#Ingrid Salvatore
marcogiovenale · 1 year
roma, esc, 29 aprile: passaggi a francoforte
Gli accadimenti che segnano il nostro tempo, dalla guerra alla crisi climatica, dalla pandemia alla recessione economica, ci trascinano violentemente in uno scenario sconosciuto. Ciò che sembrava stabile vacilla, il mondo nel quale siamo cresciuti e abbiamo messo radici assomiglia sempre di più a quello che Stefan Zweig definiva “il mondo di ieri”. Durante transizioni e scosse tragiche come…
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thecollectivefiles · 1 month
Top 5 least dangerous versus top 5 most dangerous in New Orleans at present?
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every supernatural creature poses a threat to our peaceful reality but if it's specifics you'd like, who am i to not oblige?
top five most dangerous, according to my observations:
hope mikaelson
kaya lockwood
ingrid mikaelson
asher lockwood
josie saltzman
top five least dangerous, according to my observations:
alexia salvatore
nagisa abe ( maybe once she's aware of what she can do, it will change )
benedita carvalho ( human snoops are particularly annoying however )
theodore salvatore
julien theriot ( magic or not, who's scared of a guy with a puppy? )
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ordenyprogreso · 11 months
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revillagenews · 2 years
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Morning, little listeners! Bianca here! Things are getting heated at Lord Heisenberg's factory. Yes, we are trespassing but the man can go die. Scott and Intern are arguing over the two lords, Lady Beneviento and Lord Moreau and why one of them deserves more love.
We do not know where Intern got an Elmo costume. -Ingrid
I think we should all fear intern because they may be small but they are ungodly strong.
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hellonexrth · 7 days
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002. kaya & theo event: laurie & hope's wedding reception @hntershunted
Putting on a brave face ended up being much easier than the hellhound, now tribrid, thought. After Ingrid turned her, she'd thrown herself into party planning, making sure that the wedding reception was absolutely perfect for her best friend and her new husband. She still couldn't believe that Hope was actually married. Meanwhile, she and Theo hadn't even had the talk yet, despite having spent an astounding amount of time together. But despite her confident exterior, her nerves often got to her, and she didn't want to assume anything about her relationship to him.
Especially since she'd yet to tell him the big news. It just felt odd to have to come out and say it. How would she even go about that? Like, hey, sorry, forgot to mention, but I'm a vampire now because my best friend force-fed me her blood and then killed me. No, that was ridiculous, and it sounded crazy to even think, she couldn't imagine how it would sound said out loud. Despite trying her best not to think about it, some of the negative thoughts still nagged at the base of her skull, and she spent a good deal of effort trying to push them back down. Trying not to feel anything. Especially since she didn't want to ruin this moment for her friends.
So, she flitted around the party in a tight red dress with a corset top and puffy off the shoulder sleeves, looking hot but feeling more stressed than ever. Channeling all of those negative emotions into making sure the space looked perfect. When people started to arrive, she moved like a blur to the entrance, looking over the shoulder of the vampire they'd paid to check invites, making certain he was doing his job. There, she spotted Theo, specifically uninvited from party setup as a way to distance herself, to keep from having to tell him anything. But there he was, looking as handsome as ever, and Kaya couldn't help but step in his direction, pulling him toward her so she could throw her arms over his shoulders. She offered him a wide smile, "Long time no see. So nice of you to make an appearance, Mr. Salvatore." She paused, then said "How was that? Very professional welcoming party of me, right?" with a wiggle of her brows.
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tina-aumont · 1 month
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Salon Kitty screencaps
Salon Kitty is a 1976 erotic-war-drama film directed by Tinto Brass. The film was coproduced by Italy, France and West Germany. It is based on the novel of the same name by Peter Norden, covering the real life events of the Salon Kitty operation, under which the Sicherheitsdienst took over an expensive brothel in Berlin, had the place wire tapped, and replaced all the prostitutes with trained spies, in order to gather information on various members of the Nazi party and foreign dignitaries.
It is considered among the progenitors of Nazisploitation genre.
Plot (it may contain spoilers)
Wallenberg (Helmut Berger), an ambitious Nazi SS commandant, devises a plan to select a special group of female informants in order to plant them as prostitutes in a high class brothel on the eve of World War II in order to collect intel on various important members of the Nazi party and foreign dignitaries who frequent the establishment. The selected SS auxiliaries are then group tested with SS men to assess their suitability. The brothel is then purged of its regular girls and Kitty (Ingrid Thulin), the owner and Madam of the brothel, is forced to comply and allows her original girls to be deported as the building gets wiretapped with listening devices and other surveillance equipment, after which the new girls proceed to spy on their illustrious clients. However, when one of the informants named Margherita (Teresa Ann Savoy) discovers that the surveillance project resulted in the execution of her lover, Luftwaffe pilot, Hans Reiter (Bekim Fehmiu), she enlists Kitty to help her take down Wallenberg. Margherita entraps Wallenberg via a recording where he tells her that he has the dirt on all the top Nazi hierarchy and intends to bring them all down. As a consequence, Wallenberg is executed for treason.
Helmut Berger - Helmut Wallenberg
Ingrid Thulin - Kitty Kellermann
Teresa Ann Savoy - Margherita
John Steiner - Biondo
Bekim Fehmiu - Captain Hans Reiter
Stefano Satta Flores - Dino
Sara Sperati - Helga, the dominatrix
Maria Michi - Ilde
Rosemarie Lindt - Susan
John Ireland - Cliff
Paola Senatore - Marika
Tina Aumont - Herta Wallenberg
Dan van Husen - Sergeant Rauss
Luciano Rossi as Dr. Schwab
Giancarlo Badessi - German Officer with Projector
Malisa Longo - New Kitty Girl
Patrizia Webley
Aldo Valletti - Dart Throwing Client (uncredited)
Salvatore Baccaro - Neanderthal Prison Inmate (uncredited)
The film also includes a large number of uncredited actors.
The film was released in Italy on March 2, 1976.
Here you can watch the full movie.
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cxrsedmuse · 3 months
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closed — @tribidscrsed location: salvatore home (french quarter)
In search of his good friend, Laurie headed over to the Salvatore's French Quarter home. He hadn't wanted to pull himself out of bed with Hope, but Ingrid had demanded alone time and who was Laurie to object? Kicked out of his own apartment? Maybe, but he wouldn't see it that way. No, he was just doing the gentlemanly thing, and if the girls wanted to use his place as an escape, so be it. Even if he had objected, there was no use arguing with the sisters.
Honestly, it was probably a good thing Hope had so many caring people in her life. Otherwise there'd be no reason for them to ever spend time apart. And, it gave him a good excuse to bother Damon, one of his favorite activities. Unfortunately, when he opened the door to their home with the key Damon had given him a copy of (a mistake? probably), he wasn't faced with his good friend but one of the kids.
"Hey kid. Seen your Dad?" Laurie asked. He leaned over the back of the couch to get a better look at the television. Ever the nosey individual, he asked, "What's that?" when Theo didn't reply right away.
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ranchracoon · 5 months
Ch. 22 The Challenge
Trigger Warning: Mentions of blood, death, and wounds towards the end.
"Y-Yes." You answered.
"You hesitated." Donna responded.
"Well I-"
Donna only looked at you and it was enough for you to sigh in defeat. Who were you kidding, you said you could kill but doubted if you realistically could. She kissed the top of your head and lowered your hands down, when you lifted your head you looked around to see that everyone else was leaving. Except Alcina and the girls. Alcina approached Donna, her daughters formed a single file line behind her.
"Donna, may I ask a favor of you?" Alcina asked.
Donna nodded her head.
"I would like it if you used House Dimitrescu's family rapier. I know you will win, and it would give me great joy to see House Moreau fall at the blade and hand of the families they tried so hard to erase."
You looked up in time to see Donna swallow, her jaw flexed with tension as her eye drifted off in thought. She then gave Alcina a short, curt nod of her head to which Alcina smiled proudly. Her head was held high and her shoulders visibility relaxed, she took a deep breath and also nodded her head.
"Excellent. I will have Cassandra sharpen it for you. Would you two like to join us at the castle? We do have some time before dusk, and, perhaps it would be best not to be alone right now."
You and Donna looked at each other, she tilted her head at you meaning it was your choice.
"We'd love to." You answered.
Angie stood from the pew with the help of Daniela who then pranced over to her girlfriend, linking arms with her. Donna squeezed your hand and followed behind Alcina with you directly behind Donna, Angie behind you, and the girls formed in a half circle around the three of you. The first thing you heard was yelling, some of it angry, some of it cheerful, and you flinched when the door opened. The roaring of the crowd stung your ears, you cupped one hand over one ear and leaned against Donna to cover the other.
The crowd was surrounding Salvatore, some of the people rooting him on, others cursing him, and a few others making bets on who would win. Some of the villagers spotted you and Donna, they tried to crowd around but Alcina firmly stood her ground, ordering them to let her pass. She parted the crowd for no one dared to be too close to her, she looked over at Donna who exhaled audibly while squeezing your hand. It seemed like forever to get to the Castle and by then the crowd had dispersed enough you could uncover your ears.
Although your time was very brief here, the overwhelming shudder of dread and fear ran up your spine. Once you were safely behind the castle doors, you relaxed and leaned more against Donna. There were still hours before dusk and you could feel the exhaustion of the stress and anxiety starting to get to you. Daniela, Ina, and Cassandra all went their separate ways leaving Bela, Alcina, Donna, and you in the main hall. A maid appeared from the double doors leading to the dining room, you didn't recognize her but then again, there had to be at least 50 women working here. The maid approached the matriarch without so much as a look in yours or Donna's direction and held out her arms, Alcina removed her long fur coat and handed it to the maid.
"Thank you Ingrid. Please be a dear and inform the kitchen we have guests, I'm sure these two are starved. We will be in the seating area next to my chambers."
"Right away ma'am."
Ingrid curtsied and left the hall as quickly as she arrived, the seating area was directly down a hallway from the main hall. Inside was a roaring fire, bookshelves from floor to ceiling, a couch, a very large coffee table with a marble top, and two chairs on the other side. You and Donna sat on the couch, Bela and Alcina sat in the chairs, the warmth from the fire wasn't unpleasant although a bit warm for your liking. You slipped off the cloak to relieve yourself of some of the warmth. You looked around at the portraits hanging between bookshelves, and the expensive looking dishes above the fireplace. No one said anything, the only sound being the crackling of the fireplace until Bela finally broke the tension.
"I think this is the first time you've been to our home Donna. Sorry it's under such circumstances."
Donna stared at the fire, the flames reflecting in the virgin white of her mask. She took a breath and turned to look at Bela, her cold, resolved face softening the same way it did when she looked at you. Donna gave her the tiniest smiles.
"I had always hoped to see it but could never find the courage. I'm sure after today that will change." Her hand squeezed yours.
There was a knock on the door, Alcina gave the order to enter and the maid from before, Ingrid, came in with a rolling cart of goodies. She set down a cup in front of everyone, some pastries, finger sandwiches, and cut seasonal vegetables. Then she stood upright and held one hand out, palm up, in front of three pitchers on top of the cart.
"I have brought coffee, tea, and water. What would everyone like?" She asked as if she's repeated this line a thousand times.
"Coffee please." Alcina answered almost excitedly.
"Tea please." Bela answered.
"I'll have tea please." You answered.
"Coffee please." Donna answered.
You were surprised to hear Donna speak so easily, but then again, she's known Alcina much longer than you and they are family. Ingrid pours each of the liquids and Alcina dismisses her but she leaves the cart there. You lean over to watch her leave then straighten back up.
"Is that what Mother Miranda wanted me to become?" You asked.
Bela snorts into her cup and coughs to clear the burning liquid from her nose and throat, she uses a handkerchief to wipe herself clean. Donna's shoulders shake and you see her suck in her lips to suppress her laughter. Alcina attempts to sigh as if she's irritated at the question, but even she cracks a smile.
"One could only hope. Ingrid is by far my proudest work and somehow I have yet to replicate that amount of servitude. She's rather impressive." Alcina explained.
You look over at Donna who pours some cream and sugar into her coffee then leans back sipping it.
"Is that how you want me to be?" You asked in a playful tone.
"No, you're plenty submissive and obedient when I want you to be."
Now it was your turn to choke, your face burned from the intense blush and your jaw dropped. Where was your sweet, innocent, shy, Donna? Bela erupted in laughter, even Alcina chuckled to herself as her cup hovered by her lips. Despite the hours of talking and near rib-breaking laughter, you could see Donna stare off into the distance. She sipped her coffee and when she was done, she switched to water and only nibbled on the food. Her mind is obviously somewhere else and unable to fully relax, you couldn't blame her though, you're not the one who has to fight. When the clock chimed six times, all three pots and the plates were empty and Ingrid returned to announce dinner was ready.
You sat with Alcina and Bela at the dining room table, Daniela and Ina joined soon after but Donna didn't sit. Instead, she waited for Cassandra to appear who was holding a long, slender box. Donna took the box and leaned over, kissing you briefly before she turned around and went out into the courtyard. You wanted to ask her to stay but Cassandra shook her head at you, when you looked at Bela she gave you a sympathetic smile.
"It's bad luck to eat a big meal before a fight. If you're too full it slows you down, and if you're too hungry you get distracted." Bela explained.
"Also when you die all your bowels unleash at once so, less food also means less crap. Literally." Added Cassandra.
"Cassandra, language." Alcina scolded.
You looked back toward the door and sighed before turning yourself fully to the table as the maids from the kitchen served dinner. Not wanting to seem rude you picked at the food but now the anxiety was getting to you again. Over an hour passed and just as dinner was being taken away did Donna return to the dining hall with the box underneath her arm.
"This will work just fine." She stated calmly.
She looked down at you and you back at her, she offered her free hand and you took it when the clock struck seven. Alcina stood from the table and took a deep breath, everyone including you silently understood that it was time to leave. Ingrid came out and handed Alcina her fur coat, the girls each a black cloak, and you the cloak the cloak you left in the seating area. Alcina was right, Ingrid certainly is impressive. Your group walked in the same manner as before with Donna directly in front of you, holding your hand, with the girls around you. They didn't think anyone would try anything, but it was better to be safe rather than sorry.
By the time you arrived at the ceremony site the sun was setting below the mountain range in the distance. Mother Miranda stood near the cliff's edge directly across from where you walked in, you, Donna, and the Dimitrescu women approached her right side. You could see Karl's factory from there and huddled against Donna who let go of your hand to wrap her arm around you tightly. Villagers slowly arrived in single file, many of them carrying lanterns or torches and some of them lighting the large basins of wood. Fire light slowly illuminated the site until every inch was covered as if it were the middle of the day. Now you can see the site clearly for the first time, and thankfully Karl was seated on the opposite side .
Four enormous statues of sitting kings were erected in each corner, there was a ring engraved in the ground with a chalice looking statue directly in the middle. Carved in the mountains on each side between two of the statues were what looked to be rows of seats that the villagers were now sitting on. Alcina gently took your arm, silently urging you to go with her to the stands and leave Donna there. You wiggled out of Donna's grasp and cupped her face, pulling her down to kiss you deeply. She returned the kiss, her lips still as soft as you remember and when you pulled away you could see the tiniest speckle of fear in her eyes.
You were politely dragged away by Alcina who sat you next to her on the cold stone, Bela sat next to you. Cassandra sat on the very end whilst Daniela sat on the other side of Alcina with Ina. Your heart thudded loudly in your chest as you heard a dull roaring of people, Salvatore, followed by a group of loud supporters arrived. She stood on Mother Miranda's left side, in his hand a rapier that looked freshly plucked from the ocean floor. Donna knelt down on the ground and set the case down, she knelt upright and shimmied off her coat then opened the case.
She pulled out a golden rapier with the hilt cover being the Dimitrescu signature flower. Even in the dim firelight you could see how beautiful of a weapon it was, it gleamed with pride. If a weapon could be excited to be in battle once again, that rapier was the picture perfect example. Donna approached the center chalice with Salvatore across from her, Mother Miranda walked up to both of them.
"How are you feeling?" Bela whispered in your ear.
"Honestly? Half of me is pissed that Donna is letting this happen even if it's some ancient law or whatnot. The other half is terrified." You answered.
Bela reached over and grasped your hand, holding it on your thigh in reassurance. You were terrified, but also a tiny, microscopic sliver of you was incredibly turned on by how attractive Donna looked right now. Mother Miranda raised her hands to silence the whispers, she cleared her throat and spoke clearly.
"Great ones, hear our voice, together as one in reverence. We call on thee within the endless dark to deliver us into fate's hands. As the midnight moon rises on black wings, so we make our sacrifice and await the light at the end." She prayed.
You bowed your head and swallowed tickly trying to hold in the giggle that wanted to erupt from your throat. Somehow you managed to hold it in and coughed when the prayer ended, you could only imagine the smug look Donna would have given you.
"We are here as witnesses to the challenge of Salvatore Moreau and Donna Beneviento. The challenge will end when one takes the life of another. May the black God carry you to eternal paradise." Mother Miranda stepped back from them.
Donna and Salvatore raised their rapiers, with your limited knowledge it was obvious who had more experience. Donna's stance looked true, grounded, while Salvatore's looked like one you saw in a movie. The sound of metal striking metal startled you despite seeing it happen, they clashed swords. They danced around the chalice until Donna lunged back to give herself more space, Salvatore charged at her and she easily blocked it. Yet somehow whenever she moved to strike he managed to either block or dodge it.
Salvatore was like an enraged drunk, he was yelling, swinging the rapier violently. One swing was strong enough that when Donna blocked her arm was thrown back, leaving her torso open. Salvatore swung but was just barely out of reach, cutting open Donna's vest and partially her shirt but nothing else. Donna regained her traction, she came to the same conclusion you did; Salvatore was stronger physically but she had speed and dexterity. Even with that though, Salvatore quickly realized that Donna was blind on one side, he would move around and she would turn her whole body rather than follow with her head.
He now moved so strike her on that side, he darted off and before she could fully turn he would attempt to hit her. She of course would block within a moment's notice, but it was clear she needed to do something before he actually got another good strike. She circled back around toward the chalice, perhaps utilizing it to her advantage to gain the upperhand. Now that he had one strike under his belt, Salvatore became much more confident.
He swung again but this time Donna lunged forward and caught him mid swing, making him stumble back against the chalice. She was hovering over him, using her body weight to press down onto him into the statue, her blade digging into his. Both of them were trapped, pushing against one another but from the lying position he was in, Salvatore had little maneuverability. That didn't stop him from swinging his other arm straight into Donna's face, she flew backwards and landed on her hands and knees.
"Cheap shot!" A woman screamed.
That woman being Alcina which made you, Bela, Cassandra, and everyone in the stands look at her. She cleared her throat and acted composed as if she didn't just scream at the top of her lungs. You're thankful she did, because you were about to and might have done something drastic if she didn't. Salvatore pulled himself off, adjusting himself as he started his approach toward Donna. Her back was to him, her sword was off to the side and she held her face with one of her hands, you couldn't see her face or anything. He raised his rapier up with the point directly at Donna's backside.
"Donna!" Now you screamed.
Donna threw herself to the side, rolling over as Salvatore's sword came crashing down onto the stone with a clang. Donna grabbed her sword and stood abruptly, Salvatore stopped in his tracks and you heard a collective gasp from the other side of the site. You stood up from your seat with Bela still holding your hand, the only thing you could see was a few pieces of white porcelain on the ground. Salvatore stood like a deer in headlights, and Donna flexed her sword to her side. She leapt forward and charged her rapier forward, Salvatore didn't have enough time to react as it pierced into his chest.
It wasn't a fatal strike, but it was enough then when Donna removed the sword that his former light blue undershirt was now being dyed red. He clutched his hand over the wound and raised his rapier, snarling at her. He opened his mouth to say something at her but she slicked her sword upward and cut him across the mouth, splitting his lips open. Salvatore coughed and out of instinct dropped his sword to cover his mouth, the blood leaking through his fingers. Donna charged him, and this time her sword went clean through.
You looked away, squeezing your eyes shut and burying your face against Bela's arm. Basic scrapes and cuts were fine, but this was a level of blood that made you want to hurl. Bela tapped your head, you looked up to see Donna standing there with Salvatore's body blocked by the chalice. She turned around and there was another collective gasp, even Bela and Alcina sucked in sharp breaths. Donna's chest visibly rose and fell with her heavy breathing, and you saw her face fully exposed with blood running down from her hairline. The burnt half looked more horrific in the firelight, giving her the illusion that part of her face had melted off and only bloody charcoal remained.
Without thinking you bolted from the stands, thankfully you were on the first row and didn't have to climb over anyone. You ran to her and she caught you in her arms, her rapier clattering on the ground when she dropped it. Her arms embraced you tightly, holding you, she hid her face against your neck and you felt something wet against it. You told yourself it was probably tears so you kept some fabric of your sanity intact. Your eyes were sealed shut because you knew if you opened them you would be tempted to look at Salvatore's body, and you didn't want that image in your head.
There were sounds of shuffling, whispering, and footsteps all around you but you pinpointed that people were leaving the stands. Mother Miranda's voice was nearby you as she talked to somebody about removing the body; some other voices were muffled but you distinctly heard Donna's name and something about her face. A hand touched your shoulder and you let out a choked sob as if the touch burned you, that surprised you, Donna, and whomever touched you.
"It's just me." Said Angie.
You and Donna both relaxed in each other's arms, your eyes peeled open and you looked around with your eyes. Angie moved around into your eyesight, she looked tired but still managed to give you a half smile.
"Come on, let's get you two home."
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bvsyhead · 2 months
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BASICS full name; josette olivia saltzman / nicknames; josie / age; 25 / gender; cis-female / pronouns; she/her / sexuality; lesbian / martial status; single / occupation; tbd
PERSONALITY the label; the archer / positive traits; level headed, bright / negative traits; co-dependent, passive / sign; gemini
FAMILY biological mother; josette saltzman / biological father; alaric saltzman / surrogate mother; caroline forbes / step-father; klaus mikaleson / faternal twin; lizzie saltzman / step-siblings; hope mikaelson, ingrid mikaelson
tw; death
-josie saltzman was born in 2014 and considered a miracle, both her and her twin sister lizzie were born thanks to magic. a spell that saved both of them, caused her to have a different parental history than most. her mother josette, was killed by their uncle kai. growing up she only knew her mother as caroline forbes, who she loves deeply. mystic falls isn't a place she knows very well, having to leave once it was deemed free of supernaturals.
-growing up in new orleans. she visited art museums in her free time and became close friends with local witches. the mikaelson boarding school of the gifted was a wonderful place for her to grow and learn her magic. being near powerful witches such as freya mikaelson and vincent grifith showed her that she too could hold that much inside her without turning bad. yet dark magic is something that would always find her. she still turns to it in times of desperation, despite her twin sisters pleas.
-yet despite their parents best attempts, the merge couldn't be stopped. causing both her and lizzie to go through with it, even though neither them consented. in the end josie won and it broke her far more than she could ever explain. causing her to go into a deep depression for a few years.
-hope and josie went on a trip to europe after the merge, both of them devastated with the loss of lizzie. the two began to dabble in black magic, among other things. they ended up finding comfort in each other, both acting on the crushes they held for each other as teens. but the two were far too broken for any of that to work. it ended on terms that weren't exactly great, josie left to go back to new orleans to study art. lizzie's words about dark magic and it's dangers ringing in her mind.
-it took a bit of time, but she began to love art again. getting a degree in art history and working as a curator at NOMA. something she hoped lizzie would be proud of. yet she was also a bit of recluse, she would go to work and then go back to her apartment where she would fill her time with anything other than human connection.
-plans of a long career at NOMA were brought short when inadu, or the hollow, came to new orleans and shook her entire world. the one thing it wanted was hope and there was no way in hell that josie was allowing that to happen. she had already lost lizzie, so that codependent nature that was once fostered by her twin was now fueled by the tribrid.
-everyone worked together to defeat the evil spirit, a lot of them sacrificing their lives in the process. after the death of klaus mikaelson, josie watched as hope turned off her humanity. at first she didn't follow, wanting to hold onto to that last spark of a better world for just a bit longer. but then she saw the death of damon salvatore and realized that there was no light. hope was gone both literally and figuratively.
-hope, ingrid, kaya, and josie all went on a rampage after they went to the dark side. the siphoner finally allowed all those painful thoughts and feelings to bubble until there was no good left, allowing her to kill and torture as many people as desired. she is in no way herself anymore, hell-bent on remaining powerful and keeping her loved ones alive. she has lost everything, her twin, her family, her home, and with that she lost her humanity.
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Time to fuck with my muse list again because I am never happy and despite continuing to struggle with these meds I want to write, gdi.
-Ada Wong is returning, and will be by request only
-Donna Beneviento and Angie are returning, and will be by request only
-Joe Baker is now available by request only
-Lucas Baker is now available by request only
-Salvatore Moreau is now available by request only
-Marguerite Baker is now available by request only
-Mother Miranda is now available by request only
-Jack Baker is being added, and will be available by request only
-Chris Redfield is being removed
-Ingrid Hunnigan is being removed
-Finn Macauley is being removed
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setting-dawn · 2 years
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Here are the list of Canon Resident Evil Characters (for Server Canon-verse).
If you wish to permanently claim any of these, you must go through audition. Submit your character profile and roleplay sample in #Canon-char-submission (check 📌 pinned message for rules)
- Setting: Year 2026, refer to #Lore
- Only 2 canon characters per person for server canon-verse.
- You need to be active. In exchange for claiming your desired canon character, we need you to post something in the server at least once a week. It doesn't need to be a roleplay post. It can just be 'hello', some friendly chatter or trolling in crack channels.
- Inactivity for 1 month = your character will be open for others to claim. So, if you wish to go on a break/hiatus, let us know beforehand.
- You may adjust canon character's age or resurrect originally dead canon character of any Resident Evil game. Come up with a reason or excuse how it happened.
- Reservation lasts for a week.
- No need to apply for OCs, or any character for Fanon / AU. You can have multiple of those as well, go nuts in your stash.
Alex Wesker
Alexia Ashford
Annette Birkin
Ashley Graham
Barry Burton
Bella Dimitrescu
Billy Coen
Carlos Oliveira
Cassandra Dimitrescu
Daniela Dimitrescu
Deborah Harper
Excella Gionne
Helena Harper
Ingrid Hunnigan
Jack Baker
Jack Krauser
Jessica Sherawat
Jill Valentine
Lucas Baker
Luis Sera
Mia Winters
Moira Burton
Mother Miranda
Nikolai Zinoviev
Parker Luciani
Rachel Foley
Rosemary Winters
Salvatore Moreau
Sherry Birkin
Sheva Alomar
Steve Burnside
The Duke
The Merchant
Zoe Baker
If your desired character is not on this list, let us know and we will add them.
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hellishmuse · 2 months
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001. kaya & asher
Being back in New Orleans made Kaya's skin crawl with a certain sense of deja vu that she did not appreciate. It felt like an omen of more bad things to come. Even though she'd spent the last year doing bad things across the globe, New Orleans still reminded her of the first bad thing, the slow loss of herself that spiraled faster than she'd realized at the time.
Disconnecting from the hips of Ingrid and Hope had been necessary, each of them having their own business to attend to. But what business was that for Kaya, really? Just like the other girls, her parents were dead. She doubted Asher wanted anything to do with her after her absence, and she certainly wasn't going to go to the Salvatore house for a chat with Theo anytime soon.
That crawling sensation didn't go away, wouldn't, no matter what she tried. Even back to her own antics, stalking through the shadows, making deals with the poor and unfortunate on street corners, nothing seemed to make her feel better. Somehow, without realizing it, she'd ended up standing on the sidewalk across the street from her parents' house. Did Asher still live there? Did anyone? Or did a brand new family move in and take over their life completely?
"Asher," she said, catching his scent on the wind nearby. Had he been trying to sneak up on her? To catch her unaware? No, he wouldn't do that. This was her brother, nearly her twin. But in that moment, she still felt nothing, cared about nothing, wanted for nothing except a signature in blood from an unassuming human. She wanted to torture and maim and hurt people like she'd been hurt. "Long time no see," she said as she turned to face him with a cold smile and black eyes, white and pupil, dark and ominous, a shell of his sister.
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
A group of people are trapped in a West Berlin movie theater infested with ravenous demons who proceed to kill and possess the humans one-by-one, thereby multiplying their numbers. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: George: Urbano Barberini Cheryl: Natasha Hovey Ken: Karl Zinny Hannah: Fiore Argento Kathy: Paola Cozzo Carmen: Fabiola Toledo Ingrid, the usherette: Nicoletta Elmi Frank: Stelio Candelli Rosemary (as Geretta Giancarlo): Geretta Geretta Tony: Bobby Rhodes Nina: Bettina Ciampolini Edith, woman in tent (Horror Film) (as Eliana Hoppe): Eliana Miglio Nancy (Horror Film): Jasmine Maimone Bob (Horror Film): Marcello Modugno Baby Pig: Peter Pitsch Ripper (as Pasqualino Salemme): Lino Salemme Man in Black / Jerry (Horror Film): Michele Soavi Jeep Driver (uncredited): Goffredo Unger Kirk (uncredited): Giovanni Frezza 1st Man Exiting Subway (uncredited): Lamberto Bava Werner: Alex Serra Liz: Sally Day Blonde Victim: Enrica Maria Scrivano Kathy’s baby demon (uncredited): Sami Habib Ahmed Tony (voice) (uncredited): Victor Beard Ripper (voice) (uncredited): Russel Case Victim (uncredited): Sergio Stivaletti June (uncredited): Emanuela Zicosky Hot Dog (as Giuseppe Cruciano): Giuseppe Mauro Cruciano Liz’s lover: Claudio Spadaro Tommy: Guido Baldi Cinemagoer (uncredited): Paolo Corazzi Cinemagoer (uncredited): Claudio Insegno Cinemagoer (uncredited): Rossana Canghiari Cinemagoer (uncredited): Arnaldo Dell’Acqua Cinemagoer (uncredited): Ottaviano Dell’Acqua Cinemagoer (uncredited): Raniero Dorascenzi Cinemagoer (uncredited): Salvatore Francofonte Cinemagoer (uncredited): Stefania Possamai Cinemagoer (uncredited): Gino Barbacane Cinemagoer (uncredited): Eros Buttaglieri Cinemagoer (uncredited): Carlo Cattaneo Cinemagoer (uncredited): Lella Cattaneo Film Crew: Screenplay: Lamberto Bava Screenplay: Franco Ferrini Director of Photography: Gianlorenzo Battaglia Producer: Dario Argento Makeup Effects: Sergio Stivaletti Makeup Effects: Rosario Prestopino Original Story: Dardano Sacchetti Assistant Director: Michele Soavi Original Music Composer: Claudio Simonetti Editor: Piero Bozza Production Designer: Davide Bassan Costume Design: Marina Malavasi Costume Design: Patrizia Massaia Movie Reviews: talisencrw: This was beautiful. It must be a strange experience, being a child of a great director, and following the very same genre. Do you go pretty much the same route, or try something vastly different? This would make a great double-bill, at an actual movie theatre, with the 50’s edition of ‘The Blob’–another film in which the cinema isn’t the safe, dark, womb-like place we take for granted it is. Gimly: It’s no _Night of the_ that’s for sure, but I enjoyed it in parts. Paricularly fond of the coke punks and the pimp. Dubbing’s a nightmare though. _Final rating:★★½ – Had a lot that appealed to me, didn’t quite work as a whole._ John Chard: Metropol Mayhem! Demons (Demoni) is directed by Lamberto Bava and Bava co-writes the screenplay with Dario Argento, Dardano Sacchetti and Franco Ferrini. It stars Urbano Barberini, Natasha Hovey, Karl Zinny, Paola Cozzo, Fiore Argento and Geretta Giancarlo. Music is by Claudio Simonetti and cinematography by Gianlorenzo Battaglia. A wonderfully nutty spiced Spaghetti Horror, plot has a group of people trapped in a Berlin movie theatre that suddenly comes under attack by ravenous demons. It could reasonably be argued that Bava’s movie has some cheeky narrative depth underneath the gloop and schlock, this is after all purposely set in a movie theatre and features a film that basically becomes real, sort of. But really it’s a pic that’s set up for like minded horror buffs to feast upon, to jump head first into its feverish horror comic book glee. The script is as poor as the dubbing is, with a roll call of cardboard cut out characters and loose end scenarios jettisoned in readiness for the next plasmatic explosive sequence. Yet the care free abandon of the gruesome killings on show, and the rapid pace of it all, ensures it’s a fun packed ride. Even t...
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inaducursehq · 3 months
keep following !
@tribidscrsed (theodore salvatore) @rumblcs (ingrid mikaelson) @xfatalexit (vincent griffith)
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sprocketedsources · 2 years
Luca Guadagnino's  2020 Salvatore: Shoemaker of Dreams is a handsome documentary which  curiously is interesting on movies and shoes but dips out on bringing its subject to life.
Salvatore Ferragamo certainly had quite a life. One of family of fourteen, he decided as a child, he wanted to be a shoemaker, though this was the lowest rung on the social ladder in Bonito his Sicilian home village, from which he moved to Florence, Naples and then to the 1907 USA where he rejected factory production by the thousands of shoes lacking the comfort of his own hand made work.  He studied anatomy in medical school for this. He participated in the shift from Santa Barbara to Hollywood by the now forgotten American Film Corporation.
Ferragamo's life provided the relevant quota of  drama - crossing the globe in his teens, a car accident which had him designing and patenting a splint for his smashed leg. (He ran up a series of notable patents - something alien to the sharing of knowledge in his origin culture). Ferragamo mixed with Valentino, Gloria Swanson and Cecil B. De Mille (“If cowboys had boots like these the West would have been settled much  quicker”), being wiped out in the Stock Market Crash and, with devoted staff entering into a potentially ruinous deal, while still bankrupt, to set up again in his historic building. He rolled through  the rise and fall of Mussolini  and two world wars.
Fairbanks’ Pixie Boots from the Thief of Bagdad (most of which he did barefoot) and Swanson’s sex-worker bow foot wear for Sadie Thompson get special attention. There’s a surprisingly involving description of the construction of his arch supporting soles and the innovative use of un-disguised nylon and cork materials. We don't get any mention of cost or durability. It's another look into the Hollywood lives of the rich and famous. The people who had their homes styled by Billy Haines walked round them in Ferrigamo shoes.
The documentary has a great range of source footage - the founders setting up United Artists where only Griffith is taking interest in the surroundings, clips from The Covered Wagon, the silent 10 Commandments,  Charles Mintz’ 1935 The Shoemaker & the Elves, Italian historical  actuality, Ferragamo’s own grainy B&W 8mm. home movies, which they allow to jump frames or go out of rack, a Pez digital animation, along with stills of Ferragamo handling the feet of glamour stars or surrounded by the lasts of famous people's feet - Greta Garbo, Claire Booth Luce, Gloria Swanson, Ingrid Bergman Audrey Hepburn and Sophia Loren. He seems to have given up on men’s footwear.
The interviews let it down, fashion pundits and family, even with glimpses of Martin Scorsese and Jay Weissberg to comment the movie connection. Adding echo to the track is an interesting piece of manipulation.
Curiously the high point is the artizanal hand making of a Ferrigamo shoe, which we’ve already seen in the opening, with the family material and digital shoe ballet coming as an anti-climax.
Director Luca Guadagnino (Call Me By Your Name, the new Suspiria) has still shown a firmer grip on the documentary form than most fiction makers taking it on. His film has the variety and hints of significance (labor relations, the shoemaker in legend) that sustain it for most of a hundred and sixteen minutes. However, possibly due to the involvement of his heirs in the production, Ferragamo himself remains irritatingly two dimensional.
It would be interesting to know why It has attracted more attention than other current non fiction
Barrie Pattison.
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hellonexrth · 2 months
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001. kaya & asher @mccncreatures
Being back in New Orleans made Kaya's skin crawl with a certain sense of deja vu that she did not appreciate. It felt like an omen of more bad things to come. Even though she'd spent the last year doing bad things across the globe, New Orleans still reminded her of the first bad thing, the slow loss of herself that spiraled faster than she'd realized at the time.
Disconnecting from the hips of Ingrid and Hope had been necessary, each of them having their own business to attend to. But what business was that for Kaya, really? Just like the other girls, her parents were dead. She doubted Asher wanted anything to do with her after her absence, and she certainly wasn't going to go to the Salvatore house for a chat with Theo anytime soon.
That crawling sensation didn't go away, wouldn't, no matter what she tried. Even back to her own antics, stalking through the shadows, making deals with the poor and unfortunate on street corners, nothing seemed to make her feel better. Somehow, without realizing it, she'd ended up standing on the sidewalk across the street from her parents' house. Did Asher still live there? Did anyone? Or did a brand new family move in and take over their life completely?
"Asher," she said, catching his scent on the wind nearby. Had he been trying to sneak up on her? To catch her unaware? No, he wouldn't do that. This was her brother, nearly her twin. But in that moment, she still felt nothing, cared about nothing, wanted for nothing except a signature in blood from an unassuming human. She wanted to torture and maim and hurt people like she'd been hurt. "Long time no see," she said as she turned to face him with a cold smile and black eyes, white and pupil, dark and ominous, a shell of his sister.
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