#Inkblot oswald
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on my knees can you draw IB Oswald
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As a fan of the InkBlots? Damn right I can!
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rightyofelix · 5 months
I know the whole MLP Infection AU trended is starting to end but I just thought of Toon INKBLOT Infection AU Draft, and I NEED to speak about it!
Picture this!
The Professor and The Mad Doctor team up! They create this concoction using Ink Blots via Epic Mickey, but they need a test subject! Rock Bottom becomes Patient 0! He shows signs of aggression and infection, ultimately resulting to him attacking The Professor and The Mad Doctor!
The Professor has passed on.
The Mad Doctor is slowly being infected because of the fact he is half robot, which is a blessing and a curse, having to watch the world crumble, but not by his hand.
Rock Bottom Escapes.
The Magic Bag is now dormant; Rock Bottom successfully manage to complete the one task he couldn't do consciously.
The way the infected can mutate, since I see that often, is the blue paint- Mickey will try to use the blue paint against the infected, only to result in worsening the infection, causing them to mutate horribly.
PLEASE Don't let this flop, it's been forming in my head for days now!
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marcosvargas97 · 2 years
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[ESP] Por fin después de una semana entera terminé todas mis humanizaciones de personajes del nuevo fangame Oblitus Casa. [ENG] Finally after a week i finished all my human versions of the characters of the new fangame Oblitus Casa.
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marcosvitor1996 · 4 months
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Toon June 2024 - Day 2: Inkblot: Oswald the Lucky Rabbit
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yourpalmickeymouse · 5 months
Hey Mickey, have you ever had certain dreams about the Blot?
Say hypothetically where he's a large, slimy monster in a ruined land, and for no reason whatsoever you get a paintbrush?
A purely hypothetical question, of course.
Hiya hatred-n-hav0c,
Thanks for the questions and sorry it took me a bit to respond. Pete and Sylvester were causin' trouble here in Mouseton and unfortunately, I didn't have much time to come on here and answer your question.
Hm... Certain dreams about the Blot. I think I have had dreams about the Phantom Blot, or rather nightmares... But I don't think that is who you are talkin' about.
Oh! Now that I think about it, I think I did have a dream like that. I remember I made a big mistake where I was messin' with something I shouldn't have and it ended up makin' a mess that I ran away from. Then when it seemed like a ton of time had passed, some inkblot-like creature came out of nowhere and dragged me into this world with a lot of 'forgotten characters' or at least that is what I think they said they are.
I remember the paintbrush. I remember seeing Horace and Clarabelle there... I remember Mechanical versions of my friends... And even my relative Oswald was there. He was the king for some reason. He was really mad at me for causin' the problem in the first place, which was completely fair, but I think we made up... Though he also thought that I replaced him, which is... Weird. I really hope that isn't how he feels about me now.
You know it is kinda weird. Some of my dreams completely disappear once I wake up, but some are extremely vivid. Almost like I lived through them as memories somehow. I feel like sometimes I've a hard time tellin' what are memories and what's real. Though it is also odd that you guys somehow seem to know about my dreams... How are you doin' that?
Maybe I should go to Professor Ludwig Von Drake or even Doctor Einmug about this. There might be something goin' on.
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acoholicstarzz · 7 months
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asexualfoxmccloud · 2 years
your favorite flavors from the ask game? owo (kittyandco)
@kittyandco HELLO i don’t remember the last time i talked abt oswald so
strawberry: before getting together, how did your F/O realize they had a crush on you? How did they act around you once they realized they were head over heels? 
AUGH the hard thing about this is just the fact that there is like. very loose canon for oswald in general but i think in the context of the ep.ic mi.ckey games we met back in the day before he was retired and generally existed with other cartoons and we just. hung out all the time and it was just after one time we went dancing and it was kinda like “wow she’s so cool i love spending time with her and she’s my best friend and she’s so pretty and- hey what”
you know the old cartoon stereotype of like. literal heart eyes, the visible heartbeat, etc when they’re in love. he did that and therefore was not subtle at all but i didn’t catch on bc im. not observant lmao
pineapple: what toppings does your f/o like on their pizza? what about you? 
he probably tries like. anything on a pizza at least once. however unless i am at my preferred pizza restaurant i am a basic pepperoni person and he probably lightly complains like “why don’t we get like mushrooms or something this time” and i always respond yes because i love him but i’d rather die than eat a mushroom on a pizza
key lime: how would you describe your self-ship’s aesthetic?
ouoghoog definitely like. jazz era general aesthetic, inkblot cartoons (obv) and also like. lovecore i think? just bc i think silly cute hearts and pastel colours is cute and it fits
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goofyrpmaniacs · 11 months
*dazed* So many stars...
(They all hear hyper laughter and see a male inkblot rabbit toon with a green vest and top hat)
???: Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! *cackles and claps his hands together* Now THAT was funny!
Viorel: *glares at the rabbit* Alright Oswald the Coffee Addict. What gives?
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shivermewhiskerz · 3 years
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inksona things bc i lov them fhfhf
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blogfanreborn777 · 4 years
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Art by Shawn Melchor
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ducktracy · 5 years
oswald the rabbit and bosko both got the same treatment kinda. when both migrated to different studios they both got redesigned into literal versions of themselves (oswald an actual rabbit and bosko an actual little boy)
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toonirl · 5 years
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doing some research for a thing and I stumbled upon the worst accidental Oswald Mood
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loneberry · 2 years
Alice Oswald on Keat’s Ode on a Grecian Urn
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Listen to Alice Oswald read her gorgeous essay on Keat’s Ode on a Grecian Urn, quietness, reading, Beckett, poetic form, grief, writing, trauma, orality and breath, music, the Parthenon frieze, time, and Homer (BBC / Spotify).
It’s a pity there are so few recordings of Alice Oswald reading (I’m told it’s because she believes so passionately about poetry as a performative oral tradition that she does not allow recordings of her poetry readings)—I could literally listen to her all day.
From Fleur Jaeggy’s essay on John Keats in These Possible Lives:
Keats was overcome by sleep and [Joseph] Severn drew a portrait of Keats’s head on his pillow, eyes closed, face hollowed, a few curls glued to his forehead with cold sweat. Then transcribed Keats’s words, his last testimony. Severn was in the presence of a great poet. He may have been already thinking that one day he would be buried beside him. He’d been to visit the Protestant cemetery near the Pyramid of Cestius, its grounds were glazed over with violets and it seemed that Keats liked the spot. He said he would feel the flowers grow over him. Severn knew that violets were Keats’s favorite flower. He plucked for him a just budded rose, a winter rose. Keats received it darkly and said “I hope to no longer be alive in spring.” He wanted what he called in his last letter a “posthumous existence” to come to an end. Inscribed on his gravestone: “Here lies one whose name was writ in water.” His words are set into the stone as if on a mirror, touching everything and not touched by anything — strange asymmetry.
After reading the Jaeggy essay on Keats as outsider-mystic, I started reading Anahid Nersessian’s Keats's Odes: A Lover's Discourse, which offers a materialist and political reading of Keats. I thought about Anne Carson’s The Beauty of the Husband, a meditation on Keats and the nature of truth in relation to the beautiful but perfidious lover. (Such wildly divergent readings made me think that Keats is a kind of Rorschach inkblot that activates different parts of our psyches. Maybe all poetry is. Maybe that’s what Jaeggy is touching on when she describes Keats’s words as mirror.)
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thegn0mel0rd · 3 years
Finding out that Nomura wanted Oswald in KH3 but Disney said no is one of the most DEVASTATING things I've ever heard. I think they probably said no because he doesn't really have a solid canon right now, but he has so much potential! I can EASILY think of multiple roles he could have in the Kingdom Hearts series.
They could bring back the Timeless River world, except this time make Oswald the star! It would fit perfectly - it already has the classic 1920s/1930s cartoon bit going on. The plot of the world could be that it's fallen apart somewhat, and you have to help Oswald piece it back together. I think this would especially fit the world since Oswald was mostly forgotten about by the general public, and quite a few of the original Oswald shorts have been lost.
They could also EASILY make Wasteland as an Epic Mickey world. It's already from a video game so it wouldn't be too hard to reimagine into another series. Plus, the spatters and inkblots could totally be tied into the designs of the world's heartless. There's so much that could be done!!
They could even make Oswald a character you summon, or incorporate him into another original world like with Remy and Twilight Town, or even use him for a mechanic similar to what they did with the retro Mickey minigames based on his old shorts.
Basically what I'm saying here is Oswald should be in Kingdom Hearts. He could fit really well thematically, and he deserves more content!!! He hasn't gotten any content other than cameos since Power of Illusion, which came out in 2012. It's 2021 now; he should be in more stuff by now. So here's to hoping that Disney will stop being cowards and let Oswald in a KH game!
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hysteric-butter · 3 years
i forgot to make info about boris oops
Welcome laddies and baddies!!  I’m H0b0-h1mb0 and I’m your host even through limbo!  Welcome to this post, have some pot roast~!  
So someone suggested i gave out more info about him, so here we are! They suggested I do it a while ago, and i completely forgot, so i apologize!! 
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Basic info:  Boris, AKA [The Spawn] is one of Oswald’s 420 kids.  The second oldest to be specific. He acts very bold and whitty at times, but can be very stubborn and sensitive, taking almost anything seriously, whether if it’s to annoy people, or because he’s genuinely nervous and overthinking.  He seriously looks up to his dad, and hopes to be just like him one day.  However, looking up to his father so much resulted in something:  His hatred for Mickey.
Now, although Oswald still cared for him regardless of his jealousy,  Boris loathed Mickey with a passion.  Seeing him as the copycat who took everything from Oswald.
His hatred only grew once Mickey ended up in wasteland.
Now friends, let’s continue
Role in the story: 
Epic Mickey: Upon hearing about Mickey’s arrival, Boris was furious, and decided to make things hard for him.  While Mickey and Gus travelled, he would throw any harmless projectile like large pebbles, broken debris and so much more.  He’d never go as far as to thinning him to death though.  Once Oswald starts to trust Mickey however, he stops tormenting him, but his hatred for him is still there.  He doesn’t hold any important “lore”  Like Inkblot
Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two:  Now, Boris has stopped hating on Mickey.  Publicly at least.  Of course, he still despises him, but tries to be nice to him only because Oswald likes him/p and he’s his uncle.  But he still asks Mickey to do obnoxiously hard and long tasks for him, just to get on his nerves. He doesn’t hold any important “lore”  Like Ozzie. 
-Boris is deathly afraid of Thinner
     -If the Thinner Route was taken, Boris would just stay inside at all times.
-He has a massive rivalry with Ozzie, which causes a lot of fights and arguments between them.
That’s all folks!!!!  Thank you for bearing with me!!  See you all soon~! 
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shadyhouse · 7 years
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felix the cat is a good friend of mine
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