#Inhaling copium
nyipi · 8 months
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I think this is the first time Alastor ever snapped at Husk. Husk never had a problem standing up to him before and this really took him by surprise.
Husk struck a nerve + Alastor was already riled up enough by Lucifer (He immediately calmed down after letting off steam, and Husk even looked satisfied after he shooed Mimzy away)
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You could tell he was more pissed off than usual cause he took a bit before turning aggressively to Husk, there was a lot more venom(? mockery? or impatience?) in his voice with the way he faked banter with Husk, and he was very taken aback that Husk had the gall to say what he did. So i have reason to believe that Alastor "never had a reason to discipline" Husk before. He was already dying to let out his frustrations and Husk unfortunately had bad timing with how deeply his words upset the radio demon. (He was just trying to warn him :^[[[ which btw I think was also offending Alastor cause he didn't wanna be perceived as someone "weak" that people worry over)
Poor Husk, if Alastor was a lot more readable with his expressions and dropped the smile, Husk would have known to stay away from him that day. Like I said in my previous post, I really hope Alastor apologizes to him (cause PLEASE, husk has to be special enough to him that he kept him as a thrall instead of killing him right?!) 😭😭 IS THIS COPIUM????
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roseintherain · 11 months
I shall serve my own food tomorrow through a comic because the plot bunnies have me on chokehold
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The fun thing about writers offering new info with no basis in the game/book/movie itself as originally presented is that you're perfectly free to chuck it out with the all the other headcanons you think are nonsense if you don't agree. It's no more "canon" than any of those. To use an extreme example, it's like when a certain TERF bitch no one loves anymore declared that her characters are all constantly shitting their pants and absolutely no one took her seriously.
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fgooooooo · 2 years
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azuremoonns · 1 year
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In today’s episode of Horizons theories that make more sense the more you think about them
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gnarlyeddy · 1 year
(rocking back and forth while on fetal position on the floor) those synths are way too much like kagi's it has to be him there's no way they put THOSE synths in without it being kagi the voice isn't like Ryan or mizole but it could be a side project it has to be Kagi it HAS TO
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thewanderlast · 2 years
I love how even with divorce tomgreg is not happening
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shotmrmiller · 3 months
i need simon to be the one neighbor with a generator when the light's been out for days and when you shakily ask him if he can let you at least charge your phone he just drags you into his home and tells you that you can stay if you pull your weight ie. feed him and wash his ripe work clothes.
sure. you don't know how to cook but he eats it like gordon ramsey made it, doesn't even leave crumbs on the table.
you mix colors with whites, dark with light, but luckily for you, all he wears is black. (not like it matters. if you stained a wife beater pink, he'd blame it on his girl mixing her red thready knickers in with his own clothes)
it works, you suppose, but then he tells you that yall are about to have company so make plenty of food. it's 3 others but they all eat like a family of four.
and this is where things take a turn. where he always left you alone before, his hands are on your shoulders. waist. hips. curling around your ankle, thumb digging into your foot beneath the table. the scottish one notices and tells you both to keep it PG. ye're in decent company, he grumbles.
he helps pick up the dishes once everyone's happy and full of whatever you threw in the oven. stands so close he's pining you against the sink, counter digging painfully into your skin.
"they like ya," he says. well yes, you rather noticed when they kept complimenting the science experiment you called dinner. you also noticed that they called you missus. or maybe you misheard. their accents are pretty thick.
after a nightcap, he sends them on their merry way. "the missus is tired. off with ya." so you hadn't misheard.
you aren't sure how one thing led to another. how you'd been aimlessly drying dishes with a rag to having his head between your thighs, tongue dragging between your folds, fingers pressed into you up to the knuckle.
what do you know is that where he bit your neck as you came still aches. he'd been talking filth that would have even a sailor apple cheeked as he used his spit slick thumb to rub your stiff pearl in tight little circles, feeling you felt your peak approaching at a speed that almost frightened you when he sunk his crooked teeth into the junction of your neck. hard.
enough to feel a bit of a stinging tearing of skin.
ouch. you'd ask if this is also a part of pulling your weight but he's doing it for you as he drags you toward his bedroom.
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wuucchoo · 4 months
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"Emerge from the darkness"
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cursedappendage · 9 months
If The Shifting Mound gave us a few minutes with The Prisoner
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The Thorn will forever be bae but I think The Prisoner needs sum love too
The world is so cruel😭😭
Time lapse cuz I like lookin at art being made quickly:
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www-ghost-com · 11 months
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tsukinoshinjiu · 1 year
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el wiwi
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Me before the Papyrus Q+A: Please let Mettaton have a decent role in Deltarune, you didn't flesh him out enough as a character in Undertale
Me after the Papyrus Q+A: Please DON'T put that much more Mettaton in Deltarune I beg of you, just let us give him a game console or something
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magnetic-rose · 3 months
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so this could be pure copium lmfao but i feel like the fact that the community council members are teasing/ making jokes about varric's death... makes it less likely that he dies?
the community council are DA superfans who've played portions of da:tv. they haven't played the whole game, but they've played farther than we've seen and gave bioware feedback over the game and story, from what i understand. kala has mentioned she thinks lucanis' voice is very sexy, so she's played enough to meet some of the companions we haven't seen voiced yet. kala also says she doesn't know if varric dies because she doesn't know the *ending* of the game or fate of the characters.
but to me the interaction that started the alarm bells going off in my head were:
kala: soooo since varric didn't show up in the prologue reveal yesterday... where do you think he is? 👀
ashe (who's also part of the council): six feet under
kala: ashe lmao 💀💀💀
ashe: we're so dead (and so is he) 🪦
it just sounds like they know something and they're being coy/funny about varric's fate. i think if varric actually died in the prologue they wouldn't be making jokes like this? idk.
BUT at the end of the day this is all just speculation on MY part. it could truly be that bioware omitted varric's fate from them and they really don't know if he's dead or alive. could also be that they know he's dead and they're just making jokes about it (which i find unlikely? but i don't know these ppl like that lmao maybe that's their sense of humor.)
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0okamiyuki · 1 year
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localguy2 · 6 months
General analysis of DR Zane, S1 and S2 included (spoilers):
Man... Is this one a doozy...
Okay okay so, what I wanna touch on first and foremost is Zane's humanity, or his perception of his own humanity, because uhhh...
Folks the implications are NOT GOOD in the SLIGHTEST in regards to his Mental State and thinking process.
Something we've seen repeatedly throughout DR is that the merged realms and it's people in general don't view Zane as human, they don't see him as a person but more so a machine, or equipment.
We saw this first in S1E13 'Wyldly Inappropriate' we get introduced to "Zane Day", a day dedicated entirely to Celebrating Zane and who he is, and it sounds really sweet and it is- but...
It's celebrated in the worst possible way ever.
Zane is treated like a robot, like striaght up robot, when people speaks its all in an attempt to mimic a robotic voice, and sometimes people end up saying stuff that's really offensive to him (Zane look alike contest).
Heck, even other Nindroids are in on it.
This sorta paints a sad picture in regards to Zane, because it implies that the city (or maybe entirety of the Merged Realms) see Zane as just a robot ninja with cool powers, nothing more, nothing less.
And we see this a second time in S2E7 'Fugitives from Madness' and S2E8 'Secrets of the Wyldness', in which Zane and Cole fight off The Administration, and yet again we see how Zane's Humanity is absolutely disregard, heck it's even violated in this scenario, they don't even acknowledge him as a person, The Administration straight up calls him "Equipment".
Equipment that's to be destroyed when taken, and that's despite Zane proving himself to be an actual being multiple times to the agents.
So, what am I getting at here?
Well, in simple terms, The World of Ninjago Post-Merge doesn't really acknowledge Zane's humanity or his personhood, of course, the average everyday civilian to a lot less extent then say, an entire organisation, but the wholehearted confidence the Agents of the Administration say that Zane is an object calls into question whether it's their actual personal beliefs, or protocols set by the Administratior.
And... You know what's the absolute worst part?
Zane doesn't even TRY to defend himself.
Striaght up, he neither tries to explain what Nindroids are to people during Zane day, and just goes along with the flow.
And when fighting The Administration, he even OFFERS himself to them in exchange to let Cole and Bonzel get away, granted you could say it was part of his plan to buy him and the others more time, but his continued insistence on trying to find a compromise with The Agents sorta hammers home his whole hearted belief that he's:
A) Expendable.
B) Not a person, but a machine/"equipment".
Now, this might be over analysis on my end, but I would also like to point out the scene where he plugs himself into The Administration mech and tries to decode/hack their netrowk and systems.
In that scene, his mech gets stabbed in the back with a massive sword from one of The Agents, and instead of immediately getting the fuck out, he stays Plugged in and KEEPS trying to hack their stuff, all in the hope that he can finish it in time before he gets fried alive.
Unfortunately, that doesn't happen, his circuits get fried completely and he passes out.
But, it again (directly or indirectly) hammers in points A and B, Expendable, and Nothing more then a machine.
(I would like to add as well, his this parallels nicely with PIXAL in S11 during 'Kiaju Protocol', their stubbornness, and something I've neglected to mention about Zane which EVERYONE knows, is his Self-Sacrificial and Nobel tendencies).
And you don't even have to make that many assumptions for all of this to be considered true, just look at what he says...
In S2E5 'The Spell at the Waterfall', Zane finds a plush made for him by Frohickey, of Frohickey himself.
When Zane asks why Frohickey made him this plush, Frohickey says that he made it so if Zane had any issue to take up with him, he could talk to the Plush instead (reminiscent of his PIXAL-Brush coping mechanism in S1).
And Zane... Well he striaght up lies, he says and I quote:
"I do not expiernce heightened emotions."
Which, yeah, okay buddy, sure...
Just ignore the time you shut off your emotions... Sure
But anyway, this is really really unusual for Zane to say, he might not be good at emotions, but he'd never ever deny the fact that he feels all of them.
Well... Unless he fully believes he's just a machine.
See what I'm getting at here?
If he doesn't believe he's more then machine, then he sure as hell will make wrong assumptions and judgements on his own personhood and emotions, and... Why shouldn't he?
Everything and Everyone in the merged realms sees as him as nothing more than that, regardless of previous experiences and events that have impacted him personally.
It's wrong, really REALLY wrong, but in his mind, probably not so much.
So, what do I think they writers are doing this?
I think personally, this is all subtle and slow build up to give Zane an eventual arc, perhaps in Part 2 of Season 2, or in Season 3 even.
Because, even Doc himself recognised that Zane's character has become very stale and boring during the last few seasons, and given how pretty much EVERY CHARACTER in the show has gotten something to do that involves their character, it'd be particularly odd to leave Zane out (well unless they don't know how to write him).
And it's why they're deliberately making Zane go and say these things, it's subtle, but when it's time to give him his own time to shine, it'll make a lot more sense.
This could also related to the egg/pod thing he woke up in under Imperium, because Doc also said that it's a matter for later seasons.
But it remains to be seen if the future planned Zane arc/story is connected to the egg he was in, we'll just have to wait and see really...
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