  His smiles, those mysterious zircon eyes, his velvety-caramel voice—they all gave her the warmest shivers throughout her body and she was addicted.  The chemistry was so strong she pondered that he must have felt it too, and started to believe that maybe her friends were right after all, that he might have feelings for her as well.  The chemistry would not be so strong otherwise.
“Thank you, Julian…so much!  I will see you Friday!”
“Yes…if things go the way I think they will, we may have a reason to celebrate.”
Kat tried to control her giddiness as she stood up from the chair and prepared to exit his office.
“I certainly hope so, wouldn’t that be something?”
“Yes…” Julian mumbled quietly as Kat made her way toward his office door.  “Oh hey Kitty—” he added quickly.
“Yes?”  She turned around as she held the doorknob in her hand.
“Nice chat handle…it suits you,” he quipped along with another charming grin.
Kat’s heart dropped into her stomach again before it was picked up by a swarm of butterflies.  She chucked nonchalantly, looking away shyly before meeting his eyes once again. 
“I’m glad you think so,” she whispered.
They both stared at each other for another charged moment before Kat finally broke the gaze and quietly walked out of the door.
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pcttrailsidereader · 2 months
How Your Backpacking Meals Are Really Made
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By Emily Pennington (excerpted from the July 14, 2024 article in Backpacker)
A faint whiff of cumin and cracked black pepper serenades my nostrils, reminiscent of the Indian spice markets I once visited in my mid-twenties. Only, I’m not in South Asia, or even the back storeroom of a hip Thai restaurant; I’m in my hometown of Boulder, Colorado, touring the massive factory where Backpacker’s Pantry meals are made.
My host for the morning is Soraya Smith, the company’s president and recipe-development chef. Smith, who had always been involved on the recipe side of American Outdoor Products (the parent organization of Backpacker’s Pantry) took over as president after her husband, Rodney, died in a tragic ski accident in 2020. She’s been the face of the family-owned corporation ever since.
“I’m from a foodie family,” explained Smith. “My mom is Spanish-Italian, and my father is from Iran, so we’re very multicultural. I also went to Culinary School of the Rockies before stepping into this role.”
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Our first stop was the test kitchen, where Smith pulled different dry ingredients together to experiment with new recipe ideas. To be totally honest, the various plastic bags she grabbed out of a large bin looked more like the Parmesan cheese packets you’d get for free with your pizza delivery than high-quality foodstuffs. But therein contained the secrets to my favorite post-hike meals: proprietary flavorings and mixes, which Backpacker’s Pantry makes with freeze-dried ingredients.
As we entered the factory’s enormous storeroom, I asked Smith for a refresher: What exactly is freeze drying?
Freeze-drying technology was used extensively by NASA during the space boom of the 1960s. Since freeze-dried food retains more than 90 percent of its original nutrients, it’s the best way to keep astronauts stocked with nutritious food. Better yet, the food can last for years without going bad.
When an ingredient is freeze-dried, it’s brought to an inhospitable -60°F, then back above freezing multiple times while inside a vacuum chamber. That way, only the ingredient’s water content is removed. “Some companies make a large sheet of, say, lasagna, cook it, and then dehydrate it,” Smith said. “We, on the other hand, mix each of our freeze-dried ingredients into the bag, so that when you add that boiling water, most of them are getting cooked for the first time. It’s fresher, and I think it has a better texture.”
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Once workers grab individual ingredients from the palettes in the store room, they go to the dedicated mixing room, where seasonings and starches are stirred together in large tubs. The room looks like a sterile, high-tech scene out of Willy Wonka.
Here, Smith points out that the brand adheres to a strict allergen separation system. For instance, a recipe with gluten won’t get run through the machines on the same day as a gluten-free recipe to protect customers with gluten intolerances. Ditto for dairy products. (Workers clean the machines thoroughly at the end of each day by passing them through a chrome-covered, bedroom-sized industrial dishwasher.)
After mixing, the meals are mechanically portioned out by category—sauce, starch, meat, and vegetable—then sealed by hand. Workers sample the meals throughout the day, preparing a baggie to taste-test at the beginning, middle, and end of each run. The goal is to ensure the flavors remain consistent throughout. Forks and counter space are set aside in the test kitchen for this specific purpose. If something doesn’t taste right, they ditch the batch and correct it.
The Backpacker’s Pantry factory produces thousands of meals each day. Once the day’s meals get sealed, boxed, and quality checked, they head into a gigantic storeroom, which then ships the products to big retailers, like REI, as well as directly to consumers.
As I closed the huge warehouse doors behind me and concluded my tour, I was surprised to feel tremendously better about all that just-add-water food I’d been eating. The ingredients were both fresher than I’d imagined and more rigorously quality-checked. Ninety percent of their original nutrients, huh? Heck, maybe I’ll toss a couple under my desk to eat in the office.
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deeptixbhandari · 11 months
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FULL NAME : Deepti Bhandari ALIAS : AGE : 34 DATE  OF  BIRTH : January 5th, 1989 HOMETOWN : Dehli, India TIME IN EAST HAVEN : Since 2005 RESIDENCE : Claret Park FACECLAIM : Deepika Padukone trigger warning: huntington disorder, bullying
EDUCATION : Business and Management OCCUPATION : Co-Owner and Manager at House of Dehlicasies GENDER : Cis-Female PRONOUNS : She/Her SEXUALITY : Bisexual RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single HAIR COLOUR : Brown/Black EYE  COLOUR : Hazel brown HEIGHT : 5'7" /171 cm BUILD : Slim ACCENT : American with a hint of Indian LANGUAGES : Hindi, English, Punjabi Urdu TATTOOS : Butterfly tattoo on her neck SCENT: Olympea by Paco Rabanne. ZODIAC : Capricorn LOVE LANGUAGE : Words of affirmation, quality time. CLOTHING: Classy, Business Chique HAIR STYLE:  ( x )
CONDITIONS : Huntington Syndrome ALLERGIES : Strawberries EXERCISE HABITS : Yoga and Pilates SLEEPING HABITS : Uses two pillows and a side pilow, side sleeper. ADDICTIONS : None DRUG  USE : None ALCOHOL USE : Occasionally
POSITIVE  TRAITS : Clever, Hard-working, mature NEGATIVE TRAITS : Resentful, blunt, distant PHOBIAS : Athazagoraphobia FEARS : Starting to forget HOBBIES : knitting, puzzles, pilates HABITS : mimicks sounds on the radio or tv. USUAL DEMEANOUR : Composed.
FATHER : Zahir Bhandari MOTHER : Jiya Bhandari SIBLINGS : four siblings. PARTNERS : None CHILDREN : None PETS : None.
Deepti was born in a loving family back in busy Dehli. Her father Zahir, took over the reins of his family restaurant that he ran with his wife, Jiya. Her parents were barely in their twenties when Deepti was born, bringing much joy and happiness to their family, which only grew from that point. Deepti is able to say she counts four siblings, which made for a crowded and very crowded household. In Dehli, Deepti remembers having been the most happy. Looking back fondly to the festivals, the temples she visited with her family. The community and way of life was one she thought she would never have to miss. But when she was sixteen, Deepti’s parents decided to move out of the country for political reasons, and she had to say goodbye to her dear Dehli.
They settled down in Providence Peak, Colorado. A place that barely resembled her old neighbourhood, her own home. Her father had made enough with his restaurant that they were able to settle in a house large enough for the seven of them, even starting a new restaurant within the town’s center: the House of Dehlicasies, a name chosen by her brother who always did love a good pun. Having to finish ‘high school’ in the USA was strange to say the least, and after discussion between her parents and the school she, along with her other siblings, would have to redo a whole year to acclimatize to their new surroundings. Deepti didn’t mind, feeling rather overwhelmed by everything and everyone. Having to survive in the American system definitely hardened Deepti, who along with her siblings were often the target for bullying due to their accents, the fact they had their father’s homemade cooking to school and the fact they weren’t as sharp to American customs and sayings as their peers were. Going to college, Deepti definitely adjusted, standing her ground and not letting anything drag her down. She didn’t have a lot of friends but the few she did create are ones to last a lifetime.  
Deepti graduated college in a degree for business and management, always having been great with schedules and numbers. She worked for numerous of companies through her life; ranging from law firms to an accountant firm and even for the government at some point, which is where she met Lewis Negan, a gallant officer in the U.S. Army who swept Deepti off her feet. Out of the flings and short relationships she had, she never pictured herself to be able to fall as hard as this. It didn’t take them long to get engaged, getting him as far as to want to settle in Providence Peak so she could be close with her family, which was a good call.
Her mother began to forget things, and not in a way where she couldn’t find her keys or mixed up the names of her children, but important chunks of information. When the twitching in her hand started, Zahir took her to the hospital where she was diagnosed with Huntington’s disease. This being an inherited disorder, Zahir and Jiya brought their children up to speed as soon as possible, leaving it to each of them to get tested or not. Deepti decided to do so, and was faced with the horrible truth that she was indeed a carrier of the mutation, meaning that she would start showing symptoms between 35 and 55 years old. Being thirty-four, Deepti felt her clock had begun to ran out at a rapid pace. She hoped for the support of her Lewis, but not being able to deal with the idea of having to take care of his wife at an early age, Lewis decided to end their engagement and left Providence Peak.
For the last year, Deepti has put her energy into renovating her home that she now inhabits alone. She’s also quit her job so that she can help her father run the restaurant and is working there fulltime so he can spend time with his wife. Deepti has definitely become bitter about the newfound information of her health and the inevitable ending of her life. Why make memories when in the end she will forget them after after all? With her 35th birthday coming closer, Deepti definitely feels like she is spiraling.
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akshaymehndiratta · 2 years
Akshay Mehndiratta - 5 best street food places in delhi that every foodies must visit
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Akshay Mehndiratta - Delhi is the capital city of India and a paradise for food lovers. The city is known for its vibrant street food culture, offering an incredible variety of delicious dishes that are perfect for a quick bite or a leisurely snack. Here are the 5 best street food places in Delhi that every foodie must visit:
Chandni Chowk
Akshay Mehndiratta says, Chandni Chowk is the heart of Old Delhi and is considered as the birthplace of Indian street food. The narrow lanes of this area are filled with hundreds of street food vendors selling mouth-watering delicacies such as Paranthas, Chaat, Kachoris, Jalebis, and many more. One of the most famous street food shops in Chandni Chowk is the Paranthe Wali Gali. Here, you can savor piping hot Parathas stuffed with a variety of fillings such as paneer, potatoes, and even rabri. Other famous eateries in Chandni Chowk include Kuremal Mohan Lal Kulfi Wale, which is famous for its delectable kulfis and Karim's, which serves the best Mughlai cuisine in the city.
Khan Market
Khan Market is a posh locality in Delhi that is known for its high-end shops and designer boutiques. However, it is also home to some of the best street food places in the city. The market has a wide variety of eateries that offer delicious snacks such as Chole Bhature, Momos, and Kathi Rolls. According to Akshay Mehndiratta, One of the most popular street food shops in Khan Market is the Khan Chacha's. This place is famous for its succulent and juicy kebabs that are served with a generous helping of mint chutney. Other must-try eateries in Khan Market include The Big Chill Cafe, which is famous for its lip-smacking desserts and Cafe Turtle, which serves a delectable range of sandwiches, wraps, and salads.
Lajpat Nagar
Lajpat Nagar is a popular shopping destination in Delhi that is also famous for its street food. The market has several street food vendors selling a variety of snacks such as Chole Bhature, Samosas, and Dahi Bhallas. However, the highlight of Lajpat Nagar's street food scene is the Momo's Point. This small eatery is famous for its mouth-watering momos that are served with a spicy red sauce. Other popular eateries in Lajpat Nagar include the Khandani Pakode Wala, which is famous for its crispy and delicious pakoras and the Dolma Aunty Momos, which is a hidden gem that serves some of the best momos in the city.
Connaught Place
Connaught Place is a popular shopping and entertainment hub in Delhi that is also famous for its street food. The market has a wide range of eateries that offer delicious snacks such as Chole Bhature, Golgappas, and Kathi Rolls. However, the highlight of Connaught Place's street food scene is the legendary Kuremal Mohan Lal Kulfi Wale. This iconic shop is famous for its delectable kulfis that come in a variety of flavors such as Mango, Paan, and Rose. Other must-try eateries in Connaught Place include Wenger's Deli, which is famous for its mouth-watering pastries and sandwiches, and the Haldiram's, which is a popular eatery that serves delicious Indian snacks.
Jama Masjid
Jama Masjid is one of the most famous mosques in India and is located in the heart of Old Delhi. The area around the mosque is famous for its street food and is home to several eateries that offer delectable snacks such as Kebabs, Biryani, and Nihari. Akshay Mehndiratta says, One of the most famous eateries in Jama Masjid is the Karim's, which is an iconic restaurant that has been serving Mughlai cuisine for over 100 years. The restaurant is famous for its mouth-watering kebabs, biryanis, and curries that are cooked in traditional style. Other must-try eateries in Jama Masjid include the Aslam Butter Chicken, which is a small eatery that serves some of the best butter chicken in the city and the Haji Mohd. Hussain Fried Chicken, which is famous for its crispy and succulent fried chicken.
According to Akshay Mehndiratta, Delhi's street food scene is not just about the food, but it's also about the ambiance and the vibe of the place. Most of these street food places are located in narrow alleys and lanes, which add to the charm of the place. The aroma of the spices and the sizzling sounds of the food being cooked on the street-side grills create an unforgettable experience that every foodie must try.
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zamindars · 3 days
Experience Authentic South Indian Cuisine at Zamindars Hyderabad
If you're on the hunt for an exceptional dining experience that showcases the rich and diverse culinary heritage of South India, look no further than Zamindars Hyderabad. This premier South Indian restaurant promises a memorable feast for your taste buds, combining traditional flavors with modern comfort. In this article, we’ll delve into what makes Zamindars Hyderabad stand out as the go-to destination for authentic South Indian cuisine.
Unveiling the Essence of South Indian Cuisine
Zamindars Hyderabad is more than just a restaurant; it's a celebration of South Indian culture and culinary traditions. South Indian cuisine is renowned for its rich, diverse flavors and distinctive ingredients. From the tangy tamarind and fresh curry leaves to the robust spices and aromatic coconut, the dishes at Zamindars Hyderabad offer a true taste of the region.
A Menu That Celebrates Tradition
At Zamindars Hyderabad, the menu is a testament to the depth and variety of South Indian cooking. Whether you're a fan of spicy curries, crispy dosas, or fragrant biryanis, this South Indian restaurant has something to satisfy every palate.
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Breakfast Delights
Start your day with a traditional South Indian breakfast at Zamindars Hyderabad. Try the classic idli and sambar, fluffy steamed rice cakes served with a tangy lentil stew. Another favorite is the��dosa, a crispy crepe made from fermented rice and lentils, served with a variety of chutneys and sambar.
Lunch Extravaganza
For lunch, indulge in a variety of options that highlight the essence of South Indian cooking. The thali at Zamindars Hyderabad is a must-try—a platter featuring a selection of curries, rice, chapati, and accompaniments that offer a comprehensive taste of South Indian flavors. Each dish is meticulously prepared to ensure the perfect balance of spices and ingredients.
Dinner Specials
In the evening, Zamindars Hyderabad transforms into a vibrant hub for dinner. Savor rich, creamy curries such as korma or chettinad, known for their bold flavors and aromatic spices. The restaurant’s biryani—a fragrant rice dish layered with marinated meat or vegetables—is a highlight of the dinner menu, offering a blend of spicy, savory, and slightly sweet notes.
An Ambiance That Complements the Cuisine
The atmosphere at Zamindars Hyderabad is designed to enhance your dining experience. The restaurant features a warm and inviting decor that reflects the elegance and charm of South Indian culture. Traditional elements, such as wooden furnishings and colorful artwork, create a setting that is both comfortable and culturally immersive.
Commitment to Quality and Authenticity
At Zamindars Hyderabad, quality is paramount. The chefs are dedicated to using only the freshest ingredients and traditional cooking techniques to ensure each dish is prepared to perfection. The restaurant’s commitment to authenticity is evident in every bite, from the carefully sourced spices to the expertly cooked dishes.
A Feast for Every Occasion
Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply enjoying a casual meal with friends and family, Zamindars Hyderabad is the perfect venue. The restaurant offers a range of dining options, including private dining rooms for intimate gatherings and larger spaces for celebrations. The attentive staff is always on hand to provide excellent service and ensure your dining experience is nothing short of exceptional.
Explore the Best of South Indian Cuisine
For those who haven’t yet experienced the delights of South Indian cuisine, Zamindars Hyderabad is an ideal starting point. The restaurant’s diverse menu and commitment to authenticity make it a top choice for anyone looking to explore the rich flavors and culinary traditions of the South.
Visit Zamindars Hyderabad Today
If you’re craving a taste of South India, make your way to Zamindars Hyderabad and indulge in an unforgettable dining experience. Whether you’re a local or just passing through, this South Indian restaurant is a must-visit destination for anyone who appreciates genuine, flavorful cuisine.
In conclusion, Zamindars Hyderabad stands out as a premier South Indian restaurant, offering an authentic and delightful dining experience. From its diverse menu to its inviting atmosphere, it’s the perfect place to enjoy the rich flavors and traditions of South Indian cooking. Visit today and embark on a culinary journey you won’t soon forget.
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desichatkai · 8 days
Discover the Best Indian Takeaway in Tarneit: Desichatka.com.au
If you’re in Tarneit and have a craving for authentic Indian cuisine, look no further than Desi Chatka, your go-to destination for the finest Indian takeaway. Offering a perfect blend of traditional flavors, rich spices, and mouthwatering dishes, Desi Chatka brings the vibrant taste of India right to your doorstep. Whether you’re seeking a quick lunch, a hearty dinner, or a special meal for the family, this takeaway service provides a delightful culinary experience every time.
A Culinary Journey Through India
At indian catering point cook melbourne the menu offers a wide range of dishes that capture the essence of India’s diverse regional cuisines. From the spicy flavors of North India to the savory delights of the South, each dish is expertly prepared using high-quality ingredients and authentic spices.
Some popular options include:
Butter Chicken: A creamy and rich curry made with tender chicken, marinated in a blend of aromatic spices and slow-cooked to perfection.
Rogan Josh: A classic Kashmiri dish, this lamb curry is known for its deep, flavorful sauce made with yogurt, spices, and tender meat.
Vegetable Biryani: Fragrant basmati rice cooked with fresh vegetables, saffron, and a medley of spices for a hearty and satisfying meal.
Paneer Tikka: Perfect for vegetarians, this dish features marinated paneer (Indian cottage cheese) grilled to perfection with vibrant spices.
Samosas: Crispy pastry pockets stuffed with spiced potatoes and peas, a must-have side for any meal.
Why Choose Desi Chatka?
Authentic Taste
Desi Chatka is dedicated to preserving the traditional flavors of Indian cuisine. The chefs use time-honored recipes and techniques, ensuring each dish is bursting with flavor.
Fresh Ingredients
Each dish at Desi Chatka is made with fresh, high-quality ingredients, ensuring a healthy and tasty meal. From the vegetables to the spices, everything is carefully selected to bring out the best flavors.
Convenient Takeaway Options
Whether you’re hosting a dinner party or simply want to enjoy a cozy meal at home, Desi Chatka offers fast and convenient takeaway services. You can order directly from their website, Desichatka.com.au, and have your favorite Indian dishes ready for pickup or delivered to your door in no time.
Variety for All Diets
The extensive menu caters to all dietary preferences, including vegetarian and gluten-free options. This makes Desi Chatka an ideal choice for everyone, regardless of dietary restrictions.
A Local Favorite in Tarneit
With a growing reputation for its delicious food and excellent service, Indian restaurant point cook has quickly become a local favorite in Tarneit. Customers rave about the consistent quality of the dishes, the generous portion sizes, and the affordable prices. Whether you're new to Indian cuisine or a seasoned fan, Desi Chatka offers something for every palate.
Order Now and Satisfy Your Cravings
For those seeking an authentic Indian food experience in Tarneit, Desi Chatka is the place to go. With their user-friendly website, desichatka.com.au, ordering your favorite Indian takeaway is just a few clicks away. Treat yourself to the vibrant and aromatic dishes that make Indian cuisine so beloved worldwide.
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themanorhousehotels · 11 days
Unwind in Luxury: Top Hotels in Rajpur Road Dehradun by themanorhousehotels
Introduction: Experience the Charm of Dehradun
Tucked up in the foothills of towering Himalayas, Dehradun is city that skillfully combines the vibrant energy of the city with the splendor of natural world. Travelers from all over world come to Dehradun because of its beautiful scenery, great climate, & rich cultural legacy. Whether you're coming for a family holiday or peaceful retreat, having the ideal lodging is essential to an amazing time. One of city's most sought-after locales is Rajpur Road, busy neighborhood that delivers easy access to the city's fascinations without sacrificing a calm atmosphere. If you’re looking for hotels in Rajpur Road Dehradun, themanorhousehotels stands out as an brilliant choice.
Why Choose Rajpur Road for Your Stay in Dehradun?
The center of Dehradun is Rajpur Road, which is well-known for its lively environment, fine dining options, & convenient access to city's topmost attractions. If you stay in this location, you'll always be close sufficient to peace & quiet of nature, without being too distant from the action. Here's why Rajpur Road becomes ideal starting point for your trip everywhere Dehradun:
1. Central Location
Because of Rajpur Road's beneficial location, visitors may easily visit Dehradun's most important sites. Rajpur Road offers convenient admission to several sites, such as well-known Forest Research Institute, picturesque Robber's Cave, & Platen Bazaar mall.
2. Natural Beauty
Rajpur Road is brilliant with rich flora & breath-taking views of surrounding mountains despite being a busy location. Numerous hotels in this region offer accommodations with extensive Himalayan views, so visitors can enjoy daily sunrises overlooking splendour of natural world.
3. Dining and Shopping
A selection of Dehradun's top eateries, cafes, and retail stores can be found on Rajpur Road. There is something for every taste in neighbourhood, from sophisticated dining to street food. The route is a shoppers' haven since it is dotted with malls, boutiques, & handicraft stores.
4. Convenience with the Airport
If you're flying in, Rajpur Road is conveniently located for both business & family travellers as Jolly Grant Airport is only short drive away. If you're searching 5 star hotels in Dehradun near airport for family, The Manor House Hotels offers opulent lodging that meets all of your needs.
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Luxurious Stays at themanorhousehotels: Your Perfect Retreat in Dehradun
Themanorhousehotels is a name that is synonymous with elegance, coziness, and first-rate service when it comes to hotels on Rajpur Road in Dehradun. The following factors make the Manor House Hotels the best option for your stay:
1. Exquisite Accommodations
Themanorhousehotels provide variety of exquisitely furnished rooms and suites, all of which are intended to maximize comfort & relaxation. You will be able to discover lodging that meets your needs whether you are traveling alone, with partner, or with your family. The rooms offer ample space, tasteful furnishings, & fashionable services to assertion relaxed stay.
2. Stunning Views of the Mountains
The magnificent views of Himalayas that many of the rooms at the Manor House Hotels offer are among top parts of visiting. Imagine your senses being awakened by the sight of snow-capped peaks & crisp alpine air. The Manor House Hotels has to be at top of your list if you're looking for the extreme hotels in Dehradun with view of the mountains.
3. Gourmet Dining
Savor a range of cuisines cooked by skilled chefs at the on-site restaurants at The Manor House Hotels. Treat yourself to a gourmet adventure. There are dining alternatives to suit every taste, ranging from cosmopolitan favorites to traditional Indian dishes. Every meal at the hotel's restaurants is an unforgettable experience because they also offer breathtaking vistas.
4. Amenities Suitable for Families
Are you going on a family vacation? Themanorhousehotels offers a variety of family-friendly amenities to guarantee pleasurable and pleasant stay for visitors of all ages. The hotel goes above and above to accommodate needs of families, offering everything from roomy family accommodations to designated play area for kids. It makes sense that The Manor House Hotels is regarded as one of the best five-star hotels for families in Dehradun, close to the airport.
5. World-Class Facilities
A variety of top-notch amenities are available to visitors at themanorhousehotels to make their stay more enjoyable. The hotel offers everything you could possibly want, including spa treatments, fitness center access, & poolside relaxation. For assistance with any unique needs or travel plans, the hotel's concierge service is also open.
Exploring Dehradun: Must-Visit Attractions Near Rajpur Road
In addition to promising sumptuous stay, lodging at themanorhousehotels puts you in close proximity to some of Dehradun's most well-liked attractions. Several must-see locations are located close to Rajpur Road:
1. Robber’s Cave (Gucchu Pani)
Robber's Cave is a tiny valley with a river running through it that is a natural beauty within a short drive from Rajpur Road. The cave is ideal place for day of exploration and relaxation because it is surrounded by beautiful vegetation. It's amazing to see the river's unusual occurrence of disappearing & reappearing at various locations inside the cave.
2. The Institute for Forest Research (FRI)
One of the most recognizable sites in Dehradun is the Forest Research Institute. Distinguished by its expansive campus and opulent colonial architecture, FRI is an excellent resource for learning about India's environmental conservation and forestry initiatives. The institute's museum features interesting displays on a range of forestry-related topics.
3. Sahastradhara
The name Sahastradhara, which translates to "thousand fold spring," refers to a well-liked tourist spot with tumbling waterfalls and sulphur-rich swimming pools. The water's healing qualities draw tourists who want to unwind and revitalize. Picnics and hiking are also great in the nearby area.
4. The Temple of Tapkeshwar
Housed within a natural cave, the Tapkeshwar Temple is a revered Hindu shrine devoted to Lord Shiva. Water droplets that naturally fall from the cave's ceiling bathe the main shivering, which is located on the banks of the Asan River. The temple is a must-see because of its calm and spiritual atmosphere.
5. Paltan Bazaar
The place to go if you want to occupy in some shopping therapy is Platen Bazaar. A broad variety of products are available at this lively market, including apparel, jewellery, and traditional handicrafts and souvenirs. You may also try some delicious snacks and street food from the area there.
The Ultimate Family Getaway: 5-Star Luxury at themanorhousehotels
A 5 star hotels in dehradun rajpur road, the Manor House Hotel is a great choice for families looking for an opulent and unforgettable getaway. Every family member will have an amazing stay thanks to hotel's family-friendly amenities & services. The following factors make Manor House Hotels the ideal option for families:
1. Spacious Family Suites
Families traveling together can choose from a range of family suites offered by Themanorhousehotels, which are designed to offer plenty of space & comfort. These suites have numerous bedrooms, discrete living areas, & all contemporary conveniences you require for relaxed & easy stay.
2. Kid's Club and Activities
Children can enjoy variety of entertainment options & activities at the hotel's Kids' Club, guaranteeing fun-filled visit. The club offers controlled activities that keep kids occupied while parents get some alone time, such outdoor games & arts & crafts.
3. Childcare Providers
Professional babysitting services are available at The Manor House Hotels for parents who want to have romantic supper or calm night. The hotel’s trained staff confirms that your children are well taken care of, allowing you to relax & unwind.
4. Family Dining Options
The hotel's restaurants accommodate the tastes of its younger visitors by providing kid-friendly menus & eating options. Every effort is made to provide meals that are tasty & nutritious, confirming that everyone in family enjoys eating together.
5. Convenient Access to Family-Friendly Destinations
The Manor House Hotels' excellent location on Rajpur Road makes it simple to go to many of Dehradun's family-friendly activities. Everyone can enjoy something, whether it's a day of exploration at Robber's Cave or cultural event at FRI.
Themanorhousehotels: A 5-Star Experience Close to Dehradun’s Airport
If you are looking for luxurious place to stay close to the airport in Dehradun, the Manor House Hotels is a great option. Being close to Jolly Grant Airport, hotel offers first-rate service, opulent amenities, & is among best 5-star hotels in Dehradun for families. The following explains why beginning or ending your journey to Dehradun at The Manor House Hotels is ideal choice:
1. Convenient Location
The Manor House Hotels offers guests with an easy access to airport, just short drive away. The hotel's close proximity to airport assurances stress-free journey, regardless of whether you're incoming late at night or taking an early morning flight.
2. Effective Airport Transportation
The Manor House Hotels offers its customers admiring airport transportation services. With the hotel's devoted shuttle service, you can make sure you get to airport on time & hassle-free.
3. A cozy and unwinding stay
There's nothing better than unwinding in an opulent hotel room after tiring flight. After long day of travel, themanorhousehotels' well-appointed rooms with luxurious linen, contemporary conveniences, & breath-taking views make ideal hideaway.
4. Early Check-In and Late Check-Out
The Manor House Hotels offers flexible check-in and check-out options in response to guest needs. The hotel works with your schedule, whether you need to change clothes for meeting or get some sleep before a late trip.
5. Food and Drinks
From little nibbles to elaborate meals, the hotel's restaurants and bars provide a variety of dining alternatives. Before leaving for the airport, savor delectable breakfast. Afterward, relax with cocktail at hotel's bar.
Conclusion: Make Your Dehradun Stay Unforgettable with themanorhousehotels
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The Manor House Hotels offers an unmatched experience in Dehradun when it comes to locating the ideal lodging. Situated in necessary Rajpur Road neighbourhood, hotel offers opulent accommodations, stunning views of the mountains, & host of services to ensure an amazing stay. Themanorhousehotels is the place to go whether you're looking for 5-star hotels in Dehradun close to the airport for families, hotels on Rajpur Road Dehradun, or Best hotels in Dehradun with Mountain View. In the centre of Dehradun, find the ideal fusion of elegance, comfort, and convenience when you reserve a stay at themanorhousehotels. The Manor House Hotels guarantees that your stay in Dehradun, be it for business, pleasure, or a family holiday, will be nothing short of extraordinary
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wahjiwahofficial · 19 days
Savor the Flavor at Delhi NCR's Best Soya Chaap Destination Wah Ji Wah
The Sizzling Story of Soya Chaap
Best Soya chaap in Delhi Ncr is more than just a dish; it's an experience rooted deeply in Northern Indian cuisine. This vegetarian delight has taken the culinary world by storm, providing a delicious alternative to meat without compromising on taste. But where did this popular dish come from, and why has it gained such a fervent following?
The origins of soya chaap can be traced back to the innovative fusion of soybeans with traditional Indian spices. Over time, it has become a staple in many households and restaurants, celebrated for its versatility and rich flavors. Its growing popularity is not just among vegetarians but also among those who appreciate good food. In Northern India, especially, soya chaap has become a favorite, finding its way into the hearts and stomachs of foodies.
For the health-conscious, soya chaap offers a nutritious and protein-rich option, making it an ideal choice for those who are mindful of their diet. Its chewy texture and ability to absorb diverse flavors make it a perfect canvas for culinary creativity. Whether grilled, fried, or simmered in curry, soya chaap continues to win fans across all demographics.
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The Rise of Wah Ji Wah
In the bustling streets of Delhi NCR, where culinary competition is fierce, Wah Ji Wah has emerged as a beacon for soya chaap enthusiasts. Known for its commitment to quality and flavor, this restaurant has carved out a niche that draws both locals and visitors eager for a taste of excellence.
Founded with a vision to redefine the vegetarian dining experience, Wah Ji Wah has grown significantly over the years. Its unique selling point is simple yet profound—offering a wide range of soya chaap dishes that are both innovative and true to traditional flavors. The restaurant prides itself on using high-quality ingredients and maintaining a standardized cooking process to ensure consistency across its outlets.
What truly sets Wah Ji Wah apart is its dedication to pushing culinary boundaries while staying rooted in authenticity. Each dish is crafted with precision, offering a tantalizing blend of spices that explode with flavor in every bite. For those who have yet to experience Wah Ji Wah, it's not just a meal; it's a revelation.
A Culinary Journey at Wah Ji Wah
Step into Wah Ji Wah, and you're immediately enveloped in the tantalizing aroma of spices and grilled delights. The menu, bursting with variety, beckons food lovers to indulge in a culinary adventure that promises satisfaction at every turn.
The soya chaap at Wah Ji Wah is a testament to the art of vegetarian cooking. From the classic Tandoori Soya Chaap, marinated and chargrilled to perfection, to the rich and creamy Malai Chaap, each dish is a masterpiece in its own right. The Achari Chaap, infused with tangy pickling spices, offers a bold flavor profile, while the Masala Chaap, simmered in a spicy gravy, provides comfort on a plate.
Wah Ji Wah also excels in its presentation, serving dishes that are as visually appealing as they are delicious. Each platter tells a story, inviting diners to explore flavors that are both familiar and novel. It's no wonder that foodies flock to Wah Ji Wah, eager to sample the best soya chaap Delhi NCR has to offer.
Health and Sustainability in Every Bite
Soya chaap isn't just a treat for the taste buds; it's a boon for those seeking health and sustainability. At Wah Ji Wah, this ethos is central to their offerings, with dishes crafted to meet nutritional needs while considering environmental impact.
Rich in protein and fiber, soya chaap serves as a robust alternative to meat, providing essential nutrients without the cholesterol. For health-conscious diners, this means enjoying a delicious meal without the guilt. Wah Ji Wah's commitment to using fresh, high-quality ingredients ensures that every dish is not only flavorful but also nourishing.
From an environmental perspective, soya chaap's lower carbon footprint compared to meat makes it a sustainable choice. By choosing plant-based options like those at Wah Ji Wah, diners contribute to a more eco-friendly food system. It's a small step that makes a significant difference, and Wah Ji Wah leads the charge in promoting this sustainable dining practice.
Customer Experience at Wah Ji Wah
The success of Wah Ji Wah isn't just in its kitchen but also in the hearts of its patrons. Customer feedback is overwhelmingly positive, with many lauding the restaurant for its exceptional taste and consistent quality.
Visitors to Wah Ji Wah often speak of the warm and inviting atmosphere that makes dining a pleasure. The attentive staff and quick service ensure that every visit is seamless, allowing diners to focus solely on the culinary delights before them. Testimonials highlight the delicious soya chaap varieties, with many returning for their favorites time and again.
It's clear that Wah Ji Wah has created more than just a menu; it has fostered a community of food lovers who celebrate the joy of eating well. The restaurant's commitment to customer satisfaction is evident in every aspect, from the first greeting to the final bite.
The Wah Ji Wah Community
Beyond the delectable dishes, Wah Ji Wah offers something invaluable—a sense of community. For many locals, it has become more than just a restaurant; it's a gathering place where friendships are forged over shared meals.
Wah Ji Wah encourages this camaraderie by hosting events and promotions that engage its patrons. Whether it's a tasting event or a cooking demonstration, the focus is on bringing people together through a mutual love of food. This community spirit is infectious, drawing in new diners who quickly become regulars.
Being part of the Wah Ji Wah family means being part of a larger movement that celebrates vegetarian cuisine's richness and diversity. It's an invitation to explore new tastes, meet like-minded individuals, and become part of a thriving community.
Conclusion: Join the Soya Chaap Revolution
In a city known for its culinary diversity, Wah Ji Wah stands out as a leader in the soya chaap scene. Its dedication to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction has made it a beloved fixture in Delhi NCR's dining landscape.
For foodies, health-conscious individuals, and local residents, Wah Ji Wah offers an unparalleled dining experience. It's a chance to indulge in flavors that are rich in tradition yet modern in execution. Whether you're a seasoned soya chaap lover or a curious newcomer, Wah Ji Wah invites you to join the revolution.
Visit Wah Ji Wah and taste for yourself why it's hailed as the best soya chaap restaurant in Delhi NCR. With every bite, you'll experience the passion and expertise that have made Wah Ji Wah a culinary icon.
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sakhshimandal · 27 days
Authenticity and Fusion: The Evolution of Indian Food Delivery in Malta
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Indian cuisine, with its rich tapestry of flavors, aromas, and textures, has carved a significant niche in the global culinary landscape. In Malta, a country known for its diverse cultural influences, Indian food has gained a loyal following. The demand for Indian cuisine, particularly through delivery services, has been growing steadily. This surge in popularity has sparked a fascinating evolution in the way Indian food is presented and delivered in Malta, blending the lines between authenticity and fusion.
The Appeal of Authentic Indian Cuisine
Authentic Indian cuisine is celebrated for its use of spices, fresh ingredients, and traditional cooking methods that have been passed down through generations. In Malta, the allure of authentic Indian food lies in its ability to transport diners to the vibrant streets of India, where each dish tells a story. Traditional dishes like biryani, tandoori chicken, and butter chicken are popular choices for those seeking the true flavors of India. These dishes offer a deep connection to Indian culture, showcasing the intricate balance of spices and the artistry of Indian cooking.
For many Indian restaurants in Malta, maintaining authenticity is a point of pride. Chefs often go to great lengths to source ingredients that are true to the original recipes, even importing specific spices from India to ensure the flavors remain genuine. This commitment to authenticity is not just about preserving tradition but also about offering an immersive culinary experience to customers who crave the distinctive tastes of India.
The Rise of Fusion in Indian Cuisine
While authenticity remains a cornerstone of Indian cuisine, the rise of fusion food has brought a new dimension to Indian food delivery in Malta. Fusion cuisine blends elements from different culinary traditions to create innovative dishes that appeal to a broader audience. In the context of Indian food in Malta, fusion often involves incorporating local Maltese ingredients or Western culinary techniques into traditional Indian recipes.
This fusion approach has led to the creation of unique dishes that offer a fresh take on classic Indian flavors. For instance, you might find Indian-inspired pizzas topped with tandoori chicken, or wraps filled with spiced chickpeas and Maltese herbs. These fusion dishes cater to the adventurous palate, offering something familiar yet intriguingly different. The fusion trend also reflects the adaptability of Indian cuisine, which has historically absorbed and adapted influences from various cultures.
In Malta, where the culinary scene is a melting pot of Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, and European influences, the fusion of Indian food with local flavors feels like a natural progression. It allows Indian restaurants to stand out in a competitive food delivery market while also appealing to a diverse customer base. Moreover, fusion dishes often provide an entry point for those who may be hesitant to try traditional Indian food, offering a more approachable introduction to the cuisine.
Balancing Authenticity and Fusion in Food Delivery
As Indian food delivery continues to grow in Malta, restaurants face the challenge of balancing authenticity with fusion. While some customers seek the comfort and familiarity of traditional Indian dishes, others are drawn to the novelty and creativity of fusion cuisine. Successful Indian restaurants have learned to cater to both preferences, offering a menu that respects tradition while also embracing innovation.
One way restaurants achieve this balance is by offering a diverse menu that includes both authentic and fusion options. This allows customers to choose based on their mood or preference, ensuring that everyone can find something they enjoy. Additionally, some restaurants experiment with seasonal fusion specials while keeping their core menu rooted in authenticity. This approach keeps the menu dynamic and interesting without straying too far from the essence of Indian cuisine.
The packaging and presentation of food for delivery also play a role in how authenticity and fusion are perceived. Thoughtful packaging that maintains the integrity of traditional dishes, such as keeping sauces separate to preserve texture, can enhance the authenticity of the experience. Meanwhile, fusion dishes may come with playful, modern packaging that reflects their creative origins.
The Future of Indian Food Delivery in Malta
The future of Indian food delivery in Malta will likely see a continued interplay between authenticity and fusion. As the market for food delivery grows, so too will the demand for diverse culinary experiences. Indian restaurants will continue to innovate, finding new ways to blend the rich heritage of Indian cuisine with the contemporary tastes of Maltese diners.
This evolution is a testament to the adaptability and enduring appeal of Indian food. Whether through the comforting familiarity of a traditional curry or the exciting novelty of a fusion creation, Indian food delivery in Malta offers something for everyone. As restaurants navigate the delicate balance between authenticity and fusion, they are not only shaping the future of Indian cuisine in Malta but also contributing to the broader global conversation about food, culture, and innovation.
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housekeepinginfo · 2 months
10 Best Indian Restaurant: Authentic Flavors & Spices
Welcome to your top spot for real Indian food in Draper, Utah. Paradise Biryani Pointe is a top choice in Salt Lake City. We're proud to serve the best Indian dishes around1. Our menu has everything from tasty biryanis to street food and vegan options. We focus on quality and taste to give you a meal you won't forget1.
Enjoy a wide range of dishes that show off Indian cooking at its best. From aromatic biryanis to spicy curries and tandoori dishes, each is made with love. We use traditional spices and fresh ingredients to bring out the true taste of India.
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Welcome to Hotel Anitha Parthiban, located in the coronary heart of Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, stands as a testimony to the wealthy cultural heritage and cutting-edge comforts that this ancient metropolis has to offer. Known for its high-quality hospitality and luxurious accommodations, Hotel Anitha Parthiban is viewed as one of the greatest accommodations in the region, supplying an unforgettable ride for each enjoyment and enterprise travellers.
Location and Accessibility: Strategically positioned close to the main landmarks of Thanjavur, together with the iconic Brihadeeswarar Temple, Hotel Anitha Parthiban provides friends handy get admission to the city's cultural and historic sites. The inn is well-connected via avenue and is a quick distance from the Thanjavur Railway Station and the city's important bus terminal, making it a handy preference for travellers.
Accommodations: Hotel Anitha Parthiban boasts a vary of well-appointed rooms and suites, every designed to furnish most remedy and luxury. Top Luxury Hotel in Thanjavur, The rooms are elegantly furnished, providing contemporary services such as air conditioning, flat-screen TVs, high-speed internet, and plush bedding. The suites provide extra house and one-of-a-kind points like non-public balconies and dwelling areas, catering to the desires of discerning guests.
Dining Experience: The hotel's in-house restaurant is famend for its various culinary offerings. Guests can delight in a range of cuisines, inclusive of standard South Indian delicacies, North Indian dishes, and worldwide favourites. The restaurant's cooks use fresh, domestically sourced components to create mouth-watering dishes that cater to distinct palates. The ambiance of the eating place is each inviting and sophisticated, making it a best location for household dinners, commercial enterprise lunches, and romantic evenings.
Facilities and Services: Hotel Anitha Parthiban is outfitted with a vary of amenities to make sure a cosy and fun stay. The resort elements a well-maintained swimming pool, a thoroughly geared up health center, and a spa providing rejuvenating treatments. For enterprise travellers, the resort affords modern convention rooms and commercial enterprise centers, making it a desired preference for company occasions and meetings.
Hospitality and Service: One of the standout facets of Hotel Anitha Parthiban is its dedication to terrific service. The personnel is educated to assume and cater to the wishes of visitors with warmness and professionalism. From the second friends step into the inn till their departure, they are dealt with the utmost care and attention. The concierge carrier is continually on hand to aid with tour arrangements, nearby tours, and any one-of-a-kind requests.
Cultural Engagement: Understanding the importance of Thanjavur prosperous cultural heritage, Hotel Anitha Parthiban organizes a range of cultural packages and excursions for its guests. These consist of guided visits to the Brihadeeswarar Temple, the Thanjavur Palace, and different historic sites. The lodge additionally hosts ordinary tune and dance performances, offering visitors with a deeper grasp of the neighbourhood culture.
Sustainability Practices: In line with world tendencies in the direction of sustainability, Hotel Anitha Parthiban has carried out a number of eco-friendly practices. These encompass energy-efficient lighting, water conservation measures, and a dedication to lowering plastic usage. The additionally helps nearby artisans through showcasing their crafts in the hotel’s boutique, advertising sustainable tourism and contributing to the nearby economy.
Conclusion: Hotel Anitha Parthiban is extra than simply vicinity to stay; it is a ride that displays the attraction and grandeur of Thanjavur. With its high location, luxurious accommodations, splendid dining, and top-notch facilities, the inn ensures that each visitor enjoys a memorable stay. Whether you are touring Thanjavur for its historic sites, bright culture, or commercial enterprise purposes, Hotel Anitha Parthiban stands out as the perfect preference for a pleasant and enriching stay.
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haveli12 · 2 months
Exploring Haveli at Murthal: A Culinary and Cultural Haven
Located in the centre of Murthal which is a small town in the state of Haryana, India, Haveli is a neon symbol of Punjabi tradition and food. Being a restaurant on the Delhi- Amritsar highway, this place is a favourite among travellers, not simply for food but also for a complete experience. Haveli at Murthal has attempted to replicate the spirit of a typical Punjabi village quite effectively which is an added attraction for food buffs as well as cultural voyagers.
Punjabi culture – a sneak peek
The moment you approach Haveli, you are catapulted into an era characterised by grandeur and luxury. The structure is deliberately built to resemble a village typical of Punjab: wooden furnishings, and lots of bright colours and patterns on the walls. The interior walls are painted with paintings that portray the life of farmers in rural Punjab, womenfolk occupied with some occupations, and children involved in folk games. Adding to the overall feeling of the place is the pleasant background music of Punjabi folk music is played to add another level of comfort to the patrons.
Culinary Delights
However, gastronomy is the soul of Haweli. The restaurant specialises in North Indian food with a comprehensive menu that suits different tastes and preferences. Not only the colourful tandoori roti, but every dish – from the spicy chicken tikka to the butter chicken – has its roots in Punjab.
Bonanza:Breakfast  The number of dishes available for breakfast in Haveli restaurant is impressive. For breakfast, numerous delicious stuffed parathas are served with generous amounts of fresh white butter and pickles. The favourites include the piping hot aloo paratha, paneer paratha, and gobhi paratha. Accompany these with a bubbly glass of lassi and you have a king-size breakfast.
Main Course Marvels: For the lunch and dinner services, the menu list becomes quite large with any number of choices. There are lots of things for vegetarians to now look forward to savouring such specialties as sarson da saag , a preparation of winter produced from mustard greens and makki di roti , a type of bread made from cornmeal. Each food is a replica of what it is in the traditional form and the dishes are taken through various cooking procedures to ensure that the food is as palatable as can be.
Sweet Endings: Haveli’s dessert section can be included when having a meal at the restaurant. Right from the famous gulab jamun soaked in syrup, the authentic Indian mithai, to the delicious and creamy phirni which is made in earthen pots, the sweets are all about old-world Indian cuisine. Deep-fried and immersed in sugar syrup, the jalebi is yet another all-time favourite that sends consumers running back for more.
A Cultural Extravaganza
Towards most people, Haveli at Murthal is not just a restaurant; it is much more than that — it gives them a place to socially network and, sometimes, a dwelling place. This setting involves a range of activities and entertainment in the form of programs that promulgate the Punjabi culture as well as folk tales. There is always the possibility to observe live bhangra and gidda dances as these are the live folk dances of the area characterized by high speeds and vibrant colorful costumes. These performances are usually followed by beats of dhol, a Punjabi folk drum, thus making the ambience of the place festive.
For the arts and crafts enthusiast, Haveli also provides working demonstrations on phulkari embroidery and local pottery making. These workshops enable the visitors to have a practical touch and learn how souvenirs are made before they can purchase them to be taken home.
Family-Friendly Amenities
It is noteworthy that the concept of Haveli coincides with the desire to create a family-oriented point of attraction. Numerous amenities are provided in the compound; these include a play area for children with swings, and toddler’s slide and other developments for children. This makes sure that as the elders partake in food and cultural programs, children can have something that would make them happy.
The good lawn and garden area is also a great bonus of this establishment where people can take a relaxing walk after the meal. The calmness of the surrounding landscape along with the greenery is highly welcoming after coming directly off the highway.
Accessibility and Convenience
Haveli has been positioned advantageously on the golden triangle joining Delhi, Jalandhar, and Amritsar. There is adequate space for parking and visitors who approach the facility by car will not have any challenge finding a place to park. It coupled the meal with the clean state of the restaurant, and the general cleanliness making it favorable for families and many individuals to stop.
It is not merely another dining place but is perhaps one of the most representative places for the definition of Punjabi food and hospitality as represented by the Haveli at Murthal. From the perspective of a foodie, one always wants to eat yummy and tasty North Indian foods and Haveli serves all of them with delightful Punjab flavour and Tourists are interested in exploring the rich Punjab culture, tradition. We are always here to welcome and serve you. Haveli. Not only are you going to get delicious food, and the feeling of exploring enriched Haryanvi culture, but also a comfortable and family-friendly spot to visit on your way to Haveli at Murthal. Therefore if you are ever on the Delhi-Amritsar highway, it would be so advisable to divert your way to Haveli and relish a piece of Punjab.
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