#Infernal Assistance (Option Four)
vaya-writes · 5 months
Infernal Assistance (Option Four) - Prologue
You've been struggling to survive in a zombie apocalypse. Things are looking really bad before a demon swoops in to help. But that demon is an incubus. And he's in need of help too.
Crackfic? Zombie apocalypse AU? Reader insert? And honestly, why not make this really super indulgent? Lets make the reader on the asexual spectrum too. With a sex drive that varies on a day to day basis. I wanna see that in a character.
Reader insert is GNC regarding pronouns and backstory, AFAB. Incubus uses male pronouns and is penised.
Inspired by this post by @eldritch-spouse. Banner by saradika-graphics. Wordcount: 330 (it's just a prologue, okay?).
Content Warnings: brief mention and dismissal of suicide, apocalypse setting, some bleak vibes
Masterlist - A03 - Next
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It has been three weeks since Veron fed. 
Three weeks since he last saw another living soul. Six weeks since the portals to Infernus were barred shut. Seven since day zero.  
If he ever met the cursed creature who’d started this outbreak – who'd manufactured this necrotic plague – witting or not: he’d throttle them. Probably. If they survived his hunger.  
But honestly, tracking them down isn’t really in his wheelhouse. He can barely find a meal, let alone the harbinger of the apocalypse.  
He’s going to starve.  
The only survivors left in the city would be hunkered down in too small rooms, behind barricades and living off dwindling supplies. It wouldn’t surprise him if the remaining people fell to starvation and thirst, rather than brave the hordes outside. If the desperate took their own lives, rather than letting time take them. 
He’d considered it. Of course he had. You don’t live through the start of an apocalypse without considering all your options.  
But ultimately, he couldn’t. He’d worked too hard. Lived through too much shit. Was too damn stubborn to give up at this point. Even as pickings grow slimmer. 
He stops on an overpass. Takes a moment to survey the nearby buildings. Ignores the undead stragglers outside, searching windows instead for signs of life. Movement, distress messages, anything.  
Nothing from the windows.  
But there is one building in his line of sight that is teeming with unlife. Husks milling outside the ground floor. Inside it too – if he squints he can just make out the shattered windows, and the stumbling silhouettes from within.  
They’re slow. Almost placid. Like whatever had drawn them to the area had long since stopped holding their interest. But you don’t get a horde of that size for no reason. 
Maybe, just maybe, there’s somebody still alive in there. Somebody who’d be very grateful if Veron showed up; ready to swoop in and play the hero.  
He glides down from the overpass, and heads towards the building. 
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mitigatedchaos · 4 years
(~1,500 words / 6 mins)
google Zarus
- @contemplate-everything
Hah, I had forgotten about him, but when it comes to "The Gods are Racist," he isn't what I had in mind. (I'll tag in @samueldays and @morlock-holmes as well.)
To put it simply, in any fantasy setting in which there are multiple sapient species (to call them 'races' suggests a smaller difference between them than there is, in my opinion), we must wrestle with the question of why there is any species less intelligent, less kind, and shorter-lived than the smartest, kindest, longest-lived humanoids.
There are a whole lot of different perspectives we can take on this, which makes it a fertile creative territory.
There are, broadly, four major reasons a species can be evil (or 'evil') in a fantasy setting: environment, culture, innate, or selected.
1. Environment.
In a friend's setting, orcs are not less intelligent or inherently more bloodthirsty than humans, but have been pushed onto more marginal lands that have less productivity, making it harder for them to develop 'civilized' agricultural states. They end up more likely to raid as well, as their economic production for advanced goods is lower.
A species could also be otherwise normal, but are widely hooked on evil magic drugs that just aren't available in other areas, or have a local environmental pressure that murders kind people.
2. Culture.
A species may worship an evil god and exist within a culture of self-sustaining evil norms, where social approval is based on being evil and altruistic people are considered exploitable morons. A member of that culture has, as their entire life experience, expectations formed on this basis.
3.A. Innate (Body)
A species may have a fundamental evil resource conflict with another species. For instance, a vampire who must murder one human a year to survive would have to be crazy moral in other ways (such as, I dunno, holding closed a gate to the infernal realms?) not to come out, on balance, quite evil just by surviving.
Alternatively, a species that has a very high fertility might quickly exhaust local carrying capacity and come into resource conflicts with neighbors more often.
3.B. Innate (Mind)
This is basically an AI safety argument. A species could be designed to enjoy cruelty more, or to be more xenophobic, or more paranoid, or to have more bloodlust or less inhibition, just as an AI could be designed to be a paperclip maximizer. In a fantasy setting it can be an absolute binding, but it could easily just be an increased frequency. Imagine having an implant in your head that rewards being a bad person.
A species might also not be innately more evil, but have greater risk factors, such as a natural craving for power and complexity, or an ability to consciously control their own sense of empathy for others.
4. Selected
A species (such as fiends) may be impossible to become or impossible to remain as without being evil.  Thus, the entire population of that species consists of evil people, or people who were once extremely evil.
I actually like all of these, as they provide a rich palette to paint with and can be used to create morally-challenging scenarios when used together. Giving orcs the capability to be good but having a tougher time of it will tie the clerics and paladins in knots - but also more clearly separates them from the neutral and evil characters.
And let's give four reasons for their existence as well.
1. Evolution
In our world, humans ended up being the only sapient species, but in a world with magic, evolution might go in very different directions. It could be simply that no one made goblins on purpose, but a sapient species with short lifespans, small resource usage, and high fertility has an evolutionary edge in many regions, particularly when technology levels are low.
On the flip-side, elves living for such a long time allows them to access more magic and more complex magic, resulting in a feedback loop in environments where magic resources are rich. Same for intelligence, which is used for developing and casting spells - but also for finding mutually-beneficial arrangements.
In a magic-evolutionary environment, it's possible that the species create the gods rather than the other way around, so they tend to (probably accidentally) create deities that reflect their strategies and tactics, which then reinforce them both culturally and environmentally.
2. Evil Deities
Evil deities are, well, evil. In the interests of spreading their evil influence, it would make sense to create evil sapient creatures, even if a handful of them will defect to good. The suffering of these creatures matters little to their creators, as evil deities are evil.  This seems to be the usual reasoning.
3. Divine Ecology
If gods need prayers, then a logical thing to do is to deliberately create sapient species that will worship you. Creating an evil species is like creating a brainwashed population, only it's down to the innate level so it's even more effective. This evil species also won't have moral objections to spreading your worship by conquering the rest of the planet.
Alternatively, species may not be equally easy to create. Creating an elf species might cost Divine Points, which then can't be used for shaping mountains or adding oceans or building temples or something. It might also be high-risk - long life may mean low fertility, which could be devastating if there's some kind of depopulation event.
4. Mortals & Evil Mortals
In this scenario, both the long-lived species (like elves) and the short-lived or 'evil' species (like goblins) were deliberately engineered on purpose, probably by evil wizards. Who was going to stop them? Paladins? That sounds like a quest!
This situation may have occurred much earlier, in a more advanced body-hopping fantasy-transhumanist civilization, where elves were high-end 'sleeves' and goblins were cheap and expendable bodies that people would exit once the time period was up. Then that civilization collapsed, and the body-hopping technology was lost... until now...
This gives us multiple options for a "The Gods are Racist" campaign.
1. Undoing the Dark Gods' Handiwork - A group of adventurers set out to remove the evil influence that the Dark Ones exert over orcs and goblins, and possibly increase their lifespan and intelligence to be similar to that of humans (or even elves). The Good gods support this quest.
BRANCH: The Dark Ones do exist and do corrupt the orcs, but the original technology used by the body-hopping civilization to create orcs is discovered, calling into question just who or what the good deities are, since this is completely incompatible with the creation mythology.
BRANCH: Removing the evil influence is possible (and successful), but increasing the lifespan is not, imposing a moral dilemma.
2. Undoing the Gods' Handiwork - A group of scientific-rationalist transhumanist adventurers challenge the deities, which in a more Greek god type way, have made the different species different without appropriate moral evaluation.
BRANCH: Turns out the Greek gods are just very powerful and very obnoxious wizards that have become full of themselves over the millennia. No higher entity is discovered with certainty. Subsequently voluntary species-change technology is introduced; only thanks to vanquishing the wizards is its energy cost economically feasible.
BRANCH: Turns out the Greek gods were once mortal and they would really like to retire from this deity thing. They scout the adventurers as their replacements, who end up having to make a lot of similar decisions due to similar resource constraints, just like the last batch and the batch before that.
3. Elf Supremacy - A group of adventurers find a magical device able to turn other sapients into elves. They discover this when they accidentally use it on themselves.
BRANCH: This is part of a plot by the Elf Deity (who is Evil) to transform everyone into elves, thus taking all worship in the entire world for himself. The party must root out and stop this vile Elf Conspiracy; unfortunately being an elf is considered so desirable that the conspiracy has many backers and this proves difficult. They end up having to take assistance from rival evil deities.
BRANCH: At first they use this device for immense profit, because so many people want to be elves, before discovering the effects are contagious, unleashing the (involuntary) Elf (Transformation) Plague. It turns out this was why the technology was not used before, and they must embark on a quest to stop it on behalf of the Elf Deity, before the other deities go to war.
BRANCH: As a subversion, it turns out there’s nothing especially dangerous about the technology at all.  The adventurers spend the rest of the campaign increasing their opportunities for their company, Elf Inc., to make huge amounts of money, and occasionally being challenged by conservative elements in other societies as they expand their markets.
4. Newly Unequal - All the species were equal until just a few hundred years ago.
BRANCH: This was the result of an elf supremacist wizard using magic to transfer other species' positive attributes to elves. The quest to stop him failed. Fortunately, this power is concentrated in a series of physical artifacts that can be destroyed. Elves aren't even a 'real thing,' but rather are descendants of a specific kingdom at the time of the switch, which has used this transferred power to subjugate the other 'species'.
BRANCH: Every kingdom in the world is still trying to figure out what happened as the global political situation has been rapidly destabilizing. It turns out that actually, this is what the species are normally like (in the absence of intervention), and a series of magical stations built by an ancient empire drained energy from more powerful species and transmitted it to less powerful species for the benefit of ideology and political stability. The adventurers face a moral choice in reactivating it, not least because the effect will rapidly kill some of the oldest members of the high-power species.
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brownstonearmy · 4 years
2020-05-01: “Legal” Litter Liberation
July 24 (Friday morning)
On Thursday evening, our team of heroes goes to bed in their respective houses. But the next morning sees each party member wake up in an unfamiliar location. Everyone is in a separate guest room filled with fancy furnishings. Though there are silk curtains on the walls, there are no windows.
Each room is furnished identically, with a comfortable canopy bed, a wardrobe filled with fine unisex robes in a variety of sizes, a dresser containing toiletries, a desk with chair, and an exquisitely crafted chamber pot underneath the bed. No one has any possessions except for what they slept in or kept under their pillow.
Lucky wakes up wearing one of Hilaria's shirts, with no spell focus or material components to speak of. Q, going by Fuego this morning, wears a sheer tunic atop some less-sheer underclothes, suspecting an excess of drink as the reason for waking up in a strange bed for the umpteenth time. Spleenifer's been sleeping in a burlap robe, and managed to show up with her holy symbol and holy book of tithes that she keeps under her pillow for reasons that are known only to her and Lathander. No one discusses what Norm was or wasn't wearing; it's probably for the best. Everyone loots their respective chambers to find something to wear, while Spleenifer goes one chamber looting further and inspects the chamber pot for potential tithes. Sadly, the chamber pots are all spotless.
The scent of breakfast cooking wafts through the air as the party emerges from their quarters. Everyone ambles down the tower steps until they find a woman waiting for them at the tower's base. The human woman introduces herself as Storm Elers, seneschal for the master's manor. Master Yula is quite eccentric, she explains, and indicates that he will soon join them at breakfast to discuss some business matters of great personal urgency. They walk through the house to the dining room, passing a library that contains still-beating hearts adorning the walls, a teleportation circle etched into the floor of another room, and a room whose floor is covered in a dozen fist-sized stone balls (one of which is moving erratically of its own volition).
Everyone takes a seat at the long table and attempts to make sense of the bewildering array of silverware in front of them. A breakfast feast (no, "breakfeast" is the one portmanteau we don't use in this house) of all types of cuisine is soon delivered to the table. Master Yula appears at the end of the table with wild, unblinking eyes. His disconcerting gaze watches everyone with great interest as they try to figure out which of the 30 forks to use for their meals. Much to Yula's chagrin, only Spleenifer grabs the wrong utensil. But Spleenifer is a woman of utility who nevertheless makes things work (even if it is with the squid de-veining spoon).
As everyone begins eating, Yula explains the situation. He has need of adventurers with a particular skill set that overlaps with sanitation. He asks them if they would assist him in building a litter box. The party is understandably wary of this offer, as litterbox construction does not usually require teleportation and a mission briefing. As a show of "good will" he offers the party an advance payment of 100 gold pieces to each character. The coins are contained in four velvet pouches that feel warm to the touch. Something stinks to Spleenifer, but it's not the coins.
Inside the bag are 100GP as promised, but also a large brass coin that Yula describes as a Coin of Obligation. Yula's hard-sell has just resulted in the characters accidentally accepting an infernal contract. But now that the contract has been sealed, Yula gleefully explains what must be done. The party is now bound by an agreement where they are independent contractors to Yula, and the only way to fulfill the contract is to construct a more impressive and expensive litterbox that Yula currently has. Of course, Yula is full of suggestions on how to accomplish this contract.
The most legal and time-consuming way to accomplish the task is to toil in the mines with the slaves in hopes of finding enough sand, gold, and gems to construct the litterbox. But in the name of good fun, Yula suggests a more "straightforward" method: rob the vault where Yula keeps many of his rare magic items and prevent the bank staff from reacquiring the items. The terms of Yula's banking agreement stipulate that he must be reimbursed in gold for the value of the items he lost. Yula gets to keep his magic items and more than enough gold for a new litterbox. It's a winning proposition all around (for everyone except the party members). Another option is just to walk out the front door of the mansion and suffocate in the void that surrounds Yula's mansion in this demiplane.
Spleenifer is tired of this fiendish presentation and brandishes her holy symbol in an attempt to make him flee. Yula dismissives Spleenifer's attempt and proceeds to monologue about infernal superiority, how squishy mortal bodies are, and related demeaning phrases. You know, standard fiendish monologue stuff. Spleenifer doesn't admit defeat, but she does sit back down at the table to plot about how to get out of this unfortunate contract.
During Yula's lengthy speech, Lucky and Norm start stealing silverware from the table. There's like, at least 50GP worth of cutlery at each place; no one's gonna miss a few dozen forks and knives, right? Norm mostly goes for the stabby utensils, but Lucky opts for a quantity-driven approach. She elevates the petty theft to an art form, turning Hilaria's shirt into a giant cutlery purse. Fuego gets in on the action, too, and starts stuffing their cutlery into the bedazzled robe they had chosen to wear to breakfast. Who knew sequins could be so loud?
Yula finishes his speech and escorts the party to view the corpse of his former litterbox. The litterbox itself is a 30-foot square with sides that are encrusted with gold and gems. It's like an ostentatious Japanese rock garden you can poop in. Unfortunately, part of the litterbox got chipped by a trowel during a routine cleaning. You can't even see the chip, but any imperfection means the litterbox is ruined and needs to be replaced. The current litterbox is probably valued at 8,000GP, but a suitable replacement would need to cost at least 30,000GP. Yula excuses himself and allows the party to explore his house until everyone makes a decision as which course of action they will take regarding their contracts.
After Yula leaves, the party is left with more questions than answers. How are they supposed to get materials? Can Yula be killed? Is he just a really big cat? If Anaxilas autographs the box, how much will the autograph artificially increase the value of the litterbox? Can they feasibly teleport back home and coerce Anaxilas to do the autograph? Time to explore the house and get some answers!
Talking to Storm is probably a good first step, but Lucky wants to gather some spell components just in case someone needs a good dose of magicking. She makes a detour through the kitchen to grab some honey. Gum arabic comes from a makeup kit in the dresser of her guest chamber in the tower, and an eyelash is provided by Fuego. With the material components secured, the party finds storm in her office drinking some stolen wine straight from the bottle.
"How was your visit with Yula today? We hope it was as magnificent as you had expected," she says unenthusiastically. Fuego realizes that Storm is just reflexively reciting a script to avoid a shock from her Coin of Obligation. Storm's been here for the past few years and has spent so much time drinking that she doesn't really remember what her original agreement was, but she knows that if she ever acts against her agreement she risks a potentially deadly shock. Storm's memory of the vault is less hazy, though. She mentions that the vault has to have two keys to open, one that belongs to Yula, and another that belongs to the bank president. There's a room that requires following a certain line on the floor to avoid setting off an alarm. The vault they will probably need to rob is Vault 4, and the whole bank is patrolled by guards. Some of the guards are living, but others are nimble clockwork contraptions.
With the information gathered from Storm, Lucky gets an idea. She discusses with the party the mundane equipment that they will need if they are to pull off this heist. Lucky writes this down in a list, and borrows Fuego's coin pouch, splits the seam and stashes her Coin of Obligation in the lining before dashing off to find Yula. She tries to corner Yula into unintentionally making another agreement, this time to nullify their existing agreement. Yula condescendingly concedes that Lucky's approach has merit and nullifies her Coin of Obligation.
Yula makes a big show about it, by summoning the entire household staff and making an announcement that Lucky's contract is hereby nullified. But the rest of the party is still bound by the original agreement. To add insult to injury, Yula amends the agreement by announcing that he is formally prohibiting the future instances of nullification with Lucky's method. That girl's got moxie, which is why she alone could wiggle out of the contract. But even though she's technically free, Yula is under no obligation to provide her with the means to go home, and thus it looks like everyone's best shot at freedom is still the bank heist.
Fuego performs some additional reconnaissance in Yula's litterbox room. What does Yula's poop look like? Presumably it looks like regular humanoid poop, but Fuego leaves a retaliatory present of their own in the litterbox. Fuego makes sure to cover it up, though, because they are a civilized rage-pooper.
Spleenifer comes in a few moments later to collect a tithe of opportunity, but she is not alone in the room this time. As Yula's infernal leavings sizzle in the pages of the holy book, a gnome named Bostvick Humplebumple is taking measurements of the quality of the sand. He's been "hired" in the same way the rest of the party is, though his task is finding sources of gypsum and volcanic sand to fill the litterbox. He also mentions that Yula seems to be having problems with his knees when using the litterbox, and if the party ever comes across a suitably ostentatious chair to help Yula conduct his box business, he might be more inclined to be more generous with his rewards. Bostvick knows where a good source of volcanic sand is, but you have to teleport to get there. He'd be happy to assist in getting there, especially if it helps him get released. Before he leaves, Bostvick warns Spleenifer that it's a risky proposition to come straight back to the mansion after the heist, because it could end badly for everyone involved if the bank people come looking here.
After the meeting with Bostvick, the party does some more reconnaissance with the staff to find out as much as they can about the structure of the bank building. They also come up with a secret backup plan, but we'll have to wait until later to find out what the plan is. Lucky informs Yula that they will attempt to ship themselves to the vault in a big box, and that they are nearly ready to go.
Once the box is prepared, the party seals themselves inside and awaits delivery to the vault. During the journey, Lucky does some fancy magic and casts Seeming to disguise Fuego as Yula, Spleenifer as Storm the seneschal, while Lucky and Norm will take on the disguise of two random servants. It's a bumpy journey down, but the party comes to a stop sometime later nestled in the vast vaults in the belly of the Goldleaf Wealth Services bank. There's a pile of 4,000 platinum coins on one side of the vault, and a trunk containing a meticulously cataloged collection of powerful items.
The adventure concludes for the evening as the party gazes upon the wealth of new tools they'll have at their disposal for the heist that's about to unfold. Stay tuned next time for more!
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Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh im excited this is my first exalted secret santa!! Ok first up:
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Wind Erodes the Veneer of Dreams, a midnight caste abyssal and resistance supernal.
Her parents were lost eggs vying for prestige in the Blessed Isle, focusing their resources on their single exalted child. [REDACTED] became an Immaculate monk and was determined to make a place for herself. She was sent to Halta along with a group of Dragon-Blooded to investigate a rumored Anathema, and it basically amounted to a massacre. She got separated and wandered the Wyld for weeks, although from her perspective it was much longer. When Veneer finally found her way out, she was alone, mutated, and half mad.
Her newly acquired second set of arms tended to make people avoid her, so she remained on the fringe of society. She met some Shining Path cultists, which destroyed what little faith she had left. She found their obsession with not only death, but nothingness, comforting. The Wyld doesn’t scare her anymore; it’s just another manifestation of pain and terror. She gets murdered by bandits about a decade later, and as she contemplates the senselessness of her life and death, the Bishop offers her a choice. She takes it, of course.
Wind Erodes the Veneer of Dreams believes the only way to end suffering is to end life because they are irrevocably intertwined. She hates how she spent so much of her life tied to a faith based on lies. She wants the best for Creation, but she happens to think that the best thing to do is to send it into Oblivion. She tries to retain a mild, unaffected exterior, but in truth, she still cares a bit too much about the living. Veneer is a high priestess/assassin and knows Ebon Shadow Style. Her charms mainly focus on tracking, stealth, and lore.
Veneer is about six feet tall and built like a string bean. Her second set of arms starts at the bottom of her ribcage, and all four arms are just a touch too long to look natural. She has the hideous merit because she looks like a mummified corpse, all dehydrated skin and skeletal-ness. Veneer doesn’t have eyes, just a black void in her sockets that still see all too well. Her hair is long, straight, and dark, and is normally in a messy bun that is constantly falling apart. I imagine her hair breaks out of its bun and flows around at suitably dramatic moments. It’s hard to tell with her dehydrated corpse look going on, but being from the Blessed Isle, she looks East Asian. She normally dresses in layers of ascetic robes and a thick, fur trimmed cloak. She has two sets of robes, a white one for snowy stealth missions, and a dark grey and navy one for everything else. All her clothes are ragged, and there are multiple tears from fights. She has two sets of tiger claws: one is her nearly broken, original pair, held in her second pair of arms. The other is an artifact weapon, which look like fingerless gloves. When she flexes, the soulsteel blades come out. It’s a very catlike motion. Her anima banner is a cold, numbing void emanating from her head like a blasphemous halo. Everything sounds quieter than it should when it’s flaring.
Optional: She has an artifact called the Infernal Optogram (i put optograph in the ref but thats wrong sorry lol). It is a full mask made of white jade. It is rounded and featureless, except for five soulsteel sockets for eyes. The eyes of the dead or the living can be inserted into these sockets to activate evocations (im still working on these but it involves instilling fear, tracking, and investigation). It’s based on optography, the idea that the retina can be imprinted with the last thing it saw. She can be wearing or holding it, whatever floats your boat.
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The Phantom Apiarist, a No-Moon caste lunar. Caste/favored are intelligence, wits, appearance, and dexterity.
I’m still trying to figure out a mortal name, but he was born in a group of villages in the southeast, where the riverland and forest begin to shift to mountains. His community worships a bee goddess, whose domain is fertility, community, and death. She grants plentiful harvests and safety, and in return the surrounding villages worship her. The Phantom Apiarist aspired to be a shaman under her guidance. Her tutelage culminated in the Heart Swarm, wherein he sacrificed his heart to show her devotion to her. She examined it and deemed it worthy. She placed a queen from her colony into his chest to start a new hive. This was his initiation into terrestrial sorcery. He’s really glad it worked, because if his goddess finds your heart lacking, she eats it and you die.
While he’s still recovering, his village is invaded. He still tries to fight even though he is a) half-dead, and b) does not know how to fight. He hasn’t even tried to use his control spell yet (I don’t have a clear picture of who would have invaded, I imagine I would flesh that out with an ST). Luna disguised themself as a marauder, and was very nearly taken out by a trap he set. She proceeded to thoroughly thrash him, and was like “you’ve got spunk, but you could use a helping hand. Try not to get yourself killed.” And exalted him on the spot.
He is grateful for Luna’s assistance, but expects that they want something in return, and is worried it would conflict with his own priorities. Which are keeping his home safe from an increasing number of raids and generally causing havoc to any Realm passersby. His control spell is blood lash, and his magic focuses on body transformations, insects, and necromancy. He has a fun thaumaturgy ritual where he tells bees secrets in exchange for their knowledge of the dead. His Tell is the beehive implanted in his chest. Where his sternum should be, you can see the nest and bees coming and going. They’re his familiars. He’s a trickster at heart, and his charms tend to revolve around loyalty, misdirection, and flirting. His anima banner is sweet-smelling honeycomb dripping blood and the feeling of a hot, oppressive summer’s day.
The closest real world ethnicity to match him would be North African, I’d say. His hair is very curly and goes past his shoulders. It’s normally pulled back with a few loose curls for flair. He’s faceless in my ref because I was really having trouble nailing it, but his nose gives him a very striking profile. His eyes are dark, and he usually has at least a small smile on his face. He’s on the shorter side, and nothing really stands out regarding his physique. His moonsilver tattoos are the major veins and arteries of his body. His main colors are navy blue and forest green, with bits of red-orange accenting. He wears a large sun hat with flowers continuously blooming and dying on it. The flowers themselves are mostly red-orange chrysanthemums with some smaller flowers and leaves. I’m not good at coming up with clothes, but he tends to wear things that are sheer and flowy. Feel free to do whatever with them. He’s trans, and since exalting has given him a body he’s way more comfortable with, he is very excited about all the loose, open shirts he gets to wear now. I imagine a lot of plunging necklines revealing his beehive. His main weapon is a giant war fan with a honeycomb pattern. It is easily the length of his arm.
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fanfiction-writers · 8 years
All for One (Transformers)
Summary: The Seekers are put on a humiliating punishment detail, and only one knows why. Word Count: 1,750+ Warnings: None A/N: This is set in the cartoon G1 Universe, with bits (like personalities) pulled from the G1 IDW comic line. I love Starscream, Thundercracker and Skywarp and it’s so fun getting these three in trouble.
My Master List is HERE.
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(Image by HobbitPunk, found here.)
"Slaggit! This is ridiculous!" Skywarp ranted. "This is not our responsibility. It's… it's demeaning!" Forty-three, Thundercracker silently counted to himself. Forty-three outbursts. His trine brother had been complaining, loudly, since Megatron had assigned them to this cursed duty. Not that he blamed his wingmate. For unknown reasons, the trine had been assigned construction duty. Of all things, construction duty. They were hauling large metal beams over a mountain range. The slagging things were so heavy that the three of them – Starscream, Skywarp and himself – had to use harnesses on them and slowly fly them over the mountains. At this pace, they couldn't even use their altmodes. "Using our superior skills for this! It's insulting!" Skywarp continued. "Shut. Up. Sky. Warp." Starscream bit out each syllable. That made thirty-nine 'shut ups' from Starscream, by Thundercracker's count. The other four times he himself had tired of his wingmate's grousing first. He began timing how long until Skywarp's next outburst. The intervals between each one were becoming gradually shorter. Soon, he believed he could accurately estimate when the next outburst would occur. If nothing else, the extra computations gave him something to do during this infernal duty. "Surely you can see how absurd this is!" Forty-four. And several nano-kliks sooner than Thundercracker anticipated. He filtered the new time into his internal equation. "The best trine in the Decepticon army, and we're forced to do … Constructicon work?" Skywarp released one hand off the harness, waving at the beam they carried. The other two cried out in protest as it began wobbling. "Why us? If he needed fliers, why not some drones? Or the Coneheads? What idiocy possessed Megatron to do this to us?" "Just let it go. And grab that harness before it falls!" Starscream hissed at Skywarp. Thundercracker contemplated whether or not to add this to Starscream's 'shut up' count. 'Let it go,' was probably the mildest order the Air Commander had ever used for silence, but the intent was the same. It would be interesting if the tamer command effected the duration until Skywarp's next tantrum. Intrigued by the new variable, Thundercracker began cross-referencing the inflection of Starscream's commands compared to the time decrease between Skywarp's outbursts. Perhaps stronger inflections caused a smaller time decrease? The hypothesis was worth investigation. While he compiled numbers, he also considered the irony of Starscream refusing to engage in a discussion of Megatron's faults. Their trine leader usually pounced at the chance to ridicule the other mech. It was almost unheard of for him to miss an opportunity. In fact, it was unheard of… Thundercracker halted, forcing the other two to do the same or risk unbalancing the beam. They squawked at the abrupt stop. Ignoring their protests, he turned to Starscream. "What did you do?"
"What do you mean?" Starscream replied, too quickly. "We 'mysteriously' pull the most humiliating shift imaginable for Seekers, and yet it's Skywarp – not you, not you! – who's complaining about Megatron. When have you ever not carried on about our glorious leader? Yet Skywarp brings it up, and you tell him to, 'let it go.' What did you do?" Skywarp turned shocked eyes to the Air Commander. "Screamer?" "Don't call me that! And I didn't do anything," Starscream glanced away, "… much." "What!" "Much?" Thundercracker replied at the same moment. "What didn't you do 'much' of?" Starscream attempted to shrug, but the metal beam's immense weight made the motion impossible while airborn. Instead, he twitched his wings. "It was just a small clerical error. Keep moving. This is heavy." "Actually, I feel like putting it down. 'Warp, that sound good to you?" "’Down’ sounds real good to me," Skywarp replied. Suiting actions to words, he dropped altitude without warning. The others scrambled to match his decent, trying to keep the beam from toppling from their grip. They dropped it unceremoniously into a shallow stream bed. "Amazing," Starscream said, once they stood on solid ground. He considered his trine. "I didn't realize we'd joined the Autobots, becoming a democracy, taking votes. All that tripe." "No, not Autobots," Thundercracker snorted. "We're Decepticons. With that comes the responsibility to question our leaders, confirm that they deserve our loyalty. Is that not what you always say?" "Cute." Starscream's optics narrowed. "So." Thundercracker crossed his arms. "'Clerical error?'" "Yeah, what does that even mean?" Skywarp asked. Starscream threw his arms up in disgust. "It was nothing. Remember when the Aerialbots attacked our supply depot, three deca-cycles ago? Several munitions crates were destroyed. I assisted in the clean up. A few crates of explosives were mistakenly reported as destroyed. Some Constructicons discovered them recently, undamaged." Skywarp glanced at Thundercracker, then back at the Air Commander. He shrugged. "That's it? Finding extra weapons is usually a good thing. That's glitched." "Precisely my point. It was nothing." Thundercracker had plenty of experience listening to Starscream's narratives and, more important, listening to what was not said. He raised an optic ridge. "Where exactly did they find these explosives?" Starscream awarded him with an annoyed glance. "Is that important?" "Yes. Even more so now, since you don't want to answer." Skywarp's shoulders slumped as he considered his trine leader. "Screamer, you didn't…" "Do not call me that!" Starscream growled. Glancing between the two other Seekers, he shook his head. Surrendering, he listed off the coordinates where the crates had been found. Coordinates that were not only no where near the supply depot, but actually on the far side of their base from it. "You must not have hid them very well, huh?" Skywarp asked, shaking his head. "They were hidden. They were in a cave. I collapsed the slagging entrance. There was no way to see them, or the cave." "But…?" Thundercracker prompted. "I don't know. Maybe someone else saw me over there. For whatever reason, our glorious leader sent the Constructicons to the area. 'For raw materials,' I believe the excuse was. It took them a few deca-cycles, but they found the crates." "Did you ever consider, y'know, moving them once you realized they were digging over there?" Skywarp asked. "I don't credit the Constructicons with an access of mental prowess, but they might have noticed me flying in empty-handed, and flying away loaded down with crates. Especially if Megatron sent them there to investigate me." Thundercracker shook his head. Starscream stockpiling explosives didn't surprise him. When it came to ways to overthrow Megatron, his trine leader was always exploring new and creative options. It took more than a few crates of munitions to surprise him anymore. Although he had to ask, "How many other stashes do you have, that Megatron doesn't know about?" "I'm shocked, Thundercracker," Starscream replied, sounding anything but. He didn't even attempt to hide his smirk. "Concealing weapons and explosives would be deceitful and traitorous. A loyal Decepticon would, of course, turn all munitions he obtained into base, where they would strengthen our cause. Suggesting I would do otherwise insults my," Starscream waved a hand idly, considering, "my… integrity. My honor. I am upset you even consider me capable of such duplicity." The three Seekers glanced between each other. Then Skywarp burst into laughter. Even Thundercracker couldn't hold a straight face. With a wicked grin, Starscream pretended to buff a scuff from his arm. "That's hilarious," Skywarp said. "Seriously, though, if you'd hid that slag better, Megatron wouldn't have found it." "Please," Starscream scoffed, "do you know how long I've been able to hide weapons from him?" "Apparently, three deca-cycles," Thundercracker raised an optic ridge. "After all, to suggest otherwise would insult your integrity and honor." "Yes, of course," Starscream said, innocently, "three deca-cycles." Thundercracker rubbed his temples. He was developing a processor ache: a common side effect when dealing with too much of Starscream's rationalizations. "Fine. Whatever. This still doesn't explain how 'Warp and I got dragged into," he gestured at the neglected beam, "this." "Oh. That." Starscream looked away. "Yes, ‘that’." Thundercracker crossed his arms. "I'm sure interested in ‘that’ too," Skywarp chimed in. Starscream shrugged. "Megatron was unimpressed with me having the explosives– " "Imagine that," Skywarp interrupted, glancing at Thundercracker. "–and informed me that if I enjoyed playing in the dirt, he could find something 'suitable' for me to do. Then he assigned me to move these." Starscream kicked the metal beam. "Assigned you. Not us. You. At what point did we get volunteered for this?" Thundercracker asked. "I pointed out a flaw in Megatron's logic." The Air Commander shrugged again. "Wait," Thundercracker raised a hand, stalling him. "Let me guess. You informed him that these are far too heavy for one Seeker to carry?" "Basically, yes." "Thanks, Screamer. Really, I mean that." Skywarp muttered. "Stop calling me that!" "What, exactly, did you think he'd do once you pointed that out?" Thundercracker asked, rubbing his temples. Yes, he was definitely developing a processor ache. "I thought he'd give me something, anything, else to do. I didn't want to haul these things around. Would you?" "Funny you should ask," Thundercracker replied, "because, no, really I don’t want to." "Why didn't Megs just beat the slag outta you? That's what he usually does." Skywarp didn't pretend to sound concerned about his Air Commander's physical well-being. "Yeah, well, he did that too," Starscream grumbled. Thundercracker considered his trine leader, arms crossed. "I suppose I should thank you. After all, if I weren't here, doing this wonderful chore because of you, I would be probably be doing something even more tedious: like attacking Aerialbots, or fighting Autobots, perhaps blowing something up. You know, boring stuff like that." He waved his hand in a dismissive gesture. "But now, I have the exciting opportunity to explore a new career as a Constructicon. Thank you, Starscream." "Shut up," Starscream said, but without any vehemence. "Are you two done complaining? We still have to get these slagging things moved." The two wingmates exchanged glances. "Why should we help you? This is your punishment." "Because if you don't, I'm won't finish this. And when Megatron comes asking why we're not done, he won't just come after me. You'll share any punishment I get. So, by all means, do nothing. Enjoy Megatron's wrath. I know he will." Starscream leaned against a boulder, crossing his arms. "I hate you," Skywarp muttered. "C'mon, 'Warp. Let's get this slagging thing moved." Thundercracker motioned to his trine brother, shaking his head. Turning back to the Air Commander, he asked, "One more thing, is there anything else you're up to that's going to come back and bite us in our collective afts?" "I don't know what you're talking about," Starscream replied, hand over his spark. "I'm the picture of innocence." "Great," Skywarp growled. "We're dead."
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vaya-writes · 4 months
Infernal Assistance (Option Four) - 2
You’ve been struggling to survive in a zombie apocalypse. Things are looking really bad before a demon swoops in to help. But that demon is an incubus. And he’s in need of help too.
Reader (GNC pronouns, AFAB, asexual spectrum) x incubus (cis male). Situationship. Allies to lovers. Zombie apocalypse AU. Banner by saradika-graphics. Wordcount: 2300.
Content Warnings: apocalypse setting, discussion and mild depiction of malnourishment, light discussion of sex, off screen implied violence and gore.
Masterlist - A03 - Previous
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You might have felt self conscious inviting a strange demon into your cramped little apartment, if you weren’t so hungry. 
Gesturing him in behind you, you don’t even spare him a glance as you make a beeline to your pantry. There’s an open packet of crackers inside, a tupperware container of oats, and four small tins of assorted vegetables left.  
You don’t touch the crackers. Even stale, they can be eaten. You decide on a tin of beans today. If the fridge still worked you could ration out perhaps six meals from the tin (a bite and a half, three times a day, for two days). But you don’t want to get food poisoning on top of everything. So you’d consume the whole tin over the course of twenty four hours. Today’s lunch and dinner, and tomorrow’s breakfast. Three full bites per meal. Approximately.  
Your hands shake as you remove the pull-lid from the tin. You’re careful not to spill a drop of bean juice, bringing the rim to your lips and drinking. Your stomach clenches at the flavour and you take your time eating. You don’t know how long somebody has to forgo eating before reintroduction of foods becomes difficult. 
You make sure to chew each bean, even as you grimace at the flavour; they’re not something you enjoy eating by themselves. And when a third of the food is gone, you pull out your makeshift foil lid and fasten it over the tin. You put the food back in the pantry. 
“Food’s scarce for you too, huh?” Your guest speaks. 
You don’t reply for a minute. Your hands are still shaking. You’d like to go and lie down. To sleep off the rest of this awful day. But there’s still an important conversation to be had. So you take a deep breath and turn to face the demon. 
“Are you going to stay?” 
The demon stills for a moment. Perhaps surprised by your bluntness. Before relaxing. Gesturing to the couch.  
You sit, your knees drawn up to create a barrier between you and the demon when he perches on the other end of the couch. He’s massive, and takes up most of the available space. 
“You’ll let me feed on you?” 
You’ve already come to terms with that. If the incubus stays, you’ll have to keep him fed. But there’s no point in keeping him around just to watch you starve. He’ll need to earn his keep. And today, you negotiate how. 
“If you help me in turn.” 
He seems to sense your seriousness, and pivots to properly face you. “What do you need?” 
“For starters? Protection. From zombies. Thieves. Any other external threats.” 
He nods. “Simple enough. What else?” 
“I’ll need supplies. Food. Water. Potentially medicine. I’m willing to scavenge, but not alone.” 
Something in his face twitches. An expression masked. But he nods again. “I can play bodyguard. That all?” 
You consider your plan for the future. What you would have done, ideally, if you were braver. If there were less zombies in your building. If you were desperate. Or reckless.  
“Last request. I want you to head to ground floor and pick up the keys to the other apartments. A master key if you can find one. And then I want help clearing the zombies from them.” 
The demon crosses his arms. There’s that twitch in his face again, before he bites his lip. “This is a big building.” 
“And I’d like to clear it. One floor at a time. It’ll be the safest way to scavenge too.” 
“The husks might come back upstairs when we rest.” 
“We’ll build barricades.” 
He narrows his eyes. “You’ve thought this through.” 
“I’ve had little else to do.” 
There’s silence for a moment. You think he’s considering. But you keep talking. “Originally, I would have had to do this to open apartments only. But if they’re open, it’s probably for a bad reason. I doubt they’d be safe. If you get those keys for me, I can be more thorough, we won’t have to travel as far, I could create safe rooms on multiple floors... There’s a lot of advantages to bringing the whole building under our control.” 
He tilts his head. “You were planning to do this all along?” 
“No. Maybe. There was an even spread before. A zombie or two on each floor. It seemed more doable.” 
“Before you went and caused a horde.” 
You scowl. “I did no such thing. Somebody else entered the stairwell that day. Started screaming their head off.” 
He stares. It makes you a little uncomfortable the way he examines you, seemingly mulling over your request. Before finally, he shrugs. 
“I’ll help. But I won’t be of any use if I’m weak. We should discuss payment.” 
You can appreciate his bluntness. Even if the topic makes you uncomfortable.  
“I assume you mean sex.” 
“Or sexual acts, yes.” 
It’s hard to meet his gaze. You stare at his coat instead. “How often do you need to..?” 
His hesitation is slight, but you do notice it. 
“Once every day.” 
You try not to frown. Glance at his face. “I don’t know much about this sort of thing, but is that safe?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“You’ll be taking my energy, right? I’m already malnourished. Is it medically safe for you to feed on me that often?” 
His hesitation is more prominent this time. He lets out a sigh. “You’re right, it’s not ideal.” 
You don’t know how to reply to that. Just wait for him to continue. 
“I’ll be careful not to take much. We can play it by ear. Skip a day every now and then, if you need one.” 
You nod. Things are making sense, but you still have questions. 
“What do you need me to do?” 
“What would you like to do,” his reply is almost instantaneous, a hint of suggestiveness slipping into his tone. 
You try not to wince, but he spots your reaction.  
You shake your head. You don’t want to discuss your sexual preferences with a stranger right now. “Can we get into that later? I just want to know what’s expected. Or needed. I don’t mean to... insult you, I guess, but what is the minimum?” 
He stares for another moment. An indecipherable expression on his face while he, you assume, tries to read you.  
He tilts his head and shrugs, that suggestiveness gone. “I feed on your pleasure. If I were healthy and well fed, the absolute minimum would be sitting in the room next to you while you wank. But to start with, I’m going to need a lot more than that. You’re not the only one who’s malnourished.” 
“Do I need to get off?” 
Another long stare. It’s an effort to not feel judged, but he’s entirely professional when he replies.  
“Is that something you struggle with?” 
You really don’t want to have this conversation with a stranger. But if you’re going to be living with him, relying on him... you should probably be honest. Secrets and dishonesty don’t make for a firm foundation in a relationship.  
Not to mention, he’ll probably notice when you struggle. There’s no point in hiding it. 
But you can’t meet his eyes when you nod. 
He sighs. 
At the noise you can’t help but stiffen. Your jaw locks and you stare intently at a spot on the ground. 
This is usually a point of contention in any sexual relationship you have. That and your inconsistent sex drive. You wouldn’t be surprised if the demon were exasperated. Angry.  If his next words invalidate you, or if he’s going to act like being an incubus will magically fix your sexual woes.  
“What’s your name, pet?” 
You’re taken aback at the gentleness to his tone. It takes a moment before you can find your voice and tell him. 
“Charmed. You can call me Veron.” He offers his hand to shake, brevity lifting the tension for a moment when you take it. 
But his smile soon disappears as he sits back and looks serious. Addresses you by your name, before, “I’ll take what you can give me. An orgasm is like a solid meal, but as you know, it’s possible to survive on scraps. It will just take longer to get me up to full strength.” 
You swallow. Nod again.  
“There anything else you think I should know?” 
You shrug. You’re feeling pretty done with this conversation. Eye contact is getting harder. Conjuring up full sentences feels monumental. “Maybe. Probably. Nothing that’s a deal breaker, I don’t think.” 
He offers another smile, uses a casual tone. “You don’t prefer women?” 
“No particular revulsion towards demons or monsters?” 
You shake your head. “No strong preference. To either point.” 
He smiles a little more cheerfully. “Great! We can go over limits and boundaries and wants later if you like. But for now, would you say we have a deal?” 
You take a breath. “Yeah.” 
His smile stretches wider, and he places his hand over his chest. “I’ll keep you safe, scavenge with you, and help you clear this building. In return, you’ll feed me once each day, unless it becomes medically unsafe for you to do so. Yes?” 
You shake his outstretched hand once more. “Yes." 
“Then it’s a deal.” 
You give Veron a brief tour of the apartment. The bathroom. The open plan living area/kitchen/lounge.  You show him the reservoir in the bathtub and teach him your water usage rules. The water stopped running when the power was cut. Since then, you've had to dole out your reservoir using a measuring cup whenever you need to do hand washing, or your occasional sponge bath.  
You don’t know how the zombie virus is transmitted, so you’ve been hesitant to drink any of the tap water. Instead, you rely on your store-bought reserves. You’d been down to a single bottle when you’d set up catchment on the roof.  
Veron surprises and absolutely thrills you with his display of prestidigitation. A snap of his fingers and the blood and viscera coating him disappears. Another snap and your layers of sweat and dust and grime vanish into the ether.  
Knowing that he’s capable of basic magic and needs only energy to fuel it is a weight off your mind. If anything, it’s more motivation to keep the demon fed. 
You offer him the couch as a bed. You don’t actually know if demons need to sleep. Some do – dreamers for instance. But aside from the sex stuff, you’ve no clue about the physiology of concubi.  
Lastly you take down the evacuation poster. Show him the map of the building. There are some amenities on the first floor, along with a maintenance room. The remaining six are dedicated to housing. One stairwell snakes up the side of the building, an elevator shaft sits at the other end, and hanging down the outside is a rickety and broken fire escape. 
You don’t know if the spare keys are kept on site, but if you’re lucky there might be copies somewhere. Checking the pockets of the local dead might be another option to find some. 
Veron process this information, and with a glance towards the window stands.  
“Okay. Today I’ll search the first floor. And make sure none of the husks in the stairwell will get back up.” 
You don’t want to dwell on what he means by that. You hadn’t realised that there were surviving zombies on the stairs. But you walk him to the door and wish him luck regardless. And then you’re left alone. 
The sun has dipped well beyond the horizon when Veron returns. It’s dark and you have to light a candle before you open the door. He’s covered in sweat and blood, looking quite disgruntled; face set in a scowl.  
“You alright?” 
“Fine,” he grumbles, snapping away any blood splatter before stepping into your apartment. 
His posture is tense, and his jaw is set. It's obvious he’s in a bad mood. 
“Did something happen?” 
He reaches into his coat and pulls out a handful of keys, dropping them onto the counter with a sneered irreverence. “These were a pain to collect.” 
He shakes his head. “Don’t ask. I’ll just get mad.” 
You’re not one hundred percent, but you’re pretty sure he’s not directly mad at you. It’s a relief, and you’re able to crack a smile. “Got it. Thanks for this.” 
He waves the comment off, before rolling his shoulders. Gradually losing some of his stiffness. “What now?” 
You hold up your candle. “I’d like to save these for emergencies. And it’s too dark for me to see. So, I’m going to turn in for the night. I’ve made the couch up for you. I don’t know if you sleep or whatever but...” you trail off.  
He glances at the couch, at the blanket and cushions you’ve set out, and nods. “Sure. I’ll just... be here then. Until tomorrow.” 
You conjure up a polite smile. “Until tomorrow.”  
You put the candle out before heading to your room. Briefly wonder if you should lock your door before doing so. Sure, he could probably break it down if really wanted. But it puts your mind at ease.  
You let out a groan as you sink into your bed. Your back fucking hurts. It’s so good to be on a mattress, using a pillow. Enough so that even with all the trepidation, all the anxiety circling your thoughts, you’re soon out like a light. 
Next (to come)
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vaya-writes · 3 months
🎲 25 or 40 for Reader x Veron, accidental or impulsive kiss
Hi, I love you. I wrote this pretty much the day you sent this prompt, but have only now taken the time to rewrite and edit. Thank you for your patience <3
Featuring 600 words of fluff and a timeskip moderately into their story.
You’ll find that once immediate needs are taken care of, and you’re granted a sense of safety, apocalyptic societal collapse can be quite boring. 
The building is cleared. You have multiple gardens and water catchments set up. There’s a waste disposal routine. Rations are looking healthy, and you have emergency supplies and go bags on each floor. 
Leaving you increasingly restless, starting to go stir crazy, and more often than not, mind numbingly bored. 
You used to rely on electricity to pass the time. Social media. Television. Video games. The internet of things. Now you’re left with books and a handful of craft materials you have minimal skill at using. 
More and more you enjoy spending time with Veron. Even if you have to sit through his innuendos and ignore his heated stares. Sometimes he’s generous enough to play a board game with you. Other times you have to sweeten the pot.  
All in all, you can’t complain. You’re safe and surviving with a comfortable margin for error. You have companionship. Working on the garden and rereading your old books helps you pass the time. Veron does most of the scavenging, deeming it unsafe for you to leave the building. 
Yeah. You can’t complain.  
You’re not due for a supply run when Veron volunteers to go out next. You figure he’s as restless as you are. So, you stow your anxiety and give him a shopping list. You break your ‘food after work’ rule and let him take his fill of you. And afterward he sets out to go scavenging.  
You don’t get much done that day. Lethargic from Veron’s snacking, and too anxious to fight through the fog and leave your room, you instead take up vigil on the balcony. 
He makes it back before nightfall. 
It’s an effort not to go to him when he steps through your door. Not to touch him and reassure yourself of his presence. 
He unpacks a few food items from his bag. You’re pleased to see he’s picked up a handful of spice mixes for you to cook with, and some more toilet paper. But your mouth dries and the words leave you when he pulls a book from his bag. 
“I saw this series on your shelf. You haven’t got this one, have you?” 
You bite down on your lip to keep it from trembling. You can’t meet his eyes, instead fixing your gaze on that book. 
That book you had really, really wanted. That you hadn’t found time to pick up before the world ended. The next instalment in one of your favourite series.  
You cross the room and wrap your arms around Veron before you can even process what your body is doing. Embarrassed, you hide your face in his jacket, so he doesn’t see your tears.  
Your voice is hoarse with the effort of controlling your emotions. “Thank you.” 
He’s still for a moment before relaxing. Before he lets out a breath and tousles your hair. “No problem.” 
You take a minute to reign your emotions in. To compose your face before stepping back. Eyes fixed on the floor, unable to meet Veron’s gaze, you pull away from his chest. But impulse has you hesitating. Has you leaning back in. 
You press a kiss to the demon, an appreciative and shy peck to the closest bit of skin you can reach – the spot just below his collarbone.  
He freezes again. 
And before he can react, you snatch the book and run. 
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vaya-writes · 2 months
The latest chapter of Infernal Assistance is so sweet 😭 I'm soooo looking forward to what else you have in store!
Thank you darling :) It's what I'd like to update next with my WIPs.
I'm wondering if people would be okay with shorter and simpler chapters. Drabbles almost.
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vaya-writes · 4 months
Send requests for short Infernal Assistance scenes? I’ve got much of the survival aspect planned out, but basically no smut or character development planned.
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vaya-writes · 2 months
I’m the mood to write today. Just gaging interest in what ya’ll would like to see next.
Infernal Assistance is the incubus x asexual reader in a zombie apocalypse.
Not Quite A Life Debt is a poly leaning smutty shenanigan and fluff fic between a reader and three demonic brothers.
Serving the Serpent is a long form story, with Briar who is mute working for Isen the naga.
And I have a dark prompt and a cute living armor prompt that could use love.
Higher difficulty projects you won’t be likely to see any time soon even if I start work today.
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vaya-writes · 2 years
My Masterlist
My A03
Last updated: 12th of September, 2024
Most recent fic:
(if you saw the new thing, no you didn't, come back later)
Not Quite A Life Debt - 3
Ordered from most to least recent. Finished are bolded.
Serving the Serpent - AITA: 1, 2, 3 (to come)
A series of joke AITA posts that are about some of the antagonists in the Serving the Serpent universe. These are prompts and drabbles written for fun that reveal some key details of character back stories that might not otherwise be mentioned in the canon story. They contain spoilers and reading them might lessen the impact of some character backstory reveals later.
Infernal Assistance (Option Four): Prologue, 1, 2, Intermission
You’ve been struggling to survive in a zombie apocalypse. Things are looking really bad, before a demon swoops in to help. But that demon is an incubus. And he’s in need of help too.
Asexual reader (GNC pronouns, AFAB) x m demon, situationship, allies to lovers, zombie apocalypse AU, smutfic.
The Caretaker of Larlimen House:
Become the caretaker of Larlimen House; home to a number of supernatural creatures. It's your job to maintain the house and look after them- whatever that might entail.
The Caretaker of Larlimen House is a game in development on Twine. The following fics are shorts either from or regarding the game.
Resident Interviews - Masterlist
Not Quite A Life Debt - 1, 2, 3, TBC
A handful of f reader insert scenes with m demonic love interests. Fluff, hurt/comfort, and smutty shenanigans that lean kind of poly.
You (kind of unnecessarily) tried to save Ludwig’s life. Out of pity, he lets you crash at his place for a few weeks after. It probably wouldn’t be so bad, but he doesn’t live alone. /// Reader stays with the triplets until she gets back on her feet. Smut, family shenanigans, and possibly even romance ensues.
Serving the Serpent - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, more to come
Cis female mute human x male naga (slow burn, co-workers to lovers, power imbalances, eventual smut)
Briar owes Lord Isen her life, unfortunately. She works off her debt by serving in his castle. Dealing with the rapidly changing circumstances of her life, she's not used to anyone paying her much attention. She struggles particularly when Isen seems set on interacting with her.
The Wyvern's Bride - 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2.1, 2.2 (NSFW), 2.3 (NSFW), 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 (NSFW), Epilogue
Cis female human x Cis male wyvern (slow burn, arranged marriage, eventual smut)
When Adalyn gets sacrificed to the local wyvern, she’s a little annoyed and a lot terrified. Upon meeting the wyvern, she discovers that he’s not particularly interested in eating people, and mostly wants to be left alone. In a plot to save himself from the responsibilities his family keep pushing on him, Slate names Adalyn as his human Envoy, and tasks her with finding him a wife.
Drabbles and Oneshots:
The Worst Cellmate - excuse the dorky name, just some body horror with a surprise shapeshifter prompt and some slight yandere vibes? CW: body horror, unsexy vore, off screen gore
Catching a Greed Demon - gnc demon x gnc human, meet cute, human does not have a normal response to things, CW: home invasion
Infernal Courting - gnc demon x gnc human reader insert, horror/romance?
Demonic Favours - m human x m demon, fluff
Movie Night - f human x m demon x m demon x m demon, smut, hurt/comfort, foursome
Plus Two - f human x m demon, smut, petty catharsis, shenanigans, semi-public sex
I've got other fics over on A03 but they're much nastier.
Non con and horror porn fics are over on my side blog: @guilty-pleasure-writings
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